Noise and vibration part 5

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City Rail Link Noise and Vibration Assessment – Appendix J Draft Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (CNVMP)

25 July 2012

84 Symonds Street PO Box 5811 Wellesley Street Auckland 1141 New Zealand T: +64 9 379 7822

F: +64 9 309 3540

Management Plan Revision History Status:






Preliminary Draft CNVMP




Final Draft CNVMP


Author: Steve Peakall Craig Fitzgerald James Whitlock Siiri Wilkening Steve Peakall Craig Fitzgerald James Whitlock


Curt Robinson

Management Plan Review and Acceptance Action


Prepared by

Craig Fitzgerald



James Whitlock Steve Peakall Siiri Wilkening


Reviewed by

Curt Robinson


Approved by

Curt Robinson


On behalf of Marshall Day Acoustics

Disclaimer Reports produced by Marshall Day Acoustics Limited are prepared based on the Client’s objective and are based on a specific scope, conditions and limitations, as agreed between Marshall Day Acoustics and the Client. Information and/or report(s) prepared by Marshall Day Acoustics may not be suitable for uses other than the original intended objective. No parties other than the Client should use any information and/or report(s) without first conferring with Marshall Day Acoustics. Copyright The concepts and information contained in this document are the property of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited. Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Marshall Day Acoustics constitutes an infringement of copyright. Information shall not be assigned to a third party without prior consent.


INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 5


ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................. 5

J3. J3.1 J3.2

NOISE AND VIBRATION CRITERIA ............................................................................................ 6 Noise.......................................................................................................................................... 6 Vibration ................................................................................................................................... 6


EQUIPMENT AND TYPICAL NOISE SOURCE DATA .................................................................. 7


ACTIVITIES AND LOCATION OF WORKS .................................................................................. 7


TIMEFRAME .............................................................................................................................. 8


HOURS OF OPERATION ............................................................................................................ 8


STAFF TRAINING ....................................................................................................................... 8

J9. J9.1 J9.2 J9.3

MONITORING ........................................................................................................................... 9 Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 9 Contingency measures............................................................................................................. 9 Reporting ................................................................................................................................ 10

J10. J10.1 J10.2 J10.3 J10.4 10.1 J10.4 J10.5 J10.6 J10.7 J10.8 J10.9

GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES AND MITIGATION MEASURES ........................... 10 Consultation............................................................................................................................ 10 Training of personnel ............................................................................................................. 11 Schedules of At-risk Receivers ............................................................................................... 11 Building Condition Surveys .................................................................................................... 11 Reversing Alarms .................................................................................................................... 11 Night-time Operation ............................................................................................................. 12 Noise Barriers and Enclosures ............................................................................................... 12 Mechanical Ventilation of Dwellings .................................................................................... 12 Selection of low noise and vibration plant ........................................................................... 12 Vibration Effects on Infrastructure Assets............................................................................ 12 Temporary relocation ............................................................................................................ 13

J11. J11.1 J11.2 J11.3

SITE SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLANS (SSCMPS)...................................... 13 Site specific construction noise management plan (SSCNMP) ........................................... 13 Site specific construction vibration management plan (SSCVMP) ..................................... 13 General requirements ............................................................................................................ 13



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J13. J13.1 J13.2 J13.3

SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT AND MITIGATION ........................................................................ 14 ASB Theatre ............................................................................................................................ 14 TV3 Studios ............................................................................................................................. 14 Roundhead Studios ................................................................................................................ 14


CNVMP REVIEW...................................................................................................................... 15

APPENDIX A – GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS................................................................................... 16 APPENDIX B – CONSTRUCTION NOISE FLOW CHART ............................................................................ 17 APPENDIX C – CONSTRUCTION VIBRATION FLOW CHART .................................................................... 18 APPENDIX D – SCHEDULE OF IDENTIFIED AT-RISK RECEIVERS, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES (VIB) ... 19 APPENDIX E – SCHEDULE OF IDENTIFIED AT-RISK RECEIVERS (NOISE)................................................. 20

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City Rail Link Notice of Requirement: Noise and Vibration Assessment: Appendix J


INTRODUCTION This Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (CNVMP) forms part of a suite of environmental management plans within the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP). This CNVMP identifies the noise and vibration performance standards that must, where practicable, be complied with. It also sets out best practicable options for noise and vibration management for the Project. This CNVMP is intended as a framework for the development and implementation of particular noise and vibration management and control methodologies to minimise adverse effects on health and safety of workers and occupants and to reduce the adverse impact on the environment. This CNVMP will be updated throughout the course of the Project to reflect material changes associated with any changes to the construction methodologies or techniques or the natural environment. The document shall be reviewed annually to ensure that any changes are reflected. A Glossary of technical terms is contained in Appendix A.







