WHATS INSIDE? Editorial 3 Essentials 6 It's a man's world
Manchuza 11 Scar wars 13 Lord change our thoughts
Deceived Independence
But I'm not ready for a child
The past can & will define you... 20 Denying the other cheek
Lions tour 25
Cover Story 30
21 Reasons 27 The Reflections 28 Our Shoot 30 Noisetrade review 38 Poetry 41
Clay Moulding Lives
Editors 2 cents From summer- swag to winter- woollies, Clay’s at it again.Just the other day I overheard people talking (and no, I wasn’t eavesdropping) *cough cough*. These three ladies went on about how gobsmacked they were about how we’ve already entered into the second half of the year,and how it felt like just a few seconds ago we were chanting: “Ke December Boss”, and now all of a sudden we’re wearing three vests, two pairs of stockings, knee length boots, a scarf, a helmet (move over beanies) and blanket-thick coats. I giggled and thought to myself, Samuel was right, “Lord you are Ebenezer-You have brought us this far” (1Sam 7:12). In the first edition of Clay...Moulding Lives. Miss Limpopo Teen Karabo Raganya started the journey, and in this edition YOTV’s Rori Thandekiso takes us to our next destination. There’s stacks to laugh, cry, celebrate and nod about in our second edition, so, basically all that’s left for you to do is to rub your hands together, get those fingers nice and warm and click on the arrow to begin a voyage of edification through the God inspired articles and pictures that fill this Magazine. Ready? Go!
Julian Mamly Mamabolo
3 Clay
The Essentials for reading In the beginning was the....? Today there is so much theology and doctrine available to us, through countless channels, books and commentaries, sermons and many different types of bible colleges. I think its safe to say that it can get a little bit confusing. Prosperity v Poverty? Rapture? Prophets? This poses a challenge to us as Christians to alw-
ays always ALWAYS have our swords in hand-the word of God as it is. The bible, needs no amendments or any form of editing. It is the only tangible form of everything God has ever wanted to and would like to say to us. It is consistent and not silent on whichever topic we may wonder about. Clay is not meant to confuse you nor is it meant to be the final authority in your decision making process, if it happens then we would have failed dismally. We hope in reading Clay, more questions will be triggered in you to go dig deeper in what the Bible says so, as you read, mark things down and find out in detail what the Bible says about them okay?!
gathered in one accord. This is the promise to every believer and He lives inside of us to comfort, counsel, help and to those who let Him, He is a the best friend ever. On that tip, who wouldn’t want to share an exciting magazine such as this one with their best friend? He speaks the mind of God because no one knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit, so it is with God, His spirit helps us discern His thoughts As you read your bible, you need to from our won and anybody else’s. We rely on Him as be able to interpret it. Thank God our inspiriration so even where we may have lacked for the promised gift, the Holy Spirit full details, He will elaborate and explain to you who leads us into all truth. Micheal the point behind each article. Because even in our W. Smith sang and said; “this is the Christian walk at certain stages, we have different air I breathe, Your Holy presence, liv- convictions on various topics so it is essential that ing in me...” Jesus told His disciples as you read Clay, you have the knowledge of the that He would not leave them alone, word and are tuned in to the frequency of the Holy and subsequently, He sent them the Spirit living in your heart. We pray that God may use Holy Spirit in Acts when they were all us to teach sound doctrine and not lead you astray.
It’s amazing just how much of a difference a 5 second question to God like; “Daddy, what do You think of the way I talk to people?” can make to the rest of your faith walk for the rest
of your life, from the moment God answers. Prayer is exactly that, a two way conversation between two parties who have the deepest love for each other, who always want to know what the other party thinks about certain things and how they see the world. Our God is not a silent God, so as you read through Clay, discuss it with Him through prayer. You’ll enjoy it more if you have the knowledge of the word, couple it with listening to the Holy Spirit Who’ll lead you into prayer (amazing, unforgettable conversations with God) thereafter reveal God’s answers to you. You’ve gotta love how this whole thing works, and trust me, it works!
6 Clay
Life On Life (
Its a Mans world too So I, Mbula Ngulube, a member of Pledge a Pad walk past a guy with a Pledge a Pad poster and he follows me and asks:”Hey bro, uhm...are you selling Exam PADS..I reply:”Nope I’m collecting pads for underprivileged girls” and he says: “OH Apple iPads, cool bra?” And I say: “No, sanitary towels” and he says: “Whatkinds of towels arethose are they like laundry towels?” And in shock I just found myself calling out the name of my mother-”yo mmawe!”, and then the name of Jesus saying, “Lord, thou hast given thy servant, the patience and task to explain to thy confused child, and I shalt do just that”
Pledge a Pad is run and managed by students at the University of Pretoria. The team is led by Aileen Hlongoane who is currently in her final year of LLB Law. Pledge a Pad requires a stable form of funding and sponsorship to keep the organisation afloat. The demand for the sanitary towels is higher than the supply. Potential donors have been approached and the team is also working on fundraising efforts that will hopefully provide higher amounts of income for the organisation. The organisation would like to expand its influence and raise awareness of its purpose on a national scale with the intention of also going global. As mentioned above, the organisation is run by full time students who are often exhausted and stretched by the efforts that they have to put in to run the organisation professionally and effectively. Support is required to ease the workload in
Pledge a Pad is a registered charity organisation. The main purpose of the organisation is to provide girls and women living in disadvantaged areas with sanitary pads. Since its foundation, Pledge a Pad has extended its scope by also providing generic toiletries and food for the identified beneficiaries. Pledge a Pad is the brain child of Aileen Hlongoane. The idea of starting Pledge a Pad was brought up in May 2010 when the founder was a volunteer at the Centre for the Study of AIDS (CSA) at University of Pretoria main campus. The CSA volunteers visited a home where Aileen was approached by a 12 year old girl who had just started her period. She did not know what was happening to her and didn’t know what to do with this apparent unfortunate event in her life. Aileen took it upon herself to buy the girl a packet of pads and explain to her what menstruation meant.
Currently Pledge a Pad is in the process of registering as a Society on campus. This is part of the organisation’s plan for growth in terms of gaining more members and exposure on campus. Pledge a Pad is driven by the heart of God to give an abundant life to all women who are the flowers of our world. God has given us an opportunity to give our lives to this cause, and we’re doing just that. And then the guy says: “OH! So that’s what PADS i.e. sanitary towels are. Well I don’t have pads, but I can make a donation, and I’d like to help out. My response: “That would great man, and think to myself: “Thank you Jesus!”
