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Community Connection

She’s Real Fine, Our 409! Improved Service Starts It was a familiar scenario: someone gets a new job in the industrial area. They get off a train or bus at the Sumner Station and then wonder where to go next, not realizing they’re in for a long walk. But, no more! Pierce Transit is now extending a few runs of the existing 409 bus into Sumner’s industrial area. This hopefully makes public transit a new commute option for the thousands of workers in the industrial area. The runs are limited, but this is a trial time. If the bus gets a lot of riders, the City, Pierce County and Pierce Transit can talk about more

runs and maybe looping over to include the West Valley Highway. But, if few use this service, it will go away this fall. Partly because it’s a test case and partly to make it easier for employees in large buildings to use the service, it has no fixed stops. Riders just tell the driver when they want to get off, and as soon as safely possible, the driver will pull over. To get the bus in the industrial area, riders just need to

Sumner already had a good start with its philosophy of working with the public in community policing to reduce overall crime rather than just “catching the bad guys,” (although they do that too). However, there was still room for improvement when it came to working with victims.

be on the route and flag the bus, like hailing a cab.

Mayor Enslow gets ready to board the 409 after waving it to stop in the industrial area.

City Handles Impact and Aftermath of Vandalism

The experience began in 2005 when two young men vandalized over 300 headstones at the Sumner City Cemetery. The entire community was shocked and hurt by the experience. Sumner Police quickly apprehended the young men thanks to quick reactions and observations. Pierce County Courts found the boys guilty and sentenced them to a public apology, community service and financial restitution. They gave the public apology with probation officers attending to make sure their faces were not shown on

Mayor Enslow and the City Council wrote letters to the probation office, asking for explanations for the inactivity; they attended every hearing to plead the City’s case; and the City Attorney was designated special prosecutor for Pierce County so that he could represent the City when the young men appealed their ruling. The appeal cut the financial restitution in half but upheld the community service. Yet again, the City actually received nothing. At a hearing held at the end of 2008, a Pierce County judge ruled that the time had expired on the community service: no one could hold the young men

Police Focus on Helping Victims

The Office for Victims of Crime and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) want to change that. They began a pilot project to address victims’ needs and chose Sumner as one of eight validation sites for the entire country. In November, Deputy Chief Brad Moericke and Administrative Manager Jason Wilson presented Sumner’s findings to other police agencies from around the world at the IACP conference.

So, if you work in the north end, save your pennies and save your dimes by riding the new 409. With enough riders, we hope this is only the start to a long tradition of bus service to Sumner’s north end.

television. But that was the last contact for a long time. One of them worked about 70 of his 450 hours, but the other never showed up at all. The City also never received any of the payment.

Issue 58 City of Sumner Newsletter Spring 2009

Just from television, you can probably recognize the rights read to suspects: “You have the right to remain silent,….” Can you also recite what information the victim receives? Probably not.

Find route times and more information at www.piercetransit.org.

Recently, the City of Sumner was the victim of not just crime but also the difficulties that can occur when trying to recover from a crime. The City is usually in the role of fighting crime and working to help victims, so this was a bit of a role reversal.

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to that requirement any more. After that ruling, Mayor Enslow decided to stop pushing Pierce County and start trying to recoup the restitution directly. He asked the city attorney to meet with the young men to have them work off the financial restitution owed. After four years and a lot of effort, the City may be able to work with the young men to get not only some reimbursement, but also some healing for the hurt these boys caused this community. But, should the City, as a victim, have had to do this work? Coincidentally, the Sumner Police Department is looking at how victims of crime receive assistance. (See story, right). Partly from this experience, the City of Sumner will make sure victims receive assistance rather than have to keep asking for accountability.

