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Training to become financially fit and tech savy

Understanding that each case has its own challenges and particular context due to variables attributable to the subsector, time and external factors; however, it is worthwhile and as a result of the analysis of the experiences of the creatives interviewed, we share with you the following recommendations.

Perseverance and Discipline


In the words of the participants, both perseverance and discipline have been key to the growth of their businesses.

Professional preparation

Preparation is key to generate both a value proposition and to develop a scalable business model, considering both operational and financial aspects.

Financial analysis

Markets are dynamic and therefore you as an entrepreneur must be updated.

Learn new technologies

With new technologies come opportunities for your company, learn how to use them in an optimal way in favor of your creativity and for the management of your business.

Strategic planning and development of a business model

Sustained and scalable business growth require careful planning of all aspects of the business. It is important to measure progress against goals and evaluate results. Your commitment to creativity is as important as taking care of the administrative activities of your business, use management to your advantage to achieve your financial goals.

Public support programs and institutions

It is important that you identify the support programs offered by the public sector. You can find financing programs for small and medium-sized businesses at different levels of government. There are also public agencies that have specific programs for the cultural and creative sectors.

Below are recommendations of programs and support institutions and how to access them.

Federal Programs

The Department of Culture has programs to promote art and the Creative and Cultural Industries, within these programs it is possible to find funds, contests, financing, among other types of support. We suggest you visit the official site of https://www.gob.mx/cultura (QR19)

The following are some of the most relevant programs

Convocatoria 2022 México en Escena-Grupos Artísticos (MEGA)

Agency in charge: Sistema de Apoyos a la Creación y Proyectos Culturales (SACPC) https://www.cultura.gob.mx/gobmx/convocatorias/detal le/3452/mexico-en-escenagrupos- artisticos-2022 (QR20)

According to the site, this program includes "Stimulus to artistic creation, recognition to careers and support to the development of cultural projects".

Disciplines that can apply for this call:

Circus Dance Music Opera Theater

Interdisciplinary stage (proposals involving two or more stage disciplines)

State Programs

Secretaría de Cultura

The Secretaria de Cultura currently has a program to promote the creative industries sector. As part of the public policy of the current administration, lines of action have begun to be established to support the development of the Creative and Cultural Industries. Governmental support ranges from the search for investment, attracting productive projects, the linking of CCI subsectors, and the approaching of financing schemes.

Webpage: https://www.bajacalifornia.gob.mx/cultura (QR21)

Secretaría de Economía e Innovación del Gobierno del Estado de Baja California

This agency has a financing program in charge of the Financing Directorate. Although they are not exclusive financing for the CCI sector, we recommend you review the official website and consult the financial products available, which range from $2,500 pesos to $400,000 pesos. It is important to mention that the credits are granted by qualification based on financial and credit history, in addition to considering the applicant's payment capacity.

Webpage: https://www.bajacalifornia.gob.mx/sei/ReactivaBC (QR22)

City Programs

Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico de Tijuana (SEDETI)

Tijuana Funds Webpage:: https://www.tijuana.gob.mx/dependencias/SEDETI/fond o.aspx (QR23)

Creative professionals interviewed

Performing Arts

Jesús Gilberto Corrales Alfaro

Graduated with a degree in Theater. Entrepreneur and Director with more than 40 shows staged, of which at least 30 are of his own authorship. Recognized by different juries in selections such as the Muestra Estatal de Teatro on five occasions and twice in the Programa de Apoyo a Grupos Artísticos Profesionales de Artes Escénicas "México en Escena". He is also General Director of the Centro de Investigación, Producción y Divulgación de Arte Escénico Teatro en el incendio A. C.

Dulce Escobedo Muñoz

Co-founder of the Conservatorio de Danza México (CDM). She began her artistic training at a very young age. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Dance from the Gloria Campobello School of Dance and a Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from UABC. She is currently the Administrative and Public Relations Director of CDM. She recently received a merit scholarship to study the Master of Fine Arts in Choreography at CalArts.