By: Mbula Ngulube 10 Clay
How did you guys meet? relationship? She was fellowshipping at the same Constant Communication, Love, Having interest in one anchurch with my family, so she used to other’s affair, Praying together & Trust come to our home and we had mutual friends. What are your views about dating? Can you back them up with scriptures? How did you guys get Firstly, we need to understand what we refer to together? as dating, from the dictionary, dating in your After being friends for context will refer to “going out” in public with some time, i finally realised a view of knowing each other better. Our stahow good we are ndpoint on this is that we believe that together.Then I had peace only people who are intending to marry in my spirit, i knew she is each other can date (according to the one. your context). The reason for the above is that there is no one in the What characteristics bible who were dating or who do you admire most where just going out to know in each other? each other. In other words, our We are of the same sisters must never say “yes” to spiritual lineage anything except marriage, She is loving / thus if a brother thinks he loves He is more you, that’s good for him, you loving hahaha only say yes to “will you marry me?” She is respectful / He is humble Do you miss singlehood? She is vocal / No, we did He is very not get intelligent married She is for fun fun to but be were
around / Mr Simplicity is his middle name. We bring the best out of each other What principles did you practice in developing your
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propelled by purpose. How has life changed since you have been married? Life is much better as the bible also says “two is better than one”, we can achieve more now being together than individually.
By: Veroschkkah Motimele
Do you have a dream as a couple? How does the future look for you guys? We actually have a vision, to fulfil our mandate in God, to become who the Lord has ordained, anointed and appointed us to be. About the future, Christ in us is the hope of all glory, that is how our future looks, all about Him. By the grace of the Lord we will be planting an Apostolic & Prophetic house soon in Polokwane as the Spirit leads. That is the air that we currently breath, propagating the kingdom of God, groundbreaking into new grounds in the spirit, seizing territories. We are burdened with manifesting the Christ in you, the hope of Glory. What measures or standards are you setting for young Christian relationships? We believe that we are a pattern for young Christians out there; When we fell in love with each other, it took us 6 months only for us to be engaged (lobola incl.) and an additional 5 months to finally get married. We do not believe in long term “courtships� among young people, for if you love someone and you are sure that (s)he is the one the Lord has appointed for you, you do not need such a long time to get married. What advice will you give to single people who are waiting on God or looking for potential spouses? To the guys; a prudent wife comes from the Lord. A Godly wife is found at the well drawing water (Rebecca, Rachel). Now water symbolises the word of God. In other words, a Godly wife is the one who is full of the word, who is matured in the things of the Lord. To the ladies, if he is willing to die for you as Christ loved the church and died for it, then he is the man. Does he submit to Christ who is the Head? if yes, then he is the man. Is purity something that is still practical in our society? Yes, there are still people who are so in love with Christ that they are not will to contaminate themselves. For this kind of a people caught the revelation that Christ is the Husband of the church, as a result He will never flirt or contaminate Himself with any other thing, for He died for the church and He is coming to marry ONLY the church. So as Christ is, so is this remnant
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Scar Wars My housemate went missing for over a month. The rumours in our commune ranged from: “He’s working on an album in jail after being arrested, all the way to: “He and his high-school sweetheart eloped and got married at the South African boarder on their way to the Zimbabwe’s Victoria falls for their honeymoon. The true story? He had a heart operation. An operation that opened my eyes to the ugly-beauty of scars. Upon moving back into the house he took us down the journey that led to his operation, what he wasn’t aware of was the fact the he speaking to modern day Thomas’ ,because we wanted to see it to believe it. That night when he took his top off and showed us his scars I sat there mouth-wide-open, jawsmacking-the-ground in awe. Not in awe of the half-naked male body, but in awe of God. We could see how he’s chest was ripped apart and sown back together. In that moment we could imagine the pain he endured as we gazed upon his torso, yet simultaneously we could testify to this great victory as we observed this livingbreathing-walking-talking miracle. That night God laid it on my heart that many of us are dealing with scar wars. Some of them like my housemate’s are
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physical. It could be 35 degrees Celsius and you’d be rocking a hoodie, cargo pants, a scarf, thick woollen gloves and a pair of leather boots. This is not because it’s one of Hollywood’s latest fashion trends, but rather because your physical scars have curled you into a foetal position and you’re scared of the worlds’ words, perceptions and verdicts. Through this article Jesus Himself wants to remind you of how fearfully and wonderfully His father, your Father created you. Like Paul, let the scales fall from your eyes and grab the clear pair of glasses that the Holy Spirit is holding out to you so that you may regain your vision. The vision of your true self. Ladies, those stretch marks are a testimony of how life may stretch you, but through it all by the unmerited favour of Jehovah, you’re still standing. Give the Bio Oil a rest and look at those thighs and acknowledge the sustaining power of God. Life pulled you further than you thought you could be pulled and those lines on your back peeping at your legs are a war-cry; a victory-cry. “You made it” they shout! And these scars and stretch marks are there to prove it. *Fist in the air* To everyone with emotional scars, the scars that often go unseen and unacknowledged. God sees them, and he wants to heal them. Often times no one asks: “How’s the healing process going? Are you still sore? Can I get you anything?” but that’s only because the physical screams louder than the emotional, but that doesn’t nullify the whispers of your pain. God is the greatest surgeon I know. He teaches specialists how to specialize, so in the words of Janette Ikz, “Allow yourself to go under his knife” the scars will be the story you tell of a God that restores.
