Community Connection
Issue 64 City of Sumner Newsletter Autumn 2010
Council, Citizens Face Tough Budget for 2011-2012 Unfortunately, this rainbow didn’t also come with a pot of gold for the City budget.
The 2011-2012 budget is heading toward adoption in November, but as you might have guessed, it’s full of tough choices. Revenue has not picked back up yet. In fact, it’s lower than the most conservative projections. When less is coming in, less can be spent. The good news is that Sumner has been finding savings since 2007, so the gap between revenues and expenses is not as large as other cities are facing. The bad news is that Sumner has been finding savings since 2007, so the City is down to the fundamentals and still needs to reduce expenses. Mayor Enslow and then
the City Council will need to go back to the following four tools in their “budget toolbox” to make the ends meet. Tool 1: Bring in More Revenue In this budget, roughly half of the General Fund will come from sales tax revenue. The General Fund pays for things like parks, police, planning, etc. It’s great that businesses like Honda opened. Even still, revenue continues to decrease as people save rather than spend. This summer, a market study reported that Pierce County residents give an estimated $46 million in taxable retail sales to King County
each year. The City is exploring long-term ways to capture some of that revenue at home, like the proposed Orton Junction. Revenue is not just about the General Fund, though. The City has many funds that are like individual businesses. For example, animal licenses pay for animal control service. If people fail to license their pets, there is no money to feed and shelter stray cats and dogs waiting for homes. Tool 2: Find Efficiencies The City has been finding savings for three years already (see related story, right). Some of those efficiencies, such as reducing janitorial service, can continue with no impact to you. Others, however, were borrowing time. For example, the 09-10 budget delayed buying new police cars. Tool 3: Reduce Services The last budget eliminated one senior-level position and installed a hiring freeze. Due to people naturally leaving the City with no replacement, the City is now down 10% of its workforce. That’s a lot less people handling the same demands. To adjust, the City mows lawns less often, has reduced hanging baskets to decrease watering time, and is paying for two police officers with grants rather than from your taxes. But what about the remaining City services? With the City now down to the basics, you would notice
Saving the City Money Part of the challenge of finding savings is that the City has been saving since 2007. There are fewer and fewer places left to reduce. Since the City tried to find savings where you’d notice them the least, you’re likely unaware of how much has changed. Here are just a few examples. (Dollar values are for the 2009-2010 budget.)
$8,800 saved by reformatting the newsletter $9,000 saved by reducing newsletter to 4 issues per year $17,850 saved by reducing janitorial service $8,000 saved by reducing hanging baskets Over $400,000 saved in salaries and benefits by holding positions vacant $1,200 saved by reducing number of code books Over $20,000 saved in 4 months by using electric home monitoring in certain instances instead of incarceration Over $55,000 saved by using grants to buy police equipment such as bullet-proof vests, radars, portable breath test instruments, diagramming software, a digital fingerprinting system and replacement undercover vehicle $8,500 saved by charging persons convicted of DUI to reimburse the city for their emergency response Read about more savings in the preliminary City budget, which will go online at in October.
Fall Clean Up on November 1-5 As your leaves take their leave, remember to use your blue recycle bins. With Fall Clean Up, DM Disposal will take up to three additional containers of yard waste plus extra garbage and an appliance--all for free! That’s much better than blowing leaves into the street to clog up the street sweeper.
continued on page 2
When Can Sumner Sing “Happy Trails”?
