Spring14 newsletter

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Community Connection

Issue 78

by the numbers

Report to Taxpayers

20 13

Police Department

16,051 calls for service 2432 reports written 760 arrests 3759 vehicle stops 1017 parking infractions issued 206 accidents investigated 150+ 5th graders graduating DARE 131 accreditation standards achieved 106 impaired drivers arrested

AAcity’ s upgraded bond raiting

Administrative Services


$20,000 health care savings by earning wellcity award $30,000 saved building new website with open-source software 0 audit findings 11,147 times e-news read 197,500 visits to city website Web visits up lowest city 828,472 webpages viewed property tax 42,898 visits to metro website rate in WA 104,397 metro webpages viewed from 2012



Public Works 64 miles of water pipeline 5 water storage tanks 4 springs, 3 wells 54 miles of sewer pipeline 15 pump stations 90 miles of stormwater pipeline 3080 stormwater catch basins 41 city-maintained storm facilities

Community Development

$6,602,283 collected for permits 224 permits issued 4-6 weeks average turnaround for permits $93,844,078 value of projects permitted

Municipal Court

2,981 court filings 991 infraction hearings 1967 criminal hearings 1 jury trial

court filings up


from 2012

56.7 miles of road 64.2 miles of sidewalk 10 traffic signals 40+ acres of parks 9 miles of trail 25 acres of cemetery 16 miles of fish-bearing streams 980 manholes

Visits to Metro website up

5100 from 2012

Metro Animal Services

2,493 calls for service 10,113 human visitors 11,983 phone calls 1547 incoming animals 575 pets adopted to new families 313 lost pets returned to owners 82 volunteers provided 5,254 hours valued at $119,218.25 More 2013 Highlights on page 3

City of Sumner Newsletter

Spring 2014

The “Art” of Caring

Police Chaplain Art Sphar is retiring this spring, and the lucky people who have not been victims of crime may not realize the important role chaplains hold for a police department. Years ago, Chief Ron Hyland asked Sphar to help out. He had no budget and no precedence, and probably neither of them knew what an important program they were creating for Sumner. Chaplains are vital to helping citizens and officers. They come out in the middle of the night to sit with a mother who just learned her child was killed. They help call family members to gently break the news that someone they love has been seriously hurt. They listen to kids who are upset when a fellow student or teacher passes away. They are even a resource to officers who have to work in crime scenes involving the things that few, thankfully, understand or even want to know. Sphar, a Sumner resident, is a Master Certified Chaplain with the International Conference of Police Chaplains and received the Ed Stelle award, the highest award given to a police chaplain. He deserves a long overdue retirement, and Bob Ihler will be taking on the police chaplain role. The City will formally thank Sphar at the April 21 City Council meeting. Retiring Chaplain Art Sphar

Sumner YMCA Progress The Gordon Family YMCA in Sumner is breaking ground this spring and heading toward its 2015 opening. New renderings (below) show more details about how the building will look on the inside and out. Located at 160th and 64th on Sumner’s east side, the facility will include over 110,000 square feet with two pools, an arts center, a track, and much more. Regardless of membership, all children in Sumner will learn to swim here, and teens can enjoy the safe Teen Late Night free of charge on weekends. If you’d like to tour the site and learn more about the project, join a site tour, offered April 28, 1-5 pm, or learn more about the YMCA at www.ymcapkc.org.


Sumner Community Connection

City Council Action January - March 2014 Full minutes, agenda bills and background information for these items and all items passed by Council are available online at www.ci.sumner.wa.us under Government. Authorized contract with Grette and Assoc. for 2015 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Adopted Ordinance 2466 amending the 2013 Compensation Schedule Authorized employment agreement with Jason Wilson for Admin. Services Director Approved surplus of 1995 Foley Blade Sharpener Confirmed appointment of Fran Jones to Arts Commission Confirmed appointment of Ken Woolery and Margo Stewart to Forestry & Parks Commission Elected Mike LeMaster as deputy mayor Selected Council committees Adopted Ordinance 2467 amending code for multi-family in HDR and MDR zones Adopted Ordinance 2468, the 2014 Compensation Schedule Authorized cost reimbursement agreement with State Dept. of Ecology for a Report of Examination for Sumner’s Water Rights Change Applications Adopted Ordinance 2469 authorizing addition of one FTE for Assistant City Engineer Adopted Ordinance 2470 amending code for Business Licenses and Regulations Adopted Ordinance 2471 amending code for consistency in commission terms Confirmed appointment of Amanda Robbert and Josh Hamilton to Planning Commission

