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Community Connection
Issue 66
City of Sumner Newsletter
Question of Orton Junction Goes to County in 2011 In November 2010, the City Council passed the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change Sumner’s Urban Growth Area. The process took nearly a year, involved many public meetings, thousands of pages of impact and environmental studies and a lot of discussion about Orton Junction and the YMCA. What exactly happened, and what’s next? What Passed in 2010 The Council amended the City’s Comprehensive Plan, which guides the City’s growth, to decrease Sumner’s Urban Growth Area (UGA) by approximately 100 acres. A lot of people have called this a “UGA expansion,” so it is worth noting that the proposal is to remove more land from East Hill from the current UGA than is added south of SR 410 in the Orton Junction area (see map). The reason for the exchange is that the East Hill is very rural in nature and not readily accessible to City services. To make that the next area for growth for the City would
be a major undertaking. Coming up in 2011 The Orton Junction In January, Sumner area, on the contrary, is officially submitted the near existing services with proposal passed by the City direct access to a freeway Council in November to exit. Property owners there Pierce County. Now, the would like to develop hous- County will take it through ing and business, including its process with a final decitalk of a farmer’s market sion expected in November. and possibly a movie the(See sidebar for calendar.) ater. Land already has been In short, the process the donated for the Sumner City conducted in 2010 now YMCA and the potential for gets repeated on a County a new MultiCare center. level in 2011. Once again, The purpose of urban it’s a process that incorpogrowth management is to rates public hearings and recognize that all cities input from citizens of the will grow and to keep that entire county. growth contained within a limited space to avoid sprawl. By better using land to accommodate the same growth within 100 less acres, Sumner feels this amendment lives up to the very spirit of urban growth planning. For the change to actually happen, though, it must also be approved by Pierce The green shaded area would be added to County. Sumner UGA while the blue shaded area
Shred& Clean
would be removed.
April 30, 2011 Event
10 am - 2 pm Old Red Apple Parking Lot Corner of Maple & Alder, Downtown
Celebrate spring, Earth Day, and the fact that your taxes are done. Get rid of the following items all in one place:
Sensitive documents for immediate shredding Left-over prescriptions to Sumner Police Light bulbs & batteries to McLendon Hardware Old cell phones to YWCA for violence victims
Clothes, household items and electronics to Goodwill
Spring 2011
ORTON JUNCTION IN 2011 April 12 & 19: Sumner University features a session on upcoming development. April 15: Proposals for Comprehensive Plan Amendments go to the County Planning Commission. June-August: Pierce County Planning Commission holds a public hearing about the proposal. The Growth Management Coordinating Committee also reviews Sumner’s proposal. August: Pierce County Planning Commission makes their recommendation to the Pierce County Council. Sept.-Oct.: Pierce County Regional Council reviews the proposal. Pierce County Council’s Community Development Committee holds a public hearing. Sept.-Nov.: Pierce County Council holds a public hearing. November 15: Pierce County Council approves or denies Sumner’s proposal for Orton Junction Throughout the year, details and updates will be available at www. Long_planning_Orton.htm
Summer Road Work Ahead While the Traffic and Main road work is wrapping up this spring, a few more new jobs will be starting. None of these projects will be as large as Traffic & Main, but they could impact residents who are in the adjacent area. Elm Street Sidewalks: Construct approximately 700 lineal feet of sidewalk moving east from the East Valley Highway to match into existing sidewalks. This project will also install drainage features and improve the roadway. East Valley Resurfacing Phase 1: Resurface East Valley Highway from the King County line to Forest Canyon. Parker Road Sidewalks: Fill in gaps of missing sidewalks on Parker Road. This project will also install drainage features and improve the roadway. Wastewater Treatment Facility Perimeter Wall: Raise the existing perimeter wall around the facility and install a removable wall across the roadway to protect the facility from flooding and keep it operational through high water. Sewage Tanks at Golf Course: Decommission an existing tank and install a new system that is watertight and ready for connecting to the city system in East Valley. White River Trail at Golf Course: Construct approximately 0.8 miles of trail including a pedestrian bridge across the White River. This will connect the 16th Street trail to Stewart Road. Wood/Gault Storm System: Extend the stormwater main 1930 feet from Valley Avenue through Gary Street to serve Wood Avenue and Gault Street.
