CRL Mana Whenua case study

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City Rail Link and Mana Whenua Forum Partnership 2022
RANGATIRATANGA Governance RANGATIRATANGA Governance TE TAIAO Natural Environment TE TAIAO Natural Environment ORANGA Wellbeing ORANGA Wellbeing WHAI RAWA Economic WHAI RAWA Economic WHAKAPAPA Culture & Identity WHAKAPAPA Culture & Identity WAIRUA Mana

City Rail Link and Mana Whenua Forum Partnership Case Study

WĀHANGA 1: City Rail Link me Mana Whenua Forum

1.1 City Rail Link 18

1.2 Mana Whenua Forum 23

1.3 Te Tirohanga Tumuaki: Tā Sean Sweeney 23

WĀHANGA 2: Rangatiratanga

2.1 Te Whakatūranga o Mana Whenua Forum 27

2.2 Te Whakatakotoranga me te Tukanga 30

2.3 Ngā Whakaaroaronga o Ngā Mana Whenua 31

WĀHANGA 3: Whakapapa – Te Ahurea me te Tuakiri

3.1 Te Whakaingoa me te Whakaahua o ngā Taupuni 39

3.2 He Whakaaroaro 46

3.3 Ngā Pakiwaitara a ngā Ringatoi 50

WĀHANGA 4: Te Taiao

4.1 Te Tirohanga Hūrokuroku 63

4.2 He Whakaaroaro 67

WĀHANGA 5: Oranga

5.1 Ngā Rautaki Hauora me te Haumaru 71

5.2 Te Whakamataine Hauora 71

5.3 Ngā Hoa i te Whaihanga 75

5.4 He Whakatakanga Manawaroa 75

5.5 Te Whakapai i te Wāhi 75

WĀHANGA 6: Whai Rawa - Te Ōhanga

6.1 Te Hauora i ngā Whiwhinga Mahi 79

6.2 Te Rangahau Whakapūaho: Te Tūnuku Matua 86

6.3 Te Rangahau Whakapūaho: Te Hōtaka Mahi


WĀHANGA 7: Ko ngā hua ako me ngā tohu hei te anamata

7.1 Te Whakauru o ngā mana whenua mai i te

7.2 Mahi tahi me ngā tangata kei te taumata tika 94

7.3 Mārama atu i te whāinga matua 95

7.4 Whakamana tō hononga mana whenua 99

I te tika ngā ingoa o ngā teihana i roto i tēnei tuhinga i te wā i whakaputahia. Mai i tērā wā, i whakamanatia ngā ingoa whai muri i te hātepe tono ā-ture a Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa. Anei ngā ingoa:

Te Teihana o Maungawhau

Te Teihana o Karanga-a-Hape

Te Teihana o Te Waihorotiu

Te Teihana o Waitematā

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
tīmatanga 91
7.5 Whakawhanake te pūkenga ahurea 102 7.6 Whakamānawatia te ao Māori 106 7.7 Whakarongo tētahi ki tētahi kia ora ai te hononga pono 107 7.8 Mā te Whakatakanga ngā Whakataunga a-Hāpori, ā-Taiao anō hoki 111 WĀHANGA 8: He aha te āhua o te angitu? 115 WĀHANGA 9:
9.1 Te Kāwana
Rangapū Tauritenga 127 9.2 Te Kirimana
Rangapū Ngaio 130 9.3 Te Whakawhānui o ngā Hōtaka Whakareretanga a-Pāpori 130 WĀHANGA 10: Whakakapinga 135
Ka ahatia?
i te
4 Māori

City Rail Link and Mana Whenua Forum Partnership Case Study

Station names within this document were correct at time of publication. Since then, gifted station names have been formally adopted following the statutory application process with the New Zealand Geographic Board Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa. The names are as follows:

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
SECTION 1: City Rail Link and the Mana Whenua Forum 1.1 City Rail Link 20 1.2 Mana Whenua Forum 25 1.3 CEO Perspective: Dr Sean Sweeney 25 SECTION 2: Rangatiratanga - Governance 2.1 Mana Whenua Forum Formation 29 2.2 Structure and Process 32 2.3 Mana Whenua Reflections 33 SECTION 3: Whakapapa – Culture and Identity 3.1 Station Naming and Design 41 3.2 Reflections 48 3.3 Artists’ Stories 52 SECTION 4: Te Taiao – Natural Environment 4.1 Sustainability Vision 65 4.2 Reflections 69 SECTION 5: Oranga – Wellbeing 5.1 Health and Safety Strategy 73 5.2 Dialling up Wellbeing 73 5.3 Mates in Construction 77 5.4 Resilience Project 77 5.5 Site Blessing 77 SECTION 6: Whai Rawa – Economic 6.1 Wellbeing Through Work Opportunities 81 6.2 Prime Traffic Case Study 88 6.3 Progressive Employment Programme Case Study 88 SECTION 7: Lessons, Challenges, Advice 7.1 Engage at the Beginning 93 7.2 Work at the Right Level 96 7.3 Understand What You Want to Achieve 97 7.4 Invest Time and Resources 101 7.5 Build Internal Cultural Capability 104 7.6 The Māori World View 108 7.7 Listen to Each Other 109 7.8 Improve Social and Environmental Outcomes 113 SECTION 8: What does success look like? 117 SECTION 9: What’s next? 9.1 Governance Level Partnership 129 9.2 Formal Partnership Agreement 132 9.3 Expand Social Legacy Programmes 132 SECTION 10: Conclusion 137
Maungawhau Station Karanga-a-Hape Station Te Waihorotiu Station Waitematā Station. 5 English

In 2012, 19 Tāmaki Makaurau iwi were invited to be kaitiaki for the new City Rail Link. Eight took up the challenge.

Te Whakatakinga

He hononga motuhake tā CRL me te Mana Whenua Forum hei tauira i ngā hua o te mahi ngātahi a te iwi ki ngā whakatakanga hangahanga nui ki Aotearoa.

Ko te tōmuatanga o 2021. Ko tā te Mana Whenua he karawhiu pātai ki a City Rail

Link kia hanga rangahau whakapūaho o te hononga rangapū, i pēhea rānei tēnei hononga i tīmata ai, ngā awenga a tēnei hononga, me ngā akoranga kua ako kia pai ai ngā kaiahuwhenua kia rerekē atu, me ngā kaupapa tūāhanga kia pai ake ngā hua pai o te wheako.

Nā whai anō tēnei rangahau whakapūaho reo rua me ngā uiuinga a ngā mema o Mana Whenua Forum, ngā kaiwhakahaere o City Rail Link onāianei, o mua hoki, ko tētahi kaitohu mahi me ngā ringatoi o ngā mana whenua.

He mea auawhi tā tēnei rangahau whakapūaho i tā te whakaputanga i o tāna haere me ngā whakaaroaronga kia whai rautaki te nekewhakamua tēnei hononga rangapū hei ngā tau e heke mai ana. Ponitakatia ana te rongomau o te kounga o tēnei hononga rangapū kia noho pūmau ki ngā taha katoa o te hononga rangapū.

E pari atu ana ngā tai o mihi ki ngā tāngata katoa kua takoha mai i ngā kōrero ki tēnei kaupapa, arā anō ko tā te whakatātare, ko tā te whakaaro ki te kaupapa nei.

Nā te kounga o tēnei hononga, he tauira tēnei ki ngā kaupapa matua ki Tāmaki, kia whakawhiti whakaaro me ngā mana whenua.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
Te Ākitai Waiohua Te Kawerau ā Maki Ngāti Maru Ngāti Paoa Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Ngāti Tamaoho Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
“Ponitakatia ana te rongomau o te kounga o tēnei hononga rangapū kia noho pūmau ki ngā taha katoa o te hononga rangapū.”
Paoa ki uta, Paoa tai, Paoa ki tua Ngāti Maru

Nā ngā pou e rima tēnei rangahau whakapūaho e noho haumaru.

Ko ngā pou, he mātāpono rānei - nā Mana Whenua Forum te whakaahu kia tika te aro o tēnei kaupapa, kia pai ai te puta o ngā hua.

Ko ngā pou:



E whakamana ana mātou i tā mātou haepapa hei hoa Tiriti ki Tāmaki Makaurau whānui.


He whānau harikoa, he whānau tōnui, he whānau ora ngā whānau o Tāmaki Makaurau.

ORANGA Wellbeing


Te Ahurea me te Tuakiri: Ka kite, ka rongo hoki i tā mātou ahurea tuakiri ki a Tāmaki Makaurau whānui.

WHAKAPAPA Culture & Identity


He kaiwhāngai i te ōhanga ki ngā whānau, ngā hapū, ngā iwi hoki.


E manaaki ana i te taiao kia ora ai te wai me te hau i Tāmaki Makaurau.

He mana tauritenga tā ia pou, mā te kōtui i ngā pou e rima ka angitu ngā wawata o te mana whenua. I wānanga te hononga rangapū i te pou tuaono (Wairua - Kia noho tau ngā tāngata o Tāmaki Makaurau i roto i tā rātou whakapono ake) Ka noho tapu te pou Wairua ki ngā pou e rima.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
TE TAIAO Natural Environment
WHAI RAWA Economic
7 Māori

In 2012, 19 Tāmaki Makaurau iwi were invited to be kaitiaki for the new City Rail Link. Eight took up the challenge.


The partnership between City Rail Link Ltd and our Mana Whenua Forum offers a ground-breaking example of iwi engagement and collaboration for a large infrastructure project in Aotearoa New Zealand.

In early 2021 the Mana Whenua Forum asked CRL Ltd to produce a case study on the partnership, how the relationship evolved, the impact it has had, and the lessons learned so the developers of other, similar infrastructure projects can benefit from the experience.

This bi-lingual case study is based on interviews with members of the Mana Whenua Forum, past and present executives from CRL Ltd, an independent advisor and mana whenua artists.

The case study includes challenges that have emerged along the way and reflections on how such partnerships could evolve in future. The overwhelming sentiment is that the partnership is highly valued by all parties and an exemplar for others.

Thank you to everyone who generously shared their observations and opinions for this case study. We trust it is useful for the leaders of other major projects as you engage with mana whenua.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
The overwhelming sentiment is that the partnership is highly valued by all parties and an exemplar for others.
Te Ākitai Waiohua Te Kawerau ā Maki Ngāti Maru Ngāti Paoa Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Ngāti Tamaoho
Paoa ki uta, Paoa tai, Paoa ki tua Ngāti Maru
Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

This case study is set out under the headings of five pou – the pillars or principles – that the Mana Whenua Forum developed to clarify the outcomes it would like to see for iwi from the project. The pou are:

1. RANGATIRATANGA - Governance


E whakamana ana mātou i tā mātou haepapa hei hoa Tiriti ki Tāmaki Makaurau whānui. We are exercising our role as a Te Tiriti partner across Tāmaki Makaurau

4. ORANGA - Wellbeing

He whanau harikoa, he whanau tōnui, he whanau ora ngā whanau o Tāmaki Makaurau. Our whanau in Tāmaki Makaurau are happy, healthy, thriving and achieving

WHAKAPAPA Culture & Identity

2. WHAKAPAPA - Culture & Identity

Ka kite, ka rongo hoki i tā mātou ahurea tuakiri ki a Tāmaki Makaurau whānui. Our culture and identity are seen, heard, felt and celebrated across Tāmaki Makaurau

5. WHAI RAWA - Economic

He kaiwhāngai i te ōhanga ki ngā whanau, ngā hapū, ngā iwi hoki. Mana whenua are an economic force in Tāmaki Makaurau at the whānau, hapū and iwi levels

3. TE TAIAO - Natural Environment

E manāki ana I te taioa kia ora ai te wai me te hau i Tāmaki Makaurau. Te taiao, te wai and te hau in Tāmaki Makaurau are thriving and cared for

Each pou is equally important, and mana whenua aspirations can only be achieved when project activity is integrated across the five pou. There was discussion on a sixth pou (Wairua Spiritual - mana whenua and the people of Tāmaki Makaurau are spiritually sustained and nourished) as wairua is intrinsically linked to all five pou.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
TE TAIAO Natural Environment
ORANGA Wellbeing WHAI RAWA Economic
9 English


Mana Whenua Forum

Simon Lough


Kaiwhakahaere Hoahoa me te Tukunga CRL – whaitua tāone, toi, ngā whakaniko me ngā tāhono.

Kaiārahi o te hononga ki te manawhenua mō City Rail Link.

Carol Greensmith

Tiamana 2013-2018

He Kaiwhakahaere Whakawhiti Kōrero ki Auckland Transport me te Kaihautū Whakawhiti Mahi mai i te tau 2013 ki te tau 2018, he pouhāpai, he kaikōkiri o ngā Mana Whenua hoki ia.

Michelle Tahu McGrath

Kaihono ki ngā Mana Whenua, Ngāti Whātua

He Kaiwhakahaere o Ngā Hononga mana whenua, kaihāpai o ngā kōrero hāngai ki tēnei kaupapa o ngā mana whenua.

Victoria Thackwray

Tiamana 2018-2022

GM Ngā Hononga Rangatōpū me te Whakawhitinga Kōrero, he mātanga o ngā kaupapa hanganga korahi i Aotearoa me Ahitereiria.

Pāora Puru

Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua

I āna whakatipuranga o runga pā, hei tā Pāora ko tōna kawenga ake i te mātauranga Māori, he kaikōrero hoki

ia, kaikarakia hoki ki ngā kaupapa tapu.

Edith Tuhimata

Ngāti Tamaoho

He tino pou a Edith i te whakawhanake

o ngā whakaritenga ahurea ki Te

Tūhono Waka me te whakaurunga

o ngā uara o te ao Māori i ngā mahi mahere hūrokuroku o ISC (Infrastructure Sustainability Council).

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
10 Māori

Adrian Pettit

Te Ākitai Waiohua

He kaha nō Adrian te whakauru i

āna mātauranga hoahoa whare kia ū

tonu ki ngā hiahia o te Mana Whenua

ringatoi i te whakawhanake o ngā taupuni tereina, me ōna wāhitata.

Geoff Cook

Ngāti Maru

He ika a Whiro a Geoff hei māngai

mo ngā Mana Whenua, nō te tau 2013, He māngai a Geoff nō Ngāti Maru i ētahi o ngā ohu kaunihera kāwana.

Josie Wall

Te Kawerau a Maki

He māngai a Josie o Te Kawerau a Maki, he tautōhito hoki a Josie i roto i ngā mahi whakaako, i tōna aronga ki te ao whakaako mātauranga, te whakahiato ora me ētahi atu kaupapa.

Kingi Makoare

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

He Kaiwhakahaere matua o Te taiao me

te Ahurea nō Ngāti Whātua e hāngai ana

ki ngā aronga wharenoho, tūnuku me te

whakaiti hoki o ngā puha me te kaikōkiri ki

Tāmaki Makaurau, ki Āotearoa whānui.

Thomas Rawiri

Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

He aukaha hāpai he kaikōkiri kaupapa nō Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki e aro ana ki ngā take taiao, ngā hononga rangapu me ngā rautaki whakamahere.

City Rail Link Ltd

Dr Sean Sweeney


Te Upoko o ngā hōtaka pūrawa i Aotearoa, i Ahitereiria hoki me tana

tohu kairangi i te akoranga ohaoha

whaihanga o Te Whare Wānanga o Poipiripi.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
11 Māori


Simon Lough


Design and Delivery Manager CRL - urban realm, art, station finishes and interfaces. Mana whenua relationship lead for City Rail Link.

Victoria Thackwray

Chair 2018-2022

GM Corporate Relations and Communications, specialist in large scale infrastructure projects in New Zealand and Australia.

Carol Greensmith

Chair 2013-2018

Auckland Transport Communications Manager and Stakeholder Engagement Lead from 2013 to 2018 and a strong proponent and initiator of the Forum.

Michelle Tahu McGrath

Mana Whenua Relationships Manager, Ngāti Whātua

Mana whenua relationship manager and advocate for mana whenua input into the project.

Pāora Puru

Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua

Raised on the marae, Pāora is recognised for his extensive mātauranga Māori and is often called upon to speak and offer the karakia at ceremonial events.

Edith Tuhimata

Ngāti Tamaoho

Edith has played a key role in the development of CRL’s cultural management plan and inclusion of te ao Māori values into the ISC (Infrastructure Sustainability Council) sustainable development framework.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
Mana Whenua Forum
12 English

Adrian Pettit

Te Ākitai Waiohua

Adrian has applied his architectural background to ensure the integrity of the designs by mana whenua artists was maintained in the development of the stations and surrounds.

Geoff Cook

Ngāti Maru

The longest serving Mana Whenua Forum representative, having joined the group around 2013, Geoff represents Ngāti Maru on several local government advisory bodies.

Josie Wall

Te Kawerau a Maki

Josie has an extensive background in education and works within the Mana Tangata arm for Te Kawerau a Maki, focusing on education, social development and other projects.

Kingi Makoare

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

Enviromental and Cultural Lead for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei responsible for policy focusing on housing, transport and emissions reduction and advocacy in Tāmaki Makaurau and nationally.

Thomas Rawiri

Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Kaitiaki representative for Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki and Director of He Ara Poutama Limited, advising on Māori relationship and environmental strategy, planning and management.

Experienced leader of large capital programmes in New Zealand and Australia with a PhD in Construction Economics from the University of Melbourne.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
City Rail Link Ltd
13 English

Francois Dudouit

Kaihautū Kaupapa

He Mataaro Metarahi nō Wīwī me tana mahi i roto i ngā hoahoa rerewhenua rōnuku i ngā tāone ki te mata o te whenua. He kaiwhakahaere mō ngā kaupapa o City Rail Link ki Tāmaki Makaurau.

Rewi Rogers

Kaiwhakahaere Whiwhinga Pāpori, 2020-2022

He Kaitohu mahi Māori o Ngā

Kaupapahere Pāpori Māori me āna

wheako i a KPMG, Fonterra, BNZ me Te Taiao a Toi.

Carolyn Cox

Kaiwhakahaere Hūrokuroku

He Kaihautū mahi toa o ngā Pakihi

Hūrokuroku me āna 20+ ngā tau

wheako ki ngā wāhanga tūmatawhānui, tūmatawhāiti hoki. He Mema Rokohanga o te pakihi Green Business HQ.

Berenize Peita

Whakarerenga o ngā Hua Pāpori

He kanohi mō Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua i mua i tana rapu mahi ki City Rail Link. I te tau 2016 ko Berenize te Kaiwhakahaere Hua a Hāpori.

Liz Root

Kaitohutohu Matua Hūrokuroku

He Kaiwhiwhi o te tohu kairangi o Infrastructure Sustainability Council e tana whakapau kaha ki te whakapiki i te hūrokuroku me ngā hua pāpori i te pewanga tūāhanga.

Rob Mair

Kaihautū Haumaru

Kaingaio o ngā mahi haumaru

ā-rerewhenua, me āna tau wheako 20+ i roto i ngā tūranga kaiwhakahaere matua, me ngā ronogo o tōna mātauranga matihiko me te whakahaere tangata.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
City Rail Link Ltd
14 Māori

Richard Jenkins

Kaiwhakamahere Matua

He Kaiwhakamahere Rohenga Tāone me

āna tau wheako e 35, me te tuku hoki i

ngā kaupapa tūāhanga matua maha.

Ringatoi Mana Whenua

Graham Tipene

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei – Ringatoi mō Te

Taupuni Tereina ki Waihorotiu

Inā te mahi o tēnei ringatoi, ko ngā kamupene

whaiwhai i āia te tohu. He ringatoi mō ngā kaupapa kia pai ai te whakauru i te ao Māori ki te taiao tāone, ka kitea i tana mahi ki Tāmaki whānui.

Reuben Kirkwood

Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki – Ringatoi o ngā

Taupuni Tereina ki Karanga-a-Hape, ki Beresford hoki

He Kaihautū i ngā hoahoa Māori o ngā

tau 15+ me āna aronga ki te kōtuitui i ngā

tikanga Māori tawhito kia whakauru ki ngā

tūāhanga ināianei.

