Rights Catalog Fall 2023

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FALL 2023

We make children’s dreams come true

our brand new Clavis catalog!
to be able to make a difference in
lives all over the world,
to learn from and to enjoy.
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Making books and sharing them with
is our passion.
feel honored
offering them
little treasures
And let’s keep making children’s
come true . . . together! Subscribe to our newsletter Contact us Check out our backlist Lise Merken lise.merken@clavisbooks.com Tel: +32 11 26 99 56 Jing Wang jing.wang@clavisbooks.com Tel: +32 11 26 99 57 Nele Mathé nele.mathe@clavisbooks.com Tel: +32 11 26 99 55 (on maternity leave)
Versée jana.versee@clavisbooks.com Tel: +32 11 26 98 72 Jill Stevens jill.stevens@clavisbooks.com
The treasure chest you’re reading now is filled with beautiful new gems: from heartwarming toddler books and fun picture books to exciting and blood-curdling novels! Enjoy!
1 Contents Clavis Toddler Books p. 2 Clavis Picture Books p. 38 Seasons p. 38 Emotions p. 56 Fun p. 72 Adventure p. 86 Together p. 98 Non-Fiction p. 112 Clavis Novels p. 125

Clavis Toddler

Every child loves to read, and even babies and toddlers can enjoy warm stories and beautiful images. But in this case, the books have to suit their needs and they have to fit in their tiny little hands. That’s why the titles in our toddler line are tailor-made for the little ones: with recognizable themes, rich language, fun characters and firm pages.

Look! Animals in the Garden Look! Animals on the Farm

Two cheerful books about animals in the garden and on the farm.

Look! The birds fly in the sky, the fish swim in the water, and the mouse is in his hole. The rooster crows, the rabbits eat carrots, and the pig plays in the mud. What else do you see?

160 x 160 mm

12 months and up

10 spreads + cover

To The Other Side with Daddy To The Other Side with Mommy

Two warm books about sweet mommy and daddy animals and their little ones.

Out and about with Mommy and Daddy! Mommy Kangaroo carries her little one in her pouch, Mommy Crocodile puts her little one in her mouth, and Mommy Chicken walks through the green meadow with her little ones. Daddy Snail carries his little ones on his back, Daddy Otter lets his little one sleep on his belly, and Daddy Flamingo shows his little one the way through the shallow water. Will you come along to the other side?



4 Clavis Toddler

Little Furry Friends. All Together Now! Winter

Little Furry Friends. All Together Now! Fall

Two interactive books full of illustrations of everything you see in fall and winter.

Discover fall and winter with your Little Furry Friends! Collect leaves, look for mushrooms, and jump in big puddles in fall. Or would you rather catch snowflakes on your tongue, blow ice bubbles, and go down the mountain on your sled in winter?

160 x 160 mm

12 months and up

10 spreads + cover

6 Clavis Toddler

Little Furry Friends. All Together Now! My House

Little Furry Friends. All Together Now! My Cars

Two interactive books full of illustrations of the different rooms in a house and the many cars on the road.

Learn all about houses and cars with your Little Furry Friends! Brush your teeth in the bathroom, play in the living room, and bake a chocolate cake in the kitchen. Or would you rather go outside to drive around in a fire truck, a tractor, or a racing car?

In the same series Little Furry Friends. All Together Now! My Body Little Furry Friends. All Together Now! Wild Animals

Billy Goes to Sleep Billy Takes a Bath

Two happy books about a playful baby elephant.

Billy the baby elephant loves his friends. One day, he goes looking for them, but he accidentally falls into a puddle of mud. And when he decides to visit them because he doesn’t feel like going to sleep, his friends tell him that they’re too tired to play. Will Billy’s friends be able to get him cleaned up? And can they help him fall asleep?

In the same series

160 x 160 mm

12 months and up

12 spreads + cover

Billy Fills His Belly Billy’s Birthday

8 Clavis Toddler

Nora Discovers Fall

A familiar story about the arrival of fall.

Nora discovers the beauty of fall. She looks for mushrooms, feeds a hedgehog, and collects beautiful leaves, acorns, and chestnuts. Together with her doll Bibi, Kitty, and her doggy Rascal, she has a lot of fall fun!

185 x 185 mm

18 months and up

24 pages

In the same series

9 Clavis Toddler
Nora Discovers Winter Nora Discovers Spring

Celebrating Saint Nicholas with Bobby

A cute book about the arrival of Saint Nicholas.

Saint Nicholas is coming! Bobby puts his shoe near the fireplace and makes a beautiful drawing. But it’s such a long wait . . . Luckily, Bobby has a fun idea.

Celebrating Christmas with Bobby

A sweet book about Christmastime.

Tomorrow, it’s Christmas! Bobby bakes Christmas cookies and decorates the house. Now, all there’s left to do is put up a Christmas tree in the living room. But the tree looks so beautiful in the garden . . .


210 x 220 mm 24 months and up 9 spreads + cover

In the same series

11 Clavis Toddler
At the Farm with Bobby On a Journey with Bobby

Furry Friends. Emma at the Doctor’s

A sweet and relatable book about a visit to the doctor.

Hi, I’m Emma and today I don’t feel so good. My nose hurts and I cough a lot. Together with Mommy, I’m going to the doctor. Will you come with us?

210 x 220 mm 24 months and up 32 pages

12 Clavis Toddler

Furry Friends. Emma Celebrates Christmas

A joyful book about celebrating Christmas.

Hi, I’m Emma, and today, it’s Christmas! Louis is coming over to celebrate together. I’m going to decorate the Christmas tree and cook a festive meal. Will you lend me a hand?

210 x 220 mm

24 months and up

32 pages

13 Clavis Toddler

Furry Friends. Emma and Saint Nicholas

A joyful book about celebrating Saint Nicholas.

Hi, I’m Emma and today, Saint Nicholas is coming! I make a drawing and sing a song with my friends. At home, I also prepare everything for Saint Nicholas’ arrival. Will you lend me a hand?

210 x 220 mm

24 months and up

32 pages

14 Clavis Toddler

Furry Friends. Emma in Class

A relatable book about the first day of school.

Hi, I’m Emma, and today, I’m going to school for the first time! I put on my favorite dress for this special day. I feel butterflies in my belly, but I’m really looking forward to it! Will you go to class with me?

210 x 220 mm

24 months and up 32 pages

15 Clavis Toddler

Halloween with Lily and Milo

A happy story about Halloween starring global superstars Lily and Milo.

Hooray, it’s Halloween! Lily and Milo want to get spooky together. They put on nice costumes, decorate the house, and make delicious pumpkin soup. They’re not scared at all. Or maybe a little bit?

35 titles!


16 Clavis Toddler
14languages! Series counting
same series
The House of Lily and Milo Feeding the Ducks with Lily and Milo
210 x 220 mm 24 months and up 32 pages

Everyone Takes a Bath

A surprising book about bathing and washing.

It’s bathtime because Kitty is a little dirty. After Kitty, all the other animals also take a bath, each in their own way. And Georgie? Is he going to have a wash too?

210 x 220 mm

24 months and up

32 pages

17 Clavis Toddler In the same series Everyone Is Yawning Published in 23 languages!

Come, Little One

A sweet book about growing up and exploring the world.

When you’re little, everything is big and also a little exciting. Come, little one, and discover your place in the world.

18 Clavis Toddler

The Merry M usic Maker s on a Journey


A joyful introduction to different musical instruments all around the world.

Tiger plays the hulusi and Raccoon plays the bouzouki. Every musician travels to a different country and plays a new musical instrument. When they’re back home, they play their new musical instruments together. That sounds great!

In the same series

20 Clavis Toddler
The Merry Music Makers

Do the Longhorn


A funny soundbook full of dancing critters..

When it’s calm outside, all the little critters hit the dancefloor. The fireflies perform a beautiful aerial ballet, the snails dance an endless slow. And the beetles? They do the longhorn! Even the ladybug, who thinks it can’t dance, soon joins in. And you?

Listen! Who’s Oinking? Potty Music

21 Clavis Toddler
210 x 220 mm 24 months and up 8 spreads + cover

Katie Celebrates Carnival

A swinging story about Carnival.

Hi, I’m Katie! At school, we celebrate Carnival. Everyone gets to dress up and we put make-up on our faces. We walk in a cheerful procession and throw confetti and festoons around. Carnival is so much fun!

210 x 220 mm

24 months and up

32 pages

Clavis Toddler 22

Katie Celebrates Halloween

A spooky story about Halloween.

It’s Halloween! Katie goes to school dressed up as a witch. There’s a scary party in the classroom. Katie and her friends make ghosts, play a witch game, and dance to spooky music. In the evening, Katie goes trick-or-treating with Kevin, Ali, and Daddy. Halloween is so much fun!

210 x 220 mm

24 months and up

32 pages

Clavis Toddler 23

Kevin Discovers Winter

A cozy story about winter.

Hi, I’m Kevin! Today, it’s freezing cold. Dressed in warm clothes, I go outside. I feed the birds in the garden and together with my mommy, I go on a beautiful walk in the forest. It’s going to be a lovely winter’s day!

24 Clavis Toddler

Kevin Discovers Spring

A cheerful story about spring.

Hi, I’m Kevin! It’s a beautiful day. Together with Mommy and Daddy, I’m going to work in the garden. Afterward, Katie will stop by with a surprise. What could it be?

210 x 220 mm

24 months and up

32 pages

Clavis Toddler 25

Can I See Your Pacifiers?

A humorous book in which Little Mouse has a creative idea about parting with pacifiers.

Little Mouse is more curious than ever. He wants to know everything, he wants to see everything . . . including his friends’ pacifiers. And they have quite a few! Little Mouse thinks it might be time to show his friends who really need pacifiers . . .

26 Clavis Toddler International Bestseller

Don’t Hit, Anna! Anna and Her Sweet Family

An instructive story about dealing with anger.

Anna has two hands. They can do a lot: wave, eat, ride a bike, help tidy up . . . But sometimes, Anna gets angry. Then, her hands hit or pull her friend Leon’s hair. That hurts! When you’re angry, talking is much better than hitting, Daddy explains.

A happy story about a family visit.

Today, it’s party time! Anna’s family comes to visit. Mommy bakes a delicious cake and Daddy sets the table. Anna can open the front door and welcome the guests: Grandma and Grandpa, her cousins Lotte, Lisa, Bas, and Basiel, her uncle Koen and her aunt Kiki. Oh, aunt Kiki brought some gifts!