For detailed information of what you can dispose, go to
Portions of East Valley will be resurfaced.
Spring 2011
Sumner Community Connection
Mayor Column On February 7, Sumner celebrated its 120th birthday as an incorporated city. It’s important to celebrate our history, but it occurred to me that the best part of history is that it gives us the foundation for our future. Enclosed in this newsletter is our report with some highlights from last year. These accomplishments are just as important to Sumner’s history as when George Ryan built the train depot or the Woolery family donated the cemetery. After all, having a working sewer
system may not sound glamorous, but try hitting the toilet handle and having nothing happen and then tell me it isn’t important! These accomplishments happened because of our employees, our elected officials, our commissioners, and all of you. History is really just a collection of all our stories put together. No one is exempt. Sumner’s story is now your story whether you were born here or recently moved here. It’s your story whether you’re 8 or 80. It’s your story whether you live
here, work here or just care about this city. The year 2011 gives us all yet another chance to shape our future history together. We have openings on our Design Commission, Arts Commission and Historic Preservation Commission. Pierce County will be discussing Orton Junction, and Sound Transit is leading the discussion about access to our Sounder Station. We’re holding Sumner University and getting farmers and chefs together to discuss agritourism. Please come on in and be a part of all this. Some day, people will be cutting a cake celebrating another Sumner birthday. When they talk about Sumner’s history in 2011, I want to make sure your voice is helping to tell that story.
Mayor Enslow and the council celebrated Sumner’s 120th Birthday at the February 7 Council Meeting.
Fisher when he arrived
the Tacoma Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau. At the workshop, we learned that people want an experience when they travel. They want to connect with authentic people and places. They want what Sumner has to offer. Now, we have to work together to package that experience in a way that is attractive to travelers. In short, we need to give visitors “3-3-sleep.” They need three meals, three things to do between meals, and a place to sleep. It was heartening at the workshop to see local restaurants, farms and hotels brainstorm
what this 3-3-sleep looks like for Sumner. For starters, visitors will now get their own special welcome: on April 7, the Puyallup Sumner Chamber of Commerce is opening the Sumner Visitor Center at The Old Cannery Furniture Warehouse. This is a visitor center like no other and truly gives visitors a taste of Sumner. After all, once they get a taste, they’ll want more. Thank you to the Cannery, the Chamber, and Columbia Bank for making it happen. Please come for the grand opening on April 7 at 5 pm. After all, you are the reason Sumner is so special.
Councilmember Cindi Hochstatter
Fisher’s Story
This boy came to the shelter in terrible condition. He was sullen and depressed, and no one came looking for him. However, he was extremely polite and under all his grime appeared to be a fairly young dog. Metro Animal Services worked with a local grooming business to bathe him and give him a haircut. It took all of two hours when an employee of the groomers called the shelter to ask what it would take to adopt him! She named him Fisher, and she is now his Forever Family. There are lots of pets like Fisher whom Metro Animal Services want to connect with their own Forever Families. Could that be you? Even if you can’t adopt an animal right now, you help by licensing your own pets. The funding from licenses helps Metro care for pets like Fisher. Take a look at who’s waiting right now at The funds from your pet’s license help shelter and care for pets like Fisher, shown above after his grooming. With this care, he found his Forever Family.
1104 Maple Street, Sumner, WA 98390 253-863-8300 253-863-2850 FAX MAYOR Dave Enslow 299-5790 CITY COUNCIL Steve Allsop Curt Brown Cindi Hochstatter Randy Hynek Ed Hannus Leroy Goff Matt Richardson
299-5793 299-5796 299-5795 299-5792 299-5791 299-5797 299-5794
CITY OFFICES Administration 299-5500 Cemetery 299-5510 Finance/utilities 863-8300 Golf course 863-8198 Inspection line 299-5530 Recreation 891-6500 Permit Center 299-5530 Police (non-emergency) 863-6384 Senior Center 863-2910
Council Column Don’t you just love Sumner? This is a special town, and one of the ways we can keep it a strong, independent community with its own identity is to welcome visitors. People want to visit us to experience that same friendly, home-town atmosphere that we enjoy every day. When they visit, they spend money that keeps our businesses healthy and adds to the sales tax revenue that funds City services. I’ve been learning more about tourism lately through our lodging tax advisory committee and a recent workshop on agritourism that came to Sumner and Puyallup thanks to
City of Sumner
MUNICIPAL COURT Timothy A. Jenkins 863-7635 Judge, Court Offices Cathy Pashon, 299-5621 Court Administrator
Diane Supler 299-5502 City Administrator
Terri Berry City Clerk
John Galle Police Chief
Carmen Palmer 299-5503 Communications Director
Bill Pugh 299-5701 Public Works Director
Paul Rogerson 299-5521 Community Development Dir.
