Cleanroom Magazine 02 2015

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Save the Date! Vision. Innovation. Expertise. 27. + 28. 10. 2015 Frankfurt am Main

Internationale Fachmesse und Kongress für Reinraumtechnologie. Innovativ & interdisziplinnär – Reinraumlösungen für alle Branchen. Mehr Informationen und Impressionen unter

Dear Cleanroom Magazin Readers,


Magazin“. After the first release of the magazine three years ago, it was time to re-design the magazine regarding both its content and appearance. The goal was to present a clean look and feel for a clean industry. We are striving to present more than just a cosmetic change. The magazine should not only become optically more attractive but also to become more target-group oriented, more user-valued, more structured and much more interesting. Our relaunch is the result of a scientific analysis, more exactly from three analyses. We commissioned media scientists to compile for us a market analysis, a competition analysis and a target group analysis. This was a very time consuming process which was addressed to by the media consulting and market research agency comstrat. The owner and director of the agency, Professor Jasper Friedrich, a communcations and media scientist at the Leipzig University and his partner, the journalist Christoph Heinemann presented the results to us during three ardulously long sessions. Their suggestions and recommendations occasionally led to quite conFrank Duvernell »This is a question from our

troversial discussions, however the melting pot of facts, opinions, gut feelings

target group analysis: Which topics are for

and arguements ultimately crystallized and our new magazine structure final-

you as our readers relevant, interesting and

ly emerged.

captivating? The answer was not at all sur-


prising. The desired topics should be neutral


and up-to-date from experienced and industry-expert sources. Further results from the questionaire can be found below in the info-





Statements of respondents:

Text only









1. How would you like the design of this magazine? 2. Which magazine style would fit?



In a nutshell, here are the most important results of the analyses. We have separated the German and English versions of the contents and have laid them out on opposing pages. Perhaps this has become apparent to you on the basis of the double title page. Due to the separation of the German and English versions, we have been able to change from the former two-column layout (left-German; right-English) to a three-column layout which has opened up very diverse design and format possibilities. The contents of the magazine have been partitioned into a current news section, a journalistic section, a technical section and a service section. Our very thorough spring cleaning activities have now been brought full circle. I wish you all good reading!

Frank Duvernell Editor



Today you are holding in your hands the newly designed issue of “Cleanroom


Contents 02/2015 08 08


Title Story: Beautiful Nature – Dangerous Contamination Cleanroom operators are especially challenged to protect their products from contamination risks coming from the outside environment.


News from the World of Cleanrooms


Market News in Brief

An Overview of What is happening in the Market • New Research Center in Villach The Pharmaceutical Industry Drives Swiss Exports • Record Year for Braun Melsungen AG • An Ebola Vaccine This Year? • Semiconductor World Market in US Hands • SEMICON brings Founders and Investors Together • Europe’s Micro-Technology Industry Invests

.................................................. 16 16

Hospital Germs: Let’s put an End to Infections In Europe, 3.2 million people are infected with dangerous pathogens every year. By systematically using cleanroom technologies, a large percentage of these infections and resulting deaths could be prevented.



Nano-Biomedicine Personalizes Healing

Nano-systems could guide medical active agents directly to seat of a disease where they could be specifically released. The door to personalized medicine seems to have opened.


.................................................. 28 Behind the Scenes: On the Road with… Philippe Trösch, Sales Engineer at Novasina AG.

.................................................. 30 30

OLEDs: The Future of Light Organic light emitting diodes could revolutionize display and lighting technologies. Their particular properties open fascinating possibilities for totally new kinds of products.


5 36

Portrait: Armando Rastelli


Professor Armando Rastelli directs the Institute for Semiconductor and Solid State Body Physics in Linz, Austria. The Institute’s cleanrooms play a key role in research in Austria.


Solutions in the World of Cleanrooms


Technologies in Brief


New Materials for Nano-Systems • Quicker Transfer from Laboratory to Production • A Computer the Size of a Grain of Rice • Nano-Medicine Protects Nerves • New Cleaning Procedure for Therapeutics Cleanroom Suitable Servo Presses • Humanoid Laboratory Robots

.................................................. 42 Efficiency in the Cleanroom: This is how it’s done. Operating a cleanroom can mean high costs. Considerable reductions in these costs are possible through simple modifications.

.................................................. 46

Up and Coming Staff: Students found a GMP School

Laws and regulations regarding the production of pharmaceutical products, cosmetics and food products seldom belong to a study curriculum. Therefore students from three German universities on their own initiative founded a GMP School.

.................................................. 49

What do you do there?

Stefan Grilec, cleanroom production assembler


Events, Awards, Regular Rubrics

50 50

Laws and Regulations: Standards are money saving tips The norms and guidelines for cleanroom operations are more than just an annoying obligation. They also contain a lot of advice on how to reduce operating costs.



52 Innovation: Wanted – Candidates for the Cleanroom Award 2015


Until August 31, 2015, ideas and projects in the direction of innovation, sustainability and energy efficiency in cleanrooms can be submitted to the ReinraumAkademie (Cleanroom Academy).

................................................ 53

Cleanroom Award: Now is the time to submit projects.

Referring to the Cleanroom Award, it doesn’t matter whether simply an idea or a market-ready product is presented. Please send in your applications now for any and all projects!

................................................ 54

The Winners: Previous Cleanroom Award Winners

Award-worthy: Those were Nominees from previous years

The Cleanroom Award has been presented since 2012. Who has been counted among the finalists since this time?

................................................ 56 Interview: Egon Buchta

How the Cleanroom Award candidates are selected is explained by Jury member Egon Buchta, Managing Director of Ingenieurbüro & Reinraumservice Egon Buchta GmbH (Engineering Office and Cleanroom Service Egon Buchta GmbH).

................................................ 58




................................................ ................................................

Every year, the visitors of the Cleanzone Trade Fair select the innovation of the year from among the f ive f inalists.





Market news in brief

New Research Center in Villach

the chemical-pharmaceutical indus-

meeting on March 27th in Melsun-

try increased their exports. Exports

gen, Germany. The company found-

in these industries rose about five

ed in 1839 as a pharmacy, is today

Excellence Cluster | With ASSIC, the

percent to 85.3 billion Franks as re-

present in 61 countries and has

Austrian Smart Systems Integration

ported by the Swiss Federal Customs

50,000 employees.

Research Center, a new excellence

Administration. Thereby the chem-

cluster was recently authorized in

ical-pharmaceutical industry ac-

Villach, Austria. This location will be

counted for 60% of last year’s growth

expanded as one of the leading Euro-

in exports. This sector’s share of total

pean regions for the research in mi-

exports increased by 41%.

co-electronics and systems integration. ASSIC has received the COMET status from an international expert

New Record for Braun Melsungen

Ebola Vaccine Coming in This Year? Research Success | Scientists at the Institute for Tropical Medicine in Tübingen, Germany have carried out promising work in finding an effective Ebola vaccine.138 volunteers

jury, a status which is allotted for up to eight years. The COMET program

Jump in Profits | The company B.

in Gabon, Kenya, Germany and Swit-

(Competence Centers for Excellent

Braun Melsungen AG celebrated

zerland have taken part in this in-

Technologies) supports the cooper-

their 175 year anniversary with re-

ternational study. The active agent

ation between science and industry

cord numbers in revenues and earn-

rVSV-ZEBOV-GP, a ten-year old but

as well as the set-up of common re-

ings. This German medical tech-

still unlicensed agent from Canada,

search competencies and their eval-

nology manufacturer increased its

was used in the study. The tests have

uation. Thanks to this sponsorship,

revenues in 2014 by five percent to

shown that this agent is tolerated

numerous intelligent components

by the test subjects and forms anti-

and systems will be able to find their

bodies against Ebola. The research-

way into the lives of many people

ers hope that the vaccine will be li-

who bear the hallmark of the new

censed sometime this year. In the

excellence center whether it be in

current Ebola outbreak in West Afri-

automobiles, mobile telephones, in

ca according to world health organi-

medical technology, entertainment

zations, 25,000 people have been in-

technology or in household devices.

Pharmaceutical Industry Pushes Swiss Exports

Production of infusion devices: Reduction of sprue in the prevention of waste.

fected by this life-threatening virus and more than 10,000 of these people have died from the disease.

€5.43 million (previous year: €5.17 million). The company’s net income

Record Year | Switzerland exported

increased by 0.3% to €316.3 million

more goods last year than ever be-

(previous year: €315.5 million). “The

fore. With export goods valued at

B. Braun finds itself in a good and

208.3 billion Swiss Franks, 2014 ex-

stable economic condition.” says

ceeded the previous record from

company Chairman Heinz-Wal-

A new agent against Ebola could soon be

2008 by two billion Franks. Above all,

ter Große at the company’s annual

approved as a vaccine.


Micro-Technology Industry is Investing Again


Automotive engineering Consumer Goods

The most important target markets of the European micro-technology industry

Please indicate your main target market.

Electronics industry Industrial automation Sensor, measuring and control technology Mechanical and plant engineering Medical / Health Optical industry Research & Development Semiconductor industry

between 2013 and 2015. Graph: IVAM Research

Semiconductor World Market in US Hands

Founders Meet Investors

Study | At the semiconductor con-

SEMICON Europe | At the semicon-

IVAM Association for Micro-Tech-

gress and trade fair “SEMICON Eu-

ductor congress-trade fair, „SEMICON

nology, about a third of the indus-

rope” to be held from October 6th to

Europe“ taking place from October

try’s companies invested more

October 8th, 2015 in Dresden, Ger-

6th to October 8th, 2015 in Dresden,

money in 2014 than in the previ-

many, 60 young high-tech compa-

Germany, 60 young high-tech com-

ous year. This shows that the in-

nies will get the chance to present

panies will receive the chance to

dustry is much more willing to in-

their ideas to investors. As the in-

present their ideas to investors. The

vest than in previous years and also

dustry association SEMI has an-

industry association SEMI has an-

more than the average of the Euro-

nounced, these presentations will

nounced that this strategy of bring-

pean economy. Micro-Technology

activate more venture capital so that

ing young companies into contact

companies want to keep up this

start-up companies from the key in-

with investors will loosen up more

trend in 2015 and invest more in

dustries of micro and nano-technol-

venture capital so that these innova-

R&D and in company growth. 36%

ogies, information and communi-

tive start-ups in the key industries

of the industry’s companies plan

cation technologies, environmental

of micro and nano-technologies, in-

to invest more than in 2014. Target

formation and communication tech-

markets for the micro-technology

nologies, environmental and energy

industry are the markets for med-

technologies, automobile manufac-

ical technology and in the medi-

ture, material science, mechanical

cal products market. More than

engineering, machine and facility

half of the European companies

construction as well as medical tech-

deliver to these markets. These

nology and life sciences will be able

markets are the target markets for

to successfully grow into established

about a fourth of all companies.

nated by US corporations. Photo: popov48

companies. Start-up companies Eu-

The automobile industry has al-

rope-wide can send in their applica-

so become more important dur-

and energy technologies, automo-

tions to take part in Europe’s largest

ing the last two years. Automo-

bile manufacture, material science,

semiconductor trade fair. Applica-

bile technology is at this time the

machine and facility construction

tions must be in by May 31st, 2015.

target market for about 11% of all

technology industry has started to invest again. According to the data collection of the international

The global semiconductor industry is domi-

as well as medical technology and life sciences will be able to grow into successful companies. Start-up companies European-wide are able

Micro-Technology Industry is Investing Again

micro-technology companies. In 2013, only about 4% of all companies were active in this market.

to apply for participation in Europe’s biggest semiconductor trade fair.

Optimism | The European micro-


Sneezing girl standing in front of a tree in bloom. Photo: fotolia, Tatyana Gladskih





Beautiful Nature – Dangerous Contamination

Pollen and Humidity present Challenges in Cleanrooms 2/2015


Beautiful Nature – Dangerous Contamination


Pollen and Humidity present Challenges in Cleanrooms

In the springtime, pollen and fertilizer dust contaminate the air. Likewise, germ growth explodes due to rising temperatures and humidity. Cleanroom operators are especially challenged to protect their products from the higher risk of contamination coming from outside.

els of pressure loss and their high operating efficiency. The third stage consists of a HEPA filter which corresponding to the class of cleanroom removes to the greatest possible extent all remaining particulate con-

The winter has come and gone, the

ry out regular maintenance so that

days are becoming longer and the

the facility stays clean.” emphasizes

temperatures are rising. At last!

Spehl. He knows of a situation in a

“If we look at the airborne particles

With the onset of spring, people

laboratory located in a forested area

in relation to their size, in a figura-

feel inside the stirrings of fresh

whose operator experienced a nasty

tive sense we are dealing with a mix

vitality and energy. Nature is also

surprise after the installation of new

of rubber balls, watermelons, ap-

blooming and this means: grasses,

filters during the conifer blooming

ples, blueberries, and poppy seeds.”

herbs, flowers and trees are send-

period. “The filters had to deal with a

says the filter expert Frank Spehl.

ing out myriads of pollen into the

really sticky pollen dust. Because the

“The rubber balls and watermelons

mild spring air. Farmers begin their

pollen was milky-white, it was dif-

get caught in the first stage filters.

work in the fields loading the air

ficult to see on the new filters. The

The apples, comparable to the pol-

with additional fertilizer dust, liq-

result was that the filters became

len, as well as the blueberries are

uid manure particles and herbicide

clogged like they had been treated

filtered out in the second stage. In

aerosols. “Everything that a person

with a spray-glue which couldn’t be

the third stage, the Hepa-filter, at the

is able to smell are chains of mole-

determined at first glance. This sit-

most only a couple of poppy seeds

cules which also hide risks for the

uation, however, remained unde-

will pass through depending on the

cleanroom.” says Frank Spehl, Sales

tected in the cleanroom.” reports the

filter classification.”

Manager for AAF Lufttechnik GmbH

AAF filter expert.

(AAF Air-Equipment GmbH) in Germany and Switzerland. The company located in Oberhausen, Germany is specialized in air filtering systems.