2010 Grants Completed Trail Future Trail
It’s one of the first things all Sumner citizens ask for: completed trails. Whether students at the middle school or residents attending Sumner University or even new businesses moving in, people always ask when Sumner’s trails will be complete. While the answer isn’t clear yet, Sumner continues to get closer and does not give up searching for funding. Last fall, the City applied for a Federal grant to finish the system. The competition was fierce with over 1400 applicants. Two projects were funded in Washington State, both road projects, in Seattle and Spokane. Undaunted, the City is now competing for funding for two
sections, shown to the left in red, through the State Recreation Office. The City must wait to hear how much money the State legislature allocates, but one of the projects has ranked very high (6th out of 25) and has a good chance of getting funded. Some people have asked if they can help by building the trail. The cost, however, is not in the labor or the actual pavement but in all the design work and right-of-way the City must follow. Just like anyone building anything, there’s a process. Because much of the trail is near the river, there’s also a lot of environmental processes. So, stay tuned, and keep your sneakers handy because
Sumner intends, one way or another, to have finished trails. If you’re curious, you can read Sumner’s Master Trail Plan, which outlines where exactly the trail will go. The plan is available online at Living/Trails.htm. If you want to help, tell us why a completed trail system is important to you. We may use your comments in future grants as we make the case for why others should invest money in Sumner’s trails. Send your trail comments to Carmen Palmer, communications director, at
Autumn 2010
Sumner Community Connection
Mayor Column When George Ryan wanted trains to stop here, he built the depot. When the city needed a cemetery, Isaac Woolery donated the land. Our founders built what is now Sumner with their vision, energy and dedication. There was no “Sumner” before them. What are we building for the future? We inherited not just the town from our founders but the responsibility to make it stronger. They did their part, and now it’s our turn. I believe we do this by expanding the UGA for the Orton Junction project. For years, people of all ages have said, “we love Sumner, but there’s nothing to do after 5 pm.” We once had a movie theater, college and bowling alley but lost them. Let’s fix that. Orton Junction brings a YMCA and the potential for medical facilities, farmers market, shopping and dining into the evening, maybe even a movie theater. It
strenghtens what we have now, not replaces it. I enjoy our downtown and East Main areas, but it was not our founders’ vision that we drive to King County when we need a new suit. Or to Puyallup to squeeze into their overcrowded YMCA. Or to Bonney Lake to see a movie. I don’t worry that Sumner will be replaced: I worry it’ll be swallowed up by our neighbors. Ballard used to be a cute town north of Seattle. We need to stay an independent community. That means building a stronger financial retail base and healthy activities for people of all ages to do. Change is challenging. But I don’t think building a train depot was a picnic for Mr. Ryan either. Working toward
a strong future is the true legacy that we inherited from our founders...and what we’ll leave our grandchildren.
construction and the bustle at other school buildings should be enough for us to be even more careful when navigating around Sumner. Though pedestrians need to be careful, it’s we in vehicles who need to take even more precautions. September causes me to take time to appreciate the leaves on our many trees. Privacy, noise reduction, and shade are all provided by my large maple. Raking and blowing the leaves into piles is an annual activity. Even with my kids being older, the dogs still take advantage of playing in the piles. The leaves are good for compost or they can be removed to a landfill in Bonney
Since its founding, Sumner has a long history of building its own future. This advertisement ran in the Sumner News-Index on March 16, 1950.
1104 Maple Street, Sumner, WA 98390 253-863-8300 253-863-2850 FAX CITY STAFF 299-5790
CITY COUNCIL Steve Allsop Curt Brown Cindi Hochstatter Randy Hynek Ed Hannus Leroy Goff Matt Richardson
299-5793 299-5796 299-5795 299-5792 299-5791 299-5797 299-5794
CITY OFFICES Administration 299-5500 Cemetery 299-5510 Finance/utilities 863-8300 Golf course 863-8198 Inspection line 299-5530 Recreation 891-6500 Permit Center 299-5530 Police (non-emergency) 863-6384 Senior Center 863-2910
MUNICIPAL COURT Timothy A. Jenkins 863-7635 Judge, Court Offices Cathy Pashon, 299-5621 Court Administrator
Lake, South Hill or recycled in our blue yard waste containers. Please don’t rake or blow the leaves into the street. Doing so plugs the storm sewer drains, requires more man hours along with wear and tear of our street sweeper, and plainly causes a mess. The more we can do individually the less the city will have to do to clean up what we could have done. This saves money. Feel free to attend a council meeting and share your thoughts about what’s going on in our city. Enjoy the wonderful fall weather and all that comes with it.
