Karangahape Station and Public Realm
Transport Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan Addendum
Revision: A01
Date: 14 December 2021
Karangahape Station Public Realm Reinstatement – Transport Access
and Parking Delivery Work Plan Addendum
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Revision Status Revision
Approval Status
Reviewed by: Alexandra Scouller/Link Alliance Planner 21/12/2021
Approved by: Peter Roan/Link Alliance Planning Manager 21/12/2021
1. Introduction
The City Rail Link (CRL) project comprises the construction, operation and maintenance of a 3.4 km underground passenger railway, running between Britomart Station and the North Auckland Rail Line (NAL) in the vicinity of Mt Eden Station. The CRL also involves the construction of two new underground stations at Aotea and Karangahape and the redevelopment of the station at Mt Eden (refer to Figure 1.1). The design and construction of the CRL infrastructure between the Aotea and Mt Eden Stations is being delivered by the Link Alliance.
This addendum to the Karangahape Station Main Works Transport Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan (TAP DWP)1 has been prepared to address any potential effects associated with the public realm reinstatement works (PRR) phase of construction works and construction of the station superstructure that is not covered by the Main Works phase2
This addendum should be read in conjunction with the Karangahape Station Main Works TAP DWP. Where project details, proposed management and effects are already covered in the Karangahape Station Main Works TAP DWP and are directly applicable to the PRR works, reference is made to the appropriate section of that document.
2. Project Description
This section presents a summary of the PRR works to provide context to the TAP DWP Addendum. A detailed description of the PRR works is provided in the Karangahape Station PRR Construction
Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) Addendum. Further detail on the PRR works is also provided in the Karangahape Station Urban Design Delivery Work Plan (Urban Design DWP).
1 Karangahape Station Main Works Transport Access and Parking Delivery Work Plan, Rev 001, prepared by the Link Alliance, dated 20 April 2020
2 The Karangahape Station superstructure refers to any permanent, above ground components of the Karangahape Station.
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2.1 Construction Methodology Overview
The extent of the PRR works includes Mercury Lane, the west end of Cross Street, the new southern lane connecting Mercury Lane with East Street, Beresford Square, Pitt Street, and tie-ins to Karangahape Road. The extent of the public realm works is shown in Figure 1.1.
The works include the construction of the Karangahape Station superstructure. This includes above ground station entrances at Beresford Square and Mercury Lane, as well as the services and retail building and ventilation structures at Beresford Square.
The construction works required to reinstate the permanent aspects of the public space include paving, sealing, tie-in works, stormwater treatment, the installation of street furniture and landscaping. The extent of the PRR works is shown in Figure 2.1 below. The works will be undertaken in a staged manner commencing as the current construction works are progressively completed (refer Section 2.2).
The construction of the superstructure and PRR works are divided into ‘stages’ (based on activity for the Mercury Lane and Beresford Square Precincts) as illustrated in Table 2.1
Table 2.1. Overview of Construction Works and Staging
Stage 2 – Mercury Lane and Cross Street
Stage 3 – Mercury Lane
- Utilities installs
- Reinstate road profile of Mercury Lane and Cross Street - Utilities installs
- Reinstate road profile
- Reinstate footpath
- Utilities installs
- Streetscape
- Cross Street footpath
Stage 4 – Mercury Lane - Reinstate road profile and footpath - Utilities installs - Streetscape
Stage 5 – Mercury Lane - Reinstate road profile and footpath
Stage 6 – Lane Way and CSA
- Backfill temporary shaft and extract sheet piles - Dismantle tower crane/gantry crane/noise enclosure/site office etc.
- Construct laneway between Mercury Lane and East St - Reinstate CSA
Stage 7 – Final streetscape - Final landscaping - Final streetscape
- Complete mill topper
Beresford Square
Stage 0 - Buildings
Stage 1 – Pitt Street (west)
- Construct the station superstructure - Construct the service building - Construct the ventilation structure
Reinstate road profile
Utility installs
Stage 2 – Pitt Street (east) - Reinstate road profile - Utility installs
Stage 3 – Pitt Street (west) - Reinstate road profile - Utility installs - Streetscape
Stage 4 – Beresford Square - Reinstate footpath - Utilities installs - Streetscape
Stage 5 – Beresford Square - Reinstate footpath - Streetscape
Stage 6 – Beresford Square - Reinstate footpath - Streetscape - Tree grove
Stage 7 – CSA - Utilities installs - Reinstate the CSA - Remove site office
Stage 8 – Final streetscape - Final landscaping - Final streetscape - Complete mill topper
3. Existing Transport Conditions
The traffic volumes of the roads nearest to where the superstructure and PRR works will be undertaken are shown in Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference..