Three Stage Filter Concept


Time to Change the Air Filter As pollen, when the facility has been

Essentially, Frank Spehl reassures us, modern air filtering equipment

In order to keep pollen out of the

built correctly, never even make it to

is so good that neither pollen nor

cleanroom, a three-stage filtering

the Hepa-filters, let alone into the

other such particulate matter is able

concept is recommended. High-

cleanroom, there is no difference

to enter a cleanroom. The first and

grade pocket filters made from syn-

when comparing the operation of

second levels of filtering normal-

thetics are recommended in the first

an ISO cleanroom and a GMP clean-

ly filter out all pollen and fine par-

stage. These have a high capacity

room. The ISO norm (International

ticulate matter from the air. “How-

for filtering out dust and withstand

Organization for Standardization)

ever you have to consider foremost

high levels of moisture. Compact fil-

puts down firmly the maximally

the condition of the equipment in

ters should be used in the second

allowed particle concentration in

the cleanroom, the correct working

stage because of their large filtering

a cleanroom which is relevant for

behavior of employees and to car-

surface areas, the resulting low lev-

the semiconductor industry. GMP



Birch tree aments spreading pollen. Photo: fotolia, Ingo Bartussek

guidelines (Good Manufacturing Practice) provide for the quality as-

Accelerated Germ Growth

surance in cleanrooms in which

pendence of the Relative Humidity”). In German latitudes, summer temperatures bring on high levels of

particle free and germ free environ-

Other challenging times of year for

humidity ( see the graph: “Moisture

ments are critical for example in the

cleanrooms are in spring and sum-

Content in the Air”). Rising tempera-

production of pharmaceutical prod-

mer when temperatures rise and

tures enable air to take on more wa-

ucts, food products and cosmetics.

the corresponding increase in hu-

ter, thus increasing the lifespan of

When considering a filter change,

midity. Both conditions drive up

airborne germs. The large amount

it makes no sense to carry out a fil-

the growth of germs. As with peo-

of airborne particles in summer air

ter change immediately before the

ple, most germs are at their best in

becomes an advantage for germs.

pollen season begins. It is much bet-

warm temperatures. Germs multi-

Pollen and dust act as germ-shut-

ter to keep using the present filters

ply much more rapidly in summer

tles and lead to a rapid distribution

until the peak of the pollen season

than in winter.

of micro-organisms in the air. On-

and then to change them out in ear-

ly after a thunderstorm does the air

ly summer. The next maintenance

Micro-organisms because of the lack

become de-contaminated and the

should occur in November to pro-

of nutrients don’t find in air the best

germs flushed out of the air to be

vide the cleanroom facility with

living conditions and die off rapid-

deposited on the ground.

fresh filters to work over the win-

ly. However when the air humidi-

ter and to be ready for the follow-

ty increases, their chances for sur-

ing spring and the beginning of the

vival increase dramatically (see the

pollen season.

graph: “Survival of Germs in De-

Advises changing the filters after the pollen season. Frank Spehl, Sales Manager for Germany/Switzerland at AAF Lufttechnik GmbH. Photo: René Dreyer, Cleanroom Media

»Everything that a person can smell is a molecule chain which can also hide risks for a cleanroom.« Frank Spehl, AAF-Lufttechnik GmbH (AAF Air Equipment GmbH)















hazel alder poplar willow ash-tree hornbeam birch beech oak pine grasses Plantain


rye stinging nettle mugwort ragweed main blossoming

pre- and post-blossoming

possible occurrence

SOURCE: Pollen season calendar: the peak of the pollen season is approximately from April to July. Source: DAK/ German Pollen Information Service Foundation.

Cleanroom or Germ-Room

The reason for the susceptibility of

rector of MCRT Micro CleanRoom

the room-air equipment is the so-

Technology GmbH. The company

called dew point. This is the tem-

located in Heuchelheim, Germany

Especially susceptible to germs set-

perature threshold under which the

is a leading supplier of customer

tling down in spring and summer

moisture in the air condenses out

tailored cleanroom solutions. The

are the room-air technical systems.

(see the graph: “Dew Points at a Rel-

problem of outside temperature and

These are the systems responsible

ative Humidity of 80%”). An air tem-

room humidity pertain to nearly

for the desired conditions of the air,

perature of 25° Celsius and 80% rel-

every domain of cleanroom technol-

for example the temperature, the

ative humidity has a dew point of

ogy, in which medicines, pharma-

moisture content and the air qual-

21° Celsius. If this 25° Celsius warm

ceutical products, micro-structures

ity. This equipment works to bring

summer air is cooled down to 20°

and nano-structures are produced

about the desired air exchange and

Celsius, the moisture in the air will

emphasizes Machmüller. “It should

provides the cleanroom with condi-

condense onto cool surfaces and

never be forgotten that a person who

tioned and cooled air.

subassemblies. Everyone has experi-

sweats presents a major source of

enced such effects for example when

contamination for the process and

the mirror in the bathroom fogs up

the entire cleanroom, a source much

while showering. If the condensed

greater than what normally occurs.”

water makes contact with margin-

Conversely, dry conditions in pro-

al contamination in a cleanroom,

duction areas can cause the destruc-

a micro-milieu is formed which of-

tion of products due to electrostat-

fers ideal conditions for germs to

ic charges.

Warns against inadequate air de-humidification in cleanrooms: Andreas Machmüller, Managing Director of MCRT Micro CleanRoom Technology GmbH. Photo: Archiv.

multiply. “The cooling and de-moisturizing of air is a very difficult task especially

Wet Filters and Dripping Ceilings

in facilities whose temperature and


humidity must be held within strict

Andreas Machmüller’s experience

tolerance ranges, independent of the

tells him that the norms as defined

conditions of the outside air.” says

and interpreted for cleanroom air

Andreas Machmüller, Managing Di-

conditioning systems, at 32° Celsi-

13 us with 40% air humidity are no

drops, like a wet sponge being

crannies, uneven surfaces and edg-

longer suitable. The example of

wrung out, can be used for this

es, dead zones where air is trapped

correctly installed and adjusted air

purpose. The moist summer air

can harbor particles and germs

conditioning systems failing in ICE

can also be directed over a cooling

which have fallen out of the air

trains have shown this clearly. “Ac-

battery where the water is cooled

stream and become deposited on

cording to my estimates, there is an

down below the dew point and

exposed surfaces. Therefore, when

urgent need to raise these values.”

condenses out. The de-humidifi-

planning a cleanroom facility, con-

says the MCRT Managing Direc-

cation of warm air can well cause

sideration should be given to hav-

tor. New information has brought

higher operating costs. However if

ing as few nooks and crannies in

out that cooling water lines sweat

costs want to be brought down, the

the canal system as possible. Also

when surface temperatures reach

danger than exists that germs are

important to consider is the com-

18° Celsius. This water then distrib-

able to favorably develop and be-

pliance to maintenance schedules

utes itself into the circulating air

come distributed throughout the

and the cleaning/sanitation work

in the cleanroom which is abso-

entire cleanroom via the air con-

before the beginning of summer.

lutely detrimental or in the worst

ditioning system. Incidentally, the

case comes onto process-relevant

topic of air conditioning will be on

An additional risk analysis is rec-

surfaces which can lead to serious

the agenda at this year’s Cleanzone.

ommended for the summer peri-

damage. This problem can be rec-

This International Trade Fair for

od. Especially important to con-

ognized in wet particle filters and

Cleanroom Technology will take

sider air flow behaviors in the

dripping ceilings. “Therefore I rec-

place from October 27th to October

cleanroom and to identify the ar-

ommend the ‘wet’ outside air fil-

28th, 2015 in Frankfurt am Main,

eas with minimal air movement

ters to be set at 34° Celsius to 35°


as in these areas the risk is high-

Celsius with 40% relative air hu-

er that airborne germs cannot be

midity.” says Andreas Machmüller.

adequately transported out of the

Air de-humidification in clean-


rooms is essential in spring and

cleanroom. Possible condensation zones should be localized as these marginal colder surface areas can

summer. High performance com-

Further sources of contamination

lead to the deposition of moisture

pressors which compress the air

can be found in windy, complex ca-

and create ideal conditions for

until the moisture falls out as

nal systems. In all those nooks and

germ growth.

Pollen. Photo: fotolia, haemengine




Half-life Graph 1: Survival of Germs in Dependence of the Relative Humidity | When the air humidity increases from 15% to 85%, germs survive considerably longer, here portrayed with Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecialis. • Half life: time period in which half of the germs die. • r.F.: an abbreviation for relative Feuchte (humidity), this means the relative percentage of the maximal possible absorption of water in the air. Reference: Böhm et al.: Abfall Wirtschaft (Waste Economy) The latest from research and practice. M.I.C. BAEZA- Publisher Witzenhaus, 1998.

Train Correct Cleanroom Entry Procedures It is naturally important to thoroughly monitor the largest gateways for the entry of particles

When the air humidity increases from 15% to 85%, germs survive considerably longer.

and germs. Included here are the air outlets and inlets, filters and above all the personnel and ma-

prevented says Frank Duvernell,

This applies to the entry of materials

terial air locks. The entry of peo-

Managing Director of profi-con

as well. A tool box that a tradesman

ple and material through the air

GmbH Contamination Control

used previously on a construction

locks provide for pollen, germs

in Leipzig, Germany. Since 1985,

site and now wants to bring inside

and particles great opportunities

the company has been work-

a cleanroom must be beforehand

to be dragged into the cleanroom.

ing in the business of cleaning

thoroughly cleaned square millim-

In order to minimize this con-

dust-free and sterile cleanrooms

eter by square millimeter. This can

tamination, there exist definite

as well as giving seminars and

take up a lot of time when the clean-

dressing procedures. It should be

workshops to cleanroom per-

ing is done correctly. “The motiva-

planned that one person enters

sonnel. “The discipline and daily

tion of the personnel also plays a

several air lock areas and with the

routines of employees can lead

big role in this respect.” says Frank

lowest demands as much outside

from time to time to significant

Duvernell. To avoid the time and ef-

clothing as possible be taken off

discrepancies.” comments Frank

fort and the risk of contamination,

and to pick up and put on the cor-

Duvernell, an expert in correct

Frank Duvernell advises to store

rect clothing for each particular

cleanroom working procedures.

tools in the cleanroom which can

air lock entry phase.

“Therefore it is important that

be cleaned by the appropriate pro-

employees’ awareness be raised

fessionals. If the bringing in of cer-

Despite exactly described pro-

by targeted training dealing with

tain tools cannot be circumvented,

cedures, the accidental entry of

the risks involved with pollen,

the air lock entry procedure must

contamination can never be fully

particles and germs.”

be exactly described and the person-


15 Water absorption in g / m3

Air temperature in °C

Relative humidity 80% Water content (g/m3)

Dew point (°C)

Air temperature in °C Graph 2: Moisture Content in the Air

Graph 3: Dew Points at a Relative Humidity of 80%

The higher the temperature rises, the more water the air can absorb.

The cooling of air with 80% relative humidity leads to condensation of

Saturation is achieved when humidity reaches 100%.

water at the dew point.

nel trained in this procedure. Only

Cleanroom operators who take the

calmly. Airborne pollen, humidity

in this way can the maximal reduc-

advice of experts to heart can face

and germs won’t be able to get foot-

tion of contamination be achieved.

the warmer times of year more

holds in their cleanrooms.

Cleanroom Expert Days: »Cleanroom Design« On May 5th and May 6th, the ReinraumAkademie (Cleanroom Academy) in Leipzig will be hold-

The event will take place in: Cleanroom Experience Competence Center

ing the Cleanroom Expert Days. The topic of the

Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 12-14

event will deal with “Cleanroom Design”. The

04103 Leipzig

spectrum of expert presentations and discus-


sions range from the demands and requirements in the design of cleanrooms, optimal airlock concepts, air ventilation concepts, cleanroom monitoring concepts, clothing designs, safety issues

Information regarding registration can be found at: Email: Internet: (under “Expert Days”)

and the aspects of modern cleanroom design.


16 Instrument table: Differential Flow Ventilation prevents that germs from surrounding areas find their way into open wounds or onto instrument


tables. Photo: WavebreakmediaMicro.


What is being done about Hospital Germs?

In Europe’s clinics and hospitals 3.2 million people are infected every year with dangerous pathogens.

Hospital germs cause the death of up to 40,000 people a year in Germany alone. This data comes from the German Association for Hospital Hygiene. As there is no central notification procedure available, the number of deaths is bound to increase. A consistent application of cleanroom technologies could prevent a large part of these infections. It is quick, aggressive and has in the

80,000 Patients Daily

meantime taken the lives of twelve

plete with antibiotics prescriptions the following results were obtained: the pathogens caused lung inflammation in 19.4% of all infected patients; 19% of all patients acquired urinary tract infections; in nearly 20% of the cases, surgical wounds became infected. According to the study, the intensive-care station car-

people. Its name: Acinetobacter bau-

Outbreaks of multi-resistant path-

ries the highest risk of germ infec-

manii. The scene of the crime: The

ogens, as in the Kiel University

tion. The European average for all

University Hospital Schleswig-Hol-

Hospital, happen regularly in hos-

patients who became infected by

stein in Kiel, Germany. This feared

pitals round the world. Alone in Eu-

hospital germs lies at 19.5%. In most

hospital pathogen has been running

rope, 3.2 million people are infected

cases, airways and blood vessels be-

rampant here since December, 2014.

every year with hospital germs. This

came infected.

baumanii had already infected oth-

Clostridium difficile counts as one of the main

Staphylococcus aureus is known as the most

er patients. The outbreak seemingly

pathogens in hospitals which can in serious

frequent cause of hospital infections. Photo:

cases of diarrhea bring about death. Photo:


Normally the pathogen lives in water and in soil. It succeeded in infiltrating the University Clinic by tagging a ride along with a patient who had been transferred from areas around the Mediterranean Sea to Kiel on December 11, 2014. By the time this patient died, Acinetobacter

was under control at the beginning of 2015, however a second wave of in-


fections broke out and this time no

frightening statistic was the result of

The ECDC study shows that the

one has any idea where the patho-

a study done by the European Centre

intestinal bacterium Escherichia

gen originated from. The nasty thing

for Disease Prevention and Control

about the pathogen is: It spreads it-

(ECDC) in Solna, Sweden. 80,000 pa-

self through the air and also by con-

tients are treated against infections

tact-infection. That the pathogen is

daily in Europe’s hospitals, patients

invisible is only one problem, the

who before coming into the hospital

other is that it is resistant against

had not been infected, only acquir-

several antibiotic groups – it doesn’t

ing the infection afterwards.

go down easily.

1000 hospitals from all EU countries including Norway and Island took part in the study. According to the analysis of 231,000 patient files com-

ECDC Director Marc Sprenger pleads for a multi-dimensional prevention and control program for the avoidance of hospital infections. Photo: ECDC.





Medical instruments. Photo:

tal infections could be prevented

Association Vice-President Pro-

by a mix of sustainable and mul-

fessor Julia Seifert. According to

ti-dimensional prevention and

the opinion of the Association

control programs.”

there are many reasons for the increase of multi-resistant germs:

Stronger Laws are demanded

the increasing use of antibiotics in animal feed; contaminated imported meat; the transfer of pathogens by farmers, veterinarians

The Professional Association of

and tourists. Additional reasons

German Surgeons are going one

are too lax hygiene requirements

step further and demanding

and the lax handling of antibiot-

stronger laws. In order to get a

ics in other countries.

handle on the problem, the new infection-protection law doesn’t

Georg Baum, Chief Managing

fulfill the present demands.

Director of the German Hospital

Measures must be taken when

Federation (DKG) wants to set the

the pathogen first emerges and

lever on hospitals. “As the case in

not just when the germ appears

Kiel has shown, despite consist-

in the hospital. “The pathogens

ently keeping to hygiene require-

Coli (E.Coli) is the most frequently

rarely originate in the hospital

ments and measures, the risk of

found hospital germ. The second

but rather get dragged in.” says

pathogen-transmission cannot be

Julia Seifert, Vice-President of the German Surgical Association observes that pathogens seldom originate in hospitals but are brought in from outside. Photo: Jenny Sieboldt.

most frequent is Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This pathogen causes between 20% and 40% of all hospital infections in Germany; in Romania, Italy and Portugal, this is more than 60%. The Director of ECDC, Marc Sprenger from the Netherlands warns those people in charge: “A major part of hospi-


“The battle against resistant germs requires us to act consequently on all levels.” Hermann Gröhe, German Federal Health Minister


Operation: Open wounds are gateways for germs. Photo: WavebreakMediaMicro

of the Hospital”. “Every hospital should possess at least one cleanroom: the OP.” says Gernod Dittel. Cleanroom technologies allow for the needed microbiological air purity to be established.