Answering Tough Questions As you’re reading this, are you thinking that it raises more questions than answers? You’re correct! Even some of the numbers could still change: for example, if voters pass the two liquor initiatives, the City loses an estimated $223,000 in revenue for this budget. The Mayor will present his balanced budget to Council in October, and then the Council either accepts or changes the Mayor’s recommendations before passing a balanced budget in November. This process is open to the public with lots of chances to comment. There are tough choices ahead as the budget is down to the bottom line with no room left to make changes that you won’t notice. All of your elected officials and many of your employees are spending countless hours trying to find solutions, so stay tuned and stay educated. Stay informed: check the draft budget and meeting agendas online at
Congrats to Chief Ethan Sumner Middle School student Ethan Delarme (right) served as Sumner’s Chief for the Day in August. Thank you to the businesses who supported Ethan: Bank of America in Sumner, Dillanos Coffee Roasters, Farrelli’s Pizza, Starbucks in Sumner, Unified Grocers, and Walmart in Bonney Lake.
Councilmember Curt Brown
City Council Action June-August 2010
City of Sumner
MAYOR Dave Enslow
any further reductions. If Council relies heavily on this tool, will you be okay with the consequences the next time you need a permit or a water leak repaired? Tool 4: Raise Fees & Taxes This is the hardest option on citizens, especially since other jurisdictions such as the State are increasing other fees and taxes. The Council raised water and sewer rates for 2011, but even that increase was less than what was recommended just to cover costs.
Council Column There are many large items/decisions affecting us: Orton Junction/expansion of our growth area, chemical tank farm, MIC, finishing trails and sidewalks, utility increases, drilling for a new fresh-water well, among others that could be spoken about. But with it being September, a couple smaller yet important things cross my mind. Being a teacher, school opening is one of them. We’re bound to see increased traffic on the sidewalks and streets. Giving kids a “brake” is ever so important. Congestion around Sunset Chev. Stadium for soccer and football games, Sumner Middle School with
Budget continued from page 1
Diane Supler City Administrator
Terri Berry City Clerk
John Galle Police Chief
Carmen Palmer 299-5503 Communications Director Bill Pugh 299-5701 Public Works Director Paul Rogerson 299-5521 Community Development Dir. Brett Vinson City Attorney
Beth Anne Wroe 299-5541 Financial Operations Director EAST PIERCE FIRE & RESCUE Main Number 863-1800 Jerry Thorson Fire Chief
Authorized mayor to enter professional services agreement with Long Bay Ent., Inc. for Comprehensive Plan Update EIS Market Analysis Authorized mayor to amend consultant contract with Parametrix, Inc. for Fryar/Main improvements Approved Resolution 1297 authorizing grant application for water and sewer system improvements Authorized mayor to execute contract with R.W. Scott Construction Co. for Fryar/Main improvements Authorized mayor to amend professional services agreement with ICF International, Inc. for preparing an EIS for 2010 Comprehensive Plan Update Authorized mayor to execute a contract with Apply-A-Line, Inc. for 2010 Street Striping Project Authorized mayor to execute a contract with Parametrix, Inc. for professional services for 30% design of 24th St Setback Levee Approved Resolution 1298 adopting a Green House Emission Policy
Approved Resolution 1299 authorizing applications for Wash. Wildlife and Recreation Program grants Authorized mayor to enter an Interlocal Agreement with City of Algona for animal control services Authorized mayor to enter an Interlocal Agreement with City of Pacific for animal control services
Authorized mayor to execute a contract with Charon Drilling, Inc. for drilling the Central Well Authorized mayor to execute an environmental services contract supplement with Parametrix for the White River Trail project
Adopted Ordinance 2327 updating Traffic Code
Authorized mayor to execute a professional services contract amendment with Robinson Noble for Fleischmann’s Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Authorized mayor to execute a contract with Doolittle Construction for 2010 Chip Seal
Adopted Ordinance 2331 amending SMC 3.44.230 petty cash account
