Community Connection
Tim Pierson Photography
Issue 56 City of Sumner Newsletter September 2008
Revenues Not as Bountiful in This Budget
When it comes to the economy, the news has not been good lately. Gas prices, layoffs, decreased revenue, foreclosures, low sales...the stories seem endless. At the same time, your city is building its budget for 2009-2010. Like every other city, household and company, Sumner is going to experience some belt-tightening. The good news (yes, there is some!) is that with the fire annexation that passed in spring, the budget isn’t as tight as it would have been without the annexation. So, here we are now, facing all those other factors. The most troublesome ones are that sales tax revenue is down while cost of living is up, creating a gap in the budget that can’t remain.
The Council has a selection of tools to balance the budget: reduce services, raise fees and taxes, find efficiencies, and bring in more revenue. The last two options are the best and are underway already. Some recent examples of efficiencies include • Beginning online utility bill payment to reduce paper bills, • Joining the State’s Master License Service for processing business licenses, • Selling surplus tech equipment, recouping some revenue and • Exchanging water meters for new, more efficient touch read meters. Some recent examples of bringing in more revenue, or “growing the pie,” include • Working with new Honda dealership coming to Sumner, • Developing recruitment package, • Attending international retail convention to connect with developers for 24th Street interchange,
• •
Working with new hotels coming to interchange and Continuing promotions development with Sumner Downtown Association, Sound Transit, and other regional organizations.
While these all make a great impact on the budget, the challenge may be enough that the Council will need to use one or both of the first two tools: reduce service and/or raise fees. The question is, what do you want? Are you willing to pay more to make up the difference, or do you prefer to see services reduced or cut? Or, are you looking for a balance in between? The answers won’t be easy. The Council began deliberating already so that there would be plenty of time to discuss and explore options. Share your comments with the mayor and councilmembers. Phone numbers are on page 2 and e-mail addresses are online at
INSIDE: Meet Judge Jenkins • Discover Free Entertainment Options • Rediscover Loyalty Park
Sumner Community Connection
Mayor’s Message You may have watched the coverage of our Fire Chief Dan Packer’s services and wondered just who was this man. A seven-mile procession? A ceremony packed with people and full of tradition? If you never met Dan, you may get the wrong impression that he spoke in complicated orations and filled his life with
September 2008
City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street Sumner, WA 98390 253-863-8300 253-863-2850 FAX MAYOR Dave Enslow
pomp. In fact, it was just the opposite.
You saw so much outpouring of honor at Dan’s death because he’d never let us do it in life. Dan had that combination of action, knowledge and vision that makes the best leader. Plus, he also had humor and a cowboy’s style of frank common sense that made you just like the guy.
299-5793 299-5796 299-5795 299-5792 299-5791 299-5797 299-5794
At his service, the program listed a poem by George Bernard Shaw that read: “I am of the opinion that my life/Belongs to the whole community/And as long as I live,/It is my privilege to do for it/Whatever I can.” And underneath that, his family added one of Dan’s common phrases: “Well, that’s just plum ducky!” Those two quotes describe him perfectly. What worries me most is that so many of you won’t realize just how much he did for each of you. We had a nice fire department before he came along, but we were quickly being outpaced in equipment and training. He helped bring us together so that you and I could have the best fire and medical service possible without costing an arm and a leg. Ironically, it was his dedication to service that cost him much more. So, please take a moment now that all the ceremony has subsided to say a quiet thank you to Chief Dan Packer. And, while you’re at it, you may let him know that we think his service to our community was “just plum ducky.” Mayor Enslow with Dr. Duffy and Chief Dan Packer, enjoying the crowd at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Steve Allsop Curt Brown Cindi Hochstatter Randy Hynek Ed Hannus Leroy Goff Matt Richardson John Doan City Administrator
Diane Supler Deputy City Administrator
