Technical Report to support Assessment of Environmental Effects (City Rail Link Notice of Requirement): Noise and Vibration Assessment
APPENDIX G CONSTRUCTION NOISE CONTOURS Figures 1. Aotea Station: Predicted ‘Secant Piling’ noise levels – Activity B 2. Aotea Station: Predicted ‘Secant Piling’ noise levels – Activity B (3D) 3. K Road Station: Predicted ‘D-Wall construction’ noise levels – Activity A 4. K Road Station: Predicted ‘D-Wall construction’ noise levels – Activity A (3D) 5. Newton Station: Predicted ‘D-Wall construction’ noise levels – Activity A 6. Newton Station: Predicted ‘D-Wall construction’ noise levels – Activity A (3D) 7. NAL Connection: Predicted ‘tunnelling services’ noise levels – Activity E – Eastern Scenario 8. NAL Connection: Predicted ‘tunnelling services’ noise levels – Activity E (3D) – Eastern Scenario 9. NAL Connection: Predicted ‘tunnelling services’ noise levels – Activity E – Western Scenario 10. NAL Connection: Predicted ‘tunnelling services’ noise levels – Activity E (3D) – Western Scenario
This document may not be reproduced in full or in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited J:\JOBS\2012\2012431A\01 Documents Out\Appendices Rp001 R07 121109\Appendix G - Construction Noise Contours.docx
Page G1 of G11
Noise level dB LAeq = = = = = = = = =
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Map Legend
The noise contours in this Figure were obtained by computer interpolation between calculated grid points. There is an interpolation accuracy of approximately Âą 1.5 dB. For precise noise levels at specific locations, refer to point receiver calculations.
Construction Source Elevation line
All geographic data licensed under the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license between Auckland Council and Marshall Day Acoustics
Figure 1 Aotea Station Predicted 'Secant Piling' noise levels Activity B
Client: Auckland Transport Path: J:\JOBS\2012/2012068A Filename: 1203 Figure 1.SGS Result: RRLK0022.res Prepared by: SJP Date: 28/03/12
Noise level dB LAeq 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
The noise contours in this Figure were obtained by computer interpolation between calculated grid points. There is an interpolation accuracy of approximately Âą 1.5 dB. For precise noise levels at specific locations, refer to point receiver calculations. All geographic data licensed under the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license between Auckland Council and Marshall Day Acoustics
Figure 2 - Aotea Station Predicted 'Secant Piling' noise levels - Activity B
Client: Auckland Transport Path: J:\JOBS\2012/2012068A Filename: 1212 Figure 2.SGS Result: RRLK0022.res, RGLK0012.res Prepared by: SJP Date: 06/12/12
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 95
Noise level dB LAeq = = = = = = = = =
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Map Legend Elevation line construction noise source The noise contours in this Figure were obtained by computer interpolation between calculated grid points. There is an interpolation accuracy of approximately Âą 1.5 dB. For precise noise levels at specific locations, refer to point receiver calculations.
All geographic data licensed under the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license between Auckland Council and Marshall Day Acoustics
Client: Auckland Transport Figure 3 K Road Station Path: J:\JOBS\2012/2012068A\08 SoundPLAN Filename: 1206 Figure 3.SGS Result: RRLK0023.res Predicted 'D Wall construction' noise levels Activity A Prepared by: SJP Date: 07/06/12
Noise level dB LAeq 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
The noise contours in this Figure were obtained by computer interpolation between calculated grid points. There is an interpolation accuracy of approximately Âą 1.5 dB. For precise noise levels at specific locations, refer to point receiver calculations. All geographic data licensed under the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license between Auckland Council and Marshall Day Acoustics
Figure 4 - K Road Station Predicted 'D-Wall construction' noise levels - Activity A
Client: Auckland Transport Path: J:\JOBS\2012/2012068A Filename: 1212 Figure 4.SGS Result: RRLK0023.res RGLK0013.res Prepared by: SJP Date: 06/12/12
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 95
Noise level dB LAeq = = = = = = = = =
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Map Legend Elevation line construction noise source The noise contours in this Figure were obtained by computer interpolation between calculated grid points. There is an interpolation accuracy of approximately Âą 1.5 dB. For precise noise levels at specific locations, refer to point receiver calculations.