Steve Peakall

Marshall Day Acoustics Ltd

09 379 7822

Project Manager Environmental Manager Project Noise and Vibration Consultants

James Whitlock

Council – Noise/ Environmental Health Public complaint contact number

All site personnel will be briefed on this CNVMP and sign appropriate induction forms and any relevant schedules. All personnel working on the Project, including contractor employees and subcontractors, are responsible for following the requirements of this CNVMP.

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Noise The noise criteria below are applicable at 1 metre from any adjacent building façade. Description

All days (dB LAeq) 1

4 2

Day time (0700 to 2300)

Night-time (2300 to 0700)

Commercial and industrial buildings



Noise sensitive activity (e.g. dwelling)




Notes: 1. Noise limit may be relaxed by 5 decibels for 1 period of up to 2 consecutive weeks in any 2 months 2. Noise limit may be relaxed by 5 decibels for 1 period of up to 2 consecutive nights in any 10 days 3. Or 35 dB LAeq measured inside a bedroom 4. Construction noise should be measured and assessed in accordance with the provisions of NZS 6803:1999



J3.2.1 Building Damage Type of structure

Short-term vibration PPV at the foundation at a frequency of (mm/s)

Long-term vibration

PPV at horizontal plane of highest floor (mm/s)

PPV at horizontal plane of highest floor (mm/s)

1 - 10Hz

1 - 50 Hz

50 - 100 Hz



20 – 40

40 – 50





5 – 15

15 – 20



Historic or sensitive structures



8 – 10



Infrastructure assets and services (e.g. pipeworks, roads)

50– 100

J3.2.2 Human Response – Note these are guidance values only, not Project criteria Vibration level (PPV)


0.14 mm/s

Vibration might be just perceptible in the most sensitive situations for most vibration frequencies associated with construction. At lower frequencies, people are less sensitive to vibration.

0.3 mm/s

Vibration might be just perceptible in residential environments

1.0 mm/s

It is likely that vibration of this level in residential environments will cause complaint, but can be tolerated if prior warning and explanation has been given to residents.

10 mm/s

Vibration is likely to be intolerable for any more than a very brief exposure to this level.

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Machinery Item

Item Sound Power (dB LAW)


Mobile Crane



Diaphragm wall rig



Secant piling rig



Bentonite / grouting plant



Concrete truck






Road truck (idling)



Road truck movements






Front End Loader






Vibratory Roller



Construction Phase

Activity Items

Activity Sound Power (dB LAW)


D-wall construction

1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9



Secant piling

1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9




6, 7, 9



Surface works

6, 7, 11, 12



NAL site tunnelling services

4, 6, 7, 10



Truck movements off-site



Est. Chainage

Construction Site

Surface Works Summary

Construction Activities

0.0 – 0.4

Britomart to Albert Street Portal

Site preparation works and staged cut-andcover corridor construction to minimise road closures of Lower Albert Street, Albert Street and Customs Street West.

A, B, C, D, F

0.8 – 1.0

Aotea Station

Staged cut-and-cover station construction to minimise road closures of Albert Street.

A, B, C, D, F

1.8 – 1.9

K Road Station

Cut-and-cover station construction in Beresford Street, with yard on corner of Beresford and Hopetoun Streets.

A, B, C, D, F

2.7 – 2.8

Newton Station

Staged cut-and-cover station construction to minimise road closure of Symonds Street.

A, B, C, D, F

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Est. Chainage

Construction Site

Surface Works Summary

Construction Activities

2.9 – 3.2

NAL Connection

Site preparation works for NAL connection site, cut-and-cover construction to NAL connection, and tunnelling supports services.