Carmen Palmer Communications Director
Brett Vinson City Attorney
Terri Berry City Clerk
Paul Rogerson Community Development Director 299-5521 Beth Anne Wroe Financial Operations Director
John Galle Police Chief
Bill Pugh Public Works Director
Lee Anderson Parks and Facilities Manager
CITY OFFICES Administration/Finance Cemetery Fire (non-emergency) Golf Course Inspection Line Parks and Recreation Permit Center Police (non-emergency) Senior Center
863-8300 FAX 863-2850 299-5510 863-1800 863-8198 299-5530 891-6500 299-5523 863-6384 863-2910
MUNICIPAL COURT Judge Timothy A. Jenkins Court Offices
Cathy Pashon, Court Administrator
EAST PIERCE FIRE & RESCUE Main Number 863-1800 John McDonald, Interim Fire Chief 863-5451
September 2008
Sumner Community Connection
Sumner Community and National Firm Team Up for Bench Memorial The memorial bench and broom are coming! After Tim Hyland, a.k.a. “Sumner’s Sweeper,” passed away earlier this year, many people wanted a way to honor him. An idea was formed to put a bench with a piece of broom artwork downtown so that you could sit for a moment to enjoy the people and events of Sumner that Tim so loved. Throughout the months, individuals and groups raised nearly $3500 for the bench and broom. Although an amazing amount of money, it wasn’t quite enough to do the project as envisioned. (It turns out, materials are very expensive!) Then, this month, two companies stepped in to help: Owen Equipment and Elgin Sweeper Company pledged to give $1000 each to the project. Elgin Sweeper Company has been cleaning roadways since 1914. It all began at the turn of the century with inventor John Murphy of Elgin, Illinois. Owen Equipment is Washington state’s authorized Elgin dealer with headquarters in Portland, Oregon, and a local office in Kent. Tim was very proud of his role driving the sweeper and often bragged that he was on “his fourth” sweeper. When they heard of Tim’s story, both Elgin and Owen Equipment promised to complete the project. The final project will be a wonderful tribute to Tim, but perhaps the best part is that it was built both by the local friends and family he treasured and the company who made the machinery he valued.
City Council Action May - July 2008 Approved Latecomers Agreement with Mustard Seed Management, LLC for improvements to 136th Avenue
Adopted Resolution 1239, authorizing applications for three National Recreation Trails Program grants
Accepted street striping project
Authorized mayor to enter consultant services agreement with AHBL for Manufacturing Industrial Center Study
Awarded contract for trail repairs to Ford Excavating Authorized Mayor to execute professional services agreement with Gray & Osborne for Treatment Plant NPDES permit studies Adopted Ordinance 2253 amending subdivision and zoning codes Adopted Resolution 1237, setting comprehensive budget and financial policies Adopted Resolution 1238, authorizing the surplus of equipment Adopted Ordinance 2254, adopting findings of fact and renewing Cottage Housing Interim Development Regulations Adopted Ordinance 2256, amending Code of Ethics—Conflict of Interest Policy Passed motion to direct staff to prepare documents for City to transfer title of Vadis site to Vadis for no cost Adopted Ordinance 2257, amending animal control fees Awarded contract for chip seal and fog coat to Doolittle Construction, LLC
Authorized mayor to sign turnback agreement with WSDOT for 24th Street Adopted Ordinance No. 2259, amending the 2008 Compensation Schedule Adopted Ordinance No. 2258, refinancing the City’s existing Limited Tax General Obligations debt Adopted Resolution No. 1240, approving Sumner Master Trail Plan update Approved interlocal agreement with City of Pacific for Manufacturing/Industrial Centers Study Authorized mayor to execute a professional services agreement with Robinson, Noble, Saltbush, Inc. for hydrogeologic services
Adopted Ordinance 2261, changing SMC Chapter 15 relating to code enforcement Awarded contract for Shops well drilling to Charon Drilling, Inc. Awarded contract for golf course pond drainage to U.S. Aqua Vac, Inc. Awarded contract to build sidewalks within CDBG grant to Don Olson Construction Company Awarded contract for Wastewater Treatment Plant flows and load projections to Parametrix, Inc. Adopted Ordinance 2262, amending the 2008 Compensation Schedule Confirmed mayor’s appointment to commissions: Kathy Hyden to Planning Commission, Judy Caviezel and Charlie Nordeck to Arts Commission, Bob Moltke and Margo Steward to Forestry Commission Awarded 2008 Street Striping to Stripe Rite, Inc.
