Editors 2 cents Three’s a charm, three’s a crowd, three’s this, three’s that. There are a number of quotesand beliefs when it comes to the number three.
ber of months left before we wave and kiss 2012 goodbye, so if you’ve merely watched the year flash before your eyes, it’s still not too late to pull yourFor us at CLAY, three self towards yourself. is the edition where we have our first MALE on God’srouting for you, the cover *Cues ulula- get your groove back. tion*.Christian Rap/HipHop artist CJay chats to Julian Mamabolo us about his new album, life off stage andhis role as husband and daddy, (talk about a must read)! For desert all the Joyous Celebration fans will enjoy Dudu Tsobane’s profile in the magazine. Three is also the num-
Today there is so much theology and doctrine available to us through countless sources. Its safe to say that it can get a little bit confusing. We as Christians need to always have our swords in hand-the word of God as it is. The bible, needs no amendments or any form of editing. It is the only tangible form of everything God has ever wanted to and would like to say to us. It is consistent and not silent on whichever topic we may wonder about. CLAY is not meant to confuse you nor is it meant to be the final authority in your decision making process, if it happens then we would have failed dismally. We hope in reading CLAY, more questions will be triggered in you to go dig deeper in what the Bible say.
As you read your bible, you need to be able to interpret it. Thank God for the promised gift, the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. Jesus told His disciples that He would not leave them alone, and He sent them the Holy Spirit. This is the promise to every believer and He lives inside of us to help those who let Him. He speaks the mind of God because no one knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit, so it is with God, His spirit helps us discern His thoughts from our won and anybody else’s. We rely on Him as our inspiriration so even where we may have lacked full details, He will elaborate and explain to you the point behind each article. Because even in our Christian walk at certain stages, we have different convictions on various topics.
Prayer is a two way conversation between two parties who have the deepest love for each other, who always want to know what the other party thinks about certain things and how they see the world. Our God is not a silent God, so as you read through CLAY, discuss it with Him through prayer. You’ll enjoy it more if you have the knowledge of the word, couple it with listening to the Holy Spirit Who’ll lead you into prayer (amazing, unforgettable conversations with God) thereafter reveal God’s answers to you. You’ve gotta love how this whole thing works, and trust me, it works!
Life On Life (LOL)
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Conversation of the Week
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Recently I was reading a book called One Tuesday Morning by Karen Kingsbury. One of her characters is a financial climber out for money and power, and in the process he neglects his family, his relationship with God, and everything that once mattered to him...but then drama happens and he realises he could gain the world and it will all mean nothing in the end.
week and forget what’s really important. So this week the conversation is who’s taking who to the formal. Next week it’ll be exam stress, and then it’ll be “Oh my gosh! The vampire kissed the ware wolf who’s dating the fashion designer” in some new series with newly discovered young Hollywood stars. To think of it or hear someone speak about it, we realise how lame and superficial some of the stuff the world offers truly is. But it doesn’t make it any less tempting...sometimes it’s just so appealing.
Now this got me thinking of the reality of the situation that Believers of the Way are in. We live in the world, so not surprising when we get caught up But this is not our home. in the conversation of the The conversation will
change. Fashion will change. The world will decide for us what we should wear and when; where we should eat and why; what’s cool and what’s not based on trends set by people we’ve never seen in and who don’t even care about us because they don’t even know we exist! (Yes, a sad newsflash to the girl with the celebrity crush.) Our God, however, the Royal Awesomeness that He is, does not change. And He actually does know us and care about us. It’s His trends we should be following; His conversations we should be entertaining. Because He is worth it, and because, well, what does it profit a man (or woman, yes, power to the people!) if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul? Think about it.
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But here’s the thing, even though the inside beauty thing is so clichéd and overused that its true meaning has lost its depth and conviction, it is still true. Just because I tell you Jesus died for you and loves you ten times a die, doesn’t
make it any less true. You are beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful. You are not ‘too much.’ You are not inadequate. You are not an idiot. You are just what God decided would be perfect for His Kingdom. You’re sexy because you’ve got Jesus
It’s so simple. There is no formula, no “how to” when it comes to beauty. And I know we’re all sick of that tired cliché: “Its beauty that comes from the inside that counts.” That’s not always helpful when you’re having a bad day and you feel terrible and your face just seems to have more spots than it used to, and your thighs seem thicker than usual and your hair is just not behaving...
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Christ all over you – inside and out. Whoever you are, whatever you are, and in all that you are, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. So if you’re looking for beauty and inspiration, take a sec...and go check yourself out in the mirror.
