April 2018 Emerald Necklace

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APRIL Program Guide 2018

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo welcomes new baby Rhino Take the Trail Challenge The Buzz about Bees Why these insects are so important for us all


2 Letter from Brian

Spring has arrived, thawing away the remains of winter and revealing even more of the beauty that Cleveland Metroparks has to offer. This is the perfect time for exploration in the Park District’s 18 reservations. I encourage you to find 30 minutes in your schedule to immerse yourself in the sprawling 23,000+ acres. A simple hike or bike ride along one of over 300 miles of trails not only provides numerous health benefits, but also gives you a front-row seat to nature in bloom.

3 Zoo welcomes Newborn Rhino Calf

Colorful wildflowers like trout lilies and Virginia bluebells can be spotted along your trek with neotropical migrant birds providing eclectic melodies above—you may even be able to spot a few orioles or grosbeaks as they begin nesting. These brilliant natural wonders will be sure to spark your curiosity and I invite you to take time to learn more by engaging in one of many educational opportunities available at one of five nature centers throughout Cleveland Metroparks. Warmer temperatures provide the perfect climate to continue your wellness resolution from the winter season. You may want to challenge yourself to explore a new recreational opportunity: kayaking, biking and climbing are just a few of many activities available to engage in no matter your experience level. Time is one of the most important investments you can make and this season I encourage you to invest in connecting with nature and exploring the diverse opportunities available within Cleveland Metroparks.

Brian Zimmerman Cleveland Metroparks CEO



Emerald Necklace April 2018 | Vol. 67 #4

4 Trail Challenge 5 Naturalist’s Almanac & The Gift of Nature 6 Conservation & Science 7 Zoo News 8 Bus Tours 9 Facilities Re-opening 10 Golf Courses 11 Nature Shops 12 Programs & Events 22 Swim Lessons 23 Outdoor Recreation


Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Welcomes Newborn Rhino Calf


ibibbi, a 14-year-old eastern black rhino, gave birth to a female calf on February 7, 2018. This is the sixth eastern black rhino calf born at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Mom and baby are doing well and have been under constant care by the Zoo’s animal care team. In order to stimulate the mother-calf bond, Kibibbi and the calf will not be visible to the public for a period of time. The animal care team will monitor the health of the rhino and the development of the bond to determine when guests can meet the calf. Stay tuned to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo’s social media accounts and FutureForWildlife.org/rhino for updates. Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is also preparing for the birth of a second baby eastern black rhino. Inge, a 24.5-year-old eastern

black rhino, is expecting a calf this fall. This will be Inge’s fifth calf. Listed as critically endangered, less than 750 eastern black rhinos remain in the wild due to poaching and habitat loss. Kibibbi’s new calf is an important one for the species; of the 48 eastern black rhinos located in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ (AZA) zoos in North America, four were born in 2017 and this is the first of 2018. The Zoo is committed to securing a future for wildlife. Animals cared for at the Zoo develop guest connections, building awareness for the importance of conservation. To join the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo’s conservation community and learn how you can support the Zoo’s mission to secure a future for wildlife, visit FutureForWildlife.org.

About Baby Rhinos Q: How long are rhinos pregnant? A: 15 – 17 months Q: How big is a newborn rhino? A: Typically less than 24 inches tall, weighing 80-110 lbs. Q: What do baby rhinos eat? A: For two months, they drink mother’s milk, and then they graduate to fruits, vegetables and grasses.

Did you know? A rhino calf makes high-pitched squeals to communicate with its mother.

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is open everyday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Starting May 26 through Labor Day, Saturday and Sunday hours will be 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Located at 3900 Wildlife Way, the Zoo is easily accessible from the Jennings Freeway, I-71, I-90 and I-480. Parking is free. clevelandmetroparks.com



Trail Challenge in Cleveland Metroparks Cleveland Metroparks values the health and wellness of all its patrons and is committed to providing recreational opportunities that promote physical fitness.


ave you ever wanted to go on a hike in Cleveland Metroparks, but didn’t know where to start? Maybe you’ve always been interested in exploring a new bike trail or kayaking in a different area. Whatever your recreational interests, Trail Challenge presented by Cigna provides a fun, easy guide to exploring Cleveland Metroparks with exciting prizes along the way. Trail Challenge is available for all skill levels year-round. Trails are organized by surface and distance. To participate, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/trailchallenge to retrieve your brochure and complete at least 10 out of the 25 available trails by December 31, 2018. Once completed, submit your form online and receive your prize.