210 x 220 mm

24 months and up

32 pages

Anna’s Big Book about Saint Nicholas

A delightfully thick book about Saint Nicholas.

How exciting, Saint Nicholas is coming soon! Anna can hardly wait, but she has to be patient a little longer. There’s still so much to do: Anna writes down her wishlist, she puts her shoe near the fireplace, and she sings fun songs. That way, the long wait feels a little shorter.

250 x 260 mm

30 months and up 56 pages

28 Clavis Toddler

Playing Together, Sharing Together, Anna

A relatable story about playing together and learning to share.

Anna goes to play at her friend Victor’s house. Victor has nice toys, but Anna can’t play with all of them. Anna and Victor even get into a small fight because of this. What if they’d play and share together?

210 x 220 mm

30 months and up

32 pages

Clavis Toddler 29

Anna’s Vegetable Garden

A simple story about how delicious vegetables are and how fun it is to grow them yourself.

Anna and Daddy work in their vegetable garden. First, they get rid of the weeds and rake the soil. Then, it’s time to sow. Every day, Anna waters the plants. It takes a while before the carrots are ready, but they’re worth the wait. Anna is sure of it: vegetables from your own garden taste best!

210 x 220 mm

30 months and up

32 pages

Anna and Her Sweet Mommy

A happy story about Anna and her mommy.

Anna has the sweetest mommy in the entire world. When Mommy and Anna are home for a day, they do fun things together. They go to the store, bake a cake, and do the laundry. Oops, Rabbit accidentally got into the washing machine and looks a bit red now. Anna is sad . . . Luckily, Mommy knows how to cheer Anna up!

Clavis Toddler 31
x 220
and up
mm 30 months
32 pages

Little Owl. Playing at Night

An activity board book for toddlers that’s filled with fun!

Little Owl has many adventures with his friends. “Do you want to come live in my cave?” asks Little Bat. Little Blackbird invites him to sing a song together. And when he’s playing with Little Badger, they lose their marbles in the dark. Who can bring them some light? Each of the three nocturnal stories in this book comes with puzzles and games you can play together.

30 months and up 12 spreads + cover

In the same series

32 Clavis Toddler
Little Penguin. Playing on the Ice Little Kangaroo. Playing in the Sun

Wooly Learns English. Search at School

A fun seek-and-find book full of English vocabulary.

Wooly the little sheep takes us to school. There, he plays with clay, blocks, and the many fun instruments in the music corner. Do you know what they’re called? As you follow along with Wooly’s day at school, you’ll learn many English words.

260 x 340 mm

30 months and up 7 spreads + cover

In the same series

Wooly Learns English. Search at Home

Clavis Toddler 33

The Spot Champion

A funny and surprising book about farm animals.

There are many animals at the farm. Most of them have big or small spots on their fur, like the cow and the goat, but the piglet’s beautiful pink skin doesn’t have a single spot. How can he still become the spot champion?

210 x 220 mm

30 months and up


Eating, Playing, Sleeping under the Sun Eating, Playing, Sleeping in the Forest

34 Clavis Toddler

Kiki Feels Funny

A playful and recognizable story about different feelings.

Kiki wakes up feeling funny. It’s not an itch on her nose or her toe, but a tingling in her tummy . . . What could she be feeling? Curious, Kiki asks her animal friends what they’re feeling.

210 x 220 mm

30 months and up

32 pages

Kiki’s Pacifier

Little White Fish Celebrates Christmas

Little White Fish has swum in 28 languages!

A cheerful Christmas story in which everyone works together.

It’s almost Christmas. Little White Fish and his friends decorate the Christmas tree. All of his friends bring something to hang in the tree. And Little White Fish also takes care of some decorations . . .

Little White Fish has starred in 15 adventures!

the same series

36 Clavis Toddler
Little White Fish Already Knows a Lot Little White Fish and the Strange Thing
2,5 years and up 32 pages

Luke and Lottie. Summer Is Here!

Luke and

have been published in 10 countries!

A sunny story about summer.

Get ready for summer fun! Join twins Luke and Lottie as they dash out to play in the yard. But don’t forget the sunscreen! Outside, there’s so much to do: Luke and Lottie can swing, play in the sandbox, swim in the wading pool, and more. Then, surprise! Grandma and Grandpa stop by with something in a big bag. What could it be?

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

Seasons 39

Luke and Lottie. The Fall Forest!

Luke and Lottie have appeared in 15 titles!

A happy story about twins Luke and Lottie in the fall forest.

Luke and Lottie take a walk in the beautiful forest. The gnome signs probably point to a little gnome house, or maybe even to a real gnome treasure! Will you join Luke and Lottie on their adventure?

40 Seasons
250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 32 pages

Luke and Lottie. Winter Is Here!

A beautiful bestseller about winter.

Winter is here! The twins Luke and Lottie go play in the garden. They put on warm coats, gloves, and winter boots. Together they give the birds food and water. Suddenly white flakes fall from the sky! What can Luke and Lottie play now?

250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 32 pages


41 Seasons
Also Luke and Lottie Luke and Lottie and Their Vegetable Garden Luke and Lottie. It’s Christmas! Luke and Lottie. It’s Halloween!


Felix Fox and Friends. Ready for Fall

Felix Fox and Friends. Ready for Summer

Two fun stories about sunny summer days and cozy fall days.

Felix Fox is ready for every season. In summer, he wants to fly his kite. And in fall, he wants to jump in the puddles. But . . . what if there’s no breath of wind or raindrop in sight? Luckily, his friends know exactly what to do while waiting.

3 years and up

32 pages

In the same series

Felix Fox and Friends. Ready for Winter

The World of Worm. Seasons

A cheerful look-and-point book about the seasons.

Worm is busy all year round. In spring, he sows flowers, in summer, he visits the baby animals, in fall, he rakes leaves, and in winter, he dresses up nice and warm. Which things does he use? And what happens in the forest? Discover the four seasons together with Worm.

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

In the same series

43 Seasons 43
The World of Worm. Colors The World of Worm. Shapes

The Story of Christmas

An endearing Christmas story with colorful illustrations.

One day, a very long time ago, Mary and Joseph were on the road. They had to walk far, to the city of Bethlehem. There, the king wanted to have all the people in his country counted. Including Joseph, Mary, and their child who was still in Mary’s belly.

44 Seasons
Happy Halloween

Ribbit Counts Down to Christmas

A charming book about the run-up to Christmas.

Ribbit can’t wait for Christmastime. But when’s Christmas exactly? Mommy has a smart trick to count down. A box calendar! But first, they have to collect and decorate enough boxes. And then, the countdown to Christmas can begin!

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

Ribbit Is Ready for Winter Ribbit Dives into Summer

45 Seasons

Let’s Go, Nicky! Kevin’s Big Book about Saint Nicholas

A delightfully thick book about Saint Nicholas full of fun facts and games.

Kevin loves Saint Nicholas. He wants to know all about him. Where does Saint Nicholas live and what clothes does he wear? Does Saint Nicholas like mandarins? Find the answers to all of Kevin’s questions in this book.

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up 56 pages

46 Seasons
In the same series
Kevin’s Big Book of Knights Ship Ahoy! Katie’s Big Book of Pirates

Lotta and the Letters for Saint Nicholas

A relatable book about the arrival of Saint Nicholas.

It’s a cold, special morning in December. Lotta is up early. That’s because she’s excited about the arrival of Saint Nicholas. She already finished her letter weeks ago. Lotta heads for Saint Nicholas’ mailbox. She doesn’t just bring her own letter, but also those of her friends. It’s a thrilling walk with a few special encounters.

Seasons In the same series
Lotta Celebrates Christmas Clavis DIANE PUT & RIK DE WULF LOTTA en de paashaas LOTTA R Het is een mooie zonnige dag. Tante Cato zoekt een plekje in de schaduw en haar kuikens verheugen zich op een heerlijk ijsje. Lotta wil lekker luieren in haar hangmat. Maar dan ziet ze een rare vogel op één poot … En andere dieren, die Lotta aan het denken zetten. Hoeveel poten hebben zij eigenlijk? In dit vrolijke voorleesboek leert de nieuwsgierige kip Lotta op een eenvoudige manier tot tien tellen. Vanaf 3 jaar. telt
sold to China!
Lotta and the Easter Bunny
Hardcover 290 x 210 mm 4 years and up 40 pages

Whimsical Wonders Through the Seasons with Nut and Shell

A beautiful nature book full of tips and search puzzles.

Nut and Shell love nature. They love spring, when everything turns green and the animals awake. They love summer, when everything buzzes and blossoms. And they love fall, when the leaves on the trees change colors! In winter, the magic forest prepares for the cold. Embark on this story as Nut and Shell explore the four seasons together.

Seasons 48
260 x 340 mm 4 years and up 9 spreads + cover

Little Tractor in Fall

Little Tractor has driven in 13 languages!

In this story, Little Tractor discovers the beautiful sides of fall.

Little Tractor is not happy. He’s been stuck in the mud all day and it just won’t stop raining. The fall season has begun, and Little Tractor doesn’t like it at all. But an adventurous trip through the forest, together with his friends, might change Little Tractor’s mind . . .

250 x 260 mm

4 years and up

32 pages

Little Tractor has appeared in 9 titles!

In the same series

49 Seasons
Little Tractor is Brave Little Tractor and the Baby Deer

Look, Emma. Golden Leaves and Trees with Crowns

A beautiful book full of fun facts and colorful illustrations.

Emma and Grandma are walking through the forest. Grandma tells Emma that trees are very important. Did you know that trees work together to help each other? And that birds and insects feast on all the delicacies they can find in and around trees? Trees are to animals what supermarkets are to people!

250 x 260 mm

4 years and up

40 pages

In the same series

Seasons 50
Look, Emma. Clapping Roses and Flowers Full of Butter

Sweet Suzy Makes Fall Soup

A stunning book about working together and sharing, full of fun facts about animals and the forest.

Sweet Suzy and Squirrel are playing together in the forest. Nature is so beautiful in fall! When they get hungry, Squirrel has a good idea: they can make delicious fall soup for their friends.

235 x 325 mm

4 years and up

40 pages

In the same series

Sweet Suzy. Everyone Is Special


The Twelve Days of Petmas

A delightful Christmas story with a funny memory game.