Jo Reeves

Te Tumuaki Whanaungatanga me te

Whakawhiti Kōrero 2022

He Māngai Whakawhiti Kōrero, he

kiripānga, me te aronga atu ki ngā

mātanga pūngao, hūrokuroku me ngā

pewanga e whanake haere.

Tessa Harris

Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki – Ngā Tai ki TāmakiRingatoi o Te Taupuni Tereina ki Maungawhau

He ringatoi pātahi maha tēnei ringatoi me tana mahitahi i ngā momo kōhatu, karaehe, rākau me ngā rauemi nō te taiao o Aotearoa. Nō mai rā anō ngā awenga o āna mahi kōhatu.

Kaitohu Mahi Motuhake

Rau Hoskins

Director, Design Tribe Architects

He kairata, he kaiako hoki i roto i ngā

hoahoa whare Māori me te hoahoa taiao, He Kaihautū mahi a Rau o ngā kaihoahoa o te mana whenua, me te kaiwhakahaere o ngā mahi hoahoa i te kaupapa Te Aranga.

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15 Māori

Francois Dudouit

French civil engineer who has worked on underground rail networks in cities all around the world and now heads the project management for Auckland’s CRL.

Rewi Rogers

Social Procurement Lead, 2020-2022

Experienced Māori social policy advisor who has consulted to KPMG, Fonterra, BNZ and the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.

Carolyn Cox

Sustainability Manager

Award-winning Sustainable Business Advisor with 20+ years’ experience in public and private sectors. Founder of Green Business HQ.

Berenize Peita

Social Outcomes Legacy

Iwi representative for Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua before accepting a role with CRL in 2016 as the Social Development Advisor and wrote the CRL Social Outcomes Strategy. Seconded to the Link Alliance in 2019 and is now the Social Outcomes Legacy Manager.


Principal Sustainability Advisor


Recipient of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council’s Outstanding Contribution Award 2022 for elevating sustainability and social outcomes in the infrastructure sector.

Rob Mair

Railway safety professional with 20+ years’ experience in senior management positions and a reputation for technical knowledge and people leadership.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022 City Rail Link Ltdcontinued
16 English

Richard Jenkins

Principal Planner

Urban planner with 35 years’ experience, including the delivery of numerous major infrastructure projects.

Mana Whenua Artists

Graham Tipene

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei – Artist for Te Waihorotiu Station

One of the most in-demand artists for projects that ensure te ao Māori is an intrinsic part of the urban landscape, Graham’s artwork can be found across Tāmaki Makaurau.

Reuben Kirkwood

Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki – Artist for Karanga-a-Hape Station

Māori design leader with over 15 years’ experience specialising in the integration of Tawhito-Māori ancient aesthetic into modern infrastructure.

Jo Reeves

Head of Corporate Relations and Communications, 2022

Communications and stakeholder engagement specialist in the energy, sustainability and development sectors.

Tessa Harris

Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki – Artist for Maungawhau Station

A multi-disciplinary artist who works with stone, glass, wood and natural fibres from Aotearoa. Tessa’s stonework designs are based on traditional mahi kohatu.


Director, Design Tribe Architects

A practitioner and educator in Māori architecture and cultural landscape design, Rau is a director of Design Tribe architects and led development of the Te Aranga design principles.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022
Kaitohu Mahi Motuhake Hoskins
17 English

WĀHANGA 1: City Rail Link me Mana Whenua Forum

1.1 City Rail Link:

Whakahoungia te haerenga i Tāmaki Makaurau

Ko City Rail Link te kaupapa hanga kawenga nui rawa atu i mahia i Aotearoa. Mā

tēnei tino ratonga tereina ka huri noa ai te haere a te iwi rahi e noho ana i te rohe

tino mamahi o Aotearoa, ā, ka whakanuia atu a Tāmaki Makaurau hei tāone nui o te ao whānui.

I te marama o Hepetema 2016, i hainatia he Whakaaetanga Matua e te Kaunihera o

Tāmaki Makaurau me te Kāwanatanga hei utu tahi i City Rail Link. E ai ki tēnei tohu

nui i whakaaengia e te kāwanatanga ā-kāinga me te kāwanatanga matua he tino

mea ki te hanga i City Rail Link kia hāpai ai te iwi me te tipuranga o ngā kiritaki kawe

waka, kia kōkiri anō te ohaoha hei te anamata. Nā te Kāwanatanga me Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau i whakatū te kamupene ko City Rail Link hei kawe te kaupapa nei mai i te 1 o Hurae 2017.

Ko tā CRL, he 3.45 kiromita te roa o te hononga ara i raro i te whenua i raro i te pokapū o te taone nui o Tāmaki Makaurau e huri ana i te teihana o te taone nui o Waitematā (Britomart) ki te teihana rua-ara ki te teihana kia pai ake ai te hono atu i te whatunga tereina o te taone nui, me te neke atu i te takirua te kaha ki te kawe ki runga. 54,000 nga tāngata i te haora.

Ko tā CRL te tūnga tereina o Maungawhau (Mount Eden) me ngā taupuni hou i raro i te whenua - tētahi o waenganui-tāone i ngā tiriti o Wellesley me Wikitoria e kīa nei

ko te Teihana o Waihorotiu me te teihana o Karanga-a-Hape kei te taha o te huarahi o Karang-a-Hape. Ko ngā ingoa teihana e whā kua whakawhiwhia e te Huihuinga

Mana Whenua o CRL, ā kei te whiriwhirihia mā te whakaingoa i te Poari o Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.

Mā te whakahou i te ratonga tereina o Tāmaki Makaurau, ka whakapai ake a CRL i ngā huarahi haerenga mā te whakamāmā i te pēhanga ki

runga i nga rori me te whakarato i ngā hua hauora tae atu ki te hau

mai i te tini o ngā tāngata e haere mā runga tereina hiko

Hei tāpiri ake, ko tāna hangahanga e whakarato mahi ana mō ngā kaimahi e 2,500 pea i te wā o te hanga matua, ka piki ake nga pūkenga o ngā kaimahi o te rohe me te whakapiki i te tipu me te uru atu ki te rohe pakihi tino whai hua o Aotearoa – te puku o Tāmaki.

Ko nga wāhi whānui huri noa i ngā teihana e hangaia ana a CRL, he wāhi aro nui ki te hapori kia ātaahua hoki te hanga. Ko te CRL anō te kaikawe ki te whakawhanake rawa i ngā rawa arumoni hou, ā, ka hangaia ngā whare maha e huri noa i ōna taupuni tereina, kia whakarawea rawatia te iwi ki ngā āheinga whare me ngā huarahi mahi.

Ko Link Alliance, he huinga o ngā kamupene e whitu o Aotearoa me rāwāhi tae ana ki a CRL Ltd, kei te kawe i ngā mahi a CRL matua - ngā taupuni me ngā anaroa. I te otinga, kua whakaritea hei te mutunga o te tau 2025, ka tukuna a CRL ki a AT kia whakahaere.

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City Rail Link and the Mana Whenua Forum

1.1 City Rail Link: Revolutionising travel in Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau

The City Rail Link (CRL) is the largest transport infrastructure project ever undertaken in New Zealand. This world-class rail service will revolutionise the way people get around New Zealand’s busiest and most densely populated region, while helping to put Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland on the map as a truly international city.

In September 2016, Auckland Council and the Government signed a Heads of Agreement to jointly fund the CRL. This historic milestone signalled that central and local government agreed building the CRL is a priority to deal with Auckland’s population and transport patronage growth and help move its economy forward.

The Government and Auckland Council established the company City Rail Link Limited (CRL Ltd) to deliver the project effective from 1 July 2017.

The CRL is a 3.45km twin-tunnel underground rail link below Auckland city centre that transforms the downtown Waitematā Station (Britomart) into a two-way through-station to better connect the city’s rail network, and more than doubles capacity to carry up to 54,000 passengers an hour.

The CRL also includes a redeveloped Maungawhau and new underground stations - one mid-town at Wellesley and Victoria Streets called Te Waihorotiu Station and Karanga-a-Hape Station just off Karangahape Road. The four station names have been gifted by CRL’s Mana Whenua Forum and are currently under consultation through naming authority the New Zealand Geographic Board.

By modernising Auckland’s rail service, CRL will improve travel options by easing pressure on roads and providing health benefits including cleaner air from more people using electric trains. In addition, its development provides jobs for about 2,500 during peak construction, upskills the local labour force and increases growth and accessibility of New Zealand’s most productive business district – central Auckland.

Public spaces around CRL stations are being designed to be community focused and visually stunning. CRL will also be the catalyst for significant development of new commercial properties, and thousands of homes will be built around its stations, providing people with better access to housing and employment opportunities.

Link Alliance, a consortium of seven New Zealand and international companies including CRL Ltd, is delivering the main CRL works - the stations and tunnels. On completion, which is currently scheduled for late 2025, CRL will be handed over to Auckland Transport to operate.

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1.2 Mana Whenua Forum: Te Manawanui ki te Hūrokuroku me te Katiakitanga

I te tau 2012, i toro atu te rōpū kaupapa o CRL ki te mana whenua puta noa i Tāmaki Makaurau ki te whakamārama i te kaupapa, te wāhi ka haere, me te hiahia kia whai wāhi mai i te kaupapa.

I whakatūria he Huinga Mana Whenua, ā, mai i tērā wā kua whakamanahia e ngā tikanga whakaaetanga a te kaupapa. I whakaurua ngā iwi e waru o ngā iwi tekau mā iwa i Tāmaki Makaurau whānui. Ko Te Ākitai Waiohua, ko Te Kawerau ā Maki, ko Ngāti Maru, ko Ngāti Paoa, ko Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, ko Ngāti Tamaoho, ko Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua, ko Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei ngā mema i whakaurua.

Ko te mahi a te Huinga ko:

• Te whakawhanake i ngā tikanga mahi hei whakamana i nga mātāpono i raro i te Mahere Mahi Hoahoa Tāone

• Whakauru ki te hoahoa o ngā taupuni tereina

• Whakauru ki te whakaritenga o ngā Mahere Whakahaere Taiao Hanganga

• Te mahitahi i ngā taonga tuku iho me ngā kaupapa whaipara tangata

• Te whakahaere i ngā tikanga kaitiaki i roto i te kaupapa CRL, tae ana ki te aroturuki, te hāpai i ngā tikanga whakahura, me te tuku whakaurunga o te mātauranga Māori ki ngā wāhanga e tika ana o te kaupapa

• Te whakarato i tētahi huihuinga kōrero i te taha o te mana whenua hei whakaingoa i ngā taupuni tūnga tereina CRL

• Te whai wāhi ki te hoahoa anō, te whakaaetanga, te hūrokuroku, me ētahi atu awheawhe.

1.3 Tirohanga Tumuaki:

Dr Sean Sweeney - CEO

I taku urunga atu ki a CRL Ltd hei Tumuaki i te tau 2018 kua

whakahaere kē te Huinga Mana Whenua, ā, e ai ki te tokomaha, ko te tauira pai rawa atu o te hononga i waenga i tētahi kaupapa hanganga me ngā iwi o te rohe.

He mana tō te Huihuinga kia kawe rawa atu ōna takohanga. Ka noho tonu hei

hoa kaupapa ki te kōkiri whakamua te kaupapa nei.

I whakapau kaha ahau ki te whakawhitit kōrero ki te Huihuinga mō tata ki ngā meneti tekau mā rima i te tīmatanga o ia hui. Ka tukuna ngā kōrero hou me ngā kōrero pono o te kaupapa e au ki ngā mema o te Huihuinga, kia mōhio ai rātou ki te pononga o te whakahaere mahi, ā, ki taku nei mōhio e whakamaioha ana rātou.

Ka āhei haere ēnei mahi whakawhanaunga hei kaupapa tuarua, tuatoru rānei. ā, kāore au i pirangi i tērā. Ko te hononga o CRL ki te Huinga Mana Whenua he mea nui ki te kaupapa.

He mana tō te Huihuinga kia kawe rawa atu ōna takohanga. Ka noho tonu hei hoa kaupapa ki te kōkiri whakamua te kaupapa nei. Ehara i te mea ka whakaaro noa rātou mai i te tirohanga ao Maori – he tirohanga whānui ake. E mōhio ana rātou ki ngā piki me ngā heke o te ao hurihuri nei, ā, e hiahia ana rātou ki te mahitahi i reira.

Nā rātou ngā mea uaua i whakaea, i whakatau hoki ahakoa he iti ngā

kōwhiringa, ā, ki ōku nei whakaara i wheako pai rawa. Ka taea te kōrero tahi tātou mō ngā mea uaua kia tohutohu mai ai ki a mātou.

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1.2 Mana Whenua Forum: Commitment to Sustainability and Kaitiakitanga

In 2012, CRL’s project team approached mana whenua across Auckland to explain the project, the area it would travel through, and whether they would like to be involved.

A Mana Whenua Forum was established and since then it has been formalised through the project’s legally binding consent conditions. From 19 iwi across Auckland, eight signed up. The members are Te Ākitai Waiohua, Te Kawerau ā Maki, Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Paoa, Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, Ngāti Tamaoho, Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.

1.3 CEO Perspective: Dr Sean Sweeney - CEO

When I joined CRL Ltd as CEO in 2018 the Mana Whenua Forum was already running and, according to many, was the best example of a partnership between an infrastructure project and local iwi.

The role of the Forum includes:

• Developing practical measures to give effect to the principles in the Urban Design Delivery Work Plan

• Input into the design of the stations

• Input into the preparation of the Construction Environment Management Plans

• Working collaboratively around built heritage and archaeological matters

• Undertaking kaitiakitanga (guardianship) responsibilities associated with the CRL project, including monitoring, assisting with discovery procedures, and providing input of Māori mātauranga (knowledge) in relevant stages of the project

• Providing a forum for consultation with mana whenua regarding the names for the CRL stations

• Taking part in additional design, consent, sustainability, and other workshops.

I committed to brief the Forum for 10 to 15 minutes at the start of meetings. I give the Forum members unvarnished updates on the project, so they know from the inside what’s going on – and I sense they appreciate that.

These relationships can easily become a second or third tier initiative, and I didn’t want that. CRL’s relationship with the Mana Whenua Forum is very important to the project.

The Forum uses its authority with real responsibility. It continually acts as a partner to take the project forward. They don’t just think through things from a Māori lens – they take a wider view. They understand the world of limitations and demands, and they’re willing to work in that world.

They have had some challenging things to work through where there were finite options and choices and they worked their way through those, so it’s been very positive, from my point of view. We can talk to them about specific challenges and get advice.

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The Forum uses its authority with real responsibility. It continually acts as a partner to take the project forward.
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whero, mā pango ka oti ai te mahi
the mahi will be completed

WĀHANGA 2: Rangatiratanga – Governance

Kia hua ai ngā mahi a City Rail Link me Mana Whenua

Forum, me whakapūmau ki ngā mātāpono, anō hoki me painga pātahi, kia tika kia pono ngā whakawhitinga kōrero, me te mahingātahi. Kō tā ngā māngai o ngā mana whenua, he mahi kaitiaki te hononga ki tēnei kaupapa, mā rātou hoki i waihanga ngā pou e rima e whirinaki ana ngā wāhanga aronga.

2.1 Te Whakatūranga o Mana Whenua Forum

I te whakatūnga atu o City Rail Link i te tau 2011, he mea haepapa o Auckland Transport (AT). Hei tā te Kaihautū mahi CRL, ko Claire Stewart, me te kaiwhakahaere o AT, i whakaae a Dr David Warburton kia tōtika te whakapāha atu ki ngā iwi, nā reirā i tonoa atu ki ngā kaiwhakahaere, ki ngā tiamana hoki o ngā iwi o Tāmaki Makaurau kia whakamārama ai te kaupapa, me te whenua ka takaina.

He mea rangatira ki te rangatira - kaihāutū ki te kaihāutū - he mea

whakahirahira te whakaatu rā me te kuma a roto kia whakapāha atu ki ngā iwi.

I pōwhiri ngā kaiwhakahaere me ngā tiamana e waru ki te hui. Kāore anō a CRL kua tau i ētahi o ngā taunga nā tērā i angitu katoa tēnei

kaupapa - kia tonoa ki ngā iwi mai i te pūtakenga o te kōkiri kaupapa.

Hei tīmatanga ake, i tāpiri atu a ngā mana whenua o CRL ki ngā mana

whenua o AT, hei reirā ngā pitomata mātauranga i angitu ai. Hai reirā tātou hanga Mana Whenua Forum kia kōataata ai.

He tirohanga whānui tā ngā iwi.

Ko ngā tīpuna ki tērā pokohiwi, ko te

mokopuna ki tērā atu.

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Mā whero, mā pango ka oti ai te mahi
the mahi will be

SECTION 2: Rangatiratanga – Governance

The City Rail Link and Mana Whenua Forum Guiding Principles document is the founding document of the partnership, but it is the mutual respect, communication and collaboration which has allowed the partnership to flourish and grow. Mana whenua iwi representatives see their role as kaitiaki for the project and have developed the five pou which encompass the key areas of interest and focus.

2.1 Mana Whenua Forum Formation

When the City Rail Link project was first conceived in 2011, it was the responsibility of Auckland Transport (AT). CRL Project Director Claire Stewart and AT CEO Dr David Warburton agreed we should engage with iwi straight away and wrote to the CEOs and Chairs of iwi across Auckland to explain the project and the geographical area it would cover.

It was Rangatira ki te Rangatira – leader to leader – and that mattered because it showed the importance of the project and the top-level desire to have iwi engaged.

We invited the eight interested CEOs and Chairs to a hui. CRL’s project team had not made any decisions at that point and that is a key part of our success – starting our iwi engagement at the very beginning. Initially the Forum joined the AT mana whenua table but the amount of information to be shared was enormous. So, we established the Mana Whenua Forum which is very open and transparent.

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Governance RANGATIRATANGA Governance
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Iwi have a very long-term view. Mana whenua carry their tūpuna on one shoulder and their mokopuna on the other.

He māngai ngā tūranga o Mana Whenua Forum. Ka panonia ngā mema i ētahi wā, engari anō mō ngā iwi o ngā mema. He tirohanga whānui tā ngā iwi. Ko ngā tīpuna ki tērā pokohiwi, ko te mokopuna ki tērā atu.

Ehara i te mahitahi he mea mahi, engari he mea a wai. Ko tā CRL, he mea whai hononga ki ngā tāngata e kuhu mai ana ki te kaupapa, kia

tūtakitaki ki ngā māngai mana whenua. He reo rua tā te kawe i ngā whakawhitinga kōrero o rātou.

He mahitahi tā mātou ko ngā mana whenua. I te pūtakenga o te kaupapa ka matua kē mai tā rātou urunga mai. Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, i ora ai te kaupapa. Ko tā te tīma CRL, he tangata nō te ao whānui atu, he mea whakawhānui hononga tā te rangapū nei kia ngaio te haere.

Ka mātua mai te mahitahi i roto i te maru hāneanea. Ki te hapa mai, ka tōtika te haere ki ngā mana whenua kia wānanga ai. He kōrero tautoko te kawe. Ko tā rātou kia angitu ai ngā wāhi katoa o Tāmaki, he kaupapa e rua, e rua!

2.2 Te Whakatakotoranga me te Tukanga:

He hononga tūtohu mahi te rangapū nei tā CRL me Mana Whenua Forum, kāore he tiriti, engari, kua tau atu he tauira o te hononga hāneanea o ngā taha katoa. Ko ngā mātāpono, he whakatakinga ki te hanga o te hononga, ko ngā whāinga paetae, ko ngā huānga, ko te hanganga me te whakatau ara tika kia hāngai pai ai ki ngā pou e rima. Ka tuwheratia i te tirohanga o te ao Māori. He honore ki te Tiriti o Waitangi me ngā mātāpono, rangapū mahitahi, whakauru mahi, me te haere hāneanea atu. Ka mutu hoki ki ngā kaitiaki, nā te kaitiakitanga a ngā mana whenua o te whenua me ngā wai. He manawanui kia kauawhi,

kia whakahōnore atu ki ngā wā o mua, o muri hoki kia haumaru ai te anamata.

