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Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms



The Division of Tourism is the destination marketing organization (“DMO”) of record for the City of Suffolk. The Division works with public and private hospitality industry sectors to develop and implement programs that encourage “More People, Staying Longer, Spending More Money.” The Division operates the visitor center and gift shop seven days a week; operates the Seaboard Station Railroad Museum; distributes collateral to statewide visitor and welcome centers; fulfills daily consumer orders for travel information; oversees group tour operations; manages advertising, marketing, and special events; and promotes product development.


Expanded Economic Development Enhance tourism product for business and leisure travelers, conference and meeting planners to increase consumer expenditures and generate tax revenue to support essential services for Suffolk citizens. Offer quality, year-round, family-friendly tours and events for citizens and visitors. Strategize methods to increase consumer support and spending with local businesses and attractions. Enhance and maintain a mobile-responsive online presence via the Tourism website and various social media platforms. Educate the public about the history of Suffolk with an emphasis on the Seaboard Station Railroad Museum, Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, and other historic landmarks.

PERFORMANCE MEASURES CY 20 CY 21 CY 22 Actual Actual Estimated

Number of customers at Visitors Center 15,875 21,425 18,000

Number of interpretive tour customers

63 371 400 Number of collaborative meetings hosted 20 100 125 Number of conferences, reunions, and weddings serviced 10 24 35

Account Number: 100-81550-

51100.02 Salaries and Wages 51100.04 Salaries and Wages - Overtime 51100.06 Salaries and Wages - Part-time 52100 FICA 52210 VRS Retirement 52400 Group Life 53000.16 Purchases Services - Refuse Collection 53100 Professional Services 53500 Printing and Binding 53600 Advertising 54100 Information Technology 54200 Fleet 54500 Risk Management 55100 Utilities 55210 Postal Services 55230 Telecommunications 55500 Travel and Training 55810 Dues and Association Memberships 55846 Marketing 56001 Office Supplies 56015 Merchandise for Resale 56017 Copier Costs 56026 Special Events

Total Operating Expenditures

56026 - Special Events: Costs offset by sponsorships and fees of: $26,100.

2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 % 2022-2023 %

Actual Actual Budget Requested Change Adopted Change

$ 180,997 $ 186,463 $ 191,089 $ 230,457 21% $ 226,958 19% 1,479 1,319 - - - - 95,228 98,115 134,143 138,877 4% 137,497 3% 20,948 21,590 24,880 19,504 22,909 23,829 28,254 14% 27,881 12% 28,738 21% 31,502 32%

2,428 2,462 2,561 232 271 233 3,088 21% 3,041 19% 233 0% 303 30%

- - 3,000


- 1,500 36,543 47,368 38,000 44,649 47,254 18,325 11,109 11,939 14,873 32,042 24,526 30,598 17,099 13,848 28,900 831 3,911 6,000 1,005 1,513 2,219 2,996 2,076 6,500 2,511 2,810 3,000 31,008 59,880 50,000 4,874 6,506 8,500 12,187 17,753 18,500 4,000 33% 3,000 0% 2,000 33% 1,500 0% 40,000 5% 40,000 5% 18,325 0% 21,318 16% 14,873 0% 14,619 -2% 30,598 0% 29,203 -5% 28,900 0% 28,900 0% 6,000 0% 6,000 0%

2,219 0% 6,500 0% 2,219 0% 6,500 0%

3,000 0%

3,000 0% 50,000 0% 50,000 0% 8,500 0% 8,500 0% 20,000 8% 20,000 8%

9,963 11,001 15,668

15,668 0% 15,668 0% 119,744 129,390 139,000 142,000 2% 142,000 2%

$ 647,376 $ 712,904 $ 761,317 $ 822,230 8% $ 819,608 8%

Personnel Summary

Range Class

218 Tourism Development Manager 216 Tourism Development Specialist 207 Visitor Center Supervisor

Agriculture Development Coordinator

Number of Full-Time Positions 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 Actual Actual Budget Requested

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 3 3 4

2022-2023 Adopted

1 2


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