11 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (C1) Chemical Treatment Management Plan (C1), Industrial

Page 1

Minutes or Action Points Community Liaison Group Meeting Contract 2: •

Changes to Transport, Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan (TAPDWP)

Contract 1 •

Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and Chemical Treatment Management (ESCP and CTMP)

Industrial and Trade Activities Environmental Management Plan (ITA EMP)

Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)


19 January 2016




CRL office, Level 17, 29 Customs Street West


Auckland Transport: Carol Greensmith (CG), Richard Jenkins (RJ), Holly Claeys (HC), Contact 1: Rachel Purdy (RP), Peter Roan (PR), Dale Burtenshaw (DB), Rob Van de Munckhof (RM), Costas Chryssafis (CC) Contract 2: Alan Howard-Smith (AHS), Alasdair Mawdsley (AM), Bob Mawdsley (BM), Hugh Robinson (HR), Chris Powell (CP), Marcus Williams (MW) CLG members Dick Ayers (DA), Tim Coffey (TC), Kathy Ross (KR), Ben Twigden (BT), Ross Baxter, David Brown (guests of Kathy Ross)


Ross Boswell (RB), Chris Levin (CL)

CRL - Minutes – CLG Meeting – 19TH January 2016 Page 1

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