Rianda Reyneke
Daughter, Sister Entrepreneur
Latita African inspired Accessories
Restaurant Etiquette Wine and dine with class 1
Mould in Liv es
Julian Mamabolo
Christabel Addo Lerato Masenya Phethego Kgatla Lindo Matsebula Phomelelo Rathokolo
CENTS You’ve heard it said: “Give a man a fish and he will eat today. Teach a man how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” In this Entrepreneurship edition of Clay, we aim to inspire you to consider rolling your eyes at the Lucky Star that the boss is offering you, take the plunge and catch your own Hake! Too many of us are using our dreams as soft cushy pillows, because starting our own businesses requires that Abraham kind of faith, and ain’ nobody got time right? SA is plagued with an annoyingly high youth unemployment rate, and as much as the government needs to pull itself towards itself and implement the necessary strategies to resolve this, entrepreneurship remains a potent vaccination. Bringing it back to church for a second, the Tyler Perry’s, Bishop T.D Jakes’ and Steve Harvey’s of the world have proven without reasonable doubt, what you can do when you fuse a God
idea with a God given gift. Yes, entrepreneurship is not necessarily for every Tom, Dimakatso and Harry, but neither is making Randelas for company X if that doesn’t fulfill you and ultimately allow your purpose to be made manifest. So as per usual, we have large doses of deep articles and all things Clay that we pray will absolutely play a role in moulding your life. It’s all yours!
Julian Mamabolo
ISSUE Regulars Christabel’s corner Here’s to the Dreamers
Cover Story Riyanda Reyneke
10 16
Not just a
Jewelry Business
How much does it cost to be an Entrepreneur?
Life & Style Fitness
running for?
The Rising of the Sun
Count the Cost
Who are you
Life On Life
Etiquette will never stop trending
Creative Arts Poetry
To the Church built with
no cement
Photography from Msimeki Nkatingi
Entrepreneurship speaks of boldness. It speaks of the willingness to take a risk to pursue a dream, the desire to make things happen in the world, a hunger to build and grow. All of this takes a certain amount of confidence. It requires a sense of surety and an immovable conviction that whatever path you are following is worth every pain and joy for the finished result you are praying for. Now, personally, I am not a businesswoman. ‘’Entrepreneur” is the farthest word from my mind when I think of how I would describe myself. However, I do have dreams. There is not a person on this Earth who doesn’t know what it is to dream, to hope, to plan, to believe, to desire that the images that our minds sometimes entertain can become realities. Some of us may not yet have realized how big our dreams are, or even that we have dreams at all. Some of us may have abandoned the dream boat because we are constantly landing on dessert is-
lands of disappointment. Sometimes it hurts to dream. Fear is a powerful thing. I flinch a little when people say “fear does not exist” or “fear is just the absence of faith”. Fear is a very real and powerful force, and one of the enemy’s most beloved weapons. I’m fairly certain that Jesus sweating blood in the garden of Gethsemane had a little something to do with a heavy sense of anxiety for what was to come. If Jesus experienced it to the point where salt water turned into blood, it must be a real thing. The Bible says not to fear, not because fear isn’t real, but because it is not our portion! Now that we have this cleared up, we can acknowledge that heartache, previous disappointments, guilt, shame and uncertainty are just as real as fear. They are real, and they are powerful, because if we let them, they can hold us down so long that when they finally let us up, we’re afraid to even lift our heads.
We underestimate the power of the strength that God has given us, and the beauty of our dreams and the authority that the accomplishment of those dreams has to impact lives and change our worlds. We don’t know the Name we carry or the power we hold. The enemy, however, is so keenly aware of what would happen if we were to rise from our pits of fear and shame and heartache and run relentlessly towards the finish line, that he is determined to hold us down. And reminding us of what we are not is one of his favourite ways of making us forget who we are and what we hope to be.
savior. He will rejoice over you with great gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will exult over you by singing a happy song.’” –Zephaniah 3: 16-17, NLT
Honestly, as I write this I am going through a time of healing from some serious heartbreak, because as we all know, life gets real. And the most sobering moments have been times where God has literally brought me to my knees singing over me, speaking over me, reminding me who I am and telling me who I am not. “You are Mine… you are loved… you are not a person who struggles…you are not a person As usual, I’m preaching to the who can’t…rise up, Beloved, rise choir. I don’t know how many up…” It’s beautiful, but it’s hard times over the past few months to believe sometimes. Sometimes God has had to remind me of I have to be deliberate about gowho and Whose I am. But lately ing to His Word and finding out I have found comfort here: what kind of song God is singing “On that day the announcement over me. I have to remind myself to the children of Israel will be, of His song and begin to sing it ‘Cheer up, Zion! Don’t be afraid! over myself. I have to believe, on For the Lord your God has come purpose, that His Word is my fito live among you. He is a mighty nal authority.
