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Issue 40

City of Sumner Newsletter

Back to School in Spring? Sumner University Returns! This April, join your friends and neighbors at the award-winning Sumner University to learn about your community’s history, government and traditions. This year’s classes will include City Organization; Council Goals; Mission, Vision, Values for the City; Sumner Civics 101; Police Story; History of Sumner; What’s Happening In Your Backyard; Development and Society; Little Annoyances-Train Whistles, Traffic, Parking; and What Makes This a Great Place. TO PARTICIPATE: When: April 11 & 18, 6:00-9:00 pm Where: City Hall Free, but registration required! Coffee and snacks provided, plus graduates receive a diploma and t-shirt. Register by contacting Sally Abrams at sallya@ci.sumner.wa.us or 299-5520 by March 27.

See Inside Mayor’s message Fire Department Trail groundbreaking Town Center Plan Dr. Sumner: Red Apple

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March 2006

Council Welcomes Members Hannus & Hynek On January 3, Ed Hannus was sworn into Council Position 1 and Randy Hynek into Position 2. Together, these two long-time citizens of Sumner are ready to take on their new leadership roles. Councilmember Hannus has lived in Sumner for 50 years. A Sumner High School graduate, he has a general studies degree from Washington State University and a National Management Analyst Certification from the University of Denver. He has served as a volunteer firefighter, a project manager for the City of Sumner and an active member of Sumner Rotary Club. He even has a commercial pilot license with instrument rating. Carolyn, his wife of 48 years, is a retired elementary school teacher with Sumner School District, and their three sons all graduated from Sumner High School. Hannus is interested in maintaining the character of Sumner, focusing on public safety, a sidewalk program, finding alternatives to golf course losses and holding the line on tax increases. Councilmember Hynek is a small business owner who has lived in Sumner for 35 years and also graduated from Sumner High School. He has a degree in Business Administration with a marketing emphasis from the University of Puget Sound and has served on both the Parks Board and the Planning Commission. In his free time, Hynek enjoys hiking, varied outdoor activities and reading. As a councilmember, Hynek wants to find ways to encourage citizen and community involvement. He believes that collective wisdom is better than individual wisdom, and more involvement brings better accuracy. He hopes to help keep local taxes under control. Council meeting schedules and e-mail addresses for councilmembers are available on the web at www.ci.sumner.wa.us/government/council/.

Judge Shelton swears in Councilmembers Hannus (top) and Hynek (lower).


Sumner Community Connection

City of Sumner

Mayor’s Message Here’s my first opportunity to talk to you while serving as Sumner’s mayor. You have given me a great honor with your selection. Let me start with some well-earned thanks. Thanks to all of you who worked so hard and with such great enthusiasm on our town’s election. You have helped shape our city’s future. Thanks to Mayor Skinner and our last council who invested lots of time and caring in Sumner and left it in good shape. Thanks to our great city staff who have been partners in making Sumner the great place it is. Finally, thanks to you for being the fabric of our city. You serve on committees; you have opinions and make them heard, and you are what Sumner is all about. As good as Sumner is, we can make it better. We are facing some decisions. What to do with the management of our fire department? What to do about parking? How should the rest of our vacant land be developed, and how far should we expand our boundaries? How do we manage the city more effectively, and how can we be more responsive to the needs of the folks who live and work here? What about traffic congestion? These, and many more, are issues we will be tackling as quickly as possible. We will have meetings to hear from you about parking and to inform you about Sumner’s position with the chemical storage facility and what our options are. We are anxious to hear from you, so please attend if you can: you’ll find dates and notices in this newsletter and on the website. Again, my sincerest thanks for giving me the honor of serving as your mayor. I will work diligently with the council in the coming years to make Sumner even better. Mayor Dave Enslow

March 2006

1104 Maple Street Sumner, WA 98390 253-863-8300 253-863-2850 FAX MAYOR Dave Enslow


CITY COUNCIL Steve Allsop Curt Brown Mike Connor Randy Hynek Ed Hannus Leroy Goff Matt Richardson

299-5793 299-5796 299-5795 299-5792 299-5791 299-5797 299-5794

CITY STAFF John Doan, City Administrator


Diane Supler, Deputy City Administrator


Carmen Palmer, Communications Director


Wendy Shook, Court Administrator


Patricia Bosmans, City Attorney


Susan Clary, City Clerk


Paul Rogerson, Community Development Director 299-5521 Colleen Wilson, Police Chief


Dan Packer, Fire Chief


Bill Shoemaker, Public Works Director


Bruce Johnson, 299-5731 Community/Senior Services Manager

Caleb Campbell reads a story to Mayor Enslow at Maple Lawn Elementary’s Reading Café on March 2, 2006.