Approved 2014-2015 lodging tax fund recommendations Adopted Ordinance 2473 amending code for timing of sewer and water system development charges and transportation impact fees Adopted Ordinance 2474 amending code for parking Adopted Ordinance 2475 amending code regarding terms of Civil Service Commission Adopted Ordinance 2476 amending the biennial budget to add one FTE for Public Works Administrative Manager I Adopted Resolution 1399 authorizing loan agreement with State Dept of Ecology to upgrade three sewer lift stations Confirmed reappointment of Michael Carnahan and appointment of Brian Anderson to Civil Service Commission Authorized sole source purchase network switches from NCA Authorized purchase and sale agreement for Salmon Creek Conservation Property Appointed City Administrator John Galle to Rainier Communications Commission Adopted Resolution 1400 repealing Communithy Garden rates to allow setting of rates administratively Adopted Ordinance 2479 amending code to reflect titles consistent with Compensation Schedule Confirmed appointments of John Anderson, Mike Dobb and Barbara Skinner to the Salary Commission

Adopted Resolution 1401 establishing CPI-U Index rate increase for refuse collection and recycling Adopted Ordinance 2472 amending code for automotive businesses in MDR zones Adopted Resolution 1402 authorizing use agreement of cemetery land for garden Adopted Ordinance 2477 amending biennial budget for one FTE parking/code enforcement Adopted Ordinance 2478 amending the 2014 Compensation Schedule Adopted Resolution 1403 amending Council rules Authorized Restated Interlocal Cooperative Agreement for Daffodil Sports Complex with Sumner School District Adopted Ordinance 2480 amending code for city parks & facilities Authorized amendment with West Consultants for Lower White River Hydraulic Analysis Authorized amendment with KPG for Limited Phase II Environment Site Assessment Adopted Resolution 1404 accepting donation of portable radios from Pierce County Authorized amendment with RH2 Engineering for Central Well Development Project Adopted Resolution 1405 authorizing financial and operational review of community garden program Authorized Cemetery Property Use agreement in accordance with Resolution 1402

The first Front Yard Fair is coming August. This is your chance to celebrate your beautiful front porches, yards and gardens while getting to know more of your neighbors around town. Watch for registration forms later this spring. Sign up your home for judging, and on August 7, judges will select such distinctions as “Rock On” for best porch design, “Green Thumbs Up” for best garden, best Ameri-

CouncilColumn - Councilmember Steve Allsop You would probably agree that our Council TV “ratings” got way too high for a while. There seemed no end to the “entertainment” we provided as non-issues morphed into battles. It was embarrassing. In January, two new Councilmembers took their seats. One focused almost solely on bringing civility back. She meant it. We recently dealt with two prickly topics: the Sunset Chev expansion and the folks who do smallscale farming on city land. Middle ground was found on both topics. Your Council is once again functional! Differences of opinion were respected, vendettas were absent, and the work of the citizens was once again the focus. Citizens, while concerned, also kept a non-confrontational approach as well. I do have a major concern. Last year, we rejoiced over an offer for the golf course property, netting the city over $40 million and ending over a decade of losses. Parks improvements, lowered

utility rates, expanding the sewer plant, enhancing our rainy-day fund -- potential uses for those proceeds run the gamut. Exciting stuff. But, you may have read in The News Tribune that an unsuccessful bidder filed several lawsuits against the City and the purchaser. (I guess one isn’t enough.) The claim is that the City should have spent more money on bureaucratic process prior to selling the property. Now, the City is spending money attempting to resolve these lawsuits – money that could have been spent on great community benefits. When a hearings board dismissed one of his lawsuits outright for not having any basis, he appealed. You resoundingly called for sale of the golf course. This individual, who is not even a resident, could undermine your will. Please pay close attention to this issue. The people’s will shouldn’t be thwarted by one person’s attempt to take advantage of the situation.