It is not Christian, or humble, or beautiful, to not believe in yourself ”
CLAY moulding lives
When we don’t see in ourselves what God sees, for whatever reasons (insecurity, past disappointments, other people’s opinions), and when we dwell on the lies instead of the truths, how can we see or believe that anything good can come out of us? God’s not even close to being done with us! There is so much He wants to accomplish in and through us. It is not Christian, or humble, or beautiful, to not believe in yourself. Because God believes effortlessly in how great and powerful and beautiful we are when we walk in Him and carry His perspective on life, when we see through His eyes.
pursued, and feelings are meant to be dealt with, especially when they are holding us back. We cannot allow the devil a foothold anymore. We cannot allow him to use anything in our lives – good or bad – to gain the upper hand. We have to give every dream, every hurt, everything to God. And the beauty of surrendering all to Jesus is that not only will He have His beautiful way with us, but we will see dreams come true as well.
healing, song of confidence, song of ‘Beloved, yes you can!’ so that we can go places no-one (even we ourselves) ever thought we could go and do things that border on crazy and impossible, all while bringing glory to the Father who has always believed we could do it in the first place.
There is no stopping, no giving up on the dream. There is only the fire that I pray God will set in our hearts to see His glory come on this Earth in all the ways He can So let’s run to God with every accomplish through the dreams weight that has bogged us down, He has placed in our hearts. every thought that has entered our minds that has caused us to Here’s to dreaming the imposbelieve that we can’t because we sible, despite impossible odds. But we cannot pretend that are not smart enough, not big Here’s to dreaming anything at things don’t exist and hope they enough, not competent enough. all in the first place. will magically disappear. You Those aren’t the kinds of songs cannot undream a dream, and our Father sings over us. Let us you cannot unfeel a feeling. Both allow him to soothe us like the are real. Dreams are meant to be Balm of Gilead with His song of
Daughter, S Entrepreneu 16
Sister, ur
M “Your calling or purpose is the thing that you don’t snooze your alarm for. In my case, that would be people.”
eet Rianda Reyneke, a woman who will make you want to grab a shovel, dig a hole and bury the phrase: “Dumb blond!” At the tender age of 25 she carries the wisdom of the grey-haired, the imagination of a child and the feistiness of a teenager! Rianda is currently busy with her Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship at the University of Pretoria, whilst also doing multiple courses online. “The moment you stop learning, you start dying. You need to continuously take in information and learn new things. Whether this is through short courses, reading the news, workshops or a formal University degree. You simply cannot afford to be out of touch with your clients and suppliers” she says. Raised by parents who are both oozing with entrepreneurial flair, it’s no surprise that Rianda is also walking down this path. Contrary to popular belief, she strongly disagrees with the notion that one should not go into business with close friends and family, she’s doing both! “You want to go into business with people that you can trust, not people who will stab you in the back or drop you at the first sign of trouble. You clearly have to set boundaries; there’s a catch up lunch date and then there’s a business meeting. My brother Gustav and I are starting a business which is basically a twist on co-working space for creatives. My friend and I started an online store that sells non-retail products to ladies that are forever in style. Trendy was launched on the 1st of September 2014: www.trendystore.co.za” Rianda
shares. Superwoman over here is also working on her baby Studentbiz which is an online platform that connects students with businesses. In essence it is as a recruitment system for businesses and a marketing platform for students. The system is currently in prototype phase and she hopes to launch it before the end of this year. While sipping on her filter coffee, Rianda reminisces about her days of working in the corporate world: “It was difficult; most companies are set in their ways. I wanted to do things differently, faster, but they happened to like the way that they’ve always done them. The one thing that I did love though was the assurance of a fixed salary at the end of the month, which isn’t guaranteed when you’re an entrepreneur!” Now although Rianda is a
beast in business, the fact remains that female entrepreneurs in Africa and the world over are few and far between in relation to their male counterparts. Rianda believes that this is due to a shortage of female role models who are saying: “Girls, you can do it! Social and cultural factors have also played an enormous role. You have women who are called to stay at home and take care of their families, and this is wonderful! My Mom on the other hand has two children, but she still managed to do it all, it’s possible.” So when is Rianda walking down the aisle and having twin girls? “Both of my parents are very independent and they raised me as such. I still struggle with the idea of ‘depending’ on someone else. With that being said, I have other dreams and goals at the moment. I don’t see the rush.