Emerald Necklace April 2018

Biking You can go as easy or as extreme as you want on Cleveland Metroparks paved and natural surface trails. Whether you’re going for a leisure ride or intense journey, explore Mill Stream Run Reservation, West Creek Reservation and Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation.

Hiking Enjoy a leisure stroll or advanced trek through nature on natural surface trails in North Chagrin Reservation, Rocky River Reservation and Brecksville Reservation.

Kayaking This watersport is a great way to learn endurance while working your core and

enjoying the beautiful scenery of Cleveland Metroparks. Explore trails in Hinckley Reservation, Huntington Reservation and Lakefront Reservation. Winter activities like snowshoeing and skiing are also available for Trail Challenge. Cleveland Metroparks values the health and wellness of all its patrons and is committed to providing recreational opportunities that promote physical fitness. With over 300 miles of trails to explore, the adventures awaiting you are endless. For a complete list of participating trails and how to receive your prize, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/trailchallenge.


Spring April initiates the return of spring’s vibrant colors to the forest floor. Spring wildflowers bloom and are pollinated before the leaves of trees fall. Soon to bloom are the yellow of trout lilies amid the whites of squirrel corn and Dutchman’s breeches. By the end of the month white and red trillium will come into bloom and the trees will begin to shade the forest floor, shifting the wildflower’s energy to seed production. Sweet songs of neotropical migrant birds along with the first waves of warblers, vireos, flycatchers and thrushes can be heard as they make their journey north—some resting briefly in Ohio. Shorebirds migrating from as far south as Argentina stop at local mudflats to refuel on invertebrates before continuing to the tundra of Canada. Orioles, grosbeaks, tanagers and others return to begin their nesting cycle. Beneath the forest floor, amphibians spring to life. The early rush to vernal pools is replaced with the prolonged breeding season of leopard and pickerel frogs, and American toads. Female American toads are notorious egg layers, laying up to 15,000 eggs per female in a long-coiled string often extending over 10 meters in length. Their tadpoles will develop quickly and emerge as toadlets before the end of summer.

May is the best time to witness the daily

changes of nature’s flora and fauna. Leaves are rapidly growing, migrant birds are searching for small insects to fuel their journeys and wildflowers’ sweet nectar begin drawing beetles, flies, bees and ants. Blankets of Virginia bluebells and wild hyacinth can be viewed along a river in a floodplain forest, but come and go so quickly that they’re easily missed. By mid-May oaks, which are one of the last trees to sprout new leaves, are now in full bloom. Their drooping catkins produce a great deal of pollen dispersed on the wind, attracting various insects and songbirds feasting on pollen covered insects. Sunny afternoons bring green darners in wetlands; early in the month they are likely migrants from the south spreading northward on southerly breezes. Mother’s Day is perfect time to view goslings, ducklings and fawns. Waves of songbirds fill Cleveland Metroparks with flute-like sounds, providing the opportunity to see blackburnian warblers and wood thrush as they head further north. Nocturnal migration of some birds can be so impressive that they can be seen on the weather radar.

June brings the most glorious biodiversity as cool spring begins to transition to warmer summer days. The focus of flowers shifts from woodlands to wetlands with amphibians and insects bringing them to life. Water lilies floating on the surface provide a place for dragonflies to rest. Along the edges the purples of native pickerelweed are where pollinating butterflies can be found. Common carp begin to thrash along shorelines of Lake Isaac and the lower reaches of the Rocky River as they spawn and lay eggs in warm shallow water. Snapping turtles and painted turtles can be seen traveling from their wetland homes in search of a warm, open area to lay eggs, the temperature of the nest will determine the hatchling’s sex. Green frogs’ banjo-like “twang” can now be heard in evenings near any permanent body of water throughout Cleveland Metroparks. Flute-like calls of wood thrushes echo and hooded warblers, red-eyed vireos, ovenbirds and scarlet tanagers are setting up territories to begin nest building within the rich beech-maple forests. Sycamoreladen riversides are alive with cerulean and yellow-throated warblers, Baltimore orioles, blue-gray gnatcatchers and rose-breasted grosbeaks. Spring migration tapers off with northbound warblers, vireos and thrushes moving on warm nighttime winds.