Pierce County has a lot of resources to help victims of all kinds of crime, but the test project showed that except in cases of domestic violence, many victims just didn’t realize what was available to them. One of the overlooked resources was United Way’s 2-1-1 hotline, which connects people to both victims assistance and social resources. Sumner officers learned more about the program to make sure they provide the information to every victim. Sumner Police also reworked their process to track cases and better notify victims of changes to their case status. Volunteers will be vital to keep this data updated so that officers can spend as much time as possible out in the community. The goal of the program is to break the cycle of victimization and increase your sense of safety. Often, the fear of crime lowers your quality of life more than an actual crime does. But, you can help break this cycle now without being the victim of a crime. Here are some good options: • Organize a neighborhood watch. Meet your neighbors so you know who should be hanging around your homes and who should not. Call Sumner Police at 863-6384. • Attend the Citizens Academy, held this year on Thursdays, April 2-June 11. Get to know what the police do and how they do it. It’s free and you get to drive a patrol car and shoot a gun. Call 299-5687 to sign up. • Become a police volunteer. You can help update that victims’ data or work special events like parades to help guide traffic. Call Jason Wilson at 299-5642 to ask about opportunities.

Join in the 2009 Citizens Academy, April 2-June 11, to try your hand at driving a patrol car (top), searching a building (middle) and firing a weapon (below). Call 299-5687 to sign up now.


Sumner Community Connection

Spring 2009

Mayor’s Message On the front page, you’ll see a recap of the City’s experience with the cemetery vandals. This incident, plus the experience that followed with the Pierce County judicial system, hurt a lot of people. It hurt everyone in Sumner and this region, especially those whose loved ones repose at the cemetery. It hurt the rich tradition we so treasure in Sumner as it damaged headstones of our earliest pioneers. And, it hurt the young men who could have learned the lesson of how hard work can have a positive impact on a community rather than the destructive impact of vandalism. Instead, I fear the judicial system taught them to make excuses and stall until their troubles disappear. I have to thank our City staff, who did wonderful work amidst trying conditions. They fixed the headstones as best they could. They quickly caught the young men responsible. And then, they stayed with the long and frustrating process of following up with Pierce County to try to get information and results. Mayor Enslow and City Administrator John Doan hand awards to members of the Public Works Crew to honor their excellent service.

City Honors Customer Service and Teamwork In an effort to provide you with the excellent service, the City recognizes those employees who demonstrate the best examples of customer service and teamwork. At the end of 2008, the City gave five employee recognition awards. The two Customer Service Awards went to Norman Shadlow and Drew Silveria. As a finance specialist, Shadlow is one of the first people to greet you when you come into City Hall. He was particularly recognized for being professional, calm, and friendly in difficult situations. The co-worker who nominated Officer Silveria wrote that he “is firm yet very polite with the public – using education rather than rules to tell people why certain things are the way they are.” For teamwork among their peers, the City recognized Alice Jacobson of the Police Department and Tony Utanis in Public Works. Jacobson was recognized for her

willingness to “go above and beyond what is necessary... and without protest.” Utanis, a 32-year veteran (and icon) of the City, was nominated for his friendly, can-do attitude along with his work ethic and professionalism in managing the City’s water supply. The final award was a special one for the Public Works Crew. They are always handling difficult and often surprise situations with competence and commitment. The employees on the Public Works Crew are Pat Clerget, Tony Utanis, Gary Lucas, Dave Ellingson, Daron Uphaus, Darren Young, Shaun Piper, Kevin Babic, Lester Reedy, Casey Stumpf, Scott Pries, Joe Langford, Beau LaCrosse, Ryan O’Flaherty, Montgomery Brant and Twyla Proctor.

The problem I have is that it appears we (both the City government and our entire community) have been largely ignored by the County judicial system. Our calls and letters went unanswered, and the only time we heard from the court seemed to be to somehow excuse the convicted perpetrators. What happened to helping the victims? I’m very proud of our police department for already being nation-wide leaders in helping victims of crime. I’m proud of our legal department for stepping in to try to recoup work from the young vandals when that should have been the role of the Pierce County judicial system. I’m hopeful that together, we can bring healing and closure to our entire community--and a new commitment to helping victims when crime does happen.

