Columbus SOURCE 2022/5782

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JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES 1070 College Ave. Columbus, OH 43209 P: 614-231-1890 E: W: jfscolumbus.orgå FB: T: @jfscolumbus elissa Starr, hief rogram fficer for orkforce De elo ment e ish amily Ser ices hel s com anies in entral hio disco er, train, hire and retain to talent. Ser ices to the usiness community include referral of re-screened jo candidates, on oarding and retention ser ices. e de elo a artnershi ith the em loyer in order to disco er challenges in the hiring rocess and to de elo creati e solutions. RE/MAX MAIN STREET . ain St. Bexley, OH 43209 P: 614-580-0611 P: 614-545-3500 erri Barnett, ealtor o-o ner ustomer ser ice and inno ati e marketing are cornerstones of my usiness. y clients ill tell you that I am the most caring and skilled agent they ha e kno n. I ring to the home sale or urchase oth my e tensi e kno ledge of real estate and usiness as ell as my detail-oriented style of utting my clients interests a o e all else. STUDIO J . Du lin ran ille oad Du lin, P: 614-389-2054 june W: B face junesstudioj I studiojhome ou can al ays find a reason to sto y Studio . e are entral hio s destination for fine furniture, ith store ide sa ings. e can transform your home ith our selection of charming ieces to fill your li ing room, edroom, dining room or an entire home. Studio has e uisite choices from to - uality rands to suit a ide array of styles and designs. e ha e a team of highly trained and talented interior designers to enhance your home s aesthetics and comfort.

ZACKS LAW LLC South ames oad Columbus, OH 43213 P: 614-236-8000 ACKS AW Counselors & Practitioners at Law zacksla Benjamin S. acks, s . E: Susan B. ellman, s . i ing no in el A i sgellman zlgla .com ounselors ractitioners at a ractice areas Business, De elo ment a ital, eal state and se, echnology, onstitutional ights, S ecial amily eeds, lder are ealth are rofessionals in com le litigation and transactional matters for indi iduals, families and com anies. Best a irms in .S. e s orld e ort etro olitan irst ier irms irst Amendment a .




ZACKS LAW LLC Counselors & Practitioners at Law


SUSAN B. GELLMAN, ESQ. (Living now in Tel Aviv)

• “Best Law Firms” in U.S. News & World Report 2011-22 • Metropolitan First Tier Firms 2011-21 • First Amendment Law and Litigation - First Amendment

Practice Areas:

Business, Development & Capital, Real Estate & Land Use, Technology, Constitutional Rights, Special Family Needs, Elder Care & Health Care Professionals in complex litigation & transactional matters for individuals, families and companies.

The eBuilding at Broad and James 3rd Floor • 33 South James Road Columbus, Ohio 43213 • 614.236.8000


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