Approved fireworks stand permit applications
Accepted Valley Avenue Phase III improvements
Approved Resolution 1241, surplussing of house
Adopted Resolution 1242, approving 2009-2014 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan
Adopted Ordinance 2260, authorizing refinancing of water and sewer revenue bonds
Adopted Ordinance No. 2265, amending truck routes
Sumner Community Connection
September 2008
Don’t Let Water Problems Haunt Your House There are a number of things you can do to keep your water and sewer lines working well and avoid costly repairs.
Avoid a break! If you need to shut your water off at the meter, have us do it at no charge so that you don’t accidentally damage the line. (It happens.) Call us at 253-299-5740, Mon-Fri, 8 am-4:30 pm.
Please be aware of what you dispose of in the sewer. Items that do not break down in water quickly cause back-ups, interruptions and costly repairs. Do not flush cleaning wipes, paper towels, handy wipes, diapers, towelettes or baby wipes down the drain. If you have slow draining sewers or back-ups, please call us first. There may be something we can do to get your system working again. Call 253-299-5740. Even if it’s after business hours, the voicemail will tell you what to do to contact us in an emergency.
Out In
The IRS Is Trying to Give Money?? Most citizens received their economic stimulus check from the Federal government already but in a letter to the City of Sumner, the Department of Treasury estimates that 263 payments have not been claimed in Sumner alone. How could this happen? A lot of retirees and disabled veterans on Social Security or Veterans Affairs benefits don’t have to file a tax return. Since the IRS uses the tax return to send out the stimulus checks, these individuals fell through the cracks and did not receive checks even though they qualify. (by receiving $3000 or more in benefits or earned income). If you did not receive a check but think you qualify, go online to or call 1-800-829-0582 x377 for more information on collecting your payment check. The deadline is October 15.
A Walk on the Wild Side While Sumner’s streets and lawns don’t exactly look like they’re home to wildlife, we do get visits from animals that are not pets but could endanger your pets’ safety. We all know cats will chase birds, so remember that if your cat is outside, it may chase after a winged friend (or foe), even into the street, causing a danger to both your pet and drivers. Also, we have had raccoons sighted in the downtown residential area this past summer. Remember that leaving food out for domestic animals also attracts these cunning creatures, causing unwanted visits not only to your yard, but also to your neighbors’ yards.
Get Your Passport Early and Avoid the Rush! By January 1, 2009, the U.S. government will require all citizens to have a passport to reenter the U.S. by land or sea. This means that even if you drive to Canada or Mexico, you’ll need a passport. If you need to apply, avoid the endof-year rush and do it now! Sumner’s Municipal Court processes applications Mon-Tues, Thurs-Fri 9 AM - Noon, 1-3 PM. (No applications are processed on Wednesday since Court is in session that day.) They will even process your application on Saturday if you make an appointment in advance. Call 299-5625 for passport details. More information is online at www.
September 2008
Sumner Community Connection
There’s a New Judge in Town: Meet Judge Jenkins On August 18, 2008, the City Council confirmed Mayor Enslow’s appointment of Timothy A. Jenkins as the City’s new Municipal Court judge for the remainder of the four-year term, expiring at the end of 2009. Sumner’s court deals with misdemeanors, traffic infractions, domestic violence charges, and parking violations. Sumner previously shared Judge Stephen Shelton’s time with the City of Puyallup, but this summer, Puyallup changed to a full-time court. There were many applicants, and Mayor Enslow selected Jenkins for his
wide range of experience that includes private practice and public service, defense and prosecution as well as judicial experience. Plus, he is already a familiar face in Sumner, most recently as a public defender in Puyallup and Sumner while operating his own private practice. Throughout his career, Jenkins has served as city prosecutor in Federal Way and Auburn. And, his judicial experience includes serving as the pro tem judge in several cities such as Renton, Kent, Des Moines and SeaTac as well as for the King County District Court: South Division. He is also a
hearing examiner for the cities of Kent and Federal Way for drug forfeiture proceedings. Jenkins has a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Puget Sound, where he was president of the Student Bar Association. He also earned a Master of Education and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Montana State University.