Cleanroom Concepts for the OP There are three principal concepts for OP cleanrooms: turbuGeorg Baum, Chief Executive of the German

Gernod Dittel, Chairman of the German

lence-free displacement air flows,

Hospital Association, is demanding concen-

Cleanroom Institute, criticizes that many

trated cooperation among all involved parties

OP’s do not correspond to modern techno-

turbulent mixed ventilation and

regarding infection prophylaxis. Photo: DKG.

logical standards. Photo: Stefan Noack.

laminar ventilation. In all three procedures, purified air would continually be supplied. The dif-

ruled out.” What is necessary is a

Professor Gernod Dittel is pleading

ference: Wh ile t h e t urb ulen t

concentrated collaboration of all

for these investments. The Chair-

mixed air flow thins out the con-

involved parties. Indeed now for

man of the German Cleanroom In-

centration of airborne particles,

years, hospitals have set the high-

stitute and Managing Director of

the turbulence-free displacement

est priorities on infection-proph-

Dittel Engineering criticizes that

air flow and laminar ventilation

ylaxis however there is much

the major part of operating theat-

systems effectuate a displacement

room for improvement. “Bet-

ers in Germany, don’t meet today’s

of the particles – the displacement

ter infection-prevention would

technical standards. Many OP’s

air flow system from above and

be possible when all parties in-

are over 30 years old. Dittel from

the laminar ventilation system

volved would systematically con-

Kochel am See in Bavaria, Germa-

from below.

tribute.” says Baum. Along with

ny is convinced that the number of

these measures, investments in

infections can be reduced when it

The turbulence-free displacement

structural and sanitary facilities

starts to become cleaner and more

air flow system is especially suitable

are necessary.

sanitary in the “Heart Chambers

for operating theaters. The patient


20 and the OP team are bathed in sterile, purified air from ceiling outlets which then is able to escape via corner outlets. This method as well as the laminar flow method prevents particles and germs coming from external areas from entering open wounds or from settling on surface areas inside the OP. These procedures can become very


expensive when planning for an entire OP, therefore it is recom-

Sterilization equipment. Photo:

mended to partition the OP into sectors of varying grades of cleanliness. Differential flow ventilation systems work very well in achiev-

Inferior Protective Clothing

ing this effect. These systems gen-

A, the highest of all sterile cleanroom classes. This was shown by tests done by the Lucerne Univer-

erate a faster air flow rate inside the

Despite these preventive meas-

core areas of the OP than in the rest

ures, the danger from infections

of the room. Therefore the highest

through airborne hospital germs

Hospitals generally contain their

grade of air purity is created in this

cannot be disregarded. The differ-

own pharmacies in addition to

core area where it is needed and

ential flow ventilation system does

their OP’s. Cleanroom solutions can

contamination from other areas of

indeed protect the core areas from

also help here regarding the neces-

outside contamination, howev-

sary cleanliness. Isolators for exam-

er a serious source of contamina-

ple or safety and laminar flow work

tion is found within this displace-

benches make possible the aseptic

ment-flow core, this being the OP

preparation of active ingredients.

team itself. The wearing of protec-

Protected with the rubber sleeves

tive clothing is absolutely compul-

and gloves of an isolator, employees

sory in order to protect the patient.

are able to safely handle the mate-

“The requirements in this case are

rials inside the isolated cabinet of

not especially strict.” criticizes Ger-

the isolator. A laminar flow system

nod Dittel. “In other cleanrooms,

assures the required air purity. The

Researcher using a scanning electron microscope. Hospital germs can be seen on the monitors. Photo: Jan-Peter Kasper, FSU.

sity of Applied Science.

for example in the pharmaceuti-

isolated areas inside the isolator

the room is reliably prevented from

cal industry, significantly stricter

are afterwards cleaned and steri-

penetrating the core.

clothing requirements and airlock

lized with hydrogen peroxide.

entering/exiting procedures are However, hospital operators should

practiced.” It would be unthinkable

Universal and consistent project

be mindful that the movements of

to enter a cleanroom wearing street

planning is decisive for rendering

the OP staff as well as the heat com-

shoes. Doctors and OP assistants

harmless the hospital germs. Indi-

ing from lamps and other devic-

are in no way completely covered

vidual measures help only mini-

es cause the displaced air to swirl

up in an OP theater. The clothing

mally as all sub-systems of a hos-

about. In order to safeguard that the

consists of aprons, sterile gloves,

pital are complexly interconnected.

displacement effect is maintained,

head and mouth coverings as well

“The modification of an OP is in it-

the appropriate service provider

as normal shoes and socks. If the

self insufficient in making a hos-

should examine beforehand which

personnel wore total-body overalls

pital virologically and bacteriologi-

kind of air flow and speed are re-

with breathing-exhaust systems as

cally safe.” says Gernod Dittel. What

quired to compensate for these in-

well as sterile boots, the number of

use is a sterile OP when subsequent

terference factors.

micro-organisms per cubic meter

germs find their way to patients

air would be drastically reduced,

from the hospital’s kitchen or from

namely to the level of GMP-class

visiting family and friends? It also


21 happens that newly-built departments have to be re-built even before their initial startup because of hygienic deficiencies. For example, when the tiles in a new OP are set with normal cement, this would be equivalent to the ultimate micro-biological disaster. Therefore a hospital has to be seen as a complex of interacting departments, not just as individual parts of a whole. An inter-disciplinary approach is necessary.

The Health Minister acts

Autoclave in a medical laboratory. Photo: Lyosha Nazarenko.

turing Practice). These manufac-

industries, hospitals have little ex-

turing guidelines assure the qual-

perience with GMP. If the guide-

ity of production practices and

lines were consistently applied,

A sharp weapon in the battle

environments in the production of

many hospital infections could be

against hospital germs are the

pharmaceutical products. In com-

avoided. Alone the fact that hospi-

GMP guidelines (Good Manufac-

parison to many hygiene-critical

tal pharmacies are less strictly audited than external pharmacies, allows hospital pharmacies to fall

Multi-resistant Hospital Germs

into negligence. Hermann Gröhe has in the mean-

What are multi-resistant germs?

time started to act. “The battle

These are disease pathogens which become resistant due to a fre-

against resistant germs requires

quent or an incorrect antibiotic application. As some pathogens de-

us to act consequently on all lev-

velop a resistance to several classes of antibiotics, they are named

els.” he said after the 12th fatality

multi-resistant germs.

in the Kiel University Hospital, laying out a ten point plan. He is de-

Why are multi-resistant germs so dangerous?

manding from hospitals to strictly

Germs which have developed resistance to antibiotics do not allow

hold to existing hygiene require-

themselves to be killed with drugs. Their transmission is carried out

ments as well as more strict mon-

by means of direct contact, by contact with objects and by air.

itoring from health officials. In addition, he wants to tighten re-

Which germs more often occur?

porting obligations so that patho-

MRSA-, VRE- and EBSL pathogens cause most cases of death. The

gens will be reported at their first

abbreviations stand for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus au-

appearance and not after an out-

reus, Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcen and Beta-Lactamase

break in a hospital. This will pro-

producing Entero-bacteria.

vide health officials valuable time. Gröhe says that the incidence in

Who is in danger of infection?

Kiel has to become the occasion

Hospital germs are especially dangerous for older people and those

to try out procedures whereby pa-

who have weak immune systems as well as patients in intensive care

tients be tested for certain danger-

wards. Patients who have been put into rooms with many other pa-

ous germs before a planned hospi-

tients in tight quarters are endangered. Deficient hospital hygiene al-

tal visit. His ordinance proposal is

so raises the risks of infection.

already in the interdepartmental coordination phase. It should become effective this coming summer.



Diving with a Submarine to a Cancer Cell

Through the integration of nano-technologies in bio-medical applications active agents are able to be applied directly to the seat of the disease thus enabling their active ingredients to react more effectively. The nano-systems are able to recognize the beginning stages of a disease even before the first symptoms appear. The door to personalized medicine has seemingly been opened.

and supply chains beginning with the development of nano-materials and up to the development of entire clinics. The occasion for this consolidation was the revelation that nano-technology has only been successfully deployed in bio-medical

In the future, when doctors want

tut für Elektronische Bauelemente

applications when material scien-

to diagnose a disease they won’t

und Schaltungen der Universität

tists and engineers, chemists, biol-

first look into the mouth, rather

Ulm), explains: “With semi-con-

ogists and physicists work togeth-

they will dive into the cells. Tiny

ducting nano-structures, the accu-

er with pharmacists, clinics and

sensor systems in the nano-meter

mulation of just a few molecules

industrial companies. The found-

range will soon make this possible.

on the surface is enough to signif-

ing of this platform now has pro-

These sensor systems use mini-

icantly change the conductivity of

vided the framework for all those

mally invasive procedures and like

the structure.” Consequently, dis-

involved to establish contact and

a needle penetrate the walls of liv-

ease-specific bio-markers are able

exchange their experience and

ing cells and then proceed to carry

to be detected early on. Research-


out various bio-chemical tests. The

ers are also able to look at the pro-

beginning stages of a disease are

cesses happening inside a cell with

The German Federal Ministry for

thereby recognized early on even

the help of the nano-sensors. Steff-

Education and Research supports

before the patient has perceived

en Strehle together with other sci-

the application of nano-technol-

the first symptoms.

entists have been able to intracel-

ogy in pharmaceutical and med-

lularly record the ‘heart beat’ of a

ical technologies with numerous

Researchers in southwest German

single heart muscle cell. “Nano-sys-

affirmative action measures in the

Ulm have been working for a while

tems possess interesting and diverse

research of materials and health.

on such nano-submarines. These

application potentials.” says Strehle.

Especially promising is the deploy-

submarines consist of small semi-

Unfortunately, these nano-system

ment of a so-called nano-scaled,

conducting nano-structures which

procedures are not so often prac-

operational transporter. This

are able to examine diverse process-

ticed in the laboratory.

transporter has been designed to

Foto: fotolia


Nano Biomedicine is helping to recognize diseases earlier and to react with targeted therapies.

ing inside a cell without appreciably

efficiently transport active ingre-

disturbing the complex interactions

dients over biological barriers to

going on inside the cell. This could make working with probes dispen-

Nano Medicine Platform Founded

their target locations. Researchers have been working on the development of the corresponding carrier

sable as such probes strongly impair the bio-chemical processes in-

In order to change this situation,

systems. Macro-molecules such as

side a cell.

a German Nano Medicine Plat-

lipids, biopolymers, hydrogels and

form was founded on March 4, 2015

other molecules are being used. It

Steffen Strehle, a researcher at the

in Frankfurt am Main. The goal

is fascinating how many additional

Institute of Electron Devices and Cir-

of this platform is to establish re-

functions in these carrier systems

cuits at the University of Ulm (Insti-

search-based, overlapping concepts

permit themselves to be integrat-


Photos: fotolia, beawolf


Nano-robots will in the future be able to transport medical active ingredients, destroy cancer cells and carry out gene therapies on cells.

ed. For example, the active ingredi-

Nano-particles are suitable as trans-

their target locations via the skin,

ents can be activated using magnet-

port receptacles against the mul-

the intestines or the blood circula-

ic fields or pH values or the active

titude of diseases such as tumors,

tion, for example to locations inside

ingredients can be enriched at the

inflammations, skin diseases and

the brain, in the digestive tract or

target location.

Alzheimer. They can be brought to

into the other various organs. Na-



Photo: fotolia, beawolf


no-particles are also predestined

number are around 150 products

the body’s immune systems so that

to be used as transport receptacles

which are currently in the clinical

they can be successfully transport-

for DNA in cells, for example in

testing phase.

ed to their target locations.

gene therapies. Applications which have been

Strong Growth Market

established for some time now are processes which provide for th e i m p ro v e d ab sorp ti o n and

The market for nano-technological

bio-availability of active ingredi-

medical products is booming. The

ents. Included here are the process-

worldwide turnover with current

es of capsulation with liposome

products according to the progno-

and polymers, the enlargement of

sis of the market research compa-

the active ingredients surface ar-

ny BCC, from a value of $43 million

ea by grinding and emulsification

in 2011, will more than double this

processes and the chemical bind-

amount by the year 2016. The num-

ing of polyethylene glycol to pro-

ber of nano-medical products on

tein agents. Concerning the chem-

the world market is estimated to

ical binding process, chain-like

be more than 100, a third of these

structures are hung onto the ac-

products coming from the phar-

tive agents which envelope them

maceutical industry. Adding to this

thus offering protection against

Nano-silver being focused on in the battle against antibiotics-resistant germs: Professor Manfred Köller, Head of the Department of Surgery, University Hospital in Bochum.

Commercial Nano-Products Commercial nano-products in the medical technology industry in-

“Nano-particulate silver provides new perspectives.” Professor Manfred Köller

clude above all products in in-vitro and in-vivo diagnostics, in bone replacement materials and in nano-laminated implants. The nano-laminated example is being focused on by the occupational


Photo: fotolia, beawolf


Cancer Cells Targeted

insurance association University

medical practitioners to look for al-

Clinic Bergmannsheil in west-Ger-

ternatives. “In this instance, nano

man Bochum. Researchers and sci-

silver particulate offers itself as a

A further very promising applica-

entists from the area of surgical

new perspective.” emphasizes Pro-

tion of nano-biomedicine is to the

research are working with nano

fessor Köller. Applications include

recognition of cancer cells in their

silver-particulate. “The antimicro-

for example the coating of cathe-

early stages. Physicians at the Jo-

bial effect of silver has been known

ters, sterile packaging, OP devic-

hannes Gutenberg University in

for some time but the triumph of

es and machines and prostheses.

Mainz are doing research on a pro-

antibiotics has let the application

The advantage of nanoparticles is

cess which combines nano-technol-

of silver in the medical field to be-

in their tiny size, their diminutive-

ogy with principles from hard disk

come nearly forgotten.” says Pro-

ness. Their surface area is much

technology using innovative new ap-

fessor Manfred Köller, Director

larger than that of an single, larg-

proaches. This approach will be able

of the University Surgical Clinic.

er-sized body containing the same

to detect free roaming tumor cells

Many micro-organisms, especially

amount of silver. The enlarged sur-

in human blood circulation. “ This

the so-called Hospital Germ or Bug,

face area is able to continually re-

approach suggests that in the body

have become in the meantime re-

lease silver which better inhibits

free roaming tumor cells are indeed

sistant to antibiotics, thus forcing

the growth of micro-organisms.

an early warning signal for cancer

Swiss Medtech Expo 2015 The Swiss Medtech Expo in Lucerne, Switzerland is known as the meeting point for companies in the medical technology industry. It takes place from September 15th to September 16th, 2015. System suppliers and service providers as well as research and education institutes will be presenting their products market overview on topics such as passive implants, diagnostics, new materials, surfaces, micro and nano-technologies, robotics and electromechanical devices.