Brett Vinson City Attorney
Beth Anne Wroe 299-5541 Financial Operations Director
Steve Zamberlin 299-5591 Human Resources Manager EAST PIERCE FIRE & RESCUE Main Number 863-1800 Jerry Thorson, Fire Chief
Art, Fire Meet in April Pierce County READS returns with Timothy Egan’s The Big Burn. This book chronicles the forest fires of 1918 and their lasting legacy on firefighting in public forests. Check with Pierce County Library for more information. You can even meet the author in person on April 30 at 7 pm at Clover Technical College in Lakewood. As part of the events, the Sumner Arts Commission is teaming up with East Pierce Fire & Rescue to bring you a look at how your own fire department is equipped to tackle fires, including forest fires, today. April 2 at 2 pm, Bonney Lake Pierce County Library April 16 at 2 pm, Sumner Pierce County Library Free and include refreshments More information at
Spring 2011
Sumner Community Connection
How to Keep Your Yard & House “Green” This Spring It’s time to come out and enjoy the great outdoors. When you make plans to enjoy your green grass and blue sky, be sure to include steps around the house and yard that ensure the environment stays healthy too.
• •
Use pavers or bricks for your next walkway or patio. They let water soak into the ground while cement just sends it to the rivers. Find out more at Trust the tag and follow recommendations for planting in the shade or sun. Forcing a shade plant into the sun will waste water on a lost cause. Avoid pesticides. They will wash into the very water you drink. Try to identify your pest and treat it as naturally as possible with help at under “Gardening.” Avoid fertilizers. They also wash chemicals into your drinking water. Use Bonney Good Sumner Grow or your own compost for a natural alternative.
Sumner University Returns April 12 & 19
Are you curious about what’s going on in Sumner? Want to know how the economy affects things around you? What’s it like to run a farm in the 21st Century? Want two nights out for free with refreshments and a souvenir t-shirt? If you answered yes to any of those, then Sumner University is for you. This popular favorite returns April 12 and 19, 6-9 pm each evening. The 2011 session include • 10 Things to Notice this Year • Policing: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow • Public Works and You! • The Future of Sumner • Where Is Farming Headed? • Emergency: Neighbors Helping Neighbors • The Sumner Story PLUS the favorite What Makes This a Great Place when you tell us what’s working, what could be better and what we can do to make it better. Space is limited, and Sumner University only comes around every-other-year. Sign up by contacting Sally Abrams at or 253-299-5520.
Avoid spills. Store hazardous materials in their original containers and the containers in tub-like bins in case the containers leak, are punctured, or tip over. If storing materials outdoors, also provide shelter to keep the tub from filling with rain water. Contain your car’s oil spills. If you notice an oil leak or fluid stains under your car, place a drip pan or a piece of cardboard under the vehicle when you park until you can get the leak fixed. The cardboard will absorb the hazardous materials, preventing them from washing down the drain. Use a commercial car wash. It uses less water and disposes the water safely. Washing your car at home only sends all the oil and muck down the drain to the river or into your soil and your future water supply.
Sumner University students ask questions and tell Mayor Enslow what they would like for Sumner.