cana, best rhubarb theme, etc. During August 8-10, a map of all participants and winners will be publicized, encouraging you to walk or bike around town and enjoy the beauty of Sumner’s front yards, all from the sidewalk. Think of it as a garden or home tour without the hassle of anyone entering your home or yard. Just remember that the judges will also remain on the sidewalk, which means everything you

want judged must be visible from there. Watch for the sign-up form, but in the meantime, plan...and plant... accordingly! An event of the Sumner Rhubarb Pie Festival, June 27-August 17.

Steve Allsop sallsop@ci.sumner.wa.us

Mayor’s Column

City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street, Sumner, WA 98390 253-863-8300 253-863-2850 FAX MAYOR Dave Enslow 299-5790 CITY COUNCIL Steve Allsop 299-5793 Curt Brown 299-5796 Nancy Dumas 299-5794 Kathy Hayden 299-5792 Cindi Hochstatter 299-5795 Mike LeMaster 299-5797 Earle Stuard 299-5791 CITY OFFICES Administration 299-5500 Cemetery 299-5510 Finance/utilities 863-8300 Inspection line 299-5530 Recreation 891-6500 Permit Center 299-5530 Police (non-emergency) 863-6384 Senior Center 863-2910


Timothy A. Jenkins 863-7635 Judge, Court Offices Cathy Pashon, 299-5621 Court Administrator


John Galle 299-5501 City Administrator

Terri Berry City Clerk


Brad Moericke Police Chief


Carmen Palmer 299-5503 Communications Director

Bill Pugh 299-5701 Public Works Director Kassandra Raymond 299-5541 Financial Services Manager

Paul Rogerson 299-5521 Community Development Dir.

Brett Vinson City Attorney


Jason Wilson 299-5592 Administrative Services Dir. EAST PIERCE FIRE & RESCUE Main Number 863-1800 Jerry Thorson, Fire Chief

What happens when your dreams come true? It’s a question few ask. We’re always encouraged to dream: dream big, go for the gold, cheer for the underdog. Less often do we hear advice about what to do when we actually achieve our dreams...except maybe go to Disneyland. The reason I ask is because so many “dreams” are coming true in Sumner these days. We used to dream of a community center for healthy activity and gathering. The YMCA breaks ground this

spring and opens next year. Since the Recession, we’ve dreamed of leaving the days of furloughs and freezes for hiring and growth. Not only is the City able to fill some long-empty positions, but businesses in Sumner are employing over 10,000 people in family-wage jobs. Another dream come true! Cities everywhere have similar dreams, and so many of those are being fulfilled in Sumner. I’m thinking about new bridges, repaved roads (especially East Valley), completed stretches of sidewalk, a new trail, the lowest tax rate in the State, topnotch police officers, charming downtown, beautiful Mayor Enslow and City staff proudly reported a parks, active positive State of the Cities to the Chamber. citizens....

you get the idea. And we’re not done dreaming yet. As we update our Comprehensive Plan, we’re asking you to help dream with us. We have a great City, and we’re needing your help to make it even better. As you will read in this newsletter, we’ll be celebrating front yards this summer and singing our anthem together with the rest of the nation. There’s a lot going on in Sumner, and like our famous Seahawks, victory seems to be every bit as sweet as we thought it would be. There’s always more goals, more dreams to come, but please take a moment to savor the wonderful accomplishments already happening. Forget Disneyland, I’m going to Downtown Sumner! Mayor Dave Enslow

Spring 2014 3

Report to Taxpayers

20 13

Saturday, June 14, 2014, 1 pm Reuben A. Knoblauch Heritage Park Sumner is helping the nation celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner, the flag that inspired our National Anthem. You can help! The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History is leading the biggest nation-wide singing of the National Anthem, and Sumner is an offical location to lend your voice. You don’t have to be any good--just bring your enthusiasm, your red, white, and blue, and get ready to help make history.

