You voted, we listened. Unveiling the 464 awarded categories for all things UTAH

You voted, we listened. Unveiling the 464 awarded categories for all things UTAH
The art of origami—of turning a flat sheet of paper into imaginative sculptures using folding techniques—has been around since approximately the 7th century, following the introduction of paper to Japan from China. Ceremonial origami for religious purposes came first, with recreational origami developing by about the 16th century.
So the concept has been around for a while.
While City Weekly’s Best of Utah issue can hardly claim to have a comparable history, celebrating your favorites in Utah living has been an annual tradition since the issue’s inauguration on Jan. 16, 1990. (And for an independent paper in this national landscape, that’s nothing to sniff at!) Even so, the spirit of the issue’s overall mission is at least as old as the advent of paper, if not older.
To recognize the highlights (and lowlights) of our shared space is part of community living, something that gets lost when we live lives of selfinvolved detachment. Thankfully, each year that we do Best of Utah, the varied beauties and delights of our city and state come into greatest focus through you, the readers.
With roughly 207,000 total votes cast for our 464 categories, you show us that each colorful variation, each bend and curve accomplished across our state creates an imaginative, ever-changing sculpture out of what could be a flat, featureless expanse.
Paper, that compacted web of fibers, is a remarkably flexible medium and can be used both to convey ideas of profound meaning as well as serve the most commonplace of functions.
Nevertheless, whether for recreation, ceremony or anything in between, it remains an organic whole—not unlike the healthiest communities.
The selections you have chosen this year illustrate all of the above uses, providing Utah the folds and dimensions it vitally needs to become a work of art.
— Wes Long, Contributing Editor
Congratulations to the 2024 Hall Of Fame inductees:
Ground zero for furthering the spirit, truth and tenacity of independent film. Roll ‘em.
From Space Agency to MagicSpace, this trio basically invented how to deliver the arts, theater and music to Utahns hungry for excellence.
Tres Hombres has served stellar food and award-winning margaritas for 40 years. And what a sign!
The OG of local Investigative Journalism. His style is how and why (not simple what and where) and he rocked, fearing no one. No one has brought more people to heel than Packer.
Grappa opened to both trepidation and acclaim in 1992. Today, Bill White Restaurants are the Seven Peaks of Utah’s high-altitude dining.
Greta deJong brought Utah New Age, new voices and new ideas—our Sister for all time.
A special reason SLC is a great coffee city is this treasured genre-busting pioneer.
Persistence can be a throwaway term at times, and it can be tricky to come by a person or organization who truly embodies the painstaking effort it takes to persist continually. Planned Parenthood Action Council Of Utah fits the bill wholeheartedly and without exaggeration. What’s more: they don’t just persist in the face of adversity, they lift others up and bring them along, providing protection, equity, resources and more to boot! plannedparenthoodaction.org
2. Equality Utah
3. Encircle
If you’ve ever been lucky enough to tip a pint with the Trib’s Robert Gehrke, you know that he’s a good conversationalist about topics hither and yon: sports, movies, etc. At the Tribune, of course, he’s a go-to read for local and statewide politics, the beat that’s built his reputation as a tough-but-fair reporter, adept at datadriven work and shoe-leather reportage. He’s also a readable, relatable writer, a true multi-threat.
2. Eli McCann, The Salt Lake Tribune
3. Gordon Monson, The Salt Lake Tribune
It’s tempting to see this award as a win by default, as Mitt Romney was one of the only Republicans smart enough to exit the MAGA bus before Donald Trump drove it off of a cliff. But let it be remembered that amid the performative chaos of modern politics, Romney kept busy doing the work—building coalitions, negotiating worthwhile legislation and avoiding the TV cameras. The Senate could do with a few more members like him.
2. Becky Edwards
3. John Dougall
Sure, winning reelection to the mayor’s office by a 24-point margin is pretty cool. But even more impressive is Erin Mendenhall’s four consecutive years as City Weekly readers’ favorite local politician. After a particularly turbulent first term, Mendenhall is wasting no time using her second spin in the mayoral chair to position Utah’s capital city for a brighter future—one with more parks, vibrancy, neighbors and opportunity, plus a second date with the Olympic Winter Games.
2. Mitt Romney
3. Jenny Wilson
A legendary, long-celebrated basketball player, John Stockton helped make the Utah Jazz what it is today with his incredible skills as a point guard. Largely regarded as one of the most skilled point guards the NBA has seen, Stockton holds the all-time record for steals and assists. He now resides in Spokane, Washington, but Utah will never forget the lasting impression he made here.
2. Nathan Chen
3. Lex Scott
Equality Utah executive director Troy Williams is a force to be reckoned with on Capitol Hill, boasting a success record that most advocates for progressive causes can only dream of achieving in the bright-red Beehive State. His past experience as a young foot soldier for the ultra-conservative (and ultraorganized) Eagle Forum clearly taught Williams the dark arts of Utah politics, which he now employs expertly to make everyone’s lives better, one victory at a time.
2. Tara Lipsyncki
3. Jennifer Plumb
The Trump era of Republican politics has seen a number of former statesmen devolve into angry, petulant children online. But few have fallen as far as fast as Gov. Spencer Cox, who in a few short years morphed from a plucky, broadly-supported centrist into a divisive, tonedeaf regurgitator of hard-right culture war bile. Here’s hoping Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson can hang on to her soul if she gets promoted to the big chair. X: @spencerjcox
2. Todd Weiler
3. Natalie Cline
While tied to an aural approach to storytelling, the folks behind this operation understand modern media consumption and the range of material listeners are prepared to tackle in a given sitting. Myriad stories abound, from breezy lifestyle features to local reporting to conversations with Utah’s notable tastemakers. From bite-sized reads to longer listens, City Cast offers a range of topics as wide and varied as the people who call this community home. saltlake.citycast.fm
2. Mormon Stories
3. Girls Camp Podcast
In a world often full of bad news, it’s a pleasure to tune into Good Things Utah for feel-good Utah entertainment. From recipes to recommendations to inspiring stories, hosts Nicea DeGering, Surae Chinn and Deena Manzanares know how to create an engaging show full of warmth. You don’t need to look further than Good Things Utah for a quick way to brighten your day. abc4.com/gtu
2. Fox 13’s The Place, KSTU
3. Studio 5, KSL-TV
Owned and run by women, with 85% occupancy by women-owned businesses, the Maven District is the place where boss babes gather. There is so much to love about this area of town, from the walkable community to the short- and long-term housing rentals offered at Maven Stay; you can come for an hour or for days. mavendistrict.com
2. The Junction
Sugar Space Arts Warehouse
HB560 (Abortion Licensing Modifications)
Some Utah lawmakers would sooner die than respect women’s freedom and bodily autonomy. So it was poetic watching them frantically repeal a ban on abortion clinics in order to avoid a court entanglement that could have jeopardized their broader effort to impose a near-universal ban on abortion procedures. The courts are still sorting through the mess and the war is far from won, but at least the hardliners got a taste of humble pie.
2. HB130 (Animal Fighting Penalties)
3. SB272 (Downtown Revitalization Zone)
Natalie Cline loses her seat on the Utah Board of Education
After four years of constant controversy and embarrassment, Natalie Cline finally learned that there is a limit to what Utahns will stomach from their elected state school board members when her virulently antitransgender bigotry led her to erroneously bully a high school student. A tidal wave of criticism from everyone in the political food chain crashed down on Cline’s head, and even the famously archconservative GOP delegates voted to show her the door.
2. LDS church not supporting mandatory reporting of child abuse
3. Gov. Spencer Cox endorses Donald Trump
Most of us can’t attend the Legislature’s every special session or the Utah Supreme Court’s every hearing. Thankfully, Ben Winslow does it for us. His live reporting on platforms like Threads makes even the densest of political wars accessible to the public. He’s the go-to for on-the-spot news. Or, if you’re looking for something a little more lighthearted—like a local spotlight or relatable meme—he’s got you there, too. Threads: @benwinslow
2. Rosie Card
3. Eli McCann
Incumbents typically hold onto their seats until their lifeless corpses have to be pried off with a spatula. That was true of the man Mitt Romney replaced in the Senate, but won’t be true of Romney, as the broadly popular and increasingly isolated moderate has decided six years is plenty to be stuck next to Mike Lee. For working across the aisle and getting out before he became the villain, we say “thank you.”
2. Joel Briscoe
3. Burgess Owens
Caroline Gleich has summited Mount Everest with a torn ACL, but she recently faced her biggest challenge yet: running for U.S. Senate as a Democrat in Utah. Gleich has long been an outdoor enthusiast with a passion for environmental advocacy. Now, she’s taking her advocacy to a new level as she heads into politics. Given her exceptional accomplishments in outdoor recreation, we can only anticipate what she’ll accomplish on this new journey. IG: @carolinegleich
2. Nate Blouin
3. Natalie Pinkney
The goal of progressivism is to make everyone’s life better. Seems simple enough, but it’s a big job, made even more impressive by Senate Minority Leader Luz Escamilla’s willingness to leave no stone unturned to solve Utahns’ problems. Regardless of ideology, she works to solve issues like affordable healthcare, housing, quality education and speaking up for those of who do not always have a voice in Utah’s overwhelmingly white, male political world. facebook.com/Luzforutah
2. Jennifer Plumb
3. Grant Miller
Since 2021, Rae Duckworth has headed up Black Lives Matter Utah, with her work fueled, in large part, by the 2019 police shooting of her cousin Bobby Duckworth in Carbon County. Since then, her voice has been heard in the digital space and newspaper pages, at protests and in courtrooms, in the ears of local media, the SLC Police Department and the office of Mayor Erin Mendenhall. linktr.ee/RaeQuackk
2. Phil Lyman
3. Denise Weaver
What can we say about Radio From Hell?
Dominant in this award category since Bill Allred, Gina Barberi and Kerry Jackson came into their own in the mid ‘90s, the reigning champions have practically owned our readership’s vote ever since. They are one of the few local shows that doesn’t feel like a pre-programmed morning zoo. Let’s be honest, whenever the show comes to an end, we’re probably renaming this award after them. X96.com
2. Radio West, KUER 90.1
3. RadioACTive, KRCL 90.9
Opened in 1964—but not without challenges. In the 1990s and 2000s, varied legislative efforts sought to impose stricter regulations on clinics. The 2010s brought renewed scrutiny, and in 2015, a national push to defund the organization was spurred by misleading videos targeting them. Despite these challenges, Planned Parenthood fought back, mobilizing community support and advocating for reproductive rights. We thank you, for all you do for our community. plannedparenthood.org
2. Best Friends Animal Society
3. Utah Food Bank
Best Rally
Serving as the longest-running alternative music station in the state, X96 has morphed over the years to where they are currently: a mix of classic hits and a defiant source of rock music, as well as newer tunes from those trying to redefine the genre. Few others have earned the loyalty of their listeners to blast Nirvana followed by Dexter and The Moonrocks out of their stereo daily. X96.com
2. KUER 90.1
3. KRCL 90.9
Covering the LDS church is as tricky a media job as there can be in this market, and Peggy does it with a grace and kindness that is truly admirable. Her recent articles exploring strategies for bridging the gap between members and nonmembers stands as a testament to her ability to encourage both sides to evaluate where they stand and search for where new lines of communication could be established. sltrib.com/staff/pstack
2. Courtney Tanner, The Salt Lake Tribune
3. Jessica Miller, The Salt Lake Tribune
You can’t overstate the amazement a newbie to Utah feels when attending their first Utah Pride Rally and March. The state’s cultural and political history might suggest a small, scrappy gathering, but what Salt Lake is treated to every June is a massive celebration of LGBTQ culture, with a parade that stretches for miles and thousands of folks gathered and bringing their cheerful, positive vibes to the already-amped participants. Truly a beautiful day. utahpride.org
2. Rally To Save Great Salt Lake
3. Rally For Palestine
In his fourth consecutive win (and several more non-consecutive ones), Ben Winslow has once again proven himself to be among Utah’s most reliable and thorough reporters. From breaking down Utah’s murky and confusing (perhaps frustrating) political landscape to giving his audience live, on-the-scene coverage of Utah events, this dedicated, knowledgeable, award-winning journalist is a force to be reckoned with. fox13now.com/ben-winslow
2. Mary Nickles, KUTV 2
3. Lindsay Aerts, KSL-TV
Two years after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, we’re still watching as overzealous lawmakers attempt to strip Utahns of abortion access. The Legislature’s attempt at a near-total abortion ban is on hold, for now, thanks to the Utah Supreme Court. Maybe they’ll use the new free time to help Utah’s homeless population or help the Great Salt Lake … probably not.
2. Save the Great Salt Lake
3. Free Palestine
In a time when TV news stations seem to be turning their studios into a generic green screen for national headlines, Fox 13 remains a dedicated source of local coverage. The station offers 10 hours of news every weekday, including their 9 p.m. broadcast for those who would rather be somewhere else at 10. It’s nice to have a station getting you local news instead of a PowerPoint presentation. Fox13Now.com
2. KUTV 2
Almost every NPR station across America has that one local reporter who has become a guiding voice for news you need to know about. For Utah, that voice is Doug Fabrizio, who has hosted RadioWest for decades covering all things politics, human interest and entertainment—not to mention interviews with iconic or controversial public figures. Regardless of the topic, when you hear him say “this is RadioWest,” you know you’re in for something special. KUER.org
2. Lara Jones, KRCL 90.9
3. Lindsay Aerts, KSL News Radio
Andy Larsen, The Salt Lake Tribune
Andy Larsen has had his ear to the rail on all things Utah Jazz since he took over the beat in 2013. From drama-filled off-seasons regarding Gordon Hayward, Donovan Mitchell and Rudy Gobert, Andy has had Jazz fans covered from the jump. And with the arrival of the Utah Hockey Club, Andy has been providing coverage on the exciting new venture as the Beehive State adds another professional sport to the mix. sltrib.com/staff/alarsen
2. Wesley Ruff, KTVX-ABC4
3. Andrea Urban, KSTU-Fox 13
It’s hard to think about the Utah Utes’ football success without thinking of Cameron Rising. His grit, leadership and commitment to the game have earned him a reputation as a stand-out athlete, not to mention a roaring fanbase. Though injuries have taken him out of the game in the last year, his unwavering commitment to his team has stood strong and earned him the title of Best Utah Athlete. IG: @crising7
3. Tony Finau
It is correct that the ultimate swear word begins with “Mike” and ends with “Lee.” It is not the actual word that is offensive, but the concepts it expresses. Concepts such as being on the wrong side of history, always. Many great swear words end with a “K,” but lack a certain je ne sais quoi. “Mike Lee” is in a class by itself. Try it next time you stub your toe in polite company.
2. “Oh My Heck”
3. “Frick”
Kerri Cronk, Fox 13 KSTU
It’s a bittersweet sendoff acknowledging Kerri Cronk as Utah’s best TV anchor. After three decades at Fox 13—and two decades as a Good Morning Utah anchor—Cronk recently left Fox 13 to pursue new adventures in Australia. We’ll all miss Cronk’s humor, personality and radiant energy on our morning news, but we wish her the best in this new chapter.
Best Utahn
Austin, aka “Posty,” was born in New York but grew up in Texas.
His versatile music is a wild mix of country, grunge, hip hop and R&B. We’re totally vibing with his choice to call Utah home. His genuine heart is undeniable, and we’re here for it with open arms.
IG: @postmalone
2. Jeff, the bike speaker guy
3. Jennifer Plumb
Chase Thomason uses his love and knowledge of Utah and weather to provide up-to-date information on some of the scariest news. This social-media-savvy weathercaster is always willing to answer questions and interacts with Utahns with kindness. His passion and excitement for the way the world works is invigorating and his résumé as a storm chaser in the heart of tornado alley proves his value to his native state. kutv.com/ contact/people/chase-thomason
2. Allison Croghan, formerly Fox13-KSTU
3. Kevin Eubank, KSL-TV
Last fall, The King’s English was evacuated after they received a bomb threat, canceling the day’s all-ages drag storytime event. The following spring, a similar scene unfolded in Provo when Mosaics Community Bookstore & Venue canceled their monthly drag story hour after receiving bomb threats. The threats are unfortunately a reflection of a larger national trend. Apparently reading stories to kids has become too radical.
2. Utah Supreme Court case on political district gerrymandering
3. Redwood Swap Meet & Drive-In
Utah lawmakers were so committed to their bigotry that—on top of regulating which bathrooms folks can use—they created a forum for tattle-telling and forced the Utah State Auditor to devote time and resources to policing a deluge of complaints, many of which were from trolls intentionally gumming up the gears. For everyone not consumed by delusional paranoia: mind your own damn business and remember to wash your hands. Problem solved.
2. Paying Mike Lee’s Senate salary
3. Diverting education funding to charter schools
For someone who claims to be a constitutional lawyer, it’s surprising how evidence mounts every day that Mike Lee—Utah’s senior senator—was part of a coup against the government, attacking the sanctity of the Constitution and our elections. He would call that “based,” though. Every six years we send him to Washington and every term he fails to do anything substantial for Utah. It’s no wonder he’s a perennial candidate for Worst Utahn; he’s the worst.
2. Gov. Spencer Cox
3. Tim Ballard
The modern Salt Palace is problematic, built upon the decimation of Japantown and exiling the Depot District from the rest of downtown. But while the problems are no secret, there was little effort to fix them until the Smith Entertainment Group pitched a comprehensive rebuild that would include the Delta Center by burying 300 West. Reasonable minds can disagree on the particulars of the deal, but there’s no denying that current conditions require change.
“Car culture” is heavily subsidized, charging taxpayers so individual drivers can speed down highways, park in oversized lots, pollute the environment and, of course, kill nearly 300 Utahns per year. With ebike vouchers effectively paying for themselves, it’s a no-brainer to use incentives to get folks out of their gas-guzzlers and onto a safe, efficient and sustainable vehicle. SLC’s first batch got snatched up immediately, proving we can afford to go even further next time.
Preservationists tipped into self-parody when they rallied the troops to fight a proposed redevelopment of the old drive-In theater on Redwood Road, which currently hosts a popular weekend swap meet on vast expanses of open, sunswept asphalt. The privately-owned site is pitch perfect for mixed-use housing and no amount of nostalgia will save the drive-in business model. If the swap meet can find another parking lot to occupy, it will be better off as well.
Meeting on the second Saturday of every month at Salt Lake City’s Urban Indian Center, this group of American Indian/Alaska Native Elders has been providing a welcoming space for urban Natives for years now. Between the events they plan and the food they bring (plus no small amount of laughter along the way), there is genuine community to be enjoyed here, whatever your tribe. uicsl.org/about-us/wisdom-keepers
For years, the good people of 15th and 15th have come together on summer evenings to nurture connection through food and song. But one neighborhood grinch brought the good vibes to a screeching halt by complaining to zoning enforcement. The city ultimately backed down and said the concerts can continue, but the ordeal makes clear that for some Salt Lakers, building community matters far less than always having a parking space on the public curb.
In May 2020, hundreds of Utahns gathered in Salt Lake City after the death of George Floyd, later judged to be murder, at the hands of Minneapolis police. What began as a peaceful moment devolved into incendiary riots. It was Akers, a military veteran, who stood down looters, creating a moment that launched him into social media celebrity. He skillfully employs a calm and proactive voice to challenge misperceptions about modern Black activism. poplme.co/kennyakers
Utah lawmakers f--ked around and found out. Voters want independent redistricting, but the legislative supermajority was committed to partisan gerrymandering, leading the courts to enshrine the constitutional right of the citizenry to reform government. So lawmakers doubled down, inventing an “emergency” and sloppily placing a constitutional amendment on the ballot shrouded in deception and lies. Another lawsuit and another loss later, the Legislature is licking its wounds and plotting revenge against democracy.
Phase 2’s unique video services harness the experience of talented Spy Hop alumni, who bring their advanced skills and fresh perspectives to every project. With a commitment to producing high-quality, impactful videos through mentorship and community stewardship, this dynamic team ensures that each project is delivered with exceptional artistry. phase2productions.com
We’ve known Mary since our Private Eye days, but it’s in the cause of justice for the victims of nuclear testing (“downwinders”) that Dickson’s works hit closest to home. A downwinder and cancer survivor, Dickson has been a consistent voice for the rights of those affected by the spread of radiation—a category encompassing every last one of us. Now that Congress has allowed downwinder compensation efforts to lapse, we need her now more than ever.
There’s no time machine to undo Utah’s transportation mistakes, but that doesn’t mean we have to live with them forever. Salt Lake City’s leaders have flirted with the citizen-led idea of burying the railroad and restoring the Rio Grande Depot, but it took the County Council to give it formal backing. With that endorsement vote, entities like the Wasatch Front Regional Council and Utah Department of Transportation are compelled to give the plan a closer look.
Year after year, Utah Arts Alliance’s Urban Arts Gallery presents themed shows with unique, engaging work that might not fit within your typical gallery framework. Whether it’s the fan art of the Star Wars Heroes & Villains show, the SLC Queer show celebrating Pride Month or the annual Skate Deck show, the gallery makes the act of viewing art both fun and fascinating as it showcases a wide range of local creators. urbanartsgallery.org
2. Springville Museum of Art 3. Utah Museum of Fine Arts
Art Haus
“We believe that everybody has artistic talent” reads Art Haus’s mission statement, and they certainly put that principle into action as a space with daily classes for every age and creative interest. Bring in children to learn about pottery, painting, drawing or cartooning, or as an adult, take those on yourself.
Themed workshop classes also offer a chance to fine-tune those skills in unique ways. It’s time to unlock your inner artist.
2. Salt Lake Pottery Studio
3. Workshop SLC
Locals know the Salt Lake Film Society best from its film programming at the Broadway Centre Cinemas, from first-run theatrical releases to themed programming like the annual “Tower of Terror” and “Summer Showdown” series. But it’s also a resource supporting filmmakers, as was demonstrated by the Oscarnominated Ninety-Five Senses, an offshoot of the Media Accelerator Studio (MAST) program’s “Voices Seen” animation contest. SLFS doesn’t just show great filmmaking; it helps to create it. slfs.org
2. Utah Arts Alliance
3. Salt Lake Acting Company
The Skate Deck show at Urban Arts Gallery
Utah Symphony, Danny Elfman’s
Composer Danny Elfman’s career has been fascinatingly diverse, from his years as Oingo Boingo frontman to his film scores for Batman, Spider-man, Beetlejuice and more. He continued to expand his horizons with the 2022 premiere of his Percussion Concerto, incorporating what he described as his “lifelong obsession” with percussion. And local audiences responded enthusiastically to the premiere of the work with Utah Symphony in 2024 with percussionist Colin Currie, for whom the work was written. utahsymphony.org
2. Utah Symphony, Appalachian Spring
It’s no surprise that readers voted Red Butte Garden as this year’s best all-ages venue. The stunning backdrop of Utah’s gorgeous landscape never gets old, and it’s even better when you have music from your favorite bands going at the same time. Even better, you can bring your whole family to enjoy the fresh air and fun times, so no one has to miss out because they’re a young’un. redbuttegarden.org
2. Kilby Court
3. Sandy Amphitheater
Best Concert Venue: Indoor Over 500 Capacity Abravanel Hall
Going to Abravanel Hall is always a special treat. The building is fascinating to look at inside and out, and once you’re seated, there’s always the promise of top-notch performances. You’ll be singing praises for everything from the acoustics to the cozy seats, right down to the lighting. There’s a great variety of shows here as well; you can catch the symphony one night and then a comedy act another. saltlakecountyarts.org
2. The Depot
3. Eccles Theater
Best Concert Venue: Indoor Under 500 Capacity The State Room
The State Room bills itself as “Salt Lake’s favorite live music venue,” and that’s obviously not far from the truth, because here it is in our very own list! Those who visit rave about the great staff, excellent seating, superb sound mixing and intimate setting. There’s nothing quite like seeing a performer you love up close, and getting to have an experience you’ll never forget. thestateroompresents.com
2. Soundwell
3. Metro Music Hall
Best Concert Venue:
Red Butte is back again in another category, because it sure is hard to beat. There are few places where you can experience the good weather, great music and gorgeous plant life with friends and family, but that’s why we’re lucky to have the Red Butte Amphitheatre and its annual summer lineup of some of the best touring acts in the world. redbuttegarden.org
2. Sandy Amphitheater
3. Utah First Credit Union Amphitheatre
Best Concert of the Past Year Noah Kahan @ Utah First Credit Union
Back in July, singer/songwriter Noah Kahan sold out the Utah First Credit Union amphitheater, bringing his vulnerable lyrics and unfiltered yet relatable honesty to the stage. His blend of folk, Americana and rock has continued to blow listeners away, especially at this show. Kahan’s summer tour was unforgettable, and those who went to this show are still buzzing about it as we close out 2024.
2. Depeche Mode @ The Delta Center
3. ISOxo @ Boxpac
The Utah arts community—and the community at large— lost a giant in June 2024 with the passing of Bruce Bastian. The WordPerfect co-founder and philanthropist’s B.W. Bastian Foundation supported dozens of local arts organizations including Ballet West, Utah Symphony, Plan-B Theatre Company and many more, contributing to the vitality and diversity of creative voices in Utah. His work continues through the foundation, but he’ll be truly missed.
2. Jonathan King
3. Kate Ruefner
The community has spoken: This event had a wonderful community vibe, with volunteers, performers, artisans and patrons all showcasing their independence and queerness. It had that laid-back, farmers’ market atmosphere—local and authentic—allowing grassroots entities to shine. The indoor, air-conditioned spaces for neuro-spicy youth were absolutely on fire! The overall vibe and affordability were fantastic. People loved getting to see all the local performers and the all-ages drag show. High five to SLC Pride. SLC-Pride.org
2. Utah Arts Festival
3. Living Traditions
In every possible way, the 60th anniversary 20232024 season of Ballet West was a triumph. From the record-breaking, season-opening production of Dracula through the highest-grossing-ever run of The Nutcracker and the magical The Firebird, the company kept delivering productions that audiences loved. The result has been a growing subscriber base and operating budget, matching the creative highs that Adam Sklute and the company dancers keep delivering year after year. balletwest.org
2. Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company
3. University of Utah Tanner Dance
Drag is an art—don’t let anyone tell you any different. And thus, drag is most enjoyable when presented not just by a performer, but by an artist. Sequoia understands that, and then some. With enviable makeup, hair and costuming, it’s easy to understand why Sequoia is a star. Yet, what truly sets her apart is her outstanding vocal range and inimitable charisma and stage presence. There’s a reason her Instagram handle is theonlysequoia, after all.
2. Tara Lipsyncki
3. Hoe Shi Minh
Standing like a beacon of all things horror as you drive downtown on I-15, Fear Factory has become the iconic hub for Halloween attractions in Utah. The former cement factory-turned-fright festival spans six buildings with a variety of jump-scares and costumed freaks ready to scare you for a night or, if you’re so inclined, with a season pass. Thirteen years since opening, they thrive as a pillar of terror for those looking for a thrill. fearfactoryslc.com
2. Nightmare on 13th
3. Asylum 49
Over nearly 20 years, Brandon Sanderson has built the kind of career that most writers would kill for. His skills at creating fantasy universes have been evident through his Cosmere sagas in Mistborn and The Stormlight Archive, even as he has continued universes created by others, like Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. It’s no wonder he’s built the kind of fan base that would support a Kickstarter campaign to the tune of $41 million. brandonsanderson.com
2. Terry Tempest Williams
3. Shannon Hale
The Backseat Lovers encapsulate everything there is to love about indie music: songs dripping with charm and local references; endearing performances; and an unwavering love for their fanbase. Songs like “Kilby Girl” and “Maple Syrup” put them on the map, and hopefully there’s more on the horizon from the delightful Backseat Lovers. thebackseatlovers.com
2. Pixie & The Partygrass Boys
3. Royal Bliss
It’s back-to-back victories in this category for Craig Sorensen, the multi-talented comedian who plies his trade both as a stand-up performer and co-producer of the Crowdsourced Comedy improv troupe. His work finds a distinctively funny sweet spot in addressing topics like being a gay Mormon missionary (“We’ve been together for two transfers, so it’s getting serious”) or having a “slight disability” in one hand (“I have 52 righthanded gloves I don’t know what to do with”).
IG: @kcraigsorensen
2. Shayne Smith
3. Rodney Norman
The range of Wynter Storm’s artistic interests is wide, most notably including serving as Executive Director of the Utah Black Artists Collective. But her skills as a poet and spoken-word performer— dating back, her bio attests, to having a poem published when she was in second grade—are constantly on local display, including time with the Salt Lake City Slam team and multiple competition award wins. IG: @wynter_storm1
2. RJ Walker
3. Angelika Brewer
It’s been a tumultuous year for West Valley Performing Arts, after facing the prospect of the city closing their venue. But they’ve bounced back with successful productions like The Lightning Thief, with BYU alum Cottam lending great youthful energy and a terrific voice to the lead role of Percy Jackson, showing great range after his Riff in last summer’s West Side Story wvcarts.org
2. Steven Pond, Grassroots Shakespeare
3. Bradley Barker, Draper Historic Theatre
Operated by the Salt Lake Film Society, this six-screen downtown cinema hotspot has carried on the work of Salt Lake specialty theaters of yesteryear with great panache. Whether you’re after arthouse, indie or foreign flicks, chances are you’ll find them here (and so much more) along with some appealingly unique screening events through the year. slfs.org
2. Brewvies Cinema Pub
3. Redwood Drive-in Theatre And Swap Meet
Though its history spans more than 60 years, the Natural History Museum of Utah truly found its ideal home with the opening of the Rio Tinto Center in 2011. Since that time, the shining copper façade of the building has invited visitors to celebrate the land and peoples of Utah through fascinating permanent exhibits as well as experiencing great touring ones. No matter your age, it’s an opportunity to be awed by the natural world. nhmu.utah.edu
2. The Leonardo
3. Utah Museum of Fine Arts
Since its first show in 2019, Kilby Block Party has grown exponentially and has become the place to be during the month of May. Folks who head out to KBP each year are hardcore fans—never being deterred by the weather and showing up in droves each day for the epic lineups. It’s become SLC’s largest indie music festival, and fans are waiting with bated breath to see 2025’s lineup. kilbyblockparty.com
2. Das Energi Festival
3. Ogden Music Festival
For musicians, it’s important to have a place to take your instruments and know they’re going to be treated with professionalism and care. Similarly, if you have questions about gear or want to get into music, you need a beginner-friendly zone with a knowledgeable staff. Luckily, Summerhays has that in spades. There are few you can trust more than Summerhays with your music needs. summerhaysmusic.com
2. Acoustic Music
3. Guitar Czar
No one captures Utah’s striking landscapes quite like Lizzie Wenger does. The Salt Lake City-based artist beautifully evokes Utah’s colors, shapes and designs through a “psychedelic cubist” style, fusing the artist’s love of the outdoors with her creative ingenuity. Wenger’s work is featured on the side of Sugar House’s Patagonia Outlet, and combines some of Utah’s diverse geography and wildlife to celebrate the Utah land we all know and love. IG: @zielizg; lizziewenger.com
2. Trent Call
3. Josh Scheuerman
Some ache for the large crowds and loud speakers, but many love a cozy, intimate setting where you can relax and enjoy a more personal show with your favorite local musicians. Coming to a Tiny Porch show means fun, food, great people and even better music. Helped along by the Utah Arts Alliance, Tiny Porch continues to thrive and be a favorite of locals and visitors alike. utaharts.org
2. Heart & Soul Music Stroll (Sugar House)
3. Mondays In The Park
Summer in Utah can be an amazing time to enjoy arts experiences in the great outdoors, including the Utah Film Center’s free summer film programming. At Liberty Park in July and August, the organization shows a range of films, from animated features to documentaries. It was even more useful in 2024, as the program highlighted selections from many of UFC’s year-round programming, like the Utah Queer Film Festival and Tumbleweeds Festival for Kids. utahfilmcenter.org
2. 999 Ride
3. 15th and 15th Backyard Concerts
An artist at work at Art Haus
If you want a fun and creative way to celebrate a birthday, have a girls’ night, date night or just take your kids for a relatively cheap group activity, this is the perfect place. A skilled and patient teacher will guide you step-by-step and you will leave with a finished painting for your home. They are open daily with varying hours. Check out their website and book your next outing. saltlakecity. colormemine.com
2. The Local Artisan Collective
3. Sip & Paint By Salt Lake Pottery Studio
If one has to be chosen from such a large pool of incredible local talent, Josaleigh Pollett is an excellent selection. Pollett continuously blows listeners away with their soft and longing voice and intensely emotional lyrics. Their latest album
In the Garden, By the Weeds is a must-listen, and a prime reason Pollett not only made it onto this year’s ballot, but one of the main reasons they won. josaleighpollett.bandcamp.com
2. Addison Grace
3. Post Malone
Since its origins more than 50 years ago, Salt Lake Acting Company has been all about pushing the envelope of what theater-goers in Utah would be willing to watch. In the ensuing decades, it has become an institution built on daring creative
Art Haus
Suitable for all levels, this is a great place to try out a pottery class. Students learn at their own pace and classes are a mix of beginners, intermediates, and experts in a nonjudgmental space. There are many types of pottery classes to choose from for clay artists, from wheel throwing classes, decorating, hand building and figure sculpting. Art Haus can quickly become a safe haven for creativity. arthaus-slc.com
2. Salt Lake Pottery Studio
3. Workshop SLC
work, helping in the development of new plays, offering local premieres of award-winning stories and goosing local sensibilities with its satirical annual summer show. saltlakeactingcompany.org
2. Hale Center Theatre
3. Pioneer Theatre Company
Shove this out your blowhole, haters! Our readers love the at-times-controversial sculpture in the roundabout at 900 South and 1100 East. Stephen Kesler’s Out of the Blue—the actual name of the 23-foot-tall, steel-and-fiberglass humpback whale breaching through the street surface—is a bold and bright delight, bringing a Beatlesin-Yellow Submarine aesthetic to the 9th & 9th neighborhood. And it speaks perfectly to the quirky qualities of the area it calls home.