A, B, C, D, E, F

TIMEFRAME The overall construction timeframe for the entire Project is expected to be 6 years. This duration relates to the entire activity and construction would not occur for the entire time at all locations. Management and mitigation of shall be applied as appropriate.


HOURS OF OPERATION Above ground construction is generally limited to 6.30 am to 8 pm, Monday to Friday, and 7.30 am to 6 pm, Saturdays. Tunnelling will occur 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Above ground night-time operations (i.e. 8 pm to 6.30 am) will be limited to spoil extraction from either end of the tunnel and station locations.


STAFF TRAINING Training for all staff will be undertaken as part of the site induction programme. This requires all new staff to participate in an induction training session when they commence work, and regular (annual as a minimum) refresher courses. Environmental Induction will include a briefing on this CNVMP, with attention given to the following aspects in particular:  Roles and responsibilities for management of Project noise and vibration issues  Project noise and vibration criteria  Information about noise and vibration sources on-site, and locations of critical receiver positions  Noise and vibration management procedures  Complaints management procedures If required, training of site personnel in matters relating to construction noise and vibration will be provided by a suitably qualified acoustics expert.

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J9.1.1 Noise Construction noise levels shall be monitored and assessed in accordance with the requirements of NZS 6803:1999 “Acoustics - Construction Noise”. Construction noise levels shall be monitored and assessed:  Generally in accordance with NZS 6801:2008 and NZS 6803:1999  During critical phases of construction, i.e. when possible exceedance of the Project criteria is anticipated  In response to reasonable noise complaints being received  At locations representative of sensitive receivers in the vicinity  One metre from the most affected façade, or, if this position is not accessible, at an equivalent position where practicable. If this is not possible, measured noise levels shall be adjusted for distance and façade reflections if necessary  To reflect representative construction activities, and shall be no less than 10 to 15 minutes and not exceed 60 minutes duration. The measured noise level shall be stated with the measurement duration: LAeq(T)  By a suitably qualified acoustic specialist J9.1.2 Vibration Construction vibration levels shall be monitored and assessed in accordance the requirements of German Standard DIN 4150-3:1999 “Structural vibration – Part 3: Effects of vibration on structures”. Prior to construction, trial measurements of high-vibration activities (including blasting) shall be undertaken to establish Project specific ground attenuation characteristics and safe distances. During construction, vibration levels shall be monitored and assessed:  During critical phases of construction, i.e. when possible exceedance of the Project criteria is anticipated  In response to reasonable vibration complaints being received  To reflect representative construction activities, and shall comprise measurements of peak particle velocity (PPV) at one second intervals  By a suitably qualified and experienced specialist J9.2

Contingency measures In the event that measurement shows non-compliance with the Project criteria, the following procedures shall be implemented:  For noise, the processes of the flow chart attached in Appendix B shall be followed. This includes further measurement to be undertaken where necessary to determine the

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extent of non-compliance and preparation of a report outlining the non-compliance and, if required, potential mitigation and management measures  For vibration, the processes of the flow chart attached in Appendix C shall be followed. This includes a building condition survey and a report prepared by a suitably qualified person, including photographs, detailing the state of repair of the existing structure, and an opinion as to whether any damage may be due to construction activity. Subsequent additional monitoring and other management as required. Upon implementation of any additional mitigation measures, further measurements shall be undertaken to confirm the effectiveness of those mitigation measures J9.3

Reporting Any noise, vibration or building condition surveys shall be summarised in a report to be submitted to the Project Manager within one week of the assessment. Monitoring records shall be kept at the site office and made available upon request.


GENERAL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES AND MITIGATION MEASURES The following sections outline noise and vibration management and mitigation measures that shall be implemented throughout construction of the Project. Any appropriate management and mitigation measures shall be implemented and installed in the appropriate locations prior to the construction works occurring that have been identified to potentially cause an exceedance of the Project criteria set out in Section J3 above.