Lee Anderson, Parks and Facilities Manager



Visit us at

www.ci.sumner.wa.us for up-to-date information on City of Sumner services, projects, special events and more!

Administration/Finance Cemetery Court Fire (non-emergency) Golf Course Parks and Recreation Permit Center Police (non-emergency) Senior Center

863-8300 FAX 863-2850 863-6345 863-7635 863-5451 863-8198 891-6500 863-1230 863-6384 863-2910

March 2006

Sumner Community Connection


City’s Judge Appointed to a Second Term Judge Stephen R. Shelton has served as Sumner’s Municipal Court judge since 2002. In December, the City Council reappointed Judge Shelton for a second fouryear term.

Judge Shelton swearing in Mayor Dave Enslow.

New City Staff Are Excited to Jump In The City of Sumner welcomes a new deputy city administrator and communications director to help more fully serve you. Both positions are recrafted from previously funded, but vacant, City positions, and both will be instrumental in helping the City fulfill its mission, vision and values.

As a municipal court judge, Judge Shelton presides over local cases involving traffic infractions and criminal gross misdemeanors and misdemeanors such as DUI’s, thefts and domestic violence assaults. The Sumner Municipal Court meets each Wednesday with additional days for jury trials and hearings. Judge Shelton also serves the City of Puyallup municipal court where he has recently been reappointed to a fourth term of office. About being a judge in

Sumner, Judge Shelton said, “I am honored by the opportunity to continue to serve the citizens of Sumner and to be a member of the Washington State judiciary.” A graduate of the University of Washington and Seattle University Law School, he has also served as a deputy prosecuting attorney, a hearing examiner, city attorney and teacher as well as mayor and councilmember for the City of Fircrest. He is the current vicepresident of the Washington State District and Municipal Court Judge’s Association. For additional information about the Court, contact Court Administrator Wendy Shook at 299-5621 or wendys@ci.sumner.wa.us.

City Celebrates Outstanding Employees The City celebrated the skill and commitment of three of its employees at the annual employee recognition event in December. These annual awards are nominated and voted on by the employees.

Deputy City Administrator Diane Supler begins work in Sumner on March 20, coming from Tacoma where she served as Director of the Office of Management and Budget. In Sumner, she will lead the Administrative Services Department, which will include human resources, finance, risk management and parks and facilities.

Customer Service Award: Paul Brockwell, Deputy Fire Marshall Brockwell works with new development and businesses, helping them comply with the City’s fire regulations. He joined the City in 2000 from the Naval Base in Bangor and had previously been a resident firefighter in Sumner.

Carmen Palmer also joined the City in February as communications director, after serving for five years at Seattle Center Foundation. Here, she coordinates the City’s public communications, including this newsletter and the website, serves as the City’s media contact, and assists with communications in areas such as public safety and economic development.

Customer Service Award Honorable Mention: Twyla Proctor, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department Proctor works with the Waste Water Treatment Plant and the City’s shops, addressing citizen contacts, organizing records and assisting with purchases to keep the City’s infrastructure in top shape.

Teamwork Award: Nicci Davis, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department Davis works primarily with the City Hall staff, tracking bids and contracts, and with the public. A Sumner High School graduate, Davis worked here as an intern and part-time assistant for three while attending college. Also celebrated were the professional contributions that City employees make. For example, • • • •

Records Clerk Alice Jacobson -- board member, Wash. State Law Enforcement Records Association Community Development Director Paul Rogerson -- board member, Planning Association of Wash. City Clerk Susan Clary -- treasurer, State Clerks Association Fire Chief Dan Packer -- president, Wash. State Fire Chiefs Association.