Foto: fotolia

and services at the trade fair. Visitors from companies operating cleanrooms will receive here a current


26 or for the reoccurrence of the dis-

by researchers at the Institute for

nano-particles causes the refract-

ease after a tumor therapy has tak-

Physics at the Karl-Franzens Uni-

ed light passing through the bound

en place.” says Project Manager Pro-

versity in Graz, Austria. The goal is

proteins to change which by using

fessor Roland Stauber.

to develop highly sensitive bio-sen-

the corresponding measuring meth-

sors which will be able to detect a

ods allows a diagnosis in the very

The detection of such tumor cells is

heart attack quickly and assured-

early stages of the disease.

especially meaningful for the prog-

ly. Certain proteins play a particu-

nosis as well as the diagnosis of the

lar role as bio-markers. Their occur-

The scientific foundation for this

disease. The Mainz researchers to-

rence in the blood is an indicator of

approach has been laid. The steps

gether with partners from indus-

the disease and makes early diagno-

toward practical applications are

try and science are working toward

sis possible.

now being taken. Professor Joachim

determining the concentration of

Krenn, Director of the Nano-Optic

these infrequent cells in the blood

Group is already thinking ahead to

by using magnetic detection with

corresponding optical nano-sen-

a hard disk head. The Scientific

sors: “We have learned over the last

Chairman of the University Medi-

years how to produce and to charac-

cal Board, Professor Reinhard Urban

terize nano-particles. Their applica-

explains: “ Timely recognition as it

tion in sensor technology is the next

has always been, remains the deci-

logical step.”

sive criterion in the battle against cancer.” The approach of this joint project is colossally innovative and promises a new dimension in future

Research being done on nano-sensors for the early recognition of heart attacks: Professor Joachim Krenn, University Graz.

therapy concepts.

Nano Sensors Against Heart Attacks

These kinds of innovative medical products are playing an increasing role in the fields of therapy and diagnostics. The pre-requisites for

The basis of an early recognition

flawless functionality are to protect

consists of specially designed gold

the production of such products

nano-particles which are produced

from contaminant particles and

at the university and which pos-

microbes. Cleanroom technology

sess particular optical characteris-

provides these production environ-

Nano-biomedicine could soon reach

tics. These nano-particles are coated

ments. Without completely sterile

a break-through in the early recog-

with a molecular layer which binds

and clean research and production

nition of a heart attack. Very prom-

itself to the sought-after proteins.

facilities, nano-biomedicine would

ising work in this field is being done

The spectral composition of the

be impossible.

A clean room arises from the mind ACADEMY – Training courses, seminars, coaching CLEANROOM EXPERTS DAYS – conferences KNOWLEDGE BASE – Trends and Innovations COMPETENCE CENTER – Cleanroom knowledge at your fingertips



Helfen steht jedem gut. Jette Joop, Designerin und DRK-Botschafterin

Eines f端r alle ... 2/2015


On the road with...


Philippe Trösch, Novasina AG

Philippe Trösch is Sales Engineer at Novasina AG. This Swiss company develops and produces solutions for the measurement, visualization and evaluation of climate parameters such as air humidity and differential pressure. Philippe Trösch’s task is to design for customers the optimal measurement and control technical solutions out of the various and diverse possibilities.

work. However in practice, the automobile is my preferred means for travelling as I am able to take with me all the necessary equipment and materials required for the road trip, not to forget that the travel routes can be flexibly planned. In-

How often are you on the road?

deed, I would have nothing against tomers via the telephone or email

having a chauffeur, or at least a ve-

and to do the required documen-

hicle with a coffee machine.

tation work. Every week, I am two to three days on site at the customers’ premises and I consult with them on finding

What is your favorite mode of transportation?

What is important to think about when planning a trip? That I haven’t forgotten anything.

the most ideal solutions for their individual requirements. The week

Actually this would be by plane or

This not only includes any docu-

also includes the necessary office

by train. These modes of transpor-

ments, offers, devices or machines,

time to maintain contact with cus-

tation allow me while travelling to

but also a fresh change of cloth-


29 ing in those cases I inadvertently

While driving I concentrate on the

spill coffee or other colorful sub-

traffic and prepare myself men-

stances on my shirt. Everything

tally for the next customer visit.

else just falls into place. An addi-

After arriving in my hotel room,

tional bonus is a charming, quiet

I unwind best by going jogging or

hotel which isn’t at that moment


being invaded by a Techno Convention or other similar event.

What should never be missing while on the road?

What is your most successful way to unwind? By doing sport or by walking through a beautiful, old, historical

Besides the business documenta-

city and finding a charming café to

tion and products I should always

enjoy a glass of this or that, these

have my water cooker with me. I

are ways I can relax. Simply sitting

really love preparing a cup of tea

on a park bench and staring out

or coffee in my hotel room in the

into a beautiful landscape is also

evening. A business traveller tends

an enjoyable, relaxing experience.

to drink too little or too much of the wrong things. Moreover I am able to wind down in the evening with a

What destinations do you favor and why?

warm drink and a good book.

What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

I like small cities and towns with an historical charm for example Wangen an der Aare, where a person is able to meet interesting peo-

I mostly listen to that which is

ple from the cleanroom industry.

playing on the car radio, from the

It is also mind-boggling just how

howlers of the 1980’s to the current

many enchanting 300-person val-

catchy songs. Sometimes my mood

leys exist in Switzerland, in which

after a business visit determines

high-tech startups or small compa-

my choice of music. When I want

nies with world reputations are lo-

to free up my head and at the same

cated. Privately, my favorite coun-

time hurtle down the highway I lis-

try is South Korea. Earlier, I was

ten to hard rock.

often there on business and I grew

Which countries and regions are most often on your list of destinations? I am often in Switzerland and in Ger-

to admire the South Korean people.

What would be the first thing you would do if you had the unlimited power to do so?

many. In Germany my territory ranges from Bavaria up to Frankfurt am

I would open the hearts of people

Main. A frequent destination is the

to accept the new and different and

cluster in Basel, Switzerland. This

to accept change. I would also see

cluster consists of pharmaceutical

to it that people would put down

companies and suppliers.

their computers and take up real

Are you able to wind down when you are on the road?


BSR Ingenieur-Büro BSR BSR Ingenieur-Büro Meßtechnik GmbH BSR Meßtechnik GmbHim Reinraum Beratung und Service Beratung und Service im Reinraum Marienstraße 156 Marienstraße 156 68794 Oberhausen-Rheinhausen 68794 Oberhausen-Rheinhausen eMail: eMail: Tel. 07254-959 590 Tel. Fax 07254-959 07254-959 590 5929 Fax 07254-959 5929

conversations and enjoy the simple things in life for example a face full of springtime sunshine.



Light Newly Invented


OLEDs could revolutionize Display and Light Technology

Organic light-emitting diodes are extremely thin, have very strong contrast properties and are extremely energy efficient. These properties open fascinating possibilities for fully new kinds of products. That the visionary applications for this technology mean a stronger need for cleanroom technology, only a few people are aware of this.

no polarization filters and no background lighting. Every sub-pixel is its own little lamp.” explains Manfred Weigand, Global OLED Lighting Marketing Director at Merck KGaA in Darmstadt, Germany. A further asset of OLEDs is that they

The world has never seen such

an additional touch display arch-

are able to be put onto flexible sub-

an instrument panel. Instead of a

es out from the middle console to-

strates enabling displays to be bent.

speedometer and tachometer, this

wards the driver. OLED technology

“This opens to manufacturers total-

automobile cockpit is equipped with

has made possible this unbelievable

ly new possibilities in product de-

new kinds of displays – from the

arching procedure.

sign.” says Weigand.

steering wheel to the passenger-side door. Audi presented this innovation in November, 2014 at the Los Ange-

Amazing Properties

Imaginable is a kind of smart packaging on which marketers could put their film and text advertisements

les Motor Show in their spectacular, attention-getting prologue Au-

OLED stands for “organic light-emit-

getting the attention of every pass-

di Avant.

ting diode”. The diode is a light emit-

ing customer. In the joint project

ting component made from organ-

“cyFLEX”, promoted by the German

The instrument panel has been de-

ic semiconductor material which is

Federal Office for Education and Re-

signed using touch pads installed

able to be produced in thin layers.

search, the Karlsruher Institute for

over the entire width of the display

In contrast to liquid crystal displays

Technology KIT and the German Cy-

area. The driver is able to control the

(LCDs), OLEDs provide brilliant color

nora GmbH are working on materi-

lights and assistant systems from

qualities, razor-sharp contrast and a

als which are suitable for printing

the steering wheel. To the right of

thousand time faster reaction time

or coating with organic light diodes.

the steering wheel, a widescreen

whereby the image can be refreshed

Printed OLEDs make possible the

display has been installed which

with a simple tap of the finger. Or-

production of luminous signposting

the passenger is able to operate to

ganic light diodes give off their light

or billboards. This project will run

control the multi-media system for

diffusely and without any glare over

until the Autumn of 2015 and could

example to make music selections

the entire surface which is in con-

revolutionize product marketing.

or to enter the travel route. With a

trast to other conventional light

swipe of the finger, the passenger

sources. Further advantages of the

simply sends to the driver the nav-

OLED are its wider angle of view, the

igation information or music play

paper-thin construction and its low

list which the driver can now see

energy consumption.

A Revolution in Light and Product Design Lighting technology is experienc-

on his steering wheel display. If this virtual instrument panel is not spec-

OLEDs are pre-destined to be used

ing the same situation. Illumi-

tacular enough, Audi has installed

in portable devices such as mobile

nated wallpapers are among the

in its digital cockpit still another

telephones and notebook comput-

visionary ideas of experts, wall-

highlight: After starting the motor,

ers. “OLEDs need no liquid crystals,

papers which with the flick of a


Photos: Audi AG


The instrument panel and other displays of Audi Avant prologue consist of large touch displays, some of which are made of organic light emitting diodes.

switch would be transformed in-

OLED lighting the “next big thing”,

approach. Such colour-variable or-

to a television display. Illuminat-

that is, as soon as prices fall.

ganic light diodes could be used

ing large surfaces is made possible

in the large laminated glass pan-

with OLEDs because their mole-

Researchers are working on

els which are installed in trains as

cules are distributed over a broad

large-surface OLED modules in

baggage racks. These racks could

area and no cooling is needed as

the joint project LOIGB. The first

then be used to provide lighting

with LCDs. However, large-surface

results were presented in March,

as well. “The application possibili-

applications are still foundering

2015 at the International Trade Fair

ties for the results so far achieved

because of costs. Every implemen-

for Printed Electronics in Munich,

are exceptionally diverse.” explains

tation depending on the applica-

Germany, including colour-var-

Project Manager Jan Hesse exuber-

tion, OLED light is 10 to 100 times

iable OLED modules which pro-

antly. “Alongside the application in

more expensive than convention-

duce white blended light. The col-

general-purpose lighting, for ex-

al technologies. Nevertheless mar-

ours red, green and blue have to

ample in windows, convertible-el-

ket observers see in large-surface

be separately actuated with this

ements and wallpapers, colour-var-




Future Lighting Trends: OLED backlight demonstrator. Photo: Osram.

iable OLEDs are suitable for use in

flexible OLED displays installed on

are taking giant steps in conquer-

automobiles and rail vehicles as in-

the interior side of the doors. The

ing the display market. The market

terior lighting – especially as am-

occupants of the vehicle are able

research institute DisplaySearch

bient or accent lighting.” The aer-

to have a look at media contents

predicts that in 2019 the worldwide

onautics industry has also shown

or keep an eye on the autopilot.

market volume alone for OLED dis-

perspective interest in this technol-

When a passenger reaches for the

plays will amount to more than €30

ogy as ambient lighting in airplane

display, virtual controls appear by

million. This market should grow


means of eye-tracking and sensors.

yearly by 35%.

New Perspectives in Vehicle Manufacture

Any surface whether it be a window, wall, mirror or lampshade, could serve in the future as a source of light. Manufacturers are already in-

Automobile producers are flirting

tensely working on such future pos-

with the OLED possibilities ena-

sibilities. The South Korean com-

bling them to come up with brand

pany LG Chem Ltd announced in

new design concepts. Audi has al-

Autumn, 2014 a new OLED illumi-

ready presented the innovative

nated display panel which has an

cockpit in its prologue showcase

operating lifetime of 40,000 hours

car Avant. The thin-film organic

at an efficiency of 100 lumens per

light diode could be produced in-

watt (light bulbs: 16 to 20 lumens per

to any desired form to be used as

watt). This is a new efficiency record

Because of the high costs, organ-

blinkers or rear lights and simply

and makes OLEDs competitive with

ic light diodes are pre-destined

glued onto the car’s body. The di-

other technological solutions such

for use in small-surface devic-

odes could be also used as inte-

as florescent lamps and LEDs.

es such as smart phones, tablet

rior lighting or as informational displays. Mercedes Benz demonstrated the latter application in January, 2015 at the Consumer Elec-

Round Things | The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has the world’s first double-sided OLED display. Photo: Samsung.

computers, PC monitors and flat

Breakthrough in the Display Market

tronics Show CES in Las Vegas, Ne-

screens in which energy saving, contrast-rich OLED displays can be implemented. Amoung the pioneers in this market is the compa-

vada. The futuristic research ve-

Besides the room lighting mar-

ny LG. This South Korean compa-

hicle, the F-015 is equipped with

ket, organic light emitting diodes

ny has brought attention to itself


33 The functionality of OLEDs

Cathode Conductive layers

Electricity doesn’t flow through OLEDs through a wire as with

Light emitting layers

light bulbs, but rather through several organic layers. There

Conductive layers

and light emitting layers. The layers are imbedded between two

are conducting layers for the transport of the charged particles


large-area electrodes, the cathode and the anode. Graph: HYPER-

Glass / Foil

LINK „“ Light

with its curved television which

tron Beam and Plasma Technology

to have a look at virtual informa-

fills the complete field of vision of

FEP in Dresden, Germany have won

tion coming from the internet. A

the viewers sitting in front of it. In

the Innovation Award for eye-con-

camera function senses the move-

the meantime prototypes have ap-

trolled data glasses. These glasses

ment of the eyes so that he can con-

peared which allow the viewers to

are equipped with two mini-dis-

trol the information shown with

modify the curvature of the display

plays in place of the normal lens.

his eyes. For example, by looking

with the push of a button. Nokia

The displays are made with organ-

at the arrow key the pages of an in-

and the Japanese company Semi-

ic light diodes. The glasses enable

struction manual can be turned.

conductor Energy Laboratory Co.,

the user to simultaneously see nor-

System designer Rigo Herold who

Ltd. (SEL) have gone a step further.

mally through the lens as well as

has been centrally involved in the

Their jointly developed OLED displays are not only curved but are

New OLED high-performance modules from Philips. Photo: Philips

also able to be folded while showing videos. According to Nokia, the displays are able to withstand undamaged up to 100,000 folding instances. Samsung has also discovered the flexible OLEDS. On March 1st, 2015, on the opening day of the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, the new top-of-therange smart phone Galaxy S6 Edge was presented. The phone’s special feature is a display which is curved over the phone’s edges. The curved edges serve as additional informational displays. Over the next two years, Samsung plans to invest an estimated €3.3 billion in the manufacture of organic displays.

