Maungawhau Station
Community Liaison Group (CLG)
Minutes Meeting Maungawhau Station CLG
Date Wednesday 23 August 2023
Time 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Location The City Rail Link (CRL) Visitor Centre- Te Manawa at 1 New North Road
Link Alliance: Annie van der Plas, Thibaut L’Hopital, Nicholas Powell, Jennifer Charteris, Laurent Illoz, Simon Lough

AECOM: Kate Symington
Auckland Transport: James Wickham
CLG Members 13 CLG members attended.
No. Agenda Item
1 Meeting open
2 Welcome and overview
3 Communications and engagement update
4 Maungawhau Station architecture update
5 Maungawhau Station construction update
6 North Auckland Line (NAL) update Jennifer Charteris
1. Welcome and overview:
• Annie van der Plas, Senior Communications and Engagement (C&E) Advisor welcomed attendees to the meeting and started with Link Alliance’s karakia. Annie introduced the agenda, with the focus of the meeting being on the Social Impact Business Disruption (SIBD) annual report, as well as the regular construction updates. Auckland Transport (AT) were present to answer relevant stakeholder queries.
2. Communications and Engagement update:
• Annie shared recent activity and highlights from the C&E team.
• The Link Alliance celebrated a major milestone in July, when the Western Line (or North Auckland Line) returned to dual track running. On the 10th of July, the C&E team alongside City Rail Link (CRL) Ltd, KiwiRail and Auckland Transport handed out goodie bags to commuters on the first trains of the day.
• The recently revealed new Maungawhau Station renders were shared with CLG members These now include some familiar local stakeholders in the images, in an effort for the renders to reflect the actual future users of the station. These will now be rolled out in communications. Thank you to the community members who agreed to take part.
• Regular site and perimeter tours, and information hub events have been ongoing.
• A new mural has been installed near 83 Mt Eden Road as well as new scrim around site.
• Two milestones were celebrated on site, marking the completion of mined tunnelling activity at Maungawhau Station, as well as the structural completion of the station and ventilation buildings which are now watertight.
• A community event is currently being planned for 24th September to mark the completion of the North Auckland Line (NAL) construction, and as an opportunity to thank local stakeholders for their patience and support. More details will be communicated in the following weeks.
• Link Alliance are collaborating with the Uptown Business Association (UBA) to deliver the second annual Branch Out Festival on 7 October. Nikau Street will be transformed with market stalls, performances and activities.
• Maungawhau Station’s next Information Hub will be held towards the end of September and the new station brochure will also be launched.
• Finally, a celebration will take place on site in November to mark the backfill progress as the tunnel portal area becomes increasingly covered in preparation for oversite development.
3. Maungawhau Station Architecture update:
• Nicholas Powell, Maungawhau Station Architecture Project Manager, provided an update on the CRL platform and mentioned that the glass curtain wall installation has been completed which is a significant milestone for the team
• The station building’s atrium skylight has been installed and there is still some basalt to be added to the waterwall feature.
• The NAL & CRL platforms’ canopy (roofing and bullnose) works are continuing 70% of the NAL night works are now complete.
• The internal building fit-out of the station building continues and includes work in the Station Group Control Centre (SGCC), walls are being built with services being installed in the walls. Carpentry for the control centre has a team of around 40 people
• Service rooms on the NAL platform are being installed, and systems are being installed in the station back of house.
• Painting of the steel and glass installation for the lift shaft is currently in progress. This lift will take passengers from the NAL overpass bridge to the platform
• Floor painting is being undertaken in the ventilation building before plant is installed in the rooms.
4. Maungawhau Station construction update:
• Thibaut L’Hopital the Maungawhau Station Project Manager updated the CLG members on construction progress from the main station site.
• The structural work on the station and ventilation buildings are finished which marks the completion of the civil scope of works. The civil scope of the CRL platform is also now complete.
• The NAL platform and pedestrian overpass are taking shape with the roofing done and work now in the fitout stage, and the decorative elements left to be completed
• Mined tunnelling was completed at the end of June
• The cut and cover tunnels are close to completion as the last roof slabs are being poured. An opening will be left in the lower tunnel to allow for fit out works to be completed inside the tunnel, and after which backfill of the area will continue.
• The stairs and lift shafts for Fenton Street Bridge have been installed. The glass barrier works will take place in October.
5. North Auckland Line (NAL) update:
• Jennifer Charteris, Senior C&E Advisor for NAL provided an update on the final works happening in that area.
• The return to dual tracks running on the North Auckland Line in July was a major project milestone and the surrounding NAL works are due to be completed in October 2023.
• An overall update of streetscapes works was provided:
o Porters Avenue and Haultain Street are now almost complete with streetlights left to be installed on Porters Avenue and line marking to be completed on Haultain Street
o Fenton Street streetscaping works are due to be completed by early October and Wynyard Road by the end of September.
• Mt. Eden Road Bridge barriers & footpath installation has commenced and will continue until mid-September.
• Boston Road has returned to two lanes which is a huge milestone. There is still some final footpath and utilities work to be completed
Systems and track building update:• Laurent Illoz, Systems Linear Asset Installation Manager, provided an update on systems and track building progress.
