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Public Utilities Fund

. Citywide Signal System Upgrade

City Council Goal – Transportation

The project will provide for upgrades to the citywide signal systems at various locations to enhance safety. The project is anticipated to be funded with federal funding.

FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26 FY 27 FY 28-32 Total $150,000 $2,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,650,000

Operating Costs: The project will not have an operational impact on the City.

Downtown Signal System Upgrade

City Council Goal – Transportation

The project will provide for upgrades to the downtown signal system to enhance safety throughout the downtown area. The project is anticipated to be funded with federal funding.

FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26 FY 27 FY 28-32 Total $150,000 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,650,000

Operating Costs: The project will not have an operational impact on the City.

Non. Median Break Intersections Improvements

City Council Goal – Transportation

The project will provide for improvements at nonmedian break intersections on Routes 58/13/460 and Military Highway. Funding is programmed with federal funding.

FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26 FY 27 FY 28-32 Total $0 $214,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $214,000

Operating Costs: The project will not have an operational impact on the City.

College Drive Median Improvements

City Council Goal – Transportation

The project will provide for design and construction of a raised median on College Drive from the end of the raised median at the I-664 overpass on the south to the roundabout at Harbour View Parkway on the north. The project will be funded with Route 17 Taxing District funds.

FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26 FY 27 FY 28-32 Total $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000

Operating Costs: The project will not have an operational impact on the City.

. Electric Car Charging Stations

City Council Goal – Transportation

The project will provide for five (5) commercial electric vehicle charging stations throughout the city using federal funding.

FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26 FY 27 FY 28-32 Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $50,000

Operating Costs: The project will not have an operational impact on the City.

Townpoint Sidewalk

City Council Goal – Transportation

The project will provide for design and construction of sidewalks along portions of Townpoint Road with local funding.

FY 23 FY 24 FY 25 FY 26 FY 27 FY 28-32 Total $0 $0 $200,000 $1,100,000 $0 $0 $1,300,000

Operating Costs: The project will not have an operational impact on the City.

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