2. 25th Street, Ogden
3. Mural Fest South Salt Lake
It’s bold, quirky and a little bit risqué, so it’s no wonder the work of Squid Vishuss resonates with City Weekly readers. Her trademark voluptuous women—in the forms of witches, vampires, angels, sasquatches and more—find their homes on prints, enamel pins, stickers and other formats, representing a vibe that’s a little bit vintage comic-book and a little bit dorm-room poster, yet 100 percent her own body-positive thing.
IG: @squidvishuss
2. Lizzie Wenger
3. Lilach Keren
Glass-making at Lost Acorn Gallery
Tucked up in the Avenues of Salt Lake City, this multi-functional spot includes terrarium classes, glass-making, and event rentals. Mitchell Harned and Parker Thompson have spent three years supporting community events with their local gallery and studio. Check out their Instagram account @lostacorngallery for info as well as their online gallery and monthly Moon Market vendor sign-ups.
While the Mestizo Institute of Culture & Arts has been around for almost 21 years, they opened their current gallery space just last year in Oct. 2023. Begun as a west side organization in Salt Lake City, this grassroots art space mentors new talent, hosts community events and showcases thoughtprovoking art exhibits. IG: @mestizoarts_slc
The Peoples of Utah Revisited Project
Modeled after a pioneering project led by historian Helen Papanikolas in the 1970s, the Utah Historical Society is looking to add to our state’s collective knowledge of local and cultural memory with a
truly ambitious undertaking. Working with Utahns of any and every background, they are recording oral histories, conducting new research and scanning keepsakes so that our shared past may indeed be preserved. Contact them today to take part! history.utah.gov/peoples-of-utah-revisited
You’d be forgiven if you missed the debut of this brand new event in late May. Held at the Salt Lake City Public Library’s huge, well-appointed cinema room, Cauldron was curated by one Tyrone Davies Codecxs, who brought to life a diverse array of narrative and experimental works. Hundreds of shorts and features were screened, many by Utah artists. We shall see if this event catches on with future attendees. IG: codecxs_projects
Hump Night at Brewvies Cinema Pub gets into the weeds to showcase programming that is entirely out of the mainstream. Every Wednesday night you’ll be introduced to films one might never have heard of before, and would probably never have access to even if they had. Kung Fu Theatre, Hard Boiled, Salt Lake Movie Massacre and Beer GoGGles show a variety of films that are unmatched. Above all, it’s unpretentious and FREE. brewvies.com
Buyer AND seller agents
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Angela Carlson | Amy Allison | Benny Keele Cortney Anderson | Cristina Christenson-Perez
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Staff: Sarah Mckenzie
With its windows facing Sugar House Park, blonde wood, mirrored walls, well-tended plants and jazz music, Sue’s Alteration feels more like a health studio than a workspace. The pampering continues with a staff that’s helpful and friendly. Walk-ins are welcome but an appointment is recommended for more detailed jobs. You will exit Sue’s with a desire to go through your closet in search of items that need tailoring. suesalteration.com
2. Tailor Cooperative
3. Leone’s Custom-Made, Tailor & Dry Cleaning
When your fur baby is a true member of the family, you don’t want to leave veterinary care to chance. VCA Cottonwood Animal Hospital provides both regular appointments and emergency after-hours services to account for any health contingency and fills pet prescriptions. And if you’re a firsttime client, your initial exam is free of charge. They know how much your pet means to you. vcahospitals.com/cottonwood
2. MedVet Salt Lake City
3. University Veterinary Hospital & Diagnostic Center
Inaugurated under humble circumstances in 1984, Best Friends continues its work in providing shelter for homeless animals unabated. From their flagship sanctuary in Kanab, this nonprofit spearheads collaborative efforts with shelters from around the country, with the hope that “no-kill” may indeed become a widespread reality. “Who rescued whom?” queries a common bumper sticker. Thanks to the facilitation of Best Friends, the homeless animals of today may yet become our rescuers tomorrow. bestfriends.org
2. Humane Society of Utah
3. Ruff Haven Crisis Sheltering
As the largest Asian market in Utah, the Chinatown Supermarket is a must if you’re looking for authentic Asian ingredients and cuisine. This market has it all, from live seafood to roasted duck to a variety of fruits and vegetables. Located in the heart of South Salt Lake’s Chinatown, this supermarket is more than just a stop on your errands list; it’s a whole experience. chinatown-supermarket.com
2. H Mart
3. Ocean Mart
Jacob Jensen, Jacob Jensen & Associates
While the lion’s share of the client work done by Jacob Jensen & Associates involves traffic incidents, it’s possible that if you were bitten by an actual lion, they’d be your go-to as well, as suits involving animal bites are part of their wide-ranging portfolio of specialties. But they also handle an assortment of other tough personal injury cases, from slip-and-falls to bicycle collisions to injuries sustained on the ski slopes. jacobjensenlaw.com
2. Jonathan Jemming, Jemming Law, LLC
3. Orlando Luna, Oluna Law PLLC
Filled with terrific treasures, interesting oddities and amazing antiquities, it’s no wonder Capital City Antique Mall was named Utah’s best once again. This mall has more than 65 vendor booths, all showcasing troves full of finds. You’ll never run out of things to spy in here. This mall covers all your collecting needs and more. Plus, they’re open on Sundays. capitalcityantiquemall.com
With new and pre-owned inventory, a stateof-the-art parts ‘n’ service department, plus a wide range of brands, price points and after-market accessories, Young Powersports is your one-stop shop for snowmobiles, on- and off-road vehicles, even motorcycles (built for both speed or ‘round-the-town rides). Find them online, or just look for that looming Centerville water tower in front of their bustling complex. youngpowersportsxl.com
2. Steadman’s Recreation Inc
3. Weller Recreation
It’s well-known that when you move to Utah, you surrender any non-Subaru vehicle you own at the state border, immediately envisioning yourself behind the wheel of a sensible Outback. Mark Miller Subaru is a perfect place to make your transition to the Subaruhive State, with a large selection of new and pre-owned vehicles and a parts ‘n’ service department that’ll keep your sled running for the obligatory decade or 200k miles. Whichever comes first. markmillersubaru.com
2. Nate Wade Subaru
3. Young Subaru
Jed’s Barber Shop is all about inclusiveness and has been rocking it as one of the first barber shops in SLC to join Strands for Trans. They’re trendsetters for all ages, and kept their staff strong through the pandemic. Here, hair and talent know no gender—just good feelings all around! People flock to Jed’s for the friendly atmosphere and the unbeatable free games and soda, which you won’t find anywhere else. jedsbarbershop.com
2. The Salt Lake Barber Company
3. Savant Barbershop
Established in 1977, this bookstore has become a beloved staple in Salt Lake City. Its intimate and welcoming atmosphere, combined with a team of friendly and knowledgeable book-lovers, makes shopping in The King’s English a one-of-a-kind experience. This locally-owned store not only sells a carefully curated selection of books, but also connects with the community by hosting events, local authors and book groups. kingsenglish.com
2. Under the Umbrella Bookstore
3. Lovebound Library
Go into REI and just try to leave without spending at least $50. You won’t! Slick little foldable camping tables, sleeping bags and blankets galore—what’s not to like? They’ve got a generous return policy, epic deals on used equipment and a ton of rentals available to members. You can trust that what you buy at REI will last. rei.com/stores/salt-lake-city
2. Recreation Outlet
3. Smith & Edwards
Mia’s sweet soul, depth of knowledge and patience with cannabis newbies has been a massive help to Salt Lakers navigating the over-complicated world of medical marijuana. Patients applauded her great smile and overall attitude. Not only is she a cool as heck budtender, but she’s also the lead singer of local garage band Drusky! IG: @miahickenmusic
2. Dennis Magana, WholesomeCo Cannabis
3. Michael Johnson, Bloc Pharmacy South Jordan
WholesomeCo Cannabis
WholesomeCo Cannabis has employees who will spend time answering all your questions. They have great knowledge of the products and can give helpful advice depending on whatever stage of the cannabis journey you find yourself. They have a wide selection of concentrates with flavors ranging from Trop Cookies x Strawberry Guava to White Truffle to Menthol, and many more! wholesome.co
2. Dragonfly Wellness
3. Pure Plan Medical
Dragonfly’s selection of gummies and tablets is truly astounding. The piña colada and strawberryflavored tablets are standouts for their sweet, weed-less flavor. The DragonBites sleep gummies are heavenly, with the perfect balance of CBD, CBN and THC to knock you out at bedtime. Looking for more of a pick-me-up? The DragonBites active gummies are great for helping you feel alert and focused. You won’t find a better variety of options in Utah. dragonflywellness.com
2. Cannabist Dispensary
3. Bloc Pharmacy (South Jordan)
The high CBD content can help reduce anxiety without the paranoia that comes with THC, reviewers have noted, making Kush Kube a good option for people looking for help sleeping. They pack a punch and are widely available at gas stations and smoke shops around the Salt Lake Valley. kingbdistribution.com
2. Koodegras
3. Hemplucid
One reviewer said that everything they’ve sampled from Beehive has been “riptastic”. What else can one really say? The variety of strains available is delightful, with SLC Scoops, Red Velvet and Chem Cake standing out as favorites among customers. Beehive always seems to have something good on hand, even when other pharmacies in the valley are sold out. beehivefarmacy.com
2. Bloc Pharmacy (South Jordan)
3. Curaleaf UT (Lehi)
With warm and knowledgeable providers, easy scheduling and digestible learning materials, it’s easy to see why KindlyMD stands above the rest around these parts. They help take the stress out of qualifying for your medical card and will have you in and out in less than an hour. kindlymd.com
2. Empathetix
3. Mountain West Medical Clinic
WholesomeCo Cannabis is known for being clean, simple, informative and easy to navigate. They have a wide selection of products at fair prices, and even offer free delivery for purchases over $50. The friendly staff are welcoming and ready to share their wealth of knowledge about the products. Visit the brick-and-mortar location in Bountiful, or check out the online store, with guaranteed discreet delivery. wholesome.co
2. Dragonfly Wellness
3. The Flower Shop (Ogden)
Whether you’re tuning up your ride for the season or building out the components on a Franken-bike, Saturday Cycles has what you need and, better yet, at the prices you want to pay. Trust this handy crew to get your gear in working order and you’ll be back to cranking the gears in no time. saturdaycycles.com 2. Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective
Wasatch Touring
Saturday Cycles
Salt Lakers love Saturday Cycles, with its friendly, knowledgeable staff and a broad range of services and gear at affordable prices. But it wasn’t always the easiest place to get to on a bike, perched between a highway and a freeway ramp. Now, in its new biking- and transit-friendly location in the Depot District (and on the future Green Loop!), there are more reasons than ever to love this charming local bike shop. saturdaycycles.com 2. Contender Bicycles 3. Guthrie Bicycle Co.
The Dragonbalm is the star of the show here, offering relief from headaches and colds, arthritic pains, and muscle strains. The 2:1 THC to CBD ratio offers a nice balance between the heady and bodily effects. It’s like they combined Vick’s Vapor Rub and Icy Hot! dragonflywellness.com/products/topicals
2. WholesomeCo Cannabis
3. The Flower Shop (Ogden)
There’s a nice variety of uses at Muscle MX with a special focus on athletic performance and recovery. The Activate CBD Balm loosens stiff muscles, while Recovery lessens joint pain and reduces inflammation. The balm comes in a deodorant-like stick, which makes it easy to pack for long trips or tournament days. musclemx.com
2. Koodegras No. 9
3. Farmer & Chemist: Problem Salved
The wide range of options is what makes HempLucid shine. Reviews of their tinctures, sleep gummies and lotions are nothing but glowing; prices are affordable and online orders are simple. Whether you’re looking for something to soothe an aging pet or help you drift off to sleep without using THC, HempLucid has you covered. hemplucid.com
2. Acrely Farms CBD
3. Beehive Buds
Founded in 2015, Koodegras was the first CBD specialty store in Utah. They sell small-batch, artisanal 100% THC-free CBD, and also offer “full spectrum” products. Among their 200 products are oils, tinctures, lotions, edibles, gel caps, tablets, topicals, bath bombs, patches, vaporizer cartridges and even products for dogs. Reviews cite the wide variety of products, excellent quality, and friendly, helpful staff well-versed on CBD’s available products and health benefits. koodegras.com
2. Acrely Farms CBD
3. Farmer & Chemist
IconoCLAD is a favorite because they emphasize community. Their staff are helpful and there is always a wide variety of clothing, whether you are looking for fun festival outfits, last-minute rave accessories or just everyday attire. Their second-hand clothing is high quality, which makes for a fun thrifting experience.
IG: @IconoCLAD
2. Pib’s Exchange
3. Retro Betty
Sugar House has gone through a ton of changes over the past two decades, but Black Cat is one of the few shops that has become a local staple. Greg Gage has done an amazing job of providing a bounty of options, both old and new, as well as collectibles you can’t find elsewhere. Not even a car coming through the front door a few years ago shook them from their spot! blackcat-comics.com
2. The Nerd Store
3. Dr. Volt’s Comic Connection
If you haven’t gone through your closet lately, then consider this to be your own personal sign! IconoCLAD is open to buying your gently worn clothing, shoes, and accessories at a good price. They offer in-store credit, which can make shopping a more ecofriendly experience without breaking the bank. IG: @IconoCLAD
2. Pib’s Exchange
3. The Other Side Thrift Boutique
This facility isn’t dedicated to a single track of education. Instead, it offers a variety of programming for chefs of all ages. You can be well on your way to calling yourself “chef” before long, if that’s your choice, or you can simply become a better weekend baker. With kitchen culture having a moment like never before, Salt Lake Culinary Education can take anyone to the next level. sliceutah.com
Festive adornments from Millcreek Gardens
2. Glover Nursery
3. J&J Nursery and Garden Center Best
When you’re looking for beautiful adornment to your landscaping, you want to make choices that are as smart as they are aesthetically pleasing. Millcreek Gardens has spent decades providing Utahns with fantastic flora, as well as helpful guidelines for where, when and how to plant your new additions. And they’re terrific at guiding those who are interested in showcasing native plants. millcreekgardens.com
What’s a better pick-me-up than a fresh coffee and snack from a beloved, locally-owned coffee shop?
Knowing you can share the wealth with your dog, too! Bjorn’s Brew is built to serve you and your pets. Not only are their dog bones a hit for your canine companions, but Bjorn’s celebrates our local pet population by featuring “Pets of the Week” and donating to animal charities. bjornsbrew.com
2. Rebel Paw
3. Ma & Paws Bakery
This Italian food market has a fantastic meat and cheese department, shelves of sauces and condiments, a wine section and a variety of other items like beverages and chocolates. The deli area has a menu of entrees with a great selection of salads and appetizers. Stop in, grab a sandwich and pick out some deli for dinner. caputos.com
2. Pirate O’s
3. Siegfried’s Delicatessen
Despite having to move buildings during the pandemic, owner Omar Jamhour has brought the shop to life while adding to the heart of downtown. With giant windows, it’s a great place to study solo or to chat with friends. It’s also a mix of old and new—a historical building with charm as well as modern touches like the iconic LED sign. Stop in for caffeine or a variety of foods. IG: @thepeoplescoffeeutah
2. Black Cat Comics
3. Sauced Up Salsa LLC
If you’d like to look someone in the eye who knows their stuff about fishing before you buy your next lure, pole or tackle, go no further than Western Rivers. The staff is friendly and extremely knowledgeable, and the selection of products makes this the perfect one-stop shop before your next fishing trip. westernriversflyfishing.com
2. Fish Tech Outfitters
3. Sportsman’s Warehouse
Best Florist
There are a few things you want from a florist: high quality, diverse stock and a helpful staff to point you in the right direction. Cactus & Tropicals has provided all of the above and more during nearly 50 years serving the Utah community, with cut flowers, wreaths, blooming arrangements and more for every possible occasion. cactusandtropicals.com
2. Native Flower Company
3. Hillside Floral
Decrease that screen time at Game Night Games and get back to the old-fashioned ways of mingling with like-minded table top fans, card game aficionados and board game addicts. The staff is friendly and will have no problem introducing you to something new. Check the event calendar and engage with the vibrant community of meet-ups every single night of the week. The Game Room is boss. gamenightgames.com 2. The Nerd Store 3. The Legendarium
With Utah being one of the biggest states for board-gaming, it should come as no surprise that Game Night Games has found its niche in the community as a one-stop-shop for whatever game you may be looking to play. They have managed to keep their finger on the gaming pulse for everything ranging from family nights all the way to die-hard TTRPG players. gamenightgames.com
2. Hastur Games & Hobbies
3. Oasis Games
Harmon’s pastry chefs craft an ever-changing selection of delicious desserts to satisfy any sweet craving. They make everything fresh, from elegant cakes to fruit tarts, cannoli, classic crème brulee, maple bars and kouign-amann. It’s always cookie season, ranging from gingersnaps to snickerdoodles. Harmon’s meets every bakery need with an endless procession of crusty artisan loaves of bread to accompany soup, create a sandwich or eat with bread and jam. harmonsgrocery.com
2. Dick’s Market (Bountiful)
3. Soelberg’s Market
What sets Lucero apart is their commitment to inclusivity and their approach to giving each client an individual, customized hair experience. Their goal is to allow each person to see themselves authentically and perfectly as they are when they are done—that is what “wellness” means. Lucero does not take their careers or professionals lightly, only bringing on folks who have the truest sense of their inclusive mission. IG: @lucerohair_andwellness
2. Landis Lifestyle Salon
3. Lunatic Fringe
If you’re dreaming of a whimsical afternoon of pampering, look no further than Kura Door! Their Ofuro Bath is a must-try experience (words will not do this experience justice), and the facials are nothing short of magical transformations. Stepping through the door of the location nestled in The Avenues feels like entering a fantastical realm of relaxation and rejuvenation, all genders welcome. thekuradoor.com
2. Sego Lily Spa
3. CoCo Art & Spa
In business since 1989, this family-run operation works in the realm of the expected, selling engagement and wedding rings and the like through an ethical, sustainable model. Specializing in custom-made pieces, the shop’s also your only stop in the event that a piece of jewelry has become damaged, with the craftsfolk of this storefront often seen hard at work through the shop’s big front windows. 9thand9thjewelers.com
2. Tresor Jewelers
3. Mineral and Matter
Salsa Queen is a household name. What started as a delicious local salsa offering has grown into a dip empire, with varieties spanning pico to tomatillo to creamy chipotle to fancy freeze dried packs. Fit for every occasion and sensibility, Salsa Queen unabashedly stuffs her salsas with fresh flavors impossible to find in store-bought varieties. And, without fillers and preservatives, each mouthful will have you chanting “all hail the queen!” salsaqueen.com
2. Salsa Del Diablo
3. Sauced Up Salsa LLC
Love Communications is a business that brands organizations, re-brands organizations and rejuvenates the brands of organizations. They do well at creating an emotional connection by making the message of your business stick with great brand development and creative production, media planning and buying, management and implementation, as well as PR and community outreach to help customers take notice. lovecomm.net
2. FUEL Marketing
3. Sky Digital Media
When you walk into the office of any MACU, the thing that strikes you is the calm of the place, the staff moving through their list of customer needs with a steady ease. Need a $10,000 loan to help you through the slow season? Or are you simply struggling to remember PIN numbers? The good folks at MACU will help you negotiate the big and small vexations of your business banking life. macu.com
Big things come in small packages—and The Store proves this is true. While carrying national brands, The Store is truly big if you are searching for Utah-sourced products. Offering a plethora of delicious and unique local items, it also has an in-house bakery, butcher and self-serve food buffets. Add to this the curated gift packages, gourmet pre-prepared meals, wood-fired pizzas and catering, and you wonder how such a small package can hold so much. thestorefinefoods.com
Liberty Heights Fresh
Hello! Bulk Markets
This elegant bottle not only calls your eye with its beauty, but also serves as a tribute to survivors of breast cancer. A portion of Cerulea sales is donated to support breast cancer research. And get this, the lavender colored gin changes color when mixed with ingredients of other pH levels. Simply remarkable. holystonedistilling.com 2. Vintage Distillery, Vintage Spirits Distillery
Salt City Vodka
UFirst Credit Union is known for its kind management and co-workers, with room to grow and excellent benefits. People who work there praise that the goals set by the Credit Union are achievable and allow for growth in the company and that there are always opportunities to try something new. The HR department is also made up of helpful staff who are easy to talk to. ufirstcu.com
2. Young Automotive Group
3. HK Brewing Collective Taproom & Bar
Utah is known for its outdoors, and the best place to get high quality gear while also supporting a local business is Cotopaxi. They pride themselves at providing wellthought-out options for travelers who want both organization and comfort. Their durable and lightweight bags are especially praised and they have great customer service. cotopaxi.com
2. Skullcandy
3. Black Diamond Equipment
With an increasingly-cosmopolitan residential base, Salt Lake City doesn’t lack for great international markets, be they global or hyper-regional. Since 2011, Black Cherry’s carved out a great niche, carrying products of all sorts in Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, kosher and specialty varieties. For a fun and educational look at the products, check out the shop’s Facebook page, which gives a glimpse at the myriad options available, from hookahs to seasonings to fresh produce. blackcherrymarket.com
2. Specialty Market
3. Shahrazad Market and Restaurant
Along any major thoroughfare, stores selling hemp-related products have gained a mainstream acceptance in recent years, with products now apart from the exclusively-human. Pet CBD products are a staple at Roxy’s, with the brands HempLucid and Pet Releaf among their offerings. As with products geared to the two-legged set, these CBD products offer everything from stress relief to the minimization of joint pain, with flavors that’ll speak to the animals in your household. roxyscbdandwellness.com
2. HempLucid
3. Koodegras
of the last places in contemporary society in which all citizens move about in a single, civic venue. Modernized into the quarter-million square-foot, five-story structure that it occupies today, SLC’s main library is a handsome building serving a noble purpose. slcpl.org
Best Private Bar Service
Your Favorite Bartender
For those new to Utah or uninitiated in the complications of alcohol services for public or private events, Your Favorite Bartender is the go-to for education, understanding and damn good drinks. Fully equipped with their own craft syrups, the local owners/operators/bartenders create traditional and nontraditional drinks for the pickiest or most experimental palettes. yourfavoritebartender.org
2. Premier Event Services
3. Lux Catering
Dog moms and dads rave about the gentle and thoughtful treatment that Isabel, McKenna and the other groomers provide. The spa has earned a reputation for working with larger breeds like German Shepherds and huskies. Looking at the before and after pictures of their clientele is definitely worth at least 15 minutes of your time. arniesdogspa.com
2. A Cut Above Pet Salon
3. Kibbles & Cuts
If all you want is a 50-pound bag of massproduced kibble, you’ve got grocery stores and chain pet emporia. But if you want options for the healthiest specialty pet food, you need a place like The Dog’s Meow, with its impressive stock of wholesome options for dogs and cats. And if you’re visiting select locations, you can also take advantage of dog-washing stations to keep your pooch their fresh-and-friskiest. dogsmeow.com
2. Healthy Pets (Salt Lake City)
3. Ma & Paws Bakery
It takes a good piercer to relax a newbie offering up their precious flesh for its first puncture, and a great one to get the person facing the needle to openly laugh. Dustin is a piercer whose proficiency, professionalism and artistry is evenly met with his disarming communication. Appointments by text are greatly appreciated by those of us who are phone call averse. Go get yourself a little more hole-y today. ensopiercing.com
2. Courtney Marriott, Abyss Body Piercing
3. Kristina Butterfield, The Piercing Place
Getting a piercing can bring on some anxiety, which is why going somewhere that feels clean and safe is always important. KOI Piercing Studio has staff who will provide you with as much information as possible about your piercing and help you feel comfortable during the process. They also have a wide selection of high-quality jewelry in the store, so you can shop while you are there. koipiercingslc.com
2. Abyss Body Piercing
Red Butte Garden spans 100 acres at the University of Utah and is the largest botanical garden in the Intermountain West. The stunning Orangerie and Fragrance Garden, filled with aromatic plants, provide a picturesque setting for weddings, celebrations, engagements and work retreats, featuring breathtaking views and a magical ambiance. It is a beautiful space for every occasion, and their staff facilitate memorable experiences—both of which keep folks coming back long after their event. redbuttegarden.org
2. Cactus & Tropicals
3. Church & State
Since COVID’s rude introduction into our consciousness, the concept of remote working’s only become more pronounced. But at Kiln, you can sip a coffee and not feel the guilt of tying up a public table for the afternoon. With pretty much every amenity, Kiln gives you the best of all worlds: privacy when needed, community and comradeship and all the bells and whistles you could ask for. kiln.com
2. Red Butte Garden Courtyard
3. Church & State
When a decades-old K-Mart up and died, a giant parcel of land in Murray suddenly opened once again for development. Enter visionary apartment community builder ICO, (an arm of Ivory Homes) and The Royce on 9th was born. Combining a premier mid-valley location, easy transit and thoroughfare access and nearby dining and nightlife with high-level living amenities and comfortable apartments, it’s no wonder The Royce is already getting raves. liveattheroyce.com
2. Avia
3. Sterling Pointe Apartments
Whether you’re an ultra-marathoner or just getting started with jogs around your block, having the proper gear makes all the difference in the world. From the latest in footwear design to performance clothing that keeps you looking and feeling your best, Salt Lake Running Company has everything you need and the helpful, knowledgeable staff to get you laced up and ready to pound the pavement. saltlakerunning.com
2. Runner’s Corner
3. RunGr8 Running Center
You know that thing you forgot (or lost) on your last climb, backpacking trip, trail run or other adventure? There’s a good shot you can find it here for a fair price. They’ve got a fantastic selection of outdoor goods and run a ton of sales to help you get back outside without breaking
Apparel brands and boards at Milosport
Celebrating 40 years of serving SLC’s snowboard scene, MILO has been our go-to shop before most resorts even allowed the sport. Inside you’ll find a curated mix of local apparel brands alongside hard-to-find boards like Gentemstick. And the sales team knows their stuff—you’ll likely spot them slashing at Snowbird or Brighton on their days off. milosport.com
2. Salty Peaks Snowboard Shop
3. Ski ‘N See Ft. Union
Whether you are a first-time shooter or a pro, TNT Guns & Range is safe respite from the fears of open-air ranges or trips to the tops of mountains with empty cans and a few pistols. Offering all types of gun rentals, their professionals assist in setup, instruction and operation. Utilize their clear pricing for a one-off, a membership, or corporate events. tntgunrange.com
2. Lee Kay Public Shooting Range
3. Bountiful Lions Club Rifle Range
Let’s make a bet to see if you can go to any Utah skatepark without spotting at least one Milosport logo. From decks to apparel, sunnies and stickers, MILO has been outfitting Utah’s skate scene since 1984. MILO’s roster is so impressive, it reads like a who’s who of the biggest names in pro skateboarding and snowboarding. If Milosport is good enough for these folks, it’s damn sure good enough for you too. milosport.com
2. Raunch Records & Skate
3. Beehive Skate Shop
If there was ever a doubt that Salt Lake’s a destination for the skiing-inclined, check out the arrivals at the airport sometime. If those travelers were ever to mispack something, locals might send them to the Sports Den, where their ski shop’s got customers covered. The Sports Den has what you need: boots, poles, gear, all sold by experienced staffers. Plus, they’ve got athleisure wear that’ll look great for bumming around the resort. sportsden.com
2. Lone Pine Gear Exchange
3. Wasatch Touring
Coming up on a decade in business, Blackhouse Vapor has something figured out. With a facility that looks more like a lounge than their competitors’ brightly-lit shops, the staff at Blackhouse familiarize customers with the latest in vape and smoke products. Bringing back a regular client base by supplying them with the best products around ought to allow Blackhouse a solid chance to remain in this game for another decade, or more. blackhousevapor.com
2. Murray Vapes
3. Robertsons Smoke & Coffee Shop
With a pleasingly diverse selection of plants and unique gift offerings that can be found throughout the entire year, Cactus & Tropicals is not just a plant paradise but also a stunning venue for special events. The temperature-controlled interiors give off a welcoming hue of humidity and fresh flowers. cactusandtropicals.com
2. Glover Nursery
3. Orchid Dynasty
Best Tattoo Shop
Studio Elev8
This traditional shop is giving way to strategies that make the tattoo experience better for the artist and client alike. It’s a nice blend of modern and traditional, starting with a required consultation to make sure that the client is on the same page with the artist. There’s a truly distinct feel between the different artists’ styles as well, with darker, more horror-inspired work at home alongside brighter, sillier designs. studioelev8.com
2. Only Forever Tattoo
3. Salty Kitten Tattoo Co.
Mike’s art stands on its own for its dynamism and boldness. He creates bright, expansive designs and has a great instinct for how to design a piece using the contours of the subject’s bodies. He also specializes in dermagraphics and is one of the best in the nation at areola restorations for survivors of breast cancer. studioelev8.com/mike-johnson
2. Ashley Love, Only Forever Tattoo
3. Danny Madsen, The Garden Electric
Looking to turn your yard into a leafy paradise? Glover Nursery has you covered. This family-owned garden store stocks foliage that thrives in Utah’s desert climate, and their friendly plant pros will guide you to the best trees and shrubs for your space. Glover even offers landscape consulting if you’re looking for a full redesign of your outdoor oasis. glovernursery.com
2. J&J Nursery and Garden Center
3. Arbor Day Nursery
With over 56 years of experience in the tree care service, Diamond has perfected its business model. With four certified arborists on staff and service across the Wasatch Front, Diamond will meet the needs of any job large or small. They offer free estimates, tree removal, trimming, stump grinding, work area clean-up and will recycle waste into a sustainable mulch. diamondtreeexperts.com
2. SuperTrees Utah
3. Amen Trees
Growing up, every kid dreams of a Narnia-like passageway—a door or wall that opens up to a fantasy-filled world. Kuwahara Wholesale is a small, familiar bungalow-style home converted back and back and back into magically well-maintained greenhouses of flowering plants. Their offerings change seasonally, and they support other local businesses through their farmer’s market. They even have positive reviews on Nextdoor, where all good things die a fiery death. kuwaharawholesale.com
2. Glover Nursery
There are times in every pet guardian’s life in which outside aid is needed—sometimes urgently. Be it a complicated surgery or an annual check-up, Hillside Veterinary Hospital is able to help most small animals, with half-hour diagnoses and consultations offered before varied options are offered. Inside a state-ofthe-art facility, Hillside’s large roster of veterinarians, nurses and support staff are there to make the experience the best possible, for both pet and owner. hillsidevet.com
2. University Veterinary Hospital & Diagnostic Center
3. VCA Cottonwood Animal Hospital
Since 1978, Randy’s Records has been a one-stop shop for any Utah vinyl lover. Their wide collection of records and their knowledgeable staff make this record shop Utah’s best. Not only do they sell both new and used vinyl records (yes, you can sell your records at Randy’s, too!), but they also sell new and used CDs, turntables, amplifiers and speakers. Randy’s really has it all. randysrecords.com
2. Graywhale Entertainment
3. Daybreak Records
Unique fashions at Pib’s Exchange
Curated collections of eccentric oddities await beyond the walls of this local vintage-lover’s haven, filled to the brim with some sort of sweater or smock for even the pickiest of fashionistas. With clothing for every gender, enticing bits and bobs as accessories, and hard-to-find rarities mixed with newly minted band merchandise, Pib’s has long been taken up by the community as a treasure trove of stone-cold style. pibsexchange.com 2. IconoCLAD 3. The Other Side Thrift Boutique
In Utah’s rapidly evolving wellness industry, Kush Kube stands out as the leader in botanical science, dedicated to purity, regulatory compliance, and scientific integrity. The brand is the latest endeavor from Ryan Bowen, a visionary entrepreneur known for his exacting standards and reputation for quality. Bowen previously founded Pure Water Solutions of America, a trusted provider of office drinking water systems and ice dispensers across multiple states. Under his leadership, the company grew to serve in Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, and Washington, establishing itself as the prominent player in the industry.
Now, through King B Distribution, Bowen brings this same commitment to excellence to Kush Kube, introducing two distinct products: the hemp-based Kush Kube and the Kratom-infused Kratom Kube. Each product invites consumers to explore botanical wellness with a focus on science, quality, and trust.
Transparency is central to King B Distribution’s mission. From sourcing raw ingredients to final formulation, every step reflects Bowen’s belief that wellness products should be grounded in science and integrity. Drawing on his background with Pure Water Solutions, Bowen upholds meticulous standards, partnering closely with the Utah Department of Agriculture to ensure that each Kush Kube and Kratom Kube product meets
Kush Kube redefines hemp-based wellness products, crafted with precise attention to the 2018 Farm Bill guidelines, which allow hemp-derived products with less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC by dry weight. These gummies are carefully formulated to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, supporting mood, stress management, and overall balance. Blending nature with scientific rigor, Kush Kube is a compliant, reliable choice for consumers seeking calm and balance.
Bowen describes Kush Kube as more than a product; it is a science-driven experience. This approach highlights his dedication to transparency and rigorous testing, ensuring that every batch reflects the high standards of both federal guidelines and Utah’s wellness industry.
strict safety protocols. For Bowen, transparency is more than a practice; it is a philosophy that defines the brand’s relationship with consumers.
Bowen’s goal is to offer complete transparency so that when consumers choose Kush Kube or Kratom Kube, they are selecting a brand committed to quality at every stage.
Through Kush Kube and Kratom Kube, Ryan
While Kush Kube offers the benefits of hemp, Kratom Kube introduces consumers to a different botanical experience. Sourced from the Southeast Asian Mitragyna speciosa plant, Kratom Kube presents the traditional benefits of Kratom, known for its unique alkaloids that may support focus and relaxation. Crafted with precision, Kratom Kube is a safe and trusted option for those interested in exploring wellness beyond conventional paths.
Bowen sees Kratom Kube as its own unique entity, respecting its distinctive properties by ensuring every batch meets rigorous standards for safety and compliance. This commitment provides consumers with a reliable, independent choice in botanical wellness.