Whakatau Kaupapa

He mea whakariterite wawata tā City Rail Link, ko tā ngā iwi, he whakatau i te aha me ngā haerenga katoa o tēnei kaupapa. Me takitoru te whakataunga, engari kia hirahira ake nei te kaupapa, ka toro atu ki ērā atu mema kia whakatau tika te ara kia haere whakamua.

Ko te rōpū whakahaere, kia tau mai ētahi kaiwhiriwhiri kia whakakī i ngā

āputa kāore e āhei ana ngā mana whenua te whakakī. Hei tauira ake, i te whakawhitinga ki a Link Alliance, he tangata kua tau mai kia whāngai mātauranga o ngā wai whaihanga ki Maungawhau.

Kōwhiringa o ngā Mema

Ka kōwhiria ngā māngai mā ngā poari a tērā iwi, a tērā iwi. Ko ngā mema hou ka whai atu i te tukanga whakatakinga ki te kaupapa me ngā tūtohunga mahi. Ko te hiahia a te mema hou te whāinga o tēnei tukanga, kia tū hei māngai mō tērā o ngā wāhanga kua karanga atu ki a ia. He whānui te kaupapa, nā reira ka tōroa ake ētahi o ngā ta.

Kia whai atu i te ara pūtea tika, ki te hiahia i te kounga o tēnei o ngā hononga rangapū ki tō ake kaupapa.

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Whai Rauemi, Whai Pūtea hoki a CRL

He kaha nō City Rail Link te tautoko a pūtea a kaupapa hoki, nā tērā, i kōwhiria tētahi kaiwhakahaere o Ngā Hononga Mana Whenua. He tūranga rautakinga te tiamana. Ko Simon Lough tērā, te tangata kaha ki te whai honohono ki ngā mema o ngā iwi, ki ngā māngai hoki, me tana ū kaha hoki ki te ao Māori me tōna kaha ki te ako i te reo Māori.

Kia whai atu i te ara pūtea tika, ki te hiahia i te mātauranga kounga o tēnei o ngā hononga rangapū ki tō ake kaupapa kia u āi ngā mahi a Ngā Mana

Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau. Ka utuā a hāora a CRL Ltd ki ngā māngai o te iwi, me ngā hui ā-iwi, te rangahau me te tuhi mahere whakamua me te whakatikatika mahi tuhinga hoki.

Whakamahere Mahi me ngā Hui

He hui ā-marama tā te hononga rangapū, ka tono hoki ki ngā māngai katoa o ngā mana whenua. Ko tā te kaiwhakahaere o CRL Ltd, Sean Sweeney, he huitahi me te tīmata i ngā mahinga ki te kaupapa City Rail Link, whai muri iho ko te uepū whakaaturanga hoki. Mā ngā kaimahi katoa e whakaatu ki ngā kaupapa hou, kia hāngai pū ake ki ngā mātauranga o te mana whenua kia kotahi ai te whakaaro ki ngā pūrākau a te iwi - arā anō hoki ko ngā mahinga toi, he kitenga whaipara tangata, he mea hauora, haumaru me te waiora hoki o te wāhi. Ko tā te mana whenua kia tuku pātai, kia hoatu rānei i ngā mātauranga kei te iwi, ki whai atu i te ara tika. Ka hui ngā māngai o ngā mana whenua me tō rātou kotahi, kia tau a mana whenua nei kia anga whakamua atu.

Te whai tikanga - te karakia tīmatanga, whakamutunga hoki. Te whāngai kai i ngā wā tika - he mea rongoā. Kia ū ai ki te whāinga matua, kia whai hua ngā hui, kō tā Michelle McGrath, te māngai o te hononga ki ngā mana whenua e tau ana mō ngā mana whenua, kia kotahi ai ngā whakatau o runga pepa miniti hoki.

2.3 Ngā Whakaaroaronga o Ngā Mana Whenua Pāora Puru (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua)

Mā te mana whenua noa te āputa kaitiaki te whakakī mā ōna ake taonga, ko tā ngā rauemi o te taiao, o ngā wāhi tapu, ngā wāhi ahurea e noho tata ki te Māori. He tirohanga whānui ki tā te tirohanga o te ao, o te taiao, ngā atua rerekē, tipua rerekē, kaitiaki o ngā wāhanga katoa kua hanga e ao, he whakapapa kua

whakairohia ki te mana whenua.

Edith Tuhimata (Ngāti Tamaoho)

He mea whakamana i te kupu o te mana whenua hei kaitiaki, kia whāngai ngā tirohanga iwi ki ngā kaupapa matua o te tāone nei. He whakaute te hua o te kōrero. Ka tutū te puehu, ka ora ai te iwi o ngā mana whenua e 19 o Tāmaki!

Ko tā Mana Whenua Forum he hua, he hiahia nō ngā taha e rua kia tūtakitaki, kia whai hua mā te whenua. Hohou

katoa ana te rongo.

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The Mana Whenua Forum members are representatives of the iwi. The individuals do change from time to time, but the iwi doesn’t change. Iwi have a very long-term view. Mana whenua carry their tūpuna (ancestors) on one shoulder and their mokopuna (grandchildren) on the other.

Working together is not just about ‘the doing’ it’s about ‘the who-ing’. Relationships were built by CRL project people coming in and being introduced to the mana whenua representatives. Mana Whenua Forum conversations could slip in and out of Māori and English.

We walked through the project with mana whenua. From the very beginning they were integral to the project team. It’s a two-way street so iwi learned a lot about infrastructure. On the CRL Ltd team we had people from all over the world, and the Forum has expanded their horizons as professionals.

We’ve built a relationship that is trusting. When a mistake happens, we can go to iwi and talk about it. They are supportive. They want the best for Auckland and New Zealand, so we are hand in hand.

2.2 Structure and Process:

The partnership between CRL Ltd and the Mana Whenua Forum is based on high trust, good faith, and a meaningful relationship. As such, Guiding Principles were established rather than a Terms of Reference. Guiding Principles include an introduction about the formation of the relationship, the key objectives, the membership, the structure, the decision-making processes, and the five pou agreed by the Forum.

Our Guiding Principles are based on the te ao Māori worldview, honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles of partnership, participation, and protection.

The partnership’s Guiding Principles close with kaitiaki because mana whenua are the guardians of the land and water. There’s a commitment to inclusion and diversity, to honour the past and the present and protect for the future. .

Decision making

The Guiding Principles sets the scene but the Mana Whenua Forum iwi representatives are the decision-makers. They can make decisions with a quorum of three but, if a matter is important, they will caucus for more discussions with the other representatives to reach a consensus.

Forum representatives have a mandate to bring in consultants to advise in areas where they don’t have the skills or knowledge within the group. For example, in consultation with Link Alliance an independent consultant was brought in to talk about Maungawhau construction water.

Mana Whenua Forum appointments

Forum representatives are appointed by their iwi boards. New representatives are inducted in the Guiding Principles and the project. New members are taken through any specific areas they wish to learn more about, and they are encouraged to have a handover from their current iwi representative. It takes new appointees a while to get up to speed because it is a big field.

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Organisations seeking to establish a Mana Whenua Forum must have a reasonable budget to compensate iwi representatives.

CRL resourcing and funding

The Mana Whenua Forum is well supported and funded by CRL Ltd including a dedicated Mana Whenua Relationship Manager. The Chair is a key strategic role. Simon Lough is the current Chair and has deep project knowledge and a close relationship with the iwi representatives, backed by a personal commitment to Te Ao Māori worldview including learning te reo. Organisations seeking to establish a Mana Whenua Forum must have a reasonable budget to compensate iwi representatives for their time and knowledge and secure their services. CRL Ltd pays Forum members an hourly rate for attending meetings and subcommittee meetings, researching, and writing plans and reviewing documentation.

Workplan and meetings

The Forum meets monthly and is for all the iwi reps. CRL Ltd CEO Dr Sean Sweeney will start the meeting with a project update followed by the caucus update. Then any presenters will brief the Forum representatives on new project developments that may be relevant to cultural narratives – such as opportunities around social art, an archaeological find, or health, safety, and wellbeing. Forum representatives then have an opportunity to ask questions or consult their own iwi networks and report back. Each month they also attend a caucus which is just for the forum representatives, without outside involvement.

Meeting tikanga – including opening and closing karakia and providing food at appropriate times – is critical. To ensure it is getting outcomes from meetings, Mana Whenua Relationship Manager Michelle McGrath will confirm whether the Forum want to endorse any decisions, so there is clear decision-making and minutes.

2.3 Mana Whenua Reflections


Puru (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua)

Only we as mana whenua can be the kaitiaki of our taonga, our resources of the taiao, of our wāhi tapu, our cultural sites of significance. It is a holistic approach to how you view the world and the taiao, the different atua, different deities, or guardians of the particular elements of the natural world and that comes with an inherited responsibility as mana whenua.

Edith Tuhimata (Ngāti Tamaoho)

The Forum feeds into our autonomy as kaitiaki and mana whenua to be able to have our own say from our own iwi perspective. We respect each other’s korero. We might have a clash now and again about a few things, but we do pretty well considering there are 19 mana whenua in Auckland.

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The Mana Whenua Forum is a palpable, genuine desire to engage and make that engagement meaningful. It is a breath of fresh air.

Adrian Pettit (Te Ākitai Waiohua)

He tauaro o Mana Whenua Forum ki tāku e whakaaro ai ki ngā mataku

o te mahitahi ki te kaupapa tokapū. He mea tōtika te tono hui mai kia wānanga mo ngā hua kia whakamua atu te haere. Ko tā o Mana

Whenua Forum he hua, he hiahia nō ngā taha e rua kia tūtakitaki, kia whai hua mā te whenua. Hohou katoa ana te rongo.

Geoff Cook (Ngāti Maru)

Hai tāku, nō waho kē atu te tiro atu, he whakairo hou ka kōtui mai ki ngā whakapapa o ngā kaupapa maha tā te Māori.

Kingi Makoare (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei)

O āku kaupapa katoa, he tauira tēnei o ngā hononga rangapū. Ka mātua

mai te mahitahi, wānanga tahi me te kōrero tōtika ki ngā iwi me tā rātou mōhio i ngā āputa katoa o ngā māngai mana whenua. Mīharo katoa a Sean Sweeney. He kaiwhakahaere kounga mō āna whakahekenga mai i tana taha ngaio. Nō tirohanga tikanga Māori kē te whakaaro.

Thomas Rawiri (Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki)

I tēnei o ngā maramara hou, mauri ora katoa ki ngā hononga kounga kua kite kē au i taku nohonga poto nei ki Mana Whenua Forum. Kua tutuki

rawatia ngā whāinga me te whaihua ki te tono atu ki ngā mana whenua i te pūtakenga o te kōkiri i tēnei kuapapa, he hirahira te hua!

Simon Lough

Tiamana o Mana Whenua Forum

E manawanui ana ki te kōrero kua tau mai i ngā mana whenua, ko tā te whai hononga ki ngā tangata ka kōkiri kaupapa matua pēnei ana te nui, ka hirahira ake nei te whakapāha atu ki ngā mana whenua o te whenua rā. Nō te pūtakenga tātou i pērā ai.

Rau Hoskins

Kaihautū, Design Tribe Architects

He taha ngaio tā CRL, nā tērā ka kounga te kaha o tēnei hononga rangapū. Nā whai anō, ka utua te iwi. Ki te kaha te hononga, ka haere

pai te whakamua atu, mā tā mahitahi ka kōkiri whakamua.

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Adrian Pettit (Te Ākitai Waiohua)

The Mana Whenua Forum is totally the opposite from my standard fear of engagement. It is like a direct consultation or that notion of a sense of partnership. It’s a palpable, genuine desire to engage and make that engagement meaningful for all to see. It is a breath of fresh air.

Geoff Cook (Ngāti Maru)

For me, looking from the outside in, the CRL Mana Whenua partnership is a rich tapestry of the different whakapapa that come to the table.

Kingi Makoare (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei)

Of all the projects, for me CRL Ltd has proved to be the best in terms of the engagement and working relationship. CRL Ltd CEO Dr Sean Sweeney has been awesome. With him leading the way there’s been a good trickle down through the CRL Ltd staff. They come from a tikanga perspective.

Thomas Rawiri (Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki)

Having only recently come on to the CRL Mana Whenua Forum, I am immensely proud to see the culmination of the genuine commitment by iwi and CRL staff throughout this project. The many outcomes being achieved demonstrate the value of having mana whenua at the table and the fruits of effective partnership and engagement between authorities and iwi.

Simon Lough Mana Whenua Forum Chair

For mana whenua to describe the engagement as genuine is a real feather in the cap of the project because it’s not just one person doing that – it is a full project commitment. I believe we have done that right from the outset.

The partnership is strong because CRL Ltd has demonstrated a real commitment to their side of the partnership. Consequently, you see real reciprocity from iwi. If you have a strong working relationship you can navigate the inevitable bumps in the road because you navigate them together.

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Inā kei te mōhio

koe ko wai koe,

I anga mai koe i hea,

kei te mōhio koe

Kei te anga atu ki hea

If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going

WĀHANGA 3: Whakapapa – Te Ahurea me te Tuakiri

Ko te tāhuhu o te kaupapa nei, e hāngai pū ana ki te tīmatanga o te ao hei tā te Māori, tīmata mai ia i a Ranginui me te whakaputanga mai a Papatūānuku ka puta ki te ao mārama mai i Te Pō uriuri me Te Kore.

Ka kitea rawatia ngā pūrākau o ia iwi, o ia iwi

mā runga mahi toi e whakaatu ana i a Ranginui, i a Papatūānuku me ngā wāhanga katoa ka

whakawehea rāua i a rāua anō.

Ko te whakapapa te kawenga ake o ngā

mātauranga Māori. Ko tā te whakapapa, he mea

whakahonohono te tangata ki ō mātou tīpuna, whānau, whenua, iwi me tō mātou marae. He

mea whakakounga ake te kaupapa te tono atu ki ngā mana whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau kia

whakaatu mai te hītori, ngā kōrero nehe i tā mātou

whakatipuranga ake ki Aotearoa, ki Tāmaki hoki nei, ko tētahi hua, te tapaina ngā ingoa ki ngā

tūnga tereina i roto i te reo Māori.

3.1 Te Whakaingoa me te Whakaahua o ngā Taupuni

I te tau 2017, i tapaina atu ngā mana whenua ki City Rail Link me ngā ingoa e whā ki ngā

tūnga tereina. He hua o ngā wāhanga whakahirahira i ngā iwi ki Tāmaki nei.

Ka whakaata mai te tono atu i te kaupapa ki tā mātou kaha ki te whai hononga ki ngā

mana whenua. I te kōkiringa o te kaupapa nei, kua whāngai me te whanake haere i ngā

mātāpono o Te Aranga: Ko te Mana, te Whakapapa/Whakamana, Tohu, Taiao, Mauri tū, Mauri toi me te Ahikā, kua takaina ki Aotearoa whānui:

1. Mana - Ko ngā whakarōpū o ngā mana whenua kia kaha ake te hononga ngaio ki ngā kaiwhakahaere ki City Rail Link

2. Whakapapa/Whakamana - Tapaina ngā ingoa Māori kia whai hononga ki ngā pūrākau o ngā iwi ki te wāhi tika

3. Tohu - te whakamihi ki ngā mana whenua whānui ake, me ngā pouwhenua Māori

4. Taiao - kia kawea mai te taiao ki ngā wāhi tāone (arā ko te wai, ngā rākau, ngā manu me ngā ngāngara)

5. Mauri tū - kia pupuru ake kia whakatipu hoki te kounga o te taiao, ā-wai nei, ā-hau, ā-papa hoki nei

6. Mauri toi - te whakauru anō ngā pūrākau ā-iwi i roto i ngā hanganga nui, ki te whenua ki te tāone nui hoki

7. Ahikā - tūhura ake i ngā āheinga kia whāngai mātauranga ki ngā tāngata hoki o Tāmaki, kāore ko nā iwi noa iho ngā kōrero o nehe o te wāhi nei.

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Inā kei te mōhio

koe ko wai koe, I anga mai koe i hea, kei te mōhio koe.

Kei te anga atu ki hea

If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going

SECTION 3: Whakapapa – Culture and Identity

The overall theme for the project’s concept design is the Māori creation narrative of primordial parents Ranginui (Sky Father) and Papatūānuku (Earth Mother) and the emergence of Te Ao Mārama from Te Pō (the darkness) and Te Kore (the realm of potential being, the void).

Mana whenua narratives are expressed within each of the station’s designs by including a sky element, earth element, and third element which separates earth and sky.

Whakapapa is the core of traditional mātauranga Māori. Whakapapa connects us with our tūpuna, whānau, whenua, iwi and marae. Involving mana whenua from the beginning and embracing a Te Ao Māori worldview has led to embedding of mana whenua cultural narratives in the station designs and gifting of the te reo Māori station names.

3.1 Station Naming and Design

In 2017, the Mana Whenua Forum gifted City Rail Link with four names for our stations. These names represent important elements of iwi tradition and heritage and reflect significant geographical features around the stations.

Our design approach reflects our partnership with mana whenua. As part of our journey, we have adopted and developed the seven Te Aranga design principles: Mana, Whakapapa/Whakamana, Tohu, Taiao, Mauri tū, Mauri toi and Ahi kā that are now being used all over Aotearoa:

1. Mana – the need for relevant mana whenua groupings to have individual and collective high quality formal relationships with key stakeholders

2. Whakapapa/Whakamana – names and naming as a means of reconnecting iwi narratives to place

3. Tohu – the acknowledgement of wider mana whenua cultural landmarks

4. Taiao – bring landscape elements back into urban areas (e.g. water, trees, birds, and insects)

5. Mauri tū – maintaining and enhancing the environmental quality of water, air, and soil

6. Mauri toi – Re-inscribing iwi narratives into architecture, landscape architecture and urban design

7. Ahi kā – exploring opportunities to facilitate a meaningful living presence for iwi.

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I tā mātou haerenga, kua whāngai, kua waihanga hoki te hoahoa e whitu o Te

Aranga, ka kitea i ngā wāhi katoa o Aotearoa

whānui. I hui ai tātou ki tētahi marae tāone ki Tāmaki - He wāhi haumaru mā te

marea - kia wānangahia ngā hoahoa o te hanga. Ko tā te whakahaere

a John Fellows te kōrero kia ū ai ngā hoahoa o te whakatū i tēnei

hanganganui, kia kaua e tango. Hei reira te take o te whakarākei

kōwhaiwahi ki ngā poupou whakatū kia toka mai te hanga. Me taurite nei ngā pou ki te tiriti o Albert ki te tūnga waka ki Waihorotiu kia kite a Matariki.

Ko tā te tukanga, me te mahitahi ki ngā mana whenua, kua whakakotahi ai te whenua me ngā taumata o raro i te whenua, arā ko Rarohenga.

Nō konei noa nei ngā wawata o ngā mahi toi kia whakaatu ngā

āhuatanga o Tāmaki Mākaurau. Ko te ia o ngā hoahoa mahi toi, ko

Ranginui e tū iho nei rāua kō Papatūānuku e takoto iho nei. Ko tā ngā

ingoa o ia tūnga tereina, he whakaaro hōhonu kua whakaarohia kia

hāngai pū ana ki te ao Māori.

He āhua hangahanga motuhake nō ngā iwi katoa o Tāmaki kia tuku kōrero pakiwaitara

ki te hunga o Tāmaki

Ko te kōtui o ngā hoahoa mahi toi ki ngā tūnga tereina, kia hāngai

pū ana ki ngā wheako ka ū ki te rae o te hunga ki Tāmaki, tangata noho mai, tangata tae noa mai. Ko tā Mana Whenua Forum he ringa āwhina kia Māori ai mai ia tapuwae o ngā tukanga kua tautoko mai i te kuapapa. Ko ngā ingoa ko Maungawhau, ko Karanga-a-Hape, ko Te Waihorotiu, ko Waitematā hoki, hei whakaatu mai ngā atua, ngā pūrākau me ngā tāngata o te whenua.

