Pat Clerget and Beau LaCrosse
to provide needed and valued services that promote our sense of community Officers Engel and McDonald at a Sumner school
to set the standard of excellence for a progressive small city Annual Employee Awards
Jeff Steffens putts for the Sumner Food Bank.
Michelle Converse
Warren Peloli in the new Sumner Visitor Center
officials Dave Enslow, Mayor CITY COUNCIL Steve Allsop Curt Brown Leroy Goff Ed Hannus Cindi Hochstatter Randy Hynek Matthew Richardson/Jon Swanson
senior staff Diane Supler, City Administrator Terri Berry, City Clerk John Galle, Police Chief Timothy A. Jenkins, Presiding Judge Carmen Palmer, Communications Director Cathy Pashon, Court Administrator Bill Pugh, Public Works Director Paul Rogerson, Community Development Director Brett Vinson, City Attorney Beth Anne Wroe, Finance Operations Director Steve Zamberlin, Human Resources Manager
From the Mayor
Ah, the “good old days.” You hear this phrase used a lot, usually by people who never experienced those days in the first place. We’re all guilty of dreaming of when people left doors unlocked, traffic meant two cars passing on a road and kids still delivered newspapers. Are you full of nostalgia yet? What if these are much better “good old days” now? A bold statement, I know, but let’s take off the rose-colored glasses and take a more balanced look back. Remember when at least one kid would contract polio each summer? How about when people would die in a matter of days from an ordinary scratch because they didn’t have antibiotics? America struggled with racism and sexism. And, if we went back to the Great Depression, the poverty and unemployment would make today’s economic troubles pale by comparison. Every era has its good and bad, progress and regress. That’s life! Human nature compels us to remember the good about the past and dwell on the bad in the present. So, let’s shift that a bit and take a look at the good things that happened in Sumner last year. It’s quite a list and may just rival the thought of milk being delivered in glass bottles! I think it is the better “good old days” now. Take a look and see what you think. Mayor Dave Enslow
From the Administrator
More and more people are recognizing Sumner’s name. There’s the effort to get more visitors to know Sumner’s name so that they shop and eat here, supporting our businesses. But beyond that, there are more examples of recognition that are not quite as visible. For example, Sumner is known for planning its future well. Pierce County praised the Orton Junction proposal as the best prepared proposal they had ever received. People recognize Sumner for quality police service, with our officers routinely winning awards for things such as DUI enforcement. With Amazon moving into Sumner, the Economic Development Board announced that Sumner set the standard for permit turnaround. The list goes on. While all of these things be invisible to most citizens, they all lead to making Sumner a great place to live, work and play.
Diane Supler City Administrator
Led the Orton Junction project through Pierce County’s process for a comprehensive plan amendments and received a unanimous vote from the Pierce County Council for the project. Helped open the first Sumner Visitor Center with the Puyallup-Sumner Chamber of Commerce and The Old Cannery. Received first WellCity award from AWC, reducing employee healthcare costs by approximately $20,000. Used lodging tax funds to install directional signage throughout the city to help visitors find Downtown,Visitor Center and Golf Course.
values We serve with respect and integrity. We are responsive and accountable.
Audited signage around city and removed unnecessary signs.
We are collaborative and professional.
Partnered with Sumner Rotary to help install a service organization sign on Traffic Avenue.
We are innovative and visionary.
Donated graphic design services to Sumner Downtown Association for first Rhubarb Days. Organized another Shred & Clean event with Daffodil Valley Kiwanis. Human Resources Revised the City’s Safety Manual to include links for policies directly to the Labor & Industries website Updated the Civil Service Rules to include new and/or changes of rules as approved to by the Commissioners. Revised policies & procedures for alternative working schedules & flex time, community athletics program / non-discrimination and inclement weather & emergency closings Updated the Exposure Report Form specific to needle stick & sharp objects / blood & bodily fluid. Successfully applied and was granted 2011 Tree City award. Concluded negotiations on five Collective Bargaining Agreements. Information Technology Maintained approximately 150 desktop and mobile PCs and 20 servers with updates, security patches, and repairs as needed. Completed rollout of Microsoft Office 2010 software. Provided technical assistance for 911 service transition.
by the numbers 18,014 email newsletters sent with a 33% open rate, well above the industry standard From e-newsletters, readers clicked 582 times to view more information online 164,498 visits from 96,433 visitors who looked at 791,522 pages on the City and Metro Animal Control websites. From 2010, that’s 27% more visits from 25% more visitors.