By: Julian Mamabolo
The lord speaks clearly about the renewal of the mind, be transformed by the renewal of the mind and it is a very nice and simple verse to quote but putting it into practice proves otherwise. To change our thoughts is like taking a computer apart and then reassembling it. There is a quote that continues to impact my life no matter how many times I read it: “What you see is what you think, what you think is what you feel, what you feel is what you say and what you say is what you will become”. To change our thoughts is to change our lives; the only way to do that is to Start by seeing things differently. I am reminded of the spies in the book of Joshua who were sent to check out the promised land, one group came back saying “ We saw giants and there is no way we will win a battle against them” , the other group came back saying, “ We saw a beautiful land on which there are beautiful fruits and fertile soil”. Both groups went to the same land but the clearly saw different things. What do you see in your life? Especially your future, you can decide how things must turn out by simply changing the way you look at them. Choose to see the positive. The mind is very powerful; it processes information and once that is done there is no turning back. As believers our thoughts need to be pure and inspired by the Holy Ghost, how we think plays a part in the decisions we make, a negative mind kills all signs of success but a positive mind births new successful ideas each day. The mind feeds from
what we see and hear, so let us try listen to conversations that build us, Psalm 1:1 talks about a blessed man who sits not in the seat of the scornful, God being as great as he is knows that for his children to receive what he has for them they need to be deaf to contradicting principles. The book of proverbs also says that: “As step a man thinks so shall he be- The mouth, the word of God says:” The mouth speaks what the heart is full of, and that is so true, no one “just speaks” we say what we have thought of and felt, even if we do not feel strongly about it, the heart has no secret it will express its feelings, through the mouth. We forever speak negative things about ourselves and when they happen we are become”, your life is governed shocked, the truth is the mouth by your thoughts, so be care- has seeds whatever it releases ful how you think. Remember it plants, what trees have you the mind is the battlefield of been planting lately? Are you the devil all things start there, ready to eat of the fruits of the lust of the eye develops in that tree?Remember the season the brain, jealousy, fornication for that fruit will come! Use your (Galatians 5:19) all these are words to create the life you want. birthed in the mind. The mind of It’s a norm that people think that a believer is a powerful weap- when you speak positively you on, feed it with the right bullets are setting yourself up for failure, and you are ready to shoot. but what is failure? Is it not the With the heart it’s very simple, it’s inability to speak of the great just like when youare watching things we see coming and dea movie and you find yourself claring them in the now to see crying, if it’s an action movie them manifesting? you are clenching your fist as if you are about to hit someone, all this happens because we are unconsciously using the quote mentioned above: we see, we think and start feeling, which now takes us to the next
Lord change our thoughts
By: Joslin Sehoana
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I recently read a book by William P. Young titled ‘’The Shack’’ which comes second in my list of favourite books with the Bible obviously taking first place. This book has been yet another mirror in my life showing me my true identity and totally broke all the myths I had about God. It transformed my perception about life for the best and literally proved to me that apart from God being my Lord, He is my Father. It is because of that, that I know that Jesus loves me without me even trying and that nothing will ever separate me from His love.
Deceived Independence Another thing I grasped from the book was that humankind ever since the fall in the Garden of Eden has chosen Independence over a relationship with God. Though some by the grace of God surrender their lives to Him, they still find themselves in constant battle with having to follow after their own or Gods ‘perfect will. Truth is people ‘’think’’ they know what is best for them rather than what God sees best, whereas Jeremiah 10:23 clearly states that: “Our lives are not our own and we are not able to plan our own course”. There are many more scriptures in the Bible that prove our great inability to govern our own lives. Countless times I have witnessed disappointments when I chose to let my own will surpass God`s will for me. All mankind was created by God and He desires for all to live their lives for Him. If you are not serving God then you are most definitely serving Satan himself. But most people are deceived into thinking it is possible to be under no command to either of these two masters. They believe that if they are in between doing good and bad then they are okay, to them their way is always right as long as it is not contrary to good morals. Independence they call it, well I call it the most brutal deception to have ever existed on earth. Again if you are not serving God you are serving Satan, truth is if you are not entirely passionate about THE GREAT I AM then you fall in the devils camp. Harsh right? Well that is the naked truth in its full form. One does not purposefully go out of their way to serve the devil with their whole heart but if they do not do the same with God then they are subconsciously saying ‘’Satan I am all yours do with me as you please’’. Such
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deceived independent people think serving the devil is equated to: murdering, prostitution, and witchcraft. As long as they do not practise such horrific deeds then they regard themselves as okay and even “good”. The truth is they are not much different from those murderers yep you heard me not much different. Here is an example to back up what I just said; if you and I are employed at the same company and I am the manager and you are a cleaner yes our standards and remuneration may differ but at the end of the day we have all committed ourselves under one mission, aim and vision of the company. Meaning we all agree to being led by a particular belief even though our job descriptions may differ we are all accountable to one head. So it does not matter how you serve the devil, as long as you do not believe in your heart that JESUS CHRIST is Lord and commit towards fearing Him and obeying His commandments and believe in being led by the Holy Spirit, then someone else is definitely leading you. And it is neither you nor your good morals but again and again the devil himself. So there is no such thing as; “I am just independent because I do not serve God nor Satan’’. In Christ there`s no independence because you are living your life on His behalf meaning every step you take is governed by Him if of course you allow Him to. Talks such as ‘’ I am running my own life for I know what is best for me’’ are pure utterances of deception because by Him you were created and for Him you should live and were meant to live. I know it sounds like you are being robbed; to hear you are under no authority at all to direct your own life or to determine your own purpose, but believe you me if God is the writer and director then your life is a script guaranteed to make a classic blockbuster. We ought to know and forever remind ourselves that whether we like it, believe it or not Christ does know what is best for us. And that without Him we are lead towards destruction constructed by the devil with our permission. I will not lie and say it is easy to always trust God with our own lives but it is the best decision we could ever make for ourselves. Psalm 139 outlines to me that there is a greater power above me that even knows what I am to say before I open my mouth. And that Higher power is God, so beloved seek after His own heart and in it will you find your true identity and purpose. God is the creator and perfector of your life, so gladly allow Him to orchestrate it for you and you will know what great love god truly is.
By: Molatelo Mathoko
UNISA CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT PRESENTS:KINGDOM MANIFEST CONFERENCE Theme: Measuring up to the stature of Christ(Eph4:13)by raising the First Fruit Company Date:22/08/12 Time:9am Venue:UNISA Main Camp at ZK Matthews Hall(TVW building) Purpose: As UCM we believe that the measuring line(Zech2:1)is upon our generation thus presenting a demand for the rising of the “First fruit Company” those who carry in them the first fruit spirit(Rom8:23)causing them to 1st measure up to the stature of Christ so they may release new dimension in the Spirit that will serve to be a standard that will raise a peculiar people that are compliant to the demands(16:11)of Christ in this last days & manifest the reality of the Kingdom in all the spheres of life. We will be blessed by having the sent one’s of God, seasoned speakers who has an accurate understanding of the heart of God concerning this kairos of the Apostolic season.
Every believer should expect to hear the Voice of God!! Samuel Company Prophetic School and Kingdom Manifestation are hosting a Prophetic School. Date:7th of July2012 Place: Fauna Park, Taberna Dei (Polokwane Time: 10 am Fee: Free
But I'm not ready for a child
‘And if we can accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other’ Mother Teresa I do not know where to start; just like any lady who has found herself in a situation where she’s at the doctor’s office or at home in the toilet with the positive pregnancy results in her hand and it dawns on her that she is carrying another human being in her womb. She realizes that this baby is growing faster by the day and unfortunately because of age, financial status, shame or whatever reason she may have she will have to have an abortion-a decision that will affect her for years to come. It’s not an easy topicto neither write on nor discuss mainly. So many debates are still on to this day where people are asking themselves is it right or wrong, what if you were raped what then, some countries have even legalized it for they believe that within the first three months the developing baby is seen as a mere embryo meaning he/she is not human enough to make decisions. I am saddened by how with time even Christians have become unconscious to the truth. We rely on opinions or statistics to make decisions forgetting our God is not a God of statistics. I remember when the abortion bill was made legal in South Africa a few years ago my heart was just saddened at how a 12 year old girl-a girl who is supposed to be protected by society is allowed to have an abortion without her parents’consent. I remember at the age of 12, Barbie and Ken where a part of my life, playing house-house was a reality and playing outside till supper was the best thing ever. When it came to boys I was shy as ever when they asked me to dance with them as I found it awkward.