Ko tā te kōrero, kua kounga ake nei ngā whakawhitinga ki waenga i ngā hunga o te kaupapa. Kua kitea i ngā kaupapa whakahaere “Meet Your Station”. Ka tau mai ngā ingoa me te hanga i ngā kōrero o nehe, ngā ahurea o ia iwi, me ngā āhuatanga o te whenua rā, nā te kaha o te whakaatu o ēnei kua kaha ake te kounga o te kaupapa nei.

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We started with a hui at an urban marae in Auckland – a place where people were comfortable – to talk about design elements. The CRL Ltd design lead John Fellows suggested ensuring the design elements were integral to what holds the building up so they could not be removed. That’s why those internal structures reflect Māori design elements like kōwhaiwhai where the concrete beams are. We had to ensure there is daylight coming in from Albert St at the Te Waihorotiu Station (Aotea) and the skylights have been designed to represent Matariki.

The design process for the stations, in collaboration with mana whenua, brings together earth and underground elements to reflect the culture of Tāmaki Makaurau. We are creating spaces that can only come from ‘here’. The underlying philosophy for the station designs is the Māori creation myth

The integration of art and design in the stations showcases our unique cultures and creates memorable experiences for Aucklanders and visitors alike. Our Mana Whenua Forum partnership has helped to ensure Māoritanga is woven through the CRL at every stage. The gifted station names Maungawhau, Karanga-a-Hape, Te Waihorotiu and Waitematā reflect the mythology, atua, and people of the landscapes.

of Ranginui (Sky Father) and Papatūānuku (Earth Mother).

The station names and designs are a unique expression of a cultural narrative for both the people and the city.

The cultural narrative has enriched our communications activities for the benefit of all. We have seen that through our Meet Your Stations communications campaign. The station designs and names bring historical, cultural, and geographical relevance that has been met with much positivity by our stakeholders, dignitaries and public because of the emphasis we put on telling these evocative stories.

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As part of our journey, we adopted and developed the seven Te Aranga designs that are now being used all over Aotearoa.
The station names and designs are a unique expression of a cultural narrative for both the people and the city.
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3.2 Whakaaroaro

Carol Greensmith

Tiamana o Mana Whenua Forum

Kua maha nei ngā ara hoahoa o ngā mātāpono o tēnei kaupapa kia rongo ai ki tā te Māori me ngā kōrero kounga o rātou. He ohu iti mō te whakahaere, arā mā ngā mana whenua e tau ai ngā whakaputanga. Kua rīkoata tātou i ngā mahi katoa ki te tono mai tētahi, nā whai anō i ngā rīkoatanga o te ohu whakahaere.

Kua maha nei ngā ara hoahoa o ngā mātāpono o

tēnei kaupapa kia rongo ai ki tā te Māori me ngā

kōrero kounga o rātou.

Ka hekea i tētahi tereina ki tētahi wāhi me te kore mōhio ki hea koe e tū ana. He pai ake kia mōhio koe kei tēwhea whenua koe? Ki tēwhea tāone koe? Anō nei ko te wāhi o te tāone koe? He aha ngā pūrākau o ngā iwi? He aha ngā pouwhenua? He angitu tā tēnei kaupapa, ko te whakaputa, ko te whakatairanga o ngā iwi Māori ki Tāmaki Makaurau.

Rau Hoskins

Kaihautū, Design Tribe Architects

Kua tau mai au ki te kaupapa nei ki whakahaere i ngā mana whenua me tā rātou

whakaurunga ki te whakatū i tēnei kaupapa, kia waihanga i ngā hoahoa o City Rail

Link kia haere atu ki ia tūnga, ki ia tūnga, me te mahitahi ki ngā kaihoahoa i ngā

mahi whakahoahoa mahi toi. He ringa tūhonohono hoki au kia

nohotahi nei ngā mahi a te mana whenua ki ngā pūrākau e kitea ā-hanganui nei.

Ko tā te māngai, he kōrerohia ngā pūrākau ā-iwi, arā ka mahitahi ki ngā mahi toi ki aro atu ki te whiu i te ringatoi he tā te pūrākau e kitea nei ki ngā mahi toi.

Edith Tuhimata (Ngāti Tamaoho)

I a koe e tiro haere ana ki te whakapapa, ki te ahurea, ki te tuakiri, ehara ko te whakaingoa tūnga tereina te ia, ko tā te whakahoki mai o ngā ingoa motuhake ki ngā wāhi nei, i mua tonu i te taenga mai o ngā tereina.

Arā te kitenga whānui. Ka whāngaia te mahere hoahoa, ngā rauemi whakamahi, te hanga whānui o te tūnga tereina. He mīharo te kitenga!

Pāora Puru (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua)

He āheinga maha hei tā City Rail Link, ko te mahi whakamahere hoahoa tērā. He whakaputanga mīharo mō te iwi, mō te iwi, mā te iwi. He mātauranga anō kua tau iho.

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Adrian Pettit (Te Ākitai Waiohua)

Ko tētahi wāhanga o te tukanga hanga, ko te waihanga i te rārangi tohutoro. Kia whāngai i te hiranganui rerekē o Tāmaki, te wāhi nei. Ko tā

Mana Whenua Forum te kite i ngā pūrākau nō rātou ake ki ngā tūnga tereina.

Simon Lough

Kaiwhakahaere Hoahoa o City Rail Link

Tiamana o Mana Whenua Forum

Kua tākoha atu i te katoa i tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira. Kua mahi roa, kua mahi puku, ko te hua ko te kounga o te whāngai i ngā pūrākau a ngā iwi kia kite i te mahi hoahoa me te mahi toi. He

hononga tēnei kua noho taurite ngā tangata katoa kia māia te kī atu i ngā wā ka whakatikahia i ētahi o ngā āhuatanga hanga. He kounga kōura te hua.

3.2 Reflections

Mana Whenua Forum Chair (2013-2018)

In a million ways the design elements of the project listen to what Māori are saying. Themes in the stations come from iwi. We have a design subcommittee, and everything goes back through the Forum. We kept a record so if anyone said, ‘What happened to that idea?’ we could answer them.

The iwi reps will mention a particular cultural narrative, and then often I’ll work with the artist to see how best their initial artistic responses can reflect the narrative and integrate with the architecture.

Edith Tuhimata (Ngāti Tamaoho)

When you are looking at whakapapa, culture, and identity, it has not been renaming the stations, it has been returning the cultural names that were already there. People do not realise those were the names before the train stations got there.

You could get off a train somewhere and have no idea where you are. It would be very nice to know what country you are in, what city you are in and even what part of a city you are in. What are the local stories? That’s what this project achieves. It reinforces a sense of identity.

This is the cultural landscape that goes with it. It feeds into the concept designs, it feeds into the materials that are used there, and it feeds into the whole design of the stations. So that’s a great outcome.

Hoskins Director, Design Tribe Architects

I was brought on board to help facilitate mana whenua engagement in the development of an urban design framework for the CRL that moved to a station-by-station analysis of opportunities and then working with architects in the reference designs. Then I had more of a watching brief as the mana whenua artists have come up with design responses, and I’ve helped to align the narratives with architectural treatments.

Pāora Puru (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua)

CRL continues to provide us with cultural opportunities such as design. That has been a great outcome for us having our own artists being resourced and valued for the mātauranga they bring.

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In a million ways the design elements of the project are listening to what Māori are saying.
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Part of the design process was developing the reference design. It’s all about creating that unique sense of place. There was a realisation of that desire that we’ve constantly expressed through the Mana Whenua Forum to see ourselves reflected in the fabric of the city.

The mana whenua representatives have thrown themselves wholeheartedly into the design process. They’ve spent a lot of time working with the artists to give them more detail about the narratives that informed the designs. The trust we’ve developed in the design process has allowed mana whenua to push back whenever they are not happy with an architectural aesthetic from a non-Māori perspective. And what we’ve ended up with is so much better.

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3.3 Ngā Pakiwaitara a te Ringatoi

Graham Tipene

Ringtoi nō Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

Tūnga Tereina Waihorotiu

He kōawa rērere atu mai i te tiriti o Kuīni me tana hono ki a Ngāti Whātua, Ko Waihorotiu. Ko tāku he mea whakauru i te hāngai pū o ngā mahi rere o te tereina ki tērā o te rere o te awa o Waihorotiu, arā whakarākaihia.

I au e taiohi ana ki ngā tua whitu tekau, waru tekau, ka kite noa i te Māori ki te whare taonga. Whakatikahia kia tika! Ka kitea āku uri i a rātou ki ngā wāhi katoa o te ao.

He pēnei te hanga, kia kitea a ngā tamariki i a rātou ki ngā tōpito katoa o te motu nei, tāone hoki nei.

Ka kite noa i te Māori ki te whare taonga. Ka kitea āku uri i a rātou ki ngā wāhi katoa o te ao.

Kua waihanga hoki a Mana Whenua Forum tētahi pūrākau ā-tohu hei ārahi i ngā ringatoi. Hei tōku “Tirohia ki ngā wāhi o te hanganui, nā reira ka kitea i ngā pouwhenua o wāhi tata nei”. Arā ko te awa o Horotiu tērā. Ka whakamihi te hoahoa ki te ia o te wai, ki te hononga o ngā tāngata ki te wai, arā ko mātou ngā kaitiaki o te wai.

Nā te tangata e mōhiotia nei i ngā wai, i te whenua kia whakaputa noa atu i wā mātou ake pūrākau o ngā iwi, hei aha ngā ringatoi o ērā atu iwi. Kāore he hua kia tīpakohia a Ngāti Porou, i a Te Arawa rānei kia hoahoa mai ngā hanganui o konei. He kāpuia tohetohe te hanga, ka whakaurua ki roto i tētahi hanga taniwha me te kī he kaitiaki o te ia o te wai. He whakamahere te whakamahi ao niko kia kitea mā runga waea pūkoro i te taniwha e kauhoe rere ana ki ngā tohetohe. He whakatairanga ki te tamaiti. Ehara i te wāhi whakawhiti, he wāhi tūnga.

Ka kite noa i te Māori ki te whare taonga. Ka kitea āku uri i a rātou ki ngā wāhi katoa o te ao.

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3.3 Artists’ Stories

Ōrākei Te Waihorotiu Station (Aotea)

Te Waihorotiu is named after the awa (river) that used to run down Queen St and its connection to Ngāti Whātua. My entire expression of interest for this project was about integrating Māori design and engineering into the build instead of building the station and then putting some pretty artwork in there later.

As a young fella in the seventies and eighties, the only place I could see Māori design was at the museum. I’m hell bent on changing that. I want our kids to see themselves wherever they go. We’re getting our design work out there so our kids can recognise themselves wherever they go in this town.

The Mana Whenua Forum put together a narrative to guide the artists. My thinking was ‘Let’s look at the vicinity of the building and what is historically significant close by.’ And the Horotiu river was it. The design pays homage to the spirit of the water and the water’s connection to humans... then us guardians of that water.

It’s better for us who have historical links to the land and the water here to be doing this work, as opposed to other artists from elsewhere. There would be no point getting an artist from Gisborne or Rotorua to design our things up here because they wouldn’t have a historical connection.

The actual piece is a bunch of reeds and inside will be a taniwha looking after the life force of the water. We plan to use augmented reality so people can hold their phones up towards the ceiling and the taniwha will come alive in their phones and be swimming through the reeds. In that way we connect with the kids. Instead of just being a transition area the station becomes a destination.


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As a young fella the only place I could see Māori design was at the museum. I want our kids to
themselves wherever they go.


Culture & Identity

Ringatoi nō Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Maungawhau Station

He maunga puia a Maungawhau, ko te atua o te wāhi nei, ko Mataaho, he atua o ngā puia. He whakapāpāho i āna haerenga te mahi āku.

He aronga ōnewa tāku mahi, nō te whenua o te kaupapa, nō te wāhi o Maungawhau rānei te kohinga mai. He ia ka mau te toka, o te wāhi kia hono ai ki a Maungawhau, ki a Mataaho hoki.

He tapatoru te aronganui o te hanga, he maunga te whakaaro - he maunga tū kaha nei. He tohu kaha, ihi, wehi me te māori hoki o te maunga. I a koe e kuhu ana i te tūnga tereina, ka kite i te wairere rahi ake, kua hanga i te ōnewa, mā ngā tapatoru e hanga i ngā tohu tāniko.

Ka rere atu te wai i ngā tapatoru, ko Parawhenuamea tērā, te wai māori e rērere ana ki ngā ara āputa a ngā puia.

He mea whakapono tā te ringatoi ki tā te Māori kia hanga i tērā o ngā hiahia o te mana whenua.

Ko au tērā i tīpakohia nā te iwi, kia mahitahi au ki ngā kaihoahoa o te kaupapa nei. Ka roa pea nei te wā ka māia nei te kaihoahoa. Me whakapono kia āhei te ringatoi i ngā pūkenga kia tā pai ngā hiahia o te mana whenua. Me pai tērā o ngā hononga mō te haerenga pai o te kaupapa nei.

Ka huitahi a City Rail Link ki ngā mana whenua kia whakamārama atu ngā mahi o te kaupapa. Ko Simon Lough te ringa whakapāha atu tāku, ko ia hoki te tiamana. Kua roa tana mahitahi ki ngā mana whenua, he mātanga ia i te whai hononga ki a rātou. Ko tā te tangata, ki te tonotono haere au.

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He mea whakapono tā te ringatoi ki tā te Māori kia hanga i tērā o ngā hiahia o te mana whenua.

Artist for Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station

Because Maungawhau is a volcano, the history of the area relates to Atua Mataaho, the deity of volcanoes. A lot of my work is talking about him and his stories.

I work with basalt that’s been dug up, some from the project, some from the Mount Eden area. The stones hold mauri or essence and using them connects back to Maungawhau and Mataaho.

My design is based off a triangle which represents the shape of a maunga – solid at the base and stable. A triangle represents strength, power, and purity. When you enter the station, there’s a massive water wall made of basalt triangles that looks like a traditional tāniko weaving pattern. The water runs down the triangles, and that is about Parawhenuamea, the fresh water that goes through the crevices of volcanoes.

I was selected by the Mana Whenua Forum, who put me forward to work with the architect. Sometimes it takes architects a little while to gain confidence. They need to trust that artists have the skills to develop what mana whenua want. That relationship needs to be good for the project to work.

CRL Ltd has a good process to keep the Mana Whenua Forum updated through regular hui. My main point of contact is Mana Whenua Forum Chair Simon Lough. He’s worked with mana whenua and knows how to deal with things. I feel confident that whatever I need, he can help.

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Project architects need to trust Māori artists have the skills to develop what mana whenua want.

Reuben Kirkwood

Ringatoi nō Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Tūnga Tereina Karanga-a-Hape

Ko te weronui ki mua i tōku aroaro, ko te kōrero e hāngai ana i a Tāne, te atua o te waonui, ki ngā pūrākau o te tamaiti, me te kaha a Tāne, kia hanga i tētahi hononga ki te iwi, te whenua hoki, i ahu mai i te pūrākau a Te Karanga-a-Hape. He mea hāngai hoki tēnei ki te marea, mā ngā tohu, me te mahi toi ka whakarākei i te hanga me te mahi o te tūnga tereina nei.

I kite haere au ki ngā pae maunga a Waitākere, ka kōrerohia i te kāuru o te ngahere, i te ara kauri, ngā pūpūrangi, he tuanui ka teitei rawa me te whakarākei i te tūnga matua ki reira. He kōhao nui kua tau ki Beresford he toka te hanga me te whakarākai hoki o te pou rā. I kite haere au ki te Waitematā, kia hanga i te mahi toi o ngā rākau atua. He manaia kua hangaia me te rauwhero. E tohu ana i te kaitiakitanga o te iwi, o te whenua hoki.

Ko te weronui ki mua i tōku aroaro, ko te kōrero e hāngai ana i a Tāne, te atua o te waonui.

Ko te kūaha o te tūnga ki Te Karanga-a-Hape, ka kitea i te pare, ko ngā hangatanga, ko ngā hanga atua hoki te kite, he whakamihi tēnā ki te kupu whakapapa, he hononga mai i te kāwai tangata ki te kāwai atua.

He pātū ki te hanganui matua e kite ana i Te Māngōroa, i Te Ika Roa, me ngā taimana, whetū hoki hei whakarākei.

Kua rongo au i te kaha o te tautoko mai i ngā kaihoahoa, he ngaio te tuku, he whakaaronui te kawe, he manawanui te whakaaro te whāngai i ōku

whakaaro ki ā rātou mahi. He hononga rangapū hirahira ka whakatauira ake ki te marea.

Ko te weronui ki mua i tōku aroaro, ko te kōrero e hāngai ana i a Tāne, te atua o te waonui.

Tūnga Tereina Waitematā

Kua tapaina te ingoa Waitematā he whakaata i te whanga o Te

Waitematā i te taha o te tūnga tereina, he tauaro te āhua o te marino tā ngā mea e rua, he whakaataata te matā.

He kitenga hoahoa, he rerekē te kawenga atu i ngā tūnga e toru o City Rail Link. Ko te awenga o te ia o te wāhi nei ko te Edwardian Chief Post Office hei pupuru i ngā taonga tuku iho.

He pupuru hoki te tūnga nei i ngā pūrākau maha o te wāhi nei.

Kia waho tata noa nei te hanga, te whare hou ki Tāmaki - Ko Te Komititanga, ka aro atu ki te whakapiri, whakakotahi, hei whakamihi atu ki ngā wai matā e rere ana ki te Waitematā.

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Artist for Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Karanga-a-Hape Station (Karangahape)

My challenge has been to marry the design narrative of Tāne, God of the forest, to local examples of the children and power of Tāne, to create an ode to the iwi-whenua from whom the story of Karanga-aHape is derived. At the same time this design is delivered in a way that is relevant to all, through symbolism and art that is complementary to the architecture and function of the station.

I looked to the Waitākere Ranges and have referenced the tree canopy and kauri snail, pūpūrangi, within an elevated decorative ceiling of the main station. I looked to the Waitematā to create an artwork which references the movement of the tides. A large vent at the Beresford Square entrance has been cloaked in concrete with lashing detail referencing wrapped rākau atua (godsticks). This is adorned with moulded bronze manaia detail representing guardianship, kaitiakitanga, of iwi-whenua.

The threshold of Karanga-a-Hape Station represents a pare, with largescale moulded figures of Ira Atua and Ira Tangata further referencing whakapapa and the link between atua and tangata. The façade of the main building references the Milky Way, Te Ika Roa, stars/diamonds via architectural fins.

My design process has been well supported by architects who have been open-minded, curious, and professional in accommodating my works into theirs. Our station is a true collaborative effort that I am proud to have input into.

My challenge has been to marry the design narrative of Tāne, God of the forest, to local examples of the children and power of Tāne.

Waitematā Station (Britomart)

The name Waitematā was gifted to reflect the Waitematā Harbour next to the station, named after the resemblance of its flat, glassy waters to matā – obsidian volcanic glass. From a design perspective, Waitematā has been approached differently from the other three CRL stations as it is centred on the elegant Edwardian Chief Post Office (CPO) that was essential to preserve as a heritage building.

The station also hosts design elements that speak to Māori cultural narratives. Just outside the CPO, Auckland’s newest premier civic space – Te Komititanga, meaning to mix or to merge, was designed by mana whenua artists and weavers, referencing the moving waters of the Waitematā.

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ora, Tangata ora
If the natural world is healthy, so too are the people

WĀHANGA 4: Te Taiao

He tirohanga whānui tā City Rail Link ki te kaupapa nei, a hāngai ki te whakapapa, me te tiaki pai i te taiao hoki, te hūrokuroku, ngā whakaputanga pāpori, me ngā whāinga ka tutuki pai.