City Attorney We just amended our UGA to put
Continued to provide legal guidance including reviewing city contracts, legislative action requested by Council and land use issues. Serve as the city’s prosecutor in Municipal Court.
growth where there is existing infrastructure and where the market wants it. This project will create 3,750 construction jobs and 2,350 permanent jobs. The city worked with the private sector and the community
Community Development
Helped prepare technical information for Pierce County approval of the Orton Junction Urban Growth Area amendment. Sumner Arts Commission held another successful season of Music Off Main plus Write in the Valley, Chapter 2, the second annual author’s event. Sumner Arts Commission partnered with East Pierce Fire & Rescue and Pierce County Libraries to participate in Pierce County Reads The Big Burn. Led another well-attended Sumner University program to help citizens better understand their local government. Worked toward a successful solution to federally mandated changes in Flood Plain regulations. Implemented procedures for new special event fees that ask the event to reimburse City for approximately 25% of the cost to the City to support that event.
to provide financing
Worked with Pomegranate Center and Tully’s to coordinate a public process to transform the alley off Main Street into a gathering place.
and ideas.
Continued to issue construction-related permits quickly, including tenant improvements to help open their facility on time.
Mayor Enslow AWC CityVision Magazine November/December 2011
Helped recruit and finalize the relocation of businesses to Sumner. Worked on extensive responses to citizen comments on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for proposed Northstar Chemical Facility. Formed new Historic Preservation Commission. Worked with neighbors and businesses to update code for industrial zones.
Upgraded utility billing software and improved the look of the utility bills
...lovely Sumner,
Participated in an IRS examination
Coordinated spring and fall clean-up events with DM Disposal Updated and implemented the investment policy Continued support of the Community Garden program with the collection of garden plot sales. Renegotiated software license for utilities, saving $26,000 annually.
Municipal Court
Continued use of electric home monitoring as an alternative to jail. Imposed 811 days, which saved the city $47,850 in jail costs.
small pioneer town that is everything such a town should be.
Karla Stover Country Pleasures Magazine November 2011
Processed 2363 filings, conducted 957 infraction hearings with 477 mitigations, 439 contested, and 41 reviews. Conducted 1961 criminal hearings of which included 465 arraignments. Continued to process passports. Partnered with the Puyallup and Sumner school districts for two mock trials in which students conduct a court trial and take on the roll of all parties including judge, defense, prosecution, jurors.
Parks & Facilities
Partnered with residents and Key Club to plant trees on April 30 for Arbor Day. Watered hanging flower baskets from spring to fall. Held a Memorial Day service at the City Cemetery and placed flags at every veteran’s grave. Offered families the option to buy wreaths to be placed at loved ones’ sites. Helped find site and install service club sign with leadership from Sumner Rotary. Partnered with East Pierce Fire & Rescue to do a controlled burn training in the old house on the cemetery expansion property.
by the numbers 32 hanging flower baskets watered every day for over six months 40 acres maintained at Sumner’s parks, sports complex, City facilities, Ryan House and waysides. 25 acres maintained at the Sumner City Cemetery plus the surrounding fields.