Hooray, it’s Christmas! One girl gets a very special gift: a new pet every day. It starts with a kitten on day one, two frogs on day two, and three chickens on day three ... This goes on for twelve days. Will it work out?

Seasons 52

Wilow the Nature Hero. Willow and Warren Build a Warm Nest

An educational adventure for nature heroes.

It’s Fall and Willow and Warren help all the animals prepare for winter! Help the butterflies, the bees, the birds, and all the other animals with Willow the nature creature!

210 x 290 mm

5 years and up

40 pages

In the same series

53 Seasons
Willow the Nature Hero. Willow and Warren Let Everything Run Wild

The Christmas Light That Didn’t Shine

A warm book about friendship, perseverance, and a touch of Christmas magic.

The Christmas lights can finally come out of the box, because it’s Christmas. And when it’s Christmas, they can shine as brightly and beautifully as they like. Hand in hand, they find their way among the pine needles. They hop from branch to branch and sway with joy. Everyone cheers . . . But wait, one light remains silent. It doesn’t shine. What’s wrong?

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up 32 pages


Trybear Goes to the Doctor

A comforting book about a visit to the doctor.

What a special day! Today, you’re going to the doctor. She’s going to check whether you’re healthy. And maybe, you’ll get a present afterwards. Exciting, right? But there’s nothing to be scared of, Trybear. I’ll tell you everything.

57 Emotions

Trybear Goes Swimming

A comforting book about swim practice.

What a special day! Today, you have swim practice. You’re going to play in the water and learn how to swim. Exciting, right? But you don’t have to worry, Trybear. I’ll tell you everything.

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

Trybear on a Field Trip

Monster Manners. The Big Winner

A funny story about winning and losing. And about monsters, of course.

Roki is a real play monster. He loves hideand-seek, tag, and ludo. There’s just one tiny problem: he hates losing! Luckily, his friends come up with a solution . . .

In the same series

Monster Manners.

A Real Mess Monster

59 Emotions

Witch Lexia and the Magic Test

A magical book about a little witch that’s looking for her special talent.

Lexia has one big dream: she wants to become a real witch. To pass the magic test, she needs to have a special witch’s talent. Lexia tries her best, but things don’t go according to plan. Will she ever become a real animal witch or a witch with a green thumb?

235 x 325 mm

4 years and up

32 pages

Emotions 60

Princess Luca

A warm story about being who you are, even if it’s not always easy.

Next week, it’s Carnival, so Luca wants to wear a princess dress to school. Nothing else. Because Carnival is a celebration. And a celebration calls for a festive outfit . . ..

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

61 Emotions

Sara and the Lonely Horse

A touching story about a young girl and a horse.

Sara is sick of being sick. One day, on the way to her cancer treatment, she sees a horse standing alone in the rain. Sara feels an instant connection as her eyes meet his. She must get to know this horse! After days of pleading, her parents take Sara to see him. From then on, she visits him almost every day. Sara finds solace and strength in the company of her newfound friend . . . and maybe even a little magic!

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

Emotions 62

We Only Have Room for One Princess

A heartwarming book about meeting Daddy’s new girlfriend for the first time.

That’s her. That’s Annabel. Daddy loves her, that’s obvious. But Daddy belongs to me. There’s no room in his heart for someone else. There’s only one princess in this castle. I don’t want to share Daddy’s attention – or the couch – with anyone . . .

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up 32 pages

63 Emotions

Suzy Blushes

Silver medal winner of the Key Competition,Colours


A relatable book about a shy girl who conquers her insecurities..

Suzy loves to sing, dance, read, and dream. But she prefers to do those things alone because when she notices that other children are watching her, she starts blushing. At school, Suzy can usually hide the blushing well, but when the teacher asks her a question one day, her cheeks suddenly start glowing . . .

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

Emotions 64

Gertie is not All Dog

A sweet story about embracing differences.

Sam gets a new dog, Gertie, and he’s overjoyed! Sam knows all about dogs, but Gertie isn’t anything like he expected. She doesn’t like squeaky toys or sniffing other dogs in the park . . . How can Sam find out what Gertie does like?

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

65 65 Emotions

I Miss You

A gentle story about saying goodbye and letting go.

There’s a hole in my heart in the shape of your laugh. But not because I don’t see you any longer. It’s because I keep seeing you where you aren’t anymore.

How are you feeling today?

Fill-in book about emotions

A handy fill-in book to discuss your child’s day. With room for feelings, events, and a dash of humor.

How was your day? It’s a question children hear every day, but how can they answer it? So much can happen in one day! Using kid-sized questions, children and adults talk about the ups and downs of the day.

250 x 260 mm

4 years and up

96 pages

67 Emotions

I Hate Love

A cute book about young love.

Henry the Hedgehog always goes with his friend Randy to look for worms. But today, Randy has plans with Becky. They’re going to watch the sunset together. Pff, how boring, Henry thinks angrily. Because he hates love. But you can’t stop the butterflies in your stomach .

290 mm 5 years and up 32 pages

Emotions 68
. .

A Box Full of Memories

A heartwarming book that can bring comfort to families that have lost a child.

Little Bear is getting a little sister. He’s looking forward to it! But some time later, he hears that baby Bell has died. Everyone is sad and it’s time to say goodbye. Little Bear wants something to remember his baby sister by, but how do you collect memories of someone who didn’t get old? Luckily, Little Bear has a great idea after visiting Grandma.

210 x 290 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

Emotions 69

Loose Threads

Silver medal winner of the Key Competition,Colours 2022

A beautiful book about loss, love, and strength.

Together, Mommy, Daddy, and I have the most wonderful days, full of hugs, drawings, and delicious meals. But one day, Mommy gets sick. She’s never going to get better again. I completely unravel and get caught up in my emotions. When Daddy and I talk about our grief, the knots finely loosen a bit. It even frees up some room for beautiful memories, old and new.

40 pages

Emotions 70

Beth and Cloud Won’t Change

A relatable story in which a girl learns that change can bring many new possibilities.

Just before starting school for the first time, Beth meets a cloud who has drifted into her room. Fascinated by Beth’s inside world, Cloud decides to become an inside cloud. Now they can be friends forever. But can you keep a cloud inside forever?


Little Witch Mimi Makes a Magic Cake

A festive birthday adventure with lots of magic and whipped cream.

It’s Little Witch Mimi’s birthday! She wants to celebrate at school with a delicious homemade whipped cream cake. But along the way, the cake falls upside down on the ground. Luckily, Mimi’s friend Rose comes to the rescue, and together, they think of a solution . . .

Also about Little Witch Mimi Little Witch Mimi has been on 20 adventures!

Little Witch Mimi Conjures Chicks Little Witch Mimi and the Last Roll of Toilet Paper
250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 32 pages

Mr. Round and Mr. Square

A funny story about things that are different and yet the same.

Mr. Round and Mr. Square live opposite each other. Every day, they look outside. On Mr. Round’s side, it’s sunny, on Mr. Square’s side, it’s cloudy. They always see different things. Or don’t they?

Silver medal winner of the Key Competition,Colours

Fun 74

Woops, There Goes My Kite

An interactive summer story full of action and movement.

Crab is very happy with his kite. He runs across the beach. But then, he accidentally cuts the rope with his claws. Whoops, there goes the kite! Whoosh. The wind blows the kite further and further away. Can Crab’s friends help him get his kite back?

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

Odd Duck Out

A sweet story about being different and learning to embrace your own talents.

Ducks chitter, jabber, and quack. They always have. They learn from their parents as soon as they hatch, just like dogs learn to bark and cows learn to moo. But when Buddy tries to imitate the other ducklings, only a loud WOOF! comes out . . .

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up 32 pages

Super Ladybug to the Rescue!

A funny book about the incredible rescue operations of a teeny-tiny ladybug with an enormous heart.

From all over the world, the calls for help are rolling in for Super Ladybug. An African elephant is stuck in the mud! A dog is dangling from the Grand Canyon! A camel has gone dry in the Sahara! Help! Help! Luckily, Super Ladybug has a whole lot of super-mega-powerful turbo remedies and a good dose of ladybug sense. It’s Super Ladybug to the rescue!

Fun 78
Gilbert the Ghost The Very First Kiss

Furry Friends. Let’s Build! The Big Book of Vehicles

An instructive discovery book about the different construction vehicles.

Vroom, vroom! Put on your helmet, hold on tight, and discover all the construction vehicles together with your Furry Friends. Ride along in the bulldozer, demolish walls with the wrecking ball, and look at the clouds from the crane.

Fun 79 www.clavis-publishing.com $19.95 Forklifts, buses, and trucks Oh my! There are so many vehicles the city! Buckle up and ride along with the Furry Friends as they explore. You can hop on the light rail, stop by the ice cream truck, and chase the chocolate thief with the police car. Get set and go! An informative and funny discovery book about the different vehicles in the city. curious children ages years and up. Vroom, vroom! THE BIG BOOK OF VEHICLES IN THE CITY! Federico Van Lunter The Big Book of Vehicles Federico Van Lunter In the City! In the same series Furry Friends. In the City! The Big Book of Vehicles
Hardcover 250 x 260 mm 3 years and up 32 pages

Silver medal winner of the Key Colors Competition

How Do You Become Friends with the Moon?

A sweet story about curiosity and friendship.

When three friends have many questions, they soon discover their greatest question of all: Will the moon ever come to stay with us? But no matter how hard they try to find the answer, she still doesn’t come. Until one special night . . .

250 x 260 mm

4 years and up 32 pages

80 Fun
usa, 2022

What Really Happens at Night?

Silver medal winner of the Key Colors Competition usa

A quirky bedtime story about curiosity, imagination, and creative solutions.

It’s bedtime already? But I don’t feel like going to sleep. There’s so much to think about. I have so many questions! What happened to my other sock? Why is Dad losing his hair? What does the sun do at night? And most of all: why am I so sleepy?

Fun 81
, 2022

Is That Possible? Zebras in the City

A silly seek-and-find book, with surprises or games on every page.

Look! A garbageman in a race car, a helmet on wheels, and a piano crosswalk. William’s city is a feast for your eyes. Walk along with William and be surprised by all kinds of whacky situations along the way. Can you find them all?

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

Also in this series

Is That Possible? Books on the Roof

82 Fun

The Big Mammal Search Book

A colorful seek-and-find book about the nature around us.

