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Issue 54 City of Sumner Newsletter May 2008

Historic Preservation Keeps Sumner’s Old Buildings a Part of the Future The City of Sumner and Sumner Downtown Association are working together to help the owners of downtown’s old buildings. A new historic preservation ordinance is moving through the City’s process to allow building owners to voluntarily apply to declare their property historic. Once they do that, they qualify for special grants that help them renovate and more fully use the buildings. Often, building owners run up against modern safety codes. Maybe they can’t use a second floor to its full potential because there’s no elevator for disabled access. Or, perhaps they can’t recruit a restaurant tenant because the building doesn’t meet re-

quirements for fire sprinklers. Adding modern systems into older structures is very costly for owners, much more so than if they built a new building complete with modern amenities. However, grants and tax breaks are available from both the State and Federal levels to help off-set the cost of such upgrades. If a building is fully usable, it will last much longer than if it sits half empty. Plus, if buildings are reused and full of retail and services, cities like Sumner get to keep a vibrant downtown full of character and charm. To qualify for these grants and tax breaks, buildings need to be declared historic. Currently, Sumner has no program to give that designa-

tion. The proposed ordinance creates the program and keeps it voluntary so that only those owners who want the designation apply for it. If you’d like to learn more about the proposed process and what it means, join the Mayor’s Town Hall-style meeting on May 31, at 9 am in City Hall. May is Historic Preservation Month, and with everyone working together, Sumner will have its beautiful old buildings and reasons to use them! If you have questions about the ordinance, contact Paul Rogerson, Community Development Director, at paulr@ci.sumner.wa.us or 253-299-5521.

INSIDE: Peak at Investco’s New Headquarters • Use Water Wisely • Meet New Employees • Find Sumner on TV


Sumner Community Connection

Mayor’s Message Being “green” seems to be the in thing these days. Celebrities, magazines and public officials are all talking about being environmentally friendly. We do need to take care of this planet, but how much is talk rather than real action? Last year, I went to a meeting with other officials, and we found out we were supposed to be across the street. The other officials got into their hybrid cars and drove across the street. I walked. Sumner is more about action than perception. In this newsletter, you’ll read about our historic preservation efforts with Sumner Downtown Association. While not typically a “green” movement, it should be. Would you rather recycle a pop can or an entire building? These efforts help owners keep the older buildings useful, saving the materials and energy used to build them plus all the charming architecture and memories that go with it. Here’s another example: we used to hire trucks to haul the byproduct of the wastewater treatment plant over near Woodinville to be destroyed. Those big haulers probably got six miles to the gallon. Instead, last year we built a shed and made this soil amendment available to gardeners. We reduced our fuel use, cut an expense and have a free asset that gives gardeners a much better alternative to chemical fertilizers. As other cities focus on light bulbs and shopping bags, Sumner is continuing its focus on the bigger picture through planning and transit-oriented development. You can live in Sumner, walk a few blocks to the Sounder station, and be in downtown Seattle in 40 minutes, all without using one drop of gas. In Sumner, you can still walk to stores, restaurants, parks, the library, and schools while keeping the car in the garage. To me, that’s a real green solution.

May 2008

City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street Sumner, WA 98390 253-863-8300 253-863-2850 FAX MAYOR Dave Enslow


CITY COUNCIL Steve Allsop Curt Brown Cindi Hochstatter Randy Hynek Ed Hannus Leroy Goff Matt Richardson

299-5793 299-5796 299-5795 299-5792 299-5791 299-5797 299-5794


John Doan City Administrator


Diane Supler Deputy City Administrator


Carmen Palmer Communications Director


Brett Vinson City Attorney


Terri Berry City Clerk


Paul Rogerson Community Development Director 299-5521 Beth Anne Wroe Financial Operations Director


John Galle Police Chief


Bill Shoemaker Public Works Director


Lee Anderson Parks and Facilities Manager


CITY OFFICES Administration/Finance Cemetery Fire (non-emergency) Golf Course Inspection Line Parks and Recreation Permit Center Police (non-emergency) Senior Center

863-8300 FAX 863-2850 299-5510 863-1800 863-8198 299-5530 891-6500 299-5523 863-6384 863-2910


Mayor Enslow reports on the state of Sumner for business at a Chamber lunch in April.

