Report of Accomplishments for 2007 Sumner provides needed and valued services that promote our sense of community
Mayor’s Message
City Administrator’s Message
Mission, Vision, Values
Mayor & City Council
Senior Staff
Fulfilling the Mission
Council Strategic Priorities
1104 Maple Street, Sumner WA 98390
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Mayor’s Message On the following pages are lots of things being accomplished, lots of statistics, lots of ways you could describe this past year. The key factor that stands out to me is efficiency. We know we have a lot to do. In fact, I know from experience that few people outside the city staff and elected officials really realize the wide range of things the City needs to do and accomplishes every day. Rather than looking for more to do, we always want to do the things we do better. The way to do that, especially as the economic forecasts begin to look grim, is to find efficiencies. There are many examples in here across all the departments of ways we made things run smoother, quicker and more efficient. I think that these efforts, combined with a talented staff and a dedicated Council, will make sure Sumner is ready for the future, no matter what comes our way. So, as you read this, enjoy a look back at the past year, but keep seeing how all of these actions and accomplishments are laying the foundation for a stable, bright future. Dave Enslow
City Administrator’s Message Coming into 2007, the City Council focused all the things we wanted to do into four priorities: Protection of water, open spaces and other natural resources.
Safe and efficient transportation system.
Long-range financial stability to provide a balance of City services.
Enhance community character.
On top of this, there are the things our citizens expect of us. They expect the water to flow when they turn on the tap. (And, they expect that to be good, quality water.) They expect us to answer their call when they need to dial 911. They expect us to help when there’s an earthquake or flood. We can’t just do what’s expected; we need to do it well. In fact, given our vision, we need to set the standard of excellence. I think in 2007, we did a great job of this. We got a lot done, and we got it done at a high level of excellence. Thank you to all the employees, volunteers and officials who made this past year possible. John Doan
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Mission To provide needed and valued services that promote our sense of community.
Vision Sumner will set the standard of excellence for a progressive small city.
Values We serve with respect and integrity. We are responsive and accountable. We are collaborative and professional. We are innovative and visionary.
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Mayor and City Council 2007 Mayor Dave Enslow
City Council
“All things live in us
Steve Allsop Curt Brown Mike Connor Leroy Goff Ed Hannus
and we shall live/ In all things
Randy Hynek Matthew Richardson
surrounding us.�
Senior Staff John Doan, City Administrator Diane Supler, Deputy City Administrator Terri Berry, City Clerk Beth Anne Wroe, Finance Operations Director Paul Rogerson, Community Development Director John Galle, Police Chief Carmen Palmer, Communications Director Dan Packer, Chief, East Pierce Fire & Rescue Lee Anderson, Parks and Facilities Manager Bill Shoemaker, Public Works Director Brett Vinson, City Attorney Steve Zamberlin, Administrative Services Director
~ William Wordsworth
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Providing needed and valued services that promote our sense of community. Administration & Legal Is that lake for sale? Worked collaboratively with two other communities to put in an offer to buy Lake Tapps. Although Puget Sound Energy declined to accept the offer, given their previous arrangement with Cascade Water Alliance, the bold move brought to light some of the challenges of the Cascade Water Alliance deal, including the role of local cities and the extended timeframe of the sale.
SERVICE Policies, procedures, ordinances, proclamations: there are numerous “routine” but vital roles the legal and administration departments fulfill to serve officials, citizens and other employees.
Keeping emergencies from being crises The administration department worked with representatives from all departments to keep emergency preparedness moving forward. Training and coordination between departments and with other agencies helped employees set in place and test systems to keep any future emergencies from being crises. All City employees received Emergency Operations Training. Domestic violence kiosk The legal department worked with Pierce County to install a computer kiosk in the City Hall lobby. At this computer, victims of domestic violence can electronically petition Pierce County Superior Court for a temporary protection order. Erasing “government speak” Understanding city government and its actions does not have to hard for citizens. In fact, we should do all we can to make our actions understandable and easy to follow. Toward that end, the newsletter received some changes; a new website launched; and a coloring book was introduced to help Sumner citizens of all ages feel welcome and invited to learn more about their city government. What is branding? The communications director worked on what the desired City government brand is and how all employees and officials can work together to encourage that brand, or reputation. Presentations were given to the City Council and employee Leadership Team.