Table 3 1 Traffic volumes on main roads adjacent PRR works
This table shows the estimated 5-Day Daily traffic volumes obtained from Waka Kotahi’s One Road Network Classification (ONRC) It also shows the AM and PM peak time volumes obtained from survey data at the intersection of Karangahape Road and Mercury Lane.
4. Proposed Traffic Management Methodology
The traffic management methodology has been developed to ensure that the transport functions of private properties and the public road network are maintained in accordance with the CRL designation conditions. Within the works area, the provision of access to private property and the public network for the different transport modes are prioritised in this order:
1. Active transport (pedestrians and cyclists), 2. Public transport,
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3. Freight (including service vehicles, couriers and taxis), and 4. Private vehicles.
Site-specific Traffic Management Plans (TMP) will be developed approximately one month before the commencement of works in accordance with the CRL designation conditions, this DWP addendum, and Waka Kotahi’s Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM).
A Traffic Resolution approval will be obtained from AT’s Traffic Control Committee to support any TMPs that require changes to on-street traffic and parking controls to be in place for three weeks or more.
The following report sections describes the general traffic management methodology for each stage of the works.
4.1 Mercury Lane (Stages 0 to 7)
The works for Mercury Lane are divided into eight stages from Stage 0 to Stage 7.
Stage 0 consists of the construction of the Karangahape Station superstructure and includes a work area that is predominantly within the station precinct boundary. The indicative traffic management layout is shown in Figure 4.1
The traffic movement provisions in this stage are the same as the existing Main Works setup It includes vehicles travelling in the southbound direction on Mercury Lane and in the eastbound direction on Cross Street. Pedestrian movements along Mercury Lane will be maintained via the eastern footpath on Mercury Lane, south of Cross Street
Stage 1 works comprise the removal of retaining structures, temporary road pavement and utility installations on the western side of Mercury Lane. As shown in Figure 4.2, one southbound traffic lane is still maintained on Mercury Lane as was in Stage 0.
The work site will occupy the footpath and approximately six on-road parking spaces on the western side of Mercury Lane The existing parking spaces are part of the paid parking scheme in the City Centre Parking Zone (CCPZ). Pedestrian access to the properties on the western side will be maintained via a protected pathway through the work area.
Stage 2 is divided into two sub-stages (Stage 2.1 and 2.2) and comprises works on the eastern side of Mercury Lane for the reinstatement of the road profile, station utility works and adjustments to the Cross Street roading profile and footpath.
The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 2.1 is shown in Figure 4.3.
Vehicle access will be maintained for properties located on the eastern side of Mercury Lane and the northern side of Cross Street
Pedestrian access will be maintained for properties on the eastern side via a crossing facility from the western footpath and through a protected pathway through the work area. Pedestrian movements along Mercury Lane would be maintained via the western footpath on Mercury Lane between Karangahape Road and Cross Street and on the eastern footpath, south of Cross Street.
The loading zone on the eastern side of Mercury Lane will be relocated to the western side, occupying the previously mentioned CCPZ spaces.
The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 2.2 is shown in Figure 4.4
This sub-stage involves a work area on the southern corner of Mercury Lane and Cross Street. Vehicle and pedestrian access to properties on Mercury Lane and the southern side of Cross Street will be maintained
Stage 3 comprises permanent utility installations, road and footpath reinstatement and streetscape works on the western side of Mercury Street, and on Cross Street as shown in Figure 4.5
The transport provisions of this stage is similar to Stage 1. Pedestrian access to properties on the western side of Mercury Street will be maintained. Cross Street from this stage till the end of the PRR works will operate as a one-way road in the westbound direction. This was the pre-CRL arrangement for Cross Street where vehicles entered the road from Upper Queen Street.
Stage 4 includes permanent utility installations, road and footpath reinstatement and streetscape works on the eastern side of Mercury Lane as shown in Figure 4.6.
This stage has a similar arrangement to Stage 2.1, maintaining pedestrian and vehicle access to properties on the eastern side of Mercury Lane, and north-south pedestrian movements on the western side of Mercury Lane. A pedestrian crossing facility will be provided on Mercury Lane, north of Cross Street.
Stage 5 comprises the works at the Mercury Lane / Canada Street intersection, for realignment of the right turn lane from Mercury Lane to Canada Street as shown in Figure 4.7.
