Maungawhau CLG MInutes June 2024

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Maungawhau Station Community Liaison Group (CLG) Minutes

Meeting Maungawhau Station CLG

Date Wednesday 12 June 2024

Time 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Location City Rail Link (CRL) Visitor Centre at Te Manawa, 1 New North Road, Eden Terrace

Presenters Link Alliance: Helga Sonier, Thibaut L’Hopital, Tom Renhart, Laurent Illoz

Eke Panuku: Marty Jones

CLG Members 14 CLG members attended in person: Brian, Brent, Damaris, Clara, Masina, Graeme, Tim, Jeff, Councillor Richard (Waitematā Local Board), Councillor Julie (Albert-Eden Local Board), Diana, Kelvin, Kathleen, Megan

2 CLG members attended online: Councillor Liv (Albert-Eden Local Board), Kelvin

Welcome and overview: • Helga Sonier, the Community Manager welcomed attendees to the meeting and opened with the Link Alliance karakia. Helga introduced the agenda and the presenters for the evening.

2. Communications and Engagement (C&E) update:

• Helga shared recent activity and highlights from the C&E team, she informed on staff changes and that we are trialing a hybrid CLG format in response to CLG member requests.

• Our quarterly survey results this quarter crossed an 80% satisfaction score for the first time, which is a significant achievement for the C&E team.

• A successful rail clean-up took place over the Anzac Block of Line (BOL) and 176kg of rubbish was picked up from the rail corridor It was a great initiative wherein we received participation from St Peter’s College and Epsom Girls Grammar School.

• A great partnership with Uptown Business Association (UBA) continues which outlines support and engagement for this year and the next year.

• On 25 June, the Matariki Information Hub will take place at the City Rail Link (CRL) Visitor Centre in Te Manawa. We will be giving away ten kowhai plants to our first ten visitors

• Urban realm pop-ups will start in July to inform about urban realm activities around the area

3. Eke Panuku Development update:

• Eke Panuku is the urban regeneration wing of Auckland Council. They are responsible for several sites around the future Maungawhau Station for commercial and residential development.

• The land around the Maungawhau Station is jointly owned by Auckland Council and Central Government. It will be developed to provide more homes, retail, entertainment, and commercial buildings.

• Eke Panuku worked with their mana whenua partners and the respective local boards to develop a set of outcomes being sought for the future development sites around the CRL Maungawhau Station.

• Eke Panuku is working with developers to help the station precinct area to become one of the best-quality, high density urban villages in the country

• Ten development blocks are proposed – ranging from block A to J, some are subject to iwi first right of refusal.

• Eke Panuku advises that currently across the development sites there is potential for 810 homes and some commercial space to be developed. Eke Panuku are working with City Rail Link Limited, who is leading development of some landscape reinstatement areas. Separately, Eke Panuku is working with Auckland Transport (AT) on opportunities to upgrade the streets that connect to New North Road, including undergrounding power lines and enhancing the general attractiveness of the area.

4. Maungawhau Station construction update:

• Thibaut L’Hopital the Maungawhau Station Project Manager provided an update on the construction progress from the main station site.

• Backfill completion is in the final stages The process of dismantling the water treatment plant and removing the spoil basin shed is currently underway The intention is to keep one big silo from the technical area on site for treatment of water and to avoid flooding. The spoil basin is the storage shed for materials used on site and it will be removed soon. It can be completely reused which is a good opportunity for sustainability.

• Urban realm and utilities:

o Mt Eden Road - We aim to finish the utilities works on the western side by the end of this month.

o Ruru Lane - The beginning of the footpath formation is now visible which will be the future maintenance lane for oversite development.

o Nikau Street - Work is progressing and now utilities and services are being installed along the footpath.

• Fenton Street streetscapes look more like the finished product now. On Fenton Street Bridge, there is ongoing lift and flooring work. Pavement and snag works are mostly done

5. Maungawhau Station architecture update:

• Tom Renhart the Maungawhau Station Fit-Out Manager provided an update on architecture and fit-out works.

• Across all stations approximately 1000 kms of cable must be pulled in of which Maungawhau Station makes up a quarter We are almost halfway through where approximately 150 kms of cables have gone in.

• The main station entrance has one of New Zealand largest roller shutter doors and entering the station will meet the ticket gates. The skylight up in the station building has been installed with the ceilings going in, it looks more like a station as it is taking shape.

• The station under emergency will work on batteries. There are four rooms of these batteries which will sustain the critical systems for approximately 8-9 hours.

• Ceiling work is also underway on the North Auckland Line (Western Line) overpass which is quite critical for the systems.

• All soffit panels have been installed with services going in on the Western Line platform. The flooring details are complete, and work on asphalt, services and porcelain lining on station structures of the platform will commence soon

• Cladding will shortly commence on the communications hubs which are present at each station.