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Community Development Department Participating in government does guide decisions! The Community Development (CD) Department’s primary focus is to take a lead role in building community members’ sense of community. CD organizes activities to gather information about the community’s desires and goals and then suggest changes to codes and other government decisions to help these ideas become reality.
COLLABORATIVE Hosted Sumner University Participated on Sumner Downtown Association Board Involved in youth forums Helped with Music Off Main and Sumner Reads
Improving customer service When not being visionary, CD works with citizens in two primary areas: permits and the Senior Center. First, CD partners with Public Works and East Pierce Fire and Rescue to make permits available. This year, the partners involved in permits continued a series of weekly meetings focused on re-writing the City’s permit process procedures manual. The departments implemented the new procedures for processing large commercial and industrial project permits on January 2, 2008, and will continue this major effort to improve customer service. In addition, the Senior Center was better integrated into the department this year. An intern collected feedback through a Senior Center User Survey. In response to some of that data, the Senior Center began offering a site-prepared “scratch-cooked” meal every Wednesday starting in October. Coordinating community volunteers Community Development staffs four citizen boards and commissions. In 2007, the Department continued to provide support to the Arts Commission, the Planning Commission, the Design Commission, and the Senior Center Board. This represents agenda preparation, staff reports, minute taking, research, and other support activities for more than 40 meetings in one year. By the numbers In spite of a national downturn in the economy and housing starts, permit volumes processed by the Community Development Department were within five-year norms. Building permits, the primary indicator of workload for most department personnel, were higher than in 2006 and the third highest during the five-year period. Typically, permits for fire systems will follow an upward trend in building permits by about six months. Permit processing time remained at approximately 6 to 8 weeks, despite the mid-year loss of experienced personnel at both the Associate Planner and Assistant Planner positions. New employees were in place by late fall.
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
PERMIT VOLUMES 2003-2007 300
250 200 150 100 50 0 2003
Permit Volumes 2003-2007
199 81 80
264 95 129
240 99 104
169 119 106
207 96 78
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Making business licenses easier The Washington State Starting on October 1, 2007, the City of Sumner joined the Master Auditor’s Office gave an License Service (MLS) program with the Washington State unqualified opinion on the Department of Licensing. This allows businesses located in or City’s financial statements. conducting business in the City of Sumner to apply or renew their city business license at the time they renew their state master license. This project not only brought efficiency to our business customers and our internal process, but it was also a great collaborative effort. It involved several other departments including Police, Community Development, Public Works, and Fire departments as well as the City Clerk, Technology Services staff and communications. Linking cost to the source Spring 2007 the Finance Department implemented a rate increase for on/off fees for utility accounts. This is one of a series of rate adjustments to move towards full cost recovery of the service. This fee approximates the costs for providing the service to customers. Coordinating animal control services A large amount of work moved the Metro Animal Services program forward: o
The Deputy City Administrator successfully completed an interlocal agreement with the City of Puyallup to define the animal control partnership as well as establish a governance model for operation of the program.
Finance leased new animal control software to improve reporting and licensing information. The department worked through large amounts of data in various formats to consolidate animal control data for all participating cities into the new animal control software.
Parks department implemented a doggie “poo” program for city parks providing waste receptacles for pet owners.
Increasing efficiency The Finance department put in place a number of new efficiencies: o
Worked with the Public Works crew on exchanging approximately 700 water meters for the new touch read meters which reduce reading times and minimize errors.
Posted forms to the city’s new intranet so that all employees can obtain forms themselves without having to ask Finance.