Trails: Connecting People, Places and Nature


leveland Metroparks is building and exploring new connections so that one day all residents throughout Cuyahoga County will be within 15 minutes of a Cleveland Metroparks trail or reservation. Currently, more than 300-miles of all-purpose trails, natural surface hiking and bridle trails and mountain bike trails connect the Emerald Necklace and provide opportunities for recreation and transportation. The construction, management and expansion of this trail system is an integral part of Cleveland Metroparks mission of conservation, education and recreation. Established in 2011, the Trails Fund supports the building and rehabilitation of new and existing trails so that numerous user groups may experience the wonder of nature. Much of this work is done by hand with specialized tools and equipment that minimize

natural resource impact while maximizing user enjoyment. Your gift to the Trails Fund will help Cleveland Metroparks further expand and conserve this extensive trail system so that it continues to benefit current and future generations. Donations to the Trails Fund may be made in several ways: • Online: visit clevelandmetroparks.com/trailsfund • By phone: call Sarah Wilson at 216-635-3261 • By mail: donations may be mailed to Cleveland Metroparks Development Department 4101 Fulton Parkway Cleveland, OH 44114 For more information on ways to include the Trails Fund in your estate plan please contact Karen Kannenberg at 216-635-3217. clevelandmetroparks.com



The Importance of Bees

Did you know? Q: Why are bees so important? A: Without bees, we would have very few fruits or nuts, fewer vegetables and no coffee or chocolate. Q: What other bees besides honey bees are important? A: Bumble bees are important because they can pollinate certain flowers like blueberry flowers better than other bees. Some plants with small flowers can only be pollinated by little species of bees. Q: How long can bees live? A: Honey bee workers live up to 2 weeks before a new one takes their place in a hive. Bumble bee queens typically live one year, worker female bumble bees live up to 2 weeks.


pring is one of the most beautiful seasons. Nature begins to bloom again displaying vibrant wildflowers, vegetation and wildlife. Did you know that all of the things that make spring such a bright time in nature are made possible because of bees? Bees and other pollinators such as moths and butterflies are declining worldwide, as industrial farming and wide use of pesticides increases. Around one third of all crops depend on bees for pollination, moving pollen from one flower to another, so that fruits and seeds can be produced. Bees have an integral role in things we use in our daily lives and aid in providing a healthy environment, making their conservation essential. Without bees, we would have very few fruits or nuts, fewer vegetables and no coffee


Emerald Necklace April 2018

or chocolate. Honey bees are crucial for many commercial crops and for honey production, providing economic benefits. For example, without bees, cotton plants would make 12% less cotton, increasing the cost of our clothes. While cotton plants are ‘self-pollinating’ plants and can produce seeds without bees, they still benefit from bees’ assistance. Farmers rely on this assistance to help boost crop production. Wildlife from chickadees to bears require bees for their survival because of the food produced from their pollinating services. In addition to honey bees, there are many other fewer known types of bees who are also important. Without these bees, certain plants would not be pollinated and disappear from the landscape. Bee larvae require protein from pollen to grow. Honey bees collect pollen for their larvae, but bumble bees are the real champs at

this. Blueberry flowers, for example, have pollen that is not easily dislodged from inside the flower. Only certain pollinators, like bumble bees, can properly pollinate them by vibrating the flowers (called “buzz pollination”). The impact of bees is crucial for many living things that would fail to exist without them. Could you imagine a world without your favorite fruits and vegetables, or a spring season without the lush blooming of wildflowers? Conserving bees helps protect an important process of nature’s cycle. If you want to help understand and contribute to conserving the bees in your area, especially bumble bees and other native bees, you can photograph them and submit the photos and location information to the Ohio Bee Atlas project on iNaturalist (https://www.inaturalist.org/ projects/ohio-bee-atlas).


