Overview and index

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Notices of Requirement Overview document prepared by

© Beca 2012 (unless Beca has expressly agreed otherwise with the Client in writing).

Quality Assurance Statement Prepared by

Fiona Blight – Technical Director Planning Beca

Reviewed by

Bryce Julyan – Technical Director Planning Beca

Approved for release (Beca)

Bryce Julyan – Technical Director Planning Beca

Legal Counsel for Auckland Transport

Bell Gully

Auckland Transport Work Stream Leader Notice of Requirement

Deborah Godinet

This report has been prepared by Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Limited (Beca) for the benefit of Auckland Transport. No liability is accepted by this company or any employee or sub-consultant of this company with respect to its use by any other person. This disclaimer shall apply notwithstanding that the report may be made available to other persons for an application for permission or approval or to fulfil a legal requirement.

Revision History Revision Nº

Prepared By




Fiona Blight

Issued Document



Fiona Blight

Updated to respond to Council’s request for further information and to reflect withdrawing of NoR 7


Document Acceptance Action


Prepared by

Fiona Blight - Technical


Date 14/12/2012

Director Planning Beca

Reviewed by

Bryce Julyan - Technical Director Planning Beca


Approved by

Bryce Julyan- Technical


Director Planning Beca

on behalf of

Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd (Beca)

15 August 2012 // Page i 4214293 // NZ1-6766114-7 0.7 Rev B

Map contains information sourced from LINZ (Crown Copyright Reserved). This map contains data derived in part or wholly from sources other than Beca and therefore, no representations or warranties are made by Beca as to the accuracy or completeness of this information.


NOR 1 Sheet 1

Indicative Rail Alignment

Land to be Designated Surface


Land to be Designated Sub-Strata






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NOR 6 Sheet 2


This drawing is confidential and shall only be used for the purposes of this project.


Scale may be incorrect when printed. DRAWN


2 HEC 14/12/12




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Scale: 1:10,000

Map intended for distribution as a PDF document. 0




City Rail Link 400 m

Index Map for Land Requirement Plan A3








Table of Contents 1

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2


Suite of Documents for the CRL NoR........................................................................... 2


Auckland Transport .................................................................................................. 4


Auckland Transport Approach to Delivering the CRL .................................................... 4


The CRL Notices of Requirement ................................................................................ 7


Nature of the restrictions (Designation types) ........................................................... 11


Relationship between the Designation Types ............................................................ 11

Figures Figure 1

Relationship of NoR documents

Figure 2

City Rail Link Project Delivery Overview

Figure 3

Notices of Requirement Overview Map

Figure 4

Visual Explanation of the designation Types

Figure 5

Visual Explanation of the designations across the length of the CRL

Tables Table 1

Content of CRL NoR suite of documents

Table 2

Summary description of NoR

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This document provides an overview of the approach to deliver the City Rail Link (CRL) and the documentation associated with the Notices of Requirement (NoR), served by Auckland Transport (AT) pursuant to s168(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), to designate for the construction, operation and maintenance of the CRL. The CRL project (the project) comprises the construction, operation and maintenance of a 3.4km underground passenger railway (including two tracks and three underground stations) running between Britomart station and the North Auckland Line (NAL) in the vicinity of the existing Mount Eden station, and an additional 850m of track modifications within and adjacent to the NAL. For ease of reference the three stations included in the NoR for the CRL have been temporarily named “Aotea Station”, “Karangahape Station”, and “Newton Station”. The stations will be formally named in the future. A fuller description of the CRL is provided in the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) which supports the NoR and the CRL Concept Design Report1.


Suite of Documents for the CRL NoR

The NoR for the CRL are supported by a suite of documents including this Overview. Table 1 provides the content of each Volume in the CRL NoR suite of documents and Figure 1 shows the relationship of these documents to one another. Table 1: Content of CRL NoR suite of documents Volume

Description of Contents

Volume 1 NoR (this volume)

NoR Overview document Index Plan for Land Requirement Plans for all six (6) NoR (found behind this NoR Overview document) Six (6) x NoR Forms Land Requirement Plans (attached to each NoR Form) Schedule of Directly Affected Properties (attached to each NoR Form and relating to the relevant land requirement plans)

Volume 2 AEE

AEE Executive Summary AEE Appendices to the AEE comprising:

§ Appendix 1: Aerial Plans showing the Alignment and station locations, § § § § 1

and for information the designation footprint Appendix 2: Auckland Transport Requiring Authority Status Appendix 3: Summary of Property Acquisition Processes within the Public Works Act 1981 (PWA) Appendix 4: Auckland District Plan Maps Appendix 5: Consultation Report

Concept Design Report Appendix 13: Volume 3 CRL NoR suite of documents

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Volume 3 Technical Reports

§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

Appendix 6: Cultural Values Summary Appendix 7: The full statutory and non-statutory document Assessment Appendix 1: 2012 Environmental Management Framework Appendix 2: 2012 Noise and Vibration Assessment Appendix 3: 2012 Archaeology Assessment Appendix 4: 2012 Built Heritage Assessment Appendix 5: 2012 Integrated Transport Assessment Appendix 6: 2012 Contaminated Land Assessment Appendix 7: 2012 Air Quality Assessment Appendix 8: 2012 Trees Assessment Appendix 9: 2012 Urban Design Framework Appendix 10: 2012 Structural Engineer Report Appendix 11: 2010 Option Evaluation Report Appendix 12: 2012 Option Evaluation Report Appendix 13: 2012 Concept Design Report including relevant plans

Figure 1: Relationship of NoR documents

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Auckland Transport

AT is delivering the CRL project. AT is a council-controlled organisation of Auckland Council responsible for managing and controlling Auckland's transport system under the Local Government (Auckland Council) Amendment Act 2009 (LG(AC)A). AT’s purpose as set out in section 39 of the Local Government Auckland Council Amendment Act 2009 is "to contribute to an effective and efficient land transport system to support Auckland's social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being". Sections 45 and 46 outline AT’s functions and powers in respect of the Auckland land transport system and AT’s role as the Road Controlling Authority. In addition, AT is responsible for preparing the Regional Land Transport Programme for Auckland in accordance with the Land Transport Management Act 2003. AT is also a Requiring Authority (RA), as a network utility operator under Section 167 of the Resource Management Act (RMA), in relation to the Auckland Transport System (see section 47(1) of the LG(AC)A).


Auckland Transport Approach to Delivering the CRL

Figure 2 shows the anticipated delivery approach for the CRL. The NoR to designate the CRL is part of Phase 1 (the current phase). The serving of the NoR to designate land for the CRL project is the first step in the statutory planning process for securing the necessary planning approvals required to construct, operate and maintain the CRL. Designating the land in the relevant district plan provides certainty to directly affected landowners and occupiers, those in proximity, and the community as to the extent and location of the CRL and the nature of the restrictions.

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Figure 2: City Rail Link Project Delivery Overview

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In summary the future stages of the CRL project are likely to move through the phases outlined in Figure 2 above. The phases are anticipated to include the following activities: ·

Iterative engineering and architectural design stages (preliminary, detailed and construction design) to refine the concept design;


Further site investigations;


On-going consultation with directly affected and affected in proximity landowners and the community;


The preparation and lodging of a number of resource consents2 for those works not covered under the CRL designation;


The preparation and provision to Auckland Council of a number of construction and operational management plans (prepared under the Environmental Management Framework which supports the NoR) to manage the anticipated environmental effects during construction and operation;


The preparation of an Outline Plan to be provided to Auckland Council, in accordance with section 176(A) of the RMA; and


Compliance and monitoring as required by the conditions of the designation and resource consents.

AT has chosen to serve six (6) NoR on Auckland Council to designate the CRL in the Auckland Council District Plan. The CRL project is acknowledged to be an integrated project and as such the NoR are expected to be considered/processed together under the RMA. However, to aid administration it is appropriate to separate the CRL designation into six (6) NoR in order to; ·

Reflect the different nature of the restrictions the related designations (if confirmed) will impose on affected parties, including subsurface restrictions;


Provide flexibility in the construction of the project recognising that parts of the project may be constructed at different times;


Enable specific or localised effects to be addressed by conditions that are only appropriate to that NoR; and


While this does not preclude consideration of effects across the CRL corridor, given the extent of the Project, this will assist potentially affected parties to directly focus on the particular NoR that is of interest to them.