Bowen is redefining botanical wellness in Utah, providing meticulously crafted products that allow consumers to explore each botanical’s unique benefits. These products embody Bowen’s unwavering commitment to integrity, scientific precision, and quality. In an industry often filled with unverified claims, Kush Kube sets a new standard - where every choice, ingredient, and process reflects a dedication to transparency and trust.
For more information, please visit: www. kingbdistribution.com
The Open Streets program started on Main Street, swapping congestion for sidewalk dining, street performers and foot traffic. But 2024 saw the party shift to the Granary District, with a beautiful mural reclaiming excess roadway and a temporary roundabout calming traffic. Throughout September, a neglected industrial zone became a vibrant community hub, showing how every neighborhood can benefit from prioritizing people over cars, and how doing so requires little more than a bucket of paint. thegranarydistrict.com
Looking for a unique gift for the person who has everything? Look no further than a Chinese Golden Scorpion, Ibex skull or Prognathodon tooth. Feeling more romantic? Perhaps a Tiger’s eye mineral bracelet or a set of meteorite stud earrings instead. From insects to minerals, from land or sea, Natür Showroom in Midvale has everything and anything you’re looking for when it comes to the absolutely not mundane. naturshowroom.com
It’s well established that Salt Lake City’s streets are unusually wide. That means a lot of space to work with, but lazy leaders were long content to phone it in on street design, pouring asphalt wall to wall and drawing in as many car lanes as possible. Finally, someone had the good sense to claim a piece of one road for the humble bus— improving transit, safety and walkability while leaving plenty of room for drivers.
Making land productive is a satisfying endeavor, made even more satisfying when the effort is shared. Wasatch Community Gardens is a popular enough space for that work that there’s usually a waiting list, but it’s worth that wait. And if you have no previous experience with gardening, never fear! They also offer education courses to help you with the basics you need to get started. wasatchgardens.org
This non-profit open access print shop offers classes and workshops that appeal to a wide range of individuals. Their events are geared so that beginners and the more skilled among us can work alongside each other. They work with local schools and businesses as well as with artists from both near and far. saltgrassprintmakers.org
Since its founding in 1989, TreeUtah has been dogged in its efforts with tree-planting and stewardship education around the state. Among its varied verdant initiatives is its commendable work in addressing urban heat zones and air pollution along Salt Lake City’s west side. With as many historically underserved urban areas as we have, and with temperature extremes likely to increase due to climate change, the work that TreeUtah is doing is indeed evergreen. treeutah.org
For those of you who do have Celiac, Good Food Gluten Free Bakery wants you to know they have your back. Bakery items don’t have to taste like cardboard, and that’s why owner Maren K. hires some who eat gluten: “We want to feed our community and fulfill a need.” Good Food has expanded from cupcakes and cookies to a weekly fry fest of donuts, and their specialty item, eclairs. IG: @goodfoodglutenfreebakery
For our 40th Anniversary Rewind project, we at City Weekly were obliged to make extensive use of scanners. Without infinite resources at our disposal and with boxes to work through, we thought it best to turn to our local libraries. In the end we were glad we did, for the staff at Salt Lake County’s Whitmore Branch was supportive and accommodating. And for a community paper, what’s more community-oriented than the local library?
The 9th and 9th neighborhood has long been the unofficial cycling capital of Salt Lake, with smaller-scale blocks and narrow, tree-lined streets helping to keep cars at bay, a charming variety of shops and restaurants, and the weekly 999 bike ride. But the new 9-Line Trail has taken things to another level, making 900 South the one corridor in the city where two-wheeled travelers are treated with the respect that drivers take for granted elsewhere.
2. Park City
3. Sugar House
Bonwood Bowl is, has been, and always will be a staple attraction for family fun, office holiday parties and tentative first dates. Lanes galore entice the senses upon entry, and laughter of all ages beckons near and far across the large building. With finger-licking good salty snacks always on hand, a bar area for 21+ bowl aficionados, and affordable prices, Bonwood is the pinnacle of fun and games in Utah. bonwoodbowl.com
2. Olympus Hills Bowling Lanes
3. Pins & Ales (Draper)
While many of us dream of owning a cabin up Big Cottonwood Canyon to cool off and unplug, a more budgetfriendly option is camping at Spruces. Nestled among towering spruce, aspen and pine trees, this scenic getaway offers dozens of spacious campsites, including group sites, and access to hiking trails, mountain biking and fishing. Enjoy cool mountain air, babbling streams and stunning views of the Wasatch Mountains. Open May-September, no dogs allowed. gocamputah.com
2. Bear Lake
3. Cecret Lake
A designated International Dark Sky Park since 2015, Capitol Reef offers pristine night sky vistas and unparalleled stargazing. The park hosts four Night Sky Data Collection Sites and seven recommended stargazing areas including three campgrounds, Panorama Point, Danish Hill, Slickrock Divide and more. Pick up a night sky chart at the visitors center to help pinpoint constellations visible at various times of the year. nps.gov
2. Goblin Valley State Park
3. Dinosaur National Monument
The Roots course was one of the first-ever Utah disc courses in the 1980s before being converted to a par-3 ball golf course, then back to a disc course in 2014. But it’s not just nostalgia that makes it a favorite, as the location boasts plenty of mature trees near the Jordan River Parkway and offers both a great course for beginners and the challenge of obstacles like the river. pdga.com/course-directory/course/ roots-disc-golf-course
2. Brighton Resort
3. Goblin Valley State Park
It’s been said that Utah has too many options for adventure seekers—like having so many buffet options that it causes one to pile up on just a few items and never sample everything. That’s not really a bad thing, especially when, among the centerpieces of Utah’s adventure buffet, is world-class river-running. And there, Western River Expeditions dresses the entire table, focusing on Moab but also extending into Oregon, Idaho and Arizona. westernriver.com
2. Brighton Mountain Sports
3. Women’s Wine Hiking Society
Learning rocks! Whether it’s freezing cold or blazing hot outside, gather the kids together and let them explore the great outdoors from the comfort of an HVAC system. With new events and exhibitions opening all the time, hands-on fun and games and extensive knowledge of the wonderful world around us, don’t miss out on the knowledge that lies outside your backdoor, and those that cultivate it. nhmu.utah.edu
If you were to draw up a list of patently allAmerican ways for a family to enjoy an afternoon together, a trip to the zoo would be high up on said list. Hogle Zoo, with its rolling hills and multi-sectioned exhibits, begs for a severalhour visit. Not to be missed is the three-acre Wild Utah exhibit, which features animals with close ties to the region. Various discounts and seasonal promotions are available. hoglezoo.org
Over the years, there’s surely been a wouldbe outdoors-person whose ambition to explore outstripped their knowledge of a given area. Western Rivers Flyfisher offers the types of services that’ll keep you from winding up on the evening news, lost in the great western expanse. With a combination of services including retail sales, guided tours and classes, this operation has been around since 1986. westernriversflyfishing.com
A spooky sight at Red Butte Garden’s BOOtanical
Every October, Red Butte Garden transforms into a bewitched wonderland where you’ll discover spooky surprises around every hedgerow. While the Halloween theme changes annually (previous years included Alice in Wonderland and Harry Potter), you can expect
family-friendly scavenger hunts by day and slightly scarier sights by night, along with costumed characters, storytelling, live music and hot chocolate. redbuttegarden.org
2. Living Traditions Festival 3. Salt Lake City Greek Festival
Need to soak away your stress? World-renowned Lava Hot Springs is just a hop, skip and a jump across the Idaho border. Summer sees families floating the Portneuf River and surging down water slides at the Hot Springs’ Olympic Swimming Complex. Come winter, head four blocks upriver for a warming dip in the famous hot pools. There are five to choose between, and the swimming complex is open 365 days a year. lavahotsprings.com
2. Jackson Hole
3. Maple Grove Hot Springs
Need to get away? How does more than 450,000 acres of offgrid wilderness in Utah’s highest mountain peaks sound? It’s no wonder the High Uintas are our favorite remote retreat, legally designated in 1984 by the Utah Wilderness Act. Dispersed camping can be found nearly anywhere (stay at least 200 feet from water sources), and with a high-clearance ride, you can venture as far off the beaten path as your adventurous side will allow.
2. The Cliff Spa
3. Crystal Hot Springs
The most luxurious way to enjoy Bear Lake is Conestoga Ranch. Its well-appointed tents and charming wagons blend rustic charm with modern comfort, providing cozy beds, private bathrooms and hotel-level amenities, but with the open air and starry sky views that make camping so appealing. On-site dining at the Campfire Grill offers delicious farm-to-table fare, because who wants burnt hot dogs when you can enjoy local wagyu burgers and Idaho trout? conestogaranch.com
2. East Zion Resort
3. Under Canvas Moab
Southern Utah is fast becoming the idyllic destination for golf enthusiasts. In 2024, the PGA Tour returned to the Beehive State for the first time since 1963, a testament to the growing popularity and pride Utahns have for the sport. Surrounded by a serene backdrop of red rock and well-maintained greens and fairways, Moab Golf Course is an out-of-this-world golf experience. Rates are affordable too, coming in at $52 a round. moabgolfcourse.com
2. Palisade Golf Course
3. Carbon Country Club Golf Course
Bells offers a moderately challenging 4.8 mile hike that is beloved as much for its stunning scenery as it is for a good workout. Beginning near Little Cottonwood Canyon, it traverses a series of short switchbacks before leading to the reservoir. For a shorter hike, you can loop around the reservoir and return back down, or continue onto the upper trail and test your endurance with rockier terrain up to a waterfall.
2. Mt. Timpanogos
3. Natural Area At Red Butte Garden
Utah mountain bikers are blessed—the envious might even say “spoiled”—with an abundance of world-class routes along the Wasatch Front. Tying it all together is the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, a 100-mile-long (for now) utilitarian workhorse that can serve as the first and last miles of a trek up through the towering peaks or as a standalone ride, alternately challenging and thrilling in its own right with some of the best valley views around. bonnevilleshorelinetrail.org
2. Wasatch Crest Trail
3. Brighton
Utahns can’t miss depictions of Delicate Arch—on license plates, billboards and commercials for the “Mighty Five,” in guidebooks and galleries. And yet, there’s no denying the magic when a hiker crests the short-but-steep trail and arrives at the state’s most famous rock, perched atop a natural amphitheater on the edge of a vertigo-inducing cliff face—all of which combines for one of the greatest landscape views in the world. nps.gov/arch
2. Goblin Valley Hoodoos
3. Bryce Amphitheater, Bryce Canyon National Park
Paddleboarders at Causey Reservoir
This company’s well aware that you might be a Utahn who feels as if you’ve covered a good amount of the geography of this state. Luckily, they’ve got options for you jaded types, including guided trips in Oregon, Idaho and the Grand Canyon. But if you’re newer to Utah’s natural wonders, or simply wish to experience things you’ve never known (via white water raft) they’ve got you covered. Multiple day packages are available. westernriver.com
2. Sheri Griffith River Expeditions
3. High Country Adventure
Over 10 miles long and suitable for newcomers and intermediately skilled runners, Mill Creek Pipeline Trail is the crème-de-la-crème of trail running in the state. Pipeline has different access points, allowing folks to increase or decrease the level of difficulty on demand. It’s mostly flat aside from a few switchbacks, but don’t let that deter you from the spectacular views of Salt Lake Valley you’ll receive during your hike or run.
This iconic 20-mile drive connects American Fork Canyon with Provo Canyon. While it is the must-go place every autumn for the breathtaking scenery, it’s equally stunning to visit during the summer months. An alternative byway cutoff takes you through the Cascade Springs into Midway, where you can drive slowly to soak it all in. If you have visitors from out of state, this is a great intro to Utah’s beauty. utah.com/ things-to-do/scenic-drives/alpine-loop-scenic-drive
2. Mirror Lake Highway
3. Guardsman Pass
Dinosaur National Monument
Time travel might not be possible right now, but Dinosaur National Monument is the next best thing. This playground for dino lovers located on the UtahColorado border is packed with more than 1,500 fossils that bring the prehistoric past to life. Beyond the bones, you’re in for jaw-dropping scenery, with rugged canyons, winding Green and Yampa rivers and ancient petroglyphs to explore.
2. Helper, Utah
Located just over 10 miles from Huntsville, the easily accessible Causey Reservoir restricts motorized boats, making it ideal for kayaks, canoes and paddleboards. It’s also a great place for a family outing on the water. If you don’t have your own paddleboard you can rent them for a day at multiple locations in Weber County and in Salt Lake County as well. Just be wary of the cliffs, ok? visitogden.com/directory/causey-reservoir
2. East Canyon
3. Smith & Morehouse Reservoir
Moab is a special place, residing at the intersection of great beauty and remarkable history. Boasting a full range of incredibly scenic backcountry trails, you can bring your own vehicle, rent a jeep, or take a guided tour. The Moab Information Center offers maps and guides and assists you with information about trail conditions to ensure safety. Even if you do get lost, it might not be a bad thing in Moab country.
2. Capitol Reef
3. Wonderstone
With its turquoise waters and sandy beaches, Bear Lake is affectionately known as the “Caribbean of the Rockies.” And if the influx of cabins in the area is any indication, it’s cementing its staycation status pretty solidly!
Expect the small towns dotting its shores to be swarming with tourists in the summer. Come winter, enjoy ice fishing and snowmobiling or make Bear Lake your ski base at nearby Beaver Mountain. stateparks.utah.gov/parks/bear-lake
2. Snowbird
3. Grand America Hotel
Utahns are lucky to have such a quality public course like Mountain Dell in their backyard—offering 36 holes at an altitude of 6,000 feet, the Lake and Canyon Course at Mountain Dell is one of the most unique and blissful public golf courses you’ll anywhere, bar none. Taken away from the rest, each hole could be regarded as a signature hole in any other track. slc-golf.com/mountaindell
2. Eaglewood Golf Course
3. Nibley Park Golf Course
Music fans in SLC are blessed with a plethora of outdoor stages to enjoy concerts, with a few fests upping the ante. Cougar Ridge Resort, in the gorgeous and paranormallyactive Torrey, offers a camping-and-concerts experience, featuring the rugged landscape of this corner of the state, along with a music lineup that’s legit no matter the venue. Long may this fest exist under sunny skies and shady tents. fortdesolation.com
2. Moab Music Festival
3. Desert Reverie
2. Friendship Trail
3. Folsom Trail
3. Nine Mile Canyon
Pickleball courts at Millcreek’s Second Summit Hard Cider
Second Summit Hard Cider prides itself on relationships and camaraderie, achieved through activity and interaction. They offer ping-pong, cornhole, live music and movies, though it’s the four lighted pickleball courts that are the centerpiece of activities at this Millcreek establishment. Second Summit is the quintessential locale to hang out, sip some cider and get your dunk and dink on. secondsummitcider.com/pickleball
2. 11th Ave Park
3. Holladay City Center
This west side skatepark has hosted both the Vans Park Series World Championship and the Street League Series Championship Tour. So, not too shabby, eh? Over the past few years, it has expanded to include more street-style aspects like rails, stairs and boxes. It’s a treasured facility for skaters and open daily until dusk. Bring your skateboard and check it out! utahstatefair.com/p/skatepark
2. Woodward Park City
3. Holladay City Skatepark
Skateboarders at Utah State Fairpark
Dead Horse Point State Park
Can’t get into Arches? No worries, Dead Horse Point is even better. Offering some of the most breathtaking views around, it’s perfect for hiking, camping, biking or soaking in the desert scenery.
Perched high above the Colorado River, the park’s famous overlook provides stunning panoramic vistas of deep canyons and red rock formations. Legend says that cowboys once used the narrow point as a corral for wild horses, hence the name. stateparks.utah.gov/parks/dead-horse
2. White Rim Overlook
3. Elephant Hill Trailhead
Flaming Gorge
Whether you’re into world-class boating, fishing for trophy-sized trout or paddle boarding across the shimmering reservoir, Flaming Gorge is an adventure-lover’s paradise nestled among the towering red cliffs that inspire the name. For adrenaline junkies, there’s whitewater rafting on the Green River just below Flaming Gorge Dam while hikers and campers will find endless trails winding through rugged canyons and untouched wilderness. flaminggorgecountry.com
2. Spiral Jetty
3. Sun Tunnels
How do you make the best snowboard resort in Utah even better? The latest additions include the high-speed six-seater Doppelmayr lift, reserved parking, the new Snake Creek Lodge and Sidewinder restaurant, menu updates at Milly Chalet, Molly Greens and The Rose. With more than 1,000 acres of powderfilled alpine terrain, 500+ inches of average annual snowfall, unparalleled backcountry access and a locals-first vibe, Brighton keeps us renewing our season passes year after year. brightonresort.com
2. Snowbird
3. Snowbasin Resort
The Grand Spa is consistently awarded Forbes Five Star certification and offers treatments ranging from massages and mani/pedis to Hydrofacials and honey body wraps. Locals can purchase a resident pass and enjoy access to the fitness center, complimentary yoga, hot tub, pool and saunas, plus spa discounts and more. grandamerica.com
2. Snowbird
3. Stein Eriksen Lodge
Snowbird Ski Resort is a winter wonderland in the Wasatch Mountains, known for epic powder and awesome alpine terrains. There’s no shortage of thrilling runs for those who like it steep and deep, featuring both challenging slopes and family-friendly trails. Après-ski options range from bar bites to fine dining. And with cozy lodging options and The Cliff Spa to end the day, it all amounts to one unforgettable trip. snowbird.com
2. Brighton Resort
3. Alta Ski Area
Helper is home to a nationally registered historic Main Street, a true melting pot of cultures and ethnicities where 27 languages were spoken in the early 1900s. Today, Helper is a vibrant hub of the arts with galleries and studios and home to the Rio Theater. Their town is so adorable that the Smithsonian chose it to be part of a touring photography exhibit of Main Streets across the nation. visitutah.com/places-to-go/cities-andtowns/helper
2. Park City
3. Kamas
Tucked away in the mountains above Park City, Cloud Rim nestles itself around the shores of Lake Brimhall. Its beautiful landscapes and sunsets are rivaled only by its accommodations: bunkhouses or cabins along quiet, peaceful trails. The lodge is enormous and boasts breathtaking views while the surrounding property offers all sorts of water and hiking related activities. Owned by the Girl Scouts, the property is available for rental outside of the May-August season. gsutah.org
2. Woodward Park City
3. Camp Tuttle
For a romantic evening walking along some beautiful gardens, check out the three-acre Water Conservation Garden at Red Butte. You can experience Utah’s iconic, rich sunset surrounded by beautiful, native plants. There are a variety of themed gardens such as Desert Harvest, Groundcover Tapestry, Flowering Shrub Hillside and Adaptive Beauty gardens so you can keep going back to experience many more sunsets. redbuttegarden.org
2. The Great Saltair
3. The Sky Terrace at the Natural History Museum Of Utah
Formed by the gentle dance of wind over ancient Navajo sandstone, Coral Pink Sand Dunes is a magical desert realm where vibrant pink sands create surreal dreamscapes of rolling hills and hidden valleys. Take an exhilarating descent down a dune with a sandboard or bask in the ethereal beauty of the sunset. With its captivating scenery, Coral Pink Sand Dunes feels like a secret oasis in Utah’s red rock wilderness. stateparks.utah.gov/parks/coral-pink
2. Kolob Canyon
3. Bentonite Hills
From gemstones and jewelry to talismans and textiles, Dancing Cranes Imports offers a soothing and spiritual shopping experience where your intuition guides you among the aisles. Explore incense and herbs, create a ritual with meditation pillows and singing bowls, tap into the unknown with tarot and oracle decks. The shop also offers yoga classes, meditations, sound baths and psychic readings! dancingcranesimports.com
2. The Pleiadian Altar
3. Antique Shoppe
Born into a dual role as a railroad-and-mining hub in the 1880s, Helper was a one-time boom town in Carbon County. Now a tourist destination, the village is home to period structures that serve a mix of locals and visiting adventurers. Gallery events and festivals of all sorts routinely dot the annual calendar. Main Street remains the draw, but the whole town can be traversed on a nice evening. helpercity.gov
2. Eureka
3. Huntsville
Utah’s state leadership recently entered the trail game, endeavoring to create car-free connections through and between cities. But it was really Salt Lake County (with assists from Utah and Davis counties) that got the wheels turning with the Jordan River Parkway, a 40-milelong trail system and linear park—decades in the making—that ties the Wasatch Front together in an emerald ribbon of nature, open space, recreational amenities, safe commuting routes and people-first neighborhood connections.
2. 9 Line
3. Murdock Canal Trail
Very few states have a history as unique as Utah, and This is the Place Heritage Park expertly shows us a glimpse of the places and things seen during the state’s earliest days. It’s a theme park of sorts, a state park and a place for wedding receptions. Generations of kids have been brought here, too, given the vast, outdoor venue featuring everything from small-gauge train rides to conversations with prospectors and apothecaries. thisistheplace.org
2. Anasazi State Park Museum
3. Golden Spike Monument
Named for the little “helper” engines that once moved coal through the steep mine incline canyons, Helper is home to a number of events with two anchor events being the Helper Arts, Music, and Film Festival and the Electric Light Parade. Throughout the summer months you can visit and enjoy Helper Vibes and beginning 2025, catch a ball game now that USU Eastern calls Helper’s fields their home! Diamond from coal, indeed. helpercity.gov
2. Kanab
3. Kamas
Looking to escape the crowds at Utah’s “Big 5” National Parks? Want to see natural wonders you can explore in a single day? Need a dogfriendly destination with convenient camping? Consider Goblin Valley your go-to. This park offers
Located 90 minutes west of Salt Lake City, the world-famous salt flats deserve more than a mere drive-by; they invite a deeper exploration. Take the time to step onto the flats and immerse yourself in their vast, serene silence (easy access from the service station at mile marker 12 near Wendover). Many folks conduct photoshoots here, since the landscape feels particularly otherworldly. The salt flats are undoubtedly a must-see; just don’t scratch them up. visitutah.com/articles/bonneville-salt-flatsplanning-guide
2. Helper/Helper Beer
3. Veyo Pool & Canyon Resort
Eureka, set in the once-bustling Tintic mining region, stands today as a memorial to a time in Utah history brimming with adventure, mystery and folklore. A visitor will learn a thing or two about mining and the old west, and just might catch a glimpse of a lingering ghost in the process. Far from moribund, Eureka is also a popular base camp for rock hunting, off-road adventures, camping, dining and unique shopping opportunities. eurekautah.org
2. Cisco 3. Iosepa
a handful of hiking trails and encourages visitors to get up close to its unique sandstone hoodoos. Canyoneering, mountain biking, stargazing and a disc golf course also let you adventure your way. stateparks.utah.gov/parks/goblin-valley
2. Antelope Island State Park
3. Dead Horse Point State Park
Moab is a known state icon, beloved for its red rocks, parks and miles of mountain bike and ORV riding. Of course, you must visit Arches National Park, Canyonlands and Dead Horse Point, but there’s more. Aside from its landmarks, outdoor enthusiasts will love Moab’s options of mountain biking, rock climbing, rafting, and hiking. Stay for a long weekend and don’t miss out on the incredible sunsets and views of the night stars. discovermoab.com
2. Uinta Mountains
3. Lake Powell
Located within the rising-but-mostly-falling waters of the Great Salt Lake, the Spiral Jetty isn’t exactly near Salt Lake City at roughly a two-hour drive from downtown. But when the water’s low, there’s nothing like seeing Robert Smithson’s 1,500foot natural sculpture emerge in the distance. Come and scramble down to the lakebed to walk alongside one of America’s remotest works of art. This site has been providing daily magical moments since 1970. diaart.org
2. International Peace Gardens (Salt Lake City)
3. Fantasy Canyon (Vernal)
Visit the town of Boulder and your plate of remarkable vistas may be served with a side of politics (it’s one of Utah’s junctions of old west and new reality) at the James Beardnominated Hell’s Backbone Kitchen on site. That’s just one major plus. Among the others are Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, the Anasazi State Park and, of course, looking into crystalline skies where the Milky Way and the naked eye unite for something everyone should behold. boulder-utah.com
The Keas at Tracy Aviary
With apologies to the boisterous kookaburras nearby, Tracy Aviary’s most-engaging residents may be the keas. These New Zealand parrots are active birds with high cognitive skills. They’ll linger near their fenceline, engaging in all types of tasks right in front of Tracy’s human guests, arranging and rearranging their various toys and trinkets in a day-long celebration of avian busy work. These are colorful, interesting, amusing and fascinating birds to experience up-close. tracyaviary.org
It may not take quite as long to locate Zaqistan as it does to reach nirvana, but the tiny speck of Utah desert containing this micronation will require several things. Exact coordinates are a must, as are a high-riding vehicle with a full tank of gas, plus a sense of adventure. Your journey will take you through several hours of rough terrain with America’s most remote, unique sculpture garden as your destination. IG: @zaqistanrepublic
The newly remodeled Radisson in downtown Salt Lake and the addition of executive chef Jason Hammett to Copper Canyon House & Tavern has received some buzz in the beehive. The refresh at the Radisson makes for a great staycation right in the heart of downtown SLC. The indoor pool and hot tub make it an even more attractive option year-round. choicehotels.com/utah/salt-lake-city/ radisson-hotels/ut302
285 W 800 S onlyforevertattoo
Cities are complex organisms, and for every hightraffic attraction like Temple Square, Liberty Park or The Whale, there are hundreds of quiet corners, back alleys and other less-seen spaces that go undiscovered and unappreciated. On Instagram, the @walkSLC_ account takes an “all of the above” approach to local urbanism, zooming in for a closer look and finding beauty in the crumbling brick, rusted steel and burned-out bulbs that live off the beaten paths. IG: @walkSLC_
Other than in-the-know locals, few knew much about Snowbasin prior to the 2002 Winter Olympics, where the downhill competitions took place. Afterward, Snowbasin wasn’t forgotten, but it wasn’t exactly top of mind, either—but things are changing. More Utahns are increasingly heading to this primo resort east of Ogden not only to ski, but to partake in a growing number of year-round opportunities and activities (Oktoberfest and Blues and Brews). snowbasin.com
Organizing these tournaments seems like a massive headache, but the Utah Outdoor Volleyball Association still finds a way to put one together each weekend. There were over 150 partnerships signed up for the Club Classic this year, and everyone goes hard. If you’re looking for high level 2v2 volleyball played on the grass, this might just be Utah’s pinnacle. uova.org
Eggs in the City
Breakfast is pretty hard to screw up, but it’s nearly as hard to master. Don’t tell that to the folks at this Millcreek eatery, where “the classic” allows you to enjoy two eggs any style prepared to perfection, with four strips of bacon crisped up to a delicious snap (none of that flabby medium-rare stuff here). You can add potatoes, pancakes, fruit and more, but the basics are still hard to beat. eggsinthecityslc.com
2. Penny Ann’s Café
3. The Park Café
After moving from New Jersey to Salt Lake, the owners challenged the myth that New York City water is required for optimum bagel-crafting. Three months and 200 pounds of flour later, their bagels tasted like those they remembered from childhood. Bakers hand-shape the bagels, boil them and bake them on boards. Crunchy and flavorful on the outside, they’re soft and fluffy inside. You can close your eyes and pretend you’re in Brooklyn! bagelproject.com
2. Rich’s Bagels
3. Baby’s Bagels
Oh Mai Vietnamese Sandwich Kitchen
For more than 10 years, Oh Mai has been instrumental in helping Utahns fall in love with banh mi, so it makes sense that it’s the best. The credit goes to the Oh Mai team’s commitment to consistency and their ability to capture traditional Vietnamese flavors with every bite. With several locations along the Wasatch Front and an audience that gets bigger every day, Oh Mai will always be the one to beat. ohmaisandwichkitchen.com
2. Little Saigon
3. The Pearl
Pat’s Barbecue
When it comes to BBQ, ribs bring a lot of main-character energy. But everyone knows pulled pork is a pitmaster’s true pride and joy. At Pat’s, savor each sweet, smokey bite piled high on a brioche bun smothered in BBQ sauce with a side of tangy coleslaw. And if you’ve got a plant-based BBQ-lover in your party, there’s a jackfruit option as well. patsbbq.com
2. R&R BBQ
3. Salt City Barbecue
Best Bento Boxes
Tsunami Restaurant & Sushi BarTsunami On 9th
Tsunami Restaurant & Sushi Bar is known for its fast and attentive service, and prepares truly delicious bento boxes. This is a great place for a business lunch or a romantic dinner, where you can choose from many options like Chicken Teriyaki or Tofu Tempura and any roll on the menu! tsunamiutah.com/tsunami-9th
2. Kyoto Japanese Restaurant
3. Japan-Sage Market
A BLT isn’t just about the bacon, or the lettuce, or the tomato—or even just those three, for that matter. It’s a great melding of all the ingredients, including the perfect bread for holding all that goodness together and a savory spread like Hopkins Brewing Company’s garlic aioli. They even source their bread and bacon locally, making it even easier to enjoy that crunchy-salty-sweet trifecta. hopkinsbrewingcompany.com
2. Publik Kitchen
3. Lucky 13
This tasty rice platter is packed with flavor, so whether you go with the chicken, lamb or vegetable base, you’re sure to enjoy a savory and spicy mix you won’t soon forget. The biryani pairs well with Mumbai’s top notch garlic naan and makes for killer leftovers, so be sure to grab a box. mumbaihousecuisine.com
2. Saffron Valley 3. Bombay House
Biscuits and gravy always taste good, so when Sweet Lake rises to the top of the heap for this dish, you know you’re in for something special. The enormous, fluffy, from-scratch biscuits that make the foundation of this signature item are exceptional on their own, but that luxurious sausage gravy really sends things over the top. It’s a perfect dish for those who can’t be bothered to be hungry after breakfast. sweetlakefresh.com
2. Ruth’s Diner 3. Penny Ann’s Cafe
Salt Lake has plenty of heavy hitters in the Bavarian cuisine department, but there’s something singular about the brats slung by Siegfried’s. From the perfect snap of their casing to the balanced flavor of their seasoning, these little guys embody what all brats strive to be. There are few local entrees that can match a pair of their brats served with a bit of brown mustard and a heap of spaetzle. siegfriedsdelicatessen.com
2. Ice Haus
3. Bohemian Brewery
There are plenty of local breakfast burritos that like to throw their culinary weight around, but Beto’s consistently proves that simplicity–in enormous quantities–is often the best approach to a dish. The Beto’s menu has plenty of variety on this front— whether you like ham, bacon, chorizo or all three, they have something special for you. The fact that these are available at any time of day makes them that much more perfect. betosmexicanfood.com
2. Skillets Food Truck
3. Alberto’s
It is no surprise that Lucky 13 reigns supreme again this issue. The burgers here are more than just a meal; they are an experience crafted with the finest and freshest ingredients, like the house-smoked bacon; get it on everything. For those spicy folks, the Ring of Fire is calling. lucky13slc.com
2. Proper Burger Company
3. Crown Burgers
At their worst, breakfast sandwiches are a decent morning snack, but at their best, they can alter a day’s entire trajectory. The breakfast sandwiches they’re slinging at Central 9th Market go hard into the latter. Is it the freshly-made focaccia? The mortadella? Or is it simply breakfast sand-witchcraft? We may never truly know. central9th.com
2. Egg Break
3. Frankie & Essl’s
Apollo Burger
There’s nothing quite like a warm and easy breakfast after an unfortunate night out or before an inconvenient day. So, if you’re prone to be ravenous in the morning, a Mt. Apollo, with three perfectly cooked eggs, crispy hashbrowns, gooey cheese, and your meat of choice should suit your fancy. And, with prices so low that most would double-take in this economy, it’s no wonder they’re this year’s champion. apolloburger.com
2. Hruska’s Kolaches
3. Egg Break
Best Brisket
Pat’s Barbecue
Brisket is a delicate process that so few truly understand, and even fewer master. Pat’s Barbecue is the clear exception, bustling in the best damn briskey you can find this side of the Mississippi. Equal parts sweetly smokey and tantalizingly tangy while always remaining melt-in-your-mouth tender, this brisket represents a business that prides itself in BBQ the oldfashioned, and right, way. patsbbq.com
2. Salt City Barbecue
3. R&R BBQ
Ring of Fire burger at Lucky 13
Of all the trends to come and go, who would’ve expected cauliflower to have such staying power? When you fry it and dress it up “Batata Harra” style with a cilantro and garlic pesto like Laziz does, it’s no surprise this cruciferous veg is worthy of its own Best of Utah category. So, the next time we’re craving cauliflower (again, who would’ve thought we’d be saying this?!), you’ll find us at Laziz Kitchen. lazizkitchen.com
2. Cauliflower And Avocado Taco (Facil Taqueria)
3. General Tso’s Cauliflower (HSL)
For seafood lovers, La Cevicheria offers both shrimp or fish ceviche. It comes in a giant rectangular molcajete served with freshly sliced avocado and petite Mexican tostadas. It really is one of those dishes where every flavor tells a story. Look for the giant blue octopus tentacles splayed on the exterior and get your ceviche fix!