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Mirror on the Wall
In the book of 1st Samuel chapter sixteen verse seven we read that: “... The Lord does not look at the things that man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart” There are so many Christians who spend more time trying to find the perfect outfit, hair style and have
the perfect body. Well, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look pretty/ handsome, but God would rather have us work on being drop dead gorgeous/ handsome on the inside. Physical beauty fades with time, but the spirit is timeless. Your perfect bodies won’t get you through the gates of heaven. Like
I often say: “Too big, too small, too short, too tall, we can never have it all”. It’s high time we begin seeing ourselves the way that God sees us. Remember, a person who views themselves the way they are seen in God’s eyes is simply irresistible to a partner whose eyes are on God.
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Mastered by Masturbation
How does one even begin to talk about such a struggle, especially in a society where stereotypes tell us that only men struggle with sexual sin? I for one am your typical Christian girl, grew up in a Christian home, but somehow managed to access pornographic material at the age of 7. In my teens, my struggle escalated from just having porn images in my head, to masturbating throughout my high school life. Still preaching, evangelising, but secretly pleasing self. I hated myself for doing it, but rested in my foolish comfort that I am not doing the “real
thing”. I went through the cycle of guilt, confession, vowing to not do it again, and again failing. Tears sweat, and prayers went into it. I tried dating, praying, fasting and all the prescribed “cures” but somehow I could not
tap into the practicality of dealing with my struggle until it was time for God to break my cover. I finally confessed to other Christian sisters whom I later found out had been have been struggle as I. The secret sin
A recent post on women for Jesus regarding masturbation showed that many women struggle with this sin. Young women opened up about their struggle with sexual sin; Evidently, this struggle starts from a very young age, showing that the media has a role to play as well in all of this. Statistics show that the average teenager spends 3 to 4 hours per day watching TV and 83% of the programming frequently watched contain some sexual content. Furthermore, 42% of songs on ten top-selling CDs contained sexual content, 41% of which were “very explicit” or “pretty explicit. “There is a distasteful pattern of moral decay and society has made it impossible for most women
to talk about it or even see the problem with it all in the name of assisting us to be “21st century women who are aware of their bodies”. But, we are told that God is displeased with any form sexual immorality.
ship two Gods “sin (the slave driver)” and “God”, we need to choose one. It takes boldness and courage. No to sin (the slave driver) and Yes to life everlasting (God).
I hope to leave to you fellow sisters in Christ out there the encouragement from Paul. I feel so lonely in this battle of lust. Be careful to not let sin go unchecked. “When you expose sin in your life, you are not exposing yourself. Instead, you are exposing the enemy and at the same time allowing God to work in that certain area. Let’s expose sin, we cannot wor-
Practical ways of breaking from the secret life of masturbating 1. Admit that you have a problem. Stop making excuses or think that a relationship will be the
‘cure’. God is against any form of sexual immorality. Even masturbation. 2. Talk to Christian ladies you trust. Many women struggle but are afraid of talking about it. Start the conversation if you are serious about breaking free from this sin. Have accountability 3. S p e a k scripture upon your life and let Gods word lead you to recovery. 4. C o m mit to getting help. Fasting, prayer, avoiding programs that trigger sexual thoughts. Replace old habits with new ones such as joining sports, community outreach and other good things
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Five Rand-Fifty lo bo
Regardless of whether one gets pocket money, a wage, a salary or a government grant, we’ve all been broke before. Some people are broke due to circumstances beyond their control, while even more because of poor budgeting, bad investments or simply suffering from the “I-just-have-tohave-it-NOW” syndrome. In laymen’s terms being broke is the state of having no money. Synonyms include words such as: being bankrupt, penniless, bust or insolvent. One might argue that generally speaking money is spent on essentials in the vein
of: food, clothing, beauty and health products, entertainment, transport etc. Agreed, but it is when you spend more than you earn or have “expensivetaste” that one ends up with a negative bank balance weeks or even days after getting paid. A regular pair of denim jeans from the average shop may not have tongues- waggling and elbows-nudging at the sight of your R550 skinny jeans, but if you can get the right quality, shade of blue, length, cut and fit, why not save the extra R350? Yes I agree that purchasing your groceries
from normal food stores doesn’t have the same ticklish effect as walking into the more superior food stores, however if the food is fresh, the correct quantity just different brands and packaging, then fill that stomach with the “ordinary things of life” and deposit the rest at your nearest branch. If your cousin Lethabo says she can plait your hair for free and you know you’ll still look like you just walked out of a music video, then by all means let her do it and then don’t forget to walk past that over-priced salon, flip your hair to the left and to the right and use that money to better your future. The Bible states that: “The kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteous-
ness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom14:17). As Christians if all our money goes towards the latest trends, purchasing things we DON’T need, making bad investments and just sheer financial negligence then we won’t have any money to fulfil the things that matter the most to God. There are some phenomenal initiatives in the body of Christ, some for drug and alcohol rehabilitation, Youth empowerment, restoring broken women, feeding schemes, education etc. But without proper financing, after the fasting and prayer phase, these ideas remain just that, ideas. Make a decision that gone are the days where you have a Five RandFifty bank or airtime balance. You have the knowledge, why perish?