An Environmental Management Framework (EMF)3 has been developed by AT to support the NoR. The EMF provides a consistent and integrated approach to addressing environmental management through an overarching framework within which mechanisms are developed to mitigate actual and potential adverse effects from construction and operation of the CRL. The purpose of the EMF is to


Section 2.3 of the NoR AEE: Volume 2 contains a detailed description of those resource consents which are likely to be required in the future to construct and operate the CRL. 3

The EMF is contained in Appendix 1: Volume 3 of the CRL NoR suite of documents.

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enable the management of any adverse effects such that these are avoided, remedied and / or mitigated throughout the project lifecycle. The EMF contains a hierarchy of documents and provides for the transfer of information between CRL project phases. Under the EMF an Environmental Management Plan (EMP), a Communications Plan, and a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will be developed in the future to manage and mitigate the adverse environmental effects created by the project. Further information on these can be found in the EMF contained in Appendix 1, Volume 3 of the CRL NoR suite of documents. Sitting within the EMF is the Urban Design Framework (UDF). The UDF provides a consistent and integrated approach to achieving good urban design outcomes. The UDF is an overarching framework which contains principles and outcomes for the restoration of the public realm after construction. The outcomes envisaged by the UDF will help mitigate actual and potential adverse effects of the project, and address social and environmental matters including pedestrian connectivity, amenity and “place making�. The purpose of the UDF is to set out the principles and the desired outcomes to enable the development of good design and management of any adverse effects such that these are avoided, remedied and / or mitigated throughout the project lifecycle. An Outline Plan is the mechanism, provided within the RMA, which sets out detailed design and compels Requiring Authorities to undertake work in accordance with the relevant designation. At a future time, when construction of the CRL is to start, AT will prepare and submit an Outline Plan to Auckland Council. Under the current provisions of section 176(A), an Outline Plan should cover the following matters: (a) The height, shape, and bulk of the public work, project, or work; (b) The location on the site of the public work, project, or work; (c) The likely finished contour of the site; (d) The vehicular access, circulation, and the provision for parking; (e) The landscaping proposed; and (f) Any other matters to avoid, remedy, or mitigate any adverse effects on the environment. It is intended that the EMF and UDF provide the framework against which the subsequent plans can be certified as compliant. The EMP and those management plans relating to the management of environmental effects which result from the works authorised by the designation will be provided to Auckland Council at the same time as the Outline Plan. These will assist in providing the details to address the requirements of section 176(A) above.


The CRL Notices of Requirement

The location of the six (6) x NoR is shown on the NoR Overview map (Figure 3 below). The NoR are summarised in the table that follows (Table 2). All NoR are seeking to designate land for purposes of construction, operation and maintenance of the CRL including stations and associated or ancillary facilities and activities. A full description as to the specific nature of each NoR is set out in the relevant Form contained within this Volume (Volume 1). The NoR relate to surface, sub-strata or strata designations. An explanation of these terms is contained in section 6 below.

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Figure 3: Notices of Requirement Overview Map The map below is not to scale and is intended as a visual tool only to show the location of each NoR. The Land Requirement Plans and the associated Schedule of Directly Affected Parties (attached to each NoR) should be referred to for the actual area of land required.

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Table 2 – Summary description of NoR NoR Number 1


Type of NoR Surface


Summary Description of NoR The land required for the construction, operation and maintenance of the CRL including: ·

Two (2) x rail tunnels extending from Britomart Transport Centre to Mayoral Drive. The tunnels cross Lower Queen Street, Queen Elizabeth II Square, Downtown Shopping Centre, are located under Albert Street within the road corridor;


Land (as listed in the bullet point above) and Galway Street and Tyler Street are required to facilitate construction of the tunnels;


Aotea Station located under Albert Street between Victoria and Wellesley Street; and


Construction site and ancillary activities


Ancillary activities associated with the operational rail network including but not limited to electrification and railway signalling.

The envelope of land required below the ground surface for the construction, operation and maintenance of the CRL tunnels including: ·

Two (2) x sub-strata bored tunnels running from south of Aotea Station. The tunnels are within the road reserve and pass under private land in the vicinity of Mayoral Drive, Vincent Street, Pitt Street, Karangahape Road, Mercury Lane, Central Motorway Junction, St Benedict Street, Symonds Street, and New North Road; and


Ancillary activities associated with the operational rail network including but not limited to electrification and railway signalling.