ASK DR. SUMNER: How Do I Introduce My Great Idea or Concern? You have a question or idea for the City of Sumner but aren’t entirely sure how to start. It’s simple! One option is to come to a City Council meeting and bring up your issue under public comment. Mayor Enslow will refer you to the staff member to best get you started. Or, if you’re not thrilled about speaking publicly, give a staff member a call or email. All phone numbers and email addresses are on the City

website. The staff member will either direct you to the right person or address your question or concern. Your issue may be already in the works, and you can learn more about the topic. Or, the staff member may put it on the appropriate Council committee meeting schedule. Either way, the ball is rolling, and you know more about what’s happening with the idea or topic that’s been on your mind. Staff contacts are on the City website at www. ci.sumner.wa.us under Contact Us. Council meeting agendas are linked through the calendar.

Second Sound Transit Open House May 13, 4-7 pm City Hall Learn the results Sound Transit gathered from your comments at the Winter Open House and how that will shape proposed improvements to Sumner’s station access.

Open in Sumner It’s been in the news and even mentioned during the NFC Championship Game: the 2015 U.S. Open is coming to Pierce County at Chambers Bay. Approximately 235,000 people will attend and millions more will watch on TV. What does this mean for Sumner? Every hotel room will be full for the week leading up to Father’s Day in 2015. One week of extra business is good, but long-term results are even better. Open in Sumner is the City’s marketing effort to maximize every opportunity of the Open for long-term results. The effort includes welcoming those visitors in Sumner, and making sure they get fed well (in Sumner restaurants) after a long day at the course. It also means making sure Sumner is picture-perfect to charm cameras into coverage--and viewers to visit. The City is beginning work this year to ensure the downtown looks great. Keep watching for more information, but know that the City is already working with the Puyallup/Sumner Chamber of Commerce, the Tacoma Regional Convention & Visitor Bureau and Pierce County to make sure everyone knows that we’re Open in Sumner.

• •


Council Strategic Priority: Long-range financial stability to provide a balance of City services

• Added online licensing for Metro Animal Services. • Fixed floors in City Hall and repaired carpeting. • Upgraded permitting software. • Golf course sale: hired broker, selected buyer, entered into contract for $53 million plus $9 million to build a bridge at 24th Street. Worked with residents and Sunset Chevrolet to set standards for expansion of car lots. Built new website using open-source software and staff to save estimated $30,000.

Council Strategic Priority: Safe & efficient transportation system • • • • • • • •

Worked with Pierce County to start Beyond the Borders circulator bus. Assisted Sound Transit with public process to address station access improvements. Installed new streetlight at Main & Lewis. Reviewed parking in city-owned lots in downtown area. Tested LED bulbs in streetlights along Main near the High School. Joined Pierce County legislative delegation to highlight flood protection and 167 congestion. Chip-sealed Main Street. Resurfaced East Valley Highway.

Council Strategic Priority: Protection of water, open spaces, and other natural resources • • • • • •

Shredded 17 tons of paper and collected 78 lbs of unused prescriptions at Shred & Clean. Moved new Shorelines Master Program through State adoption process. Wastewater Treatment Facility earned Outstanding Performance Award from Washington State Dept. of Ecology—only 35% of facilities earn this award. Encouraged use of new car wash kits to keep rivers clean during charity car washes. Produced annual water quality report. Held spring & fall clean ups with DM Disposal.

Council Strategic Priority: Enhance community character • • • • • • • • • •

Found YMCA a new location and began design. Held Sumner University to educate “students” about City operations. Welcomed troops of 593rd home from deployment. Coordinated Sumner history book with proceeds to help City maintain Ryan House. Held Memorial Day service at cemetery with VFW & 593rd Sustainment Brigade. Honored Joe Carl & Sumner High School Marching Band. Hosted Great American Picnic for citizens & troops to enjoy. Secured confession for arrest and conviction of perpetrators in 2012 homicide at motor inn. Painted Senior Center walls (volunteers). Coordinated promotions to Sumner including ad in Puget Sound Attractions Guide, article in Sunset magazine and feature in Arches magazine.