IG: @lacevicheriautah
2. Puro Peru Peruvian Grill
3. Felt Bar & Eatery
Clam chowder by Market
Retaking the top nod in this issue, Market Street Grill dominates the clam chowder game. Since 1980, the precision of the recipe hasn’t skipped a beat, and diners come far and wide to get a steaming bowl of it, no matter the season. It is creamy, it is hearty, and it is simply delicious. marketstreetgrill.com
2. Freshies Lobster (Salt Lake)
3. White Horse Spirits & Kitchen
Along with their well-crafted cocktails, The RUIN has a classy charcuterie board option with a wide selection of cheese and meats. It also includes fruit, pickles and bread to satisfy your whole palate. This dimly-lit bar is a great place for a romantic date, and the charcuterie board is the perfect option to share on the menu! ruinslc.com
There are plenty of restaurants who put all their eggs in one basket to push their signature dishes to the top of this list. Moochie’s, in contrast, doesn’t even have cheesesteak sandwiches in its name, and yet it continues to dominate this category. It’s possible that their cheesesteak sandwich isn’t even the best offering it has on its vast menu of tantalizing offerings —but its legacy continues to endure. moochiesmeatballs.com
It wasn’t until the fast food chicken sando battles of 2019 were in full swing that locals really understood the power of a Pretty Bird chicken sandwich. While Twitter was losing its shit over whether Chick-fil-A or Popeye’s had the superior offering, we all sat back with our Pretty Bird sandwiches, overflowing with slaw and pickles, and happily let the battle rage on without us. prettybirdchicken.com
2. Cluck Truck
3. Hopkins Brewing Company
The marinated grilled chicken that comes on these skewers is cooked to perfection. Dip them in the sweet peanut sauce they come with and you’re looking at a delicious appetizer before you dive into some drunken noodles or curry. The light cucumber salad that accompanies them is a nice touch, as well. sawadeethaiutah.com
2. Skewered Thai
3. Chanon Thai Café
This dish has been fine-tuned to perfection over the years at Saffron Valley, with a creamy and flavorful sauce that provides just the right amount of heat. You’re going to want to order extra clay oven-cooked naan to soak up all that sauce. A warm tikka masala is exactly what the soul needs on those chillier afternoons. saffronvalley.com/saffron-colonial-downtown-slcindian-restaurant-utah
2. Mumbai House
3. Himalayan Kitchen
The queso fundido that fills this perfectly battered and cooked pepper will have you ready to call your abuelita to tell her that you love her. The texture is divine. Cut out a slice and throw it on a tortilla with some beans and rice, and you may never be the same again. chile-tepin.com
2. Red Iguana
3. Blue Iguana (Salt Lake City)
The sweet potato waffle is what makes Hub & Spoke’s chicken and waffles ascend beyond the stratosphere of our taste buds and into the great beyond of our bellies. The earthy tones of the sweet potato are a great combo with the chile maple syrup, and reviewers said the texture is simply perfect. Moist waffle and crispy chicken … *Homer Simpson gurgling noise* hubandspokediner.com
Come for the garlic cheeseburger, stay for the chili. Or is it, come for the chili, stay for the garlic cheeseburger? Whatever gets you in the door, be sure to try Cotton Bottom’s award-winning, après-ski bowl loaded with ground chuck, two types of beans, garlic, onions and spices, topped with shredded cheddar and onions. A Holladay institution for over 50 years, this tavern’s revamped retro vibe also dishes up heaping spoonfuls of nostalgia. thecottonbottom.com
2. Deer Valley Resort
3. Whiskey Street Cocktails & Dining
You don’t get bored with greatness, and that applies to a repeat category winner like Feldman’s perfectlyexecuted deli side. It’s hard to outshine their signature sandwiches, but this concoction makes a perfect accompaniment: creamy, tangy, crunchy and packed with plenty of black pepper for a distinctive zing to the cabbage-and-carrot classic. You’ll be sure to leave an empty bowl on your empty plate. feldmansdeli.com
2. Red Beard BBQ
3. Pretty Bird (Downtown Salt Lake City)
Best Comfort Food Dish
OG Banana parfait (Parfé Diem Pudding Parfaits/ Gourmet Pudding Dessert Catering)
Looking for a late-night DoorDash treat outside the typical cookie and ice cream options? Parfé Diem dishes up single-serve pudding parfaits with the perfect ratio of vanilla wafers, fluffy pudding and fruity mixins with a variety of regular and rotating flavors like cherry cheesecake, lemon blueberry and pistachio. The most popular? By far, the OG Banana. Make it a Cadillac OG with dulce de leche candied walnuts, if you’re feeling fancy. parfediem.com
2. Smoked Oxtail (Big South)
3. Bacon Egg & Cheese (Egg Break)
All hail the sandwich king again! There is just something about that crusty bread stuffed with whatever you crave that day at Caputo’s that will make you sing for your supper. From the deli meats to the selections of cheeses, the goodness and freshness is experienced in each bite. Consider getting a whole, no matter your appetite, so you can enjoy it again later. caputos.com
What gets us out of bed in the morning? If it’s Saturday, it’s the Cubano at Beltex Meats: smoked ham, mojo pork loin, swiss, horseradish mustard and house-made pickles, all pressed to perfection. It’s so good it’s worth waiting in line for (you’ll probably have to). It’s so good that it sells out (and probably will). And it’s so good that when coworkers ask about your weekend, you’ll tell them about the Cubano. Get them before Beltex closes at the end of this year! beltexmeats.com
2. Red Rock Brewing (Downtown Salt Lake City)
3. Fillings & Emulsions (Salt Lake Main)
Feldman’s classic side of coleslaw
2. Feldman’s Deli
3. Grove Market and Deli
Dim sum might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a tea party, but why not? After all, it originated in Chinese tea houses. And what better way to enjoy a cup of jasmine or Dragon Well than with traditional bites like steamed pork buns, shrimp dumplings and crispy egg rolls at Hong Kong Tea House. Drop by before 3 p.m. for this authentic experience. hongkongteahouse. yolasite.com
2. New Golden Dragon
3. Red Maple Chinese Restaurant
What makes the Dragon Rolls at Sapa unique is that there are actually several options. The Black Dragon includes tempura shrimp, unagi, avocado, and cucumber; the Red Dragon is a spicy option with spicy tuna, crab, avocado, and cucumber. Or you can order Dragon Balls, which are fried rolls with spicy tuna, inari, spicy crab, onion, and masago. Talk about options! sapabarandgrill.com
2. Takashi
3. Kyoto Japanese Restaurant
David’s Kitchen
The potstickers at David’s Kitchen are a staple and highly recommended by foodies. The table dipping sauce elevates them further, adding a sweet touch to the savory dough. One reviewer liked the potstickers so much that they said that they’d choose David’s Kitchen as their last meal if they were on death row.
2. Sapa
3. Tsunami Restaurant & Sushi Bar
We all love a good hollandaise sauce, but if you’re looking for the best of the best then head over to Finn’s Cafe. Their house-made hollandaise sauce is the cherry on top of an already stellar selection of benedict dishes. Enjoying this dish inside the cozy cafe or on the lush patio creates the perfect recipe for a great morning. finnscafe.net
2. Roots Cafe
3. Hub & Spoke Diner
Nothing quite rejuvenates the mind, body and soul like a huge plate of fried empanadas, especially during a night on the town. From the basics like shredded beef and chicken to Arempa’s next-level pabellon with its black beans and fried plantains, the empanadas at this Venezuelan establishment are enough to fuel any late-night endeavor. arempas.com
2. Argentina’s Best Empanadas
3. Empanadas 801
Within the piscatorial portals of this Layton establishment resides not only a scrummy assortment of pies, bangers and sweets, but a smashing selection of battered seafood and chips (regular or Piccadilly style). Starting as a retail shop in 2007, Little Taste of Britain has since expanded to the art of cookery, and we thank cod that they did. littletasteofbritain.net
2. Summerhays Halibut And Chips
3. Ty Fish & Chips
Crispy on the outside and warm in the middle, Mazza’s falafel is an absolute must for Mediterranean food fans. The falafel sandwich is mind blowing, served in a fluffy pita pocket where the ground fava and garbanzo beans in the falafel can shine. Reviewers also noted that the falafel is particularly moist. Sorry if that word made you uncomfortable. mazzacafe.com
2. Laziz Kitchen
3. O’Falafel Middle Eastern Cuisine
Don’t be fooled: it’s not easy making the perfect french fry. Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and salted to perfection: it’s not just the luck of the draw that Lucky 13 reigns champion in this category. With mouthwatering seasoning blends including cajun and rosemary garlic for the more adventurous, this longtime favorite bar and grill takes an old standby pub food to new and exquisite heights, every time. lucky13slc.com
2. Crown Burgers
3. Bruges Belgian Bistro
Kneaders’ Chunky Cinnamon French toast is made with delicious thick cinnamon bread and a unique blend of eggs, milk, brown sugar, vanilla and butter. It’s served with sweet whipped cream, fresh strawberries and homemade caramel syrup. Their French Toast is available on an all-you-can-eat basis from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Their French toast alone makes Kneaders a highly tempting place. kneaders.com
2. The Park Café
3. Lucky’s Iron Door Roadhouse
A warm crock overflows with melty cheese, dripping down the sides like an oversized comforter on a winter bed. Pressing your spoon to the surface, warm broth begins to peek through the provolone, as if from some underground spring. The savory aroma teases your olfactory system. Dipping further, caramelized crescents of slow-cooked onion swim beneath a baguette slice, soaking in a beef stock bath. Who knew onions could make you cry like this? desertedgebrewery.com
2. Gracie’s
3. Prohibition
Whether you’re wanting to try the Shrimp Platter, Smoked Salmon Platter, or Shellfish Platter, Market Street Grill has many options. The open-air concept feels trendy and cool, and is located in the heart of downtown for those having a night out. The housemade cocktail sauce and lemon served with the Shrimp Platter is top-notch. marketstreetgrill.com/downtown
2. Little Taste Of Britain
3. Red Rock Brewing (Park City)
Bet you’ve never had a French dip like this one before! The Brewery gives its roast beef classic a spicy Mexican spin with pepper jack cheese, roasted chilis, chipotle mayo and an au jus that dials up the heat with every dip. Don’t worry, you can cool yourself with a pint of house-brewed lager. desertedgebrewery.com
2. Piper Down Pub
3. Red Rock Brewing (Downtown Salt Lake City)
This cozy establishment offers Vietnamese street food dishes, a place where local chef Tommy Nguyen incorporates some of his family recipes onto the menu, like the fried egg rolls that originated from his mother. The difference in these eggrolls is most certainly the touch of nostalgia and love. IG: @thepearlslc
2. Mi La-Cai Noodle House
3. Shanghai Café
The fire that shuttered Garage On Beck’s doors in Oct. 2023 was not enough to extinguish the spirit that makes the place special. The kitchen staff has come back with a vengeance with spicy funeral potatoes that’ll burn the house down (sorry). The bacon and scallions add a fun twist on this Utah classic, and the atmosphere is hard to beat. garageonbeck.com
2. Hoof & Vine
3. Tradition
The right curry can change lives, and Himalayan Kitchen’s curry gives a lot of others a run for their money. Always creamy, savory and packed with oodles of flavor in every spoonful, each curry at Himalayan practically evokes paradise. With plenty of protein options and various spice blends (and levels, fear not!) available, this downtown standby is a nobrainer for anyone who needs their fix of high-end Indian cuisine, and fast. himalayankitchen.com
2. Mumbai House
3. Saffron Valley
Roctaco knows freestyle. What makes the tacos at this downtown SLC spot on Edison Street so special is that they are without a doubt the most unique. Listed as Cow, Bird, Hog, Sea & Earth on the Menu—everyone can have at it with the fresh and delicious choices. Go-to’s for this taco enthusiast are the Parmesan & Manchego cheesy-crunchy Jimmy Churri and the flavorful Amy Hates Fish. roctaco.com
2. Taqueria 27
3. Yoko Taco
As far as affordable Mediterranean food goes, Greek Souvlaki is a beacon in the Salt Lake Valley. The lamb and beef mixture is tender and flavorful, the pita soft yet sturdy. There’s a nice variety too; you can get your classic with onions, tomatoes and tzatziki or red sauce, or you can experiment with a Philly cheesesteak or vegetarian version. greeksouvlaki.com
2. Yanni’s Greek Express
3. Spitz (Downtown Salt Lake City)
Come and take your lunch break on island time with two fat scoops of sticky rice, macaroni salad that you’ll weep for and an enormous serving of teriyaki steak, kalua pork or the unbeatable katsu chicken. It may very well be against the laws of nature to leave Mo Bettahs without unbuttoning at least a shirt button, and maybe your pants button too. mobettahs.com 2. The Salty Pineapple
Hungry Hawaiian
For more than a decade, Buds has been producing some of the best sandwiches in Salt Lake City. When bringing newcomers, it’s easy to forget to mention that it’s vegan because the food is so good; that it’s so inexpensive is a bonus. Some of Buds’ charm comes from its unique walk-up window ordering and street-side dining venue, which probably helps keep costs down. Whatever their secret, it’s delicious. budsslc.com
2. Santo Taco
3. Vessel Kitchen
All local fans of Italian food know that before a calzone was called a calzone it was called a Pizza Bender and it came from Italian Village. This local spot has been around since 1968, and in that time it has truly honed its calzone craft. The Pizza Bender is an excellent specimen even at its most basic composition, but it really takes off when you get creative with their pizza toppings. italianvillageslc.com
2. The Pie Pizzeria
3. Rusted Sun Pizzeria
The first time you try a cannoli from Carlucci’s is a memorable moment to rival your first kiss or high school graduation. Prior to showing up on Carlucci’s doorstep, most people’s experience with cannoli have made them think this precious dessert is a little more than a dry waffle cone full of flavorless goo. Once you get a taste of this perfect study in Italian dessert, it’s hard to tolerate any other substitute. carluccisbakery.com
2. Fratelli Ristorante
3. Osteria Amore
Carlucci’s cannolis: sweetened ricotta with chocolate chips
Sicilia Mia
Francesco Mirenda commemorated Sicilia Mia’s 2014 launch by creating a carbonara reminiscent of his native Sicilian cooking techniques. Today, chefs treat Sicilia Mia diners to a tableside carbonara presentation prepared inside a two-foot-wide Grana Padano cheese wheel. Mirenda explains that Sicilian cooking often incorporates more flavoring and spices than traditional Italian fare. Add the high-quality ingredients, consistent attention to detail and the most flavorful sauces anywhere, and you’ve got the Best Italian. siciliamiautah.com
2. Fratelli Ristorante
3. Napoli’s Italian Restaurant
Fratelli Ristorante
It’s all about the authentic, generational family recipe and the red marinara sauce made with many ingredients imported straight from Italy. “Fratelli” (meaning “Brothers”) Pete Cannella and Dave Cannell have run this traditional Italian eatery together since 2007. Layers of freshness and flavor make this dish a standout. fratelliutah.com
2. Napoli’s Italian Restaurant
3. Matteo Ristorante Italiano
It’s easy to get distracted from the quality of the food at Valter’s because the service is so spectacular, but the ravioli have a way of combining both of this restaurant’s strengths. When the ravioli is carted out to you, plated tableside by a seasoned professional and finished with whatever lovely sauce you’ve ordered, it’s hard to imagine a world in which Chef Boyardee has the audacity to exist. valtersosteria.com
2. Fratelli Ristorante
3. Per Noi Trattoria
A good katsu maintains a light, crispy texture that typically supplements whatever juicy protein it’s hanging out with. The katsu at JINYA, however, isn’t content with playing second fiddle to its protein—this is katsu that shows up and demands your attention. That’s not to say that the chicken is any less flavorful, but you definitely get more of a textural contrast when you’re eating katsu at JINYA. jinyaramenbar.com
2. The Angry Korean
3. Tosh’s Ramen
While it’s true that most culinary cultures have a variation on meat pies, The Dough Miner has worked hard to craft pies that feel authentically Utahn. Much of that comes from the restaurant’s historical insights—silver miners in Park City would fill a pail with a few hand-held meat pies for lunch while they worked—but so much more comes from their attention to nuanced flavor combos and top-notch execution. doughminer.com
2. Fillings & Emulsions (Salt Lake Main)
3. The Bruce Scottish Pub
Hand-crafted meat pies courtesy of The Dough Miner
Utah’s bibimbap game has grown by leaps and bounds over the years, and we owe a lot of that to the team at The Angry Korean. Even as more great Korean restaurants open their doors, this pioneering restaurant continues to impress locals with its take on a Korean classic. Whether it’s the crispy rice, the smoky gochujang or that gorgeous fried egg, there is plenty to love about this restaurant’s bibimbap. theangrykorean.com
2. Stun Cube
3. Korea House BBQ
The subtle art of Korean barbecue is hard to come by in our little state, which is why a place like The Angry Korean has become so important. James Beard Award-nominated chefs Young-Ho Kang and Peter Kim have done wonders to capture this Korean favorite in all its unassuming glory, and we couldn’t be more grateful. theangrykorean.com
2. Cupbop & Ramen 930
3. Bumblebee’s KBBQ & Grill
The lamb shank is “fit for royalty,” as one reviewer has said. Whether you opt for the lamb skewer, the lamb and rice dola or the lamb and spinach, you’re in for some perfectly marinated and cooked lamb that will send you home satisfied. You may not feel like royalty, but you’ll certainly feel treated like one with this kind of bounty. mazzacafe.com
2. Manoli’s
3. Afghan Kitchen
It’s no secret that Salsa Queen’s spicy concoctions have long been favored by Utahns. With no preservatives, no fillers and no compromise, look for their bright sugar skull logo in the refrigerator section of your local grocer. But what if you’re looking for something with a longer shelf life? Cue their more recent renditions: freeze-dried salsas. Each stays fresh for up to three years. Just add water to rehydrate. salsaqueen.com
2. Beehive Cheese (Beehive Cheese Company LLC)
3. Salsa Del Diablo
Messy but delicious: a meatball sandwich by
Grab yourself a Birch Beer and bite into the gooey handmade taste sensation of Moochie’s meatball sub. Imagine if you will, darkened orbs that had been simmering all day, speckled with pepper and oregano and garlic on a roll, the snowy provolone melting into the loads of ruby red tomato sauce—unctuous and rich. Messy for sure (at least an eight-napkin minimum), Nonna would be all thumbs up. moochiesmeatballs.com
2. Caputo’s Market & Deli
3. Fratelli Ristorante
Hell’s Backbone Grill
Would you travelhours for meatloaf? If it’s made by James Beard-nominated chefs Jen Castle and Blake Spalding, the answer is a resounding yes! Their Spicy Cowgal Chipotle Meatloaf combines local pastured beef and bison for the perfect slice that’s not too fatty, not too lean, topped with spicy “Backbone” sauce and served with lemony mashed potatoes and vegetables from the Hell’s Backbone Farm. hellsbackbonegrill.com
2. Whiskey Street Cocktails & Dining
3. Left Fork Grill
Edith’s pan dulce plus a hot cup of coffee is one of the greatest cures to sadness known to humanity. The conchas are expertly frosted so as not to be too sweet, which we love. Oh, and Cakes By Edith hosts cake and cookie decorating workshops so you can learn to decorate like Edith herself! cakesbyedithbakery.com
2. Rancho Markets
3. Panadería Flores
It was hard to stay on top of the game when Instagram was being flooded with images of birria tacos, but Los Tapatios managed to stay ahead of the competition. Perhaps it’s due to the restaurant’s experience with birria—since 2020 it made birria the focal point of its menu, and in that time the team has expanded our horizons as to what this Guadalajaran favorite can accomplish. lostapatiostacogrill.com
2. Santo Taco
3. La Casa Del Tamal
Sometimes, after a long day at work, all you need is a burrito the size of your thigh. Lucky for you, when you order a burrito here, it always comes with two! Smother that bad boy in their famous chile verde to really change the game, and let that soft tortilla take you away to a better place. rediguana.com
2. Lone Star Taqueria
3. Beto’s Mexican Food
Lucky’s chilaquiles are the perfect way to spice up your next Sunday brunch, and they pair very well with a Bloody Mary (be sure to add bacon!). These corn tortillas are bathed in a delicious red salsa and are beautifully adorned with onions, cilantro and tomatoes. Makes you feel like you’re at your suegra’s house, but in a good way! luckysirondoor.com
2. Azúcar Café
3. Red Iguana
Best Mexican: Huevos Rancheros
Oasis Cafe
The best cure after a night of one too many spicy margs? A spicy plate of huevos rancheros on the patio at Oasis Cafe! Their rendition delivers eggs any way you like ‘em over black bean puree, Spanish rice and southwest vegetables topped with salsa verde and shredded jack cheese, plus a dollop of sour cream and guac, served with warm flour tortillas. For extra protein, try the salmon chorizo. oasiscafeslc.com
2. Red Iguana
3. Eggs In The City
The menudo here at Julia’s will transport you straight to lands of Mexico and back again in a single bite. Their spicy soup is a delicacy that is sure to warm you up in cold weather, and the cow stomach flavors are something you just have to try to fully understand. orderjuliasmexicanrestaurant.com
2. La Puente Restaurant
3. El Paisa Grill
Best Mexican: Molcajete El Paisa Grill
Who doesn’t like a dish that can feed up to four people? The molcajete ranchero comes with steak, chicken, ribs, carnitas, grilled onions, cactus, plus a side of rice and beans. Not your style? Order the shrimp instead. Towering over the top of the stone bowl, this molcajete is sure to hit the spot for you and three of your friends. elpaisagrill.com
2. La Casa Del Tamal
3. Chile-Tepin
A sauce-rich enchilada from Blue Iguana
The enchiladas suizas (enchiladas with extra cream) are a favorite for Utah foodies, but Blue Iguana’s chile verde, chicken, entomatada and beef options are dang good, too. They do not skimp on the sauce here, so be ready to bathe
El Chihuahua Restaurant
Best Mexican: Tacos
Best Mexican: Pozole Santo Taco
These aren’t Mama’s traditional taco flavors. We’re talking Nashville hot chicken, squash and poblano and even smoked prime brisket. There are plenty of delicious options on the more traditional route, too, but this is an especially great spot for vegetarian and vegan foodies. Come give them a try! faciltaqueria.com
2. Lone Star Taqueria
Santo Taco’s pozole feels like a classic, and our favorite part of the Thursday All You Can Eat soup/stew—depending on how you look at it—is the fact that you can add garnish on top: lettuce, radish and the extra spicy chiles for heat, sweetness and a little bit of smokiness. Comfort for the soul and the stomach. santotacos.com
2. La Casa Del Tamal
3. House Of Corn Mexican Cuisine
There are few quesadillas around that satisfy an adult appetite, but Lone Star Taqueria has them dialed in. Sure, you can get just cheese, but why would you when you can stuff that 14” flour tortilla with carne asada or pollo asado? A nice heap of sour cream along with their cilantro-jalapeno mayo comes on the side, which is money. lstaq.com
2. Bomb Dilla
3. Santo Taco
Unique taco
Best Mexican: Tacos al Pastor Chunga’s
You can tell the al pastor is going to be delicious by giving one glance to the trompo as you walk through the door. The healthy chunk of pineapple on top lets you know it’s authentic stuff, and you’ll find bits of it in your taco as well. The green and avocado salsas are a great compliment, so be sure to load that baby up! chungasslc.com
2. Tacos Lopez (West Valley)
3. Tacos Don Rafa
Best Mexican: Tamales
La Casa del Tamal
This West Valley favorite has made a name for itself with several of its traditional Mexican dishes, but it’s the tamales that keep people coming back for more. Fans have a tough time deciding among the verde, rojo or mole variations, but the best course of action is to simply buy them by the half dozen and enjoy. lacasadeltamalutah.com
2. Victor’s Tires
3. El Chihuahua Restaurant
Greek Omelettes, Pancakes, French Toast, Chops, Steaks
Homemade Soups, Greek Specials, Best Greek Salads, Souvlaki, Gyro, Hamburgers, Chicken, Hot And Cold Sandwhiches
Mezedakia, Steaks, Leg Of Lamb, Lamb Chops, Fish, Kabobs, Pasta, Dolmathes, Moussaka, Chicken
Serving contemporary japanese cuisine, Takashi rocks and Takashi rolls.
Gift certificates available
This delicious sushi roll comes with yellowtail belly and is served with a jalapeno vinaigrette sauce that we recommend you save for the remainder of your meal. It’s a unique pairing of flavors that are typically worlds apart, and they’ve clearly struck gold as the jalapeno hamachi has emerged as one of the best dishes you can find in Salt Lake City. mintsushiut.com
2. Everything Brussels (Ivy & Varley)
3. Jalapeño Poppers (Zest Kitchen & Bar)
Tres leches cake may be the closest thing that we as a society have come to the divine, and no one does it better than Cakes By Edith. It comes topped with yummy strawberries, grapes and blueberries, and is sure to be a crowd pleaser at your next event. cakesbyedithbakery.com
2. Facil Taqueria
3. La Casa Del Tamal
Nearly everyone who eats at Cafe Shambala mentions how delicious the momos are, so the proof is in the pudding. These steamed or fried dumplings are traditional in both Tibet and Nepal, and Shambala offers beef, veg and mixed varieties. Be sure to dip them in the ginger sauce that accompanies them. order.toasttab.com/online/cafe-shambala-382-4th-ave
2. Himalayan Kitchen
3. Kathmandu Grill
Great nachos served late. Is there a better phrase in the English language? When your chip and queso craving hits, head to Gracie’s, where you’ll find nachos made with housecut chips, house-made queso and a shredded cheese blend, topped with diced tomato, onion and jalepeño, plus white beans (trust us on this one) and a generous dollop of sour cream. Order as your app. Order as your main. Order ‘em until 11 pm. graciesslc.com
2. Porcupine Pub & Grille
3. Nacho Daddy
Jalapeno Hamachi: an appetizer worth your time
The Rockefeller and West Coast oysters are highly recommended, and with half-price oysters every Monday and Tuesday, the Oyster Bar is a dream for seafood lovers. They are constantly rotating which varieties they have on hand, so it’s definitely worth circling back to try what’s new. The champagne mignonette is a lovely dipping sauce, too! marketstreetgrill.com
2. Current Fish & Oyster
3. White Horse Spirits & Kitchen
Pad Thai
The pad thai at Sawadee is the stuff of legend in Salt Lake food culture, so it’s no surprise that they retain the top spot this year. Served with your choice of chicken, shrimp or straight up noodles, this plate comes with a lovely array of bean sprouts, an egg and delicious pad thai sauce. sawadeethaiutah.com
2. Tuk Tuk’s
3. Chanon Thai Café
Create your own pizza at Bricks Corner
When Bricks Corner owner Josh Poticha rolled into town, most Utahns had never heard of Detroit-style deep dish. This high-walled, crisp-cornered slab of pizza slathered in fresh sauce and topped with all manner of lovely ingredients soon became a godsend for pizza fans. Not only does Bricks Corner deliver some of the best pizza around, but it provides a cool space in which to enjoy it. Mr. Poticha, Utah salutes you. brickscornerslc.com
2. Via 313 Pizza
3. Villaggio
As a self-proclaimed phở aficionado, this writer had yet to try their namesake Phở 33 bowl and made a special trip (for the sake of due diligence and whatnot). Needless to say, we can easily see why it won this year’s award. Not only was it full of tender Oxtail and flavored with comforting hints of cinnamon and star anise, but the restaurant offers myriad customizations, including noodle and broth type. pho33utah.com
2. Phở 777
3. All Chay
The Pie takes gluten-free seriously and we love that! We also love that they have gluten-free ranch dressing for dipping. Let’s be honest, there are plenty of Californians that have moved here and we need our side of ranch. They have a dedicated space and they will not put toppings on that are cross-contaminated. Thank you for caring and taking these extra precautions! thepie.com
You can build your own sushi burrito or choose one of Hanaya’s bowls from a yummy selection of raw, seared and cooked meat. Throw on whatever extra toppings you want, from avocado to chili mango to edamame and beyond. The service is fast, the food delicious and the staff is more than happy to point you in the right direction if you don’t quite know what you want. hanayapokeslc.com
2. LemonShark Poké
3. Vessel Kitchen
Pub food doesn’t have to be ambitious to be great; it just has to hit that comfort-food spot prior to a brew and a bite. It helps, though, if pub food considers all dietary needs. Ice Haus’ poutine is delicious in its most familiar form of fries, cheese curds and gravy, but you can also enjoy a vegan variation with a dairy-free substitute for the cheese curds. Everyone’s taste buds are a winner. icehausbar.com
2. Piper Down Pub
3. Whiskey Street Cocktails & Dining
It’s hard to picture a more beautiful prelude to a Bavarian feast than watching a giant pretzel dangling from a hook make its way to your table. The pretzels at Bohemian Brewery illustrate a perfect combination of textures—the outside is just crispy enough to crunch as you get to that warm, chewy interior dough. Ripping this thing apart and dipping it in homemade beer cheese is truly a delight. bohemianbrewery.com
2. Ice Haus
3. Bewilder Brewing Co.
One of the best things about JINYA is that it helped local diners understand how nuanced and vibrant ramen can be. Foundationally, ramen may just be the sum total of tasty noodles plus tasty broth, but there is so much creativity and fun that can be expressed with those basics. With both its standalone menu and its seasonal specials, JINYA continues to wow us with its ramen talents. jinyaramenbar.com
2. Koyote
3. Yoko Ramen SLC
Settebello Pizzeria Napoletana
There’s a score of delicious grubs served at Settebello, but we recommend you keep it simple and grab the superb margherita pizza. The crust is cooked to flaky perfection, as is the basil/tomato sauce/cheese ratio. Don’t go asking for no ranch sauce on the side when you’re eating pizza this good. settebello.net
2. Level Crossing Brewing Co
3. Lucky Slice Pizza (Ogden)
Do you know that giddy feeling when you get the crusty corner first? Imagine an entire pizza of crusty, thick corners topped with your favorite stuff—that is Brick’s Corner pizza. With the Sweet Salty Pig, that giddy feeling is topped with BBQ pork shoulder, bacon and firecracker ranch. brickscornerslc.com
2. Green Goddess (Slackwater Pizza SLC)
3. Children of the Corn (Nomad East)
a reason Penny Ann’s pancakes have earned the moniker “heavenly hot cakes,” and that reason comes from an emphasis on the “cake.” These sour cream pancakes have a gorgeous cloudy texture and a cake batter flavor that always delivers the goods. In local diners’
A good story, like good food, has to be relatable. Rusty Monson’s ribs started simply, in backyard competitions of who had the best meats. He won. He keeps winning and it’s easy to see why. These delectable ribs have layers of flavor from a homemade rub, cooked slowly over white oak wood. The finishing touches of brown sugar, honey and butter means there is no sauce necessary for this tender treat. saltcitybbq.co
2. Red Beard BBQ
3. Big South
Thanks to Feldman’s unrelenting passion to bring New York’s legendary deli culture to Utah, we all get to experience the sheer joy of tackling a reuben that is roughly the size of a Tesla. The reuben at Feldman’s is an engineering feat in and of itself, challenging the diner to comprehend its pastrami-stacked dimensions before diving in—and it’s a challenge all of us are willing to take again and again. feldmansdeli.com
2. Siegfried’s Delicatessen
3. Ice Haus
It’s no surprise that Vessel’s many kitchens are skilled at creating salads, since it launched in 2016 with fresh produce at the core of its menu. In fact, the four signatures (Daisy Duke, Muay Thai, Adrelipe and The Nicky G) are all wildly-varied and could easily vie as a personal favorite. And yet, more’s available, with custom salads that involve your call on greens, toppings, sides and a dressing. The choice is yours. vesselkitchen.com
2. Red Rock Brewing (Downtown SLC)
3. The Dodo Restaurant
Tender ribs with a homemade rub from Salt City Barbecue
Head down early and put your name on the waitlist. You might get lucky, but be prepared to wait. Embrace the wait! Head next door and grab a drink at Post Office Place. When you get a text from the Takashi host, take your seat at the sushi bar and order the Chef’s Choice Sashimi, 10 pieces of their freshest cuts, and savor it with one of over 15 varieties of sake. takashisushi.com
2. Sapa
3. Kyoto Japanese Restaurant
Tres Hombres Mexican Grill and Cantina
A Salt Lake staple since 1984, Tres Hombres consistently delivers on authentic Mexican food and dishes. This perennial winner in many Best of Utah categories finds patrons continuing to flock there for their delicious seafood cocktail. The dish is piled with Mexican Gulf Shrimp, avocado, cucumber, onion, cilantro, tomato and their house-made spicy cocktail sauce. treshombrescantina.com
2. Current Fish & Oyster
3. Puerto Vallarta Mexican Grill and Cantina
Hearty New England cuisine meets Utah with Freshies Lobster. The back-to-back winner for Best Seafood Sandwich, Freshies is the crème de la crème when it comes to lobster rolls in this state. They deliver on their promise “shore to door in 24”—fresh Maine lobsters are caught, cooked, shelled and shipped to their storefronts all in a day’s time. freshieslobsterco.com
2. Colossal Lobster (HallPass)
3. Cousins Maine Lobster
2. Ruth’s Chris Steak House 3. Goodwood Barbecue Company LOCATIONS: Salt
After achieving a successful following of mobile diners through a food truck operation, the good folks behind Alhambra Shawarma found a brick-and-mortar in Taylorsville and solid reviews are the rule. Their trademark slow-roasted flavors will delight you every time and their falafel shawarma will satisfy friends with a vegetarian lean. facebook.com/Alhambraut
2. Curry Fried Chicken
3. Beirut Cafe
This James Beard Foundation semi-finalist for 2023 earns all the accolades that they have so richly received. You’ll want to try it all on their excellent and diverse menu of sliders, featuring everything from Spam to jackfruit. Not only are they so damn cute, but they are just as delicious as they look. popslc.com
2. Loki Coffee
3. Squatters Pub Brewery
Soups aren’t the only thing on the menu at the Soup Kitchen, but it’d be a strange choice to opt for something different than a hearty bowl of the stuff here. Having operated for 40-plus years, this restaurant harkens back to a different day and age of Sugar House as well as American cuisine. Grab a chair and some crackers, order some chowder and do a li’l time-traveling. facebook.com/SoupKitchenSugarHouse
2. The Other Place Restaurant
3. The Dodo
Greek Souvlaki
Skewers of meat and veggies seem simple enough, but the magic that Greek Souvlaki is able to perform creates the perfect balance between tender, juicy chunks of pork or chicken and grilled onions with sliced zucchini. Search high and low, in red rock or the Rockies, and you will not find a better souvlaki than at this local gem. greeksouvlaki.com
2. Yanni’s Greek Express
3. The Med
Best Steakhouse
Prime Rib
Grub Steak
Cooking the perfect prime rib is a dance you perfect over time, like 18 hours. Such are the talents of head chef Brian Moody, who is said to be the longest-tenured chef in Utah. Prime cuts of meat are the star of the show at Grub Steak, and the certified Angus prime rib is cooked to perfection when it arrives tableside. grubsteakparkcity.com
Gordon Ramsay says that a filet mignon is the Rolls-Royce of steak, but true steak-lovers will tell you that nothing beats a seared-to-perfection ribeye. Fleming’s does it best with a bone-in and dry-aged ribeye, both certified USDA Prime. Pair your meal with a wine and signature side from their extensive list. flemingssteakhouse.com/ Locations/UT
2. Hoof & Vine
3. Maddox Ranch House
Fleming’s prime ribeye is enhanced with over-the-top “companions” like the Diablo shrimp
While the thin fries are a super-satisfying addition to any sandwich coming out of the Spitz kitchen, the sweet potato fries add not only the textural splendor of the waffle fry but come dressed in a secret house blend of spices with a side of garlic aioli. If you’re torn on which option to order, fret not, as you can grab a mixed fries combo platter. spitz-restaurant.com
2. The Bayou
3. Cubby’s
The glory of “small plates” is that you can see a half-dozen amazing things on a menu and not have to pass on any of them. Still, a visit to Eva tests your ability to select from all the succulent options. Bring some friends, order a few plates, and try to live in the moment enough not to plan what you’ll have next time. evaslc.com
2. Mint Tapas & Sushi 4 (Sugar House)
3. Finca
Chanon became a Utah darling early on in its lifecycle and has continued to garner loyalty amid the ever-increasing amount of really good Thai places along the Wasatch Front. Something about their curry continues to intrigue and delight diners, though it’s a good bet whatever secret ingredients the Chanon team is using are carefully under wraps. chanonthaislc.com
2. Sawadee Thai Restaurant
3. Chabaar Beyond Thai
Proving beyond a doubt that American barbecue continues to be a work in progress, the team at Hog & Tradition inside HallPass continues to impress us. Whipping up some traditional Southern cornbread with the help of our favorite purple Japanese sweet potato is the kind of culinary innovation that really pays off— hence its presence at the top of this list. hogntraditionbbq.com
2. Guava and Goat Cheese Tiramisu (Twisted Tiramisu)
3. Shiitake Escargot (Vertical Diner)
Mark of the Beastro
Down the hatch! A vegan burger from Mark of the
Ever skilled with the puns, Mark of the Beastro, famously located at 666 S. State Street, presents a short but highly-tasty burger section on its menu dubbed “Burgatory.” These animal-free offerings include four options: classic, guacamole, mushroom and BBQ variants, all served with fries or salad. With an in-house music venue, this spot offers both good meals and a great place to eavesdrop, with an occasional soundcheck thrown into the mix. markofthebeastro.com
2. Sweet Hazel & Co. Bakeshop & Bistro
3. Vertical Diner
The Blue Plate Special is one of six items available to breakfast-centric guests at Vertical Diner. It’s simple, in a sense: tofu scramble, country potatoes, a slice of toast and jam. And yet, it’s both the most-affordable and, arguably, the most-satisfying item on the menu. Vertical is known for a wide-ranging menu, including pastas, pizzas and more, but it’s the breakfast menu that’s always there, always ready, always tasty, always animal-kind. verticaldiner.com
2. Sweet Hazel & Co. Bakeshop & Bistro
3. Old Cuss Cafe
Along with the veggie “chicken” and buffalo sauce, Buds’ signature sandwich has relatively straightforward ingredients: shredded cabbage, herb aioli, tomato and red onion on a toasted sourdough hoagie. And yet from this simple recipe comes a sandwich so good that even cynics of veganism will reconsider their life choices after a few bites. That this culinary winner comes at a price point several bucks below a 10-spot is just another inducement to order. budsslc.com
2. Chicken Fried Steak (Vertical Diner)
3. Oyster Mushroom Po’ Boy (Mark Of The Beastro)
Wings are a sacred shareable, only made better when they kick-ass and save animals and the planet writ large. Almost everybody in the Salt Lake Valley knows about the classic Vertical Diner, and it’s easy to see why. Their wings boast a crunchy outside, are doused in buffalo sauce and don’t skimp on portions. Pair with hand-cut fries and vegan ranch, or as we like to say: the gift that just keeps giving. verticaldiner.com
