Looking ahead at Karanga-a-Hape

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Mercury Lane entrance building

The journey to completion for the Mercury Lane entrance building is similar to Beresford Square, with a full architectural fitout and the installation of mechanical, electrical, fire and hydraulic equipment. For passersby, installation of the final cladding (sky element) in Q3 2024 will be a highlight, transforming the facade into an iconic depiction of the night sky.

Mercury Lane urban realm

The urban realm area around Mercury Lane is distinct from Beresford Square as it will largely be delivered by Auckland Transport as part of their Karanga-a-Hape Station precinct integration programme (commonly referred to as Project K). Mercury Lane is expected to become a pedestrian mall or shared space, from Cross Street to Karangahape Road, which will prioritise pedestrians and and cyclists over vehicles outside the busy new station entrance. Details around these works can be found on Auckland Transport’s website (for information on this project google Karangahape neighbourhood safety improvement programme). Mercury Lane works


Karanga-a-Hape Station precinct integration programme

While work on the station entrance buildings and streetscape areas is underway, work on the fit-out of the tunnels and rail systems will continue.

Testing and commissioning

Testing and commissioning plays a crucial role in bringing the project to life and ensuring that the network performs optimally.

In addition to testing the trains in

Looking ahead at Karanga-a-Hape Station

The City Rail Link project includes two new stations at Te Waihorotiu and Karanga-a-Hape, and a redeveloped Maungawhau Station. These are connected by 3.45km twin tunnels to the downtown Waitematā Station (Britomart) which will be transformed into a two-way through-station that better connects the city’s rail network.

Construction of the stations and supporting rail infrastructure is scheduled to be completed by the Link Alliance in November 2025.

Following the end of the construction programme, CRL Ltd will hand over the completed infrastructure to KiwiRail and Auckland Transport, who will then carry out the additional work required to open the CRL to its first passengers.

Light at the end of the tunnel

After more than three and a half years of major civil structural works, the project entered a new fitout phase in mid-2023. This phase sees a shift in focus away from digging, concrete and steel works to the installation of ducts, cables, pipes, panels, asphalt, tiles, glass, and more.

and the installation of

Beresford Square entrance building Completion
Beresford Square entrance building involves architectural finishes to walls, floors and ceilings
electrical, fire
listed below 2024/2025 Q1 Escalator installation Q1 Ventilation fan installation Q2 Window and glass installation Q3 Lift installation Q3 Switchboard livening (permanent power on) Q4 Permanent lighting installed Q4-Q1 Installation of ticketing facilities, including gates Escalator install at Mercury Lane.
of the
and hydraulic equipment. The staging of these
9k Tunnels
tunnels, all items such
fire suppression
undergo controlled
Q1 Installation of glass reinforced concrete (GRC) panel complete Q1-Q3 Installation of ceiling baffles Q3-Q2 Traction power rail testing within the tunnels Q2-Q1 Flooring installed Q2-Q1 Permanent lighting installed Q3 Testing and commissioning starts 2025 Q2 Fitout complete Visit: www.cityraillink.co.nz Call: 0800 CRL TALK (275 8255) press option 4 Email: karangahape@linkalliance.co.nz For more information follow the City Rail Link project on social media. The City Rail Link (CRL) is the largest transport infrastructure project ever to be undertaken in New Zealand. It will allow Auckland’s rail network to at least double in rail capacity. AT UP TO UP TO metres underground, Karanga-a-Hape will be the deepest of CRL’s stations metre-long underground platforms will cater for longer nine-car trains people per hour are expected to disembark at Karanga-a-Hape Station during peak times KARANGA-A-HAPE STATION, MERCURY LANE ENTRANCE Quick Facts:
and coordinated tests involving failure scenarios to see that they work as reliably and efficiently as the designers
Urban Realm work area: Q3/Q4 2024
urban realm works in front of the station entrance, Link Alliance will be installing electrical ducts down Mercury Lane to future-proof the area. 2024 Q1 Lift installation (back of house lift) Q1 Ventilation fan installation Q2-Q3 Mercury Lane closed to through traffic for trenching and ducting Q2 Main lift installation Q2-Q3 Utility installation Q3 Switchboard livening (permanent power on) Q3 Cross Street traffic direction switch to original flow Q3 Installation of final cladding / sky element Q3-Q4 Urban realm work begins Q4 Permanent lighting installed Q4 Ticketing infrastructure, including gates 2024/2025 Q4-Q2 Remove sheet piles and backfill temporary access shaft Q4-Q2 Remove noise enclosure, tower crane and site offices Q4-Q2 Construct the laneway between Mercury Lane and East Street Above: A render looking towards the northbound platform. The 40-metre escalator up to Beresford Square can be seen on the right. Above: A render of the northbound platform looking south. Trenching and ducting: Q2 2024
well as delivering the