Council Column From when I was younger, things have changed, but Sumner continues to be a great place to live. Do you remember bowling, going to the movies and shopping at Safeway in Sumner? Anyone remember ordering a Super Spartan Burger Basket at the Spartan Drive-in? How ‘bout fries at Corbin’s Café and the Freeze? Great Stuff! Did you ever walk the aisles of the Valley Variety store and Coates’ or Ludden’s Hardware stores? Remember hearing the noon sirens from city hall and south Alder? Ever see the volunteer firemen race to the station during a fire call? I’ll never forget the logging trucks and other traffic that followed Thompson, Alder and Main to Elhi Hill. Ever walk to the river across the field at the end of Cherry Street to fish or watch jeeps, motorcycles or bikes challenge Blueberry Hill? Did you ever know anyone that picked berries in town or worked in the fields at Knutson’s bulb farm? Those were tough summer jobs that built great work ethic. Many favorites have survived through the years while other have not, but think of all the positives that have been added. New open spaces have been created with the golf course, Heritage, and Rainier Parks. We have a shopping center that provides us with one-stop shopping. There are name brand restaurants along with our hometown standard sit-downs. The train station allows us to commute north without driving. We’ve added a new fire department too. The old fire station where Council Chambers are now.

For details on what these and all the City employees accomplished in 2008, be sure to read the enclosed Report to Taxpayers.

City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street, Sumner, WA 98390 253-863-8300 253-863-2850 FAX MAYOR Dave Enslow


CITY COUNCIL Steve Allsop Curt Brown Cindi Hochstatter Randy Hynek Ed Hannus Leroy Goff Matt Richardson

299-5793 299-5796 299-5795 299-5792 299-5791 299-5797 299-5794


CITY STAFF John Doan 299-5501 City Administrator Diane Supler 299-5502 Deputy City Administrator

Carmen Palmer 299-5503 Communications Director Brett Vinson City Attorney


Terri Berry City Clerk


Administration 299-5500 Cemetery 299-5510 Finance/utilities 863-8300 Golf course 863-8198 Inspection line 299-5530 Recreation 891-6500 Permit Center 299-5530 Police (non-emergency) 863-6384 Senior Center 863-2910

Paul Rogerson 299-5521 Community Development Dir.

MUNICIPAL COURT Timothy A. Jenkins 863-7635 Judge, Court Offices Cathy Pashon, 299-5621 Court Administrator

Lee Anderson 299-5631 Parks and Facilities Manager

Beth Anne Wroe 299-5541 Financial Operations Director John Galle Police Chief


Bill Pugh 299-5701 Public Works Director

EAST PIERCE FIRE & RESCUE Main Number 863-1800 John McDonald Interim Fire Chief


These additions and future ones, along with traditional festivities and businesses, will keep us strong and vibrant. One thing that has always been a constant is our pride and sense of community. Not everything can survive the years, but our community who is friendly, helpful, and supportive will continue to be a mainstay for the City of Sumner. Curt Brown cbrown@ci.sumner.wa.us

City Council Action December 2008 - February 2009 Ratified contract with Insituform for trenchless technology to reline pipe

Adopted Ordinance 2279, Interfund Loan to Golf Course Operating Fund

Amended interlocal agreement for Domestic Violence Victims Advocate

Adopted Resolution 1252 authorizing a lease agreement with Metropolitan Development Council

Adopted Ordinance 2280 adopting 2009 Compensation Schedule

Accepted Trenchless Technologies project

Authorized Mayor to execute a Development Agreement with Greenwater, LLC Authorized Mayor to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement with Greenwater, LLC Authorized Mayor to execute Lift Station Purchase and Sale Agreement Adopted Ordinance 2276 amending the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map Adopted Ordinance 2277 amending the 2008 budget Adopted Ordinance 2278, Interfund Loan for Stewart Road ULID

Adopted Ordinance 2281 amending Sumner Municipal Code for potentially dangerous and dangerous dogs Authorized Mayor to execute a contract with the City of Bonney Lake and Sumner School District for recreation services Authorized Mayor to execute a contract with Les Russell Construction for North Sumner Water and Sewer Improvements project Adopted Resolution 1253 authorizing an interlocal agreement for participation in the PATROL Auto Theft Task Force Accepted Shops well project

Adopted the 2009 Legislative Agenda Adopted Ordinance 2282 vacating portions of Gary Street right-of-way east of Valley Avenue Authorized Mayor to enter a cooperative agreement with the City of Prosser, WA Adopted Resolution 1254 authorizing the surplus of inventoried equipment Adopted Resolution 1255 authorizing the Mayor to donate surplus computer equipment to non-profit agencies and other governmental entities Adopted Ordinance 2283 setting the annual rate increase for solid waste collection and recycling

Spring 2009

Sumner Community Connection

Is Your Kit Legit?