2. Trolley Wing Co.
3. Scovilles
Because of its numerous flavors, you’ll never get bored with this place. Plus, they’ve got gluten-free and vegan options, so everyone can join the party. We’re obsessed with their garlic parmesan, but hey, it’s also fun to roll the dice and see what you get! And don’t get us started on their vegan sauces—there’s literally something for every kind of winglover. You get a wing, you get a wing, and YOU GET A WING! trolleywingcompany.com
2. Scovilles
3. Red Beard BBQ
Breakfast is served all day at this gorgeous Park City eatery. That’s the short of it. The long of it is that Five Seeds does not serve an average breakfast. Select from non-standards like pulled pork benedict, shakshuka, banana bread with espresso cream (our fave), a wide variety of bowls and smoothies (jalapeño syrup?!?) plus side dishes that include Halloumi cheese with hot honey. There are long lines here for a reason, folks. five5eeds.com
There aren’t many culinary niches that generate the near-religious reverence that barbecue does. Pitmasters have always pushed each other to innovate in this field, but Chris Blatchford of Blatch’s Backyard BBQ has taken that enterprising spirit to a whole new level. Blatchford’s cozy barbecue joint is entirely plant-based, and it’s turning out award-winning eats that have impressed even the most discerning barbecue enthusiasts. blatchsbackyardbbq.com
When faced with a food challenge that features 13 scoops of ice cream—commemorating the 13 original American colonies, of course—served in a frosted Liberty Bell, a true patriot refuses to back down. The Liberty Bell Monumental Sundae at Brooker’s Founding Flavors presents such a challenge, and only the bravest among us dare tackle it. Even if you don’t scarf this down in the time limit, the mere attempt is enough to make history. brookersicecream.com
It’s no secret that Silverside Deli has taken Sugar House by storm with its arsenal of meticulously crafted sandwiches; it’s the monthly mystery sandwich that truly sets this place apart. Every month, Silverside’s sandwich wizards invent a mystery sandwich that gets a spot on their menu. The staff might drop hints about this sandwich, but its origins will be a secret until you order. It’s perfect for those who enjoy dining dangerously. silversidedeli.com
In an uncrowded field, it’s not a stretch to be regarded as the best. That said, Vegan Daddy Meats is indeed the best provider of 100% vegan meats—faux ribs, chicken cutlets and steak strips and more—evidenced by the local merchants who serve Vegan Daddy products on their own menus. If you’re eating faux meats around town, it’s quite possible you’re eating a product from this Marmalade District caterer, supplier and dine-in eatery. vegandaddymeats.com
Ramen Ichizu is the Salt Lake City iteration of Mike Harrison’s notable Hana Raman Bar in Park City. Harrison learned his ramen ways via Tokyo’s Ranjuku Ramen School, thus bringing an insider’s point of view to the local ramen scene. Plainly put, he’s taken it up a notch. All of his preparations are produced in-house, resulting in one outcome: An excellent, soothing bowl of ramen like no other that you’d compare to any bowl, anywhere, anytime. IG: @ramen_ichizu
While it’s hard to imagine a burger addition or topping that is missing from Utah burger menus, we seldom remember those creations by location and name. Apollo Burger proudly creates a battery of signature burgers, from the Greeky Athenian to the more homespun Hawaiian Teriyaki. Topping their list is the Utah Burger, a mixed marriage of pastrami, bacon, gyro meat and cheese atop a 1/4-pound burger with all the fixings and the cornbread-topped bun that’s memorable—by name and location! apolloburger.com
“A single cup of coffee is remembered for 40 years,” goes a Turkish proverb. That’s because Turkish coffee is made so as to not be confused with morning Styrofoam cup versions. Prepared in a copper utensil that sits within a bed of hot sand, Kahve’s coffee boils uniformly throughout, resulting in a cup to be savored. The result? Another proverb: “The heart seeks neither coffee nor coffee house. The heart wants friendship, coffee is an excuse.” kahvecafeslc.com
Those who turn their nose up at the thought of fruit on pizza are missing out, and perhaps no local restaurant proves that more than Basta Pasteria. Their pistachio pizza leans into the rich nuttiness of the pistachio pesto and unctuous saltiness of the mortadella, but it’s the thin slice of lemon that brings everything together. The citrus complements all that richness well enough to end the fruit-onpizza debate once and for all. bastapasteriaut.com
QT Wrap & Roll, located in the heart of West Jordan, offers a fresh twist on vegan options. Experience the taste sensation of a vibrant fusion of crisp ingredients wrapped in delicate rice paper. Each bite is a harmonious blend of crunchy vegetables, aromatic herbs and savory tofu or creamy avocado, complemented by a zesty dipping sauce. These rolls deliver classic Vietnamese flavors while remaining completely plant-based. qtwrapnroll.com
With the plethora of bakeries, delis and diners around the valley, it may be a surprise to learn that readers awarded Thirst Drinks—but just wait until you try them! Their beignets come in bite- or regular- sizes, cream-filled or unfilled, glazed or unglazed and with or without a sprinkling of cinnamon or powdered sugar. For the indecisive, consider ordering a bag of minis and a side drizzle of chocolate, raspberry or honey. thirstdrinks.com
2. Sunday’s Best
3. Provisions
Xing Fu Tang has a variety of drinks to satisfy any palate. It’s best known, however, for its signature brown sugar boba milk tea. This rich, creamy drink is only made better with fresh boba pearls and a lightly torched brown sugar topping. The open kitchen lets customers watch as their drinks are made, so you can see for yourself the care that goes into every item on the menu. IG: xingfutang.ut
2. Tea Bar
3. Sunny Honey
One bite into a delicious brownie from Kneaders and you’ll understand what makes it Utah’s best. They’re rich, fudgy and as chocolatey as you could ever hope a brownie to be. Plus, they’re made fresh in-house, so you can indulge in this delicious treat knowing it’s been crafted with care. Go earn yourself some brownie points and see what this bakery is all about! kneaders.com
2. Pie Party
3. The Chocolate: A Dessert Cafe
It’s no surprise that a Utah business with such a strong dedication and love for churros has been named Utah’s best. Not only does San Diablo cater events to make any occasion that much more special (and tasty), but they also sell churro-making kits so you can have Utah’s best churros at home. Their signature cinnamon sugar blend and variety of fillings and dips really make it the best churro experience possible. sandiablochurros.com
2. Taqueria 27
3. Franco’s Churros & Crepes
Amy Lund started The Dough Lady in 2020, right in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. In just a few short years, her take-and-bake cinnamon roll business has taken off and filled the hearts (and bellies) of Utahns with warm and delicious delights. What’s better, her cinnamon roll doughs come in a variety of flavors, so you can make several kinds of quality cinnamon rolls from the comfort of your own home. doughladyslc.com
2. Straw Market SLC
3. Village Baker
Caffe Ibis is what long-term commitments to the values of stewardship, equity and community look like. Starting with its original cafe in Logan, it is now available throughout our beautiful state. We appreciate their dedication to providing quality coffee at an affordable price, and we personally love that we can get it at local grocers like Harmon’s and sit and drink our Ibis Coffee with friends. caffeibis.com
This Midvale coffee shop has one of the all-time funny-yet-precise taglines on social media: “High end coffee for normal people with a Drive-Thru.” What more could you ask for? Great seasonal selections, awesome pastries and a team of beloved baristas like Anika. If you’ve been to a chain shop, you may never see a favorite face again. Here, you’re a simple “hello” away from that perfect employee/customer relationship. IG: @tresgatoscoffee
2. Omar, The People’s Coffee
3. Josh, Loki Coffee
Get your jo on the go!
It’s a great treat at City Weekly to do a write-up for a business one loves. And damn if we don’t love to give our money to Java Jo’s. Their cold brew with sweet foam can’t be beat. Looking for a hot take? The oat milk latte never misses. And, although it’s not technically coffee, they also make the best London Fog in the valley—get it with lavender syrup. javajos.com
2. Rawbean Coffee
3. Bjorn’s Brew
With plenty of natural light streaming in through the windows, plants flourishing throughout and located snug as a bug in the up-and-coming 9th South area, it’s clear why Loki Coffee is our readers’ top choice. Artisan blend coffee, matchas and teas galore keep customers caffeinated and yes, happy(!) for any and all study sessions, client meetings or daydreaming that needs to get done. lokicoffeeco.com
2. Tres Gatos Coffee
3. The People’s Coffee
If you’re looking for your next coffee fix, the cold brew at Tres Gatos Coffee is smooth, creamy, silky and sweet. They have both a drive-thru as well as indoor and outdoor seating to accommodate however you best like to sip your coffee. They are known for their friendly staff, which makes the drinks taste even better.
IG: @tresgatoscoffee
2. Loki Coffee
3. Roots Coffee Utah
Can one ever make the bold claim that any single place has truly “perfected” the cookie? At least around these parts, one could argue that RubySnap has come the closest to such an achievement. Between its daily selections and monthly specials, RubySnap’s gourmet treats bridge the expanse between the old-fashioned and the experimental. And the results are deliciously, endearingly, boldly perfect. rubysnap.com
2. Chip Cookies
3. Fillings & Emulsions (Salt Lake City)
with or without some icecold milk
Whether sweet or savory, Dali Crepes brings delicious, European-style crepes right here to us in Utah. Every order is made fresh and filled on the spot for a great-tasting, crispy and soft experience. Every menu item is elevated with a careful selection of ingredients, like Banana Dreams, which incorporates caramel sauce and almonds to banana Nutella, or the Alfredo Chicken crepe, which combines two great dishes into one amazing meal. dalicrepes.com
2. Greenhouse Effect Coffee & Crepes
3. Monsieur Crepes
Moist, rich and packed with flavor, there’s so much to love about Nothing Bundt Cakes’ cupcakes (or “bundtinis”). These mini bundt cakes come in so many flavors that you’re bound to find one you love. From red velvet to lemon to carrot (plus some gluten-free options), Nothing Bundt Cakes has something for everyone. Go find out what they’re a-bundt! nothingbundtcakes.com
2. So Cupcake
3. Mrs. Backer’s Pastry Shop
With 35+ rotating flavors of tiramisu from which to choose, there are plenty of reasons to keep you coming back to Twisted for more. Our readers suggest you start with the Dulce De Leche: buttery sweet mascarpone, Salt Lake Coffee Roaster Brazil roast-soaked lady fingers, a dash of cocoa and rum, and dulce de leche swirled on top. Order online or keep an eye out for their tent at local farmer’s markets. twistedtiramisuslc.com
2. Peach (Gourmandise)
3. Butter Cake (Sol Agave)
This eclectic gelateria in Salt Lake’s 9th & 9th neighborhood doesn’t need an award to tell you it’s good; the line out the door speaks for itself! Even in winter, it’s still busy. You can always count on finding Dolcetti’s signature coconut sticky rice, chocolate and pistachio flavors in the case, plus numerous other rotating sorbetto flavors. If you go on a day when forest berry is on the menu, you’ve hit the jackpot. dolcettigelato.com
2. Sweetaly Gelato
3. Capo Gelateria Italiana
The slogan says it all: “When a slice of cake won’t do, order tiramisu!” Founded in 2021, Twisted Tiramisu is the dessert shop you didn’t know you needed. Get a two-person tin delivered to your door or order party or cupcake sizes with advance notice. Their 35+ flavors—including fan favorites like creme brulee, horchata and passionfruit—are immediately frozen after they’re made to stay travel-friendly. All you have to do is thaw and serve. twistedtiramisuslc.com
2. Napoli’s Italian Restaurant
3. Lupessa
Swig has been serving up delicious, refreshing beverages and treats to dirty-soda connoisseurs since 2010. Nearly 15 years later, it remains the place to go for fast, cheerful service and endless combinations of delicious drinks. Whether you’re making one to your unique specifications or grabbing their well-thought-out and creativelynamed beverages, you’re sure to enjoy anything they give you. swigdrinks.com
2. Thirst Drinks
3. Fiiz Drinks
When you want the best, you need to plan ahead. Everything on Tin Roof Grill’s extensive menu of cheesecakes isn’t available at any given moment, because they make them all fresh each day. So whether you want white chocolate caramel swirl, cookies & cream or raspberry key lime, be sure to call ahead of time to guarantee your mouthwatering selection. You won’t regret it. tinroofgrill.com
2. Momo’s Gourmet Cheesecake Co.
3. Doki Doki
The only problem with assigning the victory for “chocolate cake” to The Chocolate is that you’re then faced with the delicious problem of asking, “Which one?” The menu rotates regularly, so maybe we’re talking about the dark chocolate raspberry cake, a sinful mixture of tart and bittersweet. Or the elaborately decorated rosette cake? Either way, you win. thechocolate.cafe
2. Cakes By Edith
3. Fillings & Emulsions (Salt Lake City)
Made from scratch with white bread and custard, Gourmandise’s English Bread Pudding is a cherished classic within an already stellar menu of options. For a fruity twist during select times of the year, be sure to check out the Summer Berry version as well, which adds fresh blueberries and raspberries into the already-mouthwatering mix. gourmandise.com
2. Délice Bakery & Café
3. Hoof & Vine
Dig into the English bread pudding or Seasonal Pumkin bread pudding at Gourmandise
If it feels like you’ve been seeing Banbury Cross win this category for years now, that’s only because it keeps delivering the decadent, melt-in-your-mouth goodness from classic glazed to cinnamon twists to specialty cake-style. You’ll never be more popular with your co-workers than if you plop one of Banbury’s trademark boxes with the rocking horse logo into the break room. Just hear the yum noises commence. banburycrossdonut.com
2. Fresh Donuts & Deli
3. Chubby Baker
Family-owned and operated for more than 40 years, Schmidt’s knows a thing or two about choux. So it’s no surprise that their eclairs are local favorites. Available in two sizes—although, let’s be honest, you want the large—each pastry comes perfectly puffed and filled with decadent custard, topped with chocolate glaze and a decorative flour. Custom orders are available, if you care to be the most popular person at your company party. schmidtspastry.net
2. Carol’s Pastry Shop
3. Eva’s Bakery
The food at this little diner is based on longstanding recipes and traditions, particularly their amazing fry bread or fried scones—that Utah favorite featuring a fluffy, hollow interior and crisp bite. This humble restaurant, with its minimal signage and cinder block construction, is as fine a place as any to enjoy your first scone, or to reimagine your childhood crush on this regional fave. facebook.com/navajohoganllc
2. Sill’s Cafe
3. Midvale Mining Cafe & Catering
Assorted donuts from Banbury Cross
Just in time to place your holiday pre-orders, Hatch Family Chocolates once again wins the Best Fudge award. Creamy, lush and velvety, one bite of this fudge will make your tongue feel, as Tim Curry once remarked on the television show Psych, like an “angel baby swaddled in a cocoon of cloud candy.” Nuts are optional. hatchfamilychocolates.com
2. Fudge Co.
3. Chocolate Covered Wagon - Trolley Taffy Station
Olmec pots dating from around 1500 BCE show trace evidence that they were used to serve a ceremonial drink made from cacao. Enjoyed for its energy-giving and aphrodisiac qualities, this chocolate drink wasn’t reserved just for the powerful but enjoyed by persons of all ranks. For the third year in a row, Hatch Family Chocolates demonstrates that they have continued what the Olmecs started: providing hot chocolate to the masses. No ceremony required! hatchfamilychocolates.com
2. Kahve Cafe SLC
3. Cozy Coffee Lounge
If ever you need a last-minute gift idea, get a box of macarons from Fillings & Emulsions. Doesn’t matter the occasion— holiday, birthday, anniversary, I-forgot-our anniversary— you can’t go wrong with these jewel-toned gems in mouthwatering flavors like chocolate raspberry, pistachio & cherry, caramel florentine, grapefruit mango, passion & pineapple and more. They even have an airport location, in case you need calories to fuel your trek to concourse B. fillingsandemulsions.com
2. Gourmandise
3. Délice Bakery & Café
Noted for its unique flavors (black sesame, blood orange, green tea, ube, etc.), Normal serves their specialty treats on cones and in cakes, on sticks and in sandwiches—not to mention their purveying the public with pints and popsicles. A dessert run to this little shop on 900 South will hardly be dismissed as normal. normal.club
2. Monkeywrench
3. Leatherby’s Family Creamery
Looking for a cleanse to your body? Vive Juicery has just the thing! Whether you opt for one of their curated cleanses, DIY your own selection of cold-pressed juices, or simply start a subscription to save 10% and score free delivery, there’s no better way to start a full-body reset than with Vive. vivejuicery.com
2. The Juice Shop
3. Just Organic Juices
There are days when the line at Coffee Garden stretches from the counter to the front door. Even in those moments, the courteous and uber-professional baristas at Coffee Garden keep their cool, putting out caffeine drinks that are pleasing to multiple senses. With some expert twists of their wrists, the Coffee Garden crew set out lattes made with care and flair. That perfectly-prepared cup is always worth the wait. coffeegardenslc.org
2. Kings Peak Coffee Roasters
3. Cozy Coffee Lounge
Ritual Chocolate believes in ethically-sourced cacao and that chocolate is a gift to unfold. Combining old-world techniques with modern machinery, they provide a unique experience with every bite. Be sure to try the Juniper Lavender Chocolate, an ode to their Utah roots with a blend of lavender grown by Blue Canyon in Heber City. ritualchocolate.com
2. Sweet Hazel & Co. Bakeshop & Bistro
3. The Chocolate Conspiracy
Seeing as India has such rich and diverse cuisines, it’s difficult to pinpoint only one item at Royal India’s table, thanks to owner Emmanuel Shanthakumar. We can report, however, that the Mango Lassi is truly something to behold. A housemade yogurt blended with buttermilk and mango, it’s an absolute must during any visit. royalindiautah.com
2. Saffron Valley
3. Mumbai House
Picnic Café provides the idyllic setting for grabbing a tasty treat before promenading through Salt Lake’s nearby Liberty Park. It’s their rotational freshbaked pastries that separate this cafe from the rest. Made in-house, the muffins are an experience to enjoy and savor.
Paired with their other delicious eats, a walk in the park never tasted so good. picnicslc.com
2. Vosen’s Bread Paradise
3. The Dodo Restaurant
While this South Jordan bakery also offers cakes, brownies and toaster pastries, it is the personal mini pies that are the stars of Flake Pie Co.’s menu. From banana cream and chocolate caramel to cookie dough, these rich and indulgent bites are begging to be shared with others for a sweet capper to any evening. flakepie.com
2. Pie Party
3. The Dodo Restaurant
Not content to excel solely among their more cream-centric offerings, Flake Pie Co. provides unique zest to their fruitier personal pastries as well. Whether the featured filling is apple, peach streusel or berry medley, you can be sure that the mini pie before you will not remain uneaten for long. flakepie.com
2. Pie Fight
3. Pie Party
There’s something comforting and reliable about a culinary standby, and ever since Lamar Sorensen commenced the Iceberg Drive Inn at this location in 1960, that is just what Salt Lakers have had. While their other food options warrant praise, it is the towering, thick milkshakes that have kept customers coming back after all these decades. Can’t finish one in a single sitting? No sweat. Iceberg will be there whenever you’re ready for more. icebergdriveinn.com
2. Dairy Keen - Home Of The Train
3. Hires Big H
This collective began in a dorm room closet, where founder Hannah Hendrickson brewed kombucha as a student. Since then, this women-owned business has grown into a full-scale kombucha brewery and taproom. What’s better, it features a range of zero-proof cocktails for customers to enjoy. So whether you’re the designated driver or planning a sober excursion, you don’t have to miss out on sipping a well-crafted drink. hkbrewing.com
2. Post Office Place
3. Hopkins Brewing Company
Whether it’s scones or croissants, tartlettes or cannolis, pains au chocolat or the kouign-amann, the odds are good that you’ll find within the doors of Gourmandise that particular pastry for which you’re pining. Odds are even better that you’ll find more than you anticipated, necessitating several visits. When you add to this the many seasonal treats offered throughout the year, this European delight becomes the sweetest sure bet around. gourmandise.com
2. Tomodachi Bake Shoppe
3. Délice Bakery & Café
Most of us are already well-acquainted with Tulie’s delicious cake stylings, most famously with their olive oil confection. (If not, pay them a visit ASAP!) On top of the traditional flavors, Tulie offers coffee and tea cakes as well. Because its cakes come in sizes ranging from 6 to 14 inches around with up to three layers, you’ll need to call ahead for one of these beauties, but we can assure you that they’re worth the wait.
2. Cakes By Edith
3. Mrs. Backer’s Pastry Shop
The Grand America Hotel does the very civilized practice of high tea remarkably well. From a harpist creating the perfect background ambiance to the tower of finger sandwiches and pastries, the elegance you experience there is second to none. Dress up and get fancy—it’s your time to shine. grandamerica.com
2. Tea Zaanti
To the rest of the United States, landlocked Utah might be a surprising home to a burgeoning Polynesian culture—in Utah, island themes and flavors are part of the everyday lifestyle. Arriving in Provo in 2008, Hokulia Shave Ice has flourished and grown to over 80 locations, offering premium island-inspired shaved ice. They have even partnered with Farr’s Ice Cream to pack further flavors into their unique treats. hokuliashaveice.com
2. Bahama Buck’s (Draper)
3. Just A Craving
3. Space Tea
Felicia Hanson kicked off her sweet empire selling out of her car during the pandemic, and now Sweet Hazel is the go-to vegan dessert spot in the city! Their wares include the cheeky “Better than Sex” cake and the “Better than Theirs” candy bar (think Snickers, but better). And guess what? It’s all dairyand egg-free without skimping on flavor. We look forward to the inclusive treats they’ll be whipping up next! sweet-hazel-co.myshopify.com
2. Monkeywrench
3. City Cakes & Cafe
Space Tea is known for a wideranging selection of milk teas, boba drinks, desserts, ice creams and all things sweet and tasty, served up to a youthful, energetic clientele. The business—which serves drinks as amazing to look at as they are to taste—is also given to local, small-scale philanthropy, their business calendar dotted with good deeds. If you’ve never enjoyed the wonders of boba, this is a great place to be introduced. spaceteaslc.com
Dole Whip at Megaplex
Fans of Disney parks are familiar with that delightful treat known popularly as the “Dole Whip”—a tart, tangy, creamy mountain of pineapple-flavored soft-serve ice cream. If your cinematic snacking tends to be more sweet than salty, you can grab one of these desserts at several Megaplex Theatres locations. Just don’t block the view of the people behind you with your mouse ears. megaplextheatres.com
While this Dutch, German and Scandinavian import store offers an impressive array of sandwiches, soups and imported goods, it is the dessert items that warrant consistent visits. From their stroopwafels and Olliebolen to the windmill cookies and marzipan cake, the goods at this family business have long been mixing their own style of zoet (“sweet”) to our City of Salt. facebook.com/olddutchstore
Picnic is a delightful haven for coffee enthusiasts and casual sippers alike. With its cozy atmosphere, this quaint spot is renowned for its extraordinary specialty drinks like the Pandan latte. Whether you’re craving a velvety matcha latte or an inventive seasonal creation, Picnic offers a refreshing escape just steps away from Liberty Park. Enjoy your favorite beverage after a park walk on their serene patio—it’s the perfect place to relax and recharge. picnicslc.com
When your mouth gets bored and lonely, a remedy can be found at Mahider Ethiopian Restaurant. Offering authentic dishes with often surprising seasoning combinations, Mahider might also provide you with your next new comfort food. Large enough to feed its broad customer base, Mahider is also small enough to make you feel like you’ve just personally discovered it. mahiderethiopian.com
2. Kafe Mamai
3. Balabe
Chuck-A-Rama is one of those local spots that is so uniquely Utahn that we can’t help but fall in love with it. Its inspiration comes from the worlds of pioneer heritage, Boy Scouts and an abiding love for putting gravy on everything that speaks directly to Utahns’ souls. And who doesn’t love the Chuck’s thematic menus? Visiting on Italian Day is one of the best things about living in the Beehive State. chuck-a-rama.com
2. Mr. Shabu
3. KPOT Korean BBQ & Hot Pot
In a mere six years, Ruth’s Diner will be 100 years old. This is a restaurant that has served almost ten decades’ worth of Utah diners, and it’s not showing any signs of stopping. With mile-high biscuits, an excellent woodsy patio and a chocolate malt pudding to die for, Ruth’s Diner may just be the best American diner in the country, let alone Utah. ruthsdiner.com
2. Vertical Diner
3. Over the Counter Cafe
Proving they can hang with the likes of their sister locations in the Bourbon Group, Franklin Ave Cocktails & Kitchen serves up some tasty eats to begin your meal, or order several and graze. Try the deviled eggs with duck cracklings or the loaded potatoes with bacon and hollandaise; your palette will thank you. franklinaveslc.com
2. Prohibition
3. The Bayou
Salt Lake City)
Oftentimes, the bathroom is the real and almighty judge of an establishment’s character, effort and cleanliness. Lucky for them, Quarters Arcade Bar hits these checkpoints with high marks all around. Even if you haven’t had the pleasure of powdering your nose at the downtown location, you’ve certainly seen the bright neon lights reflecting pink across the mirror that reads, “Don’t Let The Bastards Get You Down.” Here, here! quartersslc.com/downtown
2. Lake Effect
3. Prohibition
Aprés the local way at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon. Those in the know avoid the dreaded “red snake” of traffic by bouncing before the late-afternoon rush, opting to head down for post-ski drinks at Hog’s. The roaring fireplace and hand-carved wooden beams conjure cozy cabin vibes, and the menu features hearty dishes like slow-roasted pork, ribs and smoked wings. Good luck eating that well at the resort. thehogwallow.com
2. Cotton Bottom Inn
3. Porcupine Pub & Grille
Breaking Bingo takes place Thursday nights at 8 p.m. at A Bar Named Sue. There is up to a $3,000 Jackpot, which is a chance to win some serious money. With their large selection of beers on tap, this is the best place to come with some friends on a weeknight if you are feeling lucky. abarnamedsue.com
2. Good Spirits Bar & Grill
3. Why KiKi
This is not your regular bar—you won’t find a selection of alcohol like theirs anywhere else in the city! Plus, we’re all about their regular local music celebrations on the main level. Elevate your nightlife experience in “Church,” their heavenly club upstairs where cocktails are your holy elixir and dancing is the divine ritual, or “The Rabbit Hole,” their enigmatic basement speakeasy, where the atmosphere keeps you happily lost in time. lakeeffectslc.com
2. Why KiKi
3. The Green Pig Pub
If you are venturing outside of downtown, A Bar Named Sue has a good crowd that isn’t too loud to socialize. With 26 beers on tap, it is a great place for a low-key drink and live music. There are also karaoke nights, free bar games, UFC and weekly events with cash prizes. Truly a bar that has it all. abarnamedsue.com
2. Prohibition
3. The Hog Wallow Pub
Dominating the top spot for their elevated bar menu once again, White Horse Spirits & Kitchen boldly goes where other bar menus do not. From the fried stuffed olives filled with chorizo, almonds and cream cheese to the Oyster Po’ Boy, go for the food and stay for the food. whitehorseslc.com
2. Franklin Ave Cocktails & Kitchen
3. The Bayou
A local favorite with award-winning beers in a casual atmosphere. It can fill up quickly, so make a reservation and bring a group of friends. The happy hour food and drinks are well worth the price. Make sure to try the cheese curds, fried pickles, Brussels sprouts and sweet potato fries. saltlakebrewingco.com/squatters
2. Red Rock Brewing (Downtown Salt Lake City)
3. Hopkins Brewing Company
Maybe it’s the misters, maybe it’s the mules, but the patio at The Hog Wallow always seems to feel about 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the city on sweltering days. You can find a secluded table tucked among the pines on its mutli-level patio, and listen to the waterfall babbling in the background. thehogwallow.com
2. Gracie’s
3. Ivy & Varley
This well-regarded St. George restaurant is known for big portions, which come accompanied by an absolutely masterful set of sides, including mac ‘n’ cheese, potato salad and Spanish rice, among other options. With St. George being a popular daytrippin’ location for Salt Lakers, this spot’s built a dedicated clientele of locals and those willing to travel a bit for some amazing BBQ fare. picaricabbq.com
2. Pat’s Barbecue
3. Charlotte-Rose’s Carolina BBQ
Gostoso Demais! A good Brazilian steakhouse—or “churrascaria”—will change the way you look at meat, with its frenzy of tableside offerings, sizzling hot and cut fresh from a skewer. And nobody has done it better for longer on this side of the equator than Rodizio Grill. Pro tips: put some farofa on your feijoada; try the chicken heart; and never say “no” to the grilled pineapple. rodiziogrill.com/salt-lake-city
2. Braza Grill
3. Tucanos Brazilian Grill
Visit Vosen’s downtown location or catch them at the Downtown Farmer’s Market for the best bread money can buy. You’ll find staples like sourdough rounds, French baguettes and rolls, but their niche is German loaves and pastries. Think more varieties of rye than you’ve ever seen in your life alongside salt pretzels, bratwurst buns and croiliners—a cross between a croissant and a berliner—filled with raspberry jam or maple. vosen.com
2. Table X Bread
3. Great Harvest Bread Co. (Holladay)
The Park Cafe understands that to create comfort, there’s no use in reinventing the wheel. Instead, perfect the way it turns. Hot coffee pipes in pots, eggs are fried to yolky perfection and placed atop a warm bed of hashbrowns, onions and peppers. Berry preserves sit proudly on every table, just waiting to coat warm sourdough toast. This isn’t a place you visit once and forget about: you come back again and again. theparkcafeslc.com
2. Eggs In The City
3. Ruth’s Diner
What’s better than breakfast? A breakfast enjoyed amidst the crisp air and natural slopes of Utah’s Emigration Canyon, that’s what. Considering that Ruth’s Diner combines two delightful things into a single experience and does it supremely well, it’s a wonder that we aren’t all lined up outside that historic diner’s trolley car entrance every morning for a bite of sweet or savory—but always scenic— perfection. ruthsdiner.com
2. Silver Fork Lodge And Restaurant
3. Emigration Brewing Co.
T. F. Brewing poured its first beer in 2018, but in a short time it’s made quite a name for itself. From its award-winning flagship Granary Kellerbier to its more recent libations, T.F. Brewing has excelled in the German way of making beer. All their brews are fermented in an open-air style, 15-barrel brewhouse attached to the tap room. Plus, they have food trucks and a dog-friendly patio. We’ll prost to that! tfbrewing.com
2. Fisher Brewing Company
3. Bohemian Brewery
Fresh, inventive and mysterious. We have so many adjectives to describe Prohibition, but perhaps most simply of all, it’s delicious. This speakeasy boasts a great brunch—and if you’ve spent five minutes in Utah, you’d know brunch is set at a high bar. Some of our favorites include the Bourbon Caramel French Toast or the chilaquiles. We also recommend you pair it with one of their many exciting and creative brunch cocktails. prohibitionutah.com
2. Why KiKi
3. Handle Bar
With a delicious beer already in hand, the good folks at Red Rock Brewing know that there’s something else that may enter your thoughts: food. On this, they’ve got you covered. Red Rock at Fashion Place offers full plates of goodness plus smaller items. What complements a glass of beer better than some beer-battered pickle chips or blistered shishito peppers? Well, spiral cut fries! Or roasted Brussels sprouts. Or multiple other delightfullynoshable treats. redrockbrewing.com
Squatters Pub Brewery
Bursting from the creative minds of Michael McHenry and Tyler Stokes, Sunday’s Best strives to be the popping, vibrant place that had been so desperately craved in Utah for quite some time. Open daily for brunch, Sunday’s Best curates their menu seasonally to keep pace with the shifting trends among brunch-goers. A staple at the restaurant is the powdered sugar beignets, served with housemade jam. brunchmehard.com
2. Oasis Cafe
3. Roots Cafe
Experience the artistry of chef-led cooking and carving stations, savor a specially curated selection for young gourmets, and indulge in luxurious desserts displayed in a tempting array that is not to be missed, no matter how full you are from other foods. It is only for special occasions, no? grandamerica.com
2. Urban Hill
3. Mar Muntanya
As a Utah native, chef Tyson Peterson brings nostalgia from his Utah roots into his work, like the funeral croquettes that he fuses with a Northern Spanish flair. Along with the appealingly familiar, you will find cultural inspirations from the Basque Country and Catalonia harmoniously incorporated into the menu as well—all of it composed by Peterson with finesse. mar-muntanya.com
2. Giuseppe Mirenda, Antica Sicilia
3. Nick Zocco, Urban Hill
For nearly 50 years, this culinary treasure in Bountiful has provided consistently delicious food and a diverse menu that fills you up without weighing you down. Their servers are bright, informed and have great suggestions based on what you have liked in the past. This iconic spot is a community staple and you need it in your mouth right now. mandarinutah.com
2. Shanghai Café
3. Hong Kong Tea House
Two words: pickleball courts. Where else can you play everyone’s new favorite sport and enjoy local hard ciders on draft? Not to mention tons of local beers, cider cocktails and nonalcoholic offerings alongside house-made paninis and flatbreads. And if pickleball isn’t your thing, Second Summit also hosts game nights, including trivia, bingo and cornhole leagues, live music and community events. secondsummitcider.com
2. Mountain West Cider
3. Scion Cider Bar
Located in a scenic pocket of the Marmalade neighborhood, HandleBar has found the perfect place for a dog-friendly bar, located juuuust far away that even a couple of noisy canines aren’t going to upset the neighbors. Generally, though, folks bring well-behaved dogs to this venue, which features a big patio. Add in a solid food menu and a full-service bar and you’ve got yourself a very solid dog- (and human-)friendly experience. handlebarslc.com
2. Second Summit Hard Cider Co. 3. The Brickyard Bar
happy guests
Why Kiki revolutionized what it means to dance in downtown Salt Lake. Spearheading the silent disco movement, they turned an otherwise ordinary DJ set into a scene from Saturday Night Fever. Pumping music you can control—and therefore can never get bored of—Why Kiki will keep your cup full and your moves fast and loose. This club is for everyone: so be yourself, put on your red shoes and dance away the blues. whykikibar.com
2. Area 51
3. Sky SLC
This is a bar that feels welcoming to Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z alike. It has cozy booths, darts, pool tables and a friendly staff and crowd. Not only are the drinks inexpensive (which is important these days), but the sandwiches at Duffy’s Tavern are really up to the hype. duffystavernslc.com 2.