Authorized mayor to execute agreement with Auburn, Bonney Lake,Valley Regional Fire Authority and Pierce County Fire District No. 22 regarding municipal annexation
Adopted Resolution 1303: Petty Cash Threshold
Approved Resolution No. 1302: 2011-2016 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Adopted Ordinance No. 2328: International Fire Code, 2009 Edition with local amendments Adopted Ordinance 2329: 2009 Edition of the International Building, Residential, Plumbing and Mechanical codes
Adopted Findings of Fact in support of Ordinance 2330 Adopted Resolution 1304 expressing support for Pierce County Flood Control District Adopted Ordinance 2332 providing an Interfund Loan Adopted Ordinance 2333 adjusting rates for Water, Sewer and Storm Drainage Utility Adopted Ordinance 2334 renewing Interim Development Regulations
Autumn 2010
Sumner Community Connection
Drop Off Your Old Drugs
Process Underway for Orton Junction quickly get to the parts that primarily interest you. The document is called “Draft” because this is when you can also comment. Is something missing? Do you disagree or agree with the assessments? Send your comments to Ryan Windish, Planning Manager, at ryanw@ or Ryan Windish, City of Sumner, 1104 Maple Street, Suite 250, Sumner WA 98390. Ryan must receive your comments by 5 pm on October 8 to be included for the final report. The Community Center Task Force hears Mike Corliss share his vision for Orton Junction and a Sumner YMCA. Similar presentations are scheduled for Rotary, the Chamber and Downtown Association. If you have questions about Orton Junction or the YMCA, contact Carmen Palmer at
“Above Par”ticipation The City of Sumner Relay for Life team raised $8,500 this year, $1,000 more than last year. Most of that was thanks to all of the individuals and businesses who helped with the Golf for Life tournament. Thank you again for your support! Presenting Sponsors: Denny’s Valley Autobody & DM Disposal Dinner Sponsor: Branks BBQ Toast for Life Sponsor: The Old Cannery Furniture Warehouse Hole Sponsors: Jay Lee’s Honda of Sumner, Parametrix, Dan Roach, Top Foods of Lakeland Hills In-Kind Sponsors: American Hardware Mutual Insurance Co., Derek & Marylee Barry, Bella Balls of Tacoma, Grant Bullo, Cascade Ice, Patty Denny, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, High Cedars, Ted & Erin Hill, The Home Course, JLV Photography, Keller Williams, KPG, Midtown Station, Outdoor Creations, Peterson Brothers, Bill Pugh, Sorci’s Italian Cafe & Enoteca, Specialty Home Design, Starbucks, Jeff Steffens, Sumner Lawn & Saw, Sumner Meadows Golf Links, Tacoma Rainiers, Top Foods Lakeland Hills, Toysmith, U.S. Amateurs at Chambers Bay, Vision Quest Sports and Fitness, Ross Widner
When Do You Call the Police? When you need help moving the living room furniture? No. When you think something is just not right in your neighborhood? Definitely. The number (911) is easy, but knowing when to dial can be hard. Here’s a rule of thumb: if you need to speak with an officer urgently, you should call 911. Many people are afraid that they may be “bothering” the police. The reality is that your eyes and ears help the officers more than any high-tech equipment. Sumner’s eight square miles include over 9000 people living and about 7200 people working here. Officers can’t be everywhere at once, and the odds are slim that they’ll happen to be near you when you need them--unless you call them. This does not mean, however, that you should misuse the system. The citizen who called because her television was not working was not helping anyone out of even a potential emergency. Other than obvious instances like that, don’t be afraid that you’re “bothering” the police if you call. Be ready to provide any details that you can, even if they seem unimportant to you. For non-emergency questions to Sumner Police, call 253-8636384.
Road Work Update
What do you do with leftover prescription medicine? It’s not safe to just stick it in the garbage because someone may dig through and find it. It’s also not safe for the environment to flush it down the toilet. The answer is inside City Hall. A green bin, similar to a postal box, is available right in the first-floor lobby by the Police Department. You don’t have to talk to anyone or fill out anything: simply come inside and drop any left-over medicine in the secure bin. Look for the green bin in the first-floor Police lobby of City Hall to drop off unused medication.