Hei kaitiaki, he hononga wairua tā te mana whenua ki te whenua, me te ū hoki ki te pupuru i te kounga o te whenua me te tiaki i te taiao. Kia tiaki pai i a Papatūānuku, kia whāngai i te papa, mā te wai, mā te kai hoki. Ka tiaki i a Papa, ka whāngai i a tātou.

4.1 Te Tirohanga Hūrokuroku

“Kua hoahoa nei City Rail Link, kia hanga, kia mahi hoki i te whakaaronui ki te hūrokurokunga, kia takoto te tūmata mānuka kia tuku atu i te anga hūrokuroku ki Aotearoa. He iti noa nei te whakamahi rauemi, pūngao, me te wai. Kia whāinga atu ki te parakore mai te hanga kia kairangi te whakaputa i te taumata hūrokuroku. He mea tautoko te kaupapa nei kia whakawhanake nei te ohaoha kia kitea i ngā āheinga haratau, me te whaimahi i te tukunga o City Rail Link.”

I mua tonu i te pūtakenga o City Rail Link, ko tā te kaupapa nei he whakaurunga o te kaupapa hūrokuroku i te whakahaere. Kia whakaaronui ake ki ngā ao pāpori, ao ahurea, me te ao ohaoha me ngā mea pai, ngā wero me ngā āheinga o te whakatau whakaaro.

He manawanui ki te hūrokuroku kia reretahi ki te kaitiakitanga i te kaupapa o ngā iwi o Tāmaki Makaurau. Kua mauria mai e Mana Whenua Forum i te kitenga o te ao Māori kāore āno kua whakaarohia ki ngā haerenga o te pupuru whakaute atu ki te taiao.

I tirohia ki te ISC me ā rātou hūrokurokunga, me te kōrero anō kia whakauru atu ngā ahurea o ngā mana whenua. He tuatahi o te ao, te mahitahi i ngā aronga a te iwi taketake kia nohotahi ngā mea e rua.

I tirohia ki te ISC me ā rātou hūrokurokunga, me te kōrero anō kia whakauru atu ngā ahurea o ngā mana whenua. He tuatahi o te ao.

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ora, Tangata ora
If the natural world is healthy, so too are the people

SECTION 4: Te Taiao – Natural Environment

Mana whenua bring a holistic approach to the CRL project which makes sure whakapapa links are acknowledged and the best practical environmental, sustainability, social outcomes, and cultural outcomes are achieved.

As kaitiaki, mana whenua have a genealogical link to the land and are committed to preserving and respecting our natural environment. Taking care of Papatūānuku (Earth Mother), who provides our home, water and food is integral to this. If we look after Papatūānuku – she will look after us.

4.1 Sustainability Vision

“The CRL will be designed, constructed, and operated to the highest sustainability standards and will set the benchmark for delivering sustainable infrastructure in New Zealand. It will focus on minimising the use of materials, energy, and water, striving for zero waste to landfill during construction, and targeting an ‘Excellent’ Infrastructure Sustainability rating. Furthermore, the project will work to support local economic development by identifying opportunities for training and employment during the delivery of the CRL.”

Even before CRL Ltd was formed, the City Rail Link project embedded sustainability into our governance and management systems by considering environmental, social, cultural, and economic implications and benefits as well as risks and opportunities of decisions.

Our deep commitment to sustainability aligns naturally with the kaitiakitanga kaupapa of iwi in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. The Mana Whenua Forum has brought a Te Ao Māori perspective we had not previously considered to our endeavours to preserve and respect the natural environment.

We took the Australian ISC sustainability certification system and reworded it to include mana whenua cultural interests. That was a world first to adopt sustainability criteria that are culturally appropriate.

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We took an Australian sustainability certification system and reworded it to include mana whenua cultural interests. That was a world first.

Ia te wā ka mahi i te whakariterite rauemi ka whai i te tukanga whakaaetanga, ka whakauru i te hūrokurokunga o te hanga, me ngā awenga ahurea.

Ka tau atu ki te tēpu o ngā mana whenua. Ka hui ā-marama, kia whai atu

i ngā tukanga kia tika mai te whai atu. Kei a tātou te haere kia whakatau i ngā mahi whakamua.

Ko tā te tukanga hāhau kia ū tātou ki ngā whakaaetanga taiao. Ka tonoa ēnei ki ngā mana whenua, ehara i te aronga o te kounga o te wai, te ngāhorohoro o te whenua, ko tā te ia o te wai, ko te mauri - he aha ngā awenga ahurea o ā tātou mahi. Koirā pea te akoranga o tēnei kaupapa kia aro mai. Hei tauira ake, ko tā te mātauranga o te iwi ki te āhua nei.

Ko ētahi o ngā paetohu matua whakaaturanga. Hei tā ngā kaitiaki, te iwi, he tino aronga tā rātou. He ū ki te para kore, ki te whakaitia te tapuwae waro, e tō tātou whakamahi i te wai kia pupuru ai - ehara i te hanga noa, ko tā te roanga o te ora hoki.

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Tane Mahutas Triumph copyright Jane Crisp 2007 66 Māori

4.2 Whakaaroaro

Tā Sean Sweeney - Tumuaki

Hei tā te anga o ISC ka whakauru i te wāhanga whakaae, kia

tuhia ki te rae ngā āhuatanga i te tukanga whakaae.

Edith Tuhimata (Ngāti Tamaoho)

Ki te nohotahi te tūnga tereina ki ngā maunga, he whakamihi

ki ngā kōrero o te wāhi ki ngā tūnga. He mea whakanui i te hūrokuroku, te oranga o te whenua, me ngā tāngata whenua, kia karahuihui ai te marea. Arā te tohu kei te waka kotahi tātou

kia noho haumaru ngā taonga tuku iho.

Carolyn Cox - Kaiwhakahaere Hūrokuroku

Ehara i te rongo pai tā te mana whenua kia whai atu tātou i te hūrokurokunga a Ahitereiria, me te mea hoki, kāore he paku

awenga o ngā iwi taketake o reira. Kua whakatū Mana Whenua

Forum i tētahi ohu whakahaere i te tirohanga hūrokuroku kia

āta wetehia ngā āhuatanga o te tiwhikete ISC.

He kaha nō te mana whenua te wānanga haere kia puta te oranga, hei aha te whai tangata maha te whakatau

kōkiri whakamua.

I te whakaaenga o te kōkiri whakamua ki tā te whaihanga, he kāri tāpeke te kawenga, engari anō mō te mana whenua, te wānanga haere kia puta te oranga, hei aha te whai tangata maha te whakatau kōkiri whakamua.

Liz Root - Kaitohutohu Matua Hūrokurokur 2014-2021

Ko te kupu matua ko te kaitiakitanga, he nui hoki te wānanga e hāngai ana ki te hononga kore o te RMA kia ū ai te kaitiakitanga. Ka ū ki te whakaako ki ngā kaikirimana kia mārama i te kupu kaitiakitanga, me te hiranga hoki o te kupu ki te mana whenua. I whakaritea katoatia ngā pepeha kia whāngai i te hiahia o te iwi, kia whakamārama, kia kimi haere i ngā tīwhiri i ngā whānuinga

o te mārama i te kaitiakitanga. Ehara i te tuhinga mā te iwi whānui, engari ko ngā māngai o ia iwi ki te tēpu, mauri tau ana te whakaae. Richard Jenkins - Kaiwhakamahere Matua

Ko te tūnga tereina ki Maungawhau ko te tūnga rahi - he pūhanga rahi me āna rua nui rawa atu ki te papa. Tono atu te mana whenua “E pai ana te mauri o te wai?” He kitenga whānui tā te mana whenua. Pātai anō, “E wātea mai ana te mahi tonu i te ara whakaute atua i te wai, ki te mana, ki te ia o te wai, me te taiao?” Ki te kore ko te mana whenua, ka kore tātou e mōhio whānui nei. Ka haere tōtika nei. Kei te whanake tonu tēnei hononga, me te pukumahi a te mana whenua ki te mahi, te whakamahere i te wai, ki te anga ki tētahi atu ara, kia tiaki tonu i te mauri o te wai.

Ka tonoa ēnei ki ngā mana whenua, ehara i te aronga o te kounga o te wai, te ngāhorohoro o te whenua, ko tā te ia o te wai, ko te mauri.

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Every time we go through a Resource Management Act consent process we include construction-related environmental effects and cultural issues. All of these go through the Forum at the monthly meetings so it is a critical part of the process. The Forum has been the vehicle for us to address consent changes.

At the implementation level our consent conditions require us to present environmental management plans. We canvass these with the Forum, not just in western scientific terms such as water quality or erosion sediment control, but also the mauri of water – what are the cultural impacts of what

we are doing? That has been a key learning for constructors to get their heads around. For example, properly understanding cultural concerns for a sediment pond.

We have several environmental Key Performance Indicators. Iwi, as kaitiaki, are very interested in these. We have commitments to zero waste, to reducing our carbon footprint, and to reducing our water consumption –not just on the build but over the lifespan of the stations and the rail lines.

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Tane Mahutas Triumph copyright Jane Crisp 2007 68 English

4.2 Reflections


The ISC framework we’ve implemented became part of our consenting, so our obligations are burned into our consents now which is a sign we’re taking it very seriously.

Edith Tuhimata (Ngāti Tamaoho)

Wherever the maunga are and the train stations are there’s a total acknowledgment of all the kōrero going down. That feeds into sustainability and into the oranga or wellbeing of our people on the whenua, and that endears people to the whenua. Then they have a vested interest alongside us to protect and preserve what’s there.

Carolyn Cox - Sustainability Manager

The initial reaction from mana whenua that we were using an Australian sustainability rating tool was one of horror, and then that it didn’t have culture in it was another insult. A Mana Whenua Forum sustainability subgroup was formed to navigate our way through the ISC certification. With construction project decision making, there’s often a scorecard approach, but that’s not how it’s done with mana

whenua, who take a more discussion and exploring kind of qualitative and less quantitative approach.

Liz Root - Principal Sustainability Advisor 2014-2021

Kaitiakitanga came up a lot and there was a discussion that not all iwi, if any, are supportive of the RMA definition of kaitiakitanga. Discussion focused on how to support our contractors to understand that word and what it means to mana whenua. We prepared context statements on the definition that explain and expand on what kaitiakitanga meant for the iwi we were working with. It’s not a universal definition, but the iwi around the table supported it and that has been used to help consultant and contractor teams understand kaitiakitanga.

Maungawhau Station is our biggest site – it is a large scale engineering intervention with big holes in the ground. The Forum asked ‘What about the mauri of water?’ They look at it in a much more holistic way. The Forum asked, ‘Could we do our water treatment differently with more respect for the cultural and spiritual elements of the environment?’ If we didn’t have the Forum we wouldn’t be cognisant. We’d just be cracking on. This is a work in progress that involves going on site with members of the Forum to look at, in the water treatment chain, could any of that process be changed to address mauri?

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Mana Whenua take a more discussion and exploring kind of qualitative and less quantitative approach to decision-making.
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We canvass with the Forum not just Western scientific terms of water quality or erosion sediment control but also the mauri of water.

Mahia te mahi, hei painga hei oranga mō tātou katoa

To do the work, for the good of everyone

WĀHANGA 5: Oranga

Ko tā mātou tirohanga Hauora, Haumaru me te Waiora nā te mana whenua, he whakataukī nā Te Puea Hērangi. E tonoa ana tā tātou tirohanga ki a tātou katoa ki te whakaaro ko wai e whai hua ana mā te mahi. Arā, ko tātou, ko ō tātou hoa mahi, whānau, hapori hoki. Koia hoki te taiao, te whenua hoki e mahi ai tātou. Ā, ko te tāone nui o Tāmaki

Makaurau kia ora tonu ai te iti me te rahi hei te anamata. E kore e taea e tātou te whiwhi i ēnei painga ki te kore tātou e mahi haumaru, e tiaki anō

i a tātou me ō tātou hoa mahi, e tiaki hoki i te taiao me te whenua e mahi ai tatou. Nō reira e kōrerotia ana e te tirohanga nei ko tātou katoa kia whakaaro me pēhea te painga o te mahi haumaru.

5.1 Rautaki Hauora me te Haumaru

Ka tautoko tā mātou rōpū Hauora me te Haumaru i ia wāhi hangahanga kia noho haumaru tō tātou iwi. Ka tiaki mātou i a rātou mai i te tikanga haumaru o mua ki te tirohanga hauora, ā, ko te hononga ki te mana whenua te mea nui o tā mātou hoahoa me te kawe i taua mahi.

I kitea he huarahi pai ki te mahitahi mātou ko te Huinga, ko te hanga tuhinga rautaki mā te hauora, te haumaru me te taiao. I wānanga haere tātou i roto e ētahi raupapa

awheawhe kia whakamahere ngā mea nui kei mua, ngā whāinga teitei e hiahiatia ana ki te whai, ngā uara me ngā tikanga e wawatahia ana, me tō mātou tirohanga whānui.

He whatataukī te kōrero tirohanga, ‘Mahia te mahi, hei painga hei oranga mā tatou katoa’ koirā pea te ia, te me hirahira o te rautaki nei. Kei roto i te rautaki hauora me te haumaru ētahi whēinga teitei, ā, kātahi ko ngā whanonga e mauria ana e tātou katoa.

Mā tā mātou mahi tahi ki te hanga rautaki ka ora ai te whanaungatanga mahi.

5.2 Te Whakamataine Hauora

Na te mahi tahi ki ngā mana whenua kua whakaritea anga mō te waiora. Kei te whakahoungia anō te rautaki hei rautaki hauora, haumaru me te oranga nā ngā

whakahoki kōrero i te Huinga Mana Whenua kua tohu mai kei te tiaki pea mātou i te oranga tinana o tā matou iwi, engari kāore i te oranga hinengaro. He āhua ōrite te mana

o te waiora ki te mana o ngā mea haumaru ā-tinana me te whakamimititia ngā aituā

i ngā wāhi whaihanga. Koia te whakaaro nui o te Huinga, ā, ka tino mārama i roto i a mātou kōrero tahi.

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Mahia te mahi, hei painga hei oranga mō tātou


To do the work, for the good of everyone

Our Health, Safety & Wellbeing vision has been suggested by Mana Whenua and it is a Māori proverb credited to Te Puea Hērangi. Our vision asks us all to consider who benefits from doing the work. At a personal level, it is ourselves, our colleagues, our families, our communities. It is also the built and natural environment upon which we work. And the city of Auckland, its people and its prosperous and sustainable future. We cannot reap these rewards if we do not work safely, if we don’t protect ourselves and our colleagues, if we don’t protect the environment and the land on which we work. Our vision therefore speaks to each individual to consider how working safely benefits others as well as ourselves.

5.1 Health and Safety Strategy

Our Health and Safety team support each of our construction sites to ensure our people are safe. We protect them from both a traditional safety and a wellbeing perspective, and the relationship with mana whenua has been central to how we design and deliver that work.

It became apparent one of the best ways we could work with the Forum was by developing a joint strategy document around health, safety, and environment. We held a series of workshops where we sat down with a blank sheet of paper and charted out the challenges ahead, the high-level objectives we wanted to aim for, the values and cultural behaviours we wanted to aspire to, and our vision.

The vision statement is a whakataukī, ‘Mahia te mahi, hei painga hei oranga mō tātou katoa’ which means ‘To do the work, for the good of everyone’ and this has become a crucial foundation of the strategy. The health and safety strategy has some high-level objectives and then underlying behaviours we hold ourselves to. Our collaboration on the strategy set the scene for a healthy working relationship.

5.2 Dialling up Wellbeing

Recent engagement with mana whenua has been framed around wellbeing. We are recasting the strategy as a health, safety, and wellbeing strategy because of feedback from the Mana Whenua Forum that identified we might be protecting the physical health of our people, but not their mental wellbeing. Wellbeing is just as much a priority.

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ORANGA Wellbeing

Ināianei, he maha, he kaha hoki ngā kaupapa hauora me ngā hui waiora kei ngā wāhi whaihanga katoa. Kātahi ka whakatenatenahia tō mātou iwi ki te whai wāhi i ngā kaupapa, ki te whakawhanaunga rānei, ā, ka aro ngā hui me ngā kaupapa hoki ki tētahi take hauora. Hei tauira, he tirotiro kiri, he tirotiro hauora, he kaupapa eke paihikara rānei. I ētahi atu wā ka huihui mātou i te wāhi mahi ki te whakanuia ngā mahi o te tīma, ki te kai tahi, ki te whakamāramatia ngā tikanga me ngā hua mahi e pai haere ana. Ka koiri tahi mātou i mua i te tīmata mahi ia ata he mahi whakawhanaunga, kia whakamamaiti ai ngā whara.

Ahakoa e whakatū ana te Huinga, kua putaina pēnei ngā kaupapa Mates in Construction me te Resilience Project, engari mā te Huinga ka tere puta atu, ka whai i te kaha, te hīkaka te hīkaka, me te māia hoki o aua kaupapa. E whai tikanga nui ana te tautoko o ngā māngai o te mana whenua. He mana tō te mana whenua, he mana tō te mahitahitanga.

Rob Mair

Kaihautū Haumaru

Ko tā te kōrero tirohanga ‘Mahia te mahi, hei painga hei oranga mō tatou

katoa’ tērā i hōatu, ko tāku, ‘He aha te hāngai ki te haumaru?’ Te ahua nei he mea katoa ki te haumaru, na te mea ko te mahi i nga mahi, arā anō te pai o te katoa ki tenei kaupapa nui he mahi pai te haumaru, ka whai hua te katoa ki te pai te mahi tahi.

Whai muri i te whakawhanake tahi o tō tātou Rautaki Hauora me te Haumaru, ka whakawhiti kōrero tonu mātou ko te mana whenua, he māmā

pea me pēhea, engari me whakawātea ahau i ngā wā kia whāngai, kia whakamana, kia tiaki i ēnei tino hononga. Ia rua marama ka tae atu ahau ki te Huihuinga ki te rīpoata i tō mātou mahi, he aha ngā wāhanga o te rautaki hauora me te haumaru e haere pai ana, he aha ngā wāhanga me āta mahi anō. Ka whakawhiti kōrerotia e au ngā hua ako mai i ngā tirotirohanga whara o nāianei.

Pāora Puru (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua)

He mana tō te waiora me te hauora i roto o te kaupapa whaihanga nei nā te aronga nui me te akiaki o mātou. Hei tauira, te taha wairua i runga i tēnei kaupapa. He taha nui te wairuatanga nā te mea tokomaha ngā kaimahi e mahi ana i rarohenga.

Geoff Cook (Ngāti Maru)

Ki ōku nei whakaaro, ka kitea te tino mana o te Huinga i ngā wā tuku karakia ki te whenua, hei tauira i Maungawhau. He hononga ki reira nā te mea i tae matou ki reira ki te tuku karakia kia noho, kia mahi haumaru rātou.

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Ko te hononga ki te mana whenua te mea nui o tā mātou hoahoa me te kawe i taua mahi.
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5.3 Ngā Hoa i te Whaihanga

He rangapū pūtake a CRL Ltd o te kaupapa Mates in Construction i Aotearoa.

I whakatau mātou ki te uru i te kaupapa nei hei tiaki tō mātou iwi, otirā ko tō

mātou hiahia ki te hāpai te kaupapa o Mates kia horahora ai i te motu whānui, kia tipu haere ai i roto i te umanga hangahanga o Aotearoa. Kua tiwhiketetia

tō mātou wāhi mahi katoa ki te kaupapa Mates in Construction, ā, he māmā te āhua, engari me whakapūmau te kaimahi katoa ki te hōtaka i ngā wāhi mahi katoa. Kia kotahi kaimahi i roto i ngā tāngata e 20 hei kaitūhono, arā, he āhua

ōrite ki tētahi kaiāwhina tuatahi, mō ngā kaimahi e taumaha ana nā ētahi mea

uaua ki te kāinga, ki te mahi rānei.