Right turn vehicle movements from Mercury Lane to Canada Street will be provided adjacent the work area. Pedestrian movements crossing Canada Street will be maintained and facilitated for with details to be shown in the final TMP
The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 6 is shown in Figure 4.8
This stage includes the reinstatement of the Mercury Lane Construction Support Area (CSA) and construction of a laneway between Mercury Lane and East Street, north of the station building. The work in this stage occurs within the CSA boundary and does not impact the wider transport network.
Stage 7 comprises the final landscape and streetscape works on Mercury Lane and the laneway between Mercury Lane and East Street, including the reinstatement of the traffic island at the Mercury Lane / Canada Street intersection. The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 7 is shown in Figure 4.9
This stage requires the temporary full closure of Mercury Lane to vehicular traffic to enable the installation of carriageway paver blocks on Mercury Lane. Local vehicle access and pedestrian access will still be maintained for properties on Mercury Lane and Cross Street and pedestrian through movements on Mercury Lane will be on the eastern footpath.
Vehicles access to Cross Street and Canada Street will be via Upper Queen Street.
4.2 Beresford Square (Stages 0 to 8)
The superstructure and PRR works for Beresford Square are divided into nine stages from Stage 0 to Stage 8.
For all stages of the works on Beresford Square, local vehicle access will be maintained to the greatest extent possible for properties on Beresford Square and Pitt Street. For stages where local vehicle access cannot be maintained, alternative parking on Beresford Square will be agreed with property owners.
Stage 0 consists of the construction of the station superstructure and utility works and includes work areas within the CSA as shown in Figure 4.10.
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4 10: Indicative traffic management layout for Stage 0 – Buildings
This stage is the same as the existing Main Works setup where Pitt Street operates with one traffic lane in each direction and pedestrian movements along Beresford Square and Pitt Street are maintained along the building frontage via footpaths or protected walkways.
Stages 1 and 3 comprises construction of the station superstructure, installation of utilities, and the reinstatement of the road profile on Beresford Square and the western side of Pitt Street. The footprint of the works area is mostly the same as Stage 0 as shown in Figure 4.11.
The property access, vehicle and pedestrian movement provisions are the same as in Stage 0. The difference to Stage 0 is the works area occupies a longer section of Pitt Street. Pedestrians have an exclusive pedestrian crossing phase at the Karangahape Road / Pitt Street intersection and will be directed around the works area that occupies a section of the pedestrian crosswalk.
Stage 2 and Stage 4 comprises utility installation and road reinstatement works on Beresford Square and on the eastern side of Pitt Street The indicative traffic management layouts are shown in Figure 4.12.
During these stages the CRL construction area on the western side of Pitt Street will be opened to provide two lanes of traffic, one in each direction.
Local vehicle and pedestrian access will be maintained for properties on the eastern side of Pitt Street Pedestrian movement provisions are similar to the previous Stage 1 and 3 and movements between Beresford Square and Pitt Street will be maintained via footpath and protected pathways adjacent to the work area.
The subsequent Stages 5, 6.1 and 6.2 comprises footpath reinstatement and streetscape works on Beresford Square.
The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 5 is shown in Error! Reference source not found..
Vehicle traffic movements on Pitt Street during this stage will be moved back to the eastern side of Pitt Street while the western side of Pitt Street will be closed again for additional station building works.
During this stage vehicle access will be maintained to the greatest extent possible for properties on Beresford square and on Samoa House Lane. There is potential for temporary closures of vehicle crossings on the northern side of Beresford Square. Pedestrian access to properties on both sides of Beresford Square will be maintained and a protected path within the work area will connect the northern and southern sides.
The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 6.1 is shown in Figure 4.13.
Similar to Stage 5, the property vehicle accesses on the southern side of Beresford Square may be temporarily closed The temporary loss of access to any private parking and the provision of alternative parking on Beresford Square will be discussed and agreed with the affected properties.
Pedestrians access to properties will be maintained, and through pedestrian movements will be provided for on protected pathways.
The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 6.2 is shown in Figure 4.14
Figure 4 15: Indicative traffic management layout for Stage 6.2
In contrast to Stage 6.1, Stage 6.2 comprises works on the northern side of Beresford Square. Property vehicle accesses will be maintained to the greatest extent possible while pedestrian access to properties will be maintained on both the northern and southern sides of Beresford Square. Pedestrian movements crossing Beresford Square will be maintained at both ends of the work area with a protected walkway through the site at the eastern end near Pitt Street.
The indicative traffic management layout for Stage 7 is shown in Figure 4.15 and includes the work areas for utility connections, CSA reinstatement and the removal of the site office on Beresford Square.