ASK DR. SUMNER: Are those cameras on the new signal poles at Traffic & Main? Yes, you may notice cameras on top of the new signal poles at the Traffic/Fryar/Main intersection. Although they may look like “red light” cameras in other cities, they are not. These cameras actually detect vehicles and control the timing of the lights. The cameras detect when
a vehicle has approached the intersection and will change the signal as soon as all the traffic coming the other way clears. This helps vehicles move through the intersection more efficiently than if the light changed on set times. The old intersection did use sensors before, but the old sensors were wire coils in the street. These cameras are more reliable, are better at detecting bicycles and don’t wear out like the wires sometimes did. Plus, their
maintenance doesn’t involve tearing up the pavement. It is worth noting, though, that even though these cameras are not recording those drivers who run red lights, it’s still not a good idea to run a yellow or red light. Slow down, wait your turn, and rest assured that the camera will know you’re there and change the light back for you as soon as possible.
Coming Soon: New Bill Design Your May utility bill will have an improved look to better keep you informed of your water, storm and sewer use. You can also go paperless to pay your bill online and receive it by email. Sign up at
City Council Action Dec 2010-Feb 2011 Adopted Resolution No. 1311 authorizing holiday leave Adopted Ordinance No. 2344 amending animal control fees Adopted Resolutions No. 1312 -1316, interlocal agreements with Algona, Bonney Lake, Edgewood, Milton and Pacific for animal control services Adopted Resolution No. 1317, an interlocal agreement with Algona and Pacific adding Pacific to the South Valley Police Explorer Program Awarded Wastewater Treatment Facility’s (WWTF) piping modifications to Nordic Construction, Inc. Awarded WWTF’s Building C Furnace Replacement to Emerald Aire, Inc.
Authorized change order to the Fryar/Main lntersection Improvement Project Confirmed the Lodging Tax Funding Recommendations Approved the 2011 Legislative Agenda Awarded East Valley Hwy Resurfacing and Drainage Improvements Design to AHBL Adopted Resolution No. 1318 authorizing the Ewing property purchase for WWTF expansion Adopted Ordinance No. 2345, an interfund loan between the general fund and Golf Course Operations Fund Elected Councilmember Cindi Hochstatter as deputy mayor Adopted Ordinance No. 2346 amending the MDR/HDR Zoning Code
Adopted Ordinance No. 2347 amending MUD Zoning Code Authorized 2010-11 Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters union Approved Joint Recreation Agreement with Sumner School District and Bonney Lake Approved Ordinance No. 2348 amending timing for payment of sewer and water system development charges and transportation impact fees Approved DM Disposal Solid Waste Contract Approved 2011 Stormwater Comprehensive Plan Update Authorized supplement to the Interlocal Agreement with Pacific for the Valentine Ave/ l36th Ave Improvements Confirm Mayor’s appointment
of Thomas McDermott to the Planning Commission Authorized purchase of Stover property for WWTF expansion Accepted completion of the Central Well drilling project Adopted Ordinance 2349, amending E-verify code Adopted Ordinance 2350, amending public records code Adopted Ordinance 2351, amending the 2011 compensation schedule Awarded Golf Course Septic Tank Replacement to R.S. Underground, Inc. Awarded Wood/Gary/Gault St Storm Drainage Improvements design to Warner Engineering Adopted Ordinance 2352, renewing interim development regulations of private off-street parking
Sumner Community Connection
Spring 2011
SAFETY SALLY SAYS: Help share your eyes When you see a person walking with a white cane, do you know what that means? Not everyone realizes it means the person has a full or partial sight impairment. With our population aging, pedestrians with sight issues are increasing in numbers. Here are a few basic things you can do to help when you see a sightimpaired person.
HELPING WHILE WALKING • Do not walk in front of the cane. Believe it or not, it’s common for other pedestrians to cut in front and damage the cane, greatly endangering the sight-impaired pedestrian.
HELPING WHILE DRIVING • Do not honk. It only causes confusion and fear.
• Never simply grab the arm of a sight-impaired person. It is frightening to that person who has no idea if you intend to help or hurt. If the person expresses a desire for assistance, stand next to them and place your arm where they can easily take hold of it.
• Do not pull into a pedestrian crossing zone when approaching an intersection or turning right. Always stop and look first for any pedestrian. Wait for the person to get out of the street before entering the crossing zone. • Be extra cautious when driving a hybrid. Remember, there’s no engine noise to hear, particularly when you’re backing up, starting up at stop signs, and making right turns. • Do not stop in odd places. The pedestrian has carefully mapped his or her route and uses traffic noise as a guide. Stopping where there is no crosswalk will only cause confusion and unsafe situations.