Bangarang is a well-known face in our community. You can catch him DJing downtown at Sky SLC and London Belle, as well as in Park City at the Downstairs PC and The Cabin PC. His openformat style and versatile mixing means there is something for everyone to dance along to! Keep up with his busy schedule on social media.
IG: @bangarangthedj
2. DJ Sheade
3. DJ Matty Mo
Dining on farm-raised food at Hell’s Backbone is an entirely different experience from the norm— one that’s deeply connected to the land. Jen Castle and Blake Spalding have truly crafted something extraordinary in this corner of Utah. Before you leave, be sure to stop by their charming stand, where they offer an array of homemade goods to take with you. hellsbackbonegrill.com
2. Urban Hill 3. Arlo Restaurant
Hatched in 2018, the Cluck Truck has been making local foodies excited about its simple yet satisfying menu ever since. With a handful of wraps and a few different fry options,
and outside of local brewpubs. There’s some magic on every plate that comes out of the Cluck Truck mobile kitchen.
Urban Hill’s Executive Chef Nick Zocco was recognized as a finalist this year for Best Chef by the James Beard Foundation, though taking home a Best Fine Dining win by thousands of Best of Utah voters ekes out honors in our book. Zocco ascribes a touch of brilliance to his creations, and it’s no surprise that Urban Hill has shot up into the top-tier lists of restaurants in Utah so quickly. urban-hill.com
2. Antica Sicilia
3. Table X
This upscale food court has so many different options. You can try skinnyFATS, which has a mix of fried and healthy food (such as fried pickles); Blaze of Thunder for southern fried chicken; or Hog & Tradition for Dominican BBQ just to name a few! When visiting the Gateway check out their entire selection and bring the whole family because there is something here for everyone. hallpassslc.com
2. Woodbine Food Hall
3. Chinatown Supermarket
Garnering thousands of engagements on their Instagram through their 200,000-plus followers, @SLCFoodie is constantly on the hunt to shine a spotlight on Utah eateries—it’s a great resource for Utahns to find the deserving hole-in-the-wall or, at minimum, make your mouth water while you doom scroll. Not on Instagram? You can find SLCFoodie every Tuesday on Fox 13 for a segment.
2. Gastronomic SLC
3. Phoking
Take one serving of Pyrenees estate, add a soupcon of Loire valley and a dash of Utahn ingenuity, and you have La Caille Restaurant. The experience begins before you enter the manse by strolling through its sumptuous grounds. Inside, La Caille presents French decor that, while whimsical, isn’t overdone, a bar and a winery that feature regular offerings as well as La Caille’s own Estate Chareau
and Enchante.
Himalayan recently celebrated its 20-year anniversary, a testament to the love Utahns have for this welcoming establishment. The traditional Indian and Nepalese eatery is full of flavors, mouth-watering aromas, warm naan and sizzling Tandoori grills. The sizable lunch buffet has all of the Indian favorites and other delicious must-try house specialties. himalayankitchen.com
2. Saffron Valley (South Jordan)
3. Kathmandu Grill
“When Sicilia Mia first opened in 2014, there was nobody with a traditional Italian menu,” chef Giuseppe Mirenda told City Weekly earlier this year. “We kind of raised the bar a bit for everybody to follow.” That’s certainly an understatement, as Sicilia Mia’s delectable offerings—from arancinette appetizers to seafood to housemade meatballs and, of course, plenty of amazing pasta—continue to delight diners a decade later. siciliamiautah.com
2. Caffé Molise
3. Fratelli Ristorante
Traditional dishes share space with amazing fusion cuisine—and a gorgeous setting—at Sapa. Whether your taste runs to classic sushi rolls or nigiri offerings, or you like getting adventurous with a squid salad, or you want to try out something like wok-seared filet mignon, Sapa combines all of the best Asian flavors under one roof. You can even have an “all you can eat” sushi roll experience during mid-week happy hour. sapabarandgrill.com
2. Takashi
3. Kyoto Japanese Restaurant
Liquid courage can take the edge off one’s firsttime fears of singing in public, but it isn’t always necessary at Highlander Pub. They’re always willing to help you sort through an enormous music collection to find something in the right key. And the patrons? Supportive and welcoming, they don’t care if you are a trained opera singer or have a voice only a mother could love. At Highlander, you’ve found your people. highlanderutah.com
2. OMG! Karaoke With Queen Chanty
3. Drag Karaoke W/ Sequoia @ Blue Gene’s
As a James Beard Award semifinalist and winner of this category last year as well, Manoli’s continues to dominate for a good reason. From seasonal shareable bites that appeal to all types of eaters to house-made soft serve ice cream, you can’t go wrong with anything on this menu. All dishes are made from scratch. manolison9th.com
2. Greek Souvlaki
3. The Other Place Restaurant
Molly’s wishes you to know it’s not an old-fashioned strip club, but something more elevated. Though geared towards gentlemen, it’s a female-owned establishment, where “respect, fun, and safety move hand in hand.” Offering a Renaissancelike vibe, Molly’s isn’t the same kinda club your grandpop visited after working in the Carbon County mines. It’s a modern joint, though the appeals are universal and time-tested, to be sure. mollysgeminiroom.com
2. Duces Wild
3. Trails
Nothing embodies the phrase “sehr gut” better than this casual deli/import store located within the heart of downtown Salt Lake City. Whether it’s the meats, the spaetzle, the sauerkraut or the pastries you’re after, you will neither leave this venerable establishment disappointed, nor will you go unfilled. Seriously, how lucky can we be to have had this treasure in our midst since 1971? siegfriedsdelicatessen.com
2. Weller’s Bistro
3. Bohemian Brewery
When other fast-casual restaurants were churning out variations on rice bowls and taco salads, Vessel gambled on making a balanced meal. How many of us have turned to Vessel when we’re on the lookout for something to break our burger and pizza habits? This local spot has redefined the landscape by crafting dishes that are not only tasty, but put all our moms at ease by making sure we eat our veggies. vesselkitchen.com
2. Aubergine Kitchen
3. Zest Kitchen & Bar
When a restaurant is so good that diners go nuts for its potato chips, then it’s already set a pretty high bar for itself. Luckily, constant innovation and commitment to quality are two of the driving forces behind Bambara’s success. Just like the Hotel Monaco itself, Bambara prides itself on cultivating a classic aesthetic with a modern spin—and you literally can’t go wrong with anything on the menu. bambara-slc.com
2. Laurel Brasserie & Bar
3. Mar Muntanya
When you walk into Mumbai House, you are met with delicious aromas that will simply make your mouth water. They boast a tasty lamb dhaba and chicken curry
Performers at Why KiKi
Why KiKi has fabulous drag shows, including drag bingo nights! They also host great drag brunches, and have a silent disco downstairs to switch it up. Truly a safe place for our queer community and all those who love a good time with a few racy items on the menu. Check out the outside for a come-as-you-are beach bar. whykikibar.com
2. The Sun Trapp
3. M I L K +
The Korean BBQ experience is interactive, allowing customers to cook the meat themselves on grills built into the tables. The dining experience at KOU goes a step further with offerings of high-quality bulgogi, pork and chicken. The communal dining atmosphere is exciting and enjoyable here. Plus, they offer a discounted all-you-can-eat happy hour price until 4 p.m. thekou.com
2. KPOT Korean BBQ & Hot Pot 3. OMBU Grill
For lovers of Venezuelan food, this laidback eatery offers authentic and delicious food options. Along with their specialities like arepas and cachapas, there are also many vegetarian options. Arempas has large portions, which makes it well worth the price and practically guarantees that if you go, it will not be your last time. Open until 10 p.m., so it even makes it a great late-night bite to eat. arempas.com
2. Las Botellas
3. El Rocoto Peruvian Restaurant
There are plenty of local burger joints that Utah can be proud of, but none of them have been as influential to Utah’s culinary identity as Crown Burgers. The restaurant’s fry sauce and its signature pastrami burger are Utah originals, often finding their way to national best burger lists all over the internet. The fact that Crown Burgers has been this good since 1978 makes it nothing short of a local legend.
2. The Pie Pizzeria
3. Hires Big H
This family-run Mexican restaurant is best known for its different kinds of mole. It is genuinely the closest moles to Puebla or Oaxaca you will find in Salt Lake City. There are also gluten-free options and a kid’s menu. This is a great place for your next birthday party or family outing. rediguana.com
2. La Casa Del Tamal
3. Chile-Tepin
Tucked quaintly amongst houses and small business, VIOLET brings food aplenty to anyone who happened upon a neighborhood stroll. Adding quirky twists to otherwise run-of-the-mill snacks—like pickled beet deviled eggs and Captain Crunch-fried french toast, burnt butter pancakes or mahi-mahi sandos—they provide a perfect cap and exciting alternative to an otherwise dog day Saturday morning on the same old street. violet-slc.com
For more than 20 years, Mazza has been a dazzling gem in the community as the go-to Middle Eastern cuisine. A must-try during any Mazza visit are the Mediterranean Lamb Meatballs, which are seasoned and braised in their signature tomato pomegranate sauce. Along with the impressive food fare, Mazza has an extensive imported wine and beer list. mazzacafe.com
2. Laziz Kitchen
3. Alhambra Shawarma
The appeals of Dick N’ Dixie’s are many. There’s a fantastic selection of liquors on the back bar and a beer list that goes waaaay beyond the average corner bar. Though late nights are fun, the happy hours are really special, as local wags talk about books and state politics, music fans kill time before shows at Urban Lounge and billiards are shot. Welcoming and unpretentious, this is a top-flight tavern. dickndixies.com
2. Handle Bar
3. The Hog Wallow Pub
Rich Romney was Takashi’s general manager and right-hand man for decades, assisting the restaurant in opening Post Office Place. Now, Romney is ready to kick off the training wheels, fulfill his passion and open the city’s latest bar, Felt Bar & Eatery. The eclectic menu has a global influence and offers stunning presentations, while the craft cocktails are totally unique and creative. Congratulations, Rich! feltslc.com
2. Second Summit Hard Cider Co.
3. HK Brewing Collective Taproom & Bar
Before Kotyoté hit the scene, Utahns were doing quite well for themselves when it came to ramen. So well, in fact, that we all lost our collective minds when we experienced this North Salt lake gem for the first time. How a place could be this good right out of the gate was beyond any of us—but we sure have enjoyed slurping noodles at Kotyoté’s bar. koyoteslc.com
2. VIOLET 3. Matteo Ristorante Italiano
Talib Kwali
Sky SLC has been a music venue with consistently great DJ lineups for more than a decade. They always host the biggest DJs in the electronic music industry and have invested in great speakers and visuals for an all-around fun night out with friends. The newer rooftop bar has added to the overall vibe of the venue. Stay in the loop of who is playing there and go check it out yourself! skyslc.com
2. Why KiKi
3. M I L K +
Harp and Hound touts itself as “Ogden’s hippest original speakeasy,” and who doesn’t want to hang out in a speakeasy like it’s 1924 instead of 2024? This upscale gastropub will have you coming back again and again for their large menu selection (including vegan options), great service and premium cocktails. It’s the perfect place for a hearty dinner or delightful brunch. harphound.com
2. Funk ‘n Dive Bar
3. Brewski’s
Let’s just state the obvious here: there are a variety of great music rooms in town and your choice of a favorite may come down to your preferences for elbow room or general booking policies. Urban Lounge offers all the needed elements of a fine venue, with friendly staff, an impressive calendar of artists, outdoor shows on occasion and, most importantly, a sound system that fills the room without a tinnitus warning attached. theurbanloungeslc.com
2. Sky SLC
3. Soundwell
While bar-hopping in O-town, you have a few options, but be sure to include Funk ‘n Dive while you’re out and about. It has everything you could need for a great night out: scrumptious food, top-notch service and lively atmosphere. Come hang out in a cool, historical building and enjoy weekly events like poker and trivia, or a live show from great local talent. funkanddive.com
2. Brewski’s
3. Shooting Star Saloon
Tona Sushi Bar and Grill
Historic 25th Street is home to many great eateries, but if you’re in the mood for sophisticated and innovative Japanese cuisine, look no further than Tona. It never disappoints with its top notch service, cozy location and, of course, the fantastic food. With plenty of dishes to choose from, Tona will have you coming back again and again to try something new, or to reorder your favorite. tonarestaurant.com
2. Slackwater
3. The Sonora
Free of the needless flash and frills of more modern eateries, this Salt Lake City diner nevertheless offers food that appeals to hungry layperson and gourmet alike. Whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, you will find their classic home cooking to be both tasty as well as filling. Just make sure you leave enough room for one of their pies! leftforkgrillslc.com
2. Midvale Mining Cafe & Catering
3. Virg’s
Year after year, No Name Saloon rises to the top of the mountain in the competitive Park City bar pecking order. It’s easy to see why—it’s inviting for visitors and locals alike, and the vast space is ideal for any outing. The warmer months are a blast on the terraces and rooftops, while the indoor facilities are cozy and inviting during the winter. nonamesaloon.com
2. High West Distillery
3. O’Shucks Bar & Grill
Founded in 1959, the period in which American drive-ins enjoyed their greatest cultural cachet, Hires offers all the expected (and desired) menu items of its kin: burgers, dogs, ice cream, root beer and chili. And, in theory, you could go to Hires and not order fries with a side of fry sauce, but what fun would that be? This place is authentic, the real deal. hiresbigh.com
2. Iceberg Drive Inn (3900 South)
3. Millie’s Burgers
The year: 2012. The place: Ogden’s Historic 25th Street. The food: some of the best damn pizza around town. What started as a hole-inthe-wall spot in downtown Ogden has become a staple for multiple cities as they continue to sling delicious ‘za to the fine residents of Utah. You can’t go wrong with their delectable NYstyle pizza, bomb wings and delicious desserts. theluckyslice.com
2. Slackwater
3. The Pie Pizzeria (Ogden)
Experience the essence of authentic New York style pizza in the heart of Park City at Este Pizza. The hand-tossed, thin-crust pizzas have quality baked into every bite. Our favorite is the Italian Flag, a ricotta and pesto striped pie topped with fresh garlic, oregano and mozzarella cheese. Along with the in-store offerings, Este has “take and bake” lasagnas and pizzas for an easy home meal. estepizzaparkcity.com
2. Maxwell’s
3. Davanza’s
The key to building a top-shelf restaurant in the heart of a bustling dining scene? Family. Proprietor Brooks Kirchheimer says, “We want a family atmosphere to extend to our associates and guests, to ensure a fun, inviting, amazing experience for all.” With sister restaurant Hearth and Hill shoring things up in Park City, Urban Hill’s incredible team has become the standard of excellence in both locales. urban-hill.com
2. Antica Sicilia
3. Kimi’s Chop Shop & Oyster House
Honest question: How many current U of U students wanted to enroll there because it was so close to The Pie’s location? I’m sure the answer wouldn’t be very surprising at all. With its solid track record of consistency, seasonal pizzas and world class dine-in vibes, The Pie has been— and will hopefully continue to be—one of our local comfort food fixtures for years. thepie.com
2. Bricks Corner
3. Settebello Pizzeria Napoletana
Via 313 Pizza
The only sad thing about this pizza is that it is not available everywhere. We have heard of Chicago deep dish, but this was the first time we had heard of Detroit-style pizza. We crave it and dream about it. And for you gluten-free & vegan folks, they have you covered—this pizza tastes so delicious and fluffy you’ll ask your server multiple times if it is actually gluten-free. via313.com
2. Brick Oven
Pie Hole offers up food from 11 a.m. to 3 a.m., covering the key 16 hours a day in which people want (make that need) a bit of sustenance. Who among us hasn’t seen a Japanese punk band at the International Lounge, only to realize you forgot to grab dinner on the way there? This is the moment in which Pie Hole shines, an oasis of sights, sounds and smells. pieholeutah.com
2. Arempas
3. Betos Mexican Food (Millcreek)
With a James Beard Foundation 2024 Best Chef finalist nomination for Nick Zocco, this upscale American and international regional cuisine eatery by restaurateur Brooks Kirchheimer has made a lasting impression on diners. It is the perfect ambiance for special occasions or just a Tuesday night out. Don’t sleep on the wood-fired steaks. urban-hill.com
2. Takashi
Since its 2017 inception, Hearth and Hill has quickly climbed the leaderboard of best restaurants not only in Park City, but all of Utah. The rapid ascension for Hearth and Hill can be attributed to many factors, such as their promise to source locally to enrich the community, treat patrons like family, and oh, have a damn delicious menu. The Scallion Pork Gyoza, Iberian Pork Chop and Vegetable Farro are some of our favorites. hearth-hill.com
2. Handle
3. Grub Steak
There’s something incredibly special about Communal. It’s not just the dishes chef Matt Ecklemann creates, but the family style in which they’re served. And when you find out he grew up in a big Irish-Italian-German family in Brooklyn, everything clicks into place. Chef Matt’s favorite dish of 2024? Roasted butternut squash with candied ginger mascarpone, pepitas and a maple glaze. We love it as a side to the shareable pork chop schnitzel. communalrestaurant.com
2. Strap Tank Brewery
3. Vegan Sun
The atmosphere is a vibe! Whether you’re on a date or brunching with your girls, it’s like a little hidden oasis right in the heart of downtown. Heaters are popped up for the chillier seasons, but their summertime patio is also top tier. When we visited, it was sunny and fabulous, and they opened up umbrellas for us in no time. Talk about service! ivyandvarley.com
2. Ruth’s Diner
3. Mar Muntanya
Regardless of where one has gone, returning from missionary service can be a particularly disorienting experience. Thankfully, Utahns have the homegrown Crown Burgers restaurants to help that former Elder or Sister get their bearings for a new chapter of their lives. Since 1978, these eateries have offered quality burgers and sandwiches with a Greek twist to generations of delighted customers, but they also provide an appropriate sense of comfort for every longawaited homecoming. crown-burgers.com
2. Hires Big H
3. Cafe Rio Fresh Modern Mexican
3. Fat Daddy’s Pizzeria Best Restaurant in the
3. The Copper Onion
Table X has an open kitchen, so you can watch the culinary squad work their magic right in front of you. Chef Mike blends old-school techniques with fresh, contemporary spin like a pro. And the menu? Don’t get too comfortable, because it’s constantly evolving to showcase whatever’s in season. Pro tip: If you can snag a seat in the garden, you’re basically living your best life.
The views of the upstairs patio are what really set The Green Pig Pub apart from other places. There is usually live music playing, so make sure to go and get some food, drinks and relax outside even late into the night. Truly a downtown icon and a fun atmosphere for Salt Lake City. thegreenpigpub.com
2. Fisher Brewing Company
3. Mar Muntanya
If your idea of a romantic setting includes a 100-plus-year-old lodge, stone fireplaces, vintage windows, plush Persian rugs, linen place-settings, dining patios, waterfalls and stone walkways meandering through a curated natural mountain setting, then run—don’t walk—to book a table at Log Haven. Long considered one of Salt Lake’s finest for any occasion, Log Haven deserves its vaunted reputation. log-haven.com
2. Antica Sicilia
3. Caffe Molise
Whether you’ve just finished jumping the wake at Pineview Reservoir, shredding the slopes at Snowbasin or otherwise enjoying the landscapes of the Ogden Valley, make your way to Huntsville’s center and get yourself a beer and a burger (with brats!) at the Shooting Star. This cash-only, nofrills watering hole has a history as long as the Weber River—and at least one resident ghost—so grab a booth or barstool and enjoy the vibe. facebook.com/ShootingStarSaloon
2. Ray’s Tavern
3. Back 40 Ranch House Grill
Chef Zach Wojdula’s seafood steals the spotlight, and trust us, it’s worth the hype! Fresh, highquality ingredients are the stars here, and the vibe is all about classic technique with a modern twist—plus, you won’t feel guilty because everything’s crafted with sustainability and healthy choices in mind. Our go-to? The seafood platter and ceviche—total game changers. currentfishandoyster.com
2. Market Street Grill
3. Harbor Seafood & Steak Co.
There are types of food that, due to demographic/geographic quirks, are wellrepresented on Utah restaurant lists, but soul food and southern cooking in general is a more specialized niche. The Bayou, as the name indicates, pulls its flavors from the Delta, Gulf Coast and the kitchens of Memphis, Jackson and New Orleans. Leave room for the deep fried Twinkies for dessert. utahbayou.com
2. Sauce Boss Southern Kitchen
3. Big South
Big Willies is
kind of bar. Whether you’re catching a game on the big screen or have a game of pool of your own on their many tables, Big Willies is warm and welcome for all. While the inflation on liquor prices has seemingly affected most other establishments, Big Willies reminds us of yesteryear with well drinks below $4. bigwillieslounge.com
Very high-quality food and service, this is the place to go for a special occasion like a loved one’s birthday and treat yourself to some delicious steak. From the filet to the tomahawk, you cannot go wrong with what you order on their menu. Just be sure not to get caught up in ordering too many appetizers since the portions are generous, and save room for dessert! flemingssteakhouse.com
2. Ruth’s Chris Steak House
3. The Capital Grille
Ask anyone in Salt Lake and they’ll tell you Takashi is the best in town. If they don’t say Takashi, it’s only because they haven’t been yet. When it comes to fresh fish, inventive rolls and an impressive beverage program, Takashi delivers a masterful blend of traditional Japanese techniques and creative innovation. Must-try dishes include tai tomatillo and spicy mussels with quail egg, followed by their award-winning spider roll and the Forrest Gump. takashisushi.com
2. Sapa
3. Mint Tapas And Sushi 4 (Sugar House)
Though it’s hard to rise above all the local talent Utah has when it comes to Thai food, one visit to Tuk Tuk’s is all you really need. Sure, fans of traditional Thai food will be able to find great versions of all their favorites, but it’s the Tuk Tuk’s special menu that will keep you coming back. Pineapple curry fried rice served in half a pineapple? Yes, please. tuktuks-slc.com
2. Sawadee Thai Restaurant
3. Chanon Thai Cafe
Get ready to test your wits with Nick, the esoteric trivia guru, and play alongside a former Jeopardy contestant! Form your dream team and come up with a clever name while the staff keeps the drinks and nachos coming. And who can resist karaoke with Jamaal afterward? Our favorite moment of the year? A guy who absolutely slayed Nicki Minaj’s “Stupid Hoe.” It was legendary! piperdownpub.com
Whether you’re plant-based, reducetarian or an unrepentant carnivore looking for something new, there’s no wrong choice at Zest. From the salads—packed with protein and goodies—to creative twists on dining staples like burritos, pastas, burgers and grilled “cheese” sandwiches, this is a spot worth going out of your way for, no matter your dietary preferences. zestslc.com
2. Sweet Hazel & Co. Bakeshop & Bistro
3. All Chay
The winds of change are upon Utah Valley—sports bars and breweries are the new norm. Once inside Scorez, the only indicator that you’re in Utah County is the occasional BYU Cougar apparel donned by patrons. Featuring weekly karaoke, poker tournaments, a horse shoe pit and live music, Scorez is a welcoming and energetic locale for Lehi. scorez-sports-bar.com
2. Strap Tank Brewery
3. The Owl Bar
Vegan food has made a bold ascent in recent decades, with restaurants of all sorts introducing menu items for the vegan member of your group. But Vertical Diner has made the choice of dining out an easy one for vegans with a menu geared to their needs. From classic fare to an all-day breakfast menu, Vertical gives vegans a place to call their own while giving non-vegans plenty of tasty options to satisfy. verticaldiner.com
2. Buds
3. Sweet Hazel & Co. Bakeshop & Bistro
From the folks who brought you the Alibi, chef Tommy Nguyen has charmed diners once again, this time with his Vietnamese street food. The pho is awesome, but the pork belly is a qualified craving. Cocktails are not an afterthought at The Pearl; indulge in a wellbalanced beverage to further elevate your experience.
IG: @thepearlslc
2. All Chay
3. Mi La-Cai Noodle House
Adam Terry of FOUNTAINavm has created quite a concept at Duffy’s. He spins lost country records from the past that deserve to be heard and if you like what you hear, you buy it from him right then and there. He’s a human jukebox that lets you take home the 45 rpm record for $1. Not much more than that. Well, also cheap Coors banquets and billiards and more sad boy country tunes. IG: @duffystavernslc, @fountainavm
Already one of the coolest city streets in all of Utah, Ogden’s 25th Street became even better in 2021 when Table Twenty Five opened. Whether sitting behind a classic cocktail, a chilled local beer or a Daily Rise coffee, your day always starts and ends right amidst the ambiance of Table Twenty Five. Take your time deciding from their eclectic café-style lunch and brunch menus because you are most certainly coming back. table25ogden.com
Look, if you’re wandering around drunkenly looking for food before 11 p.m., let the loving light of Sushi Burrito on 8th be your guide. The ambience isn’t the greatest, no lie, but it’s hard to go wrong with a fat Volcano or Citrus roll for $10-$12. Or, call ahead and they’ll whip up a fire bento box in 10 minutes. sushiburritoon8th.com
Showcasing the finer things in life all in one place, James Beards’ Caviar Club combines curated vinyl records, cuisine from local chefs and good wine and spirits. These themed nights are a blast and it allows the selected DJ’s to spin less-well-known tunes in an elevated and refined environment.
One of the top experiences in Salt Lake City, there’s just something about sitting there sipping a drink and just listening. IG: @cvrclb
We don’t mean “sidecar” like an extra illegal pour of your favorite liquor, but the genuine Ural sidecar that has become the signature calling card for Urban Sailor Coffee—a bona fide motorcycle and sidecar adapted to sell and serve Urban Sailor’s deluxe small batch roasted coffees anywhere—like at the Utah Beer Festival (ahem) and their coffee is roasted in the back space of Mountain West Cider. urbansailorcoffee.com
Music clubs typically offer a degree of consistency in their booking policies. Be it country, rap or EDM, a certain similarity runs through the calendar of most venues. At the boisterous Leatherheads, however, there’s free-wheeling fun despite an emphasis on hard rock, metal and tribute acts, with lots of decade-specific dance parties, karaoke and midday drag shows all finding their way onto the small, battle-tested stage of this popular Draper hangout. facebook.com/leatherheadssportsbar
When tending bar in popular pubs, you tend to become popular yourself. Such is Thomas Campbell, who started at Piper Down before moving to Piper’s sister bar, Ice Haus, just a year ago. At both, he’s that great bartender who remembers your name and makes you feel at home while serving up wickedly good drinks. His accepting smile brings comfort, meaning you’re in good hands among the other cool cats at Ice Haus. icehausbar.com
2. Davin Zaleya, Lucky 13
3. Maria Martinez, Why Kiki
When it comes to beer, the term “drinkable” can sometimes sound like a backhanded compliment. But fans of Kiitos’ Coffee Cream Ale know there’s nothing boring or basic about this downright delicious brew, which perfectly combines the best of a clean, smooth ale with just the right amount of coffee punch, making for a go-to beer that’s the perfect choice for any occasion, any day of the year. kiitosbrewing.com
2. Bewilder ESB (Bewilder Brewing Co.)
3. Brainless Belgian (Epic Brewing Co.)
At Epic, the master brewers are always concocting new blends and tastes to keep pace with the ever-changing beer industry. Named after Epic’s quest to make the best beer in the world, Chasing Ghosts IPA is one step closer after being named Best IPA in Utah. Chasing Ghosts is a double dryhopped, double hazy, double New Englandstyle IPA and is one of the staples in their beer fridge. epicbrewing.com
2. Ferda (Templin Family Brewing)
3. Fukiphino (Red Rock Brewing Co. Beer Store)
Bewilder Big Crispy West Coast Pilsner (Bewilder Brewing Co.)
Cody McKendrick, a home brewer for decades and proprietor at Bewilder Brewing Co., knows a thing or two when it comes to crafting tasty brews for Utahns. He’s turned barley into a bounty with Bewilder’s Big Crispy West Coast Pilsner, a 6% ABV with notes of lemon citrus fruit and a touch of pine resin and hay. Bewilder is a great locale for German fare while you sip on a brew, too. bewilderbrewing.com
2. Los Locos (Epic Brewing Company)
3. Grid City Pilsner (Grid City Beer Works)
While we can all appreciate a good IPA every now and then, can we agree that ultra-hoppy has had its moment? T.F. Brewing gets it. It’s a beer-lover’s paradise, not just for the number of brews available, but for the sheer variety. Here, they offer a refreshing selection of lagers, pilsners, sours, bocks and stouts with rotating seasonal pours, one-offs and collabs that keep your tastebuds entertained. tfbrewing.com
Among the many smiling samplers of Templin Family Brewing’s selections
Best Beer: Sour Beer Blackberry Sour (Kiitos)
Pucker up, local beer fans, because this sour isn’t messing around. From its eye-catching color in the glass to the sweet, natural taste of real blackberry puree, this inventive beer from Kiitos is a treat for the senses with just the right amount of bite to keep you thirsting for another pint, or three. kiitosbrewing.com
2. Kveik Pina Colada (Shades Brewing)
3. Huckleberry Sour Ale (2 Row Brewing)
Highly-drinkable at 5.0% ABV, Uinta’s Baba Black Lager is a beer that can be enjoyed singly, of course, but you can also drink a couple in an afternoon’s session. Featuring hints of chocolate and dark roast coffee, this beer’s ranged beyond our state borders and receives routinely favorable website reviews on a national basis. The beer’s simple logo only adds to the winning quality of this regional mainstay. uintabrewing.com
2. Lowrider Chocolate Milk Stout (Salt Flats Brewery)
3. Dirty Chai Stout (SaltFire Brewing Co.)
For those who swear by the “hair of the dog” to get through a weekend brunch after a night out, Lucky 13 is the place to go. The House Bloody Mary is only $7.50 and pairs great with both the brunch menu or a Great Lamb Burger. It has a great atmosphere in which to watch sports or to get a table out on the patio.