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With time as all sorts of definitions are used to define what life is I firmly believe there is life in the blood and that every pregnant woman no matter how far or early they are in their pregnancy is carrying a life. Psalm 139: 16 says “You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your Book”. This is confirmed with Isaiah 44:2 where God says: “He cared for us before we were even born” which means before I was born God knew me and my birth did not shock Him. You might find yourself or a friend faced with the decision of having to terminate a pregnancy for whatever reason. I want to encourage you that the baby you’re carrying matters to God and He is watching you waiting to hear your cry to Him. Even if doctors say the baby will endanger you, God is able and just as He heals the sick He can come through for you and your baby. I am reminded of Ps Hagee who changed doctors when his wife called him one afternoon when she was pregnant with their son Matthew to let him know the doctor said she would have an abortion because the baby is a danger to her. They prayed and took God at His Word. Today Matthew preaches alongside his father. Just as prayer can change lives take the time to talk to Daddy. If you find yourself having lost your baby or perhaps you had an abortion in the past, do know there is life after death and you will one day see your baby in heaven God is a loving and forgiving God and He can bring you to a place of hope, love and faith.
By: Phethego Kgatla
Getting over the past isn’t simply forgetting or placing it at the back of our minds, that is not getting over it. Admitting what has happened is. You have to be honest with yourself and with God. Say how you feel, how you were hurt or how you’ve have hurt someone else, why those things might have happened, and question if you had any control over it? Sometimes we beat ourselves up about things we cannot change. You can’t change how you grew up, your family or certain circumstances.
The past can and will define you...IF you let it
Getting over it is not as important as learning from it. As much as we can learn the right thing from the right situation, we can also learn the right thing from the wrong situation.The past can be a comfort zone, an excuse to stay as we are and not grow. Consider if you were to remove your past from who you are, would you have anything to say about your character? Labelling yourself with events is not a description of yourself, but merely what has happened.It will influence what you say, how you behave, control your life and limit your capabilities. Don’tget comfortable with saying “It’s just the way I am”, “since this has happened to me”, “I think that is the best I can do”, “back in my day…”, “I’m already used to”. The past doesn’t only keep you locked up in a place that no longer exists, but it stops you from moving forward. You can however change your attitude and how you handle any future situations. God has given you free will; you can chose to live the life He has planned for you, but for you to attain it, you have to let go of your past and stop letting it define you.We often want to clean ourselves up before we go to God, but he sees our hearts, no part of our lives is ever hidden from Him. But then again, He has no access to anything you won’t let him touch. You have the choice to let God take over, to let Him wash you clean, make you spotless. Saying like nothing ever happened would be a lie, actually to Him nothing happened! If He forgets, why do we choose to remember? You are a step away from your breakthrough, but if you are still clinging to the past you are unable to receive your present. The present isn’t about breathing, but living. You are given a new day to change your tomorrow.There will never be a rerun ,no one is allowed to hold it against you ,it’s baggage you don’t have to carry, because God wants to take it off your back. Cling to only what God says about you; meditate on it until you believe the truth and nothing can change your mind. He didn’t create you for life to happen to you, but through you. You can miss out on the life he
set before you while you are living it the past. So getup, commit to Him all that you are. Have faith in Him. You are capable of great things, even greater than what you have already done. Now is the perfect time to start, another day with it won’t change it. You have greater things to accomplish, new memories to make. It’s time to get over it.
By: Meladi Montjane
Denying the other cheek Humans as a species are a pretty violent bunch. Humans are the only species, of all the animals on the planet, to have the capacity to make a conscientious decision of hurting another being. The 20th century saw a war that resulted in the death of nearly 60 million people, most of whom were civilians that never bore
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arms. The African continent has endured decades of civil wars that seem to ignite every year. Why is the soil on our planet drenched with the blood of innocents? Why do men believe pulling the trigger will make tomorrow a better day? In Matthew 5:39, Jesus said something that goes against every instinct of a “normal” human being when He said: “But I say to you, do not resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also”. At first glance this command seems to urge believers to surrender themselves to those who wish them ill. By far this is easier said than done. Humans are an intelligent creation, but in essence we are all animals. And when an animal is being harmed in any way, the first instinct is to fight back. But Jesus told the Israelites to forget what they were told in terms of “an eye for an eye” and instead to take no action against those wishing to do them harm. The world we live in today would see such an act as the ultimate sign of weakness. Yes, as animals we are all born with the urge to retaliate. But the difference between us and wild monkeys is that we have been given free will, a free will that can be used to overcome any and all ‘animalistic’ urges. This raises the question, if we claim to want to live in Christ’s likeness, then why do most of us chose to hide the other cheek and throw the next punch, basically disobeying Jesus’ wishes? Is it merely being overcome by our basic urges or something else at play whenever we seek out retribution? I’m of the belief that everything Jesus said has a ripple effect not just on what He is addressing, but also affects other issues of Christianity. Obviously turning the other cheek does not just mean the skin on your face. It also applies when someone we love always seems to find a way to break our heart. Or when the Taliban fly a commercial airliner into a heavily populated building. When we seek vengeance in those particular instances, how pure are our intentions? Are we looking for justice, or revenge? One of the deadliest things in the world is pride. Pride and envy are often seen as the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins, because they are gateway sins to things much, much worse. In our daily lives when we are tested on whether we can turn the other cheek, more often than not it is pride that comes in the way. The most dangerous thing about pride, is that most of us will not even realise we have it until it has completely consumed us. The Bible says “When pride comes, comes disgrace.
But with humility comes wisdom” (Proverbs 11:2). In essence this means that nothing good can ever blossom from giving into your pride. It takes great spiritual content to be able to turn the other cheek. It requires faith to know that turning the other cheek is the best thing for you, and I think this is essentially what Jesus is trying to tell us.