Employees also frequently speak at conferences across the state about the Sumner approach.


Sumner Community Connection

Task Force Helps Plan Future of Fire Dept. This past year, the Sumner Fire Department responded to nearly 2,500 calls, an increase of about 1,000 calls since 1996. The call volume has caused response times to increase, forcing Sumner to rely on adjacent fire departments too often. While growth within the City is partly responsible for the increase, other factors include increased freeway traffic, an aging population and increased expectations of fire departments. This year, the City initiated the development of a Fire Department Strategic Plan for the future of fire and emergency services. A task force of citizens was appointed to help, and this spring, they will make recommendations to the City Council on the future of the department.

Fire Planning Task Force Steve Allsop Cynthia Bush Mike Cathey Gary Ganz Jonathan Haines Kathy Hayden Rick Longnecker Tom Meyers Brett Morrison Tom Powers Gary Sanford Jeanne Walter

The Plan will address how the City can best meet the changing needs for services along with how to utilize partnerships with surrounding fire departments such as Puyallup and East Pierce Fire and Rescue. For additional information, contact Sumner’s Deputy Fire Chief Brian Schulz at 863-5451 or one of the task force members.

Garbage Rates Adjusted Starting March 19, new garbage rates go into effect. The charge for a standard, one-can pickup will now be $12.92, a slight increase from the previous rate of $12.37.

March 2006

Bare Poles Are Beautiful!

The City’s contract with DM Disposal allows the company to adjust rates once a year to compensate for the increase in the landfill tipping fees as well as 80% of Consumer Price Indexes.

Get Your Passports! As you plan for travel this year, remember that you can apply for passports at City Hall. The Sumner Municipal Court accepts passport applications Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 1 - 4 pm. You can also schedule appointments Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 5 - 7 pm. Passport information line: 299-5625

Please help keep Sumner clean by not posting any signs to the city’s power and light poles. When free of rainsoaked signs, poles let the beauty of our City shine!

Interim Zoning Control Extended In January, the City Council extended the interim development regulations prohibiting new chemical-related businesses from locating in heavy industrial zones. The interim regulation was originally adopted in August and prevented new hazardous waste, chemical and pharmaceutical plants from making new permit applications. The new extension lasts for another six months. State law limits such interim regulations to six months, but they can be extended in additional six-month intervals. The City has been studying the environmental and land use issues

associated with the allowance for these types of uses. Final regulations are expected to be completed by the Planning Commission and adopted by the City Council before these interim controls expire. These rules do not affect the pending Northstar application, which was determined as vested to the prior regulations. The City is continuing to review that permit application to determine the impacts on the environment and City services. For additional information about the interim controls, please contact Community Development Director Paul Rogerson at 299-5521 or paulr@ci.sumner.wa.us.

March 2006

Sumner Community Connection


Trails Projects Underway, Providing New Access and Opportunities As winter turns into spring, many people begin to think of getting outside again, and soon, it will be even easier in Sumner! Several projects are under construction this summer to help connect Sumner with the regional trail system, building over a mile of trail for walkers, bikers and runners. The first segment is about 3,500 feet of trail in the vicinity of 24th Street. The project will build ramps on each side of the pedestrian bridge across the White River plus a portion of trail along the east side the river. Earlier this month, volunteers helped plant trees along the river in the area where the trail will be built. This segment of trail is being built with the support from the federal Transportation Efficiency Act and Puget Sound Energy. The contract for this segment has been awarded, and the contractor will start later this spring. Another segment of trail is being constructed around the new Wastewater Treatment Plant. This project is part of the City’s required mitigation for constructing the plant. State shorelines regulations require that uses not dependent on water must

provide public access to the shoreline. This trail is one way to meet that requirement as well as provide public access to the confluence of the Puyallup and White Rivers. The contract for this project has also been awarded and will start this summer. The final segment of trail being constructed this summer is near the City Shops and the Tacoma Avenue Bridge. This segment, which is being built with local trail funds, will provide a loop for trail users. Part of this construction is funded by new development in Sumner, which has been required to contribute trail impact fees for the past six years. Another $20,000 was donated by Recreational Equipment Incorporated (REI) to help with this project. REI employees have also volunteered their time to help prepare for the trail. The City’s trail system is based on the Sumner-Pacific Trail Master Plan that was developed jointly with the City of Pacific in 1995. The system will eventually connect to the Interurban Trail to the north and the Foothills and Puyallup Trails to the south.