5.4 He Whakatakanga Manawaroa

Kua whakauru hoki mātou ki te Resilience Project, he kaupapa mai i te wāhanga

mātauranga e akiaki ana i ngā kaimahi ki te whakawhanake te oranga mā

ngā tikanga kaha ki te whakamanawatia tō rātou oranga ia rā, ia rā kia noho

māhaki, atawhai me āio i raro i te haere o te rā. He hōtaka ngawari hei akiaki ngā tāngata kia tū kaha, kia tū toka hoki i ngā wā uaua kei te mahi, ke te kāinga rānei. Ko te whakatenatena nā te mana whenua e aro ana mātou kia pērā.

5.5 Te Whakapai i te Wāhi

I ngā wā ka tūwhera anō ngā wāhi mahi a muri i ngā rāhui Kōwheori, ka whakawātea te wāhi mā te tuku karakia. He hirahira rawa atu aua wā. Tokomaha ā ngā kaimahi ka āmaimai te hoki mai, ki te kore ngā wāhi mahi e whakawātea atu. Kua kī mai ētahi kaianaroa i ētahi wā “Kāore au mō te rongo haumaru ki tēnei wāhi” arā, ka tae mai a ngā mana whenua kia whakawātea anō te wāhi. E maha atu ngā ara kia noho haumaru te hunga kaimahi.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022

We now have a regular and intensive programme of events at site level aimed at wellbeing. This encourages participation and social interaction between peers, and it’s normally focused on a specific health issue. It could be skin checks or health monitoring. Or it could be an event where we encourage people to get together and go cycling. Or we could have an event on site which recognises how hard everyone’s been working and give them kai and highlight where there’s been really good practice on site. We do warm-up exercises together on site in the morning to help everyone feel they’re part of the team and reduce injuries.

Initiatives like our Mates in Construction and the Resilience Project may have happened without the Mana Whenua Forum, but we may not have got there as quickly, or pursued them with the same energy, enthusiasm, and confidence. Having the support of mana whenua representatives provides a sense of significance. It comes with the mana that is imbued from that collaboration.

When the vision statement ‘Mahia te mahi, hei painga hei oranga mō tātou katoa’ was suggested my first reaction was, ‘What’s that got to do with safety?’ It turns out it has everything to do with safety, because to do the work for the good of everyone plays to this important principle that safety is good work and everyone benefits if we work together well.

After we co-developed the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy with mana whenua I remained in close contact, which sounds obvious and easy, but isn’t always because you need to set aside the time and value and protect it. Every couple of months I attend the Forum to update how we are going, what aspects of the health and safety strategy are progressing well, and which aspects need more work. I talk through the learnings from recent incident investigations.

Pāora Puru (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua)

This project has a strong emphasis on holistic wellbeing because we’ve pushed that. Spiritual wellbeing is an example, and how this project takes account of it such as wairuatanga because many of our people are working underground, rarohenga.

Geoff Cook (Ngāti Maru)

I think we see the true value of the Forum when there is a blessing like we had at Maungawhau. There is a camaraderie there because we were there and making sure it’s safe for them.

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The relationship with mana whenua has been central to how we design and deliver our health safety and wellbeing strategy.
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5.3 Mates in Construction

CRL Ltd was a foundation partner for the Mates in Construction programme in New Zealand. We decided early on that we would not just sign ourselves up to the Mates programme and do what’s needed to protect our people, but help the programme spread its wings as it grows across the New Zealand construction industry. All our sites are accredited to Mates in Construction, which may sound easy, but it means everyone on the site has to be inducted. Also, we need one in 20 people to be a connector, which is like a first aider for people who are going through a hard time for whatever reason, work or home related.

5.4 Resilience Project

We are introducing the Resilience Project, a programme out of the education sector that encourages people to make simple, powerful, adjustments to their daily life which encourages gratitude, mindfulness, and empathy, which is in essence just to practice a bit of kindness every day. It’s very simple and a programme which is engaging and aimed at helping people with their skill set for when difficult things happen, whether at home or at work. The encouragement from mana whenua was to focus on those aspects.

5.5 Site Blessing

Every time we’ve restarted the site after Covid lockdowns, the sites are blessed. Those have become very important moments. Many workers would be uncomfortable coming back onto the site if the sites weren’t blessed. Sometimes our tunnellers have said ‘I don’t feel safe around this area’ so mana whenua will bless the site. Health and safety means keeping a safe site in many ways.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

With your basket, and my basket, the people will thrive

WĀHANGA 6: Whai Rawa - Te Ōhanga

Ko tā te tirohanga o City Rail Link me ngā

mana whenua kia angitu ai te whakatau o ngā

haerenga, mahi hoahoa, ngā whāinga pāpori, te hūrokuroku, te taiao, te hauora, me te haumaru o te

whakahaere. Hei tā te tirohanga me te mahitahi he

māmā te kite i te hiahiatahi o ngā taha katoa o tēnei kirimana, o te tāone o Tāmaki, ngā tāngata maha ki

Tāmaki Makaurau hei te anamata.

6.1 Te Hauora i Ngā Whiwhinga Mahi

Ka ū kaha tātou ki te tuhia ki te rae o Tāmaki. Ko tā mātou hiahia te whai i te whakaputanga ōrite hei painga mō te wāhi. Ko tētahi ture matua o tātou ki City Rail

Link ko tā te whaikaimahi ki ngā pākihi, ki ngā tāngata nō Te Moananui-ā-Kiwa whānui.

Ko ngā pākihi me ngā kaikirimana katoa ka ū ki ngā rīpoata o te whakatau i a rātou ake mahi ki tautoko i ngā whāinga pāpori.

Ko tā te Ohu Kaitohu Whāinga Pāpori, he ohu ka whakaae ki ngā whakamahere o te whāinga pāpori, me te hui ā-tau ki ngā mahere, he mana whenua hoki ki tēnei ohu. He tohu tēnei o te mātauranga Māori ka whakauru atu ki ngā taha o te whāinga pāpori. Ka mahi tata nei tā te mana whenua, ka whakatikatika nei, ka whakapono hoki nei ki ngā mahinga e haere ake.

E maha nei ngā pakihi o ngā iwi Māori, o ngā tāngata nō Te Moananui-ā-Kiwa hoki e hono ana ki tēnei kaupapa. Ko te pakihi rangitipu me āna kaimahi e 20, he kupu whakatairanga tēnā o te mana o te hononga rangapū nei.

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Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

With your basket, and my basket, the people will thrive

The shared vision of CRL Ltd and Mana Whenua Forum is to achieve industry leading standards for transport, design, social outcomes, sustainability, environmental, health, safety, and wellbeing. This united vision along with collaboration and mutual respect has led to a genuine desire to engage and strive for best results for the project, the people, and the future of Tāmaki Makaurau.

6.1 Wellbeing through Work Opportunities

We are committed to leaving a positive and lasting legacy. Our vision is to create positive social outcomes for our community and promote diversity in the sector. One of the most powerful ways we do this is economically by supporting Māori and Pasifika businesses and using targeted training and job opportunities to remove employment barriers for mana whenua, other Māori, Pasifika, and young people. Companies and contractors working with us are also required to demonstrate how they are helping to achieve these social outcomes.

Our Social Outcomes Advisory Group, which approves the social outcomes action plans and audits them annually, has a mana whenua representative. This means we have a Māori lens over that process and can feed back to the Forum. The Forum is closely involved in the planning and delivery, checking on the delivery at both assurance level and advisory level.

There has been an array of small Māori and Pasifika-owned businesses with direct contracts with the project. A 20-person Māori and Pasifika-owned scaffolding company that has a contract with the biggest transport infrastructure project in New Zealand is a great success story.

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E maha nei ngā pakihi o o ngā iwi Māori, o ngā tāngata nō Te Moananui-ā-Kiwa hoki

e hono ana ki tēnei kaupapa. Mīharo nei te katoa o rātou!

He hōtaka whakangungu tā ngā tangata Māori, ngā tāngata Moana hoki

e mahi ana ki konei me te kite i ngā pūkenga o rātou, ngā whakangungu

kia pai ake rātou, me ngā tautoko katoa kia mutu ai a City Rail Link, he pūkenga pūtake ā ratou te kawe ki mahi atu i a City Rail Link.

I kite hoki tātou i ngā rautaki kia whai kaimahi anō nō te Moananui-āKiwa, nō ngā iwi Māori hoki. Kia tīpako hoki tātou i a rātou waho hoki

i te mahi, kia tangohia mai nei ngā tauārai ki te kimi kaimahi anō nō te Moananui-ā-Kiwa hoki.

Dr Sean Sweeney - Tumuaki

He whakapono nōku te kite i ngā pakihi rahi te whai haepapa pēnei ai te whakaaronui ake, panoni iti hoki, kia takahia te ara mō te hunga ka whai noa i te mahi poka noa.

Edith Tuhimata (Ngāti Tamaoho)

He whakapono nōku te kite i ngā pakihi rahi te whai haepapa pēnei ai te whakaaronui ake, panoni iti hoki, kia takahia te ara mō te hunga ka whai noa i te mahi poka noa.

Simon Lough

Kaiwhakahaere Hoahoa o City Rail Link

Tiamana o Mana Whenua Forum

Ehara i te whiwhinga māmā te whiwhi kirimana ki ngā kaupapa nui o Aotearoa nei. He āheinga tēnei ki te whiwhi kirimana whairawa, engari ko te akoranga o tā City Rail Link, ka whakawhanake ake ngā pūkenga a ngā iwi - kia tae tika i te wā tika, kia whai i te mana hauora o Aotearoa nei, kia whai i te inihua kia noho haumaru te pakihi nei.

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We introduced a training component to identify our Māori and Pasifika staff on site and check the skills they have, any training they may need and any other assistance we can provide so that once the CRL finishes, they have the skills to go off and do other things.

We also looked at how we can get more Māori and Pasifika people employed on the project. How we can identify them outside the organisation or, in the recruiting process, remove some of the barriers to increase the number of Māori and Pasifika job applicants.

I do believe big companies have an equally big responsibility to make a difference, even a small one, where they can help those who find their way to a job blocked.

Edith Tuhimata (Ngāti Tamaoho)

With the whai rawa there have been opportunities for Māori businesses, there has been Māori employment within CRL, and there has been Māori cultural wellbeing within the workforce itself.

It’s not always easy for Māori and Pasifika owned businesses to work through procurement processes. These big projects are an opportunity for them to win contracts but a learning for CRL Ltd is that, in general, more capability building is needed for Māori and Pasifika businesses –such as the need to meet tight deadlines, to ensure all the right health and safety processes are in place, and to hold appropriate levels of insurance cover.

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There has been an array of small Māori and Pasifika-owned businesses with direct contracts with the project – all of them successful.
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6.2 Te Rangahau Whakapūaho: Te Tūnuku Matua

Ko Prime Traffic te pakihi tuatahi nō te Moananui-ā-Kiwa tātou o City Rail Link i mahitahi ai. He mea matua mō ngā pakihi e rua, he kirimana roa, mō ngā tau e rima, ki te tiketikenga, ka rahi i te 60 ngā kaimahi ka mahia ki te kaupapa nei.

Ko te tūranga hiranga matua o te kaupapa nei, ko tā te whakariterite te marea, he whakaritenga whakatūpato tēnei o ngā tūnga e toru ki Tāmaki nei, me te kuhu hoki a ngā taraka rahi maha e whakawhiti ana i ngā tūngā tereina. Ko ngā kaimahi mai i te Manatū Whakahiato Ora me ngā pūkenga iti noa, ināianei kei te mahi ki tētahi kamupene nui o te pūhanga o Aoteroa neiangitu katoa ana a City Rail Link me ngā whakangungu.

6.3 Te Rangahau Whakapūaho: Te Hōtaka

Mahi Whakamua

Ko te manaaki tangata te ia o te Hōtaka Raupapa Whai Kaimahi, i te tau 2019 tērā i whakatū, me te aro atu ki te hanga i nga āheinga whai mahi, whai kaimahi rānei, ko te whakanui kanorau, me te tautoko mārika i ngā whakaputanga a ngā Māori a ngā tāngata Moana hoki.

Ko te whāinga o te hōtaka nei, kia karo atu ngā whainga mahi, whāinga kaimahi hoki i te ohu rangatahi. Ko tā te hōtaka kia kimi i ngā

rangatahi a rite ki te mahi, kia ū, kia pai hoki te tūranga mahi māna - ko te whanake haere o te māia, ko te hōatu mahi, ko te whanake i ngā

āheinga hoki ngā painga o tēnei hōtaka.

Ko tā te hōtaka raupapa whai kaimahi, he mea tautoko ki karo atu ngā tauārai kia

pupuri i te rangatahi ki te whai tūranga mahi.

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Te Āhukahuka

Ko te hōtaka tōmua, i kimi i ngā rangatahi e ono - e rua mai ngā wāhine, me ngā tāne e whā ka noho ki ngā reanga tau 16 ki te 21 - kia whai mahi i runga ake i te wāhi mahi, kia tautoko i te ritenga mai o te mahi. I mahia te kaupapa tuatahi ki te hangahanga a te anaroa i tūnga o Britomart/Lower Queen Street me te tautoko a ngā kirimana o te kaupapa.

I whai hononga ki ngā pakihi, Lifewise, Te Ara Rangatahi me te Rising Foundation, i tautapa atu ngā kaimahi, mā rātou hoki i whirinaki haere kia pai ai te haere, me te mahi mai. I tiaki hoki i a rātou, i tīpako hoki ngā rangatahi i tētahi kaitiaki nō City Rail Link mā rātou. Ko tā te haratau nei, ko te mita ki te mahi, ko te whai i te māia kia whakarite o rātou kē pūtea, te kōrero ki te marea me ngā pūkenga e hāngai pū ana ki ngā tūranga mahi.

Whai muri ake, e toru o ngā kaimahi e ono i whai tūranga mahi i te kaupapa City Rail Link. Ko ērā atu tokorua i whai tūranga ki ngā kamupene ki te kaupapa Link Alliance.

Te Hōtaka Whakawhanake

Kua waiho atu a City Rail Link i te hōtaka ki a Link Alliance kia kōwhiri tangata kia whakahaere i te hōtaka. He roanga 16 wiki, i te tīmatanga i 19 ngā wiki, i wānangahia me te whakatikahia ngā āputa o te hōtaka tōmua ki ngā hōtaka ka whai ake.

He mahitahi tā Link Alliance ki Te Whānau o Waipereira, Te Ara Rangatahi, Whai Māia Ngāti Whātua, Mā te Huruhuru, Ama Training me Lifewise ki te tautoko mai ngā rangatahi whakauru.

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6.2 Prime Traffic Case Study

One of CRL Ltd’s first contracts was for traffic management with a Māori Pasifika owned business called Prime Traffic. This is a major, longterm contract that will span up to five years and, at its peak, will have about 60 mostly Māori or Pasifika employees working on the project. This is one of the most important roles on the project, managing the public, managing risk on three central Auckland sites with trucks moving in and out with big heavy machinery. Many of the staff came straight from the Ministry for Social Development with few skills, and they are now working on New Zealand’s largest civil engineering project –a major success for CRL Ltd.

6.3 Progressive Employment Programme Case Study

Making people feel valued sits at the heart of the Progressive Employment Programme developed in 2019 which focuses on creating career and employment opportunities, embracing diversity and inclusion, and supporting better outcomes for Māori and Pasifika people.

The goal of the programme is to help bypass barriers preventing rangatahi from getting to the employment starting line. The programme is designed to create work-ready rangatahi and provide lasting, positive, and sustained employment – underpinned by increasing their confidence and providing career and personal development opportunities.

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Our Progressive Employment Programme helps to bypass barriers preventing rangatahi from getting to the employment starting line.


The pilot programme put six rangatahi – two women and four men, aged between 16 and 21 – through on-the-job training supporting each to become work-ready. The pilot was implemented at Britomart Station/Lower Queen Street tunnel construction with the support of our contractors.

We partnered with Lifewise, Te Ara Rangatahi and the Rising Foundation, who nominated the young people who participated and provided pastoral care. As well as day-to-day supervision, each rangatahi chose a mentor from CRL Ltd. Training focused on work-ready skills, including developing confidence in financial literacy, and speaking in public, as well as job-specific skills. Following the initiative, three of the six rangatahi were offered full-time employment on the CRL project and two others were offered apprenticeships with companies in the Link Alliance supply chain.

Development of the Programme

CRL Ltd has now passed the programme baton to the Link Alliance which has appointed someone to oversee the programme. It is also now a 16-week programme instead of the initial 19 weeks, considering feedback and lessons learnt from the pilot programme.

The Link Alliance is working with Te Whānau o Waipareira, Te Ara Rangatahi, Whai Maia Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, Ma te Huruhuru, Ama Training and Lifewise to provide pastoral care for the rangatahi.

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7: Ko ngā hua ako me ngā tohu hei te anamata

7.1 Te Whakauru o ngā mana whenua mai i te tīmatanga

Rau Hoskins

Kaihautū, Design Tribe Architects

Ko te tino hē o ngā kaiwhakahaere kaupapa ko te tāroa ake i te whakaurunga iwi. Ka pā atu ki a rātou te ngana ki te hanga hononga mahi ki te mana whenua me te mōhio hoki kua mauria mai rātou i muri mai i te wā tika.

Ko ngā kaupapa e whai ana i ngā hononga kaha, ko te whakaute o te hononga mai i te tīmatanga, ka nui ake te whai wāhitanga nā te iwi, ko ētahi atu e uaua ana ki te whai mana, nā reira, ka pakaru nga hononga. Waihoki, ko te kore e tae wawe mai te mana whenua ki runga i te waka, ka tāroa ake ngā mahi hoahoa. Ko te whakaaro katoa ko te whakaaro tahi me te hoahoa tahi. Me noho whakamua ngā kaiwhakawhanake mō ngā kaupapa e haere mai ana.

Graham Tipene

Ringatoi Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

Me matua ka mōhio he kapa te āhua mai i te tīmatanga kia nohotahi ō tātou whakaaro. Ko te mea ka puta ko te 75 paiheneti o ngā mahi ka oti, kātahi ka kī ngā rangatira o te kaupapa, ‘Auē, me whai whakaaro hoahoa Māori ināianei.’ Ko tā mātou whakautu, ‘Kāo, kua takahi koe i te angitu.’

Reuben Kirkwood

Ringatoi Ngāi Tai ki Tāmakii

Kia pai ake te mahi hoahoa, me mahitahi ngā ringatoi mai i te tīmatanga kia hanga pai ake te kōrero.

Ko ngā kaupapa e whai ana i ngā

hononga kaha mai i te tīmatanga ka

nui ake te wā e noho i te taha o ngā

iwi, ko ētahi atu e uaua ana ki te hono

ki ngā iwi hoki.

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Lessons, Challenges, Advice

7.1 Engage at the Beginning

Rau Hoskins

Director, Design Tribe Architects

Probably the most common mistake project managers make is to delay iwi engagement. They then face the challenge of trying to build a working relationship with mana whenua who rightly feel they’ve been brought in later than they should have been.

Projects that develop strong, respectful relationships at the outset get a greater share of precious iwi time while the others struggle for traction and, consequently, the relationships can be frayed. Also, failure to get mana whenua on board early means protracted design processes. The whole notion is to coconceptualise and co-design. Developers need to be upfront about projects coming onstream.

Graham Tipene

Artist for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

Make sure we’re part of the team right at the beginning so our thinking is at the table. What often happens is 75 per cent of the job will be done and then the project owners say, ‘Oh we need some Māori design thinking now.’ Our response is, ‘No, you’ve missed the boat.’

Reuben Kirkwood

Artist for Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

For an improved design process artists should be engaged earlier to develop narrative.

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Projects that develop strong relationships at the outset get a greater share of precious iwi time while the others struggle for traction.