I always relate Matthew 5:39 to what Jesus said to Peter when he tried to fight the Jewish soldiers that came to arrest Him, “Those that live by the sword, will die by the sword”. Jesus said countless times that we as believers are not part of this world. Fighting those who fight us may at times feel good, but it is a worldly way of solving our afflictions. What many don’t even realise is that Jesus stood by those words even unto death. As He was nailed to the wood, Christ yelled out for God to forgive all who cause Him such unimaginable agony. He had all the power in the world to retaliate against those who hurt Him, but He did not. He turned the other cheek even though it meant certain death. I don’t think Jesus expected us to get this right all the time, but I believe it was His wish that we at least try to not seek vengeance. Most wars are fought because most world leaders are too proud to back away from the fight. Many marriages and relationships are lost because the parties are too proud to “let one slide”. Pride can stand in the way of not only happiness, but mental and emotional peace in life. When your time in this world is over, will you be able to look Jesus in the eye and boldly say that you refused to give into your pride and chose to turn the other cheek? “Pride attaches undue importance to the superiority of one’s status in the eyes of others. When one sets his heart in being highly esteemed, and achieves such rating, then he is automatically involved in fear of losing his status” Lao Tzu, Chinese Philosopher
By: Katlego M. Pheeha
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Life & Style
Sho Baraka & Suzy Rock
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Q. Suzy, where do you come from? A. From Oklahoma, I been working with some gospel artists since forever. Haven’t been in a rush to put out music, been serving and the Lord has just been growing me in my faith and that was way more important than me putting out music at the time. But now I’m about to BEAST... I aint saying that from I prideful place, I just have a burden for ministry and young women. Q. Do you feel like a lot of artists have the pressure of having to put out music? A. Yeah, I think we adopt a system of marketing and promotions and feeling like we have to seize the moment, of which those things are all good but I think that promotion comes from the Lord. Q. What is your view of the idea of Christian celebrity and how do we as Christians stay clear of idolising people such as yourselves? A. Suzy: [Let’s] know where the gift comes from and appreciate the gift, music and art that’s being put
By: Msimeki Nkatingi
out but at the end of the day our job and our prayer is that you would be pointed back to God... We hope that you find your solution in God and not us as people... I mean’ we regular people, we sin we fall... Sho: It comes from a perspective of us recognizing that gifts come from the Lord and that they are used for other people and not for that individual to be exalted... Every time we see in the bible where someone talks about gifts, it’s always grace given and the way Christians become celebrities is because of the gift they have, so we recognize that the gift is not theirs to begin with... We should just appreciate the gift and say ‘man praise God for that, he/she’s doing it well, keep it moving, you nah mean’. Q. Sho, what were the intentions of making the song ‘Kill Jesus, Praise Judas’? A. For those people who haven’t heard the song I think when you see the title ‘kill Jesus, praise Judas’ it’s kind of a cry to a culture or people who look at the world perversely and a selfish greedy lens when righteousness, love, peace and purity sits on the other side of the table we ignore it. And we’d rather perverse things, we’d rather be greedy and want more money and misuse people and so it’s a representation on two folds. It’s the literal title of we kill Jesus and Judas was paid for being a sell-out and also the polar extremes of we kill righteousness , we kill the things that promote good and we promote wickedness. Q. What do you guys miss most about home? A. Family... and friends. Cape Town’s beautiful son! If I could take Cape Town and move it! [Hahaha, LOL] Q. What are your thoughts on the term ‘Gospel/Christian rap’? Is it just descriptive? A. Sho: I think it’s just a description made to help people pick and choose music without having to think too hard about it... I read a book where a guy made a statement that ‘Christian music is the only music that is labelled or separated by its content and not by its music style. I think it’s made like this so that people like moms can just go into a store and just ask for that gospel, but there are a lot of songs out there that are not gospel or not Christian that are just as helpful, that may talk about the Lord. And there are some gospel songs that are not helpful you nah mean? But I don’t think it’s a bad thing [the label ‘Christian hip hop’], for us it’s not that we don’t wanna be labelled Christian music or Christian rappers, when you buy our record we don’t want people to be fooled, we’re not just making music for a Christian market. Q. What are your thoughts on piracy? A. Sho: I don’t really care, I think some laws are ridiculous, like Africa doesn’t have iTunes and how are you supposed to get my CD If I can’t ship a 100 CDs then? The heart issue is that ‘I know I have access to the music and I’m still gonna illegally download it, I know that I can pay for it but I’m still gonna illegally download it’, that’s a problem. Q. Advise for Aspiring Christian artists in terms of the Kingdom bases? What is God’s intention for using art? A. Sho: I think there’s more to it than people like to think. It’s not just ‘glorify God’ cause that’s a very vague statement. When I think of within Glorifying God I think God is a creator and His creation is beautiful so. Art is something that uplifts people; it brings some sort of godly revelation to people. I think bad art does harm and I think good art brings good revelation. It’s like Romans 1 [verse 20].