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Peace that Matters lub
So while sitting on a park bench I notice a couple in a heated argument and me being my crazy self wondered much like the advert what it would be like if South Africa had a “Cheaters Reality TV Show”. I imagined it would be chaotic-You’d have Kgaugelo Mamabolo, a quiet Pedi woman from the Zone 2 Seshego who’s noticed that Zachariah her husband no longer comes home as early as he used to and so she suspects him of cheating. To help her find out, Kgaugelo decides to acquire the services of Cheaters investigators who over the next two months follow Zachariah’s whereabouts.
Cheater’s camera’s spots Zachariah on numerous occasions with a lady going out on several dates. After two months cheaters catches and exposes Zachariah’s affair with Jeminah and the scene is so horrific E-TV adds an age restriction and the show ends up airing for twenty minutes instead of its usual thirty because Kgaugelo bit a camera man for trying to separate her from Zachariah. The last ten minutes of the footage is destroyed by the kettle of boiling water Kgaugelo splashes onto Jeminah. Moral of the story-God’s word teaches mankind
that forgiveness is making the decision not to take revenge. Our rest in a noisy world comes from doing the things that matter to God. Psalm 16:7-9MSG“The wise counsel God gives me when I’m awake is confirmed by my sleeping heart”. Rest comes from God, and that is our evidence that God is with us, for how could David have walked through the valley of the shadow of death if God had not first taken him to still waters and green pastures and refreshed his soul (Psalm 23), David walked because David had rest. We need rest so that our forgiveness will be genuine. Matthew 5:23
Are you also having sleepless nights? Do you get night flashes? Are you losing weight because of stress? Then maybe you are suffering from the ancient disease called ANXIETY. Anxiety has become a heavy necklace circled around many of mankind`s necks. They find themselves stagnant for they are consumed with worry over their finances, relationships, careers, academics, health etc. Mankind is chronically diagnosed with one of the most deadly disease ever, being none other than WORRY! It definitely eats the life out of us, sucking all man`s hopes and dreams leaving them paralyzed both in their spirits, body’s and souls. Throughout the day we find ourselves biting our nails in fear then lie awake at night all because
of worry. Like a rocking chair worry gives us something to do but gets us absolutely nowhere. Proverbs 12:25 tells us how “Worry weighs a person down...” Some are able to break free while others remain in the heavy burden of anxiety. Jesus in Matthew 6:27 clearly highlights to us how we do not gain even a single hour to our lives by worrying. As people we do not notice how we become what we repetitively expose ourselves to, therefore if worry is what we eat, breathe and drink then worry is what we will became. Worry is tool that the devil has specially designed to fill our hearts with distraction, doubt and discouragement. The Bible mentions 365 times that we must “fear not”. Truth is we were
not wired for worry nor fashioned for fear. Therefore our winning ticket to healthy living is priced on us finding a way of isolating ourselves from the
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Diagnosis of Worry chronic disease of anxiety. The answer is in God, Philippians 4:6-7. Paul teaches us to worry about absolutely nothing. How? By praying about everything and lastly giving gratitude for all things. See there is nothing too big nor small that cannot be brought forth to the Father for He cares about every single aspect, feeling and thought about us. So instead of nursing and rehearsing your fears and worries rather surrender them to God through prayer. Worry magnifies your problems whereas prayer magnifies God. WORRY IS NOT YOUR PORTION!
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From Loves Point of View n oa
Recently I was faced with the task of learning how to love without limits; to love everyone the same. I thought it would be easy considering this was something I have been doing since I got saved, but what I didn’t know was that this time I was going to have do it with people who were not saved and did not believe in the true love that comes from God. I found this task to be one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do. I knew it was not going to be easy but I never imagined it would be this hard. In essence I believe I have learnt a deeper meaning to love.