7.2 Mahi tahi me ngā tangata kei te taumata


Rau Hoskins

Kaihautū, Design Tribe Architects

Me noho tonu tō Kaihautū Whakawhiti Kōrero ki te taha o te Tumuaki, i runga i te tirohanga rangatira ki te rangatira, nā rāua te mana me te kōrero tahi ki te iwi mai i te tīmatanga o te kaupapa. He hiahia nōu te whai i ngā tangata kei te taumata tuarua e whai mana ahurea ana, ka taea e rātou te tohutohu ki te Tumuaki mō te huarahi pai ki te tīmata i ēnei kōrero matua.

Tā Sean Sweeney - Tumuaki

Ko te tangata pai te hiahia i te Huinga. Me uru mai rātou me te mana nā ō rātou iwi. Ehara i te mea ka whakaae kia whakatau kaupapa whakahaere mō te iwi, engari me kaha ki te koha me te tuku pai i ō rātou whakaaro.

Mēnā kei te tuhi koe ki ngā heamana o ngā whakahaere ā-iwi, me whai mātanga ake te whakahaere i roto i tō rōpū.

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7.3 Mārama atu i te whāinga matua

Tā Sean Sweeney - Tumuaki

Ka kī atu ahau i te wā e whakatūria ana he Huinga Mana

Whenua me āta whai whakaaro koe he aha te kaupapa, he aha te take rānei, ā, ka whai hononga ki te taumata rangatira ki a ia iwi me ō rātou hiahia, wawata hoki. Ka pono te haere, kia pai te hononga.

Ko tā te kaiwhakahaere kaupapa ka kitea pea ētahi mea kāore e āhei te oti. Me mōhio koe mai i te tīmatanga o te kaupapa he aha aua mea kia whakamārama atu, kia wānanga tahi ki ne Huinga Mana Whenua. Mā te kōrero tahi, ka piki ake pea ngā āheinga.

Carolyn Cox

Kaiwhakahaere Hūrokuroku

Kia whakatau wawe i ngā hiahia kia mārama ai he aha te mahi

– te whakahaere, te kōrero, te kāwana rānei.

Kia whakatau wawe i ngā hiahia

kia mārama ai he aha te mahi – te whakahaere, te kōrero, te kāwana rānei.

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7.2 Work at the Right Level

Design Tribe Architects

Your head of communications should sit right beside the CEO who, from a rangatira ki te rangatira perspective, needs to front those early conversations with iwi. You need people at a tier two level with cultural capability, who can advise the CEO on how best to initiate these conversations.

Dr Sean Sweeney - CEO

You need good people on the Forum. They must come in with a mandate from their iwi. That doesn’t mean they can make governance decisions on behalf of the iwi, but they must be able to contribute and speak their mind.

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If you are writing to chairs of iwi organisations, you need reciprocal seniority from the organisation.

7.3 Understand What You Want to Achieve Dr Sean Sweeney - CEO

I would say to anyone setting up a Mana Whenua Forum to think about what you’re looking for, and why you’re doing it, and to engage at leadership level with the respective iwi about what they’re looking for. Try to walk into it with a real understanding of what everyone is looking for.

As a project manager you might flush out some things that are undeliverable. You should know on day one what you think those are and talk about them with the Mana Whenua Forum and explain why. You may find the undeliverable list is smaller than you’d thought.

Sustainability Manager

Firm up the expectations as early as possible, so it’s clear from both sides what to expect or what their role is, whether it’s operational, consultative, or governance.

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Firm up the expectations as early as possible so it’s clear what the role is – operational, consultative, or governance.

7.4 Whakamana tō hononga mana whenua

Liz Root

Kaitohutohu Matua Hūrokuroku 2014-2021

Mā te whakamana i te hononga, ka ora ai te hononga. He mea whai whakaaro te panonitanga o ngā māngai mana whenua rātou ko ngā

māngai whakahaere kaupapa i roto i te wā roa. Mēnā he māngai hou ka uru mai ki roto i te hononga, kaua e whakaaro noa nā ratou nga mātauranga e kawe mai i te tangata o mua. Me uru mai taua tangata ki o ngā tikanga me te hītori o te kaupapa rā.

Kingi Makoare (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei)

E i ai ki a Ngāti Whātua ko te whanaungatanga te tino mea. Ki te kore koe e tino mōhio me pehea e whai hononga ana ki a mātou, he māmā

noa iho pēnei ki te kai tahi, ki te haere ki te marae hei mōhio ake ko wai te iwi, nō hea rātou rānei. E tika ana te Karauna me te Kaunihera ki te kōrero ki ngā iwi 19 katoa o Tāmaki Makaurau. Kaua e waiho he momo tuhi tohutohu anake - ehara i te mea pai.

Rau Hoskins

Kaihautū, Design Tribe Architects

Mēnā he kaha te hononga mahi, ka whakawhirinaki ki te tangata. Mēnā kāore koe i whakamana te hononga pai e kore e taea te kōrero atu ki

tētahi tangata pūkenga hei pou whirinaki.

Carolyn Cox

Kaiwhakahaere Hūrokuroku

He mea nui a CRL Ltd ko te whakawhiwhinga i te Huinga Mana

Whenua ki te pūtea moni hei utu mō ngā māngai o te iwi. He

maha ngā kaupapa atu kua urua e au, ā, he tūmanako ka uru mai te iwi Māori, engari karekau he pūtea e whakawhiwhi ana i taua

kaupapa, he wē tika rānei e.

Rob Mair

Kaihautū Haumaru

He tiketikengā, he noho whārua hoki tā ia hononga - ehara i te mea ngawari. Ko tāku, he nui te hua ūara, ā tōna ake wā ka tae mai. Mēnā he hoahoa hianga, he take weriweri ranei kei runga i te papaanga, kaore pea i te pai te whanaungatanga i waenga i nga mema o te roopu, haere tonu ka kite i te uara ka piki ake i te waa.

Ko te ahua o te mahi tahi ko te whakapau wa me to whakapau

kaha ki te whiwhi me te tuku urupare whai kiko. Ko te mea tika me mahi koe i runga i taua urupare. Kaore koe e āhei ana te huri haere i te mana whenua.

Mā te whakamana i te hononga, ka ora ai te hononga.

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7.4 Invest Time and Resources

Advisor 2014-2021

Invest time and appreciate it will take time. A challenge with long-term projects is representatives from the project and the Forum may change over time. If there are new iwi reps coming into the relationship, don’t just assume they’ve carried the knowledge from the previous person. You need to bring that person into your ways of working and share the history with them.

Kingi Makoare (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei)

For Ngāti Whātua it’s all about the relationship. If you’re not sure about how to get to know us, it’s as simple as having a coffee or a cup of tea or going to the marae to get a more rounded idea of who the people are, and where they’re coming from. The Crown and Council are obliged to consult with all 19 iwi in Auckland. It should not be just a tick box kind of notification – that’s not cool.

Rau Hoskins Director, Design Tribe Architects

If you have strong working relationships, you can lean on people. You can make a phone call to a critical person that you just can’t do if you haven’t done the hard yards building the relationship.

The thing we’ve done at CRL Ltd is resource the Mana Whenua Forum well in terms of funding to pay for the iwi representatives’ time. There have been lots of other projects I’ve worked on where there’s an expectation you engage with Māori, but no budget associated with it, or a realistic timeframe.

Every relationship has its highs and lows – it’s not always easy. My advice is the value is huge and it comes over time. If there’s a tricky design or a gnarly issue on site or maybe relationships between members on the group aren’t great, just keep going and see the value that accrues over time.

The nature of the partnership is that you invest time and effort to obtain and provide meaningful feedback. The rub is you’ve got to act on that feedback. You can’t go around mana whenua.

Invest time and appreciate it will take time.

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7.5 Whakawhanake te pūkenga ahurea

Rau Hoskins

Kaihautū, Design Tribe Architects

I mua i tō whakaaro tahi mo te kaupapa, me whai mana ahurea i roto i tō rōpū, i tō kaimahi hoki. Me kimihia e te rōpū ngā kaimahi mōhio me pēhea te whai mana i ngā hononga. He mana tō te wawata pai, engari me whai pūkenga anō me pēhea te whai hononga pai mai i te tīmatanga.

Berenize Peita

Whakarerenga o Ngā Hua Pāpori

Me whiwhi ngā ohu kaupapa he kanohi Māori e taea te kōrero ki ngā kaiwhakahaere kaupapa, kātahi ka hono atu ki te mana whenua hoki. Me whai kanohi Māori anō tātou hei noho i te poari.

Kingi Makoare (Ngāti Whātua


Me whakarauora, me poipoi hoki ngā whakahaere i te reo me ngā tikanga Māori. He māmā noa atu ki te mahi tahi i te taha i ngā tāngata e mōhio ana ki ngā tikanga me te reo Māori. Kātahi ka rerea paitia ngā kaupapa i te taha o aua tāngata, nā te mea he hōhonu te wairua o te reo Māori, ā, he rerekē te horopaki reo Māori ki te mahinga ki ērā atu reo nō te ao.

I mua i tō whakaaro tahi mo te kaupapa, me whai mana ahurea i roto i tō rōpū, i tō kaimahi hoki.

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7.5 Build Internal Cultural Capability

Tribe Architects

Before you can co-conceptualise a project, you need to have cultural capacity in your organisation. Organisations need to recruit people who are skilled at engagement. Being well-meaning is essential, but you also must have skills there to structure the working relationship well from the outset.

Berenize Peita Social Outcomes Legacy

Project teams need to employ a Māori representative who can talk to the project managers and then liaise with mana whenua. We should also have Māori representation on the board.

Kingi Makoare (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei)

Organisations need to encourage and foster te reo and tikanga cultural competency. Individuals who have a grasp of te reo and tikanga are much easier to work with. Processes are much more seamless with those who are on that journey, because with te reo comes certain concepts that you won’t get if you’re speaking English, Mandarin or any other language.

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Before you can co-conceptualise a project, you need to have cultural capacity in your organisation.

7.6 Whakamānawatia te ao Māori

Edith Tuhimata (Ngāti Tamaoho)

Kia whakawhānui te tirohanga.

Pāora Puru (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua)

He mea uaua, me pēhea te whakanuia, te whakamanahia tō tātou mātauranga Māori, tō tātou kōrero tuku iho rānei i roto i tētahi

kaupapa pēnei puta noa i te kāwanatanga.

Graham Tipene

Ringato for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

Kaua e wetewetehia te ao Māori. Ko te wetewete ka whakatau

koe ki te kore. Me mau ki te katoa kia mōhio mai he rite tonu ngā wāhanga, ngā tikanga katoa. Kāore he wāhanga, he tikanga matua. Kia rite te kaha o ngā pou tikanga katoa, kei hinga te whare.

Carol Greensmith

Whakaatuhia kei te whakaute koe i ngā tikanga Māori. Me mihi atu koe ki tō pepeha - ahakoa te āwangawanga. Ka mihia atu pea koe i ngā katakata, i ngā menemene rānei, engari ka hanga


Jo Reeves

Te Tumuaki Whanaungatanga me te Whakawhiti Kōrero, 2022

Ko te hiahia ki te mahi tahi ki te mohio ki nga tirohanga rerekee, nga tikanga me nga whakaaro ka kitea i roto i a matou mahitahi ki te huinga mana whenua engari he akoranga pai ki te whai whakaaro ki nga tirohanga rereke me nga tikanga. Ka whakapau kaha matou ki te titiro ki nga ahuatanga rereke o a matou mahi, mahi ranei mai i te tirohanga a o matou mangai o te iwi.

Reuben Kirkwood

Ringatoi Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

I mahia ētahi wāhanga hangahanga mō te tūnga o Karanga-a-Hape e ētahi kamupene kei tāwahi. Kātahi ka puta noa te mahi whakaako te hunga ki te pūrākau tika, kia hanga kotahi te hoahoa katoa.

Kaua e wetewetehia te ao Māori.

Ka whakatau koe ki te kore.

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7.7 Whakarongo tētahi ki tētahi kia ora ai te hononga pono

Tā Sean Sweeney - Tumuaki

Kei te Huinga Mana Whenua he rōpū māngai i mahi i runga i te pono. Ināianei he pono rawa atu te hononga kua puta mai nei. Kātahi ka whākia ētahi mea raru e mātou, kāora he kōrero “Auē, me whakatika ānō koutou.” Ko te urupare māori o nāianei a te Huinga, mēnā e hē ana mātou i tētahi mea ko te māramatanga o te huinga e kore te mōhiotanga pai kei a mātou, ā, me whakatika mai te mōhiotanga kia ora ai anō te kaupapa, arā e mahi mātou i runga i te pono i ngā wā katoa. He mea nui tenei.

Carol Greensmith

Kua ū mātou i te kaupapa mā te manawanui me te pono, hei tauira te hoahoa o ngā tūnga tereina. I te whakaatuhia ngā ingoa o ngā iwi i roto i ngā whakatautanga whakaae nā te me he tino mea tērā. He mea nui ki a mātou ki te whakamānawatia tonutia ngā hononga ki ngā mana whenua hei tauira pai o te kounga me te kaha o aua hononga.

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7.6 The Māori World View

Edith Tuhimata (Ngāti Tamaoho)

Have an open mind.

Pāora Puru (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua)

A challenge is how our mātauranga, our traditional esoteric knowledge, is valued in a project such as this across local and central government.

Graham Tipene

Artist for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

Don’t dissect the Māori world view. Dissecting it will set you up for failure. Keep it whole and understand that each section is just as important as the other. There is no main section. They should all be as strong as each other, otherwise the house falls.

Carol Greensmith

Show you are respecting cultural norms. Introduce yourself with your pepeha - even if it makes you uncomfortable. You may get smiles and comments and jokes, but it builds rapport.

Head of Corporate Relations and Communications, 2022

The need to work together to understand different viewpoints, cultures and perceptions is highlighted in our interactions with the Mana Whenua Forum but it’s a good life lesson to always consider different perspectives and cultural meanings. We do our best to look at different aspects of our engagement or activities from our iwi representatives’ perspective.

Artist for Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Offshore architectural firms were engaged for the development of some structural elements of Karanga-a-Hape. This presented the challenge of re-educating those involved to the developed narrative, to create unity across all design. Don’t

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dissect the Māori
It will
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world view.
set you up

7.7 Listen to Each Other

We have on the Mana Whenua Forum a group of people who have acted with utmost good faith. There’s now a high degree of trust that has been earned over time. Now if we stuff something up there’s not an immediate, ‘Oh there you go again.’ The Forum’s default if we get something wrong is that we just didn’t get it as opposed to thinking we were not acting with good faith. This is crucial.

We have put our money where our mouth is, for example with the design of the stations. We made sure iwi are named in the consent decisions because that matters. We have tried to show mana whenua in all manner of ways that we are serious and value our relationship.

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Rewi Rogers 2020-2022

Ngā Hua Pāpori

E ai ki ētahi tānagta ka kitea te Huinga hei tukanga mahi hei whakararu rānei, kaore he momo tautoko, ke momo whirinaki ki ā rātou. Ki te kitea ana te Huinga Mana Whenua he ohu tautoko, he ohu whirinaki hoki kāore he tauārai, ā, ka taea te anga whakamua tā koutou mahi hei te painga o te katoa.

Pāora Puru (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua)

Whakarongo mai kia whakamōhio, kaua e whakarongo kia whakautu noa.

7.8 Mā te Whakatakanga ngā Whakataunga

a-Hāpori, ā-Taiao anō hoki

Kaitohutohu Matua Hūrokuroku 2014-2021

Mei kore ake ngā tikanga whiwhinga, whakahaere kirimana, me te hanga whāinga pāpori i roto i te Mahere Wāhanga Hua Matua, karekau e tino kaha ngā huanga pāpori, te oranga me te hūrokurokutanga i roto i a Link Alliance. Berenize Peita

Whakarerenga o Ngā Hua Pāpori

Me hui tahi ngā kaiwhiwhinga a Link Alliance me CRL Ltd ki ngā

kamupene nā ngā iwi taketake kia whakamōhio mai me pēhea te whakatutukia ngā paearu kirimana, hei tauira ngā paearu haumaru me te oranga. Te nuinga o te wā, ka taea te tutuki ngā paearu kirimana, engari he pai aki te whakamārama me pēhea ā-waha, ā-kanohi rānei ki te tuhi. He kamupene i whiwhia e mātou, nā rātou i whakamahere tō rātou tikanga haumaru engari kāori i runga i te pepa. Kātahi ka urua tēnei kamupene, ā, ko rātou tētahi o ngā tino kamupene.

Whakamānawa te mana whenua hei pou whirinaki, kaua hei tauārai ki te kōkiritanga o te kaupapa.

Me hui tahi ngā kaiwhiwhinga ki ngā kamupene

nā ngā iwi taketake kia whakamōhio mai me

pēhea te whakatutukia ngā paearu kirimana.

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Rewi Rogers 2020-2022 Social Outcomes

People can see the Forum as a workflow process and an inconvenience rather than something that’s there to support them. If you think of mana whenua as a support mechanism rather than a hindrance on your progress and performance, it will benefit you a whole lot more.

Pāora Puru (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua)

Listen with the intent to understand rather than listening with the intent to respond.

7.8 Improve Social and Environmental Outcomes

Principal Sustainability Advisor 2014-2021

Without the tools and levers of procurement, contract management, and building in social outcomes into the Key Result Area framework, our social outcomes and sustainability would not have been as strong in the Link Alliance as they are.

Berenize Peita

Social Outcomes Legacy

Think of mana whenua as a support mechanism rather than a hindrance on your progress and performance.

The CRL Ltd and Link Alliance procurement people, and those making decisions about which companies to contract, need to meet with Māori and Pasifika companies to give them the opportunity to say how they can meet the contracting criteria such as health and safety. Often, they do meet the requirements, but they are much better at explaining how they do that verbally than in writing. There was a company we did this for, who had all their health and safety practices worked out but not on paper. We hired them and they turned out to be one of our greatest successes.

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Procurement people need to meet Māori and Pasifika companies to give them the opportunity to say how they can meet contract criteria.

WĀHANGA 8: He aha te āhua o te angitu?

Tā Sean Sweeney - Tumuaki

Ko tōku nei hiahia, tā ngā mana whenua, te whakamana i te wāhi nei, kia

mōhio pai tō rātou ake mana. Ahakoa te rongo atu i te hōu katoa o te kaupapa nei, he angitu tēnā. E whakahīhī rawa ana au!

Rau Hoskins

Kaihautū, Design Tribe Architects

Ko te rā whakatuwheratanga o ia tūnga tereina te angitu, me te rahi

hoki o ngā iwi i tae mai ki te huinga moata, ka kite koe i te ihi o te mana

whenua ki reira, me te kī hoki o te iwi, ‘Ko mātou tēnā. Ka kitea e tātou i a tatou anō i roto i ēnei kaupapa hanganga nui o te tāone, i ngā wāhi

marea o te tāone. Kua hono anā tātou ki te taiao, ki te ao hurihuri i tēnei

wāhi kāore i taea e te nuinga o ngā iwi mō nga tau 100 neke atu nā te mea kāore mātou i te nohotau ki tēnei wāhi tawhito, ehara nā mātou i whai wāhi ki te hanga, ki te whakaaro hoahoa rānei.’

Waihoki i tērā, ko te hiahia ki te whakarongo ki ngā iwi kē me kī, ‘Koia, ki konei ka rongotia rawatia e au te wairua me te ihi o Ngāti Whātua, o Te

Kawerau a Maki rānei. Mā ēnei wheako ku tū kaha te tūranagawaewae, te tuakari o ngā iwi Māori katoa ahakoa nō hea rātou.

Arā anō ko ētahi atu, Ngāi Pākehā, ngā manuhiri, ngā tauiwi rānei.

Kātahi ka whakakaha te tuakiri o te katoa, te hono ki te wāhi hoki

nā te mea he maha ngā wāhi māori i te ao hurihuri, ā ko te hiahia

whānui ki te hono ki ngā wāhi tata, ki ngā wāhi motuhake i roto i tō tātou ngākau, i tō tātou hapori hoki.