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21 Reasons
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When someone turns 21 it is a huge deal in the villages, the townships, the suburbs and the uptowns. Some throw a huge party in a tent with speakers blaring party music the whole day and night, not forgetting the portion of rice, pap, beetroot, chicken, beef, coleslaw and gravy all in one plate. Others would much rather prefer braid boerewors, marinated steak and chicken, pap or rolls, saladson the side and drinks with close friends the evening of the birthday. Others host a cosy cocktail party with friends dressed in their sassiest; speeches and childhood videos and plenty baby tomatoes and dip, cheese platters and other finger snacks served throughout the occasion. Others prefer to disappear off to a club, get so drunk that they lose consciousness and only come home two days after their birthday. But no matter where you are in South Africa and how you celebrate the day, 21st birthdays carry major hype. According to law, an individual becomes an adult at age 18. Then there are allowed to purchase alcohol, get a driver’s licence, run off and elope with a fiancé if they want to and do what they want to do basically. So why is the issue made about being 21 considering that all is legally possible at 18? Also, it is interesting to note that there is neither scientific norsubstantial biological basis for deciding that the coming of age is 18 or 21. So it’s based purely on what government officials thought. Let’s take a look back at history. It is not surprising that celebration for 21 birthdays originated in America. Although young men could join the military at 18, it was illegal for anyone to purchase or consume alcohol if they are not 21, and it still is. So you can guess that celebrating the coming of age and making such a deal of it started with people celebrating that they could finally drink alcohol legally. But we both know that that law is probably broken as often as one blinks in a day. But like a lot of American’s culture, the 21st tradition stuck, but it certainly did evolve as it spread to countries particularly our own South Africa. Who came up with the key idea? Well Google has many ideas but the general notion is that the key is a symbol of freedom and responsibility. I’m not about to give a 21st key speech, I’ll leave that to your grans and mamas and uncles and aunts at your 21st, if you wish to go
all out (besides, it’s the only time besides your wedding day and graduation day that you can demand a party) but if you would ask me I’d say why dissolve in someone else’s tradition, why not start your own and make a deal of every birthday? Or whichever you wana make a deal of? It doesn’t have to be as expensive as feeding the whole village or booking out a fancy hall but why not be spontaneous and give thanks in your own way to Jesus who’s got your life in the palms of His hands? We at Clay are interested to know your birthday stories. Post them on our Facebook page JC Reigns or on our twitter account @JC Reigns and share your story about your 21st, your 18th, your 16th or whichever year(s) you chose to celebrate. And if you give us exciting, freshreasons to celebrate birthdays, you stand a chance of having your picture and your reasons published in the next issue of Clay
By: Lerato Masenya
The Reflections Now this is what I call a women’s conference that spoke tothe hearts of women in Search for truth in an uncertain world. This year’s theme was based on Romans 14:17, which challenged and encouraged women to live the life Jesus Christ has called them to live - a life dedicated in worship of Him. “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” - Romans 14:17 NLT Hestie Van Biljonshares preached about the Greatness of God and the need for us to give our hearts, in total surrendered to Him Leandri Van der Elst discussed the restoration of women and their identity. She explained how women carry burdens they never should have carried in the first place. She also showed that women have often negative and distorted views of themselves. Jesus came to restore, heal and rebuild so that women can be used for His service
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Itumeleng Mokwena reminded us that women worry a lot. She spoke powerfully on this topic especially since she lost her son in a tragic car accident barely a year ago. She admitted that it is not easy to stop worrying, nevertheless sheencouraged the women to cast their burdens onto Jesus and to give over all their Ashes for the beauty of Jesus Another speaker Deirdre Oostuizen took us on a journey of Grace through Psalms. She told us about the calling God has upon the life of every human, about our uniqueness and being created with a purpose. But we need to find ourselves at the feet of Jesus to find that purpose and to know what that calling may be. Perry Masellacandidly spoke about life and the curveballs she has faced by the grace of God. She went on to speak about how God has changed and is still changing her. Julian challenging women to use the abilities that God has given them. The right tools for the right job. The final speaker Beverly Foxley rounded the day off powerfully on the subject of Rahab and the Faith she had to put her life and her families lives in the hands of her make. She never lost sight of that scarlet thread; we must not lose sight of Jesus, our scarlet thread and way to salvation. What a glorious day, praise the Lord. If your heart’s bleeding because you missed it, do not despair;just make sure you’re amongst the first women book your seat for Reflections 2013.
By: Ear2Hear Ministries
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Model Mmashaba Motimele Grade 11 Student @ Capricorn High School
Top: Woolworths Skirt: Woolworths
R225 R275
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Blouse: Woolworths Pants: Legit Heels: Legit
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R225 R129 R199
Rorisang Thandekiso
You’ve seen her on your TV screens, you’ve heard her on radio and you’ve read her articles online. You poke her on Facebook, you send her smiley faces on Whatsapp and you’re following her on twitter. Like Usher sang it all those years ago, yes, “These are my confessions”. CLAY had the privilege of having a one-on-one session with Rorisang “Rori” Thandekiso and we’re elated to share her life story with you. Her Childhood Rori was born in Bloemfontein, lived in Lesotho and calls the Vaal home. She’s a proud PK (Pastor’s Kid) and she was raised with her brother and sister by her single Mom as her Dad passed away in 1999. She describes the passing on of her father as a trying time in her life and she shares that it took a strain on the family in every way thinkable especially emotionally and financially. Rori admits to being labelled a little rebel in Primary School because of how opinionated and vocal she was and still is. In High School at Riversdale High her so called rebellion was moulded and channelled in the form of Debating and Public Speaking. Rori took part in United Nations Debating and won the Best Speaker title when she was in grade 8, but she was not allowed to represent the Gauteng Province because the competition was only opened to grade 11 and 12 students at the time.When she got to grade 11 she was finally able to represent her country in theUnited Nations Debating Competition where she was crowned the 3rdtheBest Speaker in the world. And if that’s not enough she also represented South Africa in the Global
33 Clay
Leaders Conference in the America in 2008 got the show and still graces our screens every *You go girl* Tuesday on SABC 1 at 16:25. When asked how she went from presenting Blue Couch to also Relationship with God producing it she said the main producer left I love God she says, we’re so close I even shop the show leaving the gap. It was decide that with Him. The other day I went to Mr Price and I they would get freelancers in to produce the asked the Lord whether to buy a certain pair of show. Rori wasalso asked to produce two shows jeans or not? The price was labelled R120, but just on a trail basis to see how it would go; she when I got to the counter it only cost R60, God agreed to do one show; the Woman’s Day Show speaks! I also love taking drives by myself so I which had sky high ratings and that’s how she can just spend time with Him. Rori says when she got her nose into producing. was younger and still trying to figure out how to speak to the Holy Spirit she would pull out a MuZart chair and speak to Him as though he was sitting If you thought you’d heard it all, Rori’s CV gets in it. She describes God as strict, not zapping- longer and longer, sister sings too. She grew humans-with-lightning-bolts-strict, but Father- up in a family where her Mom sang around the Daughter, Father-Son kind of strict. “He rebukes house all the time. It’s also a huge family pass those He loves” the Bible tells us. time where they get together and just harmonies in praise the Lord. Muzart on the other hand Seventeen Top Teen Achiever Awards happened all by accident, Rori was asked to Seventeen Magazine has their annual Top Teen wear and promote a certain T-shirt on the show Achiever Awards competition andin 2009 Rori which she agreed to do, after the show she met won in the category “Next best thing”. What’s so up with the same guys and they started talking divine about all of this is that she never even music and a connection began to form. When entered the competition herself;unknowingly her they found out that Rori was vocally-gifted they friends entered her with just a CV and a ran- begged her to sing (talk about another spondom picture. Seventeen Magazine had to call taneous audition). She was hesitant at first, but her school to enquire more about her and as finally gave in and hit a few memorable notes God would have it, she scooped the title. Talk and today she’s the lead singer of MuZart. Diabout God knowing the plans He has for His neo Ranaka got a hold of their single titled children. “Juke-Box” and