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Human Resources Keeping talented employees in Sumner Although most of the public doesn’t directly see the work of Human Resources, it is the work that gives the city its backbone by recruiting and retaining talented professionals. In 2007, this department
INNOVATIVE Human resources implemented the brand new TCC program, providing a cafeteria-style approach to wages and other forms of compensation for the unrepresented employees. This program adds flexibility and personal choice as one more unique benefit to retain talented employees.
Recruited and filled 14 positions which is 10% of all City positions.
Conducted a Total Cost of Compensation (TCC) study on 28 unrepresented positions, or a quarter of the City’s workforce. Survey results indicated that in order to be competitive in today’s market, a marketplace adjustment was necessary for all the positions. These adjustments will be beneficial to the City in recruiting and retaining employees in these unrepresented positions.
Conducted seven separate position and wage studies on represented position which is 10% of the City’s total workforce.
As chair of the Wellness Committee, coordinated ‘Brown Bag’ lunches with speakers, an Association of Washington Cities HealthCheck, a benefits fair with a focus on wellness and a ‘Biggest Loser’ weight reduction contest that involved 43 (40%) employees. The total weight loss of these combined participants was 260.6 pounds. These types of wellness activities will result in a healthier workplace which has been shown to reduce the overall amount of absenteeism.
In Fleet Services, the backlog of annual vehicle maintenance was then reduced by an average of 50%.
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Municipal Court Giving citizens the best service Should Sumner stay in the court business at all? The City Council performed a feasibility study to see if it was best for the City to maintain the Municipal Court or look at other options such as contracting with other agencies for service. Based on the results of this study, the Council elected to maintain the Municipal Court. That being said, the Court put into place new policies and procedures that increased efficiency and reduced operating costs without sacrificing the quality of service we provide.
PROFESSIONAL Judge Shelton served as President of District/Muni Court Judge’s Association (DMCJA). Administrator and employees took advantage of management training offered by Administrative Office of the Courts. Court Administrator represents Sumner at DMCMA and Pierce County Liaison meetings.
By the numbers 2007 saw a 17% increase in case filings over 2006. Case Filings l Tota
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City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Parks & Facilities Dressing up downtown Over the last year, the City worked collaboratively with the downtown merchants and the Sumner Downtown Association in providing various improvements and other aesthetics to maintain a vibrant downtown. Projects included o
Renovating the North Street parking lot. The overall project came in under budget.
Put up banners and lights for special events.
Installed a sani-can enclosure in Heritage Park.
Installed four new benches and a table.
RESPONSIVE In a collaborative effort with the community, the City renovated the SK8 Park, enhancing the facility for the users’ needs and also aesthetically for the
Further expanding parks and trails o
Completed the Rainier View Park project with the addition of the Entry Plaza in coordination with the Arts Commission, completed the landscaping, installed benches, tables and the playground equipment; resulting in an additional four acres of park in the City’s park system.
Completed enclosures to assist with the aesthetics and safety of sani-cans in the parks (Loyalty, Seibenthaler, Heritage, and Rainier View).
In response to a citizen who gave a generous donation, installed a new flag pole on the corner of Thompson and Traffic Avenue.
Also expanding cemetery o
Expanded the Cemetery to provide more options that included 107 raised plots and 27 estate plots in the New Raised Section, built a new Niche Wall, Estate Section that has 420 spaces and added 48 Companion Urn Garden spots. These additions will stimulate more sales and support the needs of families requesting final needs.
Designed and constructed a new entry road for the Sumner City Cemetery.
Renovated the roof for the restrooms at the Sumner City Cemetery, finishing up with a new coat of paint so that the facility reflects the high standards that visitors expect.
Keeping City Hall running o
Worked collaboratively with the Technology Services department to install peripherals in the council chambers for more comprehensive visual presentations.
Performed yearly City Hall confidence test of back-up systems in the event of a power failure and worked with the Emergency Management Committee to improve the supplies and equipment in the Emergency Operations Center.