Ko te angitu, te whakatairanga hoki a te iwi ki te kaupapa - ehara i te āhua pā noa nei engari te noho tau i te mahitahi o tātou.

Ko te angitu te āhua o te whakanui ki ā tātou rangatahi, mō rātou me ō rātou

hītori i roto i ngā wāhi e kore e taea te kite ngā tohu Māori.

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What does success look like?

I hope the Forum feel there is an integrity and an intent in this project to recognise their place. Even if they feel we’ve just got trainer wheels on, that would be success for me. I’m selfishly proud of it.

Success looks like opening day of each of these stations with an enormous turnout from iwi at dawn ceremonies, where you see the pride of the mana whenua present, and where the iwi say, ‘That’s us. We can see ourselves in these critical infrastructure projects. We can see ourselves in these civic cultural environments. We feel reconnected to place in a way which for most iwi hasn’t been possible for over 100 years because we don’t feel comfortable in an environment we have not played a part in making or conceptualising.’

Secondly, other Māori being able to say ‘Wow, I really can see and feel Ngāti Whātua’s presence here or Te Kawerau ā Maki’s presence here.’ Māori can get a de facto sense of place by seeing another iwi well represented in their own tribal rohe.

Then there’s everyone else, Pākehā, visitors, overseas tourists. Everyone benefits from a strong sense of place because there’s so much generic architecture, so much generic urban design in this world, we crave environments which are unequivocally of their place.

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Success is iwi being proud of the project – not just the physical outcome but having satisfaction in the process we’ve been through.

Carolyn Cox

Kaiwhakahaere Hūrokuroku

He angitu tō te kaupapa ki te whakamana te mana whenua o te rohe nei - he mea nui kua ea ngā iwi i ngā hua hangahanga me te haere o te kaupapa hoki. He tino tohu tērā hei angitu.

Francois Dudouit

Kaihautū Kaupapa

He angitu anō ko tā te mārie, te wātea te ara, ā, ka kitea te mana o te mana whenua kei roto, anō nei, he mahi toi e whakaatu ana ki te ao Māori. Āpiti atu, he mea angitu hoki te hanga ara hei tauira mō ngā kaupapa nui o te anamata, me pēhea te mahitahi i te taha o ngā mana whenua, me te kite i te hora haere i ngā whakahaere kē o te kaupapa.

Graham Tipene Ringatoi Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

Ko te angitu te whakanui ā tātou rangatahi, mō rātou me ō rātou hītori i roto i ngā wāhi e kore e taea te kite ngā tohu Māori. I haere au ki tētahi pae wānanga ka tae mai tāku irāmutu. He rangatahi ia, ka kī mai ia “Kia ora matua” ka kī au “Kia ora e tama”, ā, ka kī mai ia “Kei ngā wāhi whānui ōu mahi toi. Ka titiro au ki te menemene, ka mea atu “He mahi mō koutou me ā koutou tamariki mokopuna.”

He rerekē te kitenga i te tāone o nāianei, ko ngā hoahoa Māori i te wāhi kē atu, ki te kore e mau ana he patu i te pokapū o te tāone i ahau e tamariki ana - āe, kua tae te wā.

Kaitohutohu Matua Hūrokuroku 2014-2021

Ko te angitu, ko te hononga whakapūmau tonu. He angitu anō nā te kaha o te wheako hononga i te taha o te mana whenua kia hora atu ai te rongo pai i te aka kūmara. He hononga anō ngā māngai o te Huinga Mana Whenua ki ētahi atu iwi i te motu whānui. Ka hono ana, ka whakawhiti kōrero ana Te Waka Kotahi, CRL Ltd me ngā kirimana hoki. E ako tonu ana ngā rōpū i te taha whaihanga, ā, ka tū ia kaupapa i ngā mahi o ngā kaupapa o mua.

Richard Jenkins

Kaiwhakamahere Matua

I te tirohanga hūrokurokunga, he angitu, ko tā te whakamohiotanga a ISC he taha Māori. He angitu nui tera.

Ko te angitu te āhua o te whakanui ki ā tātou rangatahi, mō rātou me ō rātou hītori i roto i ngā wāhi e kore e taea te kite ngā tohu Māori.

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Tessa Harris

Ringatoi Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Ko te angitu te whakatō kākano kia kitea te mīharotanga o tāna puāwai ki ngā hua pai nā te mahitahi. Ka putaina ngā mea kairangi nā te mahitahi, nā te manaakitanga, nā te pono o tētahi ki tētahi, nā te kōwhiritanga o ngā tino tāngata e hono ki te kaupapa.

Rob Mair

Kaihautū Haumaru

Nā te tukanga kaupapa i hanga, i tiaki, i whakaputa hoki te tuakiri ahurea motuhake e kore e kitea i te ao whānui. Koirā tā te mana whenua e tukuna atu. He tohu e tuhia ki te rae o te kaupapa.

Kātahi ka kitea i roto ote hoahoa, i te ahurea, i te iwi hoki, me te pēhea mahi. Arā, ko tēnei te angitu. Ka kitea, ka rangona te āhua.

Michelle McGrath

Kaihono ki ngā Mana Whenua

Ko te angitu kia whai manaaki, kia whakamana i te iwi me te kaupapa hoki, kia tuku whakaute, kia whakawhiti kōrero hoki.

Whaihoki ki te whakanuia kanorau ahurea, ā, e whakaaturia aua taonga ki ngā wāhi i hanga hei taonga tuku iho ki te anamata.

Arā, he taonga pai ki a tātou, e tū rangatira ana i te ao.

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Success is iwi being proud of the project – not just the physical outcome but having satisfaction in the process we’ve been through. That’s a real sign of success.

Success is when the line is open and everybody recognises it has been developed with mana whenua, and that it’s a design that reflects the Māori culture. As well, success is that this type of forum shows a path for coming projects, how to involve mana whenua and to see if it can be broadened to some other areas of management of the project.

Graham Tipene Artist for Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei

Success looks like recognition to our young ones, of them and their history in a place that is not very recognisable to Māori. I went to a panel discussion and my nephew walked in. He’s 20 something, and he says ‘Hi unc’ and I said, ‘Hey boy’ and he said, ‘Man your stuff is everywhere.’ I looked at him and smiled and said: ‘That’s for you and your kids and your kids’ kids.’ To see Māori design thinking everywhere we go now as opposed to an old guy holding the patu at the bottom of town when I was a kid – yeah, it’s happened.

Liz Root Principal Sustainability Advisor 2014-2021

Success is strong enduring relationships. Success can be mana whenua feeling the relationship has been strong and successful enough that they’re going to share it with others through the kumara vine. The Mana Whenua Forum reps have family ties to other iwi around the country. Waka Kotahi and CRL Ltd and client organisations are all connecting and talking. The sector is taking lessons and each project stands on the shoulders of the previous ones.

Principal Planner

In the sustainability space success has been getting ISC to understand there is a Māori dimension. That is a huge success.

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Success looks like recognition to our young ones, of them and their history in a place that is not very recognisable to Māori.

Artist for Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Success is getting on board from that little seed and believing that working together will form the most amazing outcome. Award-winning things happen when you’ve got mutual respect and trust that you are the perfect people for this project.

The project has, through this process, built and maintained and delivered a unique cultural identity you can’t find anywhere else in the world. That’s what mana whenua gives you. There’s a thumbprint that goes on to the project. You can see it in the design, in the culture and the people, and how we work. That’s the success. You can see it, and you can feel it.

Mana Whenua Relationship Manager

Success is being inclusive, respectful, empowering, engaging and informed. It’s about celebrating cultural diversity and seeing it reflected in our landscape, a legacy for the future, something we’re proud of, world leading.

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Kingi Makoare (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei)

He mea nui te tūnuku mō ngā iwi Māori kei Tāmaki, mō ngā iwi whānui o Tāmaki rānei. He angitu ki te whakapai te āhua tūnuku i Tāmaki. He

whakatauāki kei a mātou ‘Kia mahi ngā mahi mō te whai rawa o Tāmaki.’

He pai ake tātou te iwi ki te whakauru atu ki ēnei momo huinga, ki te whakakaha ake i ā tātou mana whakahaere kia whakapakari ai ngā

āheinga. He āheinga tino whai wāhi ki ēnei huinga ma te hanga hononga me te mahi tahi.

He rerekē te anamata ki te onamata nā te tino aronga o ngā iwi ki tō tātou mātauranga, ki te maramataka rānei, ā, e panoni ana te anga

whakamua. Kua māori kē ngā hoahoa Māori i ngā wāhi marea o Tāmaki.

He āhua rite i ngā ingoa. Ko ēnei ngā tino tohu o te angitu - te kitenga ngā tohu ā-iwi, ngā kōrero ā-iwi i roto i ngā wāhi o Tāmaki nei.

Reuben Kirkwood

Ringatoi Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Ko te mutunga kē mai o te angitu ka whakaaturia e ngā iwi o Tāmaki

Makaurau mēnā i hangaia ngā tūnga tereina mā te hoahoa māori kia

whakamārama ai tō tātou hononga pūmaau ki tēnei whenua.

Kia mahi ngā mahi mo te whai rawa o Tāmaki.

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Kingi Makoare (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei)

Transport is a big thing not only for Māori in Tāmaki but for everybody in Tāmaki. If we can make a difference for the wider Tāmaki, that’s success. We have a saying, ‘Kia mahi ngā mahi mo te whai rawa o Tāmaki – do the work and benefit the wider Tāmaki.’

We’re getting better as iwi at getting onto these sorts of forums, getting our governance more resourced so we can have more of an impact. There’s so much opportunity to be had in these forums through relationship building and collaboration.

Interest in things like Mātauranga and Maramataka, is flipping the script on how we move into the future. Seeing those designs is just going to absorb into the fabric of Tāmaki. The same with the names. Those are real indicators of success – seeing ourselves as iwi in the fabric of Auckland.

Kirkwood Artist for Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki

Ultimately our success will be measured by the people of Tāmaki Makaurau and will depend on whether we have created a usable station with passive design which speaks of our timeless connection to this whenua.

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Kia mahi ngā mahi mo te whai
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rawa o Tāmaki – do the work and benefit the wider Tāmaki.

WĀHANGA 9: Ka ahatia?

Nā te kaha o te hononga rangapū a te mana whenua rāua ko City

Rail Link, ka tika mai rā ka tono ngā pātai ki whanake haere ki ngā rā ka heke mai. Hei tauira ake:

9.1 Te Kāwana i te Rangapū Tauritenga

Tā Sean Sweeney

Kaiwhakahaere Matua

He hīkaka katoa ngā mana whenua kia noho kāwana te hononga rangapū. He pātai nui nā te mea he hirahira nui ngā haerenga o

CRL Ltd ka ngaro atu i te wā ka tuwhera mai City Rail Link, nō reirā he uaua te pupuri i te hononga rangapū kia kounga ake te hononga. He mahitahi te aronga, kua kitea i ngā hua.

Engari, ki te kore koe he kaupapa ka whai i ētahi ture whakawhāiti ki ngā kirimana, ka kore ka whai hua i te kore whai hononga a te

• He hononga kāwana, he hononga mahitahi rānei

• Te whakariterite te kirimana tā ia iwi i te pūtakenga

• Kia whakawhānui ake ngā paenga whānui o te hōtaka whakarerenga pāpori mō ngā mana whenua me te iwi.

Ānei ngā whakaaroaronga kia kōkiri whakamua mō te hononga rangapū ki ngā mana whenua.

ohu kāwana ki te ohu mana whenua. Ki te noho City Rail Link ki te wāhanga New Zealand Big Projects Department, arā, ka whai tātou i tērā ara, kia haere whakamua.

Liz Root

Kaitohutohu Matua Hūrokuroku 2014-2021

Ka kitea e au ngā kaupapa atu i tēnei me te kaha kite i te awenga hei kāwana o te kaupapa, kāore rawa he kitenga pērā i te tau

2012, te tau kua waihanga o Mana Whenua Forum. He hononga rangapū mīharo i tērā wā, engari he haerenga tonu te haere i ngā tau e rua kua hipa, ka kitea i te panoni matua o te mahitahi o te mana whenua kia noho hei kaikāwana, hei kaitiaki rānei.

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9.1 Governance level partnership


What’s next?

While the CRL Mana Whenua Forum partnership has worked exceptionally well, naturally there have been thoughts about how such relationships could evolve in future. These include:

• Whether the partnership should be at governance instead of operational level

• Setting up a formal partnership agreement with each iwi from the start

• Expanding the horizons of the social legacy programmes for mana whenua and iwi.

Here are some reflections on what could come next for mana whenua partnerships.

The Forum is keen for a governance-level partnership. This is a big question because CRL Ltd is ‘a special purpose vehicle’ that will disappear when the CRL is opened, so it’s problematic trying to have a deep and long partnership. We’ve stayed very operational, and it’s proved to be productive. However, if you were an entity that didn’t have a sunset clause like we do, you could not sustain what we’re doing without connecting our governance group and the iwi governance groups. If City Rail Link was New Zealand Big Projects Department, say, it would be the next thing to explore.

Principal Sustainability Advisor 2014-2021

I see other projects now where mana whenua are elevated to project governance, which would not have been contemplated back in 2012 when the Forum was established. We were a ground-breaking partnership then, but things have been moving at pace over the last couple of years and there is quite a shift for large scale projects where relationships sit at both governance and kaitiaki level.

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9.2 Te Kirimana kia Rangapū Ngaio Kingi Makoare (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei)

Ko te take matua a Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei ki tā te kawenga a te mana whenua, arā ko te kore whakatau i te mana o tēnā iwi o tēnā iwi. Ko tā ngā kaupapa ka whai atu, kia pēnei ai te kuhunga o te mana whenua ki ngā kaupapa, kia kaua e whati i te anamata ki ngā tikanga a te Māori. Ko tā te kirimana o te hononga rangapū kia pēnei te kitenga mō ia taha o te kirimana, ko ngā tāngata o te kaupapa whānui hoki.

Simon Lough

Kaiwhakahaere Hoahoa o City Rail Link

Tiamana o Mana Whenua Forum

Ahakoa ngā mātāpono e whakataki nei tātou, ko ngā hua i puta nā te pukumahi, me te hiahia kia kotahi ai tātou ki a tātou. Ko tā te kirimana o te hononga rangapū ki tēnā iwi, ki tēnā iwi, kia whakaae mai te kawenga a ērā atu kaikirimana te whakatikahia i tā te hiahia o te iwi kia noho taurite mai ki ngā taha katoa o te kirimana.

9.3 Te Whakawhānui o ngā Hōtaka

Whakareretanga a-Pāpori

Berenize Peita

Whakarerenga o Ngā Hua Pāpori

He whānui ake te tūranga o te whakarerenga o ngā hua pāpori te whai kaimahi. Tirohia whānuitia te kitenga o te ōrau o te rima o ngā kāinga o runga ake o te tūnga tereina ki

Maungawhau kia noho pūmau mō ngā tangata Māori noa iho.

Ka ū hoki tātou ki te pupuri i ngā tūranga kaimahi kia

motuhake mai mō te tangata, pakihi rānei nō ngā iwi Māori, nō Te Moananui-ā-Kiwa noa iho - ki te kore ka pērā, ka hoki atu ki tā mātou e mōhio ana, ki ngā pakihi me ngā kaimahi kua

mōhio, mahi kē atu.

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9.2 Formal partnership agreement Kingi Makoare (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei)

Ngāti Whātua Orakei’s main issue with the mana whenua engagement is that it does not stipulate where each iwi’s mana lies. Other projects should go through that process because they could be stalled when these tikanga matters aren’t dealt with in the first instance. A partnership agreement should be done so it’s clear for the individual parties, and those involved in the wider project as well.

Mana Whenua Forum Chair

While we have a Guiding Principles document, our partnership works because of our good relationships and mutual respect.

Partnership agreements with individual iwi should allow for variations to accommodate nuances in how iwi want to partner with the project.

9.3 Expand the social legacy programmes Berenize Peita Social Outcomes Legacy

Social outcomes should extend beyond hiring people and contracting them. Just imagine if five per cent of the apartments above Maungawhau station were set aside to house Māori.

We also need key performance indicators to employ a minimum number of Māori and Pasifika companies – otherwise CRL Ltd and Link Alliance, and companies generally, will just fall back on the easy option of using the companies they already know and work with.

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WĀHANGA 10: Whakakapinga

He tauira motuhake ta City Rail Link hei kaupapa

hanganga nui e hiahia ana ki te mahitahi ki ngā iwi.

Kua whakamahia taua hiahia ki te whakaū, ki te whai

hononga ki ngā tikanga i te taha o te mana whenua i roto i te kaupapa nei.

Nā te mahitahi i wātea mai mātou ki te whai i te tirohanga ao

Māori. Kua mahitahi mātou ko te mana whenua ki te whakatū i nga

tauira hou mō te manaaki i tō tātou taiao kia whakanui te mauri, kia

whakatū anō i ngā huarahi hou ki te tiaki i te hauora, te haumaru

me te oranga katoa o tō tātou iwi me te mana o te wairua.

He taonga tuku iho tā mātou e tino whakahīhī ana. Ko tā te mana whenua, he mea hanga e ngā tohunga toi o te mana whenua ngā

hoahoa teihana i runga i te wāhi kia kitea ai e ngā rangatahi i te ao Māori i roto i ō rātou hapori. Kua whai wāhi anō mātou i te kaupapa i whakawhiwhia ki a mātou ki te whai tūranga mahi, whakangungu hoki mō te iwi Māori i whakatakoto ai i nga tūranga mō ngā mahi hei te anamata.

Ko te mea matua, kia whanake haere i te tau o te hononga, ki reirā tātou angitu ai!

Ko te manako nui o tēnei rangahau whakapūaho, kia whakamahia

hei tīmatanga ake mō te tohutohu ake i ngā tāngata e ārahi ana ngā tūāhanga kaupapa nui, ki te pātainoa mai i te pūtakenga me te whakauru mahi tā te mana whenua.

He whāinga tā ia kaupapa, a ko tērā mahitahi ka nohotahi ki nga

tāngata rerekē nā te mea ehara nā mātou i te tauira tika hei whai mahi. Heoi, ahakoa ka rerekē ngā hiahia mō ia kaupapa, ko tā

mātou i tino ako ai ko te mea matua, kia whanake haere i te tau o te hononga, ki reirā tātou angitu ai!

Toi tū te marae a Tāne

Mahuta, Toi tū te marae a Tangaroa, Toi tū te iwi.

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The City Rail Link is an early example of a large infrastructure project wanting to work in partnership with iwi. We have harnessed that desire to establish and build relationships and processes with mana whenua through the life of the project.

Our partnership has enabled us to take the first steps towards a Te Ao Māori perspective. We have worked with mana whenua to pioneer new models of caring for our environment that respects its mauri and new ways of caring for the health, safety and holistic wellbeing of our people that respects their wairua.

We are creating a legacy we are very proud of. Mana whenua have gifted station names and mana whenua artists have created place-based station designs so rangatahi Māori can see themselves reflected in their communities. We have also taken the opportunity the project has given us to provide employment and training for Māori which has set the foundations for future careers.

We hope this case study will be used as a starting point for guidance by people leading other large infrastructure projects, even if it simply means you come to us with questions about how we created and operate our Mana Whenua Forum.

Every project has different goals, and every partnership will be with different people so ours is not an exact template to pick up and use. However, even though the parameters for every project will always be different, what we have learned for sure is that the underlying key to success is to develop trusting relationships because that is where the gold lies.

Mana Whenua Forum and CRL Ltd Partnership 2022 SECTION 10:
The key to success is to develop trusting relationships because that is where the gold lies.
Toi tū te marae a Tāne Mahuta, Toi tū te marae a Tangaroa, Toi tū te iwi –
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If the domain of the land is well, if the domain of the water is well, then we as mana whenua are well, thriving, and prosperous.
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Paoa uta, Paoa ki tai, Paoa ki tua Ngāti Maru CRLL0455

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