J10.1 Consultation Consultation with affected parties shall be carried out prior to commencement of construction activities as follows:  Receivers within 100 metres of the construction area: Written notification and a Project description shall be provided to raise awareness of the Project, its expected activities and duration in the vicinity  Receivers within 50 metres of the construction area: Individual written notification shall be provided and opportunity made available for discussions on a case-by-case basis, if requested by the occupants/owners  Receivers within 20 metres of the construction area: Individual discussions shall be held and, if required, suitable alternatives and/or mitigation options explored that are acceptable to both parties. Ongoing consultation shall be carried out throughout the duration of construction When discussing concerns over vibration, it is important to convey that vibration can be felt at levels far below those that pose a risk of building damage. Further details on identifying at-risk receivers are contained in the Schedules in Appendices D and E. [Schedules of at-risk receivers shall be completed by the contractor prior to commencement of the Project].

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J10.2 Training of personnel All personnel on site shall be made aware of the importance of operating in the least disruptive manner. All personnel working on the Project, including Contractor employees and subcontractors, shall be familiar with, and be responsible for, implementing this CNVMP. J10.3 Schedules of At-risk Receivers Prior to commencement of Project construction operations, at-risk receivers, structures and buried services shall be identified and added to the schedule in Appendix D. At-risk receivers may include places of work or assembly where people may be annoyed by construction noise or vibration, e.g. Aotea Centre where the building is not at risk but people attending performances may be adversely affected. J10.4 Building Condition Surveys Prior to the commencement of Project construction operations, a detailed pre-construction building condition survey of identified at-risk structures and services (refer Schedule in Appendix D) shall be conducted by a suitably qualified engineer. In addition, each building shall be classified according to the Project vibration criteria (refer Section 0) to identify the relevant vibration limit for that receiver. The survey shall include, but not be limited to, the following:  Existing condition of buildings, services or structures, including existing levels of any aesthetic damage or structural damage  Record (including photographs) of the major features of the buildings, services and structures including location, type, construction, age and present condition, including defects  Foundation type of the building, service or structure  Preparation of a report recording the findings of the survey. A copy of each report shall be forwarded to the Contractor Environmental Manager and kept at the site office  Resurvey of buildings, services and structure, during construction, which are the subject of complaints, or if the vibration criteria have been exceeded and there is potential for damage to have occurred  Within six months of completion of the Project, a detailed post-construction condition survey of the same buildings, services and structures shall be conducted and a report prepared 10.1

Reversing Alarms All equipment operating on any of the above ground Project construction sites during nighttime shall be fitted with alternatives to tonal reversing alarms. These may be flashing lights or broadband audible alarms.

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J10.4 Night-time Operation  In close proximity to residences, above ground high-noise and/or vibration activities shall be scheduled for daytime where practicable, and avoided during night-time  In close proximity to commercial buildings, high-noise and/or vibration activities shall be scheduled for evening and night-time periods where this is practicable J10.5 Noise Barriers and Enclosures  Shall be used in areas where the Project noise criteria may be exceeded  Shall be used where they provide effective mitigation (i.e. break acoustic line-of-sight and are close to either the source (preferable) or the receiver)  Barriers are typically constructed from plywood and shall contain no gaps and be of sufficient height to interrupt line-of-sight between the receiver and the source. Alternative barrier constructions may include, but not limited to, fibre cement, shipping containers or mass-loaded vinyl  Enclosures may be used where a noise barrier is not sufficient to achieve compliance with the Project noise criteria  Enclosures may be used where practicable, i.e. stationary plant such as conveyors or crushers  Enclosures shall be designed by a suitably qualified and experienced acoustic specialist  All barriers and/or enclosures shall be installed in relevant positions prior to those construction works occurring that have been identified to require mitigation J10.6 Mechanical Ventilation of Dwellings Where external windows must be closed in order to achieve compliance with the internal Project noise criteria, and where no alternative ventilation system is present, the installation of mechanical ventilation shall be considered for that building. This shall be implemented as a last resort only after all other general noise management and mitigation have been deemed impracticable. J10.7 Selection of low noise and vibration plant Low noise and vibration plant shall be selected and used wherever practicable. Where plant is identified as being particularly noisy and/or vibration inducing, action shall be taken to reduce emissions. This may involve the fitting of mitigation devices, such as silencers, enclosures or isolation pads. Plant shall be maintained to ensure that noise and vibration emissions remain as low as practicable. J10.8 Vibration Effects on Infrastructure Assets Any infrastructure assets such as roads, underground pipework etc. near areas of highvibration activity shall be identified prior to commencing construction and included as the Schedule in Appendix D. Risk assessments of relevant infrastructure assets shall be undertaken, and be managed through SSCVMPs (refer Section J11) as appropriate. This document may not be reproduced in full or in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited C:\Users\GeorgiaS1\Desktop\Print\Volume 3.1 Technical reports\3.1.12 CRL NoR Noise and Vibration Appendix J December 2012 (clean).docx