All geographic data licensed under the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license between Auckland Council and Marshall Day Acoustics
Client: Auckland Transport Figure 5 Newton Station Path: J:\JOBS\2012/2012068A\08 SoundPLAN Filename: 1206 Figure 5.SGS Result: RRLK0024.res Predicted 'D Wall construction' noise levels Activity A Prepared by: SJP Date: 07/06/12
Noise level dB LAeq 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
The noise contours in this Figure were obtained by computer interpolation between calculated grid points. There is an interpolation accuracy of approximately Âą 1.5 dB. For precise noise levels at specific locations, refer to point receiver calculations. All geographic data licensed under the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license between Auckland Council and Marshall Day Acoustics
Figure 6 - Newton Station Predicted 'D-Wall construction' noise levels - Activity A
Client: Auckland Transport Path: J:\JOBS\2012/2012068A Filename: 1212 Figure 6.SGS Result: RRLK0024.res RGLK0014.res Prepared by: SJP Date: 06/12/12
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 95
Noise level dB LAeq = = = = = = = = =
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Map Legend Elevation line construction noise source building The noise contours in this Figure were obtained by computer interpolation between calculated grid points. There is an interpolation accuracy of approximately Âą 1.5 dB. For precise noise levels at specific locations, refer to point receiver calculations.
Wall 0
All geographic data licensed under the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license between Auckland Council and Marshall Day Acoustics
Figure 7 - NAL Connection Predicted 'tunnelling services' noise levels - Activity E - Eastern Scenario
Client: Auckland Transport Path: J:\JOBS\2012/2012068A\08 SoundPLAN Filename: 1212 Figure 7.SGS Result: RRLK0027.res Prepared by: SJP Date: 07/12/12
Noise level dB LAeq
The noise contours in this Figure were obtained by computer interpolation between calculated grid points. There is an interpolation accuracy of approximately Âą 1.5 dB. For precise noise levels at specific locations, refer to point receiver calculations.
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 95
All geographic data licensed under the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license between Auckland Council and Marshall Day Acoustics
Figure 8 - NAL Connection Predicted 'tunnelling services' noise levels - Activity E - Eastern Scenario
Client: Auckland Transport Path: J:\JOBS\2012/2012068A\08 SoundPLAN Filename: 1212 Figure 8.SGS Result: RRLK0027.res RGLK0017.res Prepared by: SJP Date: 06/12/12
Noise level dB LAeq = = = = = = = = =
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
Map Legend Elevation line construction noise source building The noise contours in this Figure were obtained by computer interpolation between calculated grid points. There is an interpolation accuracy of approximately Âą 1.5 dB. For precise noise levels at specific locations, refer to point receiver calculations.
Wall 0
All geographic data licensed under the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license between Auckland Council and Marshall Day Acoustics
Figure 9 - NAL Connection Predicted 'tunnelling services' noise levels - Activity E - Western Scenario
Client: Auckland Transport Path: J:\JOBS\2012/2012068A\08 SoundPLAN Filename: 1212 Figure 9.SGS Result: RRLK0028.res Prepared by: SJP Date: 07/12/12
Noise level dB LAeq
The noise contours in this Figure were obtained by computer interpolation between calculated grid points. There is an interpolation accuracy of approximately Âą 1.5 dB. For precise noise levels at specific locations, refer to point receiver calculations.
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 95
All geographic data licensed under the creative commons Attribution 3.0 license between Auckland Council and Marshall Day Acoustics
Figure 10 - NAL Connection Predicted 'tunnelling services' noise levels - Activity E - Western Scenario
Client: Auckland Transport Path: J:\JOBS\2012/2012068A\08 SoundPLAN Filename: 1212 Figure 10.SGS Result: RRLK0028.res RGLK0018.res Prepared by: SJP Date: 06/12/12