Nature is more fun when you know more about it! In this book, you’ll discover over fifty mammals from around the world. Are you good at playing I spy? Then you’ll have a blast with this book!

260 x 260 mm

5 years and up

8 spreads + cover

By the same author

84 Fun
The Big Bird Search Book The Big Insect Search Book

How to Spot a Grampire

Silver medal winner of the Key Colors Competition usa

A funny book with tips and tricks on how to spot a grampire.

Everyone loves it when Grandma and Grandpa come to visit. There are hugs and kisses and sometimes even treats. But beware! There might be a Grampire hiding under there! If you know what clues to look for, you can avoid getting nibbled on and turned into a tasty treat in the middle of the night!

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

85 Fun
, 2022

The New Bicycle

Gold medal winner of the Key Colors Competition usa, 2022

An imaginative book about the endless possibilities a bicycle can bring.

Mari has a new bicycle. Suddenly, the world looks different. There’s so much she can do! Where will she go? What might she discover? Will she meet new friends? Follow Mari’s journey as she finds the most important thing her bike can deliver!

87 Adventure

The Last Pomegranate

Silver medal winner of the Key Competition,Colours


A fairytale about traditions and charity.

Little Pouya is looking for a pomegranate. He needs it for Yalda, a Persian celebration that takes place during the longest night of the year. Pomegranates are essential when the families gather to read poems and look forward to a beautiful spring. Finally, Pouya finds one: the very last pomegranate! But on the way home, the wind whips his precious treasure into the air. Will he find it again, and can he and his family celebrate Yalda after all?


Hedgehog on a Journey

Philosophical animal stories about friendship and vacation.

Hedgehog goes on a journey and has all kinds of adventures and experiences. What’s it like to sleep in a place where everything is different from home? Can you see with your nose? Is it easy to make new friends? And what do you do when you find screaming plastic in the sea? Together with Owl, Bear, Mrs. Boar, and his other animal friends, Hedgehog makes warm memories they’ll never forget!

In the same series

90 Adventure
Hedgehog Goes Exploring
and up 88
x 290 mm

The Wizard of Oz

The timeless classic The Wizard of Oz with a new, imaginative twist.

When the wind carries Dorothy to the Land of Oz, the adventure of a lifetime begins. Together with the scarecrow, the tin man, and the frightened lion, she embarks on a journey. But it doesn’t all go smoothly . . . Will Dorothy ever be able to go home again?

92 Adventure

Brave Like Grandpa

A sweet story about great adventures with Grandpa.

Grandpa Pete and Pepe are building a boat. Grandpa knows everything about boats because he used to be a real sailor. He sailed over waves as high as houses, and he was never afraid. Pepe thinks: later, I’ll be as brave as Grandpa. But later comes sooner than he thought. Because when the boat floats away with his stuffed animal on it, Pepe has to go into the sea . . .

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

94 Adventure

Animals through Time. Wulfie the Wolf Pup. A Prehistoric Adventure

An exciting story about prehistoric animals and the different customs of the hunter-gatherers.

Isa and wolf pup Wulfie are always together. But one day, Isa can’t find Wulfie. He followed the hunters! Isa is worried. What if Wulfie encounters a dangerous mountain lion? Or a cave bear? Or a big wooly rhinoceros? Or . . .

210 x 290 mm

5 years and up

32 pages

In the same series

Animals through Time.

Hugo the Hippo. Adventure on the Nile


Nessie. The Hidden Water Creature

A charming book full of mystery and imagination about the legendary Scottish monster.

Rhona’s uncle Scott has come up with a very original idea to catch Nessie, the famous Loch Ness monster. But . . . does the monster even exist? Scott thinks so, but Rhona has doubts. Until she suddenly sees and hears strange things . . .

210 x 190 mm 6 years and up 40 pages

96 Adventure

Animal Gangs

An exciting travel story full of interesting names of different animal groups. For curious adventurers ages 5 years and up.

Audra and Oliver Otter go on a boat trip with Pop. But when they wake up after a nap, Pop is nowhere to be found! The two little otters search for their way home. Luckily, they get a lot of help from friendly animal gangs. As long as they watch out for the murder of crows, they’ll be fine.

250 x 260 mm

6 years and up

56 pages

97 Adventure

The Wobbly Bottoms Boogie

This funny book shows that daddies can take care of their children just as well as mommies (in their own personal way, of course . . .).

When Mommy has to leave the house, Daddy takes care of the children in his own unique way. Before long, they’re having lots of fun and making a great mess. What will Mommy think of that?

of internationalan bestseller! Together
“One for the money, Two for the show, Three to get ready For the Bottoms Boogie – go

Monster Mo Doesn’t Want to Sleep

A familiar story about staying over at Grandma and Grandpa’s.

Mo is going to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. But he doesn’t want to go to sleep . . . or at least not without Grandpa or Grandma. He tries everything to get them to stay with him. Will he succeed?

250 x 260 mm

3 years and up

32 pages

In the same series

Monster Mo Doesn’t Like It

Monster Mo Feels Angry

100 Together

Little Dino

A joyful quest into the wonderful world of dinosaurs.

The shell of the big blue dinosaur egg bursts open. “Here I am, Mommy!” cheers little Dino. But . . . where is Mommy? Bravely, little Dino decides to go look for her. He meets one dinosaur after the other, but none of them are his mommy. Where could she be?

101 Together

Don’t Play with Crocodiles!

Gold medal winner of the Key Competition,Colours


A simple story about being different. Can we also find our place if we aren’t like the others?

Rabbit thinks crocodiles are stupid. They’re dirty and noisy. So, crocodiles can’t play along! And Rabbit? Is she that great? Maybe Crocodile is more fun than she thinks . . .

Other Key Colours Competition winners

102 Together
Miss Daisy’s Flowers Bruno Has One Hundred Friends

Pico, the Strange Bird at School

A cute book about integration and friendship.

Penguin Pico lived on the South Pole together with his mommy and daddy. There, he had many friends, he swam in the sea, and he ate the most delicious fish. But now that he has moved, everything is different. The sun shines outside, they don’t eat fish here, and he doesn’t know anyone at school. Nervous, Pico steps onto the playground for the first time. Maybe he’ll find new friends soon?

250 x 260 mm

4 years and up

32 pages

I Feel Good. Nice to Myself I Feel Good. Nice to Each Other

103 Together

Little Tractor Wants to Fly

A cheerful picture book about appreciating your own talents.

A little airplane named Gaston has landed in the meadow. Little Tractor is impressed that Gaston, who has an engine and wheels just like him, can fly. He’d like to be able to do that too! His friends explain that flying is only one skill, and being a tractor is important, too. Little Tractor doesn’t believe them . . . until Gaston gets into trouble.

250 x 260 mm

4 years and up

32 pages

In the same series

104 Together
Little Tractor Learns to Share Little Tractor and the Christmas Tree

The Tockles in the Forest

A warm book about five teckle puppies on a trip through the fall forest.

It’s a beautiful fall day. The weather is perfect for a walk, so Tosca, Tessie, Tommy, and Taco go outside with their owner. The forest looks so pretty in the fall, and it smells so great! The Tockels run through a puddle, play with the leaves, and see all kinds of animals.

250 x 260 mm

4 years and up

32 pages

Summer with the Tockles

Everything Is Different Here

A familiar story about feeling at home in a place where you’re new and don’t speak the language, and about making friends.

Camelie Phant goes to live in a place where she doesn’t speak the language. She thinks everything is weird and different. Going to school is pretty exciting. What if the other children don’t like her? At recess, she feels a little alone. Doesn’t anyone want to play with her? How do you make friends if you don’t understand each other? Or . . . is it easier than she thinks?

107 Together
Playing with Letters Playing with Shapes

All the Ice Cream in the World

A sweet book about a little polar bear and his helpers. And about lots of ice cream, of course!

Waking from his nap, a little polar bear finds himself floating alone on the open sea. His home has broken off from the ice floe and is melting! Just in the nick of time, he arrives in a new land. He needs help, but no one pays him any attention. Until a kind girl with an ice cream cone walks by . . .

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

40 pages

Lemurs are never tired!

A playful picture book about mischievous ring-tailed lemurs in the beautiful scenery of Madagascar.

Grandma and the lemurs arrive at the sleeping tree because it’s time for an afternoon nap. But sleeping is sooooo boring, the little lemurs think. And pointless, because lemurs are never tired! While the rest of the family sleeps, they secretly climb out of the tree to play hide-and-seek. As long as they get back before the big lemurs are awake, nothing can happen. Right?

210 x 290 mm

4 years and up

32 pages

109 Together

Aroe. Five Animal Stories about Feeling Scared

Gentle read-aloud stories about fear, worrying, friendship, and comfort.

Are you ever afraid of new things? Clara too, especially when she has to learn to fly! Do you dare to show that you’re afraid? That’s scary to Tough Billie. Do thoughts or words sometimes make you feel anxious? Then you resemble Lupe, Boris, and Arthur, and in fact, everyone else. Because feeling scared is very normal.

210 x 290 mm

8 years and up

48 pages

110 Together


To all little (and bigger) readers out there, the world is an open book. Some adventurers get on a ship and others dive into a story. Our non-fiction titles enlarge your world, because reading in itself is a voyage of discovery.

Band-Aid. Warm Wine

A sensitive book about addiction, with useful exercises and an interview with an expert.

Lucy has a wonderful grandpa. They joke around together, he makes the best pies, and he’s there for her whenever she needs him. But sometimes, Grandpa isn’t the grandpa she loves so much. Sometimes, he drinks too much wine and doesn’t know what he’s doing anymore. Lucy learns that Grandpa has an alcohol addiction and that it’s very hard for him to stop drinking. Still, Lucy and Grandpa remain hopeful.

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

48 pages

Non- Fiction
the same series
Oops, I Dropped The Lemon Tart Dear Girl

Super Animals. Climbers

This is the sixth book in the Super Animals series, beautifully illustrated non-fiction about special animals.

The nine animals in this book are experienced climbers. Steep walls or tall trees don’t stop them. Learn all about the clambering skills of the American black bear, the brown tree snake, the red squirrel, the alpine ibex, the domestic cat, the northern white-cheeked gibbon, the nuthatch, the raccoon, and the tokay gecko.