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J10.9 Temporary relocation Where all practicable noise and vibration management and mitigation measures have been implemented, but compliance with the Project criteria is still not achievable, relocation of affected receivers may need to be considered. Relocation shall be considered in exceptional cases only, and expert advice from a suitably qualified and experienced acoustics specialist shall be sought. J11.


J11.1 Site specific construction noise management plan (SSCNMP) For any construction activities that have the potential to breach the noise criteria, as set out in Section J3, a noise assessment shall be undertaken. Where noise levels are predicted to exceed the noise criteria in Section J3 by less than 5 dBA, all practicable measures will be implemented as per the CNVMP with the aim of achieving compliance with the construction noise criteria. Monitoring of these activities will be undertaken to determine compliance. Where the modelled noise levels are predicted to be 5 dBA or more above the noise criteria in Section J3, a SSCNMP shall prepared prior to works commencing. J11.2 Site specific construction vibration management plan (SSCVMP) For vibration issues, a SSCVMP shall be developed for any activities measured or predicted to exceed the building damage Project criteria, refer Section 0. J11.3 General requirements Notwithstanding the requirement to submit a SSCNMP or SSCVMP, mitigation measures shall continue to be implemented as per the CNVMP and reviewed/monitored to confirm compliance and effectiveness of the plan. This includes the overall aim to achieve compliance with the relevant Project criteria. For noise, the likelihood of exceedance shall be determined by utilising appropriate prediction tools. For vibration, the likelihood of exceedance shall be determined by pre-construction measurements of relevant vibration inducing equipment to establish safe distances. The SSCMPs shall contain, to an appropriate detail:  The activity and location proposed  Timing/duration  Equipment utilised  Predicted noise/vibration levels  Identified dwellings at which compliance cannot be achieved with conventional mitigation measures  Alternative management and mitigation measures proposed

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CONSTRUCTION NOISE AND VIBRATION MANAGEMENT SCHEDULES Management schedules for construction noise and vibration shall be prepared for each area of works (refer Section J5 above). The vibration schedule (Appendix D) shall detail high-vibration equipment, their safe distances and all sensitive receivers within the high and medium risk categories. The noise schedule (Appendix E) shall detail high-noise equipment and all sensitive receivers as follows:  For daytime work: within the 20 metre and 50 metre categories, and  For night-time work: within the 20 metre, 50 metre and 100 metre categories The schedules shall be completed prior to commencement of construction works in each Sector.


SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT AND MITIGATION This section describes site specific noise management and mitigation measures that are required for individual locations/activities in addition to the general measures noted in Section J10 above, for circumstances where the Project noise criteria are predicted to be exceeded.

J13.1 ASB Theatre Potential Issue:  Audience disturbance Possible Management and Mitigation:  Avoid tunnelling during performances  Extensive liaison and consultation with centre management  Noise and vibration testing while construction is being undertaken in the vicinity J13.2 TV3 Studios Potential Issue:  Disturbance of sensitive equipment  Interference with use of studio Possible Management and Mitigation:  Avoid tunnelling during studio use  Extensive liaison and consultation with studio management  Investigation of alternative construction techniques in the vicinity of the studio  Potential relocation of studio during times of night noise and vibration J13.3 Roundhead Studios Potential Issue: This document may not be reproduced in full or in part without the written consent of Marshall Day Acoustics Limited C:\Users\GeorgiaS1\Desktop\Print\Volume 3.1 Technical reports\3.1.12 CRL NoR Noise and Vibration Appendix J December 2012 (clean).docx

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 Damage to building  Disturbance of sensitive equipment  Interference with use of studio Possible Management and Mitigation:  Relocate construction shaft further from the studio  Avoid tunnelling during studio use  Investigation of alternative construction techniques in the vicinity of the studio  Extensive liaison and consultation with studio management J14.