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Police Sumner Police Department one of eight in nation The International Association of Chiefs of Police selected Sumner’s Police Department (SPD) to be one of eight agencies in the nation for a one-year pilot test site of Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims. This is quite an accomplishment for a department of this size. Historically, SPD has an established culture of providing great service to victims. The department focuses on spending extra time with victims and helping them find the resources they need. Officers also ensure that any and all leads are assigned for follow-up.
RESPECT Through an Appreciative Inquiry Planning Process, WRICOPS spoke with citizens. Respondents commented positively about police professionalism and personalized service.
The initial plan is for the project to focus on enhancing how the department as a whole addresses victim’s needs—specifically victims of property crimes. This project is focusing on enhancing how the entire department interacts with victims from the initial contact through the end of the investigation. The goal is to enhance the already great response to victims that Sumner already provides and provide access to resources for this community. 89% of those surveyed rated their experience with the Police Department as “Above Average” or “Excellent”. According to the ongoing customer service surveys, SPD continued providing great service to the community. The surveys rate how the team interacts with the community from the initial 911 call, patrol response and on-going follow-up investigation. SPD plans on enhancing this survey as part of the Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims project. The new surveys will collect data on how police employees are specifically providing services to victims. The Western Regional Institute of Community Oriented Policing (WRICOPS) study (see sidebar), identified three areas of focus for 2008: Emergency Preparedness, Resource Management and Community Involvement in Safety. Sumner continues to set the pace in police response time. Response to 911 calls has always been a priority for the Sumner Police Department. All 911 calls are answered within three rings with most within one ring. The police department recognizes that response to citizen requests for police is critical to victims and the community alike. Average time from the time a call is received to the time police arrived on scene for the highest priority calls was 3 minutes and 55 seconds. The average response time for all high priority calls was 4 minutes and 39 seconds. The average response time for all call for police service was 8 minutes and 41 seconds. Collaboration to reclaim the Sk8 In collaboration with city departments and community volunteers, SPD helped reclaim the SK8 park and establish it as a safe place for skaters and the community. A revised ordinance was passed to assist police in enforcement and grant funding was obtained to install a camera available for viewing by police and the public. Police officers met regularly with community groups in helping educate and respond to community concerns. 12
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
By the numbers Traffic Emphasis Areas Area Traffic Ave/Fryar Ave Stop Signs and School Zones Rivergrove Bridge St/142nd Main St -Parker to 166th South Valley Ave 142nd Ave School Zones Wood Ave Parker/Zehnder Washington St 142nd Fryar Ave Stop Signs 60th, 24th, south 166th 24th, 60th and Valley Ave School Zones and East Valley 160th Ave/Parker Rd and Traffic Ave West Valley and Valley Ave Fryar/Traffic Ave and the Box
Jan Jan Feb Feb March March April April May May June June July July August August September
Hours 21.45 17.95 8.8 12.5 25.75 19.5 13.85 11.75 17.1 13.4 27.5 23 25.2 24 30.35 40.55 52.25
Stops 55 53 14 26 81 74 42 27 58 39 82 69 117 78 109 178 182
verbal 31 29 3 18 33 17 14 16 19 14 15 28 30 37 49 69 88
NOI 23 23 8 8 48 52 28 11 38 18 71 46 91 45 66 112 88
October November December
41.8 36.25 46.75
138 143 174
79 64 92
59 72 81
Patrol Total
Seatbelts 1 1
2 2 2
0 0 0
3 3 2
16 7
803 94 142 18%
How would you rate your overall experience with Sumner Police Department?