(Top) Breaking ground for one of the new trails in January with Jay Kizer, former Mayor Barbara Skinner and Councilmember Leroy Goff. (Lower) In early March, Dennis Anderson, Isabel Ragland and other volunteers brave the cold to plant trees as part of trail construction.

For additional information about trails, contact City Engineer Mike Dahlem at 299-5702 or miked@ci.sumner.wa.us.

mission: To provide needed and valued services that promote our sense of community. vision: Sumner will set the standard of excellence for a progressive small city. values: We are collaborative & professional. We are innovative & visionary. We are responsive & accountable. We serve with respect & integrity.

Comings & Goings Welcome: Fred Miller, WWTP Maintenance Technician; Randi Plotke, Communications Officer; Sharon Schwartzle, Court Clerk II; Carmen Palmer, Communications Director; Diane Supler, Deputy City Administrator Farewell: Jamie Coleman, Finance Specialist II; Amy Sharar, Communications Coordinator


Sumner Community Connection

March 2006

Department Profile

City’s Administration Department Manages Day-to-Day Operation There’s one department at City Hall that may baffle you with its fairly generic name: City Administration. Just what do the people in City Administration do? They are led by City Administrator John Doan, who manages the day-to-day operation of the City, including the leadership and supervision of City employees, maintaining relationships with other organizations and jurisdictions, preparing and administering

the City budget and directing the response to your needs. To do all of this, Doan’s team consists of human resources, led by Steve Zamberlin and assisted by Michelle Converse; Deputy City Administrator Diane Supler and Communications Director Carmen Palmer, featured on page 3; and City Clerk Susan Clary, who serves the mayor, City Council, Doan and all departments and is responsible for the recorded history of the City.

The main phone number for City Administration is 299-5500.

Town Center Plan Calls for More Housing Opportunities, Increase in Commercial Vitality and More On December 5, 2005, the City Council adopted necessary zoning and design regulations to implement the Town Center Plan. This major step follows three years of public process, in-depth study and community involvement. The Town Center Plan envisions a vibrant and bustling downtown area with 350-500 condominiums, nightlife, shopping and regional

transportation access via the commuter rail. This will provide opportunities to live, work and recreate in a highly convenient and walkable environment. One key component of the plan, a Mixed Use Development zone west of Fryar and Traffic Avenues, will require residential development and allow commercial as an option, including the two car dealerships. The zone allows up to 40 dwelling units per acre in a townhouse configuration where the front door of each unit must be close to the ground; “stacked” housing units would only be allowed if the ground floor is commercial. The maximum height is 45 feet if there is parking under the building or 35 feet without parking.

The plan calls for living, working and transportation in a walkable environment.

By requiring multi-family developments to be condominiums, the plan encourages owners to actually live there themselves. This also provides a type of housing that may be more affordable to

first-time homebuyers, singles and empty-nesters. The Town Center Plan also allows for residential development in the industrial areas following a rigorous approval and design process, which includes final say by the City Council. Together, these components of the Town Center Plan allow for greater opportunity for housing near the highly popular commuter rail station, encourage owner-occupied housing and increase the commercial vitality of Main Street. These changes will result in housing and commercial options that are not currently available in Sumner. Also included in the Town Center Plan are policies to promote other improvements downtown, including parking, public restrooms, festivals and concerts and recruitment of businesses. The plan is available on the City’s website. Contact Ryan Windish, senior planner, at 299-5524 or ryanw@ci.sumner.wa.us.