114 Non- Fiction
14 languages!
Super Animals. Travelers Super Animals. The Loudest
In the same series
235 x 325 mm 5 years and up 64 pages

I Spy with My Little Eye. How Does That Big Boat Float? Who Paints the Crosswalk?

In this series, you’ll find answers to the many mysteries in your everyday life.

Every day, things happen around you that you’d like to know more about. How do fish breathe underwater? Why is seawater salty? How do dumpsters get emptied? And how do they repair the traffic light?

In the same series

115 Non- Fiction
I Spy with My Little Eye. Who Cleans That Dirty Train? I Spy with My Little Eye. Why Is a Black Eye Black?
250 x 260 mm 5 years and up 32 pages

In these sixth and seventh books in the Wow! series, you’ll discover the marvelous underwater world and the earliest history of our planet.

Below the surface of seas and oceans is a mysterious world of colorful corals, fish in all shapes and sizes, and many other spectacular aquatic animals. Dive into the deep sea and get surprised by life forms you can hardly imagine. Or would you rather go back in time and discover the incredible creatures that roamed the Earth billions of years ago, long before the dinosaurs did? Meet the very first beings that lived on land and in the sea.

Wow! Apes. How Much We Look Alike In the same series The Unbelievable Story of the Earth Mack Life before the Dinosaurs Life before the Dinosaurs This series is full of inspiring animals, plants, and phenomena that are so spectacular, you’ll be left in awe! Millions of years ago, the dinosaurs dominated life on Earth. They’re the most spectacular animals that ever lived. Believe it or not, though, before the dinosaurs, life on Earth might have looked even more wondrous. Land animals were many feet high, some wore big sails on their backs, forests consisted of gigantic moss trees, and fish developed into all-devouring monsters. Welcome to the unbelievable history of our Earth. In this seventh book in the Wow! series, you’ll discover the earliest history of our planet. For time travelers ages 6 years and up. www.clavis-publishing.com $22.95 US ISBN 979-8890630025 NEW YORK Wow! The Marvelous Underwater World. Secrets of the Deep Sea Life before the Dinosaurs. The Unbelievable Story of the Earth

Want to Know. Stars and Planets


An informative book about the universe.

Do you want to know everything about stars and planets? What causes day and night? Why does the moon look different on different nights? Is the sun a star? And how many planets are there? These and many more questions are discussed in this book. You’ll also find DIY activities, fun flap and foldout pages, and a mini-quiz so that you can become a real expert.

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages + 4 foldout pages + 2 flaps

117 Non- Fiction

Want to Know. Ballet Want to Know. About Death

An informative book about ballet.

Do you want to know everything about ballet? Where did ballet originate? What does a dance studio look like? What type of music do you dance to? And what’s so special about pointe shoes? These and many more questions are discussed in this book. You’ll also find diy activities, fun flap and foldout pages, and a mini-quiz so that you can become a real expert.

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up

32 pages + 4 foldout pages + 2 flaps

An informative book about death.

Do you want to know everything about death? Why is it that people die? How can we say goodbye? How can we deal with our loss afterwards? And how do they do that in different parts of the world? These and many more questions are discussed in this book. You’ll also find diy activities, fun flap and foldout pages, and a mini-quiz so that you can become a real expert.

250 x 260 mm

6 years and up

32 pages + 4 foldout pages + 2 flaps

118 Non- Fiction

Want to Know. The Celts

An informative book about the Celts.

Do you want to know everything about the Celts? How did they live? Who were their heroes and their gods? What did the children learn? And how could you become a druid? These and many more questions are discussed in this book. You’ll also find diy activities, fun flap and foldout pages, and a mini-quiz so that you can become a real expert.

250 x 260 mm

6 years and up

32 pages + 4 foldout pages + 2 flaps

Over 60 titles available!

In the same series

Want to Know. Music Want to Know. The Weather Want to Know. The Romans
119 Non- Fiction

Marvelous but True. The Birth of Computer Language

The eighth book in a series about scientific wonder.

In 1843, about 100 years before the first electronic computer, British scientist Ada Lovelace already described how to program computers. They would not only be able to do mathematics, like a calculator, but much more. Playing video games, browsing the Internet, or cracking codes: it all started with Ada’s computer language.

In the same series

120 Non- Fiction
The Discovery of the Dinosaurs Airship to the Arctic
210 x 290 mm 6 years and up 32 pages

Are You Stronger Than an Ant?


book in a

new series about animalsextraordinary and plants

A wondrous journey through the fantastic world of nature.

Can you drink 60 liters of water in a minute? A camel can! Or can you lift 100 times your own weight? Ants can! Maybe you can eat stones? No? Crocodiles can! Animals can do many things that humans could never do. What exactly? Find out in this book!

121 Non- Fiction
250 x 260 mm 6 years and up 32 pages

The Pigpen Problem

A funny picture book with comics that show how fun math can be.

When the farmer asks the animals to make a pen for the pigs, they have no idea how to begin. Luckily, Sheep is an expert in math, so he knows how to calculate the best possible shape. But do the other animals have such a knack for math, or does the problem never get solved?

122 Non- Fiction

Great Minds. Nikola Tesla

An informative book about Nikola Tesla, a pioneer in the field of electricity.

Lightning bolts illuminate the sky when Nikola Tesla is born during a summer storm in 1856. This magical incident predicts that Nikola is no ordinary boy. From a young age, he’s fascinated by everything that has to do with electricity, and, like a true magician, he unveils all its secrets. He doesn’t just become Thomas Edison’s equal, but also clears the way for a world full of advancement. Over a hundred years later, Tesla’s inventions are more relevant than ever.

210 x 290 mm

9 years and up

32 pages

123 Non- Fiction
Great Minds. Marie Curie

Want to Know +. Dancing

A unique mix between fiction and non-fiction about dancing.

Sisters Lottie and Julia are in dance class together. When Julia unexpectedly gets the lead role in a performance, her special dancing shoes suddenly go missing. And then, she also gets an injury . . . Can Julia still play the part if she practices enough? While the sisters train vigorously, you’ll learn about the history of dance, different genres, famous dancers, famous dance movies, schools, clothes, and much more.

In the same series

124 Non- Fiction
Want to Know +. The Universe Want to Know +. Famous Painters
195 x 254 mm 10 years and up 112 pages

Clavis Novels

Learning to read is important for your development, but it’s also just plain fun. Our publications for beginning readers focus on reading pleasure. Reading is fun, and so is learning to read!

Clavis Publishing, picture by Bente Pompen

Early Reader

This section is all about stories for beginning readers, with a focus on reading pleasure.

Nature Ninja

A delightful book about nature, full of activities for thirty wild, free, and wondrous walks in the woods.

Some children think walking is dull. Well, think again, because walking is wonderful! This book wants to entice children to go outside. The thirty wild, free, and wondrous walks in the woods add something fun, like an original activity, a theme, and . . . a nature ninja skill. There are also internal skills, as to reconnect children to nature. What are you waiting for? Let’s put on your walking shoes!

250 x 260 mm

5 years and up 112 pages



A beautifully illustrated read-aloud book in which fantasy becomes reality.

RRROAR! I am Tigra. I may look like a girl, but actually, I am . . . a tiger. With my cub, Plippy, I fled from Tiger Island when there was a volcanic eruption. My classmates think Plippy doesn’t exist, just because she is invisible. But things you can’t see can surely exist. And if you invent something, it exists, right?

195 x 254 mm

6 years and up

184 pages, 41,506 words

More by this author

129 Early Readers

Reading Together with Felix and Lily. A Beast Under the Bed

The second book about Felix and Lily, to read together with one or more children.

Maybe you don’t read very fluently yet. Maybe you prefer to dream or play. That’s probably because you don’t yet know that reading is something like playing, singing or blowing bubbles. Immerse yourself in Felix’s fantasy world, with stories about a party at two o’clock, a burping yellow blubber, and a bed beast. This is how reading turns into a party!

195 x 254 mm 6 years and up 80 pages, 4,838 words

130 Early Readers

Outside the Lines. Creative Reading, Writing, and Drawing with Kids

A wealth of inspiration for children, but also for teachers who want to surprise their students with a lesson in reading comprehension, problem-solving thinking, and creative writing all in one.

Oh my, your dog has been nibbling on your shoes. There’s pretty much nothing left of them, just when you’re about to leave for the big event at school. What to do? And what about the other day, when in the pet store, something was tucked away in a cage in the corner? Something fluffy with wings and metallic green fur. A grenepee, according to the salesman. A grenepee? What is that?

250 x 260 mm

6 years and up

104 pages, 17,617 words

131 Also in this series Reading Has Never Been This Fun! Write!
Early Readers
More than 40 short stories invite you to let your imagination run wild and come up with creative solutions to all sorts of “problems”. Those solutions can be as wacky as you want them to be!

Kief the Goal Thief. The Grass Thieves

In the eighteenth story about Kief, the young goalie hopes for only one thing: that football can be played.

There is a cup match scheduled against the youth team of the professional club fc Aetsveld. Dean Kiefsma, better known as Kief, has been looking forward to it for weeks. But then the fields of his team are declared unfit to play because there are suddenly strange spots in the grass. Can the long-awaited home match still take place? Even Ab, the handyman, has no idea what is going on. So Kief and his friend Joeri decide to conduct an investigation. One that will get them out of bed in the middle of the night.

Also about Kief

Clavis VURIGE STRIJD MET ILLUSTRATIES VAN MARK JANSSEN GERARD VAN GEMERT www.clavisbooks.com Kief mag met zijn vrienden Joeri en Remy naar een weekend van Oranje jo-10. Daar zullen vijftien spelers proberen geselecteerd te worden. Na de eerste training ontstaat er in het ballenhok een brand, die aangestoken lijkt. Omdat Kief en Nicolai het brandje hebben geblust, zijn zij voor de trainers de voornaamste verdachten. Zo lijken de twee talenten bij voorbaat geen kans te maken op selectie. Zou opschepper en pestkop Olivier achter de brand zitten? Met een plannetje van Joeri proberen de jongens de ware dader te vinden. In dit zestiende verhaal maken Daan Kiefsma en zijn vrienden kans om door Jong Oranje geselecteerd te worden. Maar brandstichting gooit roet in het eten. Voor liefhebbers van voetbal en spanning vanaf jaar. VURIGE STRIJD VANGERARD GEMERT 7+ Kief the Goal Thief. Penalty Trophy Kief the Goal Thief. Football Fire
Early Readers 132
x 210 mm 7 years and up 56 pages, 10,148

The Tiger Princess and Other Shiny New Fairy Tales

A tough, funny and sweet fairy tale book full of fresh adventures.