• The soffit cladding and fit-out on the CRL platform is like that of the Western Line platform.

6. Systems and track building update:

• Laurent Illoz, Systems - Linear Asset Installation Manager, provided an update on systems and track building progress.

• The upcoming Matariki BOL will focus on signaling and testing works The next BOL has been planned for Labour weekend.

• Communications and systems installation:

o Inside the tunnels, we are fitting systems installations, cable trays, low voltage cables and communications cables which will help communications between stations and passenger communications.

o High voltage cables show how we connect between stations and traction energisation shows how 25kv cable connects to the catenary which will feed the train and in turn driver communications. The cables are for the trains to catch the signals which will indirectly feed platform communications.

o Primary fitting includes track work, catenary and containment. Work is moving towards installing secondary fittings and equipment in the cross passages between two tunnels which will help communications systems.

• Testing and commissioning is quite static now. Clearance checks are in progress to see if the train can fit, to check the emergency egress, distances between the platform and track. The first passenger train testing is to take place toward the end of the year.

7. Questions and Answers:

1. Can Eke Panuku share anything on development blocks?

o Once a draft subdivision plan is ready (showing boundaries for lots, and information about where underground infrastructure is and if there are any implications on developing above ground, due to any underground infrastructure) then negotiations will continue with Whenua Haumi to confirm their interest in the three sites with rights of first refusal. Eke Panuku are also working with Kāinga Ora on options for another site. Once more information becomes available, they will share this with the CLG.

2. In Block-D there appears to be a development block around the ventilation building?

o The road we are working on close to the ventilation building is next to a bridge called the over site development (OSD) slab. A building could potentially wrap around the ventilation building. This could accommodate an L-shaped building.

3. Will the entrance to the station from Mt Eden Road once you get off from the bus be steep?

o The Ruru Street extension is a much easier gradient than that area used to be. Mt Eden Road is being worked on and there will be a footpath, cycle lane and one-way road. The intent is the main route will be from Ruru Lane.

4. What is the intention for development of the land surrounding Maungawhau Station between now and when Eke Panuku start works. Will the surrounds require dust mitigation?

o Eke Panuku explained it is up to developers, but they would ask for stakeholder feedback on development and noted that CLG is a good forum. Looking into dust mitigations due to the empty land and potential for creative pop-ups (like Christchurch).

5. Eke Panuku describes the development around the station as a village, please explain further?

o The development outcomes will guide development around the stations. Eke Panuku is working with developers to help the station precinct area become a high-quality urban village based on these outcomes.

6. Development in Block-I can begin soon after CRL opens?

o Eke Panuku and CRLL are working with Vector looking at options for a substation(s) at site I. If any residual development opportunity is available, then we will work with developers on that once the substation option is confirmed.

7. What would be the development be like for accessibility on Nikau Street since it is very steep?

o Eke Panuku stated that Nikau Street streetscapes are being delivered by Link Alliance for CRLL and beyond that area, Nikau Street is the responsibility of AT. Our focus is precinct wide site-specific development and not streetscapes The best approach for those conversations is to seek support from the Local Board as they are part of Council. AlbertEden Local Board (AELB) Councillor Julie Fairey stated that the station precinct is not nominated as a ‘Transform’ neighbourhood by Council. Therefore, the remit of Eke Panuku is to develop the sites around the station. Councilor Fairey will raise the potential for widening Eke Panuku's scope within Council.

8. When will Fenton Street be complete? Is the concrete on the wall the final look?

o The concrete wall is the completed look. Link Alliance will look at whether structural repair or painting are required.

9. Will a school be built?

o Eke Panuku notes that it has been raised previously but is not currently being discussed. AELB Councillor Julie Fairey noted that the Department of Education has not budgeted for a new school in the area.

10. Is the noise on the tracks being mitigated? Will the trench tracks (new tracks in tunnels) face the same noise issue?

o Link Alliance has applied lubrication on behalf of KiwiRail during the King’s birthday BOL and will be monitored. The quantity injected, and system setup will be seen and observed by technicians over the next few weeks; drier weather causes more noise.

o There is a possibility based on the geometry of the track and speed on the curve, however, the rest of the tracks are inside tunnels, so noise is unlikely to be heard.

11. Will signals be installed at the Fenton Street/Haultain Street intersection?

o Link Alliance will look at options to make the intersection safer.

12. Will there be a pick-up/drop-off area outside the station?

o Yes, there will a drop-off point on lower Shaddock Street, a short distance from the entrance.

13. Has AT looked at permit parking on Fenton Street?

o Yes, it is currently not deemed necessary. Best option is to rally support.

14. Will there be parking on Flower Street once the station opens?

o Auckland Transport has a parking design for this and some consultation will be involved.

The accompanying CLG powerpoint presentation to these minutes is available on the CRL website with all the other Maungawhau CLG presentations and minutes. The next CLG meeting date is to be confirmed for September 2024.

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