claire-8th hand-in very very late

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EmPowering The New Women of Somers Town Claire Taggart- Yr 4 -UNIT 22



india bangladesh ethiopia

somers town


Displaced Migrant Communities of Somers Town

ampthill square estate:

issues/difficulties in your home/community life and how you might solve them...

hopscotch asian women’s centre:

ravenscroft primary school:

conversations with migrants in somers town issues/suggestions that came up in conversations with members of somers town migrant communities

somers town female migrants more susceptible to: depression and mental health issues ill health due to confinement, lack of activity and excercise

due to:

financial difficulties and unemployment social isolation sustained domestic abuse due to dependency on partner difficulty with integration culture shock change of family structure and role difficulty with english language lack of education and employable skills cultural/religious boundaries

female migrant communities vulnerabilities of new migrant women in somers town

aurat enterprise berkshire ‘to empower and encourage women from minority groups to engage in learning’

community cleaning services tower hamlets ‘tackling social exclusion’

free training and ESOL classes flexible working hours for family commitments staff away days and women’s group networking to encourage integration

hopscotch asian women’s centre camden ‘supporting social and economic empowerment of women and their families’

shaah iyo sheeko women’s group barnet and harrow ‘breaking isolation through volunteering’

‘understanding and appreciation of the arts among muslim women’

‘supporting muslim women to participate in sports at all levels’

ESOL english classes craft and sewing classes training in homecare for carers of children, disabled and elderly advice on housing, employment and health issues

building awareness of eductaion system, political processes and legal system involvement in parent-teacher associations, local councils and communtiy consultative groups

ulfah arts birmingham

muslim women’s sport foundation

targeted regular community newsletter emplomyent and enterprise centre training schemes job club and forum for single parents

all-female music tuition sessions ulfah collective band- performing publically

training sessions in all-female environments with professional coaches providing faith-sensitive competitive opportunities

Case Studies empowering migrant women in their communities

state and connect

meet and chat

learn and develop

visit and share

collaborate and produce

exercise and socialise

Six Ways to Empower Migrant Women of Somers Town shared and private feminine spaces in and around their homes

Staircases on housing facades state a presence and connect balcony spaces

Not-So-Secret Staircases stating the women’s presence in their homes and privately connecting them

state and connect

steel frame staircase fixes onto facade framework


Sliding Staircases staircases could slide up and down facade to be used in different homes

meet and chat

park seat with encorporated children’s climbing frame provides a social meeting point

Park Bench providing opportunities for social encounters outside the house

Deployable shelter with seating creates privacy in public spaces

action: sharing a cup of tea, bringing intimate indoor activities out

Park Bench creating private space in public area

collabortate and produce

communal farming balcony

communal micro-farming project where food is is cultivated and shared between the women

Communal Farming Project hanging baskets within homes and along balconies to grow food

Structure creates connected, communal social spaces along balconies

Trellises begin to construct new building facade

Growing boxes and foldable trellises for small-scale farming Produce

Communal Farming Facade farming project begins to become part of the building facade

collapsable planters fabric planters in-built sprinklers

Trellises hinge out from main framework

Removable, collapsible fabric growing containers hook onto structure Collected rain water flows through pipes in framework to sprinkle plants

bent ply structure

folding trellis

connecting steel wires pull trellis structure into shape

framework fixes onto balconies

waste plant produce composts and feeds back into base of soil bed

Framework Details of Facade System trellises fitted onto a main framework

trellis folds out from facade

planting, cultivating, harvesting and composting

Cultivation of crops along balcony spaces

Book Exchange LibrarySecret Bricks slip out from brickwork between apartments and along walkways and corridors

private, personal home study space

Book Exchange Private and Shared Spaces

food Exchange WallTwo-way kitchen wall opens between neighbours and into communal spaces

books farming produce toys household items

Sharing of food, household items in specified deposit boxes and fridges

Opens and connects home to home creating opportunity for other social encounters- to be appropriated, used and mis-used as desired...

Exchange & Sharing Wall Sharing of food and household objects between homes

exchange walls create sharing interfaces between homes

placing, taking and replacing

Exchange windows -exchange of objects between different rooms in housess

Route connects parks, streets and homes goldington estate

community oakley square sports centre gardens

brill place

Excercise and play stops distributed around neighbourhood

phoenix court

prince arthur

Somers Town Trail Neighbourhood walking route

route guided by electronic and physical markers organised and planned by members of walking group and published online each day

screens connected to published online route information screen changes gradually over time to indicate route electronic glass screen creates window shading as desired and publishes information for route stops

Digital Window Interface marks out house or flat as a stop on walking route

Play Net levels overlap for safe

Can be accessed from floor above

Safe enclosed playground with seating, adult supervision and socialising below

Built on rooftops and within courtyards

Existing walls and built fences enclose

Play Landscape layered landscape for children and parents

plastic funnels collect rainwater

water released down through pipes to farming facade climbing nets tensioned from rings

Rain Collection for Farming Facade rooftop play landscape also collects water for

community farming project

Piezoelectric generating fibres woven into netting generate current to light leds integrated into fabric clamps leds integrated into fabric clamps Clamps fix two levels of netting together

Reactive Fabric responds to movement and friction, lighting up to show activity within landscape

Play Landscape landscape lights up with movement through peizoelectric vibrational generatoion

play landscape collects water for farming facade

play/social landscape on rooftops

sharing walls between flats

door and window interfaces indicate and link the women’s homes

trellises make up exterior facade










s walking route links homes and designs benches scattered in park areas

Connections Between Designs designs inserted into housing typologies







Zoetrope Actions ways to empower migrant women of somers town

connect play/meet/chat

grow chat



Zoetrope interactions with designs

grow chat connect share meet play


Zoetrope interactions with designs (see animation)

changeable anchor points for facade cable net, altering module size

inserted functions

inserted modules

solid steel framework with cable anchor points

facacde anchor points for steel cable net

Parametric Facade Exploration madrid workshop- adjustable cable framework facade system to insert add-on spaces



somers town

dalehead ampthill square estate

ampthill square estate, hampstead road

euston station

ampthill square estate ampthill square community facility

Site: Ampthill Square Estate, Hampstead Road 1:2500

run-down ampthill square estate towers

disused ampthill square community facility

Specific Sites to be addressed Ampthill Square Estate

demolition site


proposed hs2 route

ampthill square estate ampthill square community facility

ampthill square community facility

HS2 high speed rail demolition 1:5000

Sites of Intervention in the existing and proposed new build 1:2500


...provide oppotunity of socialising for...

Children up... ...feeds...



...look After...




...provides for...




...sold to...



...made into...


Mothers ...sold to...



Somers Town Community


power station aims: replace and revive community facility for ampthill square estate residents give increased independence, social opportunities and aid community integration for resident migrant women

provide educational resources to the women, their families and ampthill estate community combat isolation and depression through involvement develop language, organisational, managerial financial skills

Power Station Proposal

Compensation Scheme

Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets (GELLM) Comittee

Power Station Clients

ampthill Power Station

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