Grants • • • • • • • • •

Employees in several departments continue to bring money into Sumner

$2,500 from Union Pacific for safety emphasis of crossing at 16th Street $5,000 from ADT to Sumner PD via Lifesaver Award $5,000 from Amazon.com employees to Metro Animal Services $499,999 to build sidewalks on Main Street $1.3 million to replace Bridge Street bridge $93,500 to design trail crossing of No. 9 ditch $79,147 to continue resurfacing East Valley Highway $1.2 million to design Stewart Road bridge replacement $625,000 over five years for Drug-Free Communities Coalition

Our Home Too - In the past year, city employees & elected officials • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Participated in Chamber’s State of the Cities address Flipped burgers in Sumner Downtown Association’s burger booth Hawked rhubarb pie in Sumner Rotary booth Raised nearly $10,000 for Relay for Life with Golf for Life tournament Helped plan and coordinate Sumner Relay for Life Took the Plunge for Exodus Housing Put DARE car in Classy Chassis Car Show Helped MultiCare to Come Walk With Me Coordinating sending 1,896 lbs of hygiene items to Sumner Food Bank in Hearts for Hygiene Coordinated Sumner Toy Box to bring toys and food to families in need during holidays Marched in Celebrating Military Service parade Raised $350 plus 69 jars of peanut butter for Food Bank Helped plan safe events including Bridge Lighting, Wine Walks, Rhubarb Days, Homecoming Parade, Daffodil Parade, Santa Parade, Color Run

Memoril Day Sumner City Cemetery May 22 - Placing of Flags, afternoon May 26 - Ceremony, 10 am


Sumner Community Connection

SAFETY SALLY: Check What Your Charity . Car Wash Is Giving to the Environment

Shred &Clean

Check What Your Charity April 26, 2014 10 am - 1 pm

A lot of local non-profits and school groups raise money by holding a charity car wash. The City of Sumner now offers a car wash kit to make sure charity car washes don’t give a lot of grime, oil and pollution to our local rivers.

Contact Donnelle at donnelled@ci.sumner.wa.us to check out the car wash kit. City crews will set it up for you at no charge. The kit is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to check in before finalizing your location as the kit needs some key things, like access to power, and Donnelle knows what locations in town work best.

Look for Sumner’s Clean & Green signs (shown at right) that go with the wash. If you don’t see it, ask the volunteers if they are using a Car Wash Kit. If they say no, encourage them to try it next time. It’s an easy way to raise money without costing our local streams and rivers anything.


Are you spring cleaning? Drop off lots of things all at once!

If you are planning to hold a car wash:

If you are supporting a car wash:

Spring 2014

Sensitive documents for immediate shredding (limit three grocery bags per person--last year we ran out of room!) Left-over prescriptions to Sumner Police


If you are washing your car at home:

Clean& Green

Put the car on the lawn or other porous surface like gravel so that the suds and grime go into the soil and not right into the river via storm drains.

Light bulbs & batteries to McLendon Hardware Old cell phones to YWCA Clothes, household items and electronics to Goodwill Old Red Apple Parking Lot Corner of Maple & Alder


“With so many caring and beautiful hearts in the little town of Sumner, it’s impossible not to feel like there’s something inherently different about it all.” ~Michael S., posted on Best of W.Washington site Sumner City Council INSIDE: 2013 Report to the Taxpayers YMCA Update Art of Caring

Steve Allsop

Open in Sumner

Curt Brown

Nancy Dumas

Kathy Hayden

City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street Sumner, WA 98390

Raise It Up!


Postal Customer

Comprehensive Plan 2015 Update Workshops April 24 & May 29 5-8 pm City Hall Come provide your insight into directing the future of Sumner.