Love has no care for what is seen with the eye, instead it places great value in the good found in every person. It’s easy to look at someone and immediately judge them; I’ve found myself to be guilty of this too. There are people I’m attracted to and the rest are not worthy of my time we often say or think. I believe this is one of the reasonswhy love has no care for sight; it knows it can be deceiving. Secondly love is patient, the definition of patience is: “The ability to accept or tolerate suffering without getting angry or upset”, love is able to accept the
wrongs that are thrown its way without getting angry, it’s able to tolerate all the things that would usually make one extremely upset. I recently shared with a friend how a lady I know
was giving me a hard time and I really needed help with how to deal with her. At the end of our conversation this friend did as she always does she said let’s pray. In her prayer
I was expecting her to chant: “Fire over this lady, fire may she be changed in the name of the Lord fire!”but instead this friend in her gentle tone said: “Daddy (God), may you bless this lady and fill her every need, please satisfy her, if there were times she felt she was not being respected or cared for please use Joslin to show her love and respect as she continues to represent you”. Listening to her prayer felt like cold water was being poured on the hot coals of my heart. It was in that exact moment that I realised that love looks beyond the wrong to manifest the good. So I have had to be patient and tolerate the wrong, knowing very well that it’s an investment in the good that is still to come. Love is brave, love is not
afraid of rejection;it requires one to give their all even though it’s not everyone who will receive it. The fact remains some people will reject it and push it away. Love has many definitions to many different people, some have as gone as far as to say: “Love is pain” so instead of accepting love, they would rather live in misery. I realise now how Jesus must feel every day when He offers His love and it is rejected and even more so God who sacrificed His love for us. It’s not easy to face rejection, but ponder on how Christ thinks about us all day every day even though more often than not we want nothing to do with Him.
The penny finally drops and in conclusion I finally fathom that love is selfless; it seeks the best for others hence the word says: “If you try to gain your life you will lose it”.
So as a believer, your love should be a free gift to everyone, even those that reject it or take advantage of it. Funny enough, that is when love is at its best…when it is rejected!
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Single Perspective I used to hold the belief that one has to complete school, be financially secure and have attained a certain level of spiritual maturity before they commit to a long term relationship. I now find an error with that thought. Companionship, in my opinion, should not be determined by worldly standards or materialism or misguided perceptions about Christ’s mission for us on earth. Financial security or academic achievements somehow just does not make the cut compared to commitment based on faith and devotion to heaven’s call.
Similarly, an overly spiritual view on relationships is quite unsettling and often impractical. What then am I saying? That people should pursue romance although they are 4 years away from being academically established or while their bank balance is R53.21? That they should not wait for an angel to drop their soul mate’s names in their dream? Fortunately this isn’t a step to step guide on ‘how to’ and ‘when to’; that would be difficult considering the pool of ideas and sociocultural influences that float in the world and the vast variety of experiences with relationships that people have had, some of them good and Godly yet all different. We can safely establish from the get go that there seems to be no formula
for committing to lifelong companionship and what God did with Isaac and Rebekah might not necessarily be the same as what He does with Zechariah and Elizabeth. But of course, I am not going to tangle this web by getting into the nitty gritties of God’s role as ‘cupid’ in our individual lives. The dialogue can continue outside this article on our JCReigns’ facebook page, I’ll be more than happy to converse about any part of this seemingly intriguing topic in youth circles. Now that that’s out of the way, the point that I would like to highlight in this discussion is that very little matters except that we are Christ’s workmanship in the context of the societies we live in.
Jesus himself did not spend a great deal of time addressing romance but instead his focus was on eternal things. What does that mean? That there is more to life than walking hand in hand with someone who gives life to butterflies in your tummy; there is more to life than whispering ‘I love you’s’ for hours over the phone to a beloved; there is more to life than marriage and babies; more to life than intimacy, whether emotional or physical with the opposite sex.
the stages of our lives greatly influence the way we think and reason. Even so, one thing is constant regardless of the stage of life we are in and that is we are individually accountable to the Lord. There is no difference in the mission of a saved 14 year old and a saved 61 year old, the commission is the same for both and I am yet to find an age restriction for God’s glory. In saying this I aim not to make a distinction in age for the relevance of the points expressed here. So whether you are a high school girl crushing on your classmate or a university student praying for a potential spouse I hope to be relevant both groups.