In this magical collection full of brand-new fairy tales, the imagination knows no bounds. Read about a brave knight who defeats dragons and writes love letters. About a handy princess who builds her own dream castle. About an exhausted guardian angel who watches over a naughty child. About a chubby witch who tries to slim down for the Witch Ball. About a stubborn prince who wants to become a frog. And many more colorful characters . . .

210 x 290 mm

7 years and up

144 pages

133 Early Readers

Leon and Micky. Underwater Heroes

A funny and exciting underwater adventure about friendship and the environment.

When Leon and Micky’s invention goes haywire and Leon is blown into the air, a wondrous journey begins: he is picked up by seagulls, sees a lovesick mermaid from the top of a lighthouse, and gains the power to breathe underwater. But then King Octopus brings bad news. Can Leon and Micky protect the sea from a dangerous monster?

134 Early Readers
Leon and Micky. The Endless Fairy Tale Book
More in this series
145 x 210 mm 7 years and up 88 pages, 17,746 words

Little Heroes from the Past. Tommy and the Crow

In the eighth volume of this gripping series, a lonely English boy tries to survive in the middle of a cold Victorian winter.

When Tommy’s mother dies, he has to leave home and find a new place to sleep. That’s not easy when it’s freezing and snowing outside. Fortunately, he gets help from Bob, a crow he meets at the cemetery. The bird also helps him recover an important piece of his parents’ jewelry from Tommy’s childhood home. But not everyone approves of the rescue mission.

More heroes from the past

Little Heroes from the Past. Henriette and the Cat Little Heroes from the Past. Maran and the Orangutan Little Heroes from the Past. Metzi and the Eagle
135 Early Readers
x 210 mm 7 years and up 64 pages, 10,148 words

Wanted: A Father with a Dimple in His Chin

A funny and exciting story about a girl with a very big imagination and an even bigger heart.

Luna no longer has a father. She thinks that’s pretty sad for her mother. And so she starts looking for a new father. Together with her friend Veerle, she comes up with a plan to find one – preferably with a dimple in his chin, just like her father in the picture. Their plan is dangerous though, but then again, her new father should be a hero who can save her when she is in danger.

137 Middle Grade
x 210 mm
pages, 15,621 words

Edo, Son of Sax

A thrilling and richly illustrated story about the Belgian ‘inventor’ of the saxophone.

Edouard (or Edo) is proud of his father Adolphe Sax. He is the best musical instrument builder in the world and has won many medals! But perhaps not everyone is happy about that success. When Edo wants to take his friend Lys to the workshop where the saxophones are made, he sees his daddy arguing with two distinguished gentlemen. Not much later, a fire breaks out in the workshop . . .

138 Middle Grade
With extra informative pages about this special instrument
210 x 290 mm 8 years and up 48 pages, 5,738 words

The Bookess

An enchanting book full of friendship, courage, miracles and cats.

Minoes lives with her mother and her cat Sis above The Bookess, mom’s store for secondhand books. Because Minoes soon has to talk about a book in class, her mother gives her a special copy: a blue book that is difficult to open and seems to be completely blank. Minoes takes the copy and her cat to her room. There something wonderful happens: the book opens and Minoes and Sis swap places. It’s only the beginning of an exciting adventure.

145 x 210 mm

8 years and up

128 pages, 26,788 words

Also from this duo

139 Middle Grade
Look, Emma! Golden Leaves and Trees with Crowns

Theseus’ and the Minotaur

Learn more about ancient Greece

An adventurous book about a boy who travels the wide world in search of his family, a challenging battle and love.

The Greek hero and demigod Theseus is the son of two fathers: the god Poseidon and a mortal king. To find out who that second father exactly is, Theseus must lift a heavy stone. Thanks to his almost divine strength, lots of training, and the support of Heracles, he finally manages to lift the boulder. When Theseus gets to know his mortal father, he embarks on an adventure that takes him to Athens and Crete. On that island, he falls in love with the king’s daughter Ariadne and comes face to face with the monstrous Minotaur . . .

145 x 210 mm

8 years and up

168 pages, 31,517 words

Theseus’ First Victory More of Theseus’ Adventures 140 Middle Grade

I Am Thoughts. You Get What You Think

An interactive book for children and their parents that teaches you to use positive thoughts to your advantage.

Sometimes, you can’t stop thinking that something is going to go wrong, and then of course it does go wrong. Here’s a tip: by consciously changing your thoughts, you could have a completely different outcome. That way, you can face a much more enjoyable life, full of fun, beautiful challenges and lots of self-love.

145 x 210 mm

8 years and up

104 pages, 1,317 words

141 Middle Grade

The Ghost in the Ceiling

A relatable story about following your heart and dealing with peer pressure.

Roberto and his little brother Harry are two very different boys. Roberto likes gaming and soccer, Harry likes ballet and singing. As a result, they often clash. Roberto is ashamed of his little brother because, according to him, boys are not supposed to dance ballet. But when he meets Alyssa, a girl at his school, he starts to see things differently. But . . . is Alyssa real? And will Roberto and Harry ever understand each other?

145 x 210 mm

8 years and up 120 pages, 29,373 words

142 Middle Grade The C of Cancer Mindy Misfit By the same illustrator Clavis Kiek Manasse & Chris Vosters Kiek Manasse & Chris Vosters Misschien lijkt Leen stiller dan ze is. Ze praat in kleur. Met haar konijnen Muts en Oelewapper. In haar hoofd. Haar moeder is gewond. Ze heeft een blauwe plek op de plaats die gelukkig maakt. Leen logeert bij haar grootouders en leeft toe naar de dag waarop ze samen met haar moeder terug kan keren. Naar huis. Naar beterschap. Een gevoelig geschreven verhaal over Leen, haar konijnen, en haar moeder in het ziekenhuis. Voor kinderen vanaf jaar

The Secrets of Treasuredam. Silverwind

The exciting finale of “The Secrets of Treasuredam”, is about the importance of your origins and the environment you grow up in.

When Karlie finds a strange diary in her bag, a bizarre family history unravels. She discovers that this knowledge may well be of great importance in solving the secrets of Treasuredam. What happened there long ago? What role did Silverwind play? And most importantly, can Ms. Van Akelen be defeated?

More adventures in Treasuredam

143 Middle Grade
The Secrets of Treasuredam. Griebel The Secrets of Treasuredam. Flyfast The Secrets of Treasuredam. Moonspark
x 210 mm 8 years and up 128 pages, 23,765

Soccer Heroes. Fight for the Cup

In this first (standalone) book of the “Soccer Heroes” series, Gerard van Gemert showed for the first time that he is an expert in writing fluent, exciting sports stories.

Stan and Storm, friends through thick and thin, play soccer at fc Rapitas. Their team is in a fierce battle for the championship with their great rival, The Bulls. When a couple of Bulls steal Storm’s ball, Stan and Storm go after them, together with goalkeeper Bram. In doing so, the Rapitans come across a surprising find . . . Mike, Stan’s seriously ill boy next door, wants nothing more than for fc Rapitas to become champions. Stijn is determined to make that happen, maybe partly because he is secretly in love with Mike’s sister Fem.

More soccer heroes

Soccer Heroes. The Finale Soccer Heroes. Breakthrough

Soccer Heroes. Between the Lines

Restyledupdated!and 144 Middle Grade
145 x 210 mm 9 years and up 128 pages, 28,256

Moira and Mystique. The Violet Vampire

In the second volume of Moira and Mystique’s adventures, they overcome evil through friendship and courage.

Since Moira works at the library, she gets to stroll among the books every morning. Today, The Vampire Diary especially catches her attention. And not much later, in her friend Samael’s attic, she finds another book, a very old one, also about vampires. How odd! Before they know it, Moira, Mystique and their friends are sucked into the book and find themselves in a violet world.

145 x 210 mm

9 years and up

72 pages, 14,975 words


145 Middle Grade
Moira and Mystique. Murder in Cativicus adventures of Moira and Mystique

War Heroes

An exciting story about life in Belgium during World War II, based on true events.

Lowie (Louis) and Colette are eleven years old when World War II breaks out. He lives on a farm, she lives in the city. When they meet in the countryside, they develop a warm friendship. But Colette’s father works for the Germans. Is that why she is so interested in the Jewish orphanage around the corner? After the unexpected raid on the farm, Lowie knows for sure: Colette has betrayed him and his fellow villagers . . .

145 x 210 mm

9 years and up

264 pages, 56,884 words

Also by this author

146 Middle Grade
The Pen Knife Mister Daan’s Secret
Clavis Nadja Van Sever met illustraties van Nadja Van Sever Het geheim van meester Daan

Told from

child’s point of view The C of Cancer


A delicate book about the impact of a terminal illness on the whole family, about dealing with death and moving on in life.

Luke’s father has cancer and will not get better. Fortunately, Luke is not alone, and there are rays of hope that help him not to lose his way. There is little brother Felix, who helps without him knowing it, his best friend Chrissie, and Ibrar, who teaches Luke a lot more besides playing the guitar.

195 x 254 mm

9 years and up

56 pages, 7,189 words

147 Middle Grade

Nelly and the Shark Cave

If you’re not afraid (or try not to be), dive into this summer vacation full of agony and bravery, but also jealousy – and other friend stuff.

Sharks in our country? Maybe a stray one, along the coast. But in the recreational lake? After joining the magpie gang, the water animals ask 11-yearold Nelly for help. Giant freshwater sharks are living underneath the bottom of the lake, for millions of years already. And now they are entering the swimming water. Nelly’s summer threatens to become a washout when her friends have an unpleasant surprise as well. Can Nelly stop the sharks? And will she overcome her insecurities about old friendships?

145 x 210 mm

10 years and up 280 pages, 63,757 words

148 Middle Grade
Nelly and the Magpie Gang Nelly’s first adventure

The international bestselling series is back!

Creep Prison. The Secret of the Impossible Escape

A creepily funny and deliciously dirty book full of unforgettable characters.

Nice to have you here! That may not be the greeting you were expecting in a prison, but I’m sure you’re going to have a good time here. After all, where else can you find a guard who locks himself up, a magician who cuts people in half, a police poodle who always sleeps, and an artist who creates cursed paintings? There’s only one problem: it looks like someone is just about to escape. Will you join the investigation?

