6 Construction Environmental Management Plan (C2) and Noise and Vibration DWP (C2) - 13 October 2015

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Minutes or Action Points Community Liaison Group Meeting Contract 2: Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) Contract 2: Construction Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan (CNVDWP) Date:

13 October 2015




CRL office, Level 17, 29 Customs Street West


Auckland Transport: Carol Greensmith (CG), Richard Jenkins (RJ), Holly Claeys (HC), Contract 2: Alasdair Mawdsley (AM), Claire Drewery (CD), Fiona Davies (FD), Hugh Robinson (HR), Bob Mawdsley (BM), Chris Powell (CP), Rachel Purdy (RP), Alan Howard-Smith (AHS) CLG members Dick Ayers (DA), Tim Coffey (TC), Ross Boswell (RB), Peter Bowden (PB), Ben Twigden (BT), Kathy Ross (KR), Charles Levin (CL)



Topic Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) Methodology FD and HR introduced the CEMP for Contract 2 = Albert Street from Customs to Wyndham Sts. HR: Concrete piling will be installed both sides of Albert Street in preparation for the traffic lanes around the trench. Traffic on the east side of Albert St will flow south, the west side of Albert St will flow north. Some utility boxes may need to be moved. The temporary roads will be built as deck structures that hang over the trench to squeeze the required lanes and footpaths within the space available Customs St will have a deck structure to enable contractors to excavate and build the tunnels without totally shutting down the intersection of Customs and Albert St. This work will be completed in 4 sections. Individual sections will be closed as work takes place so traffic will still flow. An earth moving machine will be inside the trench on Albert Street to feed material to steel deck platforms. Excavators and cranes with grab buckets will lift the dirt into the loading trucks. The tunnels will be up to 18 metres underground so work will not be visible and may not be heard. When the tunnel is completed, the road will be reinstated.

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Minutes or Action Points Project programme FD: Pipe jacking works is separate to the main ‘early works’. The pipe jacking works will begin this year. The early works will begin in May 2016. There will be a 6 month overlap. RB: How will piles will be installed? HR: Piles will be drilled. CL: This was not in original plan and was one of the reasons for the building submission. CG and CL to talk after the meeting HR: The loading trucks will not be directly outside the Stamford Residence Building. CL: Why will it take almost one year to back fill the trench? (HR) The back fill follows the tunnel construction. PB: Plan mentions 24 hour acknowledgement ‘complaints process’. What is the turnaround time? CG: Communications Plan reviewed previously had all of those details. Turn around will be as soon as possible. BM: Options to implement a complaint ticket number system will be investigated to allow tickets to be issued to those who have made a complaint so the public can follow up on their complaints if needed. CG: AT will audit selected complaints at random times but calling the member of the public and ensuring a satisfied customer. TC: How will owners and occupiers know of the free 0800 number and asked if they are being contacted individually. CG: The number will be visible across the project and that contact data for residents in the affected area is being collected now. A lot of owners//property managers prefer to forward information onto their tenants directly. Emails are preferred but where needed, information will be posted. KR requested notifications in soft and hard copy versions to post on the notice board. Noise and Vibration Delivery Work Plan (NVDWP) CD introduced the NVDWP and pointed out the works schedule in the document highlighting the machinery used versus its level of noise. CD: The CRL project has set conditions with regards to level of noise and vibrations. Properties within the most affected areas will be assessed and will be provided with a site specific plan if needed. Factors such as the duration of work, when occupiers will likely be in the building and the building type will be considered. If night work is needed, residential buildings will receive a site specific plan, commercial may not. AT and its contractors are required to regularly monitor the noise and vibration levels. If members of the public feel this level is being breached, an 0800 number will be available. TC: If residents are affected by noise, a call is made to the Auckland Noise Control number. AT will work with the council and if any calls about the CRL are received, the representatives will know our processes. TC: Reference to p8 Table 4, point 6 and 6.1, 6.2.2 – an estimate of properties within the high noise and vibration areas. Will owners/occupiers will receive a copy of these reports?

