During my time studying abroad in Europe, I worked on three forms of graphic inquiry to investigate the architecture and design I was exposed to.
are a form of graphic speculation.
study the representation of how an architectural element drives form.
study how architectural elements are defined: through their surroundings or by their surroundings.
P r o j e c t i o n s
Meaning is found in the underlying gestures that fabricate architectural conception. In an investigation of different scaled details, the defining characteristics of architecture are revealed. The sketches propose a possible thesis for the comprehensive formula of each building.
Peter Zumthor | Field Chapel Mechernich, Germany
Yi Architects | Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart, Germany
Renzo Piano | Beyeler Museum Riehen, Switzerland
Peter Zumthor | Kunstmuseum Bregenz, Austria
OMA | Kunsthal Rotterdam, Netherlands
Renzo Piano | Zentrum Paul Klee Bern, Switzerland
c r o s s i n g s
Ornament has deep roots in the history of architecture, its expression fluctuating as time progresses. Ornament engages with architecture resulting in form or surface that enriches the palpable experience of a building. These sketches examine the contemporary evolution of ornament.
Sauerbruch Hutton | Immanuel Church Cologne, Germany
Le Corbusier | La Tourette Éveux, Rhône-Alpes, France
Tadao Ando | Vitra Weil am Rhein, Germany
Sauerbruch Hutton | Cologne Oval Offices Cologne, Germany
SANAA | Rolex Learning Center Lausanne, Switzerland
Le Corbusier | Notre Dame du Haut Ronchamp, France
t y p o l o g i e s
Vertical circulation is the proprietor of human interaction with architectural elements. Serving as a connector of sorts, vertical circulation is existential to the procession through a building. Each sketch investigates how these elements are defined: through their surroundings or by their surroundings.
Gerrit Rietveld | Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam, Netherlands
Mecanoo | TU Bibliotheek Delft, Netherlands
Zaha Hadid | Vitra Firehouse Weil am Rhein, Germany
Renzo Piano | Zentrum Paul Klee Bern, Switzerland
Axel Schultes | Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
Tadao Ando | Vitra Weil am Rhein, Germany