IG: @lucky13slc
2. A Bar Named Sue
3. Ice Haus
In our recent Beer Issue, we noted that several area breweries possess the gift of putting a great can design on their products and—lo!—has Proper Brewing ever upped the ante here. The design, featuring the silhouette of a blue-haired, libertyspiked fella, is an homage to the film SLC Punk. What’s in the can is an extremelysessionable, 5.0% ABV pilsner, a beer that’d win fans on its own. But that can! properbrewingco.com
2. Gecko Fingers (Bewilder Brewing Co.)
3. Heavy Metal Parking Lot (SaltFire Brewing)
If you’re looking for a high-point seltzer that doesn’t taste like someone whispered “fruit punch” beside a flat La Croix, get yourself to Grid City Beer Works. This seltzer selection slaps! While they offer a handful of housebrewed flavors, the 8.2% ABV Rosé is a crowd favorite. Fermented with raspberry, tart cherry, prickly pear and aromatic muscat grape juice, it drinks like a crisp French rosé wine—and feels like one too. gridcitybeerworks.com
2. RoHa Brewing Project
3. Uinta Brewing Co.
Assorted seltzers from Grid City
The mixologists at Prohibition are trained in the art of cocktail creation, so you are guaranteed a handcrafted drink to go along with your brunch. If you are feeling particularly fancy for a smooth and slightly sweet cocktail, try out the “Never Killed Nobody,” which includes Clase Azul Reposado, Cinnamon Bark Demerara, Coffee, Sweet Vermouth, Mole Bitters, and 95% Dark Cacao with coffee. IG: @prohibitionutah
2. Sunday’s Best
3. Eight Settlers Restaurant & Distillery
Sugar House Distillery’s Raspberry Lemonade is bar-quality. It doesn’t pay lip service to a cocktail and it’s not an alcopop. Expect the contents to correspond with what’s on the tin, the main ingredients are their own vodka and their own grain. Far better than anything we could make—a tart, full-on flavor and very satisfying. sugarhousedistillery.net
2. Porters Huckleberry Lemonade (Ogden’s Own Distillery)
3. Gin Rickey (Desolation Distilling)
As the namesake implies, there must be some sort of magic that goes into crafting spirits so delightful. With strange brews on a rotating menu, Water Witch pleases both the refined and novice palate equally. Pairing unlikely ingredients (oatmilk, kumquat, chili oil, corn soda, etc.) with classic liquors, this bar is a trendsetter reinventing age-old classics to a refreshing end. waterwitchbar.com
2. Bar-X
3. Eight Settlers Restaurant & Distillery
Taking home the top nod again in this issue, High West Distillery continues to produce exceptional bourbon, ryes and limited releases like the Bottled in Bond Rye. Well-known for its sipping properties and as a great mixer for cocktails, High West continues to prove to fans that the accolades are richly earned. highwest.com
2. Dented Brick Distillery
3. Clear Water Distilling Co.
Who hasn’t walked into a distillery, taking a moment to peek around for a glance at its inner workings? At Clear Water, you don’t have to be clandestine. For $10, you can walk right in and get a tasting session, served with smart commentary. For $20, you can fully tour the facility and taste (book ahead for this option). It’s the best way to really understand the mechanics and magic behind their products. clearwaterdistilling.com
2. Dented Brick Distillery
3. High West Distillery
We love their Cheers Queers and White Peach Champagne flavors, but have you tried their newest? Citrus Vanilla Sage (*chef’s kiss*)! By using a proprietary brewing method which includes a very low sugar content, they are able to achieve an easy drinking, non-vinegary, beautiful probiotic kombucha. What more can we say? Cheers! IG: @hkbrewingco
2. Mamachari Kombucha
3. Cru Kombucha
Whiskey Street, situated in the heart of Salt Lake’s Main bar crawl, holds enough whiskey choices to get you a new taste for nearly every day of the year. Their elaborate cocktail menu and personable bartenders will quench your thirst with regular specials, creations and off-the-cuff choices. This perfectly placed bar bridges the gap between corporate and casual with a great menu to boot. whiskeystreet.com
2. Lake Effect
3. Water Witch
“We won’t be confined by standard categories to make incredible new spirits,” says founder and CEO Matt Eau Claire. Matt spent more than 20 years traveling the world in search of the most unique tastes and distilling techniques, and it shows in their selection. One of our favorites is the Josephine “Eau-De-Vie,” a brandy with fresh apple, pear, mango, peach and other ingredients that defy the norm. clearwaterdistilling.com
Beehive’s locally-made Jack Rabbit Gin
For $5, you can take a tour of this establishment and see where their delicious, smooth gin is made. Infused with locally sourced botanicals, including unique ingredients like lavender and juniper, it captures the essence of the region in every sip. What truly sets it apart is its smoothness, thanks to a meticulous distillation process that highlights natural flavors without overwhelming the palate. We love us some Jack Rabbit Gin! beehivedistilling.com
2. Dented Brick Craft Gin (Dented Brick Distillery)
3. Madam Pattirini Gin (Ogden’s Own Distillery)
Don’t let the southern inspired menu and name completely fool you: The Bayou boasts an impressive array of local beers fit for any thirsty customer from North, South, East or West. With literal pages of beer to choose from (many of which are sourced right here from our very own), a gorgeous layout and friendly, knowledgeable staff, The Bayou is a no-brainer night out for all the beer snobs or best friends in your life. utahbayou.com
2. Slackwater Pizza SLC
3. Beerhive Pub
Dented Brick
(Dented Brick Distillery)
Dented Brick’s Premium Run has a distinctive flavor—after you’ve tasted it, you’ll never go back to boring. It makes great cocktails because of that tang, but it doesn’t get buried under other ingredients. With the limestone-filtered water from their on-site well, it’s ideal for sipping when the weather is a bit cooler or as the base of a lighter punch-type drink. It gives a delightful jolt taken as a shot. dentedbrick.com
2. Spiced Rum (Outlaw Distillery)
3. Brigham Rum (Distillery 36)
Mexican food and margaritas are an unbeatable combination. If you’re feeling wild, El Chichahua’s Duckie margarita comes in a fishbowl with a cute rubber duckie floating on top. If you want something a bit smaller, try the Death Star! You’re allowed one Duckie drink, or two Death Stars with purchase of food. elchihuahuaslc.com
2. Blue Iguana
3. Tres Hombres Mexican Grill and Cantina
At Lucky’s, the eye-popping menu items featured on their website point to a winning way with proteins, but this West Jordan landmark’s beverage lineup is not to be forgotten. And the michelada? It’s the star of their bar program’s show. This warm weather drink’s a solid pick all year ‘round. luckysirondoor.com
2. Blue Iguana
3. El Meño’s
Wives Vodka (Ogden’s Own Distillery)
Five Wives Vodka prides itself in making flavors that aren’t overly sugary. Both Sinful and Heavenly are two very different flavors that are worth trying! If you feel like listening to the angel on your shoulder, Heavenly has a rich, buttery vanilla flavor, whilst the devil on your shoulder will tell you to try Sinful, which is more like a warm cinnamon roll. IG: @fivewivesvodka
2. Sugar Free Scandalust Cinnamon Whiskey (Clear Water Distilling Co.)
3. Dented Brick Bottled-in-Bond Rye Whiskey (Dented Brick Distillery)
All whiskey partakes of myth and the mists of time, so High West Distillery Rendezvous Rye’s sensible flavors—peppery and flavorful—are a touchstone for the brand. With a gorgeous, rounded texture, this is Heaven in a glass. Whether one is introduced to this with a flight or served neat, this is a superbly made local whiskey. highwest.com
2. Porters Whiskey (Ogden’s Own Distillery)
3. Mountain Summit Bourbon (Spirits of the Wasatch Distillery)
& Kitchen
Harrison Archibald’s talents are second to none at this acclaimed American brasserie, featuring a deft touch with both customer service and technical excellence. If the producers of Netflix’s Drink Masters happen to be reading this issue: STOP. Go straight to White Horse. Sit. Dine. Drink. Cast. whitehorseslc.com
2. Amanda Madsen, Hopkins Brewing Company
3. Andrew Burt, Paxton Pub
The flamingo, an 80’s vibe-ish cocktail pop-up nestled inside of The Flanker Kitchen + Sporting Club brings the neons, the bubblegum pop tunes and the best of the tropical drink genre. There are tons of fun cocktails to explore here—Jamaican 10 Speed, Blue Lagoon and Boogie Nights will get you started on your Tiki journey. Sweet, sour, spice and spirits—you have been warned. flankerslc.com
2. Why KiKi
3. Water Witch
Before you are seated, before you’ve had the first sip, BTG Wine Bar’s ambiance evokes feelings of sophistication. Their enormous array of wine offerings can be overwhelming, but the knowledgeable staff and availability of flights allows even the most basic of neophytes to learn something new. For those looking to drink and not learn, they have listed favorites and their profiles to guide you to a gratifying experience. btgwinebar.com
2. Urban Hill
3. Casot
Five Wives Vodka is truly a local brand known for its cheeky take on Utah’s polygamist past. Their vodka is crafted with Utah spring water and 100% corn spirit, which also makes it a great gluten-free option. It pours clear and then has a fruity taste with a citrusy finish. IG: @fivewivesvodka
2. Clear Water Vodka (Clear Water Distilling Co.)
3. Sugar House Vodka (Sugar House Distillery)
Salt City Espresso
Wasatch Brewing launched the local brewpub explosion in 1986 when founder Greg Shirf opened in Park City. Squatters Craft Beers began pouring shortly thereafter in Salt Lake City. Now united as partners under the Utah Beers brand, it’s no wonder their dual good senses combine to create Last One Down. First one up, last one down, as they say. And hurry, because as Shirf said, “We drink our share and sell the rest.” utahbeers.com
Nearly nobody would drive anywhere for a pint of Utah’s infamous 3.2 beer. However, the drive from Salt Lake to Moab is coincidentally around 3.2 hours, give or take a pit stop or lead foot. At drive’s end, you’ll have a difficult time choosing among Moab’s notable spirits and multiple beers. Pay no heed to the 3.2— Moab Brewery’s beers range from 5% on up. Take ‘em slow and easy. themoabbrewery.com
After being warned about setting up shop in what was the then-unknown Granary District not many years ago, Fisher Brewing did so anyway, and was a hit from the start. With an expansion opportunity right next door, Fisher pounced and added extra brewing facilities, a private dining/meeting room, additional seating and a new rooftop patio, already hailed as one of the best in town. Fisher is for reals. fisherbeer.com
Salt City’s line of spirits is a great local option for building out a cocktail. And for those imbibers who appreciate a java jitter in their boozy beverages, grab a bottle of the downright delicious Espresso liqueur. With a rich and velvety mocha profile—and a just right amount of bite from its 30% ABV—it’s perfect for a martini, or keep it simple and sip some on ice with a splash of milk. facebook.com/SaltCityVodka
All hail Maggie Heile, founder of this independent wine brokerage that celebrates small family winemakers. With a carefully curated portfolio of 300 wines, Maggie focuses not only on a flavor profile but also mindful farming and authenticity. Regular shipments of eight select wines are shipped to a Utah DABS store of your choice, where you can pick them up at your leisure and enjoy the convenience of building up your own home inventory. vin7000.com
Etta Place Cider, based in charming Torrey, Utah, delivers a unique cider experience by growing their own apples in their own local orchard. This handson approach ensures that each bottle captures the true essence of their locally cultivated fruit. Committed to quality and sustainability, Etta Place Cider offers a refreshing blend of craftsmanship and freshness. Enjoy their crisp, artisanal flavors in their quaint taproom or at home. ettaplacecider.com
BY EMILEE ATKINSON eatkinson@cityweekly.net @emileelovesvinyl
We may be running out of months in the year, but there’s no way you’ll be running out of excellent releases from locals. Here are a few more to check out and add to your library.
Ambedo, “Make Me Happy”: Ambedo began with singer/songwriter Brandon Keith busking in downtown SLC in 2022, but has since grown into a full band that is working together to create incredible tunes. Their new single “Make Me Happy” comes a year after their debut album Polyresin and is a cozy, loveable song that will immediately put a smile on your face. The song is upbeat and cheerful, something that is always welcome in times like these. All the music in Ambedo’s library is easy to jump into and start enjoying, but “Make Me Happy” brings itself to the top of the list because of how easy it is to listen to and how much joy it brings upon listening.
Die Shiny, “The Fountain”: “It’s hard to describe the rollercoaster that is the process of making a song,” Die Shiny said on Instagram the day “The Fountain” was released. “Writing it, FEELING it, knowing it will be months before anyone can feel it with me, recording it, agonizing over every detail of its produc-
tion, the amplified excitement when the production takes shape, planning its release at least a month in advance once it is finished, figuring out how to promote it so anyone will be around to finally celebrate it with us… No instant gratification here. It’s a long game and a labor of passion.” While Die Shiny have to play the long game in creating new music, we listeners do get the instant gratification of listening to their great songs the moment they’re released. “The Fountain” features more of Die Shiny’s smooth, electropop sounds and satisfying rapping from vocalist Callie Crofts. The song is chockful of socialcommentary references that come just in time for election season. You just can’t go wrong with a Die Shiny track; they’re always extremely well-produced and have a replayability that’s second to none.
Racist Kramer, Covergirls: For nearly two decades, Racist Kramer has been pumping out fast-and-loud punk jams, their latest being their new EP Covergirls. Not only does the cover art feature the band members decked out as cover girls, the EP contains covers of some popular and beloved songs. Starting out with a cover of Dolly Parton’s “9 to 5,” their speedy rendition gives new meaning to the song that’s all about the rise and grind. If you think about it, the subject matter of the song lends itself perfectly to the punk aesthetic—lamenting “the man,” and feeling disillusioned about society and work culture are ideas that any punk can relate to. The selection of covers on this EP is wild and awesome at the same time. Following the Parton classic comes a cover of Taylor Swift’s “Love Story.” If you’ve never been a fan of the country/pop version of the song, this punk rendition will have you wishing you had this one sooner. The EP ends with a bang, featuring a delightfully entertaining cover of Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody
(Who Loves Me).” That song already gets listeners up and dancing, but this version will make you equally hyped—plus you’re able to headbang to it to your heart’s content. If you love listening to songs filtered through a different genre, definitely check out Covergirls.
Bennyjeans, “lost my mind in silence”: Bedroom pop artist Bennyjeans returns with a new track that leaves the electronic beats behind in favor of an acoustic guitar. “lost my mind in silence” is a contemplative, beautiful song that feels like a walk in a quiet, beautiful forest. It’s a peaceful track that’s easy to put on repeat—the combination of sweet acoustic guitar and Bennyjeans’ voice will have you wanting to come back again and again. It’s great to see artists utilizing different mediums in their work. Whether you want to listen to Bennyjeans’ pop songs, or acoustic tracks like “lost my mind in silence,” you’re in for a treat no matter what you choose.
Aeon August, “Colors You’ve Never Seen” and “Ride or Die”: If you’re looking for a
double feature, check out Aeon August’s newest tracks “Colors You’ve Never Seen” and “Ride or Die.” Aeon August describes themselves as a “collaborative odyssey,” adding that “the synergy among the members creates a sonic alchemy that defines their ethereal sounds. Electric melodies intertwine with dreamy harmonies, and the result is a musical language that speaks directly to the heart. Drawing inspiration from the vast spectrum of human experiences, their words become portals, transporting listeners to realms of introspection, joy, and interdimensional exploration. Each lyric is a brushstroke on the canvas of emotion, painting vivid landscapes that resonate with the soul. Embracing a playful and comedic spirit, Aeon August injects humor into their musical expression.” It’s hard to resist taking a listen when a band describes themselves in such a way. These songs are definitely for fans of electronic sounds, as they’re packed with futuristic/electro elements. The vocals are light and echoey, making you feel like you’re drifting away before the music pulls you back in. CW
One of the points of sampling back in the day was to find a lush break from an obscure, non-mainstream record, chop and edit it, and turn it out as your own. Not to mention that the principle of it came out of breakbeats. Great producers would take pride in the mystery of their breaks. Ramble Jon Krohn a.k.a. RJD2 is a master of putting it all together—sampler, instrumentation, turntables and drum machines. “I think that there is a lot of similarities in producers and people that are interested in, you know, the mechanics of how a beat goes together—or the guts of a song, if you will—and engineering,” RJD2 told NPR. “You know, to me, it is in many ways its own form of engineering and problemsolving.” On his eighth full-length album, Visions Out of Limelight, RJD2 continues to refine his signature approach—and well, it has been a long time since I heard something and thought, “Wow, how did they get that sound?” Deadringer is one of those albums you remember hearing for the first time (circa 2002), and his past work with Def Jux and his hip hop one-offs with Souls of Mischief, J-Live and Viktor Vaughn are touchstones of the culture. Also, RJD2 absolutely kills it live. DJ Flash & Flare and Bo York open. Catch these artists at the Urban Lounge on Friday, Nov. 15, doors at 7 p.m. Tickets for the 21+ show are $25 and can be found at 24tix.com. (Mark Dago)
Joe Bonamassa’s name is practically synonymous with the essence of modern blues. While he offers unapologetic appreciation for its roots, he’s made it a point to also move the music forward. Not that he forsakes the past; while his admiration for the artists and icons who led the British blues revival in the mid- to late-1960s is obvious, Bonamassa has plenty of reason to rest on his own reputation as well. He’s earned three Grammy nods, scored 11 #1 albums on the Billboard Blues Chart, won the prestigious Blues Music Award and, at the remarkably young age of 12, actually opened shows for B.B. King. He also runs his own record label, Keeping the Blues Alive, and his own charitable organization, the Keeping The Blues Alive Foundation, which is committed to promoting the blues music heritage, funding music scholarships and supporting educational programs. Aside from the artists that he works with on his label—Dion DiMucci, Larry McCray, Joanne Shaw Taylor, Joanna Connor, among others—he has a long-running partnership with blues vocalist and keyboard player Beth Hart which, in turn, garnered the pair a Grammy for Best Blues Album of 2013. His latest album, Live at the Hollywood Bowl, sums up his skills and savvy. “Here’s the thing about blues: It’s never gonna go anywhere,” he told Knoxville’s Blank magazine. “Ultimately, it’s just how you interpret it, and then make it your own.” By now it’s clear that Joe should know. Joe Bonamassa performs at Eccles Theater at 8 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 16. Tickets cost $69 - $249 at arttix.org. (Lee Zimmerman)
If you’re in need of a double dose of epic rock, look no further than this show with SLC’s own SoulFang and Spirit Machines. These two bands have been taking the scene by storm with their epic sound, incredible stage presence and music that is just plain awesome. You may have first heard of Spirit Machines when they released “Zober”—a mash-up of Tool’s “Sober” and Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir”—in 2020, garnering national attention. Since then, the group has pumped out excellent original songs, including “Candy Shell,” which was featured in the video game Cyberpunk: 2077. In the same vein, Spirit Machines released their EP Cyberpunk: Endgame in 2023, bringing those same futuristic vibes. Spirit Machines’ vocalist Pepper Rose also has some fantastic songs as a solo artist, adding even more to your ‘must listen’ list. Joining the futuristic rockers is SoulFang, the genre-bending group
who offer a feast of unique and addicting sounds. They steadily released singles prior to their debut album this year entitled Passions, Potions, Wicked Lullabies. These two bands being on the same bill marks a team-up for the ages. Don’t miss out on Saturday, Nov. 16 at 8 p.m. Tickets for the 21+ show are $10 and can be found at quartersslc.com. (Emilee Atkinson)
The Parisian psych-punk rock band La Femme are casual, chic and zany. Their sets are a psychedelic journey, denoting sexy and smoky vibes with a mix of storytelling and singing in both English and French. If this sounds like your jam, come listen to guitarist Sacha Got, keyboardist Marlon Magnée, bass player Sam Lefevre, drummer Noé Delmas and vocalist Lucas Nunez. As part of their 2024 North American tour, La Femme will offer to Salt Lake City synthetic and hypnotic cold wave, punk and surf music akin to groups like The
Velvet Underground and Kraftwerk. Their impressive discography includes three EPs from 2010 to 2013 (La Femme EP, La Podium #1, and La Femme) as well as the album Psycho Tropical Berlin. In the last five years, they also released their album, Paradigmes, and most recently (as in a few weeks ago) they released the album Rock Machine. The newest album starts off with the song “Clover Paradise,” which has a bit of a darker, spooky vibe perfect for the season. Other songs like “I Believe in Rock and Roll” embody what these artists have given their lives to, which is an undying love for rock music in all its forms. La Femme plays at Metro Music Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 19 and is 21+. Doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $25 for pre-sale, $30 day of show. For tickets and event information go to 24tix. com. (Arica Roberts)
Every year when the holidays roll around, pop culture watchers can count on a few things: decorations appear seemingly overnight, Santa Claus sets up shop at the local mall and Trans-Siberian Orchestra begins a whirlwind schedule of live con-
cert dates across the country. Launched in 1996 by Paul O’Neill, TSO combines the power and spectacle of an arenascale rock show with the pageantry and sentimentality of a Broadway extravaganza. The TSO concept developed from an unlikely source, beginning as a side project by members of progressive metal band Savatage. After a Christmas song by that group caught the public’s imagination, producer O’Neill was inspired to start the holiday-themed production. Guitarist Al Pitrelli became its musical director, a role he still holds today. Founder O’Neill passed in 2017, and since that time, the TSO’s focus has been on its elaborate stage show. While the touring season is short (mid-November to the end of December), TSO works nearly year-round to hone its thrilling onstage presentation. In addition to annual tours—requiring two troupes to satisfy demand—Trans-Siberian Orchestra has released nine albums and several DVDs. Trans-Siberian Orchestra comes to the Delta Center Wednesday, Nov. 20 for two shows (3 p.m. and 7 p.m.). Tickets for this all-ages show are $99 and up at seatgeek.com. (Bill Kopp)
Restrict your yelling to playing games, rather than politics, at holiday family gatherings.
BY BRYAN YOUNG comments@cityweekly.net
We’re all worn out from fighting over politics. The last thing any of us want to do for this holiday season is go home and fight with our racist parents, transphobic in-laws, bigoted brothers and sexist sisters who have internalized all of that misogyny—especially after this election.
I have a better idea: Let’s just not this year. There will be other times to argue with them and tell them how wrong they are and how bad they are for the country, kids and people in general. Let’s bring some board games to the family gatherings instead and argue about rules and where the pieces go rather than how much they want to see trans kids suffer and burn books. If nothing else, it’ll help your blood pressure for just one night.
Here are a few of my recommendations for some great board games you can try out for the holidays during election-year hell.
Arcs: Conflict and Collapse in the Reach: If you’ve only got three other people interested in playing a game, this is the perfect one to bring to just ignore the conversation and find a quiet corner with the smart, sane people. Part trick-taking card game, part interstellar battle-strategy, Arcs from Leder Games is one of the deepest, most layered and fun games of tasteful complexity I’ve played—it’s great. Deceptively simple but deliciously strategic, it blends so many different elements into one game flawlessly. This is for 2-4 players who are game-savvy.
BattleTech Encounters: Though BattleTech is a tabletop wargame that’s celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, BattleTech Encounters is a push-yourluck dice game that anyone can pick up in five minutes and have a lot of fun; the only thing it has in common with BattleTech is the theming. You play the part
of a mercenary company taking on jobs, and it’s basically a much more complicated and strategic variation on Yahtzee. You can sit your racist grandma down and let her play the part of a soldier-forhire in a 100-ton BattleMech, and let her commit some war crimes. But with dice! This is for 1-8 players of any skill level.
Cartographers: This game is an interesting oddity, casting you as a cartographer of the realm. You’re given a pencil and a map sheet along with all of the other players, then you’re tasked with mapping out a certain amount of territory and are shown a card with a Tetris-like piece of land on it. It’s your job to fit this land on your sheet in the most efficient way possible. There will be times where you will encounter hazards, and be forced to hand your map to an enemy cartographer; they will put those hazards on your map and hand it back, completely messing up your strategy. It’s a surprisingly easy and elegant game where everyone has the exact same choice of moves, but no two people think alike, giving everyone a chance to mess up in different ways. Best of all, it can be played with any number of players. Have you got 40 people at your Thanksgiving table? As long as you have enough pencils and map sheets, you’re good to go.
Secret Hitler: This one might be my favorite subversive pick to bring to the holiday gathering. In this secret-role party game (like a murder mystery), you’re trying to do your best to keep the fascists from taking control and electing the person who is secretly Hitler from the Chancellorship. It gets heated and fun, and you might be able to use it to call your relative who voted for your least favorite burnt-umber Hitler standin a “Hitler” without having steam shoot out their ears. It’s low difficulty and genuinely fun for the whole family, from 5-10 players.
Among the local game stores in Salt Lake City proper where you’ll be able to find these games are Oasis Games (275 E. 400 South) and Game Night Games (2148 S. 900 East, Suite 2). If you go further out, you’ll find Hastur Games, Demolition Games, Queen’s Realm and others across the valley. For the time being, BattleTech Encounters is a Barnes & Noble exclusive, so you might have to order it through them. CW
A New York Times best-selling author and sardonic observer of the human condition, David Sedaris remains undeterred by political correctness or the euphemisms that blur the boundaries between truth and tenacity. His columns appear regularly in The New Yorker and have twice earned him inclusion in the listings of “The Best American Essays,” while the audio version of his books have earned him three Grammy nominations for Best Spoken Word and Best Comedy albums. His plays—written with his sister, actor/ writer Amy Sedaris—have been produced in such prestigious settings as Lincoln Center, the Drama Department and La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club. Likewise, his radio readings can be heard on the Public Radio’s This American Life and on BBC Radio 4 under the heading “Meet David Sedaris.”
So too, his live audio recordings were compiled for a collection of original stories titled David Sedaris: Live for Your Listening Pleasure. In addition, he enjoyed cinematic success when a feature film adaptation of his stories premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Entertainment Weekly once wrote, “Sedaris ain’t the preeminent humorist of his generation by accident,” while the San Francisco Chronicle proclaimed, “Sedaris belongs on any list of people … who are revising our ideas about what’s funny.” Indeed, few others find such humor in happenstance.
An Evening with David Sedaris will take place at Ellen Eccles Theatre/Cache Valley Center for the Arts (43 S. Main St., Logan) on Thursday, Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $31 - $55 (no children under five or babies in arms) and can be purchased at cachearts.org. (Lee Zimmerman)
The traditional Hindu festival of Diwali is one that dates back in some form as far as the 7th century based on Sanskrit texts, combining traditional harvest festivals with a “festival of lights” celebration recognizing the victor of dharma (virtue) over adharma (vice). Yet like many occasions from non-European cultures, it took a little boost from popular culture to bring Diwali into the broader American consciousness. That happened on a 2006 episode of the comedy series The Office, when characters attended a Diwali event promoted by IndianAmerican co-worker Kelly (Mindy Kaling, who also wrote the episode), and Steve Carell’s Michael Scott wrote an impromptu Diwali-themed song inspired by Adam Sandler’s “Hanukkah Song.” Even cringe can be a learning experience, after all.
Utah locals who want to get a sense of the celebration can find out more when the Salt Lake City Library, in conjunction with the Indian Cultural Center of Utah, presents a public Diwali celebration. Experience the festival of lights complete with traditional South Asian music and dancing, along with ceremonial lighting of the diya lamps to ward off darkness. While there, visitors can also enjoy Diwali-themed activities and food from Draper’s Paradise Biryani Pointe restaurant.
The 2024 Diwali Celebration takes place at the Salt Lake City Main Library (210 E. 400 South) on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2 – 4 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but early arrival is recommended to ensure seating availability in the Library Auditorium. Visit slcpl.org or iccofutah.org for additional event information.
(Scott Renshaw)
It’s hard to believe it’s been 30 years since Kevin Smith exploded into the pop-culture consciousness at the 1994 Sundance Film Festival as writer, director and—in the role of Silent Bob—co-star of the ultra-low-budget comedy Clerks. Since then, the proud son of New Jersey has directed 15 additional feature films—including several others featuring characters from Clerks’ “View Askew” universe, plus this year’s nostalgic youth comedy The 4:30 Movie—as well as episodes of TV series like Supergirl, The Flash and The Goldbergs. Yet in some ways, Smith has become nearly as successful as a public personality as he has as a behind-the-camera creator. He’s shared with his fans on social media details like his TMI feelings about his wife, and the aftermath of a near-fatal 2018 heart attack. And as a raconteur, his forthright and funny persona makes him a crowd favorite. “I make more money standing on stage talking about being Kevin Smith than I do as a director,” Smith told the Palm Springs Desert Sun earlier this year. “My mouth has become more valuable than my most valuable commodity, but it doesn’t mean I don’t get to direct films. Directing isn’t the only way I pay my bills, thank God.”
“An Evening with Kevin Smith” finds the filmmaker sharing stories from his life and career at Wiseguys Gateway (190 S. 400 West) for four 21-and-over shows, Tuesday, Nov. 19 and Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. Tickets are $35; visit wiseguyscomedy.com to purchase tickets and for additional event info. (SR)
73 West 7200 South, Midvale
On Tap: Piney Peaks “West Coast IPA”
On Tap: I am the VVitch Seasonal Golden Ale with Pumpkin and Spices
Bohemian Brewery
94 E. Fort Union Blvd, Midvale BohemianBrewery.com
On Tap: Steam Lager, Oktoberfest Märzenbier
NEW: BrewSki German Pilsner, Munich Dunkel Bier
Bonneville Brewery
1641 N. Main, Tooele BonnevilleBrewery.com
On Tap: Peaches and Cream Ale
Chappell Brewing
2285 S Main Street Salt Lake City, UT 84115 chappell.beer
On Tap: HARVEST - Wet Hop Amber
Craft by Proper
1053 E. 2100 So., SLC properbrewingco.com
On Tap: I am the VVitch Seasonal Golden Ale with Pumpkin and Spices
Desert Edge Brewery
273 Trolley Square, SLC DesertEdgeBrewery.com
On Tap: Ay Curuba! Curuba Sour
Epic Brewing Co.
825 S. State, SLC EpicBrewing.com
On Tap: 2024 Big Bad Baptist Variants
Etta Place Cidery
700 W Main St, Torrey www.ettaplacecider.com
On Tap: Imperial Cider, RaspberryHibiscus Session Mead
Fisher Brewing Co.
320 W. 800 South, SLC FisherBeer.com
On Tap: A rotation of up to 17 Fresh Beers!
Grid City Beer Works
333 W. 2100 South, SLC GridCityBeerWorks.com
On Tap: Cask Nitro CO2
Helper Beer
159 N Main Street, Helper, UT helperbeer.com
Hopkins Brewing Co. 1048 E. 2100 South, SLC HopkinsBrewingCompany.com
On Tap: Friendly Introduction Pale Ale
Kiitos Brewing
608 W. 700 South, SLC KiitosBrewing.com
Now with a full bar license & draft beer cocktails!
On Tap: Gluten Free Peach Bellini Sour
Level Crossing Brewing Co.
2496 S. West Temple, South Salt Lake LevelCrossingBrewing.com
On Tap: Vienna-Style Lager
Follow us on Instagram: @ levelcrossingbrewing
Level Crossing Brewing Co., POST
550 South 300 West, Suite 100, SLC LevelCrossingBrewing.com
On Tap: Bat Country Blonde Ale FREE yoga every other Saturday. 10:15am
Moab Brewing 686 S. Main, Moab TheMoabBrewery.com
On Tap: Arnie (Co-Lab with 2 Row brewing): cream ale base with Lychee black tea and fresh pasteurized lemon juice.
Mountain West Cider 425 N. 400 West, SLC MountainWestCider.com
On Tap: Boysenberry Hibiscus Cider for a Cure
Offset Bier Co 1755 Bonanza Dr Unit C, Park City offsetbier.com/ On Tap: DOPO IPA
Ogden Beer Company 358 Park Blvd, Ogden OgdenBeerCompany.com
On Tap: 11 rotating taps as well as high point cans and guest beers
Park City Brewing 1764 Uinta Way C1 ParkCityBrewing.com
On Tap: Galaxy Haxy Pale - 5.0%
Policy Kings Brewery 223 N. 100 West, Cedar City PolicyKingsBrewery.com
Prodigy Brewing 25 W Center St. Logan Prodigy-brewing.com
On Tap: 302 Czech Pilsner
Proper Brewing/Proper Burger 857 So. Main & 865 So. Main properbrewingco.com
On Tap: am the VVitch Seasonal Golden Ale with Pumpkin and Spices
A list of what local craft breweries and cider houses have on tap this week
Proper Brewing Moab 1393 US-191, Moab properbrewingco.com
On Tap: I am the VVitch Seasonal Golden Ale with Pumpkin and Spices
Red Rock Brewing
254 So. 200 West
On Tap: Gypsy Scratch
Red Rock Fashion Place 6227 So. State Redrockbrewing.com
On Tap: Munich Dunkel
Red Rock Kimball Junction 1640 Redstone Center Redrockbrewing.com
On Tap: Bamberg Rauch Bier
RoHa Brewing Project 30 Kensington Ave, SLC RoHaBrewing.com
On Tap: Dog Tag IPA 4th Tour
Roosters Brewing Multiple Locations RoostersBrewingCo.com
On Tap: Roosters Ogtoberfest
SaltFire Brewing 2199 S. West Temple, South Salt Lake SaltFireBrewing.com
On Tap: Deep Dive Series - Red Ale on draft
Salt Flats Brewing 2020 Industrial Circle, SLC SaltFlatsBeer.com
On Tap: Prickly Pear Kolsch
Petals and leaves feature highly in this week’s selections
BY MIKE RIEDEL comments@cityweekly.net @utahbeer
TF - Zoigl Series (West Coast Style
India Pale Ale): This new collaboration with hop-grower New Zealand Hops Limited features a new experimental hop called NZ-104. It features flavor profiles that mimic citrus, pine and melon, making it perfect for a West Coast style IPA.