German Researchers are leading the Way German researchers are leading the way internationally in the development of OLED technology. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Elec-


34 The Year of Light

ny knows which challenges have to be dealt with in cleanroom-production of organic light emitting di-

UNO has proclaimed 2015 as the “International

odes. “OLEDs are highly sensitive

Year of Light and light-based Technologies”.

to oxegen and moisture. They have

Light impulses make up the backbone of

to be perfectly encapsulated to pre-

the internet, improve medical procedures,

vent corrosion at the cathode and to

make possible wireless communication and

protect the sensitive OLED layers.”

reduce the emission of greenhouse gases

How dense the encapsulation has

through the use of photovoltaic and energy

to be is explained by Weigand us-

efficient OLED light.

ing the example of a football field


In 2015, many days coincide with important dates out of the science of optics. 400 years ago, French engineers developed the first prototype of a solar energy driven machine. 200 years later, Fresnel published his first work on the wave theory of light. In 1865, Maxwell put down the fundamentals of the science of electricity with his theory of classical electro-dynamics. In 1915, Einstein presented his universal theory of relativity. In 1965, Penzias and Wilson discovered evidence for the Big Bang theory with cosmic microwave background radiation.

which has been fully covered by a tarp. If it rains permanently for a complete month, the tarp should let through at the most one single drop of water. Bringing this example to the production of OLEDs, this means less than a single visible defect on a television screen. A further challenge is the cost of series production. The hopes here

development of the glasses proud-

study’s participants see the high

rest on the latest inkjet technol-

ly said: “The Innovation Award

production costs as being the big-

ogy. This established technology

shows that in addition to Google,

gest danger for success in the mar-

could replace the expensive evap-

data eye glasses are intensively be-

ket. Further critical factors are the

oration of the OLED layers. “We

ing researched in Germany and

technical drawbacks in mass pro-

are convinced that by printing

that our glasses with their touch-

duction such as the scalability of

the OLEDs, the costs for large sur-

less eye control function possess a

production, the immaturity of the

face area applications will be sig-

sensational, very unique character-

printing processes and the high

nificantly reduced.” says Manfred

istic.” Applications for the eye glass-

rate of rejections. According to the

Weigand. His opinion does not per-

es could come about in the surgical

study, the risks are dependent on

tain to the question of if OLEDs will

wards, in the automobile industry,

the application of the display, as the

achieve this breakthrough at all,

in aeronautics and airplane manu-

complexity and costs of production

but rather simply when.

facturer, in the maintenance indus-

rise disproportionately to the size

try and also in commercial diving,

of the display. “If solutions cannot

“These are exciting times for or-

in fact, in those places where the

be found for the current technical

ganic electronics.” states Professor

user has to have both hands free

obstacles, cost-efficient mass pro-

Ching W. Tang. The Chinese/Amer-

while simultaneously needing ac-

duction will not be feasible.” fears

ican chemist at the University of

cess to an instruction manual.

Thomas Krug, Managing Partner of

Rochester in the USA is known as

WTS Consulting.

the father of organic solar cells and

OLED Technology – Its Risks and Opportunities

other optoelectronic components, OLED expert Manfred Weigand of

one being the organic light diode.

Merck KGaA in Darmstadt, Germa-

When asked his opinion on the future of his invention, Tang prog-

Alongside all the enthusiasm for

noses: “OLEDs used as lighting will

the many new possibilities – OLED

first appear in automobiles, then

technology is facing some econom-

will capture the home and apart-

ic and technical challenges. In the

ment market.”

latest study done by Munich WTS Consulting GmbH concerning the OLED display market, 76% of the


Flexible OLED, manufactured with sheet-tosheet processing. Photo: Fraunhofer FEP

35 What is the difference between LED and OLED? Material: LED (light emitting diode) are made out of inorganic light emitting semiconductor components. OLED (organic light emitting diode) consist of organic semiconductor layers. Properties: LEDs radiate dot-like. They are therefore predestined for applications which require directed light for example shop, street and stage lighting. LEDs have a long burning time and are able to utilize their advantages in eff iciency in places where lights are on the whole day. OLEDs radiate on entire surfaces. They emit a pleasant white, non-glare, diffuse light which makes possible new decorative applications. As OLEDs are f lexible, they will be able in the future to transform any object into a light source. Longevity: LEDs have a long lifetime. When they are operated under the right conditions (operating voltage and temperature), they are able to emit light for over 100,000 hours. In contrast to conventional light bulbs, LEDs don’t go bad suddenly, but rather lose their brightness slowly over time. OLEDs have generally a lifetime of 10,000 hours. The Lumiblade OLEDs developed by Philips have reached operating times of over 30,000 hours with 70% of their intensity still available. In contrast, a conventional light bulb lasts for approximately 1000 hours.

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The Art of Nano-Structuring


Unique basic research in Linz

Professor Armando Rastelli is the Director of the Institute for Semiconductors and Solid State Physics at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz. The cleanrooms of this institution play a key role in Austria in the fields of education, training and fundamental research.

arduous. Unceremoniously he grabs the piece of paper and reads the text once again. Yes, this is correct he says. He lies the sheet of paper back down on the table for me, takes a swallow from his coffee and looks at

Somehow the aura of professorship

the institute is considered the lead-

me observantly through his glasses. I

seems to be missing when meet-

ing research institution in Austria

ask him what exactly does the writ-

ing him for the first time. He could

in the fields of nano-structures and

ing on the sheet of paper mean, and

be almost be taken as a student. He

semiconductor materials. “What we

he explains: “We want to use the new

comes across unbelievably younger

do here is quite unique.” says the In-

semiconductor-nano-structures as

than his 41 years. His behaviour al-

stitute Director.

sources of light and with the help of approaches from the field of quan-

“What we do here is quite unique.” Professor Armando Rastelli, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria.

tum mechanics make possible the creation of a new kind of computer.” When future light particles instead of electrons whizz along through conductors , data communications will become faster, more secure and energy-saving. Up until now there

so makes him younger: personable,

Pioneering Research

unpretentious, approachable. There

have never existed such light sources. In this respect, the Linz researchers are leading the way in the depo-

is no trace of any kind of authori-

The research which Rastelli togeth-

tative bearing. Upon meeting him

er with his team does may sound

for an interview, the German infor-

rather cryptical, however is in fact

mal “Du” nearly popped out with-

quite spectacular. These scientists

out thinking.

are working on: “Proceeding To-

sition of semiconductor structures.

German as an Independent Study

wards the Production of New Kinds However the first impression is de-

of Semiconductor Nano-Structures

Before Rastelli moved to Austria

ceiving. Professor Armando Rastel-

for the Control of Their Optical and

three years ago, his career had al-

li’s life story instills absolute respect.

Electronic Properties as well as the

ready led him through the coun-

He studied and graduated with a

Examination of the Thermo-Elec-

tries of Switzerland, Italy, Finland

PhD, has worked in five European

tronic Properties of Semiconduc-

and Germany. Besides the physical

countries as a scientist and today

tor-Thin-Films”. I am quoting this

phenomena, he was also able to ob-

manages 50 employees. Rastelli is

from the source. Rastelli who is sit-

serve and study the differences in

the Director of the Institute for Sem-

ting across from me, bends over the

European mentalities. He was born

iconductors and Solid State Physics

table, takes a look at the printout and

Armando Rastelli in Fermo, Italy as

at the Johannes Kepler University in

tries to read the text which for him

the son of an architect and a house-

Linz, Austria. With its cleanrooms,

is upside down. This is obviously too

wife. After his physics studies in



Professor Armando Rastelli: The Italian physicist is the Director of the Institute for Semiconductor and Solid State Physics at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria.

Camerino and Bologna, he did re-

mulated questions, I learned very

group leader at the Max-Plank-Insti-

search in semiconductor physics in

quickly how to express myself more

tute for Solid State Research in Stutt-

Pavia. An opportunity and offer to

distinctly and well-structured.”

gart. “My professor from Zurich had

move on to the Swiss Federal Insti-

Despite such small introductory dif-

sent a recommendation for me to

tute of Technology in Zurich, Swit-

ficulties, the young Italian stayed

the institute and they agreed to take

zerland came up which the young

in Zurich for a year and a half in-

me.” Rastelli also accepted the of-

researcher immediately accepted al-

stead of the planned four months.

fer and never suspected that besides

though he couldn’t speak one word

He found in Zurich all the mate-

gaining experience in growing sem-

of German. “I taught myself German

rial dealing with silicon-germani-

iconductor structures, he would also

in the evening with books and cas-

um-nano-structures he needed for

win the heart of a woman. Today he

settes.” he says grinning. “Initially

his doctorate dissertation. During

and his wife are parents of twin sis-

this helped me very little in Zurich.”

this time he was also in Finland at

ters, both of course seven years old.

Swiss-German is actually quite dif-

the Optoelectronic Research Center

ferent from German.

at the TU in Tampere, Finland for three months and for four months

The Swiss Apprenticeship

Swabia and Saxony

in Como, Italy at the Laboratory for Nano-Structure-Epitaxy and Sili-

In 2007, once again moving boxes

con-Spintronics. Lastly the initial-

had to be packed. “My Stuttgart su-

ly distant Swiss even helped him to

pervisor received an offer as a pro-

“Moving to Switzerland was a big ad-

move on and further his profession-

fessor and he asked me if I would

justment for me.” says Rastelli. He

al career.

like to join him.” explains Rastelli.

had to somewhat tame his loose, Ital-

As the offer was for a permanent

ian small-talk mentality. “After not

The next career step after his grad-

position, he jumped at the chance

receiving any answers to my very

uation with his PhD in Pavia in 2003,

and became Department Manag-

verbose and obviously aimlessly for-

took him to Germany. He became the

er at the Leibniz Institute for Sol-




Professor Armando Rastelli was born in Fermo, Italy. Today he lives in Linz, Austria, and is the father of twin sisters.

id State Bodies and Material Re-

dren. He is doing research on new

fulfill their internships in the clean-

search. I asked him how he found

semiconductor elements based

rooms which prove to be for most

living among the Swiss, the Swabi-

on gallium-arsenide for applica-

candidates advantageous when lat-

ans and the Saxons. He didn’t have

tions in quantum-optics and quan-

er seeking a job.

to think long about this: “The Ger-

tum-communications. Privately he

man attitude towards the Italians

loves cycling, hardrock and metal

is more positive than that of the

music, family hiking trips and as-

Swiss.” he answered. The Saxons

tronomy. He has been able to get his

are more relaxed than the Swabi-

daughters enthusiastic with the last

“In Austria, cleanroom facilities for

ans. “Working with the Swabians

item, astronomy. Speaking of wom-

training and education are only

means to always ‘Get it done!’, ‘Get

en and science, he is endeavoring to

found here in Linz and in Vienna.”

it done!’ and ‘Get it done!’, which

get more female trainees and ap-

emphasizes Professor Rastelli. He

also characterizes and influences

prentices to work in cleanrooms.

himself comes into a cleanroom at

the research work. The people in

The events “Women and Technolo-

the most once a week. He observes

Dresden are more easy-going and

gy” and “Girl’s Day”, enable the par-

the cleanroom employees while

friendlier.” Rastelli finishes off his

ticipants to experience a guided

they do their jobs, over-the-shoulder

coffee. He is on his way to attend

tour through the cleanrooms and

so to speak. “Because of the teach-

a student’s defense of a doctorate’s

carry out experiments for exam-

ing operations I rarely have time to


ple, how to expose a wafer. The en-

try out something myself.” Howev-

thusiasm is always grandiose. The

er, this situation will be changing

complicated dressing procedures

in the near future. The Linz Insti-

are even found to be fun. “The high-

tute for Semiconductor and Solid

light is always the air shower.” re-

State Body Physics will be getting

Women in the Cleanroom

Looking Forward to 2016

ports Rastelli. Furthermore there is

a new facility for the production

As I take a brief look at my notes,

the event “Dream Profession – Tech-

of nano-structures on the basis of

the Austrian-of-choice leans over

nology” organized for both genders,

gallium-arsenide materials in 2016.

with his elbows on the table and

also with guided cleanroom tours

Professor Rastelli has firmly taken

reads along with me. He has been

and explanations and illustrations.

on the intention of going back into

living in Linz since 2012 togeth-

Besides all this, Master and Bache-

the cleanroom and getting back in-

er with his Swabian wife and chil-

lor candidates are able to partially

to research. | Text: Frank Baecke




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Science & Technology Technologies in Brief



Nano-Systems Materials

ica Research ISC in Würzburg, Ger-

It sends the measurements or photos

many, has made available a pilot

to a receiver. As this micro-computer

plant in which the producer will

has no keyboard or monitor, it is pro-

Fiber-Crystals | In the thin film lab-

be able to test and ensure material

grammed using light waves. Accord-

oratories of the Max Planck Institute

and process parameters before the

ing to the researchers, the “Michigan

for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart,

transfer to their own production fa-

Micro Mote” can be deployed in the

Germany, fiber crystals are being

cilities. The coating plant is able to

“Internet of Things” as well as inside

produced which suitable for pro-

work with differing substrates, coat-

a human body. The development of

ducing the smallest yet possible ro-

ing materials and application pro-

this computer took ten years and

bots. The crystals are produced in

cedures. This opens to producers

the researchers claim that it is now

the form of “Nano-Hairs” by vaporizing metals in a vacuum. These crys-

ready for series production.


tals are characterized by having a completely defect-free structure and

Human-like Laboratory Robots

therefore extremely durable. Their structure maintains its form over

ACHEMA | The robot manufacturer

time even under mechanical loads.

Yaskawa will present at the ACHEMA

The crystals suit themselves as the

trade fair from June 15th to June 19th,

ideal material for producing intelli-

2015 in Frankfurt am Main, Germa-

gent systems in a nano-format. They

ny, two robot models for deployment

need little energy and bounce back

in the chemical and process indus-

to their original form after being

completely new development pos-

tries, in laboratories, in the field of

mechanically stressed.

sibilities in the field of coating tech-

analysis as well as in pharmaceuti-


nologies. The roll to roll facility oper-

cal, packaging and logistics technol-

ates inside a Class ISO 8 cleanroom.

ogies. The robot Motoman MH3BM

This ensures high quality and trou-

meets the highest hygienic stand-

ble free coating.

ards and can be used for the devel-

Computer in Rice Grain Format

Quicker Transfer from the Lab to Production

ample in the preparation of samples and for pharmaceutical doses appli-

Miniaturization | The smallest, pos-

Fig. 01: “Nano-Hairs”: Fiber crystals which are

sible functioning computer in the

produced in a vacuum are extremely durable un-

world has a size of only a cubic milli-

der mechanical stress. Photo: Dr. Gunther Richter

meter. This computer was produced

Fig. 02: The roll to roll facility operates inside a

by researchers at the University of Coating | With functionalized sur-

Michigan and given the name “Mich-

faces companies are able to enhance

igan Micro Mote”. This micro-mini is

their products and increase net val-

able to measure pressure and tem-

ue. The Fraunhofer Institute for Sil-

perature as well as take photographs.


opment of new medications, for ex-

Class ISO 8 cleanroom. Photo: K. Dobberke für Fraunhofer ISC Fig. 03: At the ACHEMA trade fair, the robot manufacturer Yaskawa will present a human-like robot doing complex laboratory tasks in a live demo-cell. Photo: Yaskawa

41 cations. Its approval for cleanroom

press. The manufacturer’s joining

class ISO5 makes it possible to be

modules are used in the production

used for assembly, handling and

of heart pace makers and in the func-

packaging tasks in laboratories or

tional testing of syringes and inha-

in the production facilities of many

lators. The units can be delivered as


modules for integration in existing facilities or as precision work places.