145 x 210 mm

10 years and up

176 pages, 18,500 words

Translated into Korean, Polish, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, and Ukrainian!

More in this series

149 Middle Grade
Hotel Hotchpotch. The Mysterious Case of the Brussels Sprouts Murder Camping Cruel. The Book of the Lost Souls

The Yawn Virus

An exhilarating story about friends, wicked grown-ups, and a dangerous virus.

What if the greatest genius of all time, Leonardo da Vinci, developed a weapon that made everyone yawn uncontrollably? And what if the formula for that weapon threatens to fall into the wrong hands? If your name happens to be Mila, you immediately travel to the Far North to put a stop to that evil plan. Even if you have to face your archenemy Igor and his henchmen and some of the strangest characters imaginable.

145 x 210 mm

10 years and up

216 pages, 54,119 words

150 Middle Grade
Crocodile Factory
More in this series

Monster Catcher. 10 Gruesome Stories

Ten chilling, funny or just plain weird short stories, for those who love monsters . . . or want to learn to run from them.

As a little boy, I discovered my great-grandfather’s library in the attic. He kept notes and documentation of his activities as a “monster hunter”. I followed in his footsteps, and now I’m leading a life full of danger and excitement. Curious to read more about it? Then take your flashlight, hide under your bed and creep along.

151 Middle Grade
145 x 210 mm 10 years and up 144 pages, 32,320 words

The Neighbor’s Dog

An extraordinarily funny book about family happiness, full of delightful nonsense, but so close to the truth . . .

Due to their busy lives, Louis and Raytchul forget that their son Bob’s birthday is coming up the next day. Since Bob wants nothing more than a little dog, they have to find one quickly. But there is one problem: there isn’t one for sale anywhere. They decide to “borrow” the neighbor’s dog: a crazy little dog that soon causes the lives of Bob, his father and his mother to turn upside down.

145 x 210 mm 10 years and up 88 pages, 19,064 words

152 Middle Grade

Ice Cream Boy’s Wish

A vibrant book about being true to who you are, online and offline. Because only then can all your dreams come true.

For all your everyday miracles, it says on the front of the building. Michael enters the store and buys a seed with a wish inside. But just as he plants it, the old lady Frida appears. She takes him to ice cream parlor Gelato, where he wins a journey: 21 days through 21 countries visiting 21 Gelato parlors. All he has to do is wear his Gelato cap and post a selfie every day. As it turns out, he goes viral worldwide. But what about his wish?

Sold to South Korea!

153 Middle Grade
The Winner of Great Fortune The Something
145 x 210 mm 11 years and up 152 pages, 34,696 words

The Black Hand

The exciting first volume of “The Twilight Codes,” a current story for teens about social media and crime, with a touch of mystery.

On his way home from school, Job is accosted by a man. Nothing strange, except that the man is wearing black gloves on such a hot day . . . And that the next day, he threatens to do something to Job’s sister if he does not come to the park in the evening. Soon, Job becomes embroiled in a drug case. He is at his wit’s end, until he receives three codes from the mysterious Gabriel. In a race against time, he must crack them to escape the black hand.

11 years and up 184 pages, 39,300

154 Middle Grade


A compelling story about a touching friendship between a boy and a sheepdog.

When a young dog washes up in a Ghent alley in 1913, Rémi takes care of him. Unfortunately, he has to take him to the brigade, where the dogs accompany the night watchmen on their rounds in the city. It is hard for Rémi to say goodbye to his Marquis, especially when World War I breaks out and the Germans claim the dogs. Will Rémi risk his life to save him from the hands of the Germans?

145 x 210 mm

11 years and up

160 pages, 33,319 words

155 Middle Grade
Ostend Isn’t Far Anymore Soldier Mary

Moon Gold

A hopeful and compelling book in which a horse tells about his life.

On a farm called The Watermill, a beautiful foal is born during a full moon: Moon Gold. He gets a lot of love from his mother, he feels safe, grows up together with other horses and learns a lot. Yet Moon Gold notices that people are steering his life in a certain direction. And that is not always the direction he himself wants.

145 x 210 mm

11 years and up 72 pages, 14,552 words

Also by this author

156 Middle Grade
Paper Friend Capibarry

Threat from the Dark

The exciting sequel to Beyond the Stars is set entirely in space.

Since the search for her father, Lizzie has been living on the planet Sanu. She attends the same school as Daaf, Rover, Revi and Mathis. Others ignore her, especially when she is accused of spreading the dangerous wobble disease. Daaf, meanwhile, has another problem: some residents of Nanta have been kidnapped and no one knows where they are or who is behind it. Could they help each other complete their missions?

Also in this series

157 Middle Grade
the Stars
145 x 210 mm 12 years and up 320 pages, 75,808 words

Evil in the Polder

The second volume of the blood-curdling series about the polder.

Remember the house in the polder? And the evil that sat there? It’s not there anymore. Or at least, not only there. It has found a way to spread. Through a chilling account, the boy Eric tells us how deeply the evil is rooted. To warn us, and above all to prove his innocence.

145 x 210 mm

12 years and up

168 pages, 39,102 words

Also by this author
Middle Grade
The House in the Polder IQ Woodhenge

Never Back to School

A current story about mental health and feeling yourself not quite at home in the “normal” world.

High school is not for me. It stinks and there is too much noise. And there are also way too many kids in a small classroom and strange teachers asking difficult questions and telling weird stories. So I’m staying at home. In my room. From now on, I’m sick. And there is nothing Mom or the doctor or anyone can do about it.

159 Middle Grade
Be Fine Combi Tickets
by this author Will
145 x 210 mm 12 years and up 144 pages, 23,960 words


How the Hindustani got to Suriname

During this incredibly exciting and adventurous journey Yash and Ravi travel towards an unknown future.

It is 1906. Yash lives in northern India, but his father works as a contract worker in Suriname. The family is gradually hearing less from him, and then: nothing at all. When he does not return after his contract period, Yash decides to search for his father with his friend Ravi. Together they travel across India to the port city of Calcutta, where they cross the Great Black Water (Kala Pani). In Suriname they end up on a plantation and their search continues again through the jungle. But where on earth has Yash’s father gone?

More by this author

160 www.clavisbooks.comwww.clavisbooks.com Geïnspireerd op het waargebeurde verhaal van Anna Abrahamsz Anna leunt over de reling, de wind waait haar haren alle richtingen uit. De zon staat als een rode bal aan de hemel en zakt stukje bij beetje naar beneden. Plots hij in de zee verdwenen. Ze kijkt naar haar vader, die op het bovendek gesprek met de stuurman en de roerganger. Voor het eerst in tijden voelt ze zich weer blij. De komende maanden zullen ze als gezin bij elkaar zijn. Even denkt ze aan het verre Indië, het onbekende land waar ze zich nog geen enkele voorstelling van kan maken. Amsterdam, 1847. Anna is een doorsnee meisje van twaalf, tot haar leven plotseling verandert. Samen met haar moeder en zusjes vergezelt ze haar vader op een koopvaardijschip naar Nederlands-Indië. Het is ongebruikelijk dat een kapitein zijn gezin meeneemt, maar na een recent sterfgeval wil de familie bij elkaar blijven. Terwijl iedereen nog worstelt met rouw en verdriet, belandt het gezin in nieuwe omgevingen en nieuwe situaties. En een zeiltocht naar de andere kant van de wereld is nooit zonder gevaar … Een realistisch en meeslepend verhaal over het leven in de 19de eeuw in Amsterdam en Oost-Indië. Voor lezers vanaf 11 jaar.
Middle Grade
The Sultan’s Reader
145 x 210 mm

You’re Playing with Fire

A fluent but blood-curdling whodunit in which three friends go through fire for each other.

A broken family runs a camp house in the woods. Father Remco does his best to give visitors a warm welcome, but he has increasing difficulty paying the bills. Teenage son Thibo helps out, although he really doesn’t like all those schoolchildren. When best friends Minnie, Alix and Victoria arrive at the camp house and accidentally discover a secret room, they soon realize that the family has a lot to hide.

145 x 210 mm

12 years and up 200 pages, 31,629 words

More by this author

You Will Love Me You Have No Way Out

161 Middle Grade

Island Secrets. Betrayed

The suspenseful seventh volume of the “Island Secrets” series, in which the reader knows only as much a the protagonist: nearly nothing.

Tibo is slowly coming around in the center of Den Burg. A moment ago, he was with his classmates in a pizzeria, and now he is lying in the street. What has happened? He has no idea. Later that evening, word gets out that his classmate Zoey, who was at the restaurant as well, is missing. Only her bloodstained coat was found. Several hours later, in the middle of the night, someone rings the doorbell at Tibo’s home. There is a box at the door with a letter accusing him of having killed Zoey . . . To exonerate himself, Tibo starts an investigation. Is that a wise thing to do?

145 x 210 mm

12 years and up 176 pages, 45,944 words

More island secrets

162 Middle Grade
Silenced Deserted

A Burning Heart

A tense, moving novel that interweaves past and present.

When David finds a skull in the U.S. state of New Hampshire, some forgotten disappearance cases suddenly become relevant again. Together with his sister Lynn, he unravels what happened years ago in the small town of Littleford. Is there a connection to the memories that their alcoholic mother is trying to drown? And what does all this have to do with Rose, a girl who was buried in 1808, but still seems to be waiting for someone?

by this author

164 Young Adult
Only Girls Can Fly I’ll Wait For You
145 x 210 mm 14 years and up 264 pages, 66,798 words

Out of My Bunker

Ukraine in a global world

A sensitive story in which friends make a world of difference.

After an accident, Tom ends up in a wheelchair. He becomes depressed and prefers to disappear into his gaming world. Then, through the Internet, he meets a girl who lives in Ukraine, where war is raging at that same moment. His attempts to help her fail, until he realizes that he cannot save the world on his own.