Spring into Fun at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo


ust like us, giraffes, elephants and more are thrilled to experience warmer temperatures. This season, explore all that Cleveland Metroparks Zoo has to offer.

congratulate Kibibbi on her new calf. You can also see Inge, who is expecting a calf this fall.

African Savanna

For more up-close encounters this spring, stop by Australian Adventure to see the lorikeets or enjoy a camel ride in Australian Adventure in May. Enjoy a ride of a lifetime and take a souvenir photo for Mom, she gets into the Zoo for free on Mother’s Day. Dads can get in on the fun too by celebrating Father’s Day at the Zoo and receive free admission!

When temperatures are 50 degrees and higher, giraffes can be viewed from the Ben Gogolick Giraffe Encounter deck in the African Savanna area. Enjoy an up-close opportunity to feed our young giraffe Zawadi and friends. While in the African Savanna area, stop by the Rhino Deck to

Australian Adventure

Party for the Planet Top off spring’s arrival with a Party for the Planet! Visit Cleveland Metroparks Zoo on Saturday, April 21 beginning at 10 a.m. for a daylong celebration. Meet animal keepers, view animal enrichment demonstrations, enjoy a dance party and experience hands-on activities to help connect with the natural world. Visit Cleveland Metroparks Zoo this spring and explore all of the ways you can help guests further the Zoo’s efforts to secure a future for wildlife.

Asian Highlands – the new global destination area of the Zoo,

set to open in June 2018, will be home to the Zoo’s Amur and snow leopards, takin and red pandas. Once complete, a diverse array of natural elements found in the regions of Asia where these species reside in the wild will be replicated throughout the habitats.

Asian Highlands Opening this June

FPO Snow Leopard


Red Panda

Amur Leopard clevelandmetroparks.com


SPRING/SUMMER 2018 BUS TRIPS Presidential Canton Bus Tour

Wayne County Wander Bus Tour

Legacy of the Land Bus Tour

Friday, April 6

Saturday, May 12

Saturday, May 26

The legacy of our 25th President and First Lady is rich in Canton. Tour the National First Ladies’ Museum and Ida Saxton-McKinley home. Explore the William McKinley Museum and library, monument and a Frank Lloyd Wright traveling exhibit. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CWC Age: adults Terrain: paved, stairs, 2 miles Fee: $50, includes boxed lunch Register by phone or online beginning March 15 216-206-1000

Visit Secrest Arboretum in Wooster and enjoy spring among the largest collection of crabapple trees in the world. Enjoy lunch at the historic 1818 Smithville Inn and walk around town before heading to Lehman’s to shop and explore a simpler way of life. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CWC Age: adults Terrain: paved and natural surface, stairs, 2 miles Fee: $40, lunch not included Register by phone or online beginning April 20 216-206-1000

Join Naturalist Foster Brown for a full day of touring Cleveland Metroparks. Foster will share songs and stories that colorfully reveal the history and natural history of each site. Huntington, Mill Stream Run, Brecksville, Bedford and South Chagrin are a few of the reservations included. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CWC Age: adults Fee: $40 includes lunch Register online between May 1 – May 22 440-473-3370

Magee Marsh Trip A

Thursday, June 7

Spring Treasures Bus Tour and Journaling Adventure Friday, April 27 Spring is as ephemeral as the flowers it brings, but you can preserve the wonders of the season in a nature journal. Join Naturalist Stefanie Verish for a creative day as we travel the park in search of spring inspiration. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Age: adults Fee: $60, includes lunch and supplies Terrain: slow-paced, some hills, natural terrain, up to 2 miles Register online between March 20 – April 20 440-473-3370

Raptor Run & Hawkwatch Saturday, April 28 Witness raptors migrating along the Lake Erie coastline with Naturalist Jen Brumfield. We’ll visit key sites for migrating hawks, vultures, falcons and eagles. If it is raining, we’ll change our focus to seeking waterfowl and songbirds. 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. RRNC Fee: $70, includes transportation and lunch Terrain: mostly flat, limited walking Register online beginning April 9 440-734-6660