Vehicle and pedestrian access will be maintained as in Stage 6.2 Approximately four spaces of onstreet parking spaces need to be removed between Hopetoun Street and Day Street to facilitate the two-way movement on a narrowed carriageway
The final stage for Beresford Square PRR works comprises the permanent landscape, streetscape and pavement works for Pitt Street and Beresford Square as shown in Figure 4.17
Figure 4 17: Indicative traffic management layout for Stage 8
The full closure of Pitt Street to vehicle will be undertaken over approximately two nights. Local vehicle and pedestrian access will be maintained for properties on Pitt Street and pedestrian through movements will be maintained on both sides of Pitt Street
The traffic management arrangements on Beresford Square will be as per Stage 7
5. Assessment and Management of Effects
The indicative TMPs and this assessment of effects will be further supplemented by site-specific TMPs which will be submitted to Auckland Transport (AT) for approval in due course. AT will have discretion over the anticipated transport effects of the TMPs. Further discussion may be required with AT and Auckland Council to resolve any inconsistencies between traffic management measures and designation conditions
5.1 Mercury Lane Stages 0 to 7
5.1.1. Network Operational Effects
From Stage 0 to Stage 6, one southbound vehicle lane on Mercury Lane and one vehicle lane on Cross Street will be maintained adjacent to the work areas. These arrangements are not anticipated to have additional impacts on the network compared to the existing Main Works traffic management setup
From Stage 3 onwards, Cross Street will be converted from one-way eastbound back to a one-way westbound traffic lane as it was before the commencement of CRL construction. This is anticipated to reduce the volume of traffic entering Mercury Lane from Karangahape Road and Pitt Street, by rerouting traffic to Upper Queen Street for vehicle access to the properties on Cross Street.
Stage 7 requires the full closure of Mercury Lane, providing only access to local properties Survey data dated July 2021 recorded a total of approximately 300 vehicles entering Mercury Lane during peak hours. During Stage 7, some of this traffic would have already been rerouted to Upper Queen Street for access to Cross Street.
The remaining traffic volumes entering Mercury Lane are expected to be through-traffic that use Mercury Lane to reach Upper Queen Street towards Newton or the area around East Street. The alternative options for these vehicle movements is to use Queen Street to access Upper Queen Street, Symonds Street for the Newton area, or East Street via Karangahape Road. The anticipated redistribution of peak hour volumes across these three alternative routes is expected to have a minor to negligible effect on network operations.
Further assessment of network impacts may be undertaken as part of the site-specific TMP submission, if required by AT.
5.1.2. Pedestrian and Cyclist Access
Pedestrian and cyclist access to properties will be maintained at all times as required by designation conditions 25.2(b) and 25.3(f)(i), 28.2(c)(i). Pedestrian movements along Mercury Lane and Cross Street will be provided on footpaths (existing or new) or protected walkways through the work areas. The specific pedestrian diversions for each stage are shown in Figure 4 1 to Figure 4 9
No cycling facilities exist along Mercury Lane and Cross Street. Cyclists are expected to continue to use the vehicle lane.
5.1.3. Property Access
The Mercury Lane works are anticipated to impact vehicle access to the following properties:
• 2 Mercury Lane (Stages 2.1, 4 and 7)
• 1 Cross Street (Stages 2.2 and 7)
On-going vehicle access to properties will be maintained to the greatest extent possible as required by designation conditions 25.2(c), 25.3(f)(ii), 25.3(g), and 28.2(c)(ii).
Due to the temporary closure of Mercury Lane in Stage 7, vehicles will no longer be able to access Canada Street via Mercury Lane. Properties located on Canada Street and the southern end of East Street will still be able to access their properties via Upper Queen Street during this closure stage.
5.1.4. Public Parking and Loading
Removal of paid parking spaces on the western side of Mercury Lane is required for Stage 1 to Stage 7. There are approximately six spaces which will either be occupied by the works area or temporarily used as a loading zone for these stages. The permanent removal of these parking spaces is part of the public realm design for Mercury Lane and the parking loss is anticipated to have little to no effect on the area due to the parking options available in the surrounding streets, such as parking buildings on Cross Street.
The works in Stage 2.1 and Stage 4 occupies the loading zone located on the eastern side of Mercury Street between Karangahape Road and Cross Street During these stages the loading zone will be temporary located to the western side of Mercury Lane, the area previously allocated to paid
parking The specific timings for the use of this loading zone will be determined during the preparation of the site-specific TMP.
During Stage 7 the closure of Mercury Lane will result in the relocation of the loading zone currently located on the eastern side of Mercury Lane. This new location will be determined through consultation with surrounding properties and Auckland Transport.