The Bible says that: “There is a time for everything...” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) It’s not my time yet. I have learnt how to ignore social pressures and trust the Creator of the Universe over people’s opinions.” #Amandla In addition to everything that Rianda has already achieved, her future plans include starting her own Business Incubator before the age of 28, working for IDO (an ideation factory) in the United States of America and attaining a Doctorate degree in Entrepreneurship. On her bucket list you’ll find writing a Science fiction book, travelling around the world, walking the La Compostela Santiago (The way of St. James) as well as opening/ funding a school and hospital in Africa. Rianda advocates for setting goals as well as time frames, writing them down and saying
them out loud. She has learnt that if you don’t, they simply stay in your head and you end up aborting them one by one. The one thing she couldn’t emphasise enough was the importance of praying about your dreams constantly. With the final sip of her coffee, Rianda concludes our conversation with this sobering thought: “Your calling or purpose is the thing that you don’t snooze your alarm for. In my case, that would be people. My skills are business oriented, entrepreneurial and creative. I use these skills to help people open businesses and ultimately realise their dreams.”
CLAY moulding lives
of the
SUN “Being a descendent of both Xhosa
and Tswana blood, Lerato hopes that her creation proclaims ‘rise, blossom and be bold’ to those who wear it and those who admire it.
LERATO MASENYA Young South Africans are repeatedly encouraged to hone their ambitions and use their skills to contribute to a progressive economy. How best to do that than to use the creativity one has, coupled with the drive to get somewhere in life? Lerato Mapoga is a Pretoria born, Welkom bred and Cape Town groomed young creative African lady with a flair for life, pursuit of wisdom and a passion for people to know who they are. She graduated from AFDA in 2011 and has since undertaken various ventures towards building her career, her latest being interning as a Fashion Stylist for You
Magazine. In addition to this she joined the Spinning Wheels productions team where she is sharpening her skills as a scriptwriter for a local documentary. Lerato is the kind of creative that’s a jack of all traits with an entrepreneurial heart embedded beneath her ethnic sense of style. Her blood-child, Latita, a creation of African accessories using beads, leather, copper chains, tye dye and tali raffia takes its inspiration from life experiences, ordinary people and nature. She spent a year on a Scholarship in Indonesia where she was inspired to infuse culture into design. Being a descendent of both Xhosa and Tswana blood, Lerato hopes
that her creation proclaims ‘rise, blossom and be bold’ to those who wear it and those who admire it. Like most entrepreneurs she has big dreams for Latita which are ultimately to export African accessories all over the world and create an avenue for locals to generate an income for themselves and benefit the communities in which they live. Her work has been featured at various fashion shows and in magazines. Now Clay presents Latita, taken from an isiXhosa word meaning the sun is rising.
CLAY moulding lives
There is a portion of scripture that I picked up in my studies, which rationalises the quantity surveying profession. Luke 14:28-30 (NKJV): “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it—lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’?” The text speaks to me of the importance of objectivity in a subjective cause, of valuing logic over emotions, of having faith and the works to back it. For what is as important as a great idea is a great plan to materialise it. Entrepreneurship is not just about a great business model, or a seasoned gut feel. It is about realistic and workable plans, plans that are founded on truth.
One of the greatest disservices you can make to yourself is to lie about the validity of your (business) plan, and fund your idea with hope – I am yet to see hope accepted as legal tender. Doing your homework on every aspect of your intended endeavour is critical, as a lot of SMEs still fail after their first year. What are the requirements of regulating authorities? Who are your competitors? What are entry barriers you will encounter? Do you have the necessary competencies/licences to operate? Will you need to rent office space? All these questions, and the many more outstanding, carry a price tag. And they tally to make the greatest one: can you really afford to start and operate your business? Amat victoria curam: victory loves preparation. Time spent on thorough planning can do two
things: inspire you to get the blueprints finished or make you invest your money elsewhere. God began with, and is still executing His plan regarding His creation, and we need to be responsible and plan for our own endeavours. Do not confuse faith with recklessness. Solomon’s temple was based on a promise, but was built from stone, which he paid for. Calculate the cost.