Arts Commission Brings Reading and Music to Sumner The


Pierce County Reads 2009

Once again, the Sumner Arts Commission partnered with Pierce County Library for a countywide Pierce County Reads program. This year, the featured book is Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortensen and David Oliver Relin. Mortensen was injured while hiking in the Himalayas and was helped by mountain villagers. To repay their kindness, he has helped build over 75 schools so that children don’t have to walk miles for education. After enjoying the book, which is available at the Sumner Pierce County Library, you can meet David Oliver Relin on March 14 at a free author event at Clover Park Technical College in Lakewood. You can also help raise money for schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan through Pennies for Peace. Donation jars for pennies are located at several Sumner schools, businesses and City Hall. More details at www.piercecountrylibrary.org.

Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra

The Arts Commission is bringing the Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra to Sumner’s Performing Arts Center for a one-time performance on April 17 at 7:30 pm. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the talent of these young performers without the usual trip to Bellevue. So, mark your calendars and join us for good music in Sumner.

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Sumner Community Gardens:

Cure for Spring Fever



Craving fresh vegetables? Need more space to plant?

Are there new banners on Traffic Avenue?

Reserve space at Sumner’s Community Garden! New gardeners can submit applications starting March 2. More information and applications are available at www.ci.sumner.wa.us.

Newsletter Goes Electronic Community Connections is moving into the future! We’re introducing a monthly edition that goes straight to your e-mail inbox. As part of cost-saving measures, the paper edition will mail out quarterly instead of bi-monthly. (It’s the same amount of information: for example, the inserted Report to Taxpayers was a separate issue last year.) This change saves greatly on postage. In order to get you timely information, we’ll add the monthly electronic option, which costs much less than the postage on the two eliminated mailings. Plus, for techies out there, it gives a new option that may be more convenient than a paper newsletter. If you’d like to receive the monthly newsletter by e-mail, sign up on the City’s website at www.ci.sumner.wa.us.

Yes, there are! This may seem like a funny time to hang new banners on Traffic Avenue, but there’s a reason for them. The Arts Commission was due to replace the banners and already had the money set aside. But, they also realized that times have changed and getting people into Sumner to shop and eat is very important to our city’s health. So, the new banners match the community-wide branding and use the Burma-Shave model of a progressive rhyme guiding visitors into Sumner. Now, this probably leads to two more questions. First, what the heck is BurmaShave? (This would be from our younger readers.) Signs advertising Burma-Shave used to be along highways. A series of five signs gave you a rhyme that was funny, creative, and always urged you to use Burma-Shave. This advertising campaign gained pop icon status in the mid1900s. So, it seemed to be a good pattern to encourage people to head into Sumner for a fun experience.

The second question is probably why do we care so much about getting visitors here? Our share of the revenue from sales taxes is a very important source of funding for services you value. There’s no doubt that consumer spending is now down, which means the money to pay for services is down.

know people looking for a fun experience, remind them to shop in Sumner. Hopefully, they’ll start their experience with a smile as the new banners welcome them. Contact Dr. Sumner at DrSumner@ci.sumner.wa.us.

However, consumer spending has not stopped completely. You still need birthday presents and baby shower gifts, etc. So, we want to encourage more people to shop in Sumner so that our city stays healthy. This is also why the events that Sumner Downtown Association puts on are so important. We’re also trying new things like the “pairing” with the City of Prosser where we’ll go over there and encourage people from the Tri-Cities to come visit Sumner (and vice versa). Hanging new banners to welcome guests (and shoppers) to Sumner. So, if you

Make Sumner’s past a part of its future! the new Historic Preservation Commission is forming and needs members! This commission will identify and actively encourage the conservation of Sumner’s historic resources. If you’re interested in saving Sumner’s architectural history, this is a great way to get involved. For more information, contact Paul Rogerson at 299-5520 or paulr@ci.sumner.wa.us.


