CLG CRL Karanga-a-Hape September 2023

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DATE 21 September 2023

TIME 5:30-6:30pm

LOCATION The Methodist Church, Pitt Street, Auckland

STAKEHOLDERS Community Liaison Group (CLG) members

Stakeholders: Kate Woodruffe, James Wickham, Roberta Hammond, Richard Northey, Rev Ian Faulkner, Humphrey Tait.


Staff: Simon Mitchell, Joe Bowles, Deirdre Fitzgerald, Jonathan Hill, Michael Coup, Emmanuel Chatoux, Kevin Hopkins, Rachel Blundell, Kate Symington (AECOM)



5:30 – Brief welcome and community engagement update – Simon Mitchell, Community Manager

5:35 – Social Impact Business Disruption (SIBD) report – Kate Symington, AECOM

5:45 – Station box (below ground) works – Emmanuel Chatoux, Senior Project Engineer

5:55 – Station entrance structure (above ground) works – Jonathan Hill, Project Manager

6:05 – Urban Realm – Michael Coup, Construction Manager

6:15 – Station fit-out: architectural, mechanical and electrical – Kevin Hopkins, Fit-out Project Manager,

6:25 – Discussion and questions

6:30 – End

Meeting notes

Introduction and community engagement – Simon Mitchell

A brief overview of engagement activations and projects undertaken by the communications team since the previous CLG in June. The update covered events at the Pocket Park, around Beresford Square, Pitt Street and along Karangahape Road, as well as a site tour for aspiring engineers and local activations for local businesses.

SIBD report – Kate Symington

Kate discussed the SIBD report, what the annual review process entails, complaint statistics for the Karangahape precinct, as well as the development response from the communications team over the past year.


Station box (below ground) works – Emmanuel Chatoux

Emmanuel covered the works that have taken place within the two station boxes, including handovers of areas to the fit-out teams, readiness for escalator installation and completion of the tunnel lining.

Station entrance structure (above ground) works – Jonathan Hill

Jonathan talked about the superstructure erection at Beresford Square and the upcoming installation of the structure's roof, as well as progress on the service building. Jonathan also provided the latest progress on the Mercury Lane entrance building, including installation of the atua panels.

Urban Realm – Michael Coup

Michael covered the different phases of urban realm at both Karanga-a-Hape Station sites and what local stakeholders and members of the public can expect during these periods.

Station fit-out – Kevin Hopkins

Kevin covered progress of architectural finishing at Mercury Lane, installation of fire, electrical and mechanical elements to the station. Kevin also covered the installation of cable trays underground, glass reinforced concrete panels underway throughout the platform tunnels and connecting passageways.

Questions and Answers

How does the Mercury Lane urban realm works fit in with Auckland Transport's 'Project K'?

We are unsure at this point as we are awaiting more information about these works.

On the western side of Mercury Lane, is the plan to lose the parking spots, insert a bike lane and a wider footpath?


Do you know the pathway width?

The width of the pathway will be 6.9-metres wide.

So, the proposed footpath is easily double the standard?

Yes, we believe so.

When do the electricians arrive?

We have roughly 30 electricians at this time and this number will ramp up to 60 over the next month or so. This will continue to increase as more staff will come in for other areas for systems installation from January.


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