Beresford Square urban realm

The footprint for these works stretches from the corners of Beresford Square and Pitt Street down to Day Street. Auckland Transport is delivering footpath works along Pitt Street as part of the Karanga-a-Hape Station precinct integration programme.

Work will take place in sections as outlined in the drawings, with solid hoardings replaced by fences in stages as the work progresses.

What to expect

Urban Realm works

Urban realm works will see the beautification of public spaces within Karanga-a-Hape Station’s footprint.

These above ground works are essentially the icing on the cake for the project, transforming construction zones into inviting, architecturally designed public spaces.

Urban realm activities include laying paving tiles, installing tree pits, trees, street furniture, kerbstones, and road resealing.

The nature of this work means that there will be increased noise, dust and vibration around our site.

It also means that the solid hoarding around Beresford Square will be replaced with mesh fencing, with access routes around site changing as work progresses.

The pictures to the left and below (from Te Waihorotiu Station) give an indication of what to expect in Beresford Square and Mercury Lane.

Access to properties will almost always be maintained. Should this not be possible we will liaise with the property directly to work out a way forward. Dates of works around Beresford Square are shown below.

Stage 1: Asphalt and/or concrete will be broken up. Approximately 30cm of soil will be removed, and the utility services will be isolated. Stage 3: Preparation and pouring of concrete footpath base. Stage 2: Underground utility diversions and upgrades. Stage 4: Laying and sealing of new basalt pavers and tactile elements. Stage 5: Laying of asphalt and final road surface. Three rewarewa trees and native shrubs will be planted in the tree pit. THETA CAR PARK ACCESS SAMOA HOUSE CAR PARK ACCESS KARANGA-A-HAPE STATION, BERESFORD SQ ENTRANCE THETA CAR PARK ACCESS SAMOA HOUSE CAR PARK ACCESS KARANGA-A-HAPE STATION, BERESFORD SQ ENTRANCE Q1/Q2 2024 Urban Realm staging 2024 / 2025 THETA CAR PARK ACCESS SAMOA HOUSE CAR PARK ACCESS KARANGA-A-HAPE STATION, BERESFORD SQ ENTRANCE THETA CAR PARK ACCESS SAMOA HOUSE CAR PARK ACCESS KARANGA-A-HAPE STATION, BERESFORD SQ ENTRANCE Q3/Q4 2024
What about access to the
on the
2024 Q1 Manhole installation around the square. Approximately six manholes on the western side and near Pitt Street Q1 Urban realm works begin and continue to Q2 2025 Q3 Removal of final section of solid hoarding on the square Q3 Pocket Park removal and Pitt Street reinstatement Q3 Tree pit installation on Beresford Square towards Hopetoun Street to Q1 2025 2025 Q2 Urban realm finishes
note, these dates are indicative and may be subject to change. Active work area Completed sections with temporary pedestrian routes Karanga-a-Hape Station precinct integration programme The view of the Beresford Square entrance building under construction in February 2024.
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