Cuyahoga River Restoration Tour Saturday, May 5 Progress continues along the Cuyahoga River. Restoration efforts throughout the watershed have led the comeback. Tour restoration projects along the Cuyahoga by foot, bus and water boat. Travel from the headwaters to the river mouth for a first-hand look at the revival. 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. LR Merwin’s Wharf Age: adults Fee: $89, includes lunch and transportation Terrain: natural surfaces, 2 miles Register by phone or online by April 29 440-887-1968

8 Emerald Necklace April 2018

Thursday, May 17 Visit one of the hottest spots in the country to watch warblers and other spectacular songbirds at famed Magee Marsh boardwalk and Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge with Naturalist Jen Brumfield. 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. RRNC Fee: $85, includes transportation and lunch Terrain: 2 miles, mostly flat Register online beginning April 10 440-734-6660

Farm Fresh Bus Tour Saturday, May 19 Agriculture is Ohio’s largest industry, so farming methods matter when it comes to conserving and protecting our natural resources. Local farms produce fresh, healthy foods in the Cleveland region. Visit two local farms and a bakery, take a tractor ride and meet the people who grow our food. Discover the differences in labels like “natural,” “organic,” “conventional” and “sustainable.” Lunch is guaranteed to be farm fresh! 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. WCR WSC parking lot Age: adults Fee: $56, includes transportation and lunch Terrain: mostly flat and varied, 1 mile Register by phone or online by May 10 440-887-1968

Magee Marsh Trip B Thursday, May 24 Visit one of the hottest spots in the country to watch warblers and other spectacular songbirds at famed Magee Marsh boardwalk and Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge with Naturalist Jen Brumfield. 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. RRNC Fee: $85 includes transportation and lunch Terrain: 2 miles, mostly flat Register online beginning April 17 440-734-6660

Oberlin Bus Tour Join us for an early summer day around the town of Oberlin. We’ll visit the Oberlin Heritage Center and the Westwood Cemetery. We’ll also tour the Weltzheimer/ Johnson House designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. CWC Age: adults Fee: $60, includes boxed lunch Terrain: natural and paved surfaces, stairs, 2 – 3 miles Register by phone or online between May 1 – June 1 216-206-1000

Emerald Necklace History Bus Tour Saturday, June 9 Visit Squires Castle, Great Falls of Tinker’s Creek, Brecksville Nature Center and the Stinchcomb-Groth Memorial Scenic Overlook. Learn about some of our most historic places in one day. Boxed lunch included. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. CWC Age: 12 years & over (under 16 with adult) Terrain: natural surface, hills, stairs, uneven, 0.5 miles walking per site Fee: $35 includes box lunch Register by phone or online beginning May 21 216-206-1000

Presque Isle Lighthouse Bus Tour Sunday, July 8 We will be traveling to Erie, Pennsylvania to visit Presque Isle State Park. We will tour the Presque Isle Lighthouse, the keeper’s house and visit the Tom Ridge Environmental Center. 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. CWC Age: adults Fee: $80, includes admission and lunch Terrain: sandy trails, stairs, 1 – 2 miles Register by phone or online between June 1 – 30 216-206-1000


Rental facilities available for your event needs Cleveland Metroparks Golf Clubhouses Treat your guests to a unique event experience at one of Cleveland Metroparks golf courses. Availability is weather and season dependent with catering services provided by Cleveland Metroparks.

The Valley View Rooms at Sleepy Hollow • Capacity: 130 guests

The Terrace at Big Met • Capacity: 90 guests

The Donald Ross Room at Manakiki

• Capacity: 240 guests (catering provided by Dino’s Catering)

Emerald Necklace Marina Scenic Valley Room Cleveland Metroparks has 75 rental facilities available to accommodate your event needs. Whether you’re planning a family gathering, graduation party or birthday celebration, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/rentals. Merwin’s Wharf on the riverfront

• Capacity: 90 seated, 150 cocktail style • All rentals include: tables, chairs, glasses, plates, flat wear and a basic linen package.