Judge Stephen R. Shelton Court Offices


Cathy Pashon, Court Administrator


EAST PIERCE FIRE & RESCUE Main Number Dan Packer, Fire Chief

863-1800 863-5451

May 2008

Sumner Community Connection


Council Column Some have said, “as goes the family, so goes the nation.” This reminds me that the people of Sumner are also a family. We share a common respect for the past, we work daily for the wellbeing of our families, and hold common dreams for the future. We also live in a city that still feels like a bygone decade when neighbors were family and the city was really just a bunch of neighbors. People unaccustomed to this spirit, laud the special place we call home. Like a family, the city has always been the place where civilization and progress join together to make something new out of something old. Sometimes the pressure of a city leads humans to fight or conspire against one another out of

competition or self preservation. Unfortunately, a breakdown like this often leaves individuals at a disadvantage when faced with the social energies and sheer weight of numbers represented by the average city. In short, when and where it can- the city controls. Here in Sumner, we have been doing things a little different for a long time. The city doesn’t control anything against the will of the people and our public deliberations are not entangled in politics. This has allowed our more pleasant social energies to be appreciated, and the sheer weight of (few) numbers to be enjoyed by so many of us.

The challenges I see are both internal and external to the city. Internally, the revitalization of the downtown core in keeping with its traditional character will be critical to our way of life. Second, the city’s engagement in regional partnerships to preserve our place in the valley will be critical to our survival. Together, I am confident we will continue to find ways to succeed in both arenas. Ancient civilizations rose and fell on the health of their cities. Some might say, “as goes the city- so goes the nation.” I say, the more cities there are like Sumner, the better our country will be.

Matt Richardson mrichardson@ci.sumner.wa.us Council Action March-April Adopted Ordinance No. 2250, amending nuisance regulations to address graffiti Authorized expenditure of up to $2000 for Community Garden Project from the Neighborhood Matching Grant Program Authorized Mayor to execute sewer service agreement with Forest Canyon Estates, LLC Approved professional services agreement with Parametrix for design of Tacoma Avenue Sewage Pump Station Appointed Community Development Committee to Pierce County Joint Determining Authority Adopted Ordinance 2251, increasing monthly utility tax exemption to $1500 per month Adopted Resolution 1236, authorizing Mayor to execute interlocal agreement with Pierce Conservation District Adopted Ordinance 2252 establishing a biennial budget

Thank you to all the volunteers and supporters who made Sumner’s 2008 community float another fun and award-winning success!

Confirm Mayoral reappointments of Barbara Bitetto, Lana Hoover, Mary Dearing and Melinda McColley to the Arts Commission; Gene McCaul and Dennis Tompkins to the Urban Forestry Commission; Paul Surek to the Parks Board; confirm Doug Henken and Jeanne Walter to the Design Commission


To provide needed and valued services that promote our sense of community.


Sumner will set the standard of excellence for a progressive small city.


We are collaborative & professional. We are innovative & visionary. We are responsive & accountable. We serve with respect & integrity.


Sumner Community Connection

May 2008

Honoring a Loved One in Sumner

Matt Eller joins Sumner PD. May 11-17 is Police Week, so be sure to thank a police officer!

If you’re looking for a unique gift, perhaps for a mother, father or graduate, you can purchase brick pavers at Heritage Park. For $35 per brick, you get up to 3 lines of 20 characters to be included in the circle of memory bricks behind the park’s gazebo. Now is the time to reserve space so that they can be installed in good weather (which we assume will come eventually)! If you would like a larger option, Rainier View Park still has items that can be named. For details, contact Sally Abrams at sallya@ci.sumner. wa.us or 253-299-5520.

Using Water Wisely--Tips Save Drops and Dollars As weather warms up, water use goes up. Sumner has a good supply of water, but we still want to use it well.

Treasure in Our Backyard: Siebenthaler Park

We should have seen the last of snow Saves up to 150 gallons/month by now--finally. And, as the weather heats up, evenings become great times Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet. Saves up to 300 gallons/month for a basketball game, kicking around the soccer ball, or having a picnic Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Saves up to 25 gallons/month dinner. Use a hose nozzle while you wash your car. Saves up to 100 gallons each time For residents on the north side of town, Siebenthaler Park is a great opTurn off the water while you shave. Saves up to 300 gallons/month tion, especially since it often gets less Plus, you can use than the • Place ice cubes under the moss or dirt in hanging baskets, planters and pots SIEBENTHALER other parks. to give your plants a cool drink of water and help eliminate water overflow. At: Bonney Ave. & 16th St. Originally • Keep a bucket in the shower to catch water as it warms up and use this water Key Amenities: named for a to flush toilets or water plants. Basketball Boy Scout Soccer • Only water your lawn when needed. You can tell this by simply walking leader, Picnic area across your lawn. If you leave footprints, it’s time to water. And, when it SiebenthaKids play area needs water, you can wash your pets or your car on the lawn to water and ler is not a clean at the same time! new park in Sumner. It opened in 1945 to serve And remember, if you need to shut off your the community and has been a great water at the main, be sure to call Public Works option for fun times outside ever since. at 253-299-5740 to make an appointment to do it for you. No matter how low flow a system you’re Next time you get a little spring fever, installing, it doesn’t save water to accidentally break stop by Siebenthaler for a great the main or your line and cause a “gusher”! escape outdoors. Tips from www.wateruseitwisely.com. Check out more tips online. Shorten your shower by a minute or two.