165 Also by this author ISBN: 978-9044838923 www.clavisbooks.com Astrid Witte DISCONNECT Astrid Witte Kun jij zonder smartphone leven? Dat staat op de briefjes die Tess steeds vaker tegenkomt, ondertekend door ‘Disconnect’. Om bij deze club te komen, moet je je smartphone inleveren en je computer uit laten. Tess raakt geïntrigeerd door Disconnect en door de stoere Vince, die al lid is. Om erbij te horen en indruk te maken, doet ze dingen waar ze eigenlijk niet achter staat en ondergaat ze een grote metamorfose. Was lid worden van Disconnect eigenlijk wel zo’n goed idee? Een spannend en realistisch verhaal over jongeren van nu. Voor lezers vanaf 12 jaar. Clavis The Hanging Matter Disconnect Young Adult
145 x 210 mm 14 years and up 184 pages, 43,740 words

Writing the Future

An informative book about the future and about science fiction: how to read it and how to write it.

You can’t predict the future, but you can write sensible things about it. That’s what science fiction does. Like a sort of manual to the genre, this book gets you thinking about a number of ideas that will be relevant in the next few years (perhaps decades). Think of artificial intelligence, energy, solar system travel, war and peace, biology, cities, politics . . . You learn not only about books and movies but also about the world.

195 x 254 mm

Young Adult

96 pages, 27,349 words

Also by this author

166 Young Adult
Enigma Trilogy Nomad Trilogy

To Izeland

An engaging story for young adults about building a new life in an environment that can be both magical and ominous.

Zaza and Mirko grew up in a polluted country, constantly ravaged by storms and floods. Despite the exit ban, both young people fled to Iceland. They learn to cope with the foreign culture and hard life. Zaza immerses herself in Icelandic sagas, while Mirko tries to earn money as quickly as possible. Is that enough to make them feel at home and forget the homesickness for their old home?

Young Adult

296 pages, 74,156 words

167 Young Adult

But a Girl

A daring novel that shows how systematic unfair treatment undermines one’s self-image and self-confidence. The haunting portrayal of the zeitgeist is an eye-opener all young adults.

Charlotte, growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, wants to choose what she is going to be. She wants to learn to work with tools and go to college, but she has to be sweet and help in the household. Further education is something for the boys; girls get treated very differently. In many ways, Charlotte resists the role for which her upbringing and education are preparing her. Will she escape the housewife fate that awaits so many women at that time? Even if her lonely struggle ends unhappily?

168 Young Adult
145 x 210 mm Young Adult 408 pages, 100,570

The Light within You and Me

A striking young-adult novel about true friendship and dealing with a chronic illness that turns your life upside-down.

Anne-Fleur and Elin are both taking their finals this year, but apart from that, they have nothing in common. In fact, they can’t stand each other.

Anne-Fleur is rich, popular and can do anything she wants. Elin, who is hampered by her chronic illness and whose home is a chaos, is annoyed by the conceited girl and her “clan”. Likewise, Anne-Fleur finds “Elin the alien” a sad case. But then fate strikes and Anne-Fleur’s carefree life comes to an end. Unintentionally, the two come into contact with each other again and again, causing confrontations. Will it also bring them something else?

195 x 254 mm

Young Adult 368 pages, 90,944 words

Also by this author

Silence Says Enough 169 Young Adult

Mirror Hate

An exciting story about love, music, dreams and deception.

Libby wants only one thing: to become a famous singer. Her dream seems to come true when she meets Guy. He arranges gigs for her and introduces her to “the right people”, but also isolates her from her family and friends. Despite her sister’s warning and everything she knows about men with fancy talk, Libby lets it happen. But then the dream turns into a nightmare. Will Libby manage to escape Guy?

170 Young Adult
Also by this author Lef

What Did I Know About Love?

A romantic coming-of-age with a touch of magical realism, for young adults who love the past and the present.

Lou always wants to do good, for everyone. But in doing so, she loses sight of herself. When she not only develops an eating disorder, but also sees her friend making out with the boy she is secretly in love with, she has had enough. She wants to leave. And she does. While in the Normandy seaside resort of Trouville-surMer with her parents and her sister Vivi, Lou looks at an old photograph in the hotel and is warped back in time. Suddenly Lou is in nineteenth-century France, amid intrigue and romance. Enter Otto.

Young Adult

144 pages, 30,933

171 Young Adult

Wandering Spirits

Mostly set in Spain

An exciting spiritual story about love that is stronger than death.

Merthe’s biological mother is dying. She asks Merthe to deliver a last letter to her parents, Merthe’s grandparents, but no one knows where they live. When the search comes to a dead end, Merthe’s dormant paranormal gift becomes overly active. Why do two characters from Rembrandt’s Night Watch seem to appeal to her? Merthe has no choice but to follow the clues, even if they lead to a dangerous adventure.

145 x 210 mm

Young Adult

456 pages, 100,360 words

Also by this author

ISBN: 978-9044839562 9 8 8 2 Clavis Merthe is paranormaal begaafd. Wanneer dat meer als een vloek begint te voelen dan als een zegen, zoekt ze een ervaren medium op. Maar juist daar ontdekt ze de foto van een vermist meisje. Dan beseft ze dat ze niet anders kan dan luisteren naar haar zesde zintuig. Geleid door de verschijningen die haar vanaf dan niet meer loslaten, stappen zij en haar hartsvriendinnen een gevaarlijk avontuur tegemoet. Zal het hen lukken om het meisje terug te vinden? Een spirituele coming of age over jezelf ontdekken en openstaan voor anderen. Het los te lezen vervolg op Geestverwanten bekroond met de Jonge Jury Debuutprijs. Voor young adults. 172 Young Adult

I Forgive Myself

Reminder that talking helps!

A gripping story in which a girl tries to overcome her parents’ divorce and sexual abuse by a family member.

Sophie struggles when her parents divorce. In the vulnerable period afterwards, she rarely sees her father. Moreover, she is harassed by an uncle of her mother’s. First the uncle appeals to Sophie by buying her a pony, but soon he turns out to have nasty intentions. The young girl is completely distraught and can’t talk to anyone about what happened. She feels she is alone and even feels guilty. Only after years of trial and error, she can finally see light at the end of the tunnel.

145 x 210 mm

Young Adult

288 pages, 74,486 words

Also by this author

War in a Suitcase

173 Young Adult

Glitch Game

An action-packed whirlwind about the impact of technology on relationships and on our society.

Despite her 100,000 followers, Nell has been lonely since her twin brother died. Fortunately, there are games in which she can vent her frustrations. Naturally, she is delighted when, like Yukio on the other side of the world, she is selected to participate in the Glitch Game. Until the participants are sent a game chair that swallows them up. Then the game really begins.

145 x 210 mm

Young Adult

136 pages, 21,951 words

174 Young Adult

A thrilling story about intelligence, competition and power.

Everyone wants to become the smartest student at Einstein College. The kids all have their own reasons for that. But then the one with the highest score on the IQ test dies. When one genius after the other starts to die, Isa and her gifted friends are wary. Especially when they are tasked with translating a mysterious text in class.

145 x 210 mm

Young Adult

256 pages, 70,474 words

Also by this author

175 Young Adult
The House in the Polder Woodhenge

Magic Kingdom 2. Between Two Worlds Magic Kingdom 3. Between Two Evils

The second and third installments in a dystopian trilogy about a magical place with dark sides.

Time is running out for all the people in the Magic Kingdom, the amusement park where they are taken in after Hurricane Andrea. A great danger is on the way that no one sees coming. The only ones who know that lives are at stake are Ayla and Owen. They must go all out to prevent fatalities. Will they succeed in saving their loved ones? One thing is certain: the choices Ayla makes will change her life forever.

Sold out in less than a month! First title in the series Magic Kingdom. Between Two Fires

176 Young Adult
Young Adult 264
Young Adult 296
x 210

The Genesis Project

What do you do when you discover you are the result of a genetic experiment? For young adults who love action and adventure.

In the middle of the night, Tess is awakened by her mother. She has to escape, but not before she is handed a bottle. While Tess escapes, her mother disappears without a trace. So begins an exciting search for answers, with Tess discovering secrets not only about her mother but also about herself.

Young Adult

256 pages, 74,196 words

177 Young Adult

Slaves. Dante 4

The eighth installment of the award-winning series “Slaves” about Raven and Dante’s bitter struggle for survival in a post-global warming world.

As Dante struggles with himself, his powerlessness in the face of Alpha and (above all) love, he tries to save the rebellion, which is hanging by a thread. But what if the rebellion is threatened from within?

Two characters with changing perspectives

178 Young Adult
Discover the series
Slaves. Dante 1 Slaves. Raven 1 145 x 210 mm Young Adult 568 pages, 110,524 words

When Flowers Fade

An emotional story about friendship, loss and trust. For young adults defining their own path.

Death is an ordinary man. Invisible to everyone except Day. When her best friend dies and she can’t stop Death, she feels all alone. Until she meets Alex, who can see deceased people. Although she wants to become friends with him, she is also afraid she will lose someone again. Because Death follows Day everywhere, even when she tries to embrace life.

Also by this author

Young Adult
Identity 179

Tomorrow Could Be Different

An intriguing book about love, democracy and activism at the end of high school.

The last year of high school becomes the most important year of Jordi’s life. Through classes, conversations with friends and experiences with art, he learns to see the world with new eyes. An old book full of pleas on topics such as freedom and thoughtlessness makes him think, as does his classmate Marieke, who fights for her ideals like a new Greta Thunberg. Is there still room for his childhood friends? And what should he do next with Björn, who falls in love with Jordi despite his different ideas?

Heart of the Dark One

In the merciless finale of the “Wings of Death” trilogy, there is perseverance, sacrifice, flight and conquest. But by whom?

Emperor Silvan “the Exalted” has half the world in his power and is once again targeting Nerefel. The chiefs of the tiny kingdom join forces with Nordic warriors, but after a horrific incident, their camaraderie is at stake. And while Brynn and Szarka take care of fugitive mages, King Doran is forced to choose between his only son’s happiness and Nerefel’s future.

Also in this series

181 Young Adult
Wings of Death Curse of the Shadows

An escape from the raw reality; a search for love, happiness and security.

Emily lives with her mother and brothers in a working-class neighborhood in Amsterdam. She is raised lovelessly and has been abused by her father. Her wealthy, eccentric bosom friend Ducky has been neglected by her parents and becomes addicted to alcohol and drugs. When Emily runs away from home after an argument with her mother, she moves in with Ducky, with whom she is secretly in love. When the love turns out to be mutual, Ducky decides to start a new life in Sweden. Emily is scared, but she goes along. Is their bond strong enough to endure this adventure? And will their problems disappear forever in the new life?

Young Adult


182 Young Adult

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