CNVMP REVIEW This CNVMP, including environmental controls and procedures, shall be reviewed to ensure that it remains applicable to the activities being carried out. The CNVMP will be reviewed by the contractor for appropriateness and will be revised in accordance with the relevant designation conditions. The CNVMP will be updated, with the necessary approval, throughout the course of the Project to reflect material changes associated with changes to construction techniques or the natural environment. A management review of the CNVMP will be undertaken at least annually by the Project management team. The review will take into consideration:  Significant changes that affect the noise and/or vibration generation  Key changes to roles and responsibilities within the Project  Changes in industry best practice standards  Changes in methodology or management in response to noise and/or vibration monitoring showing non-compliance  Changes in legal or other requirements (social and environmental legal requirements, consent conditions and relevant policies, plans, standards, specifications and guidelines)  Public complaints Reasons for making changes to the CNVMP will be documented. A copy of the original CNVMP document and subsequent versions will be kept for the Project records, and marked as obsolete. Each new/updated version of the CNVMP documentation will be issued with a version number and date to eliminate obsolete CNVMP documentation being used.

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Ambient Noise is the all-encompassing noise associated with any given environment and is usually a composite of sounds from many sources near and far.


A frequency filter which is applied to a measurement of sound so as to more closely approximate the frequency bias of the human ear.


Decibel – the basic measurement unit of sound. It is a logarithmic ratio of measured sound pressure level with respect to a reference level of 20 micropascals.


The A-weighted, time averaged sound level (on a logarithmic/energy basis) over the measurement period T (e.g. between 10 and 60 minutes).


The maximum A-weighted sound level recorded during the measurement period. Measured with fast time weighting i.e. a 125 millisecond time constant


A sound that is unwanted by, or distracting to, the receiver.

NZS 6801:2008

New Zealand Standard NZS 6801:2008 "Acoustics - Measurement of Sound"

NZS 6802:2008

New Zealand Standard NZS 6802:2008 "Acoustics - Environmental Noise”.

NZS 6803:1999

New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 “Acoustics – Construction Noise”. Vibration

BS 5228-2:2009

British Standard BS 5228-2:2009 “Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites – Part 2: Vibration”. This is the standard adopted for this Project to assess human response to construction.

DIN 4150-3:1999

German Standard DIN 4150-3:1999 “Structural Vibration – Part 3: Effects of vibration on structures”. This standard is generally adopted in NZ to assess building damage.


Peak Particle Velocity, measured in mm/s. This is the standard metric for assessing construction vibration levels.

Risk contour

The closest distance to a vibration source at which a measurement would be expected to comply with the risk assessment criteria General

“Suitably qualified acoustic specialist”

A person who has sufficient qualifications and experience in the relevant field(s) of acoustics (noise and/or vibration) to undertake robust measurements and assessments i.e. a Member of the Acoustical Society of New Zealand.

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APPENDIX D – SCHEDULE OF IDENTIFIED AT-RISK RECEIVERS, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES (VIBRATION) Activity This is a schedule to the construction noise and vibration management plan for the City Rail Link project dated [click and type date]. This schedule provides specific assessment of the following activity: 

Activity location:

[click and type location]

Activity start date:

[click and type date]

Activity finish date:

[click and type date]

[click and add a description of the activity/location including timeframes]

At-risk Receivers (e.g. dwelling, office, hotel etc) Ref#



Receiver type/comments

Distance to works

Risk class (High or Medium)

Management/mitigation required

ASB Theatre

Theatre, high sensitivity to vibration during performances

20 m


 Avoid tunnelling during performance  Consultation with management  Alternative construction method


Predictions and mitigation (Example below) Ref#




Building type/comments

Distance to works

Risk class (High or Medium)

Management/mitigation required

Distance to works

Risk class (High or Medium)