Law Enforcement by the numbers 19,673 calls for service 2275 traffic stops 609 people arrested 306 hours spent fulfilling 980 public disclosure requests 271 pounds of prescription drugs safely destroyed 60 6th Graders graduated from GREAT (Gang Resistance Education and Training) 80 5th Graders graduated from DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance and Education) $2,000 raised for Special Olympics through Tip-a-Cop 407 kids received toys through Sumner Toy Box
PLUS Metro Animal Services
Closed Sumner 911 and police dispatch center and began a contracting relationship with Puyallup City Communications for both significant cost savings to Sumner taxpayers and increased interoperability for officers, which allowed for officers to communicate with neighboring cities, enhancing their safety and the safety of our community. Purchased radios and changed police dispatch frequencies to 800 Mhz, permitting interoperable public safety communications over a threecounty area. Replaced two aging patrol cars. Continued collaboration on regional SWAT, Crime Response Unit, Civil Disturbance Team, Auto Theft Task Force teams. Focused participation on regional efforts to combat impaired driving and underage drinking. Implemented new parking enforcement protocols. Provided safety during four parades and 14 other public events. Conducted three drug take-back days as well as maintained daily drug take-back bin, collecting 271 pounds of drugs to be safely destroyed. Held Sumner Toy Box campaign in conjunction with Toys for Tots to provide toys to 407 local kids in 160 families; program also built partnerships between police and Sumner businesses including AIM Aerospace, REI, The Old Cannery Furniture Warehouse,, Sumner Starbucks, New England Saltbox, Bank of America,
749 adoptions, up 11%
Continued support of Sumner schools with a dedicated School Resource Officer as well as GREAT (Gang Resistance Education and Training) for Sumner Middle School 6th Graders and DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance and Education) for Daffodil Valley Elementary 5th Graders.
334 animals reunited with owners
Raised over $2000 for Special Olympics through the Tip-a-Cop program at Applebee’s.
5,516 volunteer hours donated at the shelter
Increased education for new fireworks laws around the 4th of July.
23,432 customers at the shelter 2224 animals received care
71% increase in private donations 2820 calls for service responded to by Animal Control Officers
ANIMAL CONTROL Began using e-newsletters to keep pet owners better connected with their animal control services throughout the year. Began using Facebook to increase pet adoptions and awareness.
Part of the community
In addition to their jobs, City employees serve as part of the community, supporting efforts and giving back to the community through: Relay for Life Sumner Toy Box (Toys for Tots) Come Walk With Me Sumner Downtown Association Sumner Bonney Lake Education Foundation Exodus Housing Sumner Food Bank Sumner Rotary Club Dodgeball for Haitian Relief Daffodil Festival Sumner Pierce County Library Puyallup/Sumner
Chamber of Commerce Sumner Arts Festival United Way Special Olympics Sumner Family Center Local Domestic Violence Service Agencies Tacoma Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau Economic Development Board of Pierce Co. Tip a Cop (Applebee’s) Pomegranate Center
So we structured an agreement that as the developer develops that landscape, the City of Sumner was going to decrease the size of their city boundaries to compensate for that increase....the
Plus, as part of their job, many city employees make the following events possible including providing safety through police protection; blocking roads through public works, and helping plan events through community development and administration.
point being to align economic, environmental and city
Daffodil Parade
Hometown Holiday Celebration
Santa Parade
Boy Scout Troop tours
interests so that
Homecoming Parade
Sumner High School Prom
Music Off Main
Sumner High School Homecoming Dance
everyone gets what
Sumner Arts Festival Bridge Lighting Classy Chassis Car Show Wine Walks Autumn Evening Come Walk With Me Street of Treats (Halloween)
Sumner High School Graduation Special Olympics Torchlight Parade Bicycle Rodeo National Night Out Block Parties STOMP meetings DARE / GREAT
they need rather than spend all this time fighting. Gene Duvernoy, Forterra Puget Sound Business Journal December 2-8, 2011
by the numbers Public Works WATER
71 after-hours call-outs 37 water service replacements and repairs 150 new meters replaced 900 meter service requests 26 tons of pothole patch material, one shovel at a time 119 tons of asphalt debris from pothole patches 46 tons of asphalt for road restoration by city crew 377 tons of gravel for utility repair, ditch backfill and repairs to road shoulders 386 requests for services including potholes, water leaks, plugged sewers, signs down, glass in roadway, and possums 11 side sewer repairs and new clean-outs 279 tons of street sweepings kept out of the storm system 500 requests for utility locates 1040 mandated chlorine residual water samples 60 city-owned backflow devices tested in-house
At Central Well, completed drilling a test well capable of producing 2,100 gallons per minute. Successfully provided water to customers and met all health department regulations. Lowered the unaccounted for water to 9% SEWER Replaced a failed section of sewer pipe on Alder Street and installed a new manhole to allow for amintenance of sewer main. Met all Federal permit requirements for the Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF). Raised the existing perimeter wall around the facility by 3.5 feet and installed a removable wall across the roadway to protect the facility from flooding and keep it operational through high water. Continued to offer local gardeners 330 tons of Bonney Good Sumner Grow, a class “A� quality free biosolid that resulted in 100 percent reuse of the generated biosolids. Completed the North Sumner Pump Station that provides sewer service to the Stewart Road area. Continued to work on the fats, oils and grease database and inspect business grease traps to make sure they are working properly. Replaced the septic holding tank at Sumner Meadows Golf Course because of groundwater infiltration issues. Constructed a platform over Biosolids Storage Hopper to access equipment for maintenance. Copper Limits imposed by Ecology were removed from NPDES Permit. Completed purchase of several parcels for future expansion of WWTF.