Merwin’s Wharf in Cleveland’s Flats Lock 44 Room • Capacity: 45 guests maximum • 2-hour minimum rental • Full restaurant rentals available on Mondays

Cleveland Metroparks facilities re-open for spring Edgewater Beach House in Lakefront Reservation




Merwin's Wharf (Summer Hours)

Tuesday, May 1st


E. 55 On the Lake

Tuesday, May 1st


Edgewater Beach House

Saturday, May 5th *


The Pier Concession at Edgewater

Saturday, May 5th *


Saturday, May 5th *


Saturday, May 5th *


Memorial Day Weekend


Memorial Day Weekend


ROCKY RIVER Emerald Necklace Marina Cafe

HUNTINGTON The Hut at Huntington Concession

HINCKLEY Buzzard's Landing (Hinckley Spillway)

MILL STREAM RUN Wallace Lake Concession * weekends only until Memorial Day clevelandmetroparks.com


Big Met | 440-331-1070 | Fairview Park Little Met | 216-941-9672 | Cleveland Manakiki | 440-942-2500 | Willoughby Hills Mastick Woods | 216-267-5626 | Cleveland

Find a course and book your tee time today at clevelandmetroparks.com/golf COURSE

LOCATION Manakiki Seneca

Shawnee Hills


Seneca | 440-526-0043 | Broadview Heights Shawnee Hills | 440-232-7184 | Bedford Sleepy Hollow | 440-526-4285 | Brecksville Washington | 216-641-1864 | Newburgh Heights





Beginners I – Ladies Only Beginners I Beginners I

Tuesdays Wednesdays Saturdays

April 24 – May 29 April 25 – May 23 April 28 – June 2

6 – 7:30 pm 6 – 7:30 pm 9 – 10:30 am

Adult Adult Adult

$170 170 170

Novice Learn – N - League Beginners I Junior Fundamental Series

Wednesdays Wednesdays Mondays

April 18 – May 23 April 25 – May 23 April 30 – May 21

9 – 11:30 am 6 – 7:30 pm 4 – 5 pm

Adult Adult Juniors 8 – 14 yrs

150 145 85

Beginners I


April 19 – May 17

6 – 7:30 pm



Tuesdays Thursdays Wednesdays Saturdays

April 24 – May 29 April 26 – June 7* April 18 – May 23 April 21 – May 26**

Adult Adult Adult Adult

170 170 160 145

Wednesdays Saturday

April 25 – May 23 May 5 only

6 – 7:30 pm 6 – 7:30 pm 9 – 11:30 am 9 – 10:30 am or 11am–12:30 pm 6 – 7:30 pm 9 am – 12 pm 1 – 4 pm

Adult Adult Juniors

145 20 20

Sleepy Beginners I Hollow Beginners I Washington Novice Learn – N - League Beginners I Beginners I Adult/Junior Swing Evaluation * No class on May 31

* * No class on May 5

Novice Learn – N - League This 6-week adult program combines instruction and practice followed by playing 9-holes in a supervised league setting. Each week a different part of the game will be featured. Program is meant for newer players, but not beginners. Fee includes green fees, instruction, range balls and hand carts. Register online.

Beginners I A hands-on series covering the basics of the full swing, chipping and putting. Basic golf terms, rules and etiquette are reviewed.

Beginners I – Ladies Only A hands-on series covering the basics of the full swing, chipping and putting. Basic golf terms, rules and etiquette are reviewed.

Junior Fundamental Series An introduction to golf for juniors that will teach more than just golf swing technique. Topics include course etiquette, rules, and course management skills.

Adult/Junior Swing Evaluation This golf clinic and swing evaluation will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities under the watchful eye of a trained professional golfer. In small groups, you will be evaluated on full swing, short game and putting. Upon completion of the evaluation the golf professionals will recommend an Academy of Golf program best suited for your abilities.

