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City Assessor
The purpose of the City Assessor’s Office is to discover, list, and value all real property in the City of Suffolk. Real estate values are based on local market conditions and governed by Section 58.1-3200 of the Code of Virginia, which requires assessments to strive for one hundred percent of market value.
Financial Stability Ensure the highest levels of accuracy and quality of assessments through the use of technological systems already in place, but underutilized.
Civic Engagement & Responsive City Services Respond to all customer inquiries and initiate resolutions to problems within one business day.
Deploy new technology to enhance our website and provide better access to assessment related data for property owners as well as other private sector individuals and market participants.
Provide citizen outreach and education through speaking engagements at civic leagues and homeowners associations throughout the City.
Enhance the workplace environment as well as work/life balance by encouraging staff involvement in rewriting policies and procedures geared towards more efficient operations.
Growth Management and Comprehensive Planning Ensure the long range effectiveness of the office and its ability to manage growth in the City by developing a strategic plan that incorporates the standards of the International Association of Assessing Officers and aligns with the vision and principles of City Council.
PERFORMANCE MEASURES FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 Actual Projected Estimated
Number of parcels assessed Number of property transfers Median Sales Price Foreclosures
Assessment Appeals 118 57 100
Account Number: 100-12320-
51100.02 Salaries and Wages 51100.04 Salaries and Wages - Overtime 51100.06 Salaries and Wages - Part-time 51100.27 Special Compensation 52100 FICA 52210 VRS Retirement 52400 Group Life 53100 Professional Services 53500 Printing and Binding 53600 Advertising 54100 Information Technology 54200 Fleet 54500 Risk Management 55210 Postal Services 55230 Telecommunications 55310 Employer HDHP Expense 55500 Travel and Training 55810 Dues and Association Memberships 56001 Office Supplies 56011 Uniforms & Wearing Apparel 56012 Books and Subscriptions 56014 Other Operating Supplies 56017 Copier Costs 58200 Capital Outlay
Total Operating Expenditures
53500 - Printing and Binding: Assessment notices.
Personnel Summary
Range Class
Assessor 222 Deputy Assessor 218 Real Estate Valuations/Cama Analyst 216 Valuation Manager 215 Commercial Appraiser 209/210/214 Appraiser I-III 211 Data Analyst 209 Senior Land Records Technician 207 Land-Use Compliance Coordinator 205 Land Records Technician 205 Administrative Assistant 202 Office Assistant
Number of Full-Time Positions 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %
Actual Actual Budget Requested Change Adopted Change
$ 1,049,465 $ 997,165 $ 1,280,559 $ 1,280,559 0% $ 1,359,701 6% 289
6 - - - - -
35,821 14,030 64,919 64,919 0% 66,542 2%
817 638 2,100 2,100 0%
2,100 0% 80,291 75,073 103,090 103,090 0% 109,268 6% 112,726 122,077 159,686 159,686 0% 188,726 18% 15,069 14,310 17,159 17,159 0% 18,220 6%
4,548 4,625 7,380 843 1,072 1,000 7,380 0%
7,000 -5% 2,500 150% 2,500 150% 148,625 168,159 159,702 159,702 0% 216,023 35% 20,378 18,927 18,454 18,454 0% 17,200 -7% 184,286 156,681 148,223 148,223 0% 203,131 37% 17,222 17,267 20,000 20,000 0% 20,000 0%
7,575 10,398 13,894 13,894 0% 30,493 119%
6,542 -
4,467 10,884 20,000 4,705 3,760 6,665 4,731 2,980 6,500 1,020 1,834 1,335 2,941 3,782 3,500 - -
- 25,000 25% 25,000 25% 8,000 20% 8,000 20% 7,020 8% 6,500 0%
1,441 8%
1,441 8% 7,000 100% 4,000 14%
900 525 975 975 0% 975 0%
14,132 13,836 11,884 - 4,900 11,884 0% 11,884 0% - - - -
$ 1,717,395 $ 1,642,929 $ 2,047,026 $ 2,058,986 1% $ 2,298,704 12%
2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 Actual Actual Budget Requested Change Adopted
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