Canes such as this one tell you that the pedestrian has sight impairments.
• Offer assistance if you see a cane is damaged. • If the sight-impaired pedestrian shows signs of confusion, you may offer assistance by asking “would you like a sighted guide.”
HELPING AT HOME. • Keep branches and shrubs pruned out of the sidewalk. A sighted person can see an overhanging branch and duck, but not a sight-impaired person. • Watch your garbage cans and recycling bins on garbage day. If they’re in the sidewalk, they pose a major hazard to a sight-impaired pedestrian. Same goes for kids’ toys. • Do not block the sidewalk with your vehicle. A sight impaired person may lose their orientation, or worse, need to go out into the street to get around the vehicle.
“The lyric sound of laughter/Fills all the April hills/The joy-song of the crocus,/The mirth of daffodils.” ~ Clinton Scollard (1860 - 1932) Sumner City Council
Steve Allsop
Leroy Goff
Curt Brown
INSIDE: Orton Junction Goes to County
Ed Hannus
Cindi Hochstatter
City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street Sumner, WA 98390
Randy Hynek
Matt Richardson
Road Work Ahead Sumner University Returns Time to Shred & Clean ECRWSS
How to Green Your Yard
Postal Customer
Are Those Cameras? Art & Fire Meet in April
Community Events
City Hall Calendar May
21 Council Meeting, 7 pm 22 Finance Committee, 5 pm 24 Arts Commission, 6 pm 28 Study Session, 6 pm
4. Council Meeting, 7 pm 7. Planning Comm., 7 pm 11 Study Session, 6 pm 12 Parks Commission, 6 pm 13 CD/Parks Committee, 4:30 pm 14 Forestry Commission, 4 pm 14 Design Comm., 6:30 pm 18 Council Meeting, 7 pm 19 Public Works Committee, 5 pm 21 Safety Committee, 4:30 pm 25 Study Session, 6 pm 26 Finance Committee, 5 pm 28 Arts Commission, 6 pm
2 Council Meeting, 7 pm 5 Planning Comm., 7 pm 9 Study Session, 6 pm 10 Parks Commission, 6 pm 11 CD/Parks Committee, 4:30 pm 12 Forestry Comm., 4 pm 12 Design Comm., 6:30 pm 16 Council Meeting, 7 pm 17 Public Works Committee, 5 pm 19 Safety Committee, 4:30 pm 23 Study Session, 6 pm 24 Finance Committee, 5 pm 26 Arts Commission, 6 pm 30 City Offices Closed
Coffee with the Mayor
April 30, 9 am, City Hall No agenda, just ask questions or share what’s on your mind!
mARCH 12-27 State Fair ManeStage Theatre Company, PAC 17 Community Summit, 5 pm, Calvary Church 21-25 DM Disposal Spring Clean aPRIL 2 Clean Sweep, 8 am-noon, Downtown Association 2 The Big Burn with East Pierce Fire, 2 pm, see page 2 4 Monthly test of the lahar siren, noon 7 Grand Opening of Visitor Center, 5 pm, Old Cannery 9 Daffodil Festival Parade, 2:30 pm, Downtown 11 Sumner Family Center Job Resource Fair, 6 - 7:30 pm, Daffodil Valley Elementary School Gym 16 The Big Burn with East Pierce Fire, 2 pm, see page 2 23 History Walk, 11 am, Sumner Downtown Association 29-30 Beauty & the Beast & A-Z Oh the Adolescence of It All, Ascension Theatre at The Old Cannery 30 Shred & Clean, 10 am-2 pm, see page 1 30 The Big Burn with author Timothy Egan, see page 2 may 2 Monthly test of the lahar siren, noon 6-8 Beauty & the Beast, Ascension Theatre at The Old Cannery 21-29 The Importance of Being Earnest, ManeStage Theatre Company, Performing Arts Center 28 History Walk, 11 am, Sumner Downtown Association june 6 Monthly test of the lahar siren, noon