CLAY moulding lives
“At that moment God reminded me that with
every race the start is always exciting and that it is God who sets our pace.”
ecently, I took part in a 7km race called ‘Run for Rural’ which was held in Observatory, Cape Town to raise funds for the annual Rural Placements. Upon signing up I was given a sheet of paper with my running number: #0119 and the question of who I was running for.
in that area and every year we go as a family to visit our extended family and celebrate Christmas together. However, I had another mandate which was to run for everyone who’d wanted to give up on their God-given dream. The mandate scared me because I knew of people who were going through a similar season as I was and it wasn’t easy pressing on. I continued to train and prepare for the race and finally the night before the race finally arrived. I was nervous yet excited about the following day. I knew not what lay ahead and with it being my first race I had no point of reference to draw from. The Scriptures I ran with were Habakkuk 2:1-3, Isaiah 40:31, Romans 5 and Ezra 10:4
I remember asking Daddy which rural area I should run for. At that time I was going through a rough and trying season. I felt moulding lives like giving up on school and life. I felt hopeless and unmotivated jcreigns.co.za to continue diligently with my studies. I prayed, had my daily devotion and basically did everything that was expected of me as a Christian, yet I still lacked the zeal to press on. It was then that I decided I would run for Ga-Malebogo; a Rural area in the Limpopo Province which has PHETHEGO been on my heart since child- On the day we all gathered around KGATLA hood. My dad was born and bred at the starting line. I remember
as we were standing there a few of us were wondering who runs fast and who doesn’t, who will be first and how the race will ultimately turn out. When the race began we all just took off which made it difficult to gage how fast one should run. I remember power walking so I wouldn’t run out of breath. At that moment God reminded me with every race the start is always exciting and that it is God who sets our pace. As the race progressed I picked up speed and reached a steep hill which made it difficult to pick up on my speed without run-
ning short of breath quickly. As I endured I caught up with some of the other runners and even passed them. I was excited that I was almost there and would finish soon. Immediately the Holy Spirit reminded me to remain humble when I pass people and to rather encourage them and watch as God builds momentum in them. As I reached the finish line there were people there cheering me on. The Holy Spirit reminded me of the cloud of witnesses that is always at the finish line cheering us on and that when we finish our race we must always finish strong.
will never stop #TRENDING “She who invites pays!” CLAY moulding lives
It is imperative that an entrepreneur knows how to wine and dine, It comes with the territory. With clients to woo and networking engagements to attend, there’s simply no way around it. We compiled a survival kit for you to ensure that your etiquette is on par. 1)Thou shall not take pictures of thine food when you’re with a client. 2)Upon sitting down, place your napkin on your lap, if you need to use the rest room, leave it on your chair and once you leave the restaurant, place it on the left hand side of your plate unfolded. 3)Never reach across the table to sample your companion’s food. 4)Treat the waiter/waitress with the utmost respect. 5)Cut a single piece of meat or fish at a time and eat it before cutting the next one. 6)Butter bread on your plate, not in midair! 7)Sit up straight, and keep your arms and elbows off the table. 8)Use the appropriate cutlery. If there are many utensils in your place setting and there is more than one course, start on the outside and work your way in. Always observe your host if you have any doubts. 9)She who invites pays! 10) Save the status updates and hashtags for when you get home. Happy dining.