Traffic & Main Work is underway! West Main is off the light signal and is a right-in, right-out only. Evening utility work is also underway as part of the project. Drivers are experiencing delays but the intersection remains open. If you’d like updates by email, sign up at
Stewart Road Stewart Road (or 8th Street) is looking much better. Four lanes of traffic, plus a center turn lane, now extend to the bridge and sidewalks are added on both sides. This joint project with Pierce County should be nearing completion in this fall. Thank you for your continued patience as we improve Sumner’s roads! BEFORE
AFTER: four lanes extend to the bridge with a center turn lane and sidewalks.
Photo: Parametrix
Before people comment on the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments related to the proposed Orton Junction/YMCA, they often ask how it will affect Sumner. What about traffic or water quality? How will it affect existing businesses? The answers are all available for you to view in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Believe it or not, it’s over 1000 pages of answering just such questions! Rather than be alarmed at the size, take a look. It’s available in hard copy to browse at City Hall or at the Sumner Pierce County Library. It’s also available online at www., divided by chapters, so you can
ASK DR. SUMNER: Can I dump left-over grease and oil down the drain? No! Despite what the song says, grease does not have groove, or meaning. If you are frying bacon or sauteing vegetables or even deep-frying food, you may have grease and oil left in your pan or cooker. If you pour it down the drain, it’s going to solidify when it cools down. It may solidify
in your kitchen pipes or in your side sewer pipes or in the City sewer line. The bottom line is it will solidify somewhere, and no where is a good place for it. A blockage in your pipes or the City sewer line will end up costing you money. You may need to hire a plumber to fix your pipes, or you may have sewage blocked and backing up into your home. Even if the blockage happens in the main sewer line, you’re paying the the City crew through your
utility bill to repair something that could have easily been prevented. Save yourself the headache and the disgusting mess. The next time you’re holding the pan, choose an alternative! Let the grease cool down. While it is still a liquid, pour it into a sturdy container such as an empty yogurt cup, water bottle or jelly jar. After it solidifies, dispose of it in the garbage. No more grease means clear sewer pipes. You can ask Dr. Sumner a question at drsumner@ This look at a Sumner manhole shows the disgusting mess grease leaves if poured down the drain. This entire manhole is blocked by a dam of solidified grease. The sewer lines running through the center and up to the top should be connecting to individuals’ sewers but are also completely blocked with grease.
Sumner Community Connection
Autumn 2010
SAFETY SALLY SAYS: Are you ALERT? Have you signed up for Pierce County’s Alert! notification system yet? This system helps you get information quickly during an emergency. In past emergency events, like flooding, the City used a call system to let residents know to evacuate. But the old system could only call traditional, or land-line phones. The new Alert! lets you sign up to 10 devices of your choosing including email, text message, a call on your cell phone and more. This way, if you spend winters in Arizona or work in King County or don’t even own a land-line phone, you can still know when there’s an emergency. Please be aware that if you sign up 10 devices, messages will go to all 10 devices in an emergency. You can also enter up to five addresses in Pierce County, so you’ll know if there are emergencies occuring where you work, live or perhaps where your extended family lives. Sign up at
Visiting Kittens & Puppies for Free!
Lahar Siren Test October 5 at 10 am Once again, this is a “full wail” test of the lahar siren. Pierce County’s Department of Emergency Management, who owns and operates the sirens, is proposing to do “full wail” tests twice a year. In addition, they would like to audibly test the sirens at a consistent time every month by using the “chimes” sound. You’ll be notified the time for the montly testing as soon as it’s set. In the meantime, listen for the “full wail” on October 5. And remember, the sirens are just one tool to alert you in the event of a lahar or any kind of emergency. Signing up for Alert! is another tool.
