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Federation’s Hoffman to be honored for 35 years of dedication
ALYSSA SCHMITT | STAFF REPORTER aschmitt@cjn.org | @AlyssaSchmitCJN
The Jewish Federation of Cleveland will celebrate Stephen H. Hoffman’s 35 years of leadership as president of the Federation with a tribute dinner Nov. 12 at the Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland.
Various U.S. and Israeli dignitaries along with local community leaders and members will honor Hoffman’s commitment to Jewish Clevelanders and Jews around the world, said Gary L. Gross, board chair of the Federation’s board of trustees. Several musicians from the Cleveland Orchestra, where Hoffman is a board member, will provide a musical backdrop during the event.
Gross said he hopes having the event at the museum, where Federation events are typically not held, provides a unique and meaningful night for Hoffman. He said he expects 600 to 800 people to attend.
“There are so many things that Steve has done from a leadership perspective that make him important to Cleveland and important to Jews around the world,” said Gross, a Shaker Heights resident.
He highlighted Hoffman’s dedication to Jewish education and his ability to raise funds through the Federation’s campaign, which benefits Jews in Cleveland, Israel and areas in the world, among other achievements.
“These are some of the things Steve can be very proud of,” Gross said. “He wants to welcome everyone into the community no matter where they sit in the tent, he wants them all in the community. I think it’s one of the reasons why people have so much respect for Steve because they know there’s nothing in it for him except for he wants what’s best for the Jews of Cleveland, in America and around the world.”
Celebrating Stephen H. Hoffman
WHEN: 5:30 p.m. pre-event sponsor reception, 6:30 dinner and main event, Nov. 12
WHERE: Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Blvd., Cleveland INFO: Featuring tributes to Hoffman and music by members of the Cleveland Orchestra. RSVP to Jayme Honigman at 216-593-2823 or jhonigman@jcfcleve.org