5.2 Beresford Square Stages 0 to 8
5.2.1. Network Traffic Operation Effects
From Stage 0 to Stage 7, one lane in each direction will be maintained on Pitt Street as required by designation condition 28.1(a). These lanes will be provided on the eastern side of Pitt Street for all stages except for Stage 2 and 4 where the construction area on the western side will be opened to provide the two traffic lanes. Temporary traffic signals may be installed for the southbound approach of Pitt Street to Karangahape Road. These arrangements are not anticipated to create additional impact on the network traffic operations compared to the existing Main Works traffic management setup.
During Stage 8, a closure of both lanes on Pitt Street is required to complete the final streetscape and road pavement reinstatement This stage will be undertaken as night works over approximately two non-consecutive nights Condition 28.1(a) requires one lane of traffic to be retained in each direction on Pitt Street, unless otherwise agreed with Auckland Council. While this stage does not provide one lane in each direction on Pitt Street the Link Alliance will seek approval from Auckland Council with regards to this specific condition prior to undertaking any closures. With the works being undertaken over-night, the closure is not expected to result in significant impacts on the network traffic operations Emergency vehicle and local access for properties on Pitt Street will be maintained and detour routes around Pitt Street will be advised
In all stages one lane in each direction will be maintained on Beresford Square between Hopetoun Street and Day Street Local traffic between Day Street and Samoa Lane will be maintained as much as practically possible within the work area for vehicles accessing properties along Beresford Square and Samoa Lane as required by designation condition 28.2(c)(iii).
5.2.2. Pedestrian and Cyclist Effects
Pedestrian and cyclist access to properties will be maintained at all times as required by designation conditions 25.2(b), 25.3(f)(i) and 28.2(c)(i). Pedestrian movements between and on Beresford Square and Pitt Street will be provided on footpaths (existing or new) or protected walkways within work areas. The specific pedestrian diversions for each stage are shown in Figure 4 10 to Figure 4 17
Wherever possible pedestrian diversions will be shortened within the work area for pedestrians crossing Beresford Square on the western side of Pitt Street. This will be determined in the sitespecific TMP’s to limit the impact to pedestrian movements
No further cycling facilities are impacted due to the Beresford Square PRR works compared to the existing layout established by the Main Works
5.2.3. Property Access and Private Parking
The Beresford Square works are anticipated to impact vehicle access to the following properties:
• Samoa Lane (all stages)
• 1 Beresford Square (all stages)
• 27 Beresford Square (all stages)
• 16-18 Beresford Square (all stages)
• Poynton Terrace (Stage 2 and 4)
• 70-78 Pitt Street (Stage 2 and 4)
On-going vehicle access to properties will be maintained to the greatest extent possible as required by designation conditions 25.2(c), 25.3(f)(ii) and 25.3(g).
Where vehicle access to private property will require temporary closure to complete the works, landowners and occupiers will be consulted in advance as required by designation condition 28.2(c)(ii). This will may be required for the following properties:
• 1 Beresford Square (Stage 5 and 6.2)
• 27 Beresford Square (Stage 5 and 6.2)
• 16-18 Beresford Square (Stage 6.1)
• Samoa Lane (Stage 6.1)
For these properties, alternative parking around and on Beresford Square will be arranged and agreed upon.
5.2.4. Public Transport Impacts
The 18, 105 and 110 bus services currently travel along Pitt Street in the north-south direction The site-specific TMP’s for all stages will provide sufficient traffic lane width and test vehicle tracking for these bus services. Furthermore, the work areas for all stages on Pitt Street will have no impact on bus stop (ID 1544) located between Hopetoun Street and Greys Avenue
5.2.5. Public Parking and Loading
Approximately four CCPZ paid parking spaces (22.5m) between Hopetoun Street and Day Street will need to be temporarily removed in Stage 7 of the PRR works. If this parking removal is expected for longer than three weeks, then consultation will be undertaken with stakeholders and a traffic resolution prepared as per AT requirements
6. Monitoring
The travel time and congestion monitoring requirements for CRL are set out in designation condition 26. The processes and responsibilities in relation to monitoring for the PRR works are consistent with that for the Main Works, as detailed in Section 6 of Karangahape Station Main Works TAP DWP.
7. Consultation and Communication
The scope of the consultation and communication requirements for PRR works are consistent with that established for the Main Works, as detailed in Section 7 of the Karangahape Station Main Works TAP DWP.
The Link Alliance communications and engagement team will work with the construction and traffic management teams to ensure that the requirements set out in this TAP DWP Addendum are achieved.
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