REVIEWS POWER LOVE SOUND is most definitely Loyiso’s best album to date! This highly anticipated new album is to be released at the end of May 2014. “POWER LOVE SOUND” was recorded in February at Rhema Church in front of a live audience of more than a 1000 people. The name of the album stems from the scripture 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER, and of LOVE and of a SOUND mind.” The songs on this album will not only inspire listeners with their catchy melodies and lyrics that speak to the heart but will also introduce them to a fresh and innovative approach to praise and worship. The album guest-stars Ntokozo Mbambo and Neville D. The very best South African musicians and producers worked on this album and it sets a new standard. R139.95 at Cum Books
The Dube Brothers is made up of three brothers Mthokozisi “Mtho”; Sihle; and Buhle born to Pastor Benjamin and Phindile Dube. They spent the whole of June and July 2013 in the studio doing their first recording as the Dube Brothers, under their Father’s Record Label - DUBE CONNECTION. The Dube Bros. - “Step Up” latest album is out end September 2013. They’ve introduced a rich, soulful innovative Gospel approach that attracts young and old, church and secular. They truly stepped it up. They are standing out in the Gospel. THIS IS A MUST for your collection!!! R79.99 at Cum Books
Unstoppable Love features live worship from the Jesus Culture Encounter Conference in Sacramento, CA that took place in January 2014. This new project captures the heart and vision of Jesus Culture and is reminiscent of where it all began, with awesome live worship tracks that bring listeners face-to-face with the presence of God. The CD/ DVD combo features 11 all-new songs, mostly new originals plus a DVD containing 13 songs and Banning Liebscher’s sermon from the conference. R139.95 at Cum Books
CLAY moulding lives
W CLAY moulding lives
jcreigns.co.za Francine Rivers: Bridge to Heaven To those who matter in 1950s Hollywood, Lena Scott is the hottest rising star to hit the silver screen since Marilyn Monroe. Few know her real name is Abra. Even fewer know the price she’s paid to finally feel like she’s somebody. To Pastor Ezekiel Freeman, Abra will always be the little girl who stole his heart the night he found her, a wailing newborn abandoned under a bridge on the
outskirts of Haven. Zeke and his son, Joshua - Abra’s closest friend - watch her grow into an exotic beauty. But Zeke knows the circumstances surrounding her birth etched scars deep in her heart, scars that leave her vulnerable to a fast-talking bad boy who proclaims his love and lures her to Tinseltown. Hollywood feels like a million miles from Haven, and naive Abra quickly learns what’s expected of an ambitious girl with stars in her eyes. But fame comes at an awful price. She has burned every
bridge to get exactly what she thought she wanted. Now, all she wants is a way back home. In this riveting and highly anticipated tale of temptation, grace, and unconditional love, New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers delivers big-canvas storytelling at its very best. R159.94 at Cum Books
fashion review
POETS Photography by Elviera Schreuder
to the church
built with
NO CEMENT Monarchy Nkosenhle
o the church built not with cement To the people who overthrew the serpent To those in the mud of
sins Remember your love of beginnings The genesis of your affection When you gave me all of your attention
My breath carries the flies I withhold grace and mercy all that leap dies I bow myself away all that creep cries
My love for you at last you shall know
I hang gravity at the tip of my shoulders Look at the Mountains of Barberton, One of my sheer Wonders
Cast out all fear To me draw near
How much more will I not purge your sins Blot out all your shameful iniquities
Intertwine your wisdom and energy Poverty and shame shall be your allergy
Though you have stumbled and fallen But I promise you shall never be Take you to the north and your forsaken transgressions to the far end of the south Look to the left I’ll wash you with blood Turn your head to the right Purity and righteousness will radiate from your smile I’m the one who polished the You will be whiter than snow skies
So now my beautiful sons And incredible daughters
So now you youth of vigor And sage of grey hair
Despise not one another You come from the same father I have loved you long before oh child I found you untamed in the wild Grace harnessed you to be a new
Fervently I adore you
kind My love for you was masterfully engineered on the cross Structured perfectly that it will never break to any force To all who are perplexed To all who are spiritually compressed Liberty calls in the streets Free are you, free are you Break forth and blossom Scatter your victory songs like a mad man Travail like a woman Give birth it is your time To the church built not with cement Those that trample the serpent The young ones of strong will The aged ones stand still
I’m writing out I’m calling out To you I’m always the same never new If there be no one, the stones will listen If there be no one, the winds will heed
I will not stop even if you love Me less For I loved you first I shall love you even at your worst I choose to love you Love I am by loving you For love is only true when no returns are anticipated
If none is found I will continue to write These letters called poems I will continue to stain these pages with the ink of love Cage them prudently in the shelves of your heart Pack them in the underlayer of your soul
CLAY moulding lives
jcreigns.co.za Passionately I love you
Msimeki Nkatingi Photography
Msimeki Nkatingi Photography
Msimeki Nkatingi Photography