798,000,000 gallons of sewage treated, removing 98% of the targeted pollutants
Completed three year White River and Sumner Effluent Temperature Study.
330 tons of biosolid soil amendment given away to gardeners
Annexed property around Wastewater Treatment Facility.
81 site development permits processed 175 building permits processed
Added flexibility to plant operations by modifying the piping systems to operate both digesters independent of each other. Treated a total of 798,000,000 gallons of sewage in 2011 removing 98% of the targeted pollutants. STORM Replaced the existing 24-inch diameter corrugated metal pipe culvert in Stewert Creek Culvert with a 12 foot x 12 foot concrete box culvert from Stewart Road Creek to the White River.
STORM continued Replaced a dilapidated storm crossing under West Valley that was potentially comprising the roadway. Stabilized a bank of the river on the golf course. Extended a storm sewer in Wood Ave. and Gault Streets near Maple Lawn Elementary so street improvements can be constructed as part of the school remodeling. Responded to 19 spills, and took remedial action to prevent pollutants from entering the waterways. Planted 110 trees along Salmon Creek to re-establish the stream buffer. Partnered with Department of Emergency Management and Army Corps of Engineers to teach proper sandbag techniques before winter. Successfully removed major mudslide from West Valley Highway and worked with landowner to recover costs. Performed inspections on all stormwater outfalls to identify any pollutant discharges for the City’s NPDES Stormwater permit. Installed drainage systems in East Valley Highway and 160th to keep water off the roadway. Made and placed about 9000 sand bags for possible flooding. Met requirements, submitted annual assessment for NPDES Phase II permit. Cleaned and maintained catch basins, treatment detention ponds and Salmon Creek. Swept miles of streets every week to keep the road debris out of the storm system. Repaired two failing storm lines on Elm Street and West Valley Highway. STREETS,TRAILS, SIDEWALKS Completed more streets under the chip seal program, including crack sealing and preparing roads. Completed the Traffic/Fryar/Main intersection project, which reconstructed the pavement; changed the awkward five-leg intersection to a standard four-leg with a right-in/right-out on West Main; added missing sidewalks and realigned striping for a two-way left turn lane and bicycle lanes. Updated Six Year Transportation Improvement Program. Replaced 60 crosswalks and 30 stop bars with thermal plastic for better visibility and long life. Replaced golf course parking stalls with thermal plastic. Inspected and maintained signs and signals on a regular basis. Received State funding for missing sections of trail. Installed 800 linar feet of sidewalk, curb and gutter on the south side of Elm Street starting at East Valley Highway and connecting to existing sidewalk; also widened the roadway and installed driveway approaches. Coordinated with residents to fill in missing gaps in sidewalks along Parker Road. Installed picnic tables, trash bins along trail system. Participated in a blind simulation to better understand how to design intersections and sidewalks to assist sightimpaired individuals. Succeeded in getting grant funds to install solar-powered flashing lights at crosswalks near schools. Planted natural trees and shrubs along river and trail. will join a host of wellknown companies with distribution centers in Sumner
Sumner’s Fred Meyer honored police and animal control officers on 9-11 Diane Supler opens Sumner University
this summer as it hires hundreds of new workers for an order fulfillment center there.
Daron Uphaus “in” the Homecoming Parade
John Gillie The News Tribune May 5, 2011
contact us 253-863-8300
City and community volunteers helped Pomegranate Center and Tully’s build the gathering place.