May 2008

Sumner Shines in Media Recently, our community appeared in newspapers, magazines and even on TV. And, it’s all very flattering. In April, John Curley hosted an episode of KING 5’s Evening Magazine here. He kept commenting on how friendly Sumner is, perhaps even the friendliest town in the Northwest!

Dorothy Wilhelm filmed her My Home Town in Sumner. The half-hour show features Rainier View Park, rhubarb pies and building the float. Details and air times are available at www.itsnevertoolate.com, and the show is on Comcast channel 76. In the spring edition of South Sound magazine (pictured), author Georgie Nickell calls Sumner “the best definition of a ‘small town’ that the Northwest has to offer.” She tells readers that “With award-winning schools, safe neighborhoods, beautiful parks and a pedestrian-friendly downtown core, Sumner may have it all--that and one amazing piece of rhubarb pie.” And on April 23, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer took a Short Trips article to Sumner. Wrote Reporter Cecelia Goodnow, “With its low-key Main Street and neat, sleepy neighborhoods, this tidy little town is sometimes likened to a modern-day Mayberry.” So, be sure to keep smiling because Sumner is getting its close-up!

Sumner Community Connection


A Deputy, a Detective, an Officer, and a Pair of Bills There are a few changing faces in City Hall. In June, Public Works Director Bill Shoemaker will retire, capping off a long career in construction and public works. Or, as Bill says in his understated way, “One day I walked in here; one day I’ll walk back out.” During his time in Sumner, Bill oversaw the building of the 24th Street Interchange and the new Wastewater Treatment Plant plus the improvements to State Street, both Valley Avenues, Traffic Avenue and Zehnder. Not to be confusing, Bill Pugh will fill Bill Shoemaker’s shoes as Public Works Director. Pugh served the City of Tacoma’s Public Works Department for 34 years. Most recently, as Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director, he managed the largest department in Tacoma’s general government with 900 employees and a biennial budget of approximately $900 million.

later served as Shift Commander, Acting Sergeant, Detective and K-9 Officer, his favorite duty with faithful partner Sam. At the same time, the police Bill Shoemaker are welcoming new Officer Matt Eller, who recently served in Orting, and a new deputy chief, Brad Moericke. Many Sumner citizens may recognize Moericke, who began his law enforcement career in Sumner. Since then, he has attended law school and most recently served in the Pierce County Prosecutor’s Office. So, Moericke will bring to Sumner both law and order!

Over in Police, Detective Dennis Dorr is also retiring to enjoy more time outdoors with So, if you see a new his family. Dorr spent 22 years face in City Hall, of his 30-year law enforcement Dennis Dorr with Sam be sure to say hello career in Sumner. He began in 1986 and find out more about Matt, Brad under Chief Hyland and Mayor Lewis and Bill. Noel, starting as a Patrol Officer and

erica...we stopped in Sumner I recently had a wonderful holiday in Am come from the local people we for a break, and we had a lovely warm wel they liked an English met.... they all wanted to talk to us, I think we had to move on. We won’t accent. My wife wanted to stay longer, but ially the police officer we met, forget how friendly ever yone was to us, espec talk to us, and he made us feel although he was on duty, he made time to so welcome. land -Mr. Danny Schuurman, Ipswich, Suffolk, Eng


Sumner Community Connection

Beads Mean Life

May 2008

Sumner Company Shares Innovative Design

As part of the Pierce



County READS program this spring, the Sumner Arts Commission hosted BeadforLife in Sumner. The Commission sold

beaded necklaces, earrings and bracelets made out of recycled paper by women in Uganda. The money goes back to the beaders to help provide housing, food and medicine for them and their families.

McGranahan Architects

In April, Investco Financial Corporation announced the plans for their three-story mixed-use building in Sumner. Located on East Main and Graham streets, the project’s two buildings will house Investco’s offices as well as retail space. With restaurant, retail and office spaces, the project will continue the East Main Street plan and complement buildings already in place up against the street. And, Investco’s tradition of innovative projects continues with this design’s enclosed skywalk, open plaza with outdoor seating, and roof garden with meeting areas.

“This project is the culmination of years of planning and will be a terrific new addition to the Sumner business district. Serving as the new headquarters for Investco, it will allow us to grow our company and continue to maintain our presence in the city we have called home for over 25 years,” said Michael Corliss, CEO for Investco. Designed by McGranahan Architects, the two buildings of the project are expected to be completed in 2009. Now, they will begin to go through the City design and permit process.