Sumner Community Connection

Spring 2009

City Hall Calendar March 2 ...... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 5 ...... Planning Commission, 7 pm 9 ...... City Council Study Session, 6 pm 10..... Parks Commission, 6 pm 12..... Forestry Commission, 4 pm 12..... Design Commission, 6:30 pm 16..... Council Meeting 7 pm 23..... City Council Study Sesison, 6 pm 26..... Arts Commission, 6 pm

April 2....... Planning Commission, 7 pm 6....... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 9....... Forestry Commission, 4 pm 9....... Design Commission, 6:30 pm 13..... City Council Study Session, 6 pm 14..... Parks Commission, 6 pm 20..... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 23..... Arts Commission, 6 pm 27..... City Council Study Session, 6 pm

Graduate with Honors at Sumner University Learn about your community, meet your neighbors, and help shape the future of your community. It’s time for the award-winning, popular Sumner University! This free, two-night event on March 3 and March 10 is a favorite with first time “students” and returning “graduates” alike.

Classes run 6-9 pm each night and include a textbook and refreshments. Graduates May receive a diploma and 4...... City Hall Meeting, 7 pm t-shirt. 7...... Planning Commission, 7 pm 11.... City Council Study Session, 6 pm Reserve your space 12.... Parks Commission, 6 pm today: contact 14.... Forestry Commission, 4 pm Sally Abrams at 14.... Design Commission, 6:30 pm 299-5520 or 18.... City Council Meeting, 7 pm 25.... City Hall closed for Memorial Day sallya@ci.sumner.wa.us 26.... City Council Study Session, 6 pm 28.... Arts Commission, 6 pm

Learn what’s new in your city and share your own thoughts at Sumner University.

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” ~ Anne Bradstreet (1612 - 1672) Sumner City Council INSIDE: Improved bus service starts Police focus on victims Newsletter goes electronic City honors teamwork and customer service PLUS The Report to Taxpayers for 2008 is inserted. NEWSLETTER NOTE: To cut down on postage costs, Community Connections will mail quarterly. To get the latest information in a monthly electronic update, sign up on the City’s website at www.ci.sumner.wa.us.

Steve Allsop

Curt Brown

Leroy Goff

Ed Hannus

Cindi Hochstatter

Randy Hynek

Matt Richardson


City of Sumner 1104 Maple Street Sumner, WA 98390


Postal Customer

Community Events March 3 ...... Sumner University, 6 pm, City Hall, see above for details, also March 10 at 6 pm 4 ...... Sumner Social Circle, 7-9 pm, Ryan House 7 ...... Bring in Spring, 10 am - 5 pm, Downtown, www.sumnerdowntown.com 11..... Senior Trip to Red Wind Casino, 9:30 am, details at www.ci.sumner.wa.us 14..... Pierce County Reads author event, 7 pm, Clover Park Technical College, www.piercecountylibrary.org 18..... Sumner Social Circle, 7-9 pm, Ryan House 21-29 ManeStage Theatre’s Anne of Green Gables, Performing Arts Center, www.manestagetheatre.com 25..... Senior Trip to Cabela’s, 9:30 am, details at www.ci.sumner.wa.us 26..... Community Summit, 5-8 pm, Calvary Community Church April 1 ...... Senior Trip to Lucky Dog Casino, 8 am, details at www.ci.sumner.wa.us 1 ...... Sumner Social Circle, 7-9 pm, Ryan House 4 ...... Daffodil Festival Grand Floral Parade, 2:30 pm in Sumner 15..... Senior Trip to Botanical Gardens/Pacific Rim Bonsai, 10 am, details at www.ci.sumner.wa.us 15..... Sumner Social Circle, 7-9 pm, Ryan House 17..... Sumner Arts Commission presents Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra, 7:30 pm, Performing Arts Center

Volunteers work on Sumner’s float in 2008. Come see this year’s creation on April 4.

May 3 ...... Rotary May Day Kids Parade, 1 pm, Downtown 6 ...... Senior Trip to Snoqualmie Casino, 8 am, details at www.ci.sumner.wa.us 9-17.. ManeStage Theatre’s Snow White, Performing Arts Center, www.manestagetheatre.com 20..... Senior Trip to Pomodoro’s Italian Restaurant, 10:30 am, details at www.ci.sumner.wa.us

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