For registration information visit clevelandmetroparks.com/golf 10 Emerald Necklace April 2018


New Spring Merchandise Introducing our newest designs for Cleveland Metroparks

NEW! Edgewater Beach Cleveland Daily: 10 a.m. - 7p.m. Opens Memorial Day Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Hinckley Township 330-278-2160 Daily: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Men’s Hiking Shirt



Ladies Spring Jacket

Mens Spring Jacket





Keepsake Postcards

Now at the Nature Shops Select from four favorite locations in the Cleveland Metroparks to send to friends or keep as souvenirs!

New Summer Hours Begin in May at Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Beginning Friday, May 25, store hours change to 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. with rental hours from 9 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Women’s Hiking Shirt



North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511 Monday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4:45 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 Monday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Tuesday: 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4:45 p.m. Watershed Stewardship Center Parma 440-253-2170 Tuesday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4 p.m.

Gather up the family and head over to the Boathouse for some fun on the water! Rent stand up paddleboards, canoes, single and tandem kayaks, paddleboats and pontoons at the Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store! Hours, prices and more at clevelandmetroparks.com.

clevelandmetroparks.com clevelandmetroparks.com

11 11


(BR) Brookside Reservation

(AR) Acacia Reservation

(CMZ) Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

12 • Kayaking 1: Introduction 23 • Scranton Road Peninsula Hop 26 • Urban Explorations: Flats Bridges 30 • Urban Explorations: Flats Bridges

8 • Birds of Acacia 17 • Acacia for the Young at Heart 19 • Rain Barrel Workshop

(BeR) Bedford Reservation

3 • Wildflower Discovery Walk 7 • Woodlands of Bedford: Spring Salamanders along Sagamore Creek 10 • Wildflower Discovery Walk 11 • Wednesday Walk 14 • Yoga and Hike 17 • Wildflower Discovery Walk 24 • Yoga and Hike 24 • Wildflower Discovery Walk 29 • Wildflowers of Bedford

(BCR) Big Creek Reservation 14 • Salamander Search 28 • Beginner’s Birding

(BWR) Bradley Woods Reservation

21 • A Temporary Home 27 • Discovering Nature: Spring Peepers

(BrR) Brecksville Reservation

14 • Wildflower Peak Peek 22 • Ottawa Overlook Backpacking Fest 27 • Archery for Beginners – Adults 27 - 28 • Ottawa Overlook Beginner Backpacking Trip

(BNC) Brecksville Nature Center

5 • Outdoor Adventures for Homeschoolers: Find Your Way 8 • Get Out…And Explore 12 • Animal Crackers 12 • Nurture with Nature 15 • Pioneer Living for Kids: Pottery 29 • Mini Gardens

14 • Hanami Craft Drop-in 15 • Cherry Blossom Stroll 22 • Cherry Blossom Stroll 29 • Cherry Blossom Stroll

2 • Spring Break Camp 6 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 7 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 8 • Zoo Career Day 10 • Homeschool: Turtles and Other Reptiles 13 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 14 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 21 • Party for the Planet 21 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 27 • Tiger Tracks Overnight 28 • Tiger Tracks Overnight

(CWC) CanalWay Center

1 – 30 • Hunt of the Month: Caterpillar, Chrysalis & Butterfly 5 • Cleveland Astronomical Society 6 • Presidential Canton Bus Tour 6 • Peents and Peeps 7 • Extended Cart Tour 7 • Spring Hike 9 • Preschool: Nature Explorers 13 • CanalWay Story and Stroll 14 • Extended Cart Tour 14 • Afternoon Bike Ride 16 • CanalWay Quick-Step 18 • Young Explorers 20 • Family Movie Night 21 • Extended Cart Tour 23 • Family Fun Night 25 • Discover Days: Rabbits and Raindrops 27 • Springtime Cart Tour 27 • Going on a Tree Hunt 28 • Extended Cart Tour 28 • Family Bike Ride in the Park

(ECR) Euclid Creek Reservation 4 • Wildflower Walk 18 • Wildflower Walk 22 • Birds of Euclid Creek 29 • Spring Hike

(GPC) Garfield Park Center

6 • Hike for Your Health 30 • Urban Oasis 30 • Minister Creek Backpacking Pre-Trip