The robot CSDA10F will also be pre-

As a precision work place, the unit is

sented. This robot has been devel-

suitable for the precise joining and

oped to meet the high hygienic

crimping of individual parts or com-

cation were too quickly broken down

standards required in laboratories

ponent groups and possesses an inte-

inside the body and eliminated. Al-

and is predestined to be used in

grated quality control function. Also

so, the barriers between the blood

bio-medical synthesis and in chem-

available are sealed units suitable for

circulation and the brain could not

ical analysis.

applications in cleanrooms.

be penetrated. These problems have

Cleanroom Suitable Servo Press

Nano-Medicine Protects Nerves

Photo: psdesign1

been solved by the researchers with the help of nano-particles which are coupled with the active agent Adenosin which acts on the receptors of the

Trade Fair Innovation | The Berlin

Research Success | Scientists at the

nervous system. This combination of

company PROMESS Society for As-

University Hacettepe in Ankara, Tur-

ingredients slows down the break-

sembly and Testing Systems mbH

key have developed a nano-medi-

down of the medication through the

presented at the end of April at

cine which improves the treatment

body’s metabolic processes, improves

the Medtec Trade Fair 2015 in Stutt-

of medical situations such as bone

the blood-brain-barrier penetration

gart, Germany, a selection of their

marrow injuries and strokes. Up un-

and raises the effect of the medi-

high-precision servo presses, among

til now, after medication was given to

cation on the neurons. Side effects

these a newly developed cleanroom

a patient the molecules of the medi-

were not observed.




Lest the Cleanroom Become a Cost Driver


Marked energy and cost savings can often be achieved with slight changes and modifications.

The operation of clean production environments demands substantial expenditures for technical equipment and professional cleaning procedures. Furthermore the running costs for expendables such as gloves, towels and clothing must be added in. These costs and expenditures can be reduced by implementing targeted optimization. A broad spectrum of possible solutions already exists.

ing envelope (cladding; façade) using a high degree of circulating air, by dehumidifying using direct vaporization, by re-heating using available hot exhaust gases, by heating and cooling using heat pumps and by utilizing a reduced operation mode after production has stopped.

When the controller’s face becomes

this book the economic, technical

contorted after taking a look at the

and organizational expectations of

If the cleanroom has already been

energy bill, it won’t take long be-

the contracting authority concern-

built and equipped, the running

fore the call for cost reductions be-

ing the planned facility are deter-

costs for the operation, maintenance,

comes very loud. Unfortunately the

mined and recorded. “In the spec-

training and support can often be

creation and maintenance of cer-

ification handbook, we find often

significantly reduced by adjusting

tain cleanroom classes demand a

only what the contracting authori-

particular determinant factors. “Do

substantial amount of energy in

ty wants to achieve with the facility,

I really have to maintain a 50 plus/

the form of warmth, cold and elec-

not what the energy planning should

minus 5% air humidity and there-

tricity. However there is a lot which

look like.” says Steffen Röhm point-

with expend a great deal of ener-

can be done to counter these energy demands. Experts warn, though, of taking blind action. “Energy saving measures should never generate costs which in 30 years no longer make financial sense.” warns Steffen Röhm. He is the project manager in the Competence Center Engineering of Pharmasery GmbH & Co. KG in Hessian Marburg.

Energy Planning has to be Part of the Requirements Specification Book

“The purchase of cleanroom materials based on price alone can become very expensive when working with cleanroom equipment.“ Carsten Moschner, Managing Director dastex ing out this frequent shortcoming.

gy over the course of a year to hu-

For those who are designing a new

midify and de-humidify the air, or

cleanroom, they had better incorpo-

is it enough to keep cleanroom staff

rate into their requirements speci-

comfortable by holding the humidi-

For those who begin their clean-

fication books the energy planning,

ty within the range of 35 to 65%, tak-

rooms on the drawing board they

respectively the energy-efficient op-

ing there are no pre-existing product

can indicate measures for the reduc-

eration of the facility. The technical

requirements, thus saving energy by

tion of energy costs in their require-

possibilities exist for example by de-

not having to constantly regulate the

ments specification handbooks as in

signing an energy-optimized build-

humidity?” asks the qualification en-


43 Comparison air cleanliness classes Vergleich derof Luft-Reinheitsklassen according to the particle concentration nach der Partikelkonzentration ISO 14644-1


US Fed Std 209E*

ISO Klasse Class 11 ISO Klasse Class 22 ISO Klasse Class 33

1 ISO Class 44 ISO Klasse

10 ISO Class 55 ISO Klasse

A/B 100 ISO Class 66 ISO Klasse

1 000 ISO Class 77 ISO Klasse

C 10 000 ISO Class 88 ISO Klasse

D 100 000 ISO Class 99 ISO Klasse

0,1 10 100 1 000 1 240 10 000 12 400 100 000 1 000 000 -

0,2 2 24 237 265 2 370 2 650 23 700 26 500 237 000 -

*particulate limits (μm/m3) Partikelgrenzwerte (µm/m3) 0,3 0,5 10 4 102 35 106 35,3 1 020 352 1 060 353 10 200 3 520 3 520 10 600 3 530 102 000 35 200 35 300 352 000 352 000 353 000 3 520 000 3 520 000 3 520 000 35 200 000

1 8 83 832 8 320 83 200 12 461 832 000 124 610 8 320 000

5 29 20/29 293 247 2 930 2 900 2 470 29 300 29 000 24 700 293 000

**Der TheUS-Federal-Standard US Federal Standard209E 209E has been replaced by der the ISO ISO14644-1 14644-1abgelöst in 2001 und and ist is no longer valid. wurde im Jahr 2001 von nicht mehr gültig.

gineer Steffen Röhm. Further pro-

were manufactured with a rough

replacing the filters but the opera-

cess-related energy saving possibili-

pre-filter followed by a finer filter

tor is able to influence the ‘when’.

ties include the adjustment of canal

medium. Today we have available a

It makes much more sense to pur-

pressure and room temperature, the

newly developed nano-wave struc-

chase expensive but good filters with

effective determination of the actual

tured filter. “These materials nearly

a longer service life. These expensive

necessary cleanroom classes and siz-

double the filtering capacity while

filters don’t have to be replaced so of-

es as well as the reduction of air flow

cutting pressure losses in half.” ex-

ten and money is saved.”

rates to reasonable levels.

plains Frank Spehl. In other words:

More Efficiency with Modern Filters

the new synthetic air filter medium

Further cost-reducing tips are of-

offers a much higher filtering capac-

fered by Jürgen Blattner, the own-

ity while significantly raising ener-

er of BSR Engineering Offices in

gy use efficiency. The positive side

Baden-Württemberg Oberhaus-

effect: the process assurance and sus-

en-Rheinhausen. He is specialized in

Filters have a major influence on

tainability increases and therefore

the qualification and the monitoring

operating costs.”The crux of the

the quality of the products produced

of cleanrooms. This learned process

problem is: A large filtering capac-

in the cleanroom goes up.

technician points out that nowhere

ity demands high energy expendi-

is it stipulated how often the air in a

tures“, says Frank Spehl, Sales Man-

Even the best filters have to eventu-

cleanroom has to be exchanged. “It

ager of AAF Lufttechnik GmbH (AAF

ally be replaced. This is an expen-

makes a distinct difference whether

Air Technology GmbH) in North

sive task for cleanroom operators as

two or ten people are working in the

Rhine-Westphalian Oberhausen.

opening the ceiling means not on-

room.” explains Blattner. He recom-

“The energy requirements of filters

ly stopping the production but also

mends to operators to have the par-

need to be reduced – at this point

causing substantial contamination

ticle concentration in the cleanroom

we faced a dilemma.” New devel-

in the cleanroom. Frank Spehl com-

measured over the course of an en-

opments in the technology brought

ments, “Every operator will have to

tire working day. The level of parti-

forth the solution. In the past, filters

face one day the cost and work of

cle concentration then becomes vis-


44 ible as the working day begins and

Jürgen Blattner explains: “Don’t wait

equipment - more exactly said: it isn’t

how this level increases with the en-

until 90% of the service life of a fil-

the cost factor alone but the cost-uti-

tering of personnel and material, how

ter has been expended before replac-

lization relationship which should

the level over time goes back down,

ing it. At some point, a new filter will

be examined. “It brings you nothing

how it comes back up after the break-

be cheaper than the energy expendi-

when the consumable goods are on-

fast break, decreases toward midday

tures caused by the performance loss

ly purchased for reasons of lower

and so on. The operator who knows

of an old filter.”

prices which as a consequence bring on higher costs in production.” says

havior is able to optimally adapt the

When changes in a facility are

Carsten Moschner. He ist he Manag-

air exchange rates to the processes.

planned, the operator has to assure

ing Director of dastex Reinraumzube-

“In this way we are able to reduce the

that the facility will still meet quali-

hör GmbH & Co. KG (dastex Clean-

air exchange rates for customers by

fied standards and norms. Numerous

room Supplies GmbH & Co. KG) in

around 20%.” comments Jürgen Blat-

norms, guidelines and ordinances de-

Muggensturm near The Black For-

tner on the value of this procedure.

scribe the necessity and procedures

est (Schwarzwald) Other examples of

regarding the re-qualification of a

such opportunity costs are the pur-

facility, however it is not mentioned

chase of low quality clothing arti-

how often a re-qualification should

cles which have to be prematurely

take place. Dr. Lothar Gail, consultant

replaced or unsuitable towels which

and expert for cleanroom and sterile

cause even more work because of

When designing and constructing

technology recommends to cleanroom

their limited cleaning capabilities.

cleanrooms, operators should keep

operators to take the dependability of

The situation can become really ex-

in mind not to oversize such rooms.

their processes as the benchmark for

pensive when the ‚Tight is Right‘ at-

The more equipment which comes

product quality. Helpful in this mat-

titude in purchasing consumable

into a cleanroom, the higher the costs

ter is to scrutinize the measurement

materials leads to product damage.

of maintenance and support will be.

procedures and values. “When these

Carsten Moschner is well aware of

There is always more to take into con-

values are appropriate, I can decide if

such cases. A company in the sem-

sideration than what first impressions

a re-evaluation in 24 months is suffi-

iconductor industry was saving a

offer. Regular maintenance has to take

cient or if I should examine the values

five figure sum of money per year

place not only for the process ma-

every six months.” explains Dr. Gail.

in the purchase of lower quality ni-

Less Technology, Lower Maintenance Costs

chines in the cleanroom but also for

trile gloves but suffered a significant-

the electrical, ventilation, heating and

ly higher loss because of damage to

cooling systems, the facilities for technical gases, water treatment and air pressure, the MSR equipment (process

‘Tight is Not Right‘ Regarding Consumable Materials

measuring and control technology)

wafers due to corrosion caused by the inferior gloves. In a company in the optic industry a very unsuitable cleanroom towel led to the total de-

and the systems for GMP monitoring.

Cleanroom operators should be scru-

struction of the optical surface of a

Also to be taken into consideration is

tinizing their costs for consumable

very expensive object without even

the scheduling of maintenance and

materials such as gloves, clothing,

coming into contact with this object.

repair as this has economic relevance.

towels, swabs and cleaning tools and „The purchase of cleanroom products and supplies on the basis of their low price can when dealing with cleanroom technology become very expensive.” warns Carsten Moschner. “I can only tell you: Save on costs yes, but keep it in relation.“ Concerning gloves Photos: Cleanroom Media


his typical particle concentration be-


for example, keep in mind the glove’s

Stainless steel products like this cleaning trolley are predestined for the cleanroom. The smooth surfaces can be cleaned particularly well, also stainless steel can be sterilized.

45 tearing strength, its seal tightness and its resistance against chemicals when making a purchasing decision and not only on the best price. “When I tear every second glove while putting it on, Photos: Cleanroom Media

I save absolutely nothing.“ says Moschner. A similar case applies in the selection of towels. “When you want to wipe off your fingerprint from the surface of your mobile phone with a cellulose tissue, then you will need quite a long time to do this. However by using a microfibre cloth, this can be done quite quickly.“ emphasizes Moschner, speaking on the optimization poten-

Easy to clean furniture also ensures efficient operation of the clean room.

tial. If an operator first takes into con-

used for all cleaning carts and devic-

sults. This phenomenon exempli-

sideration what he is dealing with, for

es because this material is able to be

fies itself in sticky hospital floors.

example the cleaning of plexi-glass

sterilized. Manual systems should be

or stainless steel surfaces, or if he has

made with open drains and round-

Pfennig has solved the too-wet-too-

to remove oils, fats, loose particles or

ed edges because these devices are

dry problem with the development of

chemical compounds, he can be un-

easier to access and clean. Connec-

a closed system in which the mop au-

erring in his decision to choose tow-

tions to machines and other devices

tomatically is soaked with the same

els with the highest efficiency.

should either be tight and without

amount of the disinfecting solution.

gaps or removable in order to avoid

This makes a reproducible quality in

the accumulation of particles and

manual cleaning possible. All cus-

micro-organisms. Micro-organisms

tomers who disparagingly say it is on-

deposit themselves on uneven weld-

ly a matter of cleaning up, Dietmar

Dietmar Pfennig can sing songs

ing seams and in hairline cracks. One

Pfennig counters: “Cleaning and dis-

when considering a purchaser’s in-

hairline crack of only three millim-

infecting influence production in a

fluence. „In the consideration of

eters in length and three one-hun-

cleanroom as much as an air circu-

cleanroom cleaning, by purchasing

dredth millimeters in depth, offers

lation system. The system is at one

unsuitable, untested, non-certified

room for 100,000 micro-organisms.

point designed and then is put into

Efficient Cleaning

equipment, this can lead to finding

operation – assuming the appropri-

something in the cleanroom which

Besides the choice of cleanroom

ate maintenance has been planned.

you really don’t want to find there.”

optimized products, cleaning pro-

Cleaning and disinfecting are indi-

says the Managing Director of Pfen-

cedures also have a distinct influ-

vidual procedures and are performed

nig Reinigungstechnik GmbH (Pfen-

ence on the efficient operation of a

by people. This is why reproducible

nig Cleaning Equipment GmbH) in

cleanroom. “The problem is: People

quality is so important.“

Durach located in southern Germa-

understandably never work in ex-

ny. Cotton fibre mops for example

actly the same ways, therefore pro-

In order to operate a cleanroom ef-

are able to release up to 100,000 times

cedures are not reproducible. A mop

ficiently, it takes much more than

more particles because cotton is not

for example after soaking can be ei-

keeping an eye on energy and con-

a continuous fibre but rather a short

ther too dry or too wet.” says Diet-

sumable material costs. There are

fibre. This example alone shows the

mar Pfennig. If the mop is too dry,

immense potentials and opportuni-

potential for efficiency in the use

germs are in seventh heaven. “The

ties for improving efficiency and sav-

of optimized systems. Mops should

water which is brought onto the

ing costs by optimizing the processes.

be made from textile fibres which

floor is like a tramway with which

Moreover, with wisely planned pro-

are able to withstand the mechan-

the disinfection medium is brought

cessing practices, not only can ex-

ical wear and tear of cleaning pro-

to the germs.” explains Pfennig. A

penditures and cost-intensive invest-

cedures and the thermal conditions

break in the film of water means

ments be reduced, but also employee

of the autoclave and still be able to

therefore no disinfection. If the mop

safety, the products and the environ-

clean well. Stainless steel should be

is too wet, a build-up of deposits re-

ment will benefit.