Strata (Protection)

A protection designation that acts as a buffer area between activities on the surface and the sub strata designation that provides for the two bored tunnels (NoR 2). The strata designation restricts, but does not necessarily preclude, future development which could hinder or prevent the CRL being constructed, or impact the structural integrity of CRL tunnels following construction. This designation applies above NoR 2, starting from 5 metres below the surface, from south of Aotea Station to the surface designation area north of Newton Station (excluding the station areas under NoR 4 and NoR 5).


Surface and sub-strata components

Karangahape Station within road reserve and private property (or parts of private property) in the vicinity of Pitt Street, Beresford Square, Karangahape Road, and Mercury Lane. Provides an envelope for the station construction, maintenance and operation at the surface and below including the mined side platforms, a construction site and ancillary activities at Beresford Street.


Surface and sub-strata components

Newton Station within road reserve and private property (or parts of private property) in the vicinity of Symonds Street, Dundonald Street, Basque Street, and New North Road. Provides an envelope for the station construction, maintenance and operation at the surface and below including the mined side platforms, a construction site and ancillary activities at Symonds Street carpark.



The land required for the construction, operation and maintenance of the CRL

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NoR Number

Type of NoR

Summary Description of NoR including: ·

Two (2) x tunnels in the vicinity of Nikau, Shaddock, Ruru, Korari, and Flower Streets in Newton;


The movement of NAL tracks and the placement of CRL tracks to facilitate the CRL tracks rising out of the ground between the NAL tracks;


The main construction site area for the project including site offices, delivery and lay down areas, storage of construction materials, stockpiling of spoil, tunnel boring machine launch /assembly, and electrical sub-station (located on land between Porters Avenue and Ngahura Street in the west and Mt Eden Road in the east, and Nikau Street in the north and the NAL to the south);


Grade separation of Normanby Road over the NAL and associated construction works;


Replacement of the Mt Eden Road Bridge to facilitate the additional CRL tracks below and associated construction works;


Provision of a grade separated pedestrian bridge over the NAL and CRL tracks in the vicinity of Ngahura Street;


Grade separation of Porters Avenue over the NAL and associated construction works;


Ancillary activities associated with the operational rail network including but not limited to electrification, and railway signalling.

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Nature of the restrictions (Designation types)

Surface Designations Surface (designation) – means designation of the ground surface (including air space above and land below to the centre of the earth). Sub-Strata Designations Sub-strata (designation) – means designation of land starting below the strata designation to the centre of the earth (provides for the rail tunnels). Strata Protection Designations Strata (designation) – means designation of land layer starting 5 metres below the ground surface and the sub-strata designation. This starts at a nominated distance below the surface and extends down to meet the sub-strata designation (the tunnel envelope). The strata protection designation does not authorise any CRL works within its footprint. The intent of the strata protection designation is to provide a layer of protection above the substrata designation (and the works it provides for) against any development occurring which could hinder or prevent the CRL being constructed, or impact the structural integrity of the CRL tunnels following construction. It is not intended to preclude owners undertaking developing on their properties, but provides a mechanism which requires owners to talk to AT (as the Requiring Authority for the CRL sub-strata designation below) about any development plans and to reach agreement with AT before proceeding. This means that land within the strata protection designation may be the subject of restriction but does not necessarily need to be acquired. In order to provide for surface and some subsurface works to occur without restriction, the protection designation does not apply from Natural Ground Level (NGL) below the surface for five (5) metres.


Relationship between the Designation Types

Figure 4 below provides a visual explanation of the designation types: surface designations (all of NoR 1, parts of NoR 4 and 5, and all of NoR 6), the sub-strata designations (NoR 4 and 5), and the sub-strata designation (NoR 2) with the strata designation (NoR 3) above it. A visual representation longitudinally along the CRL of the NoR and the designation types is shown in Figure 5. Both Figure 4 and Figure 5 are visual tools only and the NoR Forms and their associated land requirement plans and schedule of affected parties should be referred to for the detail and extent of each NoR.

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Figure 4: Visual Explanation of the designation Types

Surface designations

Sub-strata Designations

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Strata Designation with Sub-strata Designation below

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Figure 5: Visual Explanation of the designations across the length of the CRL

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