4 minute read
Memories abound in ‘small world’
Vivian Witt (nee Stager) was posthumously inducted into the Cleveland Press Club Hall of Fame. Why didn’t that happen when she was still alive?
I’ve never gotten the request my mother asked of me in her final days: “I don’t want flowers on my coffin because it’s too late to smell them.” We need to express our feelings about one another while they can appreciate them. I’ve made the same request to my daughter and son.
Sol Sherwin passed away. My father was in the butter-and-egg business and Sherwin’s Bakery on East 105th Street was one of his customers. My brother knew the older Sherwin brothers and I knew Sol. When we first began coming to Florida, I bumped into Sol in the Boynton Beach community, where we first spent the winter season. Small world.
David Brown Boynton Beach, Fla.
‘Marvelous’ Brett column
I read Regina Brett’s article about the Jews are always to blame (cjn.org). Enough. Marvelous article.
My feelings and so many of my friends and family. I commend your newspaper for publishing this.
Diane Hochman Sarasota, Fla.
How to submit letters
WRITE US: The Cleveland Jewish News welcomes letters from readers. Letters should be no longer than 250 words and may be edited.Send letters to CJN, 23880 Commerce Park, Suite 1, Beachwood, OH 44122, or by emailing letters@cjn.org. Please include your complete name and your place of residence, and a telephone number for fact-checking purposes. Readers can post comments to any online story or feature at cjn.org.
Letters, commentaries and opinions appearing in the Cleveland Jewish News do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Cleveland Jewish Publication Company, its board, officers or staff.
Stand up for democracy
Martin Niemoller, German Lutheran pastor and outspoken foe of Adolf Hitler, is most noted for his poem, “First they came ...”
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.
Targeting group after group for persecution was a tactic used by the Nazis. If you think this isn’t relevant in today’s caustic political climate, think again. For two years, America has been barraged by a series of increasingly hostile attacks from our president, pitting one group against the other.
Muslims, Mexicans, immigrants, liberals, African-Americans, women and the list goes on. This week, he targeted the transgender community and Kaitlin Jenner, who previously supported the GOP and hasn’t been heard from, suddenly releases her indignation. Where was her voice, her morality, her humanity before?
Now more than ever, it is the responsibility of all Americans to share the guilt of passivity. We must make our voices heard, take responsibility and stand up for one another. Vote on Nov. 6. When we say “never again,” we must demonstrate our commitment to democracy.
Ellen Jacob Bainbridge Township
Presidential tone inciteful
This morning, I dashed off several letters to Jewish leaders in the Cleveland community urging them to formally link the inflammatory rhetoric of President Donald Trump with the rise of antiSemitism and the deaths of innocents in Pittsburgh and Charlottesville, Va.
And I would like to ask Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu to send the American embassy back to Tel Aviv until Trump tones down his rhetoric.
Since the 2016 election, the demonization of the other has become commonplace in American politics, but surely people on both sides of the political spectrum must come to realize that failure to communicate civilly will lead to the deaths of innocents everywhere.
Steve Wolotsky Lakewood
Former Cleveland Jewish News Editor Cynthia Dettelbach’s name was misspelled. (“CJN’s Witt to be inducted into Press Club Hall of Fame,” Oct. 26)
Media ignores other murders
I am disheartened by the limited television media coverage of the murders of Maurice Stallard and Vicki Jones Oct. 24 on the property of a Kroger’s store in Jeffersontown, Ky.
To date, I have perceived this horrible event as being overlooked by the media. Whether deemed a federal hate crime or not, I believe people should provide homage to these two human beings who were slaughtered as innocent bystanders.
Let’s not forget all those kind souls who were tragically killed in both Squirrel Hill, Pa., and Jeffersontown this past week. May their memories be for a blessing.
Lola Farron
Mayfield Heights
ORT offers thanks
Kayed no longer at Howard
As a Beachwood resident and Howard University student, I would just like to make you aware of an email sent to the student body by our provost and chief academic officer. In this email, it states: “It has been erroneously reported by media that Abeer Kayed is currently affiliated with Howard University as a professor of political science. Kayed is not currently a faculty member at Howard University and has not been since January 2017. Kayed has made several comments regarding the recent tragedy in Pittsburgh that are not consistent with our values as an institution. The university does not condone her remarks, nor is she a spokesperson representing Howard University”.
Katelyn Perryman Beachwood
Thank you to everyone who attended the 47th Annual ORT Brunch Oct. 28, honoring Ken Liffman and Todd Gurney, especially our dedicated sponsors, donors and event co-chairs for making this event possible.
Coming just one day after the tragic and senseless murders at the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh, we want to express our sincerest appreciation to the Jewish Federation of Cleveland for providing extra security during this event. We are proud to be a part of this blessed community, one in which we are always there for one another.
Char Rapoport Nance, Director ORT America – Ohio Region