Students found a GMP school


Graduates organize on their own initiative, GxP courses and lectures.

On their own initiative, students from three German universities have together launched a GMP Spring School, in order to take one small but important step to further their studies, this step being to become more aware of the laws and regulations governing the production of pharmaceutical products, cosmetics and food products.

ufacturing Practice (GMP) and in Good Distribution Practice GDP), in short, about everything concerning “GxP” in a compact form. These courses which took place in Halle, were so successful that further courses were considered. The

Many well-educated graduates

itiative for Natural Sciences e.V.)

results: The students founded a

who have studied natural sciences

of the Martin Luther University

company under civil law (GbR) and

find out after beginning their pro-

in Halle, the project entitled “GMP

have thus created the framework

fessional careers that their knowl-

for Students”.

for the successful continuation of

edge about the laws governing the life science industry is lacking. As this type of information is seldom

the project.

GxP Compact

taught at colleges and universi-

This success was not long in the waiting. 150 people notified their

ties, students from Halle, Leipzig

In this one-week course, students

interest in taking part in the next

and Dresden have launched an ex-

in their final semesters and those

event in Dresden. This course took

emplary initiative of their own.

people just beginning their careers,

place from March 9th to March

They have brought into life with

were instructed in the regulatory

13th, 2015, in the Dresden Center

support from the Studentischen

environment in Good Laborato-

for Regenerative Therapy. The or-

Förderinitiative der Naturwissen-

ry Practice (GLP), in Good Clini-

ganizers with their zeal and com-

schaften e.V. (Student Funding In-

cal Practice (GCP), in Good Man-

mitment were able to bring in very competent speakers and representatives from regional life science companies.

Win-Win Situation for the Region With their idea, “GMP for Students”, the organizers found the industry representatives very open to their initiative. Most initial inquiries were answered very favorably. Why were these students so successful The GMP Spring School initiated by three German university students was directed at students and doctoral candidates doing studies in life sciences. Foto: Philip Franke



Müsliboard mit 48 Portionsbechern (à 85g Bio-Müsli) Folgebestellung zum Vorzugspreis Lieferrhythmus wählbar, keine Mindestlaufzeit

DE-ÖKO-037 EU-/ Nicht-EULandwirtschaft




with their idea? It was simply because the concept based itself on a

Practical Transfer of Knowledge

win-win situation at regional lev-

GMP applies to Cleanrooms as well The organizers of the “GMP for Students” also incorporated additional

els. On the one hand, the students’

As many of the “GMP for Stu-

programs into this event. Speakers

concerns on closing the gaps in

dents” event’s industry represent-

and lecturers from the industries

their knowledge about the laws

atives are employed in the field

of logistics and cleanroom man-

and regulations were covered by

of GMP, they could present this

agement had also been invited. The

local professionals and experts

topic in very practical and realis-

representative from a worldwide

and on the other hand, company

tic terms. Speakers and lecturers

logistics provider spoke about the

representatives were brought into

coming from research institutions

possibilities and the risks of safe

contact with potential future em-

doing experimental and pre-clini-

transport (against imitation prod-

ployees out of the very enthusias-

cal work emphasized how impor-

ucts) of pharmaceutical products

tic group of course participants. In

tant it is that the development of

and analysis samples. The course

fact, ample time for this network-

innovative, diagnostic and thera-

was rounded out with an overview

ing was planned into the event.

peutic concepts follows regulatory

of GMP requirements seen from the

The representatives who were in-

framework conditions. When the

perspective of governmental offi-

vited were given the time to in-

requirements which are laid down


troduce their companies. Further-

by the Good Laboratory Practice

more, human resource employees

(GLP) and the Good Clinical Prac-

The participants of “GMP for Stu-

from these companies were invit-

tice (GCP) are underestimated, the

dents” received a certificate upon

ed to lay out their respective com-

risks that an innovative project will

completion of the course which can

pany’s application procedures.

end in disaster run high.

only be advantageous when applying for a job. The next course is already in the planning stages and will take place in July, 2015 in Halle. Information about the course can be found at Text: Dr. Rüdiger Laub Above: The not-so-simple procedure of putting on a cleanroom suit could also be experienced. Photo: Eleni Patelakis Left: A full lecture hall: The interest of the students and the motivation to expand their knowledge of GMP regulations was exceptional. Photo: Eleni Patelakis


What do you do there, Stefan Grilec?


“My name is Stefan Grilec. I have

I assemble disposable high-puri-

drawings, the pharmaceutical con-

been working at Tecno Plast In-

ty tube systems in cleanrooms for

nections are built in and fastened.

dustrietechnik GmbH in Düssel-

use in the pharmaceutical indus-

Finally the tube systems are multi-

dorf, Germany, since March 2012

try. These tube systems are indi-

ply-packed and labeled. The infor-

as a Production Technician. My

vidually designed according to cus-

mation on the labels assure that any

tasks include the production of

tomers’ specifications, meaning

particular lot and its product alloca-

Single-Use-Systems in clean and

that there is no limit to their size

tion can be traced. When a customer

sterile rooms as well as the qual-

and form. During production, the

so desires, the products will be gam-

ity control of parts and reference

tubes are cut to their desired length.


samples from suppliers.

In compliance with the technical

To protect the tube systems from contamination, a conscientious and clean-working approach is required. This means that during the entire production time inside the cleanroom, not only protective clothing must be worn but also regular cleaning and disinfection of work surfaces must be carried out following exact guidelines and specifications. Working inside a cleanroom demands a very high degree of self-responsibility and self-reliance with respect to the clean and appropriate manufacture of the products. I provide completed systems with their first layer of outer packaging..

Stefan Grilec is a Cleanroom Production Technician at TECNO PLAST Industrietechnik GmbH (TECNO PLAST Industrial Technology GmbH), a company which customizes and finishes tube systems for the pharmaceutical and chemical industries associated with cleanroom production.



A Short Personal Profile from the Cleanroom Industry


Regulations – Bothersome Obligations or Valuable Pointers


Many Suggestions on Increasing Efficiency can be found in Official Norms and Guidelines Compliance to all requirements for the operation of cleanrooms cause higher operating costs. However there are possibilities to reduce these costs without violating the regulations.

here is that these requirements only depict representative energy consumption cost factors. Current studies give evidence that the turbulence-free dis-

Even Goethe groaned: “If a man were

er of the International Confederation of

placement flow can be held at 0.2 me-

to study each and every law, he would

Contamination Control Society (ICCCS)

ters per second. “The value of 0.45 indi-

have absolutely no time to break

and is active in the VDI (Association of

cates nothing.” states Dr. Lothar Gail.

them.” Concerning this grievance, to-

German Engineers) as a member of the

“Achieving and holding to a certain air

day’s cleanroom operators can certainly

VDI Cleanroom Committee and is also

speed is not the decisive factor but rath-

agree with Goethe. If an operator wants

active in the International Cleanroom

er the sustainability of a unidirection-

to keep with all the regulatory demands

Standardization Board. Taking from his

al displacement flow.” Just how strong

on the design, construction and the op-

experience as a consultant, Dr. Gail in-

these flows should be depend on the

eration of cleanrooms he is faced with

dicates: “As a rule, the possibilities for

individual application. Current regu-

an enormous challenge. This is only

improving efficiency have not been ex-

lations forego a standard specification.

one side of the coin, the other side be-


ing able to pull out the implications

Barrier technologies also offer possibil-

for one’s own facility in regards to the

This begins with the air speed in clean-

ities for cost optimization in cleanroom

numerous norms, regulations, policies

rooms which is designed to keep air-

operations which help to decrease the

and guidelines, and then to implement

borne contamination away from the

energy consumption for the treatment

these specifications so that the oper-

product. The standard specification in-

and transport of the enormous volumes

ating costs remain within budgetary

dicates a speed of 0.45 meters per sec-

of air. This is made possible by keeping


ond plus/minus 20%. US researchers

process surface areas as small as possi-

determined these specifications long

ble in the various critical stages of pro-

“Cleanroom regulations contain diverse

ago in the 1960’s and then like a prayer

cessing. Recommendations concerning

suggestions on how a cleanroom lets it-

wheel repeated these specifications

this matter are obtained from the VDI

self be operated efficiently.” emphasizes

long enough until they established

guideline 2083, page 4.2 (Energy Efficien-

Dr. Lothar Gail. Dr. Gail is the co-found-

themselves as the norms. The problem

cy). This guideline describes the clean-

Cleanroom Technology Start Ups At Cleanzone 2015, the International Trade Fair for Cleanroom Technology to be held in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, from October 27th to 28th, 2015, visitors will have the opportunity to attend discussions on the topic of “Starting Up in the Cleanroom Technology Industry”. Industry experts will be leading discussions on topics such as how suppliers can successfully enter the market and which norms and requirements should not be underestimated. Cleanroom technology users will be able to learn how they can find qualified suppliers and suitably qualified employees. The presentation “Starting Up in the Cleanroom Technology Industry” will take place on October 28th, 2015, in the Cleanzone Plaza.


51 Important Cleanroom Regulations ISO 14644

GMP Directive

VDI 2083 Cleanroom Technology

The EN ISO 14644 is an internation-

The EU-GMP-Directive for Human

This series of guidelines set the re-

al norm for the production in clean-

and Animal Pharmaceutical Products

quirements for the cleanliness of

rooms and adjoining areas. This norm

contains the guidelines for quality as-

room air, for work areas (surface ar-

replaces the US Federal Standard

surance in the production of phar-

eas, machines, tools), for the process

209E. This ISO norm sets and deter-

maceutical products, cosmetics, food

medium (gases, fluids, chemicals) and

mines cleanroom classes.

products and animal feed.

for the personnel who work in the various cleanroom industry sectors.

room-specific energy saving potentials.

be permanently maintained which is

The advantage of going into a set-

Cleanroom operators are advised to car-

very cost-intensive. Dr. Lothar Gail has

back operation mode according to

ry out processes with the highest clean-

some important advice concerning this

VDI 2083, 4.2 is explained by Dr. Lo-

liness requirements in separate areas,

matter: “The pressure difference spec-

thar Gail by using a case study of a

the reason being that when the critical

ification refers only to production en-

company equipped with a laboratory,

processes are separated from outside

vironments and not to air lock areas.

with galenics operations, with clini-

environments the surfaces with very

Energy consumption can be reduced

cal material preparation and pack-

high air-cleanliness requirements as

in the production areas.” Cleanroom

aging and facilities for keeping live

well as the rate of air exchange can be

experts advise to design pressure dif-

animals. The question facing man-

reduced. Besides offering reductions

ferences as cost and quality factors and

agement was if going into setback

in energy consumption, this procedure

to do this from the outset of a project. “

operation would be financially ben-

provides an additional advantage: “The

It is worth thinking about which pres-

eficial. Two alternatives were pro-

smaller a processing surface is, the bet-

sure-cascade really is needed.” For ex-

posed: the first, a minimal operation-

ter the quality of the product because

ample, in order to isolate two rooms

al change with significant savings

contamination, especially from per-

separated by a door or window, 5 Pas-

and the second, a large operational

sonnel becomes easier to avoid.” says

cal would be more than actually need-

change for maximum possible sav-

Dr. Lothar Gail.

ed, 1 or 0.5 Pascal would be sufficient.

ings. The first alternative encom-

VDI guideline 2083, page 4.2 (Energy

passed the setting back of humidifi-

Efficiency) contains a further savings

cation of the laboratory, the galenics

possibility, namely the reduced opera-

operations and the material prepara-

tion or setback operation for the times

tion facility from 43% to 35%, and for

when production does not take place.

the animal keeping areas from 48%

According to the guideline, the setback

to 35%. The savings amounted to 35%.

operation can, “…in times of a produc-

The second alternative encompassed

Dr. Lothar Gail is an outstanding expert for

tion stop or pause, considerable ener-

a general setback of humidification

Cleanrooms and aseptic technologies, Phar-

gy can be saved with the ventilation

for the laboratory, the galenics oper-

systems and with the processing ma-

ations, the material preparation fa-

maceutical Technology, Particle Measurement and pure media.

chines.” Nevertheless the compliance

cility and the animal keeping area

Further possibilities for reducing costs

to predetermined limit values has to

of 35%. The savings reached with this

can be found within the topic of pres-

be ensured. It is important to note that

alternative amounted to 55%.

sure differences. According to ISO

all personnel must have left the pro-

Norm 14644-4 (Planning, Construction,

duction area before the setback opera-

This case study impressively shows

and Initial Start-up of Cleanrooms and

tion is initiated and to have a produc-

that by following norms, regula-

Cleanroom-Associated Areas), pressure

tion-stop time plan after the cleaning

tions, guidelines and policies, it is

differences between adjoining clean-

work has been completed. The switch

possible to implement cost optimiz-

room areas should range between 5

from full production to setback oper-

ing procedures in the operation of

and 20 Pascal. As the individual areas

ation should take place automatically

cleanrooms. These norms and regu-

cannot be hermetically separated from

and be coordinated with the surveil-

lations serve to be much more than

each other, the pressure-cascade has to

lance of access areas.

just annoying requirements.




Foto: Francis Rembarz


Apply Now for the Cleanroom Award 2015 The Cleanroom Innovation of the Year will be chosen at the trade fair Cleanzone.