Do not get me wrong: all that is beautiful, but that beauty diminishes if romance takes a place parallel to or above mission for Christ. It is very difficult to address the topic of relationships without a specific Going back to academic target audience because identity, financial security
and spiritual maturity, my take is that we are all on individual paths. Some people have dated for 5 years through varsity and not fallen sexually; some met and got married within a year. Some had nothing more than lobola money when they entered into marriage while others were infants in the faith and grew together in Christ. God’s glory has been seen in different marriages. All this reiterating the point that there seems to be no formula. So whether you are in a relationship or not, desiring one or not, just gotten out of one or going into one is irrelevant. The question rather, is are you storing up treasures in heaven? Are you walking on the straight and narrow path? Are you entering through the narrow gate? Are you carrying the cross
and following Jesus? Are you seeking the Kingdom of God and its righteousness? Does your life reflect Jesus’ purity and contentment from the Holy Spirit? Do you desire God’s will above your own? With all honesty, if I look at the route that my own life’s take in this area I realise that it has been far from seeking first the kingdom and its righteousness. When loneliness knocks and Godly romance is on a constant display, the desire to have a companion surfaces and it is often difficult to suppress the longing for relationship. It is easy to glide on the misconception that marriage/ relationship will put an end to all earthly struggles.
on the grace that excused Abraham’s lies, David’s fornication, Samson’s weakness, Noah’s drunkenness, Peter’s denial and so many of our foolishness and sinful stunts now. In conclusion it is interesting how we singles have views and ideas about marriage and relationships and how these just continue getting modified as we grow and expand in our thinking. With that said perhaps
I’ll read the views expressed in this article many years later and recount Paul’s words: “when I was a child I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man I put childish ways behind me...Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, The standard that God even as I am fully known.” deserves is quite high and this is why we need to rely
Life & Style
The atmosphere was electrifying, Goosebumpsgiving, with all the ladies “dressed to impress” under the enticing theme of “LOVE” except, it was not the 14th of February. The Love Story was held at the University of Limpopo’s Turfloop CampusTIRO HALL. It was hosted by Pastor Lucky Lebepe (love and relationship expert), with comedian TJ Malamule as the MC, entertainment by hip hop artist Danny V and his crew. Generations soap star Sophie Ndaba “Queen”, also inspired many by giving a life changing testimony about her life and how she has seen the love of God throughout leading her to
where she is to date, encouraging young people to always “make the good out of the bad”. Contemporary gospel artist Keke Phoofolo wrapped up the program by leading the saints into worship. The evening lacked no sweet thing from candy to beverages but the sweetest sensation was the encounters people had with God. His Holy presence
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It’s a Love Thing
was so manifest that after the event, long separated relationships were reconciled and people made peace with each other, fulfilling 1 John 4:11-13. The love of God in us is real and is able to cover a multitude of sins. This goes to show that every kind of relationship (parental, siblings, friends) is a piece of a puzzle all coming together to paint us a picture of God’s great love.
Free Music Review Chris Cobbins - overall theme and mesAlex Faith Better: TFAA sage of struggling and Honest 2 God then being made new would be completely lost.
Once I reached the second half, it really captured my attention. It’s here that Cobbins gets more in depth and opens up to his audience. The album takes a turn into the theme of being made new, and as a listener, these five relatable, catchy, and lyrically in-depth songs, make this album worth a listen.
The first half of Better: The Fan Appreciation Album is slightly confusing and difficult to listen to at first. With songs including “Hangover” and “One Night Stand,” I feel as though if listeners didn’t play the entire album, his By
The reason this record is a must have is because of Alex Faith’s talent. He’s a true MC. He has a captivating flow, smooth style and out of this world lyrical ability. He lyrically assaulted each beat and made eveNRT ry song memorable. His
talent blew me away and I was left wanting more. “Honest 2 God” is a great record. It has everything you would want in a record. The production is crazy and it’s lyrically on point. It will feed your spirit. And it provides plenty of playback value. If you haven’t heard of Alex Faith yet, then you need to get “Honest 2 God”. It will be on repeat in your iPod long into the future.
Jars of Clay Spring Tour
and “Mind Games.” Matthew Perryman Jones sweetens the deal with “O, Theo” and “Until The Dawn Appearsl”. As you can see, this is no ho-hum, run of the mill compilation. It’s jampacked with some of the best music, melody and musings you could find in one place and I highly recommend downloading the sampler, giving to Blood:Water Mission and supporting the tour.