Poor 2 1%
Below Average 1 1%
Average 11 8%
Above Average 37 26%
2 1 7 2 7 4 3 9 11 6 11 7
Customer Survey Report Number of Questionnaires Distributed Number of Questionnaires Returned - Bad Address Number of Completed Questionnaires Returned Percentage of Questionnaires Returned
Excellent 90 63% 13
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Crime Trends
1998 229 0 6 5 218 8 3 134 73
1999 205 0 3 1 201 11 5 106 79
2000 245 0 7 2 236 1 6 137 92
2001 135 0 1 5 129 8 31 90 69
2002 257 0 5 5 247 8 5 162 72
2003 211 0 5 2 204 8 8 133 55
2004 248 0 3 5 240 13 9 133 85
2005 352 0 2 6 344 25 19 187 113
2006 232 1 2 8 221 21 8 124 68
2007 235 1 5 8 221 28 13 122 58
TOTAL 2349 2 39 47 2261 131 107 1328 764
585 92 57 35 438
481 74 46 28 331
402 82 39 43 252
399 68 27 41 280
455 86 53 33 300
445 97 44 53 281
578 146 76 70 339
633 145 57 88 358
504 116 57 59 329
471 114 80 34 285
4953 1020 536 484 3193
114 70 254 55 869 51
97 32 202 76 762 37
103 44 105 68 715 51
87 48 145 51 585 49
89 37 174 69 781 56
116 26 139 67 723 68
146 42 151 93 919 88
149 44 165 130 1115 112
123 31 175 59 795 29
107 34 144 72 778 18
1131 408 1654 740 8042 559
Domestic Violence Firearm Knife Other Wpn Agg Injury-Hands Simple Burglary Viol Protection Order
74 0 0 1 0 72 1 0
80 2 0 0 1 76 1 0
94 0 0 0 1 92 1 0
75 0 0 1 2 66 0 6
72 1 1 1 0 69 0 0
58 0 0 0 2 54 2 0
127 0 2 2 6 75 0 42
179 2 2 3 4 102 3 63
100 2 3 5 3 60 3 24
93 0 1 3 4 54 2 29
952 7 9 16 23 720 13 164
Population 700 600 500 400
200 100 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Public Works VISIONARY Building sidewalks three ways The condition of trails and Following the LID that did not go through in 2006, Public Works roads may be fine for today, looked at various ways to fund sidewalks. In 2007 alone, the City but investments such as launched a voluntary partnership through which residents signed up to regular chip and fog sealing have their sidewalks built by the city and share the cost with the city; helps protect these Public Works secured a Safe Routes to Schools grant through investments for long-term use. Washington State to fill in sidewalk on key routes to Maple Lawn Elementary/Sumner Middle School; and the department secured a Community Development Block Grant through Pierce County for the Cyrus Woods neighborhood. Altogether, the funding will build over 8000 feet of sidewalk.
Back to Valley Avenue Construction began on Phase III of Valley Avenue, finishing the final portion from Washington to Elm. Improvements include an in-pavement lighted crosswalk by Daffodil Valley Elementary, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, bus-stop improvements and low-impact development stormwater systems. The construction process began with a public meeting to help neighbors understand the work and the results of this final phase of Valley Avenue. Keeping it flowing… Work was done on pipelines on the north side of Main Street and along Ryan Avenue. The new replaced pipe will reduce the chance of flooding in structures during heavy, sudden rainstorms and provide the flow needed from some in-fill redevelopment within the downtown core. …And going In addition, there are numerous other day-to-day tasks that Public Works completes to keep traffic, residents and infrastructure “flowing.” These tasks range from filling potholes to sweeping streets to helping out at special and emergency events.
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
Technology Services INTEGRITY Increased availability of resources Through continual monitoring Through increased use of remote access technologies, and installation and use of security tools, IT of broadband data connections at several remote sites, Technology was able to provide a Services helped employees access needed data and systems. In computing environment with conjunction with Parks & Facilities, the department performed power less junk email and a minimal confidence testing to ascertain City Hall’s state of readiness in loss-of- level of virus threats to our power scenarios with excellent results. Also in conjunction with Parks users and systems. & Facilities, the department permanently installed a projection system in an additional conference room, providing a better meeting environment for both internal as well as public functions.