Treasure in Our Backyard: Loyalty Park Sumner’s oldest park is a popular was organized, activity plans were place for picnics, featuring the most made and the park became a reality. and largest trees of all the Sumner parks. But, how much do Today, Loyalty Park is still LOYALTY you know about the park’s one of the best-used parks At: Park St. & Sumner Ave. origins and history? in Sumner. You’ll find Key Amenities: families hosting birthday Basketball The land for Loyalty Park parties, kids meeting to Playground play on the equipment and was once planted with hops Picnic tables & grills spontaneous volleyball and as part of the 160 acres Horseshoe pits basketball games. farmed by L. F. Thompson. The park was donated to the City By continuing to use and treasure Loyshortly after the disaster of the hops alty Park, you’re building on the gifts industry, the aphid disease of 1892given by Thompson and the Women’s 1893. The park was covered with Civic Club a hundred years ago and brush and weeds along with many maple trees until 1914-1915, when the making sure Loyalty remains our city’s “backyard” for another hundred City installed sewers and paved the years! main streets around the park. In 1914 the Women’s Civic Club of Sumner
Judge Stephen Shelton (left) swears in Sumner’s new Judge Jenkins.
To provide needed and valued services that promote our sense of community.
Sumner will set the standard of excellence for a progressive small city.
We are collaborative & professional. We are innovative & visionary. We are responsive & accountable. We serve with respect & integrity.
Sumner Community Connection
September 2008
Local Businesses Get National Attention
Free Entertainment Options a Great Way to Cut Household Expenses Where can you get free DVDs like Nim’s Island, 21 and Fool’s Gold? Or entire seasons of your favorite shows like 24, The Closer, and Project Runway? How about free paperbacks from the New York Times Best Seller List such as Acheron, The Bourne Sanction, The Obama Nation and The Post-American World? Want to watch your favorite movies, maybe As Good As It Gets, on demand? Or get free online homework help until midnight? Pick up a free mp3 player with an audio book already programmed in for your next workout? Give up? It’s all at your Sumner Pierce County Library! It’s easy to get a card anytime, especially during October’s drive. And, if you have let your card expire due to past fines, try again. The library is ready to start over fresh with you! All you have to do is give them a try...
Two local businesses recently received national attention and honor for their work. In May, the magazine Home Furnishings Business featured Sumner’s own Old Cannery Furniture Warehouse. Author Jo Fleischer called the Cannery “without a doubt, the sweetest-smelling furniture store in the world.” And, just one month later, Pacific Crest Industries’ founder and CEO, Steve Bell, was named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year® in manufacturing for the Pacific Northwest.
The award honors entrepreneurs who have demonstrated exceptionality in such areas as innovation, financial performance and personal commitment to their businesses and communities. It also makes Bell eligible for the national award. We all know we have great businesses in Sumner, but it’s nice to see that they really are leaders in their industries as well. Congratulations to both the Cannery and Pacific Crest for jobs well done. We’re proud to have you in Sumner!
ASK DR. SUMNER: Did the City get a new logo? We’ll keep using the City’s daffodil/mountain logo to identify the city government, but we did add a new community graphic (below) that all of us can use!
because both our businesses and our City revenue streams rely on the sales tax base to keep the city vibrant. We want people outside the city to remember that there’s a lot of reasons to visit Sumner and invite them to “Come on in” to spend some time, and money, here.
Many progressive communities have adopted these graphics that everyone-government, events, businesses, etc.--can use in ads and flyers so that you quickly spot all that’s taking place here. Plus, it helps people outside our city remember to come visit Sumner because they keep seeing different businesses and events use the same graphic, much the same way that you know you can go to South Hill Mall and shop at both Target and Sears.
So, if you’re designing a flyer or ad and want to use the community logo, please do! Oh, and a big thank you to Kim Emerson, the local artist behind these fun new graphics.
This second reason is especially important during challenging economic conditions
If you want to include the Sumner logo on your flyer or ad, go to http://www. Toolbox.htm. You can e-mail Dr. Sumner at
September 2008
Sumner Community Connection
City Hall Calendar
Daffodils and Halloween?