The ReinraumAkademie (Cleanroom Academy) is calling once again for applications from companies and research institutions involved in the cleanroom industry for the Cleanroom Award 2015. The five best innovations will be presented at the Cleanzone trade fair which will take place from October 27th to October 28th, 2015 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The winner, chosen by Cleanzone’s attendees, will be awarded €3000.00. Have you ever – perhaps only for testing purposes – tried an allout full braking maneuver with your car, simply to get the feeling how your car would react? Probably not. You are not alone in this instance. Many people have never attempted how quickly they can bring their car to a full stop when they really step hard on the brakes. Many do not trust themselves to do perform such an act, or the strength and determina-

fast the failing braking power and thereby possibly rescuing

To Improve Awareness in the Industry

the driver’s life. The injustice in this matter is that the driv-

Companies in the cleanroom indus-

er credits the automobile man-

try have as a rule the same situation

ufacturer for his rescue who has

as described above. Although many

manufactured such a marvelous

products used in our daily lives

vehicle. The supplier who actual-

would not have the desired quality

ly produced the sensor and de-

or functionality when not produced

serves the glory remains un-

in cleanrooms, the companies in the


cleanroom technology industry are hardly noticed or appreciated.

Applying for the Cleanroom Award 2015 What is allowed to be submitted? Sought are ideas and innovations which involve the topic of sustainability and energy efficiency. The submissions should bring to the cleanroom industry advances in technology, energy benefits and advantages in competitiveness. It doesn’t matter if the concept has already been put into practice or if it exists only as a sketch in a notebook. All interesting ideas can be submitted – scribbles on a piece of paper on up to a finished product. Until when can applications be submitted? The deadline for submission is August 31st, 2015. Participants can be companies, institutions, scientific facilities and individual developers. Where are applications to be sent? Please send applications for the

tion to do so is missing.

Cleanroom Award 2015 to the following address:

Therefore some resourceful au-

ReinraumAkademie GmbH

tomobile suppliers have developed tiny sensors which recognize the moment the brakes are applied and whether the driver wants to do a full stop, or more exactly said, has to brake hard.

Code Word “Cleanroom Award” Rosa-Luxemburg-Str. 12-14 04103 Leipzig Tel.: +49 341 98989 302 E-Mail: Internet:

The sensor recognizes lightning



54 Previous winners of the Cleanroom Awards (left to right): the Dutch company Technology of Sense (Apmon, 2012), the Portuguese Laborial SA (Blue Touch, 2013), the German Initial Textil Service GmbH & Co.KG (CleanVision cleanroom suit, 2014). Photos on this page: René Dreyer and Stefan Noack, Cleanroom Media;


Sandra Gätke, Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

In order to change this situation the Re-

been bringing into the public eye since

the cleanroom industry. Every year out

inraum Akademie brought into life the

2012 the best and most innovative ide-

of a variety of entries the five best ide-

Cleanroom Award. This distinction has

as, products and services coming out of

as are selected by a jury and effective-

These are the previous Cleanroom Award winners

BLAUTOUCH: Cleanroom Award 2013 | The Portuguese company Laborial S.A. won the Cleanroom Award 2013 for their

APMON: Cleanroom Award 2012 |

project Blautouch. Blautouch is

The Dutch company Technology of

a laboratory table with an inter-

Sense won the very first Cleanroom

active surface which was devel-

Award in 2012 with the project AP-

oped in compliance with the GMP

MON. APMON stands for Ad-

Guidelines for Cleanrooms. The

CleanVision Cleanroom-Suit:

vanced Particle Deposition Monitor

interactive Touchsystem has been

Cleanroom Award 2014 | Clean-

and refers to a measuring device

built under a glass surface and

zone’s visitors chose the Ger-

which above all monitors the parti-

man company Initial Textil Ser-

cles in a room which could fall on-

vice GmbH as the winner of the

to a product. A computer assesses

Cleanroom Award 2014 for their

the data which the APMON device

innovative product Cleanvision

is sending out, shows permanently

Cleanroom-Suit. The one piece

the current levels of contamination

suit has an integrated hood and

on a product’s surface area and

a replaceable visor. Thanks to

sounds an alarm when a thresh-

its construction, the suit is near-

old value has been exceeded. This

ly completely closed which pre-

makes possible a significant reduc-

destines the suit for deployment

tion in the number of faulty or de-

makes it possible to use a com-

in sterile environments. The zip is

fective products.

puter which actually is located

located on the inside of the suit’s

outside of the cleanroom. There-

leg instead of on the breast which

fore any possible contamination

allows the user to completely op-

sources coming from a work sta-

erate the zip from the left side re-

tion have been ruled out. The

ducing the risk of outside con-

smooth glass surface is easy to

tamination while dressing. The

clean and disinfect. Blautouch is

integrated visor makes the wear-

a solution for aseptic facilities.

ing of safety glasses unnecessary.



ly presented to the media and the at-

idea for the cleanroom industry is de-

publicity for our company.” The result

tendees to the Cleanzone Trade Fair in

cided by Cleanzone’s attendees by bal-

is that numerous inquiries have been

Frankfurt am Main, Germany. In 2015,

lot. The award ceremony takes place

received regarding his new product.

Cleanzone – the International Trade

on the second day of the fair, award-

Applications for the Cleanroom Award

Fair and Congress for the Cleanroom

ing to the winner €3000.00 in prize

can be submitted by companies, sci-

Industry will be taking place from Oc-

money and extensive press coverage.

entific institutions and individual

tober 27th to October 28th.

Jan Gerbrands, Managing Director of

developers. What are sought, are in-

Technology of Sense B.V. in the Neth-

novations, concepts and ideas for im-

erlands won the very first Cleanroom

proving sustainability and energy effi-

Award in 2012. This award has helped

ciency. The deadline for submission is

to put his company on the map. “A

August 31st, 2015 (see box).

Cleanroom Award Increases Awareness

great deal of attention and coverage is Which of the five nominated ideas is

given to us by industry professionals.”

selected as the best, most pioneering

says Gerbrands. “This is a lot of free

The Nominees from Previous Years

tem for the calibration of particle

cy and minimizing CO2 emissions

counters. |

with cleanroom climate control sys-

TU Graz: University Course of Stud-

tems utilizing a power-heating-cool-

Every year at Cleanzone, five can-

ies in Cleanroom Technology. |

ing-coupling technique.

didates are presented for the Clean-

AAF-Lufttechnik GmbH: A new gen-

room Award who had been chosen

eration of filter equipment. |

Finalists in 2014:

by a jury out of the variety of ap-

Colandis GmbH: A project for bring-

Schiller Automatisierungstechnik:

plicants. From these five finalists,

ing art into the cleanroom.

Ceiling conveyor system for facto-

Cleanzone’s visitors select the win-

ry automation |

ner for the innovation of the year.

Finalists in 2013:

Topas GmbH: Innovative fog gener-

The winners from previous years

Berner International GmbH: The new

ator for visualizing air flows. |

are found in the box “These are the

generation of safety work-benches. |

W.O.M. World of Medicine GmbH:

previous winners of the Cleanroom

Albany Door Systems GmbH: Rap-

A cleanroom production facility

Award“. Here are the other candi-

id Roll® Clean – The first certified

with diverse production areas un-

dates who were nominated and

cleanroom gate. |

der one roof. |

made it into the final round.

CO2Nexus Inc.: Tersus™ Liquid CO2

AAF International: Sterilization

Cleanroom Laundry Solution. |

circuit with hot air for the phar-

Finalists in 2012:

Curasan AG: Innovative cleanroom

maceutical industry.

Palas GmbH: Referenz Aerosol Sys-

concept: Maximizing energy efficien-



“Jury work changes one’s point of view“


Egon Buchta reports about the responsibilities of the Cleanroom Award Jury.

Cleanroom Magazine: Mr. Buchta, as

and cutting edge ideas in terms of in-

ions concerning the same projects. As

a member of the Cleanroom Award

novation, sustainability and efficien-

a consequence, a different vantage

Jury, your job is to select together

cy. The applications have to be signif-

point is often acquired.

with the other jury members, who

icant and meaningful. Only then are

incidentally come from all sectors

the jurors able to get comprehensive

Cleanroom Magazine: Who was your

of the cleanroom industry, five can-

pictures of the projects and to hand

favorite in the initial screening and

didates who will be allowed to pres-

in well-founded votes.

pre-selection process 2014?

does the screening and pre-selection

Cleanroom Magazine: With nearly 30

Buchta: I saw CleanVision’s clean-

process work?

applications, each juror certainly has

room suit as being far ahead of the

his or her favorite. How does the jury

other entries and indeed Cleanzone’s

come to a common decision?

attendees voted this company as the

ent their projects at Cleanzone. How

Buchta: This is almost similar to the election of the pope. The jury meets

winner of the Innovation Award 2014.

in closed chambers and discusses the

Buchta: We have to look for an over-

As the trade fair’s attendees choose

projects which have been submitted.

all majority. When one or two fa-

the winner, the atmosphere remains

Then the jury keeps voting as long as

vorites coincide with several jurors,

quite suspenseful for the members

it takes to find the five finalists.

then we can quickly choose the first

of the jury right up to the end of the

finalists. With further candidates

election process.

Cleanroom Magazine: According to

the list of criteria has to be consult-

which criteria are the Award candi-

ed and the arguments of the other

Cleanroom Magazine: Mr. Buchta, we

dates selected?

jurors have to be weighed up. This is

are looking forward to Cleanroom

what is fascinating about jury duty:

Award’s candidates 2015. Thank you

the differing points of view and opin-

very much for the interview.

Buchta: The jury looks for pioneering

About the Person Egon Buchta is the Managing Director of Ingenieurbüro & Reinraumservice Egon Buchta GmbH (Engineering Office and Cleanroom Service Egon Buchta GmbH) in Wannweil, Germany, located near Stuttgart, Germany. The company is specialized in qualifying and maintaining cleanrooms and cleanroom technical devices and machines as well as entire cleanroom facilities. Egon Buchta is a regular consultant and contributor on topics concerning cleanroom service technicians, safety work benches and the transfer of knowledge at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the region of Niederrhein. In addition to these duties, he holds the position of Chairman for the Association of Cytostatics Work Benches DIN 12980 of the Laboratory Instruments and Laboratory Equipment Standards Committee of the German Federal Standards Institute. | Egon Buchta, Photo René Dreyer


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14.-16.07.2015 SEMICON West San Francisco (USA)

Trade Fairs and Congresses


06.-08.10.2015 Biotechnica Hannover (Germany) SERVICE | EVENTS






Berlin Potsdam Magdeburg

30.09.-03.10.2015 EXPOPHARM Düsseldorf (Germany)

Leipzig Düsseldorf

10.-14.10.2015 Anuga Köln (Germany)




15.-19.06.2015 ACHEMA Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

Frankfurt am Main

Wiesbaden Mainz



27.-28.10.2015 Cleanzone Frankfurt am Main (Germany)


15.-16.09.2015 Swiss Medtech Expo Luzern (Switzerland)



Basel Aarau Delèmont Solothurn


St. Gallen



Luzern Freiburg

Bern Chur






ReinraumAkademie Events (Germany) and the CleanroomAcademy (Switzerland) CLEANROOM EXPERTS DAYS 09.-10.06.2015 | Cleanrooms and Environmental Protection | Wangen an der Aare (Switzerland) 23.-24.09.2015 | Fitness und Ergonomics in Cleanrooms | Leipzig (Germany) 30.09.-01.10.2015 | Professional Cleanroom Management | Wangen an der Aare (Switzerland) 18.-19.11.2015 |Cleanroom Design | Wangen an der Aare (Switzerland) 24.-25.11.2015 | Cleanroom Behavior, Cleaning and Training | Leipzig (Germany)

TAGESTRAINING PLUS 16.06.2015 | Aschaffenburg (Germany) 17.06.2015 | Penzberg (Germany) 18.06.2015 | Innsbruck (Austria) 02.07.2015 | Leipzig (Germany) 06.10.2015 | Wangen an der Aare (Switzerland) 08.10.2015 | Aschaffenburg (Germany) 10.11.2015 | Leipzig (Germany)

PROFESSIONAL SEMINARS 28.-29.09.2015 | Fundamentals of Professional Cleanroom Cleaning | Wangen an der Aare (Switzerland) 11.-12.11.2015 |Fundamentals of Professional Cleanroom Cleaning | Leipzig (Germany)



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Ausgabe 1/2012



Next Issue | July 2015


Attraktives Reiseziel für Technologen Popular destination for technologists

Hans Lindner „Können, Fleiß und Glück“ Ability, Diligence and Luck

Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten von Reinräumen Cleanroom design ideas

An industrial sector gets new impulses


Cleanroom Award

Cleanroom Award

Erster Innovationspreis für die Reinraumbranche First special award in the cleanroom industry

Monitoring fallender Partikel Monitoring Particle Deposition


Attraktives Reiseziel für Technologen Popular destination for technologists

Sieglinde Sellemond

Norbert Otto Vordenken und Nachdenken Thinking Ahead and Reflecting

Well dressed in a Cleanroom


Genuss, Kunst und Kultur Indulgence, art and culture

Tirol – Hightech im Bergparadies

Gut gekleidet im Reinraum


Attraktives Reiseziel für Technologen Popular destination for technologists


Eine Branche geht auf Empfang

Ausgabe 2/2012

Tirol – High tech in mountain paradise


Ausgabe 2/2012 2/2014


Cleanroom Award

Erster Innovationspreis für die Reinraumbranche First special award in the cleanroom industry


Düsseldorf Die Reinraumwelt trifft sich in Attraktives Frankfurt / The World ofReiseziel cleanfür Technologen room meets in Frankfurt Popular destination for technologists


KanegsNorbert Otto berg

Vordenken und DasNachdenken Produkt steht im Thinking Ahead Mittelpunkt / The focus andonReflecting the product


Attraktives Reiseziel für Technologen Popular destination for technologists

Blühende Natur Gefährliche Kontamination

Jan Gerbrands Motivation und Leidenschaft Motivation and Passion

Cleanroom Award –

Herausforderung an die Branche Cleanroom Award – Challenging the branch

So nehmen Pollen und Luftfeuchtigkeit Einfluss auf Ihre Produktion

Regularien Lästige Pflicht oder geldwerte Tipps? OLEDs Die Lichtrevolution aus dem Reinraum Krankenhauskeime Wie Raumtechnologien Infektionen verhindern

Cleanroom Award –

Gut gekleidet im Reinraum Fortschritt für den Reinraum Cleanroom Award – Advancement for the Cleanroom

Well dressed in a Cleanroom

ISSN 2364-0405

Imprint CLEANROOM MAGAZIN is edited and published by the Cleanroom Media GmbH Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 12-14 04103 Leipzig Germany Internet Executive board Frank Duvernell Director Cleanroom Media Maja Franke Tel. +49 341 98989 404


Editor in Chief Frank Baecke Tel. +49 341 98989 405 Translation Bill Hillman Contributors Frank Baecke Prof. Gernod Dittel Frank Duvernell Maja Franke Dr. Rüdiger Laub Knut Neubauer Advertisements Maja Franke Tel. +49 341 98989 404

Execution Wohlfahrt GmbH Frequency of Publication Four issues per year Circulation 10.000 copies Printing press Löhnert-Druck, Leipzig ISSN 2364-0405

Reprints Reprints and digital application of any contributions from this magazine, also as extracts, are only allowed after receiving permission from the editor. No liability is assumed for any unsolicited manuscripts and/or photographs sent to the magazine.


Frühjahr 2015

Life & Science Informationen für die Reinraumtechnologie

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