For example, Aduna Alice is a widow with two boys. All of them were slowly starving. Alice learned to roll beads, and when she made her first sale, she fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. “Is this money really mine? All of it?” She had earned $18, the largest amount of money she had ever made in her lifetime. Sumner’s program was a great success with shoppers lined up before the opening time. At the end of the day, Sumner had raised $2800 to send back to Uganda. For more information, including an online store, go to www.beadforlife.org.

ASK DR. SUMNER: What is a Kiss and Ride? Don’t get too excited. This isn’t a dating service. It is, however, a good alternative to transit parking. You may notice that on northbound Traffic Avenue, there’s a nice turn-in area for cars. This is a Kiss and Ride. Much more common on the East Coast, the idea is that commuters get dropped off at the station (and picked up) to ride the train. So, as gas prices rise and more people ride the trains, you may want to see if there’s someone who can drop you off at the station. The kiss is optional. Sound Transit continues to work on other long-term parking solutions. In fact, Sound Transit will be in Sumner

on Wedensday, June 3. They’re hosting an open house to get your comments on the Sound Transit 2 plan. They will also have information on the proposed 2008 revisions to the plan. But in the meantime, think about switching from the great parking space hunt to the kiss and ride! You can e-mail Dr. Sumner at DrSumner@ci.sumner.wa.us.

Sound Transit Open House June 3, 5:30-8:30 pm Daffodil Valley Elementary School What would you like the future of bus, train and light rail service to look like? Hear about the plans, and give Sound Transit your feedback!

May 2008

Sum-more News

Sumner Community Connection

City Hall Calendar May 5 ...... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 8 ...... Forestry Commission, 4 pm ......... Design Commission, 6:30 pm 12..... City Council Study Session, 6 pm 13..... Parks Commission, 6 pm 19..... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 26..... City Hall Closed, Memorial Day 27..... City Council Study Session, 6 pm 29..... Arts Commission, 6 pm 31..... Mayor’s Town Hall Meeting, 9 am

Chat with Mayor Enslow Got something on your mind? Join Mayor Enslow on Saturday, May 31, at 9 am in City Hall for an informal town-hall style meeting. He will discuss the proposed historic preservation ordinance in case anyone has questions, but there will also be time to discuss anything else about the City that you may be wondering! Comm Center Transitions Sumner is now providing 911 dispatch service for Sumner police only. After a successful partnership, the City of Bonney Lake chose to transition to the 800 megahertz technology available soon in Puyallup. While we don’t know the long-term future of dispatch service in our region, for now, we will continue serving our own residents well. So, next time you hear “What’s your emergency,” the dispatcher is with you in Sumner.


June 2 ...... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 5 ...... Planning Commission, 7 pm 9 ...... City Council Study Session, 6 pm 10..... Parks Commission, 6 pm 12..... Forestry Commission, 4:30 pm ......... Design Commission, 6:30 pm 16..... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 23..... City Council Study Session, 6 pm 26..... Arts Commission, 6 pm

Community Events

Memorial Day Remembers Veterans Celebrate Memorial Day at the Sumner Cemetery May 26 at 10 am The VFW will be placing flags on the veterans’ graves on Thursday, May 22, 4 pm. The veterans with military headstones/markers will receive flags.

From left, Officers Backus, Kaylor, DeGrandis and Watson with Spokane PD officer at a previous torch run. Carrying the Torch Sumner Police are again participating in the Statewide Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. The run will be on May 30. Sumner will meet Auburn PD at 8th/Lake Tapps Parkway and run on Stewart Road, 136th Avenue, 24th Street, 142nd Avenue, Fryar Avenue, Traffic Avenue to meet Puyallup PD on East Main at Mama Stortini’s. The total distance is approximately 5 miles.

If you have a loved one in the Sumner Cemetery who does not have a military stone, there will be flags at the cemetery office for family members to pick up and place on a veteran’s grave. The Sumner City Cemetery Office will be open 8 am – 4:30 pm on Saturday, May 24; Sunday, May 25 and Monday, May 26.


Sumner Community Connection

May 2008

Safety Sally Says, Work Together Remember to 1. Think about how you will respond to emergencies. 2. Prepare at home. 3. Prepare for while you’re away from home. In steps 2 & 3, think about your neighborhood. If you’re not home, does a neighbor know how to shut off your gas? If you are home, do you know which of your neighbors may need assistance? Talk to your neighbors about forming a Pierce County Neighborhood Emergency Team. This is training you can do to figure out how to work together as a neighborhood in an emergency. For more information, go to http:// co.pierce.wa.us/pc/abtus/ourorg/dem/ pcnet.htm or call 253-798-6595.

It will soon be time to add chip and fog seal to protect our city roads. Check the map for the streets that will be done this summer.

Sumner City Council

Steve Allsop

Curt Brown

Leroy Goff

Ed Hannus

Cindi Hochstatter

Randy Hynek

Matt Richardson


City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street Sumner, WA 98390


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