The multi-faceted musical creators in Jars of Clay offer up the driving “Small Rebellions” fromThe Shelter and the hard-to-find meditation of “Body and Wine.” Leagues chip in By Aubrey on two tracks from their selfw a d e o r a d i o . c o m titled debut EP, “Haunted” By Will Hodge for Noistrade
Pants sagging all the way down to his knees with a belt looped in for mere dramatic effect. Body reduced to a colouring book, with only eyeballs and nails escaping the ink detailing his tattoos. Ears pierced, mouth pierced, nose pierced, what isn’t pierced? Drugs, sex, alcohol, blasphemy and who cares, I mean you only live once setting the pace. This the face of Rap and Hip-Hip music and culture, or is it really? Meet a Gospel Rap/HipHop artist who is a born again, Jesus-confessing, Holy Spirit-depending, Jehovah-seeking man after Gods’ own heart. CLAY introduces CJay! He is one of the coolest movers and shakers in the Kingdom of God and it is no surprise that his passion lies in seeing young people
being set on fire for God. He is a self confessed dreamer and church boy from Jeffrey’s Bay and he gives the typical Rap/HipHop image, reputation and stereotypes a facelift like you’ll never believe. At the age of ten when the average pre-teen is watching TV, chilling with friends, getting dirty or chatting through some or other social medium, CJay’s calling was already peeping through. That’s the age whereby he started playing the guitar and going into High School he joined a Christian Rap crew. He admits that at the time he didn’t even know that Christian Rap music existed, by hey, who says God is moved by slow or fast, loud or soft, jazzy or rock music? God is moved by true worship offered by true worshipers. For CJay
those years were fundamental in terms of developing musically and becoming more exposed to different genres of music. When asked how he got into the music industry CJay tells a story about how fifteen years ago he packed his bags and left Port Elizabeth for Johannesburg in pursuit of his music career; his purpose, his calling and he hasn’t looked back since. CJay’s latest album, his sixth album is titled “Jesus-freakyes-i-am” and he makes it clear that this album is not about CJay, it’s a vehicle; a soundtrack for a movement, it’s unashamed. What a declaration! The song “Like a fire” is making serious waves so CLAY obviously wanted to know what inspired it. “I started working on it in Durban and when I got the
melody I just knew there was something [special about it]. I went to a Youth Conference held outdoors on a field with only a small group of young people there. When I started singing the hook “Like a fire shut up in my bones...” there was just such an awesome presence of God and the rest’s history. You’re a happily married man, how did you meet you wife Natasha? About 10 years ago we’d just had an armed robbery at the place where I lived and when I got to church a lady (Natasha) came to me and asked, are you CJay? I said yes, and she said her parents told her about what had happened to us and that I should just shout if I needed anything. When I got back to my place I was telling the
guys about this girl, but they didn’t know who I was talking about and I was going on and on about her! It wasn’t too long after that that we became a couple. So tell us, how did you propose? We were in Vereeniging where I resided at the time, it was at night time and we were outside on the swings. I had the whole Romanic setting going on; candles by the swimming pool, for dinner her favourite Pasta was being prepared in the Wendy-house, the stars were shining down on us you name it! Then a Brother got down on one knee and nine years later, we are still going strong. You have two children, how has being a Dad impacted or even
changed your life? As much as one grows up over the years plus the level of growth that comes with marriage, an even greater growth arises when you have children. My son Josh is six and my daughter Amber is four. With the advancement of the technological age and the huge impact that TV has on children, my wife and I have really made it a priority to raise and influence our children in the ways of the Lord. We are a 100% dependent on God and the Holy Spirit. You often talk about Ministering and not performing, why is that? Yes, when I was younger there were elements of wanting to get the crowd going, excite the people and in essence; give a great performance. Min-
istry on the other hand changes people, it stirs up a desire after God, and it ignites something in the life of the person being ministered to. It’s true what a lady once told me: “ You can only give what you have”, so it’s important to me that I read the word, spend time with God etc so that when I get onto that stage I can give something real, that I know about personally and have received. Who do you want to work with, both locally and internationally? Locally: Retief Burger Internationally: Toby
Mac and Da Truth Your favourite place to visit: Home- Jeffrey’s Bay, my family is there, my Mom is there. What makes you laugh? Moments with my Wife. *sweet* I can’t live without...My BIBLE
Coffee or tea: Tea *High 5* How do your children react to your music, do they enjoy it? Ja, it’s the most amazing feeling when I play the CD in the car and they’re singing along, or when I just catch them singing my songs randomly around the house. It’s important that you minister Have you ever cried to your family before you during a movie? minister to anyone else. No, NEVER! of en*cough cough* Words couragement: B l a c k B e r - “You are the light and the ry vs. Galaxy? salt of the earth the Word Galaxy, but I have a Black- says. Let the word of Berry at the moment. God be your focal point, His word it’s our centre.”