Now, there’s an odd but fun combination! The Daffodil Festival is holding a Halloween Costume Party on Saturday, October 25, 6-11 pm at Tacoma’s Fabulous Fifties Hall. You’ll enjoy dinner, dancing, costume prizes and a goody bag all for $50 per ticket. And the best part is that you’ll be supporting this treasured celebration as it enters its 76th year. Go to www. for ticket information.
MORE Daffodils?
Everyone needs more daffodils come spring, and that means planting them now. Be sure to get your daffodil bulbs for $5 a bag to support Sumner’s float. Bulbs are available at Sumner’s banks and at Autumn Evening.
Come Walk With Me
You can do more walking than ever at this year’s Come Walk With Me event on October 12. This year will feature a 5K walk and 10K run, all to benefit the fight against cancer. And, best of all, this will welcome back those famous MIPs (Men in Pink)! More information at
September 8 ...... City Council Study Session, 6 pm 9 ...... Parks Commission, 6 pm 11..... Forestry Commission, 4 pm 11..... Design Commission, 6:30 pm 15..... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 22..... City Council Study Session, 6 pm 25..... Arts Commission, 6 pm October 2 ...... Planning Commission, 7 pm 6 ...... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 9 ...... Forestry Commission, 4 pm 9 ...... Design Commission, 6:30 pm 13..... City Council Study Session, 6 pm 14..... Parks Commission 20..... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 23..... Arts Commission, 6 pm 27..... City Council Study Session, 6 pm
Community Events September 17..... Sumner Social Circle, 7-9 pm, Ryan House 24..... Senior Center trip to Pike Place Market, $12, October 1 ...... Sumner Social Circle, 7-9 pm, Ryan House 4 ...... Scarecrow Celebration Contest, 10 am - 5 pm, Downtown Sumner, free 4 ... Autumn Evening, 5-8 pm, enjoy live music, harvest fare and night-time shopping, 12..... Come Walk With Me, 9 am -1 pm, 15..... Sumner Social Circle, 7-9 pm, Ryan House 22..... Senior Center trip to Little Creek Casino, $8, 25..... Daffodil Festival’s Halloween Costume Party, 6-11 pm, $50 per ticket, 31..... Halloween Street of Treats, 5-7 pm, Downtown Sumner,
The Sumner Historical Society invites you to come relax in “Sumner’s Livingroom” at the Ryan House every first and third Wednesday, 7-9 pm, from September through April. There’s no dues or commitment: just come once or every time to socialize, have a cup of tea, dessert, see old friends and make new ones. If you do needlework, craft, sew or scrapbook, bring your portable project with you!
Tim Pierson Photography
Or Just Hang Out for Fun
Sumner Community Connection
September 2008
Noise Ordinance Quietly Establishes Guidelines
Did you know that nationally, 85% of lost dogs and 98% of lost cats never find their way home?
Sumner now has its first noise ordinance. Although new to this city, similar guidelines are very common in surrounding, more populated cities such as Bellevue.
Don’t let your pets be one of them: make sure your pet licenses are current!
The purpose of the ordinance is not to turn Sumner into the cone of silence (in fact, sanctioned public events are exempt) but rather to provide some mechanism to deal with conflicts between uses over noise. Conflicts often arise over use of motorized equipment or loud parties or car stereos, often late at night. If someone complains, the city now has guidelines to establish what is reasonable or not.
A current license is not only required by law, but it’s also a small investment in your pets’ safety. Get license applications at or at Sumner City Hall.
So, please continue to laugh heartily, greet neighbors and mow your lawn. Just remember, especially at night, to think about the noise you’re generating for your neighbors.
License questions: 253-299-PETS Lost pets: 253-841-5595 Serving the cities of Puyallup, Bonney Lake, Edgewood and Sumner.
Sumner City Council
Steve Allsop
Curt Brown
Leroy Goff
Ed Hannus
Cindi Hochstatter
Randy Hynek
Matt Richardson
City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street Sumner, WA 98390
Postal Customer