You don’t have to adopt to stop in to visit the Metro Animal Services shelter. You can also come by to • enjoy visiting the animals • ask a question about how to care best for your pet • license your pet • show your children how animal control cares for pets. Puyallup
South Hill Mall
Top Foods
to Shaw Rd
Open Mon-Fri 10 am - 5 pm and Sat 10 am - 4 pm You can also take a virtual tour of the shelter and browse pets needing Forever Families anytime at Shelter: 253-841-5595
“This City is what it is because our citizens are what they are.” ~Plato
Licenses: 253-299-PETS
(427 - 327 BC)
Sumner City Council INSIDE: Council, Citizens face tough budget for 2011-2012 Trail Update Steve Allsop
Drop Off Your Old Drugs When to Call Police
Curt Brown
Leroy Goff
Ed Hannus
Cindi Hochstatter
Randy Hynek
City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street Sumner, WA 98390
Orton Junction Process Underway
Matt Richardson
Road Work Update IMPROVE YOUR “CONNECTION” Get news between mailed newsletters with the e-newsletter. Sign up on the City’s website at
Postal Customer
City Hall Calendar 19 21 25 26 28
SEPTEMBER 20 City Council Meeting, 7 pm 21 Public Works Committee, 5 pm 23 Arts Commission, 6 pm 27 Council Study Session, 6 pm 28 Finance Committee, 5 pm october 4 City Council Meeting, 7 pm 7 Planning Commission, 7 pm 11 City Council Study Session, 6 pm 12 Parks Commission, 4 pm 13 CD/Parks Committee, 4:30 pm 14 Forestry Commission, 4 pm 14 Design Commission, 6:30 pm 18 City Council Meeting, 7 pm
Community Events
Public Works Committee, 5 pm Public Safety Committee, 4:30 pm City Council Study Session, 6 pm Finance Committee, 5 pm Arts Commission, 6 pm
november 1 City Council Meeting, 7 pm 4 Planning Commission, 7 pm 8 City Council Study Session, 6 pm 9 Parks Commission, 4 pm 10 CD/Parks Committee, 4:30 pm 11 Holiday--City Offices Closed 11 Forestry Commission, 4 pm 11 Design Commission, 6:30 pm 15 City Council Meeting, 7 pm 16 Public Works Committee, 5 pm 18 Public Safety Committee, 4:30 pm 18 Arts Commission, 6 pm 22 City Council Study Session, 6 pm 23 Finance Committee, 5 pm 25-26 Holiday--City Offices Closed
september 25 Washington Small Business Fair, 8 am - 3:30 pm, Renton Technical College 25 Write in the Valley--Chapter 2 authors’ event, 10 am - 2:30 pm, Senior Center 26 Ride Sounder from Sumner to the Seahawks game, 10:37 & 11:02 am OCTOBER 2 Scarecrow Celebration Contest, 10 am-5 pm, Downtown 2 Ride Sounder from Sumner to the Sounders FC game, 10:17 am 2 Autumn Evening, 5-8 pm, Downtown 3 Ride Sounder from Sumner to the Mariners game, 11:17 am 9 Come Walk With Me Cancer Benefit, 8:30 am, Downtown 13 Senior Center Trip to Spiro’s Greek Island Restaurant, 10:30 am 16-24 Pride & Prejudice, Manestage Theatre Co., Performing Arts Center 24 Ride Sounder from Sumner to the Seahawks game, 10:37 & 11:02 am 31 Halloween “Street of Treats” 5-7 pm, Downtown NOVEMBER 1-5 DM Disposal Fall Clean Up--watch mailbox for coupons 7 Ride Sounder from Sumner to the Seahawks game, 10:37 & 11:02 am 13 Hometown Holiday Celebration, 10 am-7 pm, Downtown 26 Bridge Lighting & Fireworks 5 pm, Old Cannery & bridge 27-Dec 12 It’s a Wonderful Life, Manestage Theatre Co., Performing Arts Center 28 Ride Sounder from Sumner to the Seahawks game, 10:37 & 11:02 am
Wreaths in OCTOBER? If you have a loved one at the Sumner City Cemetery, you have the option to purchase a wreath that the cemetery will place for you during the holiday season. You will receive an order form in the mail in October, or you can contact Darlene at 253-299-5510.