Duduzile Tsobane Duduzile Tsobane Singer\ song writer \writer\ editor Age 25 8+ years’ Experience I started my professional singing in 2004 with the award winning gospel group, Joyous Celebration. I’ve been part of the group ever since and this was my introduction to professional singing and live stage performance. I sang with Joyous celebration for 3 years before I could get the confidence to sing lead. My first lead was in Joyous 13 where I did a duet with Kgotso, I went further on to sing my own solo in Joyous 14 and 15.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the greatest award winning artist both domestic and internationally. I am currently serving in the Alleluia Ministry International as the leader of the worship team under Pastor Alph Lukau. Malaika 2005 – 2007(Backing vocalist) I started working with Malaika from the year 2005 as a backing vocalist and in the years I worked with them I managed to get exposure to a different genre of music, we parted ways in 2007 Ntokozo Mbambo 2006(Recording)
of the recording of Ntokozo Mbambo’s live recorded album in 2006 which also made a great contribution to my experience and exposure in music. Nelson Mandela 46664 event 2008 (House Band) In 2007 I got a chance to be part of a house band for both local and International artist in the Nelson Mandela 46664 event, it was the first time I performed with international artists and a great learning curve for me. Pastor Donnie McClurkin – Africa Tour 2008 (House Band) 2008 was my year of international exposure as I went on to form part of the I was fortunate to be part house band for the great
Bishop and gospel great da’s album. It was a great Donnie McClurkin in his experience and I learned Africa tour. a lot from them and the experience. Then I went Brian McKnight Concert on to do my first solo with 2008 (House Band) Joyous Celebration and It did not end there, Brian joined one of the Afro jazz McKnight came to S.A greats, Theo Kgosinkwe and I once again formed as part of his band which part of the house band I’m still in currently. for his performance which was my first exposure to Hugh Masekela 2010 (Reinternational rhythm and cording) blues. As I move up in my jour2008 was my year of learn- ney as a singer I worked ing and exposure to differ- with the legendary Hugh ent genres and platforms; Masekela on his latest it even gave me the confi- project as a session musidence to do my first duet cian and I managed to do in Joyous Celebration. another solo with Joyous Pastor Elias Ndeda and Celebration. Judith Sephuma 2009 (Recording) I managed to travel the world through my singing In 2009 I got an opportu- and have really gained nity to form part of Judith lots of experience and Sephuma and Pastor Nde- grown incredibly.
Musical Experience: Joyous Celebration 2004 to Date (solos in the last 3 albums) Malaika 2005 – 2007(Backing vocalist) Ntokozo Mbambo 2006(Recording) Nelson Mandela 46664 event 2008 (House Band) Pastor Donnie McClurkin – Africa Tour 2008 (House Band) Brian McKnight Concert 2008 (House Band) Pastor Elias Ndeda and Judith Sephuma 2009 (Recording) Theo Kgosinkwe 2009 to Date (Backing vocalist) Hugh Masekela 2010 (Recording) Metro FM Awards House band 2011
Creative Arts
Above Buddha or Zeus There’s a ruler in Prose In streets, hostels Our hearts sieving Seeking provocation from our hands These arts Tyrants are silenced Blood speaks consecration Stops sin in its madness
mo se se Ra
The prodigal daughter returns Her eyes covenanted, she burns Incense through life’s toggles and turns Her bowels birth worship Through these virgin verses Lest I return to the dirt All so heavy with curses Let’s call this heart blessed turf
s Mo
To halt death’s gladness Lucifer’s helter shelter unto darkness To exude Christ’s likeness For He brewed against
Hades a tempest In my days deemed defenseless I walk in my Lord’s way, grace take me away
Kar ipi
Ndi yap o
Loosing Yourself
The success of a man is not defined by his victory in numbers or the Merits on his badge. Scared by the heavy landing Falling on surfaces filled with thorns, tougher then gravel and colder than an icing ring. Piercing my every existence \Soul and pride shifted in an instance My heart stabbed, never have I felt thorns, thorns that reach so deep. Standing up so close but yet out of my reach. The Lord’s Grace trying to pick me UP But with pain and disgust, disgusted at myself... dis-
gusted at the thought of falling, I scream EVER DOUBTING!