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Minutes or Action Points CG Surveys are being conducted and all reports are forwarded to the property manager/owner. A specific process is in place. RB: Reference to 31.1. Residents are not mentioned, but commercial buildings and ‘sensitive receivers’ were. CD: ‘sensitive receivers’ include residents. RB: Reference to 4.1. Rock blasting. HR: A design has been selected to minimise the noise and vibration level as much as possible. This work will happen towards the end of the work to ensure it is left clean once construction has finished. There will be no underground rock blasting, but rock breaking is a part of the process for the pipe jacking works, however this will be up to 18 metres underground and may not affect local residents/businesses. RB: Reference to 7.3 – Traffic noise. When work has been done in the past, man hole covers have not been secured properly so makes a big noise. There is no specific mention in the document and would be nice to see this noted. KR: What about light pollution? Light pollution is a consent condition as an environmental effect and is covered in the CEMP. Contractors will be smart about where to locate the lighting for the site so it does not affect residential buildings. KR: What about vandalism, unauthorised access to the site and potential thievery? CG: AT is working closely with NZ Police. AM:. The contractors will consider a Crime Prevention through Environmental Design plan (CPTED) when constructing the hoardings and have noted the need to consider if hoarding create additional access points to buildings KR: Does the project have insurance is anything like this happens? HR: The project has insurance. General Comments TC: There is a lot of work involved with reading the DWPs. AT agree, but this is a legal requirements. KR: Request for a hard copy of all DWP documentation. CG and KR to have a discussion outside of the meeting. CL: What opportunities do the public have around parking bays outside Stamford Residences? CG to speak with SL (Urban Design) for information. The CLG will meet fortnightly from now on due to the volume of documents to get through. AT understands this is a lot of work. CG: Members should focus on what they feel is important and give feedback on that. As there is such a lot of material to read through, CLG members may pass on some documents to peers to look through providing they understand this document is confidential.

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Minutes or Action Points Comments from CLG members Comment CLG member


Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) CL

The location of the loading platform is directly outside the front doors of the Stamford plaza/Stamford residencies. Please consider moving it somewhere else.


The complaints section of the CEMP does not list the Complaints and response times are dealt with in the Communications Plan response times the project has committed to when dealing prepared by Auckland Transport. with complaints. No change proposed to the CEMP.


The project needs to ensure that hoardings / security fences Connectus have noted the concern and will aim to design it out. It will also be constructed to secure the project do not inadvertently provide added as an inspection item on the weekly environmental checklist. access for criminals into adjacent buildings No change is proposed to the CEMP.

The platforms have been located to maximise efficiency of the excavation and to avoid existing services. The platforms are not located directly in front of Stamford. Change to the CEMP: The location drawing in the plan will be made clearer.

Construction Noise and Vibration CWP TC

The plan doesn't identify how noise complaints made to Auckland Council will be directed to the project and managed in a timely fashion. The concern is that many people will follow a traditional course of action and phone AC with noise complaints instead of contacting the CRL project directly.

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The CRL Project team work closely with Auckland Council and will provide the CRL contact details to the AC Noise Complaints Team. Section 9 of the CNV DWP will have the following text added: "Connectus will ensure Auckland Council's Noise Complaints Team are provided with contact details for the CRL complaints team to ensure CRL related noise complaints received by AC are passed on quickly"

Minutes or Action Points TC

Will people contacting the CRL project to make complaints be This opportunity is being investigated by Connectus. It is more relevant to the issued with a 'complaint reference number' or similar to make Communications plan than the CNV DWP. it easy to complain again about the same issue? No change is proposed to the CNV DWP


Traffic noise - There is concern that traffic going over bumps The CNV DWP will be modified to address this issue. A new subsection or causing temporary pavement components to move will (Section 7.9) will be added to the plan. Mitigation measures will include generate noise. This should be addressed in the plan. securing loose manhole covers and traffic decks to avoid movement where practicable, or to reduce noise/movement via the inclusion of rubber pads where practicable. In addition, efforts will be made to avoid bumps in the road surface which could lead to tyre noise. You will receive the next batch of DWPs on Friday, 16th October 2015 Next Meeting at AMP, Mairangi Room on Tuesday, 27th October 2015 Final Comments due on Monday, 19th October 2015 to CRLProject@aucklandtransport.govt.nz

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