1 Planning Commission, 7 pm 5 City Council Meeting, 7 pm 8 Forestry/Parks Commission, 4 pm 12 City Council Study Session, 6 pm 14 Public Works Committee, 5 pm 14 Design Commission, 6:30 pm 15 Public Safety Committee, 5 pm 19 City Council Meeting, 7 pm 21 CD/Parks Committee, 5 pm 22 Arts Commission, 5 pm 26 Holiday, City Offices Closed 27 Finance Committee, 5 pm 27 City Council Study Session, 6 pm 29 Comp Plan Workshop, 5 pm

Earle Stuard


City Hall Calendar 9 Public Works Committee, 5 pm 9 Design Commission, 6:30 pm 10 Forestry/Parks Commission, 4 pm 14 City Council Study Session, 6 pm 15 Salary Commission, 2:30 pm 16 CD/Parks Committee, 5 pm 17 Public Safety Committee, 5 pm 21 City Council Meeting, 7 pm 22 Civil Service Commission, 8 am 22 Salary Commission, 2:30 pm 22 Finance Committee, 5 pm 24 Arts Commission, 5 pm 24 Comp Plan Workshop, 5 pm 28 City Council Study Session, 6 pm

Mike LeMaster


How to Raise an Idea

IMPROVE YOUR “CONNECTION” Get weekly updates with the e-newsletter. Sign up on the City’s website at www.ci.sumner.wa.us.

Cindi Hochstatter


2 City Council Meeting, 7 pm 5 Planning Commission, 7 pm 9 City Council Study Session, 6 pm 11 Public Works Committee, 5 pm 11 Design Commission, 6:30 pm 12 Forestry/Parks Commission, 4 pm 16 City Council Meeting, 7 pm 18 CD/Parks Committee, 5 pm 19 Public Safety Committee, 5 pm 23 City Council Study Session, 6 pm 24 Finance Committee, 5 pm 26 Arts Commission, 5 pm

Community Events april

2 Birding Basics, Pierce County READS event, 6:30 pm, Sumner Library 4-6, Manestage Theatre presents Tarzan, Peforming Arts Center 5 Daffodil Festival 5K Race, 1 pm and Grand Floral Parade, 2:30 pm, Downtown 7 Monthly test of the lahar siren, noon 8-9 Write Your Memoir, Pierce County READS event, 4 pm, Sumner Library 25 Meet Wild author Cheryl Strayed, Pierce County READS, 7 pm, Lakewood 26 Take the Sounder train to the Sounders game, 11:16 am, Sumner Station 26 Shred & Clean, 10 am - 1 pm, old Red Apple Parking Lot 28 Tours of the YMCA site, 1-5 pm 28-May 2 Spring Clean Up--watch mail for coupons for extra yard waste, etc. 29 Images of America: Sumner Author Event, 6 pm, Sumner Pierce Co. Library


2-18 ACT 1 Theatre presents Comedy of Errors, ACT 1 Studio 5 Monthly test of the lahar siren, noon 5 Exhibition Game, Sounders U-23, 7 pm, Sunset Chev Stadium 10-18 Manestage Theatre presents Cheaper by the Dozen, Performing Arts Center 13 Second Sound Transit Open House, 4-7 pm, City Hall 14 Take the Sounder train to the Sounders game, 11:16 am, Sumner Station 22 Placing of flags, Sumner City Cemetery, afternoon 25 Sounders U-23 vs. Puget Sound, 2 pm, Sunset Chev Stadium 26 Memorial Day Ceremony, Sumner City Cemetery, 10 am


2 Monthly test of the lahar siren, noon 14 Raise It Up! National Anthem, Heritage Park, 1 pm singing 20 Girls Night Out, 6-9 pm, Windmill Gardens 20 Sounders U-23 vs. Lane United, 7 pm, Sunset Chev Stadium 21 Surfin’ the Sidewalk Sale, 10 am - 5 pm, Downtown Sumner 29 Tour de Pierce Bicycle Ride, Sumner & Pierce County

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