she played it on her then show on YFM. They were then asked to perform at YOTV’s Blue Couch an event that included performances by AKA When asked how Blue couch came into the pic- and other big names in the music industry but ture Rori tells it like this: “It was a Thursday and I at the time they didn’t have a full album. So had just written a class test, I was at McDonalds they rushed into studio and like the pros they in Hatfield and the rain was pouring down. As arewithin the space of two weeks they had alI was headed to Madelief(Res) I got a phone ready managed to record seven tracks.Muzart call from a lady who claimed to be from Urban has been approached by various recording Brew studios and she wanted to audition me for labels including TS Records; however they are this new show called Blue Couch. I hung up and not keen on being signed to a recording label she called again saying the same thing, I hung because they don’t want to risk forfeiting their up again because I thought it was one of my independence and creativity amongst other friends trying to prank me. By the third phone things. Rori also says MuZart isn’t bread and call the lady said with a stern voice:“Listen, I am belonging to a recording label could turn it not one of your friends, I really am from Urban into just that. When asked about their sound Brew Studios and there is a show we want you she clearly states that lyrically they don’t sing to audition for, so just give me your email ad- about girls, boys and making that paper. Their dress and I will email you”. When Rori got to Res music has been categorised as House, Instrushe checked her emails and indeed the lady mental and their favourite classification yet Acover the phone had just emailed her asking her id-jazz. What’s so great about this group is that to come in for an audition in two weeks time. it’s comprised of (PK’s) Pastors Kids. Rori says she She was surprised to find that she was the only was shocked to find out how they all grew up
34 Clay
entering His courts with praise and His gates with thanksgiving. So before and after performances they’ve made it a practice to give glory and honour to their Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. School and Work Rori graduated with a BA International relations Degree from the University of Pretoria. At the moment she is involved with five major things namely: 1)Winning Teams-heart sense: This initiative allows Rori to travel around South Africa whereby she along with others go into schools to help teachers make Mathematics, Physical Science and English more fun and interactive. She is primarily involved with English. 2)Good Morning Africa- Destination African Every two weeks Rori travels around the African Continent showcasing its beauty and destinations. Rori has already been to Namibia, Swaziland and South Africa. 3) YOTV’s Blue Couch 4) SERMBR This is an organisation where they facilitate camps and positivity. They also have a programme called “IT Girls” where they aim to redefine the IT Girl. She isn’t the girl on the cover of a Magazine with so-called “perfect features and legs” she’s short, tall, thin, full-figured, light, dark you name it. When asked how one pronounces SERMBR Rori responded: “However you want to, its communication, who says communication has to make sense”. 5) MuZart Rori’s major plan for the year To dance in the rain. Literally, I asked twice? Yes literally, I just pray it’s not with my Afro.
you find a girl dating a Kwaito lover and next thing she loves Kwaito more than him, hence she states that she’s wants to focus on doing her own thing before taking on the Girl Friend title and commitment. She also told us some interesting stories about past relationships, our favourite being one where she dated a seemingly proper guy who loved the Lord, but later on got involved in a cult resulting in him believing that the Holy Spirit was his uncle. Rori adds that she’s getting an income now, filling out SARS forms and all that jazz so shewants to take some time out tofully take on this new phase of her life without the whole “Are you busy, can I see you tonight?”
How have you not lost yourself in an industry that’s so notorious for devouring young people CLAY What’s the one thing you would recommend asked: Rorisang answers with conviction that: “It’s everybody do before they die? God who sustains me, there’s no such thing as Eat Red velvet cake, mmm. I pulled myself together all by myself. It’s purely grace. To this day I haven’t tasted a drop of alGetting Personal cohol, smoked a single cigarette or been sexually On the dating front Rori is pleased to animpure. It’s not by human wisdom, it’s all God.” nounce that she’d like to take 2012 off to invest in herself; a relationship is not on the And with those words of wisdomwe salute a young cards. She’s single and happy. Fulfilled. She woman who is taking South Africa and the world adds that romantic relationships take time, by storm and raising Gods banner while she does energy, compromise and adaptability. She it. had the CLAY team in stitches when she said
35 Clay
By: Julian Mamabolo
36 Clay
I have been partial to Jars of Clay since I got my hands on their first album back in elementary school. I loved the album. It, along with Newsboys, Petra, and Whiteheart, practically made up my introduction to music. Since that album, I didn’t get into their music again until Good Monsters. Then, I fell in love with Jars of Clay all over again. Now, Jars of Clay have released an eleventrack collection of new and rerecorded songs called Gather and Build. The album is classy, professional, and smooth. The band has crafted an intriguing mix of indie rock and pop, infused with swirls of color and injected with a custom blend of brilliance.
Review by graveyardparade.wordpress.com
Sho Baraka, Swoope, J.R., and Suzy Rock? That is one High Society! When I first heard that this group/label/society was getting together I was thrilled! I love every one of these artists and I figured that if they are good alone they would be great together. High Society proved me right with their 1st release as a group, Circa MMXI. The album, which was released January 1 for FREE DOWNLOAD, was a daring step away from the “Christian Hip Hop” name. Rather, the High Society wanted to establish themselves as a group of musicians, not a group of Christian musicians. The audacious step toward mainstream rather than Christian music was a good one, in my opinion. If nothing else, this group will turn heads in many cultures of music. I applaud the HiSoc for what they’re doing. But, if you’re a group and you are going to do a daring step like this you have to have really great music to back it up. High Society has that really great music.
Review by real-lifemusic.tumblr.com
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Creative Arts
MIRROR MIRROR MIRROR MIRROR…. I need to see me Mirror mirror in my hand Forget the fairest in the land, please just tell me where I stand? 52ks that’s okay, no health scare there Then why are you painting a picture of a selfconscious sister so heavy? Come on, work with me. Thanks to you, my attitude for the day is altered, I can’t stand to walk with an image so faultered. The last time I ate was Tuesday night, should I deny yet another wholesome delight? If I don’t, you’ll urge me to purge, give me this sudden surge regardless of ulcers and GERD. The reality is, though I’m looking, I can’t really see (me) Just thoughts of vanity, selfishness’ seed to cure my low self-esteem Mirror mirrorin my hand, it’s clear that you can’t really show me where I stand. Mirror mirror of the world You can help me so I’ve been told You can be my newest biggest cause, say no more for I am sold. Not on account of a disease or menopause, just because A billboard, talkshow or a magazine said so. Enlarge me, reduce me, do anything really, if you can pimp me, you can keep me! You’re spiced with variety, options so vast, but please…. Try not to spin so fast Trying to keep up with you is making me dizzy, say what? Getting tipsy is trendy? At first glance you seem to have it all under control, but you’re actually out-of-control and gaining you is losing my soul, winning against my own, I know I’m not wrong So I dig deep to find courage to help me say NO Mirror mirror of the world, we’ve reached the end of our road and we can’t be friends anymore
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Mirror mirror called THE WORD (Jesus) My heart came face to face with You and You pierced through it You’re sharper than a double-edged sword That’s You word, but Your aim is not to hurt Your wisdom sheds light to my personality Better than skin lighteners could ever hope to do for my complexion, You’re sheer perfection. You made the real me, Yoursanctifying surgery transforms me from within Perhaps it’s true for beauty maybe but when it comes to identity, it’s not just skin deep. Please wash my feet, no I’m not insecure I need that spreading of the gospel pedicure Wash the rest of me, make me over, make me ready for the runway of every good work I am meant to be a holy, clean-living sacrifice machine I’m made in Your image mirror. When I look at You, read You, I see another part of my identity You’re in me, with me, You surround me and I know that You are for me! Mirror mirror of the WORD, You don’t confuse me I want to mirror You, as I turn, I look like You Don’t stop tillYou see You when You look at me Be free to be on display though me
Brothers' Salute I’m talking ‘bout my brotha! Phlybrotha, friend brotha, cool brotha, you’ve got swagg-uh and you know that, God’s here for you fo’eva true. I’m talking ‘bout my brotha! Strong brotha, man brotha, prince brotha, king brotha and priest brotha. God’s here for you He’ll see you through. He’ll see you through your pain and wash you with that rain and teach you that pain equals that much more gain. When you feel the punches and blows that life throws at you in the ring, He’s the ropes of hope on which you lean, better than a butterfly you’ll float and deadlier than a bee you’ll sting.
