Parks winter update

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Winter 2014

The outdoors are calling and, in Red Deer, taking a walk in a winter wonderland is as easy as stepping out your door. In the Parks section, we know how much Red Deerians love their parks and outdoor spaces, so we’d like to offer you an update for the winter season.

Outdoor activities abound There are many winter activities in parks across the city, and we’re happy to point you toward a few of the favourites. Walk in a park. In the winter, you can walk, bike or run on the 22 km of trails along the Waskasoo Park System that are cleared of snow regularly. Strap on the skates. Enjoy outdoor skating at rinks throughout the city, or go to Bower Ponds, where skate rentals and hot chocolate make it a fun activity for everyone. Try cross country skiing. There are great cross country trails throughout Red Deer. Route maps are available at Head to the toboganning hill. If you and your crew choose to go tobaganning this winter remember the following safety tips: • • • • • •

Check the hill for trees, rocks, and fences before you go down Go down the hill in a safe manner – do not go down head first Teach children to roll off their toboggans if heading for danger Avoid wearing loose clothing and tie up long hair Go toboganning during daytime hours only Pets are not permitted at tobogganing areas

Additionally, children under 18 are encouraged to wear a helmet while tobogganing. For more information, contact the Parks section at 403-342-8234 or visit

Parks update Winter is a great time to play If you have a dog, you are likely familiar with Three Mile Bend and The Oxbows, Red Deer’s two off-leash dog parks. If you’ve been to either of these places, you’re likely aware that winter is a great time for dogs to get goofy. As your furry friend is busy making friends and tunnelling through snow, it will be up to you to pick up the slack on safety. Here’s how: • • • •

Keep your dog within sight and under verbal control at all times Follow signage requirements and avoid restricted areas Have a leash in your possession at all times Let your dog play, but respect other park users and their pets

Winter water safety is also a priority at Three Mile Bend. Please pay extra attention to your dog and be aware of the dangers of thin ice. Also, leash your dog if it tries to play at or drink from iced-over areas, especially near moving water. For more information on off-leash parks in Red Deer, visit

Dig out your pruning tools Winter is a good time to prune many species of trees, as they are dormant and free of leaves. Before you start, it’s important to identify the trees in your yard – each tree is different and pruning at the wrong time or in the wrong way can injure a tree. Birch and maple trees, for example, can be severely damaged by winter pruning. Once you’ve confirmed you can proceed, keep good pruning techniques in mind. • • • •

Always have a purpose and a plan before you cut. Proper technique is essential so you don’t damage your tree. Avoid leaving stubs on the branches, which can be an entry point for pests. Keep your tools sharp and clean.

If in doubt, get advice from a local ISA Certified Arborist or visit

Living wild in the winter Winter is a great time to observe our urban wildlife as they scurry and track their way through snowy park areas. In fact, a fresh winter blanket of snow can bring to light just how incredibly active wildlife are all around us. When you’re checking the tracks in your neighbourhood, please use caution and common sense if you do see wildlife. Do not feed these animals, and keep your garbage securely covered, which will deter wildlife from entering your yard. If you see wildlife in distress, contact Fish & Wildlife at 403-340-5142. For urgent after-hours and weekend assistance, call the Report a Poacher Line: 1-800-642-3800.

Passionate about parks? So are we! For more information on any of the topics discussed here, please visit or contact 403-342-8234.

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