The platform of literature seems to have failed me, no longer expressing. No longer as satisfying. My heart is bleeding I feel like a bird dying, but still I say: A man’s success is not defined buy the number of victory’s or his merits a man’s success is defined by the number of times he picks himself up after a fall, by the vision he sees in his soul and the faith he has in God’s grace. Only with His grace and the faith we have in that grace. Trust!
Demons dangling on the chapel ceiling pleased/as I walk in a cool breeze/ dances off my skin/descends to my feet as a chill/this must be how it felt for the Woman/I’ve forgotten the name of Jesus/and my desire for vainglorious victory saw me through/I want to open my eyes so I may see/the enemy through my own means/exercise these hands unto defeat/oh Lord be with me/I’ve done what looks right/never letting the law out of my sight….. the accuser chuckles/you are sin’s son/you foolish master of disguise
ola sem
ase aR s im Mo
fall for your demise/not that I’ve got much fight/ you’re quite right/I’m a sinner/and in secret I sin/ though I appear holy/I carry much folly/taught in the ways of no grace/I’m a drop in a river of souls that flows through the guilt gate/it’s pillars lodged in the deeps of voices/lost in the deserted search for God’s call. God’s will, sits void/post bearing its children in ministry/its prodigal sons march into a city of condemnation, pride and rebellion, they burst out in song, sing praises to a God they do not know, made of genes they do not acknowledge, Lies, Lucifer lies. I won’t fighting spiritual privileges
unlocked by grace, they ing/ of a stagnant structure/ know not how to embrace. that does not anticipate rapture/where death is a This is deception/not a mantra/prose we sing to bare fiction/there are de- our daughters and sons/ mons dangling on the ceil- unraveling our tongues
into strands of revelation void of truth/if the law was sufficient, we wouldn’t need grace. The law would have, with its hand, led us in to repentance as it alone reflected God’s goodness/Can’t you see?/ Grace is newness of heart/ out of its aorta flows…… empowerment, ability, at last, we are free to call out power/choose virtue over sin/and realize, we are more than our wings/we are, the radiance of God’s glory/ the representation of his being/Resurrected with Jesus our Saviour and King/But for how long will you teach condemnation? Sowing at conception seeds of deception? / leading them to believe they’re alive, when it’s all inception/leading to judgment, unsaved Christians?
atla o Kg heg Phet
Dearly Beloved When I created the heaven and the earth I had you in mind I commanded the stars, the moon to shine when darkness came To remind of how light always overcomes darkness I knew you would find yourself weeping at night and so I asked the morning star to bring not only light for the day but to provide you with the joy that sustains you throughout your day You see I’m am the true definition of love and I care about my children That when the Israelites found themselves in be-
tween Egypt and Canaan I allowed manna to rain down each morning To remind them not only do I provide bread daily But my bread is always fresh containing the very Ingredients you need for that day Even if your day may not go as planned I want to remind you that this is the day that the Lord as made And you ought to rejoice and be glad in it For praise always confuses the enemy There will be times you may not feel my presence But just know I am here for you always till the end
of time I watch over you daily for you are precious to me I don’t intend on failing you for my love never fails And I want you to spend time with me always You see you don’t have to spend time at church 24/7 I want to use you wherever you go Which is why I want you to seek me diligently And trust me fully for you can never walk with someone you do not trust It is when we walk together daily that you will begin to know me better I knew you would exist long before I made Adam
and Eve And so I was excited when I actually got to knit you carefully in your mother’s womb Like a builder building a building I was so excited that on the day you were born The three of us Father, Son and Holy Spirit Couldn’t help but smile for our masterpiece was alive I know you were nervous when I invited you to be my heir You kept asking me what is a man that I am mindful of I’m so glad you accepted the invite Beloved I write to you for
I know the past nine To hear about me and acmonths or so may not cept my invitation to the have been easy most beautiful place ever The labour pains are more Do not doubt me for I did intense and nothing will not doubt myself when I relief them except prayer created you I do not lack funds or re- Not once did I question my masterpiece sources I never run out of stock I Hold on to what I’ve said can’t help myself most of about you to you I have sent faith to encourthe time I find myself providing age you and Wisdom to guide you more than enough Do no limit me I have called you in what You need to go study now beloved, your studying For I have plans for your Don’t forget to call me, I’m sitting eagerly on the life I need you to be an am- phone With my finger on the anbassador For I want your friends, swer button colleagues everyone you Waiting to talk to you, your amazing Father encounter