Waitematā Station CLG - September 2024

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City Rail Link (CRL) – Waitematā Station (Britomart) Community Liaison Group Meeting


Rā: 5 September 2024

Wā: 5:00pm – 6:00pm

Wāhi: Old Chinese Restaurant, corner of Scene and Britomart


Project representative Title

Alex Vaineritua (AV) CRL Stakeholder and Communications Senior Advisor

Lily Boyask (LB) CRL Stakeholder and Communications Advisor

Catherine Edmeades (CE) Stellar Stakeholder Manager

Sally Logan (SL) JFC

CLG attendees

Richard Noel Adam Jenifer


1 Welcome – Alex Vaineritua

• AV welcomed attendees, introduced the meeting agenda, housekeeping.

• CRL project progress update - Signalling commissioned - 2026 opening date - KHP final sky element to be installed soon

Question: Are all the sky elements different on each station?

AV: Yes

Question: How much testing and training needs to be completed after the November practical completion date?

AV: We will do some of that testing and commissioning, then we (CRL Ltd) hand over to AT and KR to do their part of testing in preparation for operations.

Question: I am trying to understand how long after handover it will be until opening.

AV: We are all in discussion about this (AT, KR, CRL Ltd) at the moment to better understand how long this will take.

2 Waitematā Station (Britomart) – Alex Vaineritua

• Update on works at the station:

o CRL works are very minor, non-disruptive, mostly electrics work underground

o Waitematā Station Plaza works continue.

Question: Is Waitematā Station Plaza the final name?

CE: Perhaps, but it could well be named something else later.

Question: Will you be publicising the date the glass panels on the station are cleaned?

AV: Date will probably be advertised, but it won’t be until nearly all the construction is completed.

Question: What’s going on with hoardings going up the side of Waitematā building?

CE: Those hoardings are for the refurb of the building and are not related to our works.

Question: When will the hoardings out the front of the Chinese restaurant be going?

AV: We’re expecting to be able to remove the hoardings in January 2025.

Question: Concern that the underground carpark at 148 Quay Street has not been taken into consideration and the works will cause flooding.

CE: There are currently ongoing discussions about drainage and the underground carpark of this building. We can talk more with you and the building manager.

Question: Concern that emergency service vehicles can’t access the Endeans building because they cannot lower the barriers.

CE: I will connect with Auckland Transport and find out who you should be talking to. For future reference, the number for barrier access at Te Komititanga can be found on its management plan online: 09 374 3872 or 09 374 3875.

• CE introduced Sally Logan, the on-the-ground stakeholder support for JFC.

• Construction started on 22 July. Construction is occurring on two fronts – Tyler Street and in the plaza area.

• SL spoke about construction progress on tree pits, stormwater manholes, ducting just along Tyler Street side.

Question: How deep can you go with the tree pits?

Post CLG answer: 1.5m to avoid the station room with enough volume for the trees.

Question: Do you choose which trees go in there?

SL: The trees planted will be natives.

Post CLG Answer: Myrsine salicina, Toro, Vitex lucens, Puriri, Alectryon excelsa, Titoki, Metrosideros Mistral, Pohutukawa ‘Mistral’

Question: Are we going to have access to our carpark continually?

4 Plaza Construction Update – Catherine Edmeades


SL: There will be one period when we have to work in front of the carpark, but it’s a bit later. When this happens, we will provide alternatives.

Question: When you last did Tyler Street, cars couldn’t get down to the carpark without scraping the bottom so it had to be rebuilt. Do not do this again.

CE: The levels are remaining the same so it shouldn’t be a problem.

Question: Raising the carriageway to the height of the footpath to turn it into a footpath?

CE: It will slope down towards your building.

Question: With a slope, concern that a lot water will go into the carpark.

CE: Have you seen the design report. The design report showcases modelling for flooding – the engineering modelling says the flood level risk will be reduced.

CE explained that they have worked with AT to get greater enforcement about illegal parking in the area near the bollards as it is a 5-minute loading zone.

Concern: There is a court judgment that it should be 20 minutes parking zone.

CE: If I can be provided with this is in writing we can take it to AT.

Question: When will this work be finished up?

CE: Late next year.

SL: Tyler Street should be finished sooner than that to make it easier for the residents on the street.

Question: Is there more lighting going in?

CE: We can find out and will come back to you. It looks like 7 lights on either side.

SL explained that tomorrow we are moving our site from the Endeans end to the Commerce Street end. So the Endeans area will be more open. In a couple of weeks, we will have to close access to Tyler Street, but we will open an alternative access that goes through the plaza.

Question: Is there a plan for the shop inside the station for the view from Galway Street?

AV: This is a question for AT, however, I will follow up with them.

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