(HiR) Hinckley Reservation ABBREVIATIONS: AR Acacia Reservation BCR Big Creek Reservation BeR Bedford Reservation BNC Brecksville Nature Center BrR Brecksville Reservation BR Brookside Reservation BWR Bradley Woods Reservation CMZ Cleveland Metroparks Zoo CWC CanalWay Center ECR Euclid Creek Reservation GPC Garfield Park Center GPR Garfield Park Reservation HiR Hinckley Reservation HuR Huntington Reservation LR Lakefront Reservation MSRR Mill Stream Run Reservation NCNC North Chagrin Nature Center NCR North Chagrin Reservation OECR Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation RRNC Rocky River Nature Center RRR Rocky River Reservation SCR South Chagrin Reservation WCR West Creek Reservation WSC Watershed Stewardship Center

12 Emerald Necklace April 2018

3 • Woodcock Watch 7 • Extreme Hiking 7 • Wildflower Identification II 14 • Climbing: Anchor Building 2 17 • Hiking for the Young at Heart 18 • Garlic Mustard Pull 21 • Wildflower Identification III 22 • Breakfast in the Park 22 • Boy Scouts Merit Badge: Hiking Part II 24 • Wildflowers at Worden’s 28 • Wildflowers at Hinckley

(NCNC) North Chagrin Nature Center

Rocky River Nature Center

(cont’d) 2 • North Chagrin Nature Photography 28 • Wildflower Walk 28 • Your Piece of the Planet: Club Rain Barrel Workshop 3 • Woodcock Wander 29 • Your Piece of the Planet: Berries at 7 • Dog Hike Home 8 • Wildflower School 10 • Sprouts: Growing Kids and Wonder, 29 • Forest Blitz: Birds, Wildflowers & More Naturally 29 • Full Moon Hike 13 • Plants that Changed the World 21 • Awesome Amphibians 22 • Build Your Own Feeder (RRR) Rocky River Reservation 28 • Live Animal Lessons 7 • Emerald Necklace Art Club 28 • Upcycling Craft for Kids 7 • Spring Scamper 15 • Wildflower Wonder (NCR) North Chagrin 18 • Toddler Trek 21 • Wealth in West Park Reservation 6 • Spring Transition Friday (SCR) South Chagrin 7 • Land Navigation 2 12 • Gourmet Backcountry Cooking Reservation 13 • Spring Transition Friday 5 • Spring Hike 20 • Spring Transition Friday 5 • Kids Explore the Ponds 27 • Spring Transition Friday 7 • Cleveland Natural Science Club 28 • Old Growth Forest Hike 8 • Amphibian Egg Hunt 29 • Wildflower Walk 11 • Riparian Ramble 12 • Spring Hike (OECR) Ohio & Erie Canal 14 • Morning Meanderings 14 • Nature Art Lesson: Flower Sketching Reservation 14 • Nature Journaling 15 • Afternoon Archery for Kids 19 • Spring Hike 15 • Afternoon Archery for Adults 20 • Woodcock Watch 21 • Afternoon Archery for Kids 21 • Nature Writing 21 • Afternoon Archery for Adults 24 • Deep Woods Flower Hunt 29 • Sunday Morning Dog Walk 26 • Spring Hike 26 • Nudging Nature: Jackson Field (RRNC) Rocky River Nature 27 • Spring Treasures Bus Tour and Center Journaling Adventure 1 – 30 • Gallery Wall: Tom Fishburn 30 • Nature Play and Learn 2 • Southwest Camera Club 3 • Trout Unlimited (WCR) West Creek Reservation 3 • Western Cuyahoga Audubon 4 • Walk About West Creek Society 14 • Garlic Mustard Pull 4 • Backpacking Basics 5 • Little Explorers: Singing in the Rain 17 • Early Birds Get the Worm 21 • Wiggling Worms 8 • Your Piece of the Planet: 27 • Friday Night Lights Composting 101 29 • Arbor Day Forest Bathing 8 • Wildflower & Amphibian Search 9 • Cuyahoga Astronomical (WSC) Watershed Stewardship Association Center 11 • Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association 3 • Schools Out: Rainstorm Troopers 14 • Your Piece of the Planet: Natural 6