He’ll see to it that you win...the fight of your life God’s king. Talking ‘bout my brotha! Fine brotha, das right brotha, but pure brotha Wise brotha, das you brotha, God’s here for you yes through and through. Talking ‘bout my brotha! Deep brotha, saint brotha, saved brotha Lion brotha, disci-plebrotha, God’s here for you fo’eva true. This field the world we’re living in, where surrender led you to volunteer to serve in, You don’t fool around nor waste time. Even if you enjoy sport you sure don’t play games. You’d rather lose your eyes and legs and dare to be called lame. Despite ways of the majority you still think she looks like purity. Walking in a revelation to bless the nation(s), real-eyes to see that sister as the possessor of your Father’s sensitivity. You make timeless music and perform creative arts so you’re a worshipper and it makes God glad to show off through you.
e You talk politics and governance, science and technology, law and order, economics and business yet you understand that God sees busyness from only one Matt 6:33 so you do it for Him, kingdom’s cause for His glory of course. You brother because you get that conversion is step1 to discipleship. You love, revere, serve and live for our First Brother. You love one another and look out for one another. You give to one another, sacrifice and pray for one another. You respect mother, honour father, look out for sister and lead by example to other brothers. Again you, love, serve, revere and live for our First Brother and for that, your sister salutes you saved brother!
EVE'S GARDEN This is a narration That purity is not overrated Even in our generation Purity is not overrated You can save it What happened to the words of our grandmothers? Proverbs 17:31 says: “Grey hair is a crown of glory gained in a righteous life.” Surely their words should be worth something, WISDOM. Else, in the next 50 something years our words will mean nothing to our grandchildren. What a great loss that would be. Oh, in case you’re wondering, I’m as 21st century as they make them. The deep house, hip hop, pop and poetry.The gadgets, the rush of being young. The chase, the cut-throat hustle, the fabulous fashion, poppin lip gloss, hair and nails, I’m a 21st century baby with all its teething technicalities. So what’s my point? Perhaps I should illustrate it to you… Legend has it that far far away (yet as close as sitting right there), stood two towers. Two towers arrayed with strength. Towers carved into a silhouette so defined, even the statue of liberty would be intimidated. These two towers are not stationery but are strategically stationed and together, they move separately and join at a sacred place…. Eve’s Garden. The garden is closed yet it is green and beautiful. Everyone who enters it will be gravelly sorrowful. It is a gift of gifts to young grandsons and granddaughters, but he is trying to diminish its value, him who is a liar, a thief and a destroyer. Our generation needs to realize that it’s holy to hold out regardless of how many times we’ve gone out. Man and woman, obedience to God =love=worship=surrender. The open secret on the journey is to be washed by nothing but the blood of Jesus. As you keep your
42 Clay
So all my friends are back in town, we haven’t seen each other in months. Catching up is custom and amongst other things, we’re gonna talk about love, boys and rings. Girl 1, girl 2, girl 3. Its fine you can skip me I mean, everybody knows my relationship status. I’m single and free! In Christ, literally. No no, there’s nothing wrong with me, nor is there anything extra holy about me. I’ve just been blessed enough to realize that this is just how this season is meant to be. His sacrifice to win me is still the greatest and most selfSo why am I so happy? less in history When I realized that I already have a lover called God And therefore constitutes me Who could give me everything I need and Him as the perfect love Who is giving out all the attention and true love for free story. Who wouldn’t mind if I approached Him being this flawed. When it gets hard, you’ll find A lover who made, knows and owns it all. me on my knees, still at His feet Of course it’s a big deal, are you kidding me?! Because my love always Not only is He the epitome of beauty saves the day, He knows how He truly is divine, so fine. Nothing is strong enough to divide…us! to make a way out of no way! Talking to Him daily is a must Oh, you must understand, my name is tattooed in His hands not to He’s a lifetime investment with mention that He’s got my whole world in His hands returns in eternity, it’s guaranHe’s right at the centre of my soul teed in Jesus with all His deity Calls me His own, the inspiration behind this bubbling love poem. It humbles me to be the queen in His dynasty, His royNo one needs to convince me that He’s the real deal, who He says al Majesty He is PS: True contentment is spelt Because I’m at home in His presence, He carries me J.E.S.U.S. Behind closed doors, He tickles me Precious soul, you are comWe share secrets, sweet and holy, perfect intimacy plete in Jesus. So perfect, just how a relationship between God and man is meant 100% you is found in transto be forming and conforming to Him He reveals. Into Him He allows me to see. His touch moulds, the image of Christ cleanses, heals and transforms me. I pray that it dawns on you Even when the sun goes down and the lights are off, His radiant that you may believe this reflection overcomes and is bright A man, a job or any other The Father of Lights. Every situation He steps into, it’s alright. thing won’t complete you Go ahead and shamelessNothing you allow Him to be part of is ordinary ly throw yourself at Him; He Even when I’m sweeping, wants you to fall in love with He interrupts and sweeps me off my feet Him But I won’t fall into any other’s arms but His own He’ll lovingly catch you and While I’m cleaning, He’s busy beaming won’t ever let you go! With His majestic and wonderful colours, reminding me (This poem is to remind single To do every little thing for His pleasure and glory people that there is a reason for every season in life I know things between us don’t have to change and that we are meant to His name is LOVE, means more than the world to me be our best in each one). Everyday He pursues and woos me By: Veroschkkah The life in His blood
The no. 1 called God
43 Clay