March 2006


Sumner Community Connection


City Hall Calendar March 20......City Council meeting, 7 pm 27......City Council study session, 6 pm


Why did the Red Apple close, and what will replace it? The Selfs, proprietors of the Red Apple Market, decided to close and end their lease with the City. They worked together with the City to make the market viable. The City offered a very favorable rent and made improvements to the site. Yet, despite these efforts, economic conditions beyond the control of the City made it difficult for the Selfs to continue operation of the store. Dr. Sumner hopes you’ll join him in wishing the Selfs well in their future endeavors. As to the space, Dr. Sumner doesn’t know yet what will happen. The City purchased the property in 1999 in order to provide parking for City employees and visitors. The City Council reviewed a wide variety of options at a study session on March 13. They will be guided by the 2005 City of Sumner Comprehensive Plan Update and the related Town Center Plan, which supports having a grocery store downtown. A new store could be located in the same building, or it could be part of a bigger or different type of redevelopment. Send comments or suggestions to DrSumner@ci.sumner.wa.us.

3 .......City Council meeting, 7 pm 6 . ..... Planning Committee, 7 pm 10......City Council study session, 6 pm 11......Parks Board, 6 pm 13......Forestry Commission, 4 pm 17......City Council meeting, 7 pm 24......City Council study session, 6 pm

Community Events March 22......State of the Cities, 11:30 am – 1 pm, 427 N. Meridian, hosted by Puyallup Chamber @ The Manor $25/member, $35/non-members, address by Mayor Dave Enslow and Puyallup Mayor Mike Deal. To register, call 845-6755. 20-24 Sumner School District, Kindergarten Registration, packets are available in all elementary schools. Contact your neighborhood school or the district office at 891-6000. 24...... Daffodil Queen’s Coronation, 7 pm, Church of All Nations, Tacoma Contact 627-6176 for details. 30......Community Summit, 5 pm, Bonney Lake High School Examine topics of vital importance to children’s health and well-being. Includes dinner. Registration free, but required: call 891-6066 by March 27.


1.... Bring in Spring in Sumner 9-11 am, participating Downtown Shops Enjoy a progressive continental breakfast at your favorite downtown shops. 8.... Livable Communities Fair, 9 am-4 pm, Puyallup Fairgrounds Visit Sumner’s booth at this free fair to explore building livable communities. 9 ... Daffodil Royalty Tea, 2-4 pm, Ryan House Museum 11 & 18 Sumner University, City Hall, see cover page for details 22......74th Annual Daffodil Parade, 2:30 pm in Sumner

Daffodil Royalty Tea Join the 2006 Queen and the Valley’s princesses for tea, lemonade, and desserts from the Gast House Bakery. Enjoy the museum’s entire collection of Daffodil Festival memorabilia including programs, an original queen’s robe, a 1950s crown, festival buttons and “everything Daffodil.” Volunteers are preparing the house at a series of work parties in March. To join in, contact Vicki Connor at 863-2670.


Sumner Community Connection

March 2006

Sumner City Council

Steve Allsop

Curt Brown

Mike Connor

Leroy Goff

Ed Hannus

Randy Hynek

Matt Richardson


• Adopted Ordinance No. 2159 approving the 2006 Compensation Schedule. • Adopted Ordinance No. 2160 creating a Salary Commission. • Adopted Ordinance No. 2161 dissolving Fund 231, 1992 G.O. Bonds.

• Approved a contract with the City of Puyallup for providing animal control. • Appointed Jonathan Haines to the Planning Commission.


• Adopted Ordinance No. 2162 renewing interim development regulations.

• Adopted Resolution No. 1177 Emergency Management Plan.

• Awarded a bid to Riverside Ford for 2 new police patrol vehicles.

• Approved a contract with the City of Bonney Lake for providing animal control.

• Appointed Barbara Skinner to the Parks Board.

• Approved a contract with the City of Edgewood for providing animal control.

• Adopted Ordinance No. 2164 increasing disposal rates. • Adopted Ordinance No. 2165 increasing recycling rates. • Adopted Resolution No. 1181 allowing for the purchase of a medic unit. • Adopted Resolution No. 1182 approving a jail services contract with the City of Puyallup. • Awarded a bid for Riverside Trails Phase I to Woodworth & Company.

• Adopted the 2006 legislative agenda.

• Awarded a bid for improvements to State Street to MCD McDonald & Company.


• Appointed Jon Swanson to the Planning Commission.

• Adopted Ordinance No. 2163 amending the city limits.

City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street Sumner, WA 98390



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