Marianna Escobedo Muñoz

CCo-founder, general and artistic director of the Conservatorio de Danza México (CDM). She began at the age of 6 years old in dance, since then she has been active in the practice, she studied a degree in dance at UDLAP, in the city of Cholula, Puebla. She also has a Master's Degree in Documentary Photography. Upon returning to Tijuana, she worked in different academies in the city teaching classes and in the last 6 years she has been fully dedicated to CDM, a project in which she collaborates with her two sisters, both performing artists.

Miroslava Wilson Montoya

Co-founder, co-director, choreographer, teacher and artist-manager of Péndulo Cero Danza Contemporánea. Graduated from the Professional Dance School of Mazatlan, with a degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Sonora, and Master´s in Marine Sciences at UNAM. Committed to the development of artistic, environmental and humanistic projects from an interdisciplinary vision. Her work has been presented in China, South Korea, Japan, India, Spain, USA, Argentina, Guatemala, Chile, Germany and Mexico. She is currently an educator of Somatic Movement, Body Mind Movement and develops social dance projects.

Plastic arts – Crafts

Benito Del Águila Malváez

Electronic Systems Engineer by CETYS Tijuana (first generation), Master in Promotion and Cultural Development by the Autonomous University of Coahuila. Promoter of Mexican artisans since beginning of electronic commerce, especially of the Great Masters of Popular Art. Gallery owner for 6 years in Playas de Rosarito, gallery in which book presentations and presentations of scenic artists such as trova, tango and flamenco also took place. Creator of the Rosarito Art Fest, Director of the Quixote Festival and the Mexican Art Market (Playas de Rosarito). Founder of the Latin American Art Festival (San Diego California), founder of the weekly interview program with performing and visual artists "El Truco del Oficio" (broadcast weekly on Youtube and Facebook)..


Jeanete Ciénega Anda

Director of administration, coordination of graphic design and production logistics for the organizations ERIZO and Noroeste Movimiento. She was a member of the Ska-Reggae band Los Hijos del Santo and participated in the UABC Opera. She has documented the local music scene as a photographer and member of a musical group, was part of the radio program Invasión Local on 102.5FM and Radio ERIZO. Winner of the PECDA fund, with which the digital magazine ERIZOMEDIA.org was created, a portal dedicated to the news of cultural and independent work.

Guillermo Garcia Diaz

His main objectives are to generate strategic alliances and exchanges for the construction and strengthening of the independent music industry in Mexico and Latin America, supporting emerging music in the regional, national and international space, through the digital platform and event producer Erizo Media and the recently created creative corporation "Atajos del Norte" that provides booking services, linking, representation and management of talents in Mexico, as well as digital distribution and development consulting.

Abelardo Vázquez Ramos

Degree in International Business from CETYS University. Director of an audiovisual production company, specialized in advertising and political campaigns. Musician. Author, manager, producer, consultant, and music manager. Among his trajectory, he has been the manager of the musical groups Reik, Nikki Clan and Vázquez Sounds. He is currently a public official in the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Government of Baja California as Director of Creative Industries.


Lissy Karin Baez Alvarez

Bachelor in International Business, Entrepreneur and Administrative Director of Exclusivos Baez, a second generation company dedicated to the commercialization and manufacture of leather goods. This company has a point of sale in downtown Tijuana, from where it has positioned itself both in the local market and abroad. In addition to the direct sale and customization of garments, it has a manufacturing center in which it produces its own lines as well as orders for other brands recognized in the international market. The company is currently integrating the third generation.

Héctor Alberto Bravo

Graduated in Business Administration from CETYS University. He began his career as a fashion merchant importing clothes. Later he ventured as a designer, which led him to become co-founder of the Concrete Brand, a company that has outlets in casual clothing for men which also manufactures; in addition to marketing its products online through its official website, they have manufacturing processes and are currently in the process of expanding their production capacity.

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