Implementation of intranet In collaboration with the communications director, Technology Services successfully implemented a working intranet system, giving all departments improved access to collaboration tools, shared documents, and other data. Emergency Operations Center improvements Using what was learned during the flood event of 2006, Technology Services worked to improve the data and voice facilities for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The department developed improved procedures for EOC setup regarding computers and phones and created an EOC “cheat sheet” to help non-technology-services staff set up the EOC if necessary. Provided training opportunities for staff In conjunction with human resources, Technology Services helped coordinate training opportunities for staff on various computer programs and systems, from Outlook to database programs to intranet development.
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
COUNCIL STRATEGIC PRIORITIES PRIORITY: Protection of water, open spaces and other natural resources.
Rainier View Park opened thanks to the support of community donors, volunteers, visionaries as well as Parks & Facilities, Community Development, Public Works, Finance, Arts Commission and Parks Board.
Public Works shops, Parks & Facilities and Arts Commission worked together to preserve historic bulb entry sign and reinstall in original location.
Parks & Facilities and Public Works connected the Convergence Trail with Traffic Avenue.
Wastewater Treatment Plant made Bonney Good Sumner grow available to public with very popular response from area gardeners.
Community Development responded to over 100 complaints of code violations.
Parks & Facilities received a Tree City USA Growth Award from the National Arbor Day Foundation for environmental improvement and higher levels of tree care in Tree City USA communities.
PRIORITY: Safe and efficient transportation system.
Community Development responded to concerns of residents and the business community regarding downtown parking. The department brought the City Council a comprehensive approach to amending regulations, which was implemented.
Public Works and Administration successfully secured over 8000 feet of new sidewalk through a volunteer homeowner partnership, a Safe Routes to Schools grant and a Community Development Block Grant from Pierce County.
Construction began on Valley Avenue Phase III, adding in-pavement lighted crosswalk, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, bus stop improvements and more.
Administration, Community Development, Police and Public Works worked with large industrial businesses to advocate for transportation and transit service.
Public Works chipped and fog sealed four major streets.
Police Department made 1367 stops in traffic emphasis areas alone.
PRIORITY: Long-range financial stability to provide a balance of City services.
Municipal court began using secure automated checks that void after 90 days. The City no longer has to pay fees for stop payment, reducing time spent processing and the possibility of errors.
Municipal court began using cash for witness’ payment, reducing processing costs.
City set penalty fee for checks received with non-sufficient funds.
Fully staffed municipal court, allowing court to resume processing passports. 17
City of Sumner Accomplishments in 2007
By selling certain surplus tech equipment, Technology Services was able to recoup some revenue that was previously not recovered when disposing of such equipment.
Municipal court reworked file system for better case flow and time management.
Building of first city intranet gave departments improved access to collaboration tools, shared documents, and other data.
Municipal court changed fine collection process, saving an estimated $1000 a year in postage.
Fleet services reduced the time required to perform regular vehicle maintenance by 30%.
By utilizing virtualization technologies, technology services reduced the number of physical servers required for applications. This reduces hardware costs and provides for easier and faster disaster recovery options
Municipal court changed receipting and deposit procedures in accordance with the State Auditors office.
Community Development successfully applied for funding to assist flood victims
Public works and finance worked together to exchange approximately 700 water meters for new, more efficient touch read meters.
PRIORITY: Enhance community character.
Municipal court implemented a Language Assistance Program in accordance with Court General Rule 33. Court now contracts to assist with interpretation, ensuring fair and equal justice to all.
Parks & Facilities installed a new flag pole at Thompson & Traffic and maintained 150 hanging flower baskets.
Administration published new children’s coloring book to help educate the city’s youngest citizens about City government.
Design Commission reviewed design guidelines and Community Development hosted public meetings for input regarding guidelines.
Community Development moved Red Apple redevelopment forward.
Parks & Facilities repainted the Ryan House.
Community Development worked on such issues as yard setbacks and cottage housing design.
In collaboration with Parks & Facilities as well as outside organizations such as Safe Streets, the Police Department assisted in the City’s goal to reestablish the Sumner SK8 park as a safe place for skaters and the community.
Community Development hosted Sumner University and helped the Arts Commission with Sumner Reads and Music Off Main.