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Adult CO-ED Softball

Registration: February 13 - March 17 Ages: 18 + Cost: $350 Per Team Location: John F. Kennedy Athletic Field and Peanut Park This is an eight week league with two games per week. Games will be played on Friday nights and will begin March 31. Make up games are scheduled to be played on Tuesday Nights. A tournament will be held after the regular season. Registration must be completed at the Administration building located at 134 S. 6th Street.

Outdoor Youth Soccer

Registration: February 6 - March 6 Ages: 4-13 Cost: Residents $60, Non residents $70 Location: Sleepy Hole Park This is an eight week league. Practice starts the week of March 20 and games begin April 1. Registration must be completed at the Administration building located at 134 S. 6th Street.

Youth T-Ball

Registration: February 6 - March 6 Ages: 4-7 Cost: $30 Location: Peanut Park T-Ball is an excellent opportunity for baseball beginners. Practice starts the week of March 20 and games begin April 1. This is an eight week league. Registration must be completed at the Administration building located at 134 S. 6th Street.

Adult Basketball

Registration: February 1 –March 1 Ages: 18+ Cost: $320 Per Team Location: Booker T. Washington Recreation This is a nine week League with one game each week. The season begins March 8 and games will be played on Wednesday nights. A tournament will be held after the regular season. Registration must be completed at the Administration building located at 134 S. 6th Street.

For more information, contact the Athletic Division at 757-514-7270 or ddcox@suffolkva.us.


For details on upcoming spring tennis programs, please go to www. playtennis.usta.com/western tidewatertennisassociation, email wtta.tennis@gmail.com, or contact WTTA President Sheryl Raulston at 757-653-1359.

Adult Pickle-ball

Dates: All season, Wednesdays and Fridays Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Location: East Suffolk Recreation Center Pickleball is coming to Suffolk! It is the hottest new game sweeping the country! Pickleball is a combination of tennis, Ping-Pong, racquetball and badminton. For more information on Adult Pickleball, please call the East Suffolk Recreation Center at 757-514-4500.

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