• The first full CRL track connecting the Western Line to Britomart will be complete in September All system containment is done, the walkway is installed, and crews are fitting signaling equipment now.
• Majority of the works will move into the second CRL tunnel from September.
• Track building towards the CRL platform and tunnel portal from the west is ongoing and is also underway near Normanby Road Bridge into the tunnels (including ballast and tamping)
• There will be a Block of Line (BOL) in October during Labour weekend to carry out tamping on the CRL connections to the Western Line.
7. Social Impact & Business Disruption (SIBD) – Annual Report:
• Kate Symington, Senior Planner at AECOM provided an overview of the SIBD annual report findings, including reporting and detail on what has happened in the last 12 months.
• This designation condition identifies how disruption to businesses and residents can be avoided, remedied, and mitigated.
• Some of the specific issues which were highlighted in the last year included: disruption to traffic and access, loss of customers, loss of amenity and impacts to community facilities
• This information is compiled from previous CLG minutes, complaints, community feedback and by talking with the Uptown Business Association (UBA) about what has happened over the last year.
• Reporting shows that the number of complaints has reduced compared to the previous report. Main complaint issues were around access, parking, traffic changes, safety and reduced visibility. Most complaints were received by phone as compared to other methods and predominantly by businesses rather than residents.
• In response to complaints, Link Alliance investigates and uses signage, enforcement and incentives to address complaints. As well as ensuring compliance with designation conditions.
• Link Alliance also has an ongoing involvement with UBA to contribute to a vibrant Uptown area. There has been an updated art guide, regular perimeter tours, new neighbor packs, and QR codes around site providing easy access to information.
• The draft SIBD report will be circulated to CLG members for feedback in mid-September
8. Fenton Street Bridge – design recap:
• Simon Lough, the Design and Delivery Manager, shared information on the designs of the Fenton Street Bridge.
• Final design renders for Fenton Street Bridge were reshared with the CLG as a recap given a rise in recent queries.
• Diagrams showing the lift design were shown in relation to how privacy to neighbouring properties has been considered Additionally, heights and opacity of the bridge barriers in relation to privacy were also presented
• A plan showing lighting on the bridge was provided with the number of lights, location and how they are facing down and away from neighbouring apartments.
• The Bridge's lift shaft was recently installed on the Fenton Street side and installation of the glass barriers will take place in October.
9. Questions and Answers:
Is the project still scheduled to finish next year?
• The construction of the stations and supporting rail infrastructure is now expected to be completed by the Link Alliance by November 2025.
Will there be retail spaces in the station?
• There will be two retail spaces in the redeveloped station.
Will there be any electronic vehicle charging stations near the station?
• No, there will be no public car parking available at the station.
Will there be drop-off zones near the station and bike parking?
• Yes, there will be drop-off zones near the station and there are 50 spaces allocated for bike parking.
Will there be a park near the station?
• Eke Panuku Development Auckland's current masterplanning shows green space incorporated in the oversite development.
Has the concrete pump located near Ruru Street been dismantled and taken away? Are the works related to it complete?
• This pump is still required and has just changed location within site.
Will there be access to the new station from Mt Eden Road?
• Ruru Street will be extended to connect with Mt Eden Road, creating a lane for service vehicles and pedestrians and cyclists to access the station.
What are the wooden planks for on Porters Avenue Bridge?
• These are for remedial works, and we are currently waiting for commercial planks which may take about 6-8 weeks to arrive.
The lifts at Porters Avenue Bridge break down often.
• Maintenance issues with the bridge can be reported to Auckland Transport.
When will the North Auckland Line platform reopen?
• This date is still to be confirmed. The NAL platform cannot open until there are no longer any construction risks, including the completion of surrounding streetscaping works.
Will Fenton Street Bridge open early?
• No, it will open with the station as a whole.
Have there been any instances recorded of cracks caused by the construction activity?
• Link Alliance is required to complete pre and post condition surveys for several properties surrounding the project site so this type of concern can be identified and addressed. Post condition surveys will shortly begin for the identified properties along the NAL.
Are the lights on Porters Avenue Bridge able to be dimmed?
• The Link Alliance and Auckland Transport will follow this up.
Will parking be reinstated on Haultain Street?
• Some car parks towards the end of Haultain Street will be reinstated, however, some parking was removed to make space for the new CRL lines.
Will bikes be allowed on trains?
• Auckland Transport mentioned that it depends on the capacity and may not be possible during peak times. However, with bigger trains and longer platforms it could happen
Is there any update on whether the emergency egress to Fenton Street Bridge will be made into public access to the platform?
• Auckland Transport will investigate making the emergency stairs from Fenton Street bridge to the North Auckland Line platform available for public use. This is currently unfunded and if feasible, will not be in place at the time the new station opens. It is a separate project to be undertaken by Auckland Transport once the Link Alliance works are complete.
Some residents are paying more for shorter train trips than others who are travelling longer distances. How does the zoning system work?
• Auckland Transport representative to find out and get back to the stakeholder. A question was raised about dust and a building wash on Fenton Street.
• This will be investigated by the Development Response Manager.
This CLG Presentation is available on the CRL website with all the other Maungawhau CLG presentations and minutes. The next CLG meeting date is to be confirmed for November 2023.