This IPA pours out a deep gold, with about a finger of eggshell-colored, tightly-packed head—a nice glowing translucent appearance. The aroma starts with melon, papaya, peach and a touch of blueberry. I definitely pick up on some light bready malt and, on the back end, something more akin to diesel. It’s kinda like a mix of grapefruit flesh and fresh-cut flower petals. The taste follows the nose quite closely. I get tons of cantaloupe and papaya up front, though less sweet for a West Coast style. There’s something a little fleshy about it, like a cross between a juice and tea. Right behind the melon, I pick up on some stone fruit; following the theme, it’s like biting into the skin of an apricot and getting that fuzzy fruit flavor along with the juicy flesh. The back end is bitter and a bit citrusy, very much reminiscent of biting into a piece of grapefruit with all the white pith attached.
It finishes clean, with little residual sweetness, but not with a tongue-scraping dryness that some beers in this style can overdo. There’s something distinctively New Zealand about the flavors of this beer. For a 6.7 ABV percent brew,
there really isn’t much sweetness coming through from the malt. This one is all hops, even more so than some of TF’s other beers—very pithy and sharp and it works well to contrast the soft juiciness of the initial taste.
Verdict: I was really impressed with this and am excited to try more from the Zoigl Series. This has a ton of rich flavor, extracting most of the good aspects of the hops without the vegetal, chemical or overly grassy flavors.
Wasatch/Squatters - Wolves of London: Based on the classic London Fog tea beverage, this English Power was made with Earl Grey tea, pouring a deep red/ brown color with almost a finger and a half worth of creamy tan head which died down to a thin ring. The aroma starts off with a lower degree of high sweetness, with the tea being the first to show up. It imparts a noticeable tea aroma, with the Earl Grey sticking out nicely. Up next come the malts, which impart more caramel malt, caramel, toasted malt and biscuit-like aromas.
The taste seems to be similar to the aroma, and it starts off with a lower amount of sweetness, with the tea being the first to show up, imparting the same aspects that it did in the nose. Up next comes a little more herbal tea flavor, followed by the malts, which impart all the same aspects that they did in the aroma. This time, the English yeast is barely noticeable, and the dark malts don’t show up very much either.
Verdict: I thought this was pretty nice, and a good example of the style. It lived up to the description, and had all the different aspects I was expecting, which worked better together than I thought they would. This beer lives up to its description, and doesn’t disappoint.
Wolves of London is a 5.0 percent porter, and is only on draft. Growlers and crowlers are available as well. The Zoigl Series IPA is in 16-ounce cans, available to-go or to enjoy at TF.
As always, cheers! CW
Erasing Disney’s Song of the South removes an opportunity for historical context about evolving attitudes.
BY SCOTT RENSHAW scottr@cityweekly.net @scottrenshaw
Those who know me at all, or who have followed my writing for a sufficient length of time, know that one of my passions—aside from the arts—is Disneyland. As a native Californian, I grew up going to the park, rekindled my affection for it as a parent bringing his own children, and became interested enough in the phenomenon of “Disney adults” that I wrote a book about them. So it’s always a notable occasion for me when Disneyland opens a new attraction—as will happen on Nov. 15, when Tiana’s Bayou Adventure welcomes guests to a flume ride based on The Princess and the Frog
This particular ride, however, appears with some controversy among the Disney Parks faithful. In park parlance, it’s a “reskin”—something that takes an existing ride system and changes the theme. Tiana’s Bayou Adventure will occupy the place once home to Splash Mountain, a ride themed to the 1946 Disney feature Song of the South. While Disney will never acknowledge as much publicly, the reason for that change is well-understood: Song of the South has been buried by the company for decades now—last released on VHS in 1986, and withheld from either digital home media or streaming platforms once it became clear that the movie’s racial politics representing the American South
were … let’s just say “problematic.”
Now, whenever anything changes in Disney Parks, a certain segment of the fan base loses its collective mind. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, and losing something associated with happy childhood memories is understandably difficult. In this case, the consternation was magnified by those who threw a fit because Song of the South and by extension, Splash Mountain—had become yet another sacrifice at the altar of “cancel culture,” that all-purpose conservative bugaboo that generally means “I said or did something terrible, and how dare I actually be held accountable for it.”
As it happens, though, the term actually kind of applies here. Song of the South genuinely has been cancelled by the Disney company, in the sense that they’re making it impossible to experience. And here’s where I’m going to get myself into trouble: I wish that weren’t the case.
Full disclosure: I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen Song of the South in its entirety, in large part because of the aforementioned lack of access. It could be the most genuinely offensive thing ever drawn or com-
mitted to celluloid—but I doubt that’s the case, because I’ve seen some of the things Disney did eventually release on DVD. We’re not even talking about Dumbo (the Jim Crow crows), Peter Pan (the Native American representation) or Lady and the Tramp (the buck-toothed Siamese cats), but some of the short cartoons released in the Walt Disney Treasures collections of the early 2000s. Many of them included introductions by film historian/ critic Leonard Maltin, alerting viewers to potentially offensive racial stereotypes. It was an opportunity to provide historical context without pretending these films never existed.
I’ve watched a lot of movies in my lifetime, and many of the ones I hold most dear include elements that are pretty indefensible. Just as one example, I fell in love with Marx Brothers movies as a kid— particularly Duck Soup, in which Groucho makes a joke about “darkies” based on an era-specific popular song. Is it possible to enjoy the movie if that single gag were edited out, or the offending word “bleeped?”
Of course. I’m just not sure that’s the best
way to address history, particularly the history of a creative work.
Movies are certainly not the only artistic form to face such challenges; books like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn have been removed from libraries because of its use of the n-word, just as one noteworthy example. And in none of these cases do I think society is done any favors by pretending that the works don’t exist. Providing context—the way those aforementioned Leonard Maltin introductions did—allows for a realization that our collective sense of right and wrong is always evolving, and therefore might still need to evolve even further. Plus, if this election year has taught us anything, it’s that sanitizing the history of American racism hasn’t exactly made American racists disappear.
I’ll enjoy Tiana’s Bayou Adventure when I eventually get a chance to ride it, and I’ll be just fine if I live my whole life never seeing Song of the South. I just believe the fight for justice is better served by understanding everything we’ve fighting for—and against. That’s something worth singing “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” over. CW
I suppose the presidential election results have brought rejoicing to Gov. Spencer Cox, along with all the other MAGA people. It’s like all the hens rejoicing when the fox has gained entry into the henhouse. It’s like a spouse celebrating when his or her battering spouse has been released from prison.
Does anyone really think grocery prices are going to tumble now? Economists predict that if Trump’s tariffs are put into place, the price of most consumer goods will skyrocket.
The Trump voters are like a bunch of toddlers who throw fits when their demands are not met. As a retired public school teacher, I wonder: Has our educational system failed when stupidity and ignorance dominate among the voters?
I’ve been shocked as I go about my daily life and find so many people who had no clue about the election and who never vote. As per usual, the Bible Belt voters were easily influenced, as their educational levels are so low.
For example, Texas has the lowest number of high school graduates in the country. The country desperately needs better-educated teachers. A minimum of a master’s degree should be required and all salaries and benefits should be equal to that of doctors and lawyers.
Along with this should be major classsize reductions. The most highly educated teacher is severely limited with 40-plus students, ensuring that at least one pupil—and likely more than one—severely acts out in class.
Sadly, most of this will never happen, as too many GOP governors and GOP politi-
cians control school budgets. I’m an atheist—but may some deity save us all.
TED OTTINGER Taylorsville
I am writing in regards to the awesome article titled “Getting Around.” I enjoyed the article, but I do have some troubling questions.
Imagine that you have a bad cop that is doing things that will get him fired … but if he resigns, he can go somewhere else. What kind of messed up policy is that?
This is just moving a problem around and not really solving a problem.
I question the integrity of the people at [Peace Officer Standards and Training] if they were OK with shuffling a problem and not solving it. Bad cops tend to look out for and cover for other bad cops. This is troubling.
There was also a section of the article that said a case was set to go to trial until it was dismissed with no explanation.
This is very suspicious. You have a judge that has possibly been bribed or paid off and this didn’t grab anyone’s attention? Why hasn’t anyone asked some very pointed questions?
I hope the Utah Investigative Journalism Project will continue to investigate this issue. I would like to thank the writer, Eric S. Peterson, for the great news story and City Weekly for all the great things you shine a light on.
Salt Lake City
Correction: The October 31, 2024, Cover Story feature, titled “Getting Around,” mischaracterized that two separate women were involved in the allegations of misconduct against Moab Police Chief Lex Bell. A clarified version of this story can be found at cityweekly.net.
Care to sound off on a feature in our pages or about a local concern? Write to comments@ cityweekly.net or post your thoughts on our social media. We want to hear from you!
You have one last day in Utah—what is the best way to spend it?
Bryan Bale
I’ll have to go with the boring, practical answer: Rent a moving van, then empty my apartment and storage unit. Maybe I’ll take some scenic photos as I drive off into the sunset.
Brunch at Ruth’s Diner followed by a hike above the city on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail and then getting a nice cocktail at HK Taproom with friends.
Benjamin Wood
I’d get up into the mountains—maybe bike up Millcreek and over the Wasatch Crest to drop down into Park City, or go hike the high Uintas.
Wes Long
Walk around Temple Square, explore Memory Grove, eat at Ruth’s Diner and take the family and pets to Liberty Park.
Paula Saltas
Go to Moab on a quick river run trip and rent ATVs.
Eric Granato
Breakfast at Dee’s, cruise State, lunch at Ruth’s, drive up Little Cottonwood for a quick hike and finish it off with dinner at The Aerie at the Cliff Lodge at Snowbird.
It’s been a while since I last wrote on these pages. Back in those days, I was a regular columnist for the original Private Eye newspaper (renamed as City Weekly), when the Jazz were a team dedicated to more than just future draft picks and “Stockton to Malone” was more than a car lot. After five decades as a criminal defense attorney, I have finally been paroled to retirement.
As a son of Bingham Canyon, I learned life from my Croatian father—an unrepentant union man and FDR Democrat—and my Italian mother, who both worked outside the home and supported us with a firm hand. I am, in the words of my old law partner Brad Rich, a “curious combination of red and redneck.”
If I offend you by what I write, it’s on me and not City Weekly. But as the great middleweight boxing champion Gene Fullmer once explained, “You’ve got to roll with the punches. You are going to get hit.” Fair warning.
I remember writing a column about the 1992 presidential election, covering it in a gonzo style reminiscent of journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Today, I’m not sure I would recognize the 42-year-old guy who wrote that earlier piece about “Slick Willie” from Arkansas. Although I still have some of that younger man’s whimsy and skewed view of mankind’s foibles, the intervening decades have left greater fear for the country of my birth.
American history, though flawed, nevertheless illustrates the greatest experiment to govern not only from the seats of power but from the seats of the pants of the common person, with all their differences and degrees of greatness, intelligence, stupidity and mendacity. In light of that history, I hate where we have gotten today.
A pox on both the right and left of the political spectrum and our inability to sing outside of the personal/political/ cultural scale of “Me-Me-Me-Me!” There is no suitable joke for the narcissism of America right now, at least as we receive it from our platforms of self-righteousness.
Following the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, I called a Republican lawyer I once met at Wisconsin’s American Family Field to tell them how sorry I felt for the country. I hoped for a moment of time—just like after John F. Kennedy was killed—when public hatreds would be toned down and we could have greater cooperation as a country (minus the horror of the horsedrawn casket down Pennsylvania Avenue).
Kennedy’s interregnum period lasted a while; the postTrump period of goodwill didn’t even get out of bed and put its shoes on before it was over. I find no humor in President-elect Trump and so I find myself unable to write about him following this recent election. I hope he changes; I pray that he actually reads that book he says he loves, and the Constitution of the United States (which he also claims to revere).
Recently, in an effort to clear my head, I took the pooch around the Utah State Capitol complex. The people currently working on the construction projects there were breaking for lunch in groups. Two men out of the hundreds were sitting on the curb of State Street, lunch boxes opened, speaking with one another.
My Spanish isn’t good enough to catch everything, but these men were talking about what they were doing after work. It reminded me of the Carl Sandberg poem “Child of the Romans,” regarding Italian railroad workers—men like my grandfathers, father and uncles. These two working men of Mexico, now Americans, were sharing dreams about their futures like the Italians eating their bologna sandwiches in the poem.
I usually walk up to the Capitol with my dog two or three times each day. Many if not most of the workers are of Latino/Hispanic heritage and I have even asked some of them whether the Republican legislators and executives
for whom they were hired to build these amazing structures ever stop to talk to them.
You know the answer, but the same could be said about my party, too.
Which of our leaders actually considers why people like these construction crews work so hard and eat lunch on a dirty, dusty street? Neither Kamala Harris nor Donald Trump really cared, in my opinion.
One used them as a target for abuse as rapists and killers. The other used them as a group whom she felt were beholden to the left because they were part of “our” traditional base and, well, they just had to support her.
But for all the blithering fusillades of opinion issuing from party websites and media outlets, no one knows what the dreams of those workers I saw really are. America is not only “one nation under God,” but “one nation out of many dreams.”
I believe we are doomed unless we begin to realize that we probably all have dreams that are really very similar at their core—no matter what our accent or dialect or sex or identity or color happens to be.
Yet, the people elected to govern really don’t talk to those construction crews directly about their needs— and not just to them but to all of us—without the filter of pundits and platitudes and polls and spin doctors.
The American dream must move away from the nightmare that is presently residing at its heart, courtesy of the Elon Musks and Koch Brothers and Soroses of this world. You, like I, want a safe life in a country free of 24/7, 365-day political bloodsports, where you aren’t perpetually asked by Kamala Harris or Mike Lee for a handout. We all want to have a job and a home and a family (however constituted) in a land where everyone is free and equal.
That’s the dream. And it has always been the dreamers who build America. CW
Private Eye is off this week. Send feedback to comments@ cityweekly.net.
BY KATHARINE BIELE | @kathybiele
The 2024 election is a lot about blame—and that’s not even counting the stupefaction over the presidential outcome. In Utah—an all-mail-ballot state—there are rarely major problems, but politics always adds another dimension. By 2019, every county in the state opted into mailed ballots. Then again, there’s Utah County. The year before, county officers decided against the system, but a public outcry made them change their minds. Despite the growing false claims of voter fraud, all went well until this year. County Clerk Aaron Davidson didn’t want the county to pay for ballot stamps and added a note on ballots saying stamps were needed. The Post Office, however, will deliver ballots without postage. Sen. Mike McKell, R-Salem, says it’s “mostly political.” Davidson wants everyone to vote in person because of unfounded concerns over ballot custody. There’s a slight problem, though: Only nine cities in the county have voting centers. The upshot was long lines, frustrated voters and a fun run for ballot paper.
Irecently had the opportunity to sit down with Dallas Rivas from The Glitter Foundation to discuss the significance of Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR). This important observance was initiated in 1999 by transgender advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith as a vigil to honor the memory of Rita Hester, a transgender woman who tragically lost her life in 1998. That vigil not only commemorated Rita but all transgender individuals who have lost their lives to violence since then, establishing a profound tradition that continues with the annual TDoR.
By a “fun run,” we mean not-so-fun. When Utah County ran out of ballot paper and printer toner, the state arranged for a plane to fly to Arizona, “while it also helped the county find a print shop to cut the proper paper material it did have down to the right size,” Lt. Gov. Diedre Henderson told KSL. If this sounds old school, it is. Utah County also had the state’s lowest percentage of early voting or mailed ballots before Election Day. Davidson insists that he could never have known how many citizens would come out to vote in person, so it wasn’t his fault. Of course, if he had simply mailed ballots to each voter instead of adding the stamp issue—and maybe conspiracies—we think he’d have had plenty of paper. Henderson promises to investigate. The county will likely have to foot the airplane bill as it compares what it saved in postage.
It’s worth noting that the Trans Pride flag was designed by Monica Helms in 1999, symbolizing diversity and inclusivity within the transgender community. The Glitter Foundation will be setting up a TDoR Memorial beginning Saturday, November 16th, at the Salt Lake City and County Building on Washington Square.
On November 20, Salt Lake’s official Transgender Day of Remembrance service will take place downtown at Church & State, located at 370 S. 300 East, starting at 6 p.m. Attendees are invited to arrive at 5 p.m. to socialize and have the chance to meet Monica Helms, the creator of the Trans flag.
Following the service, participants will gather at Washington Square for a candlelight vigil, where they will place a candle beneath each flag, representing a life lost to violence. This year, they will mourn more than 400 lives taken worldwide.
Meanwhile, Utah will be back in the public lands debate, big time, now that Donald Trump will be back in office. The Bears Ears National Monument will continue shrinking, growing and shrinking again like a sourdough starter. “Environmental attorneys and legal experts say they’ll be watching how the new administration approaches calls for the abolishment of national monuments, Utah’s push to take over public lands from the federal government, and its adherence to federal law,” writes Bloomberglaw.com. That’s because the Trump Administration is expected to take action from the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, which calls for deregulation and expanded oil and gas mining. Utah already filed in the conservative-friendly U.S. Supreme Court to have federal lands declared unconstitutional. At least the legal industry will be benefiting. CW
When reflecting on what TDoR means to him, Rivas said: “Transgender Day of Remembrance is a time to honor all the lives lost due to violence and hate, whether through violent acts or suicide. I hold a special place in my heart for those individuals who were never named, who went unrecognized, or were forgotten by their families. These beautiful souls lived authentically and deserve to be remembered.”
In light of the current political climate, I asked Rivas what message he would like to convey to the community reading this. “Please stand up for trans people,” he said. “Embrace the opportunity to learn about trans issues and, above all, be kind.”
More than ever, we need to stand together in solidarity with the transgender community, honoring the lives lost and supporting those who continue to face challenges and discrimination. Together, we can foster a future where everyone is free to live authentically without fear. CW
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
You may be on the verge of the breakthrough I prophesied a while back. Remember? I said you would be searching for the solution to a boring problem, and on the way you would discover a more interesting and useful problem. That exact scenario is about to happen. I also predict that the coming weeks will be a time when you tame an out-of-control aspect of your life and infuse more wildness into an overly tame part of you. I will speculate on one further stroke of good fortune: You will attract an influence that motivates you to be more passionately pragmatic about one of your key dreams.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
It’s time for some friendly warnings that will, if heeded, enable you to avoid problematic developments: 1. An overhaul in your self-image is looming—your persona requires tinkering; 2. Old boundaries are shifting and in some places disappearing. Be brave and draw up new boundaries; 3. Familiar allies may be in a state of flux. Help them find their new centers of gravity; 4. Potential future allies will become actual allies if you are bold in engaging them; 5. Be allergic to easy answers and simplistic solutions. Insist on the wisdom of uncertainty.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
To honor and celebrate your melancholy, I’m turning this horoscope over to Gemini author T. H. White and his formulation of the redemptive power of sadness. He wrote: “The best thing for being sad is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honor trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then—to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting.”
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
A Massachusetts woman, Andrea Martin, loves chickens so much she treats them as family. A few years ago, she took pity on one, a young bird named Cecily, born with a damaged tendon in one of her legs. Martin arranged to have the limb amputated. Then she made a prosthetic device on a 3-D printer and had it surgically grafted onto Cecily’s body. Success! The $2,500 cost was well worth it, she testified. I propose we make Andrea Martin one of your role models for the coming weeks. May she inspire you to take extra good care of and shower bonus blessings on everyone and everything you love. (PS: This will be really good for your own health.)
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
Once a year, the city of Seoul, South Korea, stages a Space-Out Festival. Participants compete to do absolutely nothing for 90 minutes. They are not allowed to fall asleep, talk or check their phones. To test how they are banishing stress, burnout and worries, their heart rates are monitored. The winner is the person with the slowest, most stable pulse. If there were an event like this in your part of the world, Leo, I’d urge you to join in. I expect the winner would be a member of your astrological tribe, as you Leos now have a high potential for revitalizing relaxation. Even if you don’t compete in a Space-Out Festival, I hope you will fully cash in on this excellent chance to recharge your spiritual batteries.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
My favorite Virgos love to learn. They have a highly honed curiosity that is always percolating, continually drawing them toward comprehension. On the other hand, some of my favorite Virgos are inefficient at shedding long-held ideas and information that no longer serve them. As a result, their psyches get plugged up, interfering with their absorption of new input. That’s
why I recommend you Virgos engage in regular purges of your mental debris. Now would be an excellent time for one of these sessions. PS: The futurist Alvin Toffler said that a key to intelligence is the ability to learn, unlearn, and relearn. I invite you to act on that counsel.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
I endorse Libran tennis star Serena Williams’ approach to self-evaluation—especially for you right now. She testified, “I’m really exciting. I smile a lot, I win a lot, and I’m really sexy.” I’m convinced you have the right to talk like that in the coming weeks—so convinced that I suggest you use it as a mantra and prayer. When you wake up each morning, say what Williams said. When you’re asking life for a sweet breakthrough or big favor, remind life why it should give you what you want. Feel free to add other brags, too, like, “I’m a brilliant thinker, a persuasive negotiator and a crafty communicator.”
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You are entering a phase when you can acquire mastery in the arts of self-care and self-sufficiency. I hope you will become more skillful in giving yourself everything that nurtures your emotional and physical health. Have you gathered all you need to know about that subject? Probably not. Most of us haven’t. But the coming weeks will be a favorable time to make this your main research project. By the way, now is also an excellent time to kick your own ass and unbreak your own heart.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
My father was a fan of the military. As a young man, he served as a lieutenant in the army and considered making that job his career. I’m the opposite of him. I keenly avoided becoming a soldier and have always been passionately anti-war. I bring this subject to your attention because I think now is an excellent time for you to get clearer than ever about how you don’t resemble your parents and don’t want to be like them. Meditate on why your life is better and can get even better by not following their paths and ways. There’s no need to do this with anger and blame. In fact, the healthiest approach is to be lucid, calm and dispassionate.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
At age 49, James Patterson retired from his job as an advertising writer. Until then, he had produced a few novels in his spare time. But once free of his 9 to 5 gig, he began churning out books. Now, at age 77, he has published over 305 million copies of 200+ novels, including 67 that have been No. 1 New York Times bestsellers. Would you like to make an almost equally memorable transition, Capricorn? The coming weeks and months will be an excellent time to plan it and launch it.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
The Breakfast Club was an 1985 film about teenagers coming of age. Critics liked it; it earned 100 times more than it cost to make. Aquarian director John Hughes wrote the screenplay for the 97-minute movie in two days, on July 4 and 5 of 1982. I predict that many of you Aquarians will have a similar level of productivity in the coming weeks. You could create lasting improvements and useful goodies in short bursts of intense effort.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Ben & Jerry’s is a wildly successful ice cream maker that sells all over the world. Its founders are two Pisceans who met in seventh grade. Over 45 years since launching their business, they’ve become renowned for their wide variety of innovative flavors and political activism. When they first decided to work together, though, their plans were to start a bagel business. They only abandoned that idea when they discovered how expensive the bagel-making equipment was. I suspect that you are near a comparable pivot in your life, Pisces: a time to switch from one decent project to an even better one.
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Damn, it got cold fast! As I scurry around my home trying to finish winterizing my yard, replacing furnace filters, changing out batteries in my smoke detectors and putting away yard tools, I find I’m so incredibly grateful to have a home and not be out on the streets, unsheltered in the cold.
Luckily, almost every large city in the state has at least one emergency shelter and/or a transitional housing facility. But there are hundreds of folks who don’t want to go into shelters because they have their pets with them, are too mentally unstable and prefer the streets, feel there’s too much crime and drugs in the shelters and/or simply don’t feel safe enough to check in for the night. However, when it gets super cold, everyone needs some kind of shelter.
In 2023, the state passed a law creating a “Code Blue Alert,” which takes effect when temperatures are expected to drop below 18 degrees (including wind chill) for two hours or more during a 24-hour period. The law allows a homeless shelter to expand its capacity by up to 35% to provide temporary shelter and can speed up intake procedures to get people checked in.
Even better, any indoor facility owned by a private or nonprofit organization, the state or a local government entity may be used as a temporary shelter and is exempted from licensing for the duration of the code blue alert if the facility meets fire and building code requirements. The alerts are issued county by county depending on weather reports.
I remember a few years ago when First United Methodist Church in downtown Salt Lake City opened its facility after dark to dozens of street people when the temps dropped into the teens. Volunteers set up mats on the floor for folks who wanted to sleep in their warm building or they could use the bathrooms, eat donated food and get donated clothing. Basically the church, its congregation and the community saw the need downtown and provided loving shelter to our Salt Lake neighbors and without any special funding or authority, simply said: “We see a desperate need in the cold and we’re going to help!”
1. Garden pests
7. J. Edgar Hoover’s agency
10. Crocheter’s tool
14. She’s asked to “peel me a grape” in a Mae West film
15. Golfer Ernie
16. Tupac Amaru, for one
17. Keepsakes on VHS, perhaps 19. Innings score or wickets, in cricket
20. Pop singer Rita who appears in “Detective Pikachu”
21. Trip up
22. Language where “crossword book” is “llyfr croesair”
24. Cheese coating
26. How something might be dissolved
28. Night before
31. Out on the water
33. Bear, in Barcelona
34. Black of “Inside Out 2”
36. Sch. with a Shreveport campus
38. Mischievous rascal
40. With 25-Down, “Video Games” singer
41. Head-over-heels comment
46. French friend
47. One of many grains in an “overnight” jar
48. Ambient musician Brian
49. U.S. children’s fitness center chain with a palindromic name
51. Cage component
53. Coffee vessels
56. ___ whisker (narrowly)
57. Satellite (whose name is an abbreviated shortening) from a 1961 NASA program
60. Inauguration Day words
62. Star-giver?
64. “You’ve got mail!” ISP
66. Mrs., in Madrid
67. Salad with bacon and hard-boiled egg
69. TV ad subject mentioned with “And now a word from ...”
72. Hand sanitizer additive
73. Union behind a 2023 Hollywood strike
74. ___ terrible (hellion)
75. Send a quick message
76. 1099 ID
77. Heavy rainfall
1. Detest
2. Illinois city of a “Will it play in” phrase
3. Aliens’ enemies, in schlocky sci-fi stories
4. Tahiti, par exemple
5. Wendy’s founder Thomas
6. “UnREAL” star Appleby
7. Charged amount
8. Two-in-one electric hairstyling tool
9. First-generation Japanese-American
10. Annoyed cat noise
11. Soon to arrive
12. Edible Andean tuber
13. Kit ___ (candy bar, or nickname in the movie “About Time”)
18. First Bond film (1962)
23. Cholesterol type, for short
25. See 40-Across
27. Like some elephants
29. Trattoria glassful
30. Person paired with Jacob
32. Words before rule or whole
35. “Bullish” nickname of the late Dodgers star Fernando Valenzuela
37. “Orange Is the New Black” actress ___ Aduba
39. Poet whose “A Dream Within a Dream” has been likened to 2010’s “Inception”
41. Poetic meter unit
42. Credit card exp. date format
43. Old container for stogies (or other keepsakes)
44. Small floor coverings that might be crocheted
45. Former Burmese prime minister
61. Author Bret who wrote about the California Gold Rush
63. Partner in crime?
65. Word in a Dallas state nickname
67. Olivia Benson, for Taylor Swift
68. Futbol fan’s cheer
70. Sought office, like Kamala Harris 71. Raiders and Vikings group, for short
Last week’s answers
According to homelessshelterdirectory.org, there are 14,659 homeless shelters and related social services in this country. You can go to that website to specifically see a list of all those currently in operation in Utah. According to the Utah Office of Homeless Services this summer, our homeless population increased by 9% in 2023 over 2022. The rate of homelessness here was found to be 11 out of every 10,000 people, which is lower than the national average.
My wife and I stock our cars with blankets, water bottles, dog treats and simple foodstuffs that we give out regularly at intersections and on the streets downtown. It’s not much, but it brings a smile to the giver and the receiver every time. n
Complete the grid so that each row, column, diagonal and 3x3 square contain all of the numbers 1 to 9. No math is involved. The grid has numbers, but nothing has to
The Colorado Supreme Court in Boulder was the setting on Oct. 24 for a showdown between justices and five elephants, the Associated Press reported. The elephants—Missy, Kimba, Lucky, LouLou and Jambo—live at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. But the Nonhuman Rights Project believes the pachyderms should be able to dispute their detention there because they were born in the wild in Africa and are now showing signs of brain damage, such as rocking, which signals distress. The organization wants them to be moved to an accredited elephant sanctuary. The justices were moved by the story but skeptical: “How do I know when it stops?” asked Justice Melissa Hart, who was worried about pet emancipation. The zoo’s attorney wasn’t having it: “This court, no court is the proper venue for what they’re trying to accomplish,” he said.
The Continuing Crisis
There’s a metaphor for our times in here somewhere ... In the wee hours of Oct. 21, 39-year-old Adam Sotzen showed up at his mother’s house in North Liberty, Iowa, The Smoking Gun reported. Sotzen, whose rap sheet is lengthy, was allegedly intoxicated and yelled at his mother while destroying property inside the house, police said, then shoved her to the ground. She was able to move to a recliner chair, where Sotzen approached her with a 3-by-5-foot American flag that he had stolen from a nearby home. Twisting the flag into a rope, Sotzen began choking her while threatening to kill her; she fell to the floor and Sotzen continued strangling her until her boyfriend tried to intervene. The mother said her 6-foot-3, 230-pound son was “capable of killing her” and used a lot of force while strangling her. Sotzen was charged with assault with intent to inflict serious injury and harassment and held on $30,000.
n When Joshua Dairen and his wife, Keema Miller, bought a coffee shop in Opelika, Alabama, in early 2023, they might not have expected to experience paranormal phenomena—but the soldier ghost who frequents the place didn’t know that. Metro News reported that Dairen hears “rustling” noises from the back office when he’s in the shop alone, and on Sept. 24, the barista saw a “soldier” walking toward them before disappearing. Dairen believes the shop is haunted by someone who died in the Civil War. “I have seen unexplained boot prints on the floor,” he said. “Nobody in our shop has ever worn combat boots.” Dairen looked back into the town’s history and found that many soldiers lost their lives in a raid on Confederate supply depots there. “Luckily, nothing has presented itself as threatening toward us,” Dairen said.
n English Heritage, a charity that oversees many historic properties, recently revealed that Gainsborough Old Hall in Lincolnshire, England, houses a “staggering array” of witches’ marks and curses carved into the walls. The Guardian reported on Oct. 29 that volunteer Rick Berry found and mapped about 20 ritual protection marks, which are believed to repel evil. Berry also discovered daisy wheels and hexafoils, thought to trap demons, and overlapping letter Vs, which called on the Virgin Mary for protection. “The Old Hall has undoubtedly had a tumultuous past,” said Kevin Booth, English Heritage’s head of collections. “Why it’s the scene of quite such a high concentration of protective carvings remains a mystery.”
Attendees of the Lucca Comics and Games conference in Italy this week are getting a first look at the new mascot for the Vatican’s 2025 jubilee, the Catholic News Agency reported. The church declares a jubilee, or a year of grace and pilgrimage, every 10 to 50 years. This year’s new addition is Luce, a cartoon figure a la Olympics mascots, who the church hopes will help engage with “the pop culture so beloved by our young people.” Luce (which means “light” in Italian) and her
“pilgrim friends” are promoting “the theme of hope, which is more central than ever to the evangelical message,” said Archbishop Rino Fisichella.
But Why?
Mary Kay Bower, 42, of St. Paul, Minnesota, was arrested on Oct. 19 for rustling and livestock theft, which is a felony, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported. Officers were alerted to Bower when she and a man were seen walking a sheep and a dog on leashes. Bower told them that she purchased the sheep for $200, but her companion ratted her out: He said she stepped over a farm fence, put a leash on the sheep and pulled it out through the fence. When police checked with the farm owner, they found out that Bower had not paid for the animal, a breeding hair ram worth about $500. Bower’s tattoo might have given her away: She has a sheep inked on her left cheek.
On Oct. 24, emergency officials in Stoughton, Wisconsin, contacted the county public health agency after transporting five people with “possible food-borne illness exposure,” The New York Times reported. The common denominator? Famous Yeti’s Pizza—but it wasn’t tainted onions or bad cheese that sickened patrons. On Oct. 22, a worker at Yeti’s ran out of oil while making pizzas, so he visited a shared industrial kitchen nearby. The oil he grabbed was from “food-grade hemp” and contained Delta-9 cannabis, or THC—the active ingredient in marijuana. “The oil can be used to make everything from cookies to condiments,” the health department said. Famous Yeti’s served “60 contaminated pizzas,” prompting “dozens of reports” of sickness. The restaurant closed for deep cleaning on Oct. 25.
Creme de la Weird
A 107-year-old Chinese woman named Chen has become a social media star, the New York Post reported on Oct. 29, because of an unusual facial feature—a 4-inch-long horn growing out of her forehead. Some viewers think the growth is responsible for Chen’s advanced age and are calling it a “longevity horn.” Doctors, however, say it’s a cutaneous horn, which is often associated with prolonged sun exposure. Nevertheless, Chen remains in good health and eats heartily, and she has no intention of having the horn removed.
The Passing Parade
Social media influencers are on the move and extending their “influence” to even the most mundane of travel experiences: putting items in a bin for the TSA conveyor. Reader’s Digest reported on Oct. 28 that people are curating their travel bins—arranging everything just so, then taking photos to post on the socials—and getting reactions such as “I would buy prints of these!” and “Your shoes omg.” A TSA spokesperson responded: “As long as the staged glamour photos are not causing delays or issues with other passengers in the checkpoint, there are no issues.”
Calcea Johnson and Ne’Kiya Jackson, then students at St. Mary’s Academy in New Orleans, just hoped to win the $500 prize when their teacher challenged them to create a new proof for the Pythagorean theorem in 2022, NOLA.com reported on Oct. 29. In March 2023, they submitted their work to the American Mathematical Society conference, and “it went well, and it blew up,” said Jackson. They were rewarded with a commendation from the Louisiana governor and keys to the city, and their findings were published in American Mathematical Monthly. Since they submitted their proof, they believe they’ve come up with nine other proofs. Jackson is now studying pharmacology at Xavier University and Johnson is pursuing environmental engineering at Louisiana State University.