Management/mitigation required

At-risk Services (e.g. roads, underground pipes etc) Ref#




Building type/comments

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APPENDIX E – SCHEDULE OF IDENTIFIED AT-RISK RECEIVERS (NOISE) Activity This is a schedule to the construction noise and vibration management plan for the City Rail Link project dated [click and type date]. This schedule provides specific assessment of the following activity: 

Activity location:

[click and type location]

Activity start date:

[click and type date]

Activity finish date:

[click and type date]

[click and add a description of the activity/location including timeframes]

At-risk Receivers (e.g. dwelling, office, hotel etc) Ref#


Receiver type/comments

Distance to works

Predicted noise level

Management/mitigation required

N1 N2 N3

Predictions and mitigation (Example below) Basic step of activity



Excavator, road truck, dewatering

Time / duration

7 hours, daytime only

Predicted noise (no mitigation) Neighbour






Management/mitigation required

Temporary barrier, communication 3 days prior

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Page 20 of 20

Technical Report to support Assessment of Environmental Effects (City Rail Link Notice of Requirement): Noise and Vibration Assessment


Regression curves for collected TBM and Road Header vibration data


Regression curves for collected Vibratory Roller vibration data


Construction – Vibration Propagation Model

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Page K1 of K4

Technical Report to support Assessment of Environmental Effects (City Rail Link Notice of Requirement): Noise and Vibration Assessment

K1 Regression curves for collected TBM and Road Header vibration data 25

y = 491.11x-2.044

Peak Particle Velocity PPV (mm/s)


y = 18.231x-0.938 15



0 0








Distance (m) Road Header


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Page K2 of K4




Technical Report to support Assessment of Environmental Effects (City Rail Link Notice of Requirement): Noise and Vibration Assessment

K2 Regression curves for collected Vibratory Roller vibration data 25

Peak Particle Velocity PPV (mm/s)


15 y = 27.054x-0.907



0 0







Distance (m) Vibratory Roller

Vibratory Roller safety margin

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Page K3 of K4





Technical Report to support Assessment of Environmental Effects (City Rail Link Notice of Requirement): Noise and Vibration Assessment

K3 Regression curves for collected Excavator/Diaphragm Wall Rig vibration data 25

Peak Particle Velocity PPV (mm/s)


15 y = 5.7206x-0.556



0 0





Distance (m) Excavator/D-Wall Rig

Excavator/D-Wall Rig safety margin

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Technical Report to support Assessment of Environmental Effects (City Rail Link Notice of Requirement): Noise and Vibration Assessment

APPENDIX L REFERENCES BS 5228-1:2009 “Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites – Part 1: Noise”, British Standards Institute, 2009 BS 5228-2:2009 “Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites – Part 2: Vibration”, British Standards Institute, 2009 DIN 4150-3:1999 “Structural vibration – Part 3: Effects of vibration on structures”, Deutsches Institute für Normung, 1999 FTA Federal Transit Administration “Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment”, FTA-VA-901003-06, 2006 (particularly Chapter 8: Vibration Impact Criteria and Chapter 10: General Assessment Method) Hunt, H., et al. “Groundborne vibration from underground railways: some commonly made assumptions and their associated accuracies and uncertainties”. Proceedings of Institute of Acoustics and Belgian Acoustical Society Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 2010 NZS 6801:2008 “Acoustics – Measurement of environmental sound”, New Zealand Standard NZS 6802:2008 “Acoustics – Environmental Noise”, New Zealand Standard NZS 6803P:1984 “The Measurement and Assessment of Noise from Construction, Maintenance and Demolition Work”, New Zealand Standard NZS 6803:1999 “Acoustics - Construction Noise”, New Zealand Standard Saurenman, H.J., Nelson, J.T., Wilson, G.P., “Handbook of Urban Rail Noise and Vibration Control”, U.S. Department of Transportation Report UMTA-MA-06-0099-82-2, 1982 Siskind, D.E., Stagg, M.S., Kopp, J.W., Dowding, C.H., “Structure Response and Damage Produced by Ground Vibration from Surface Mine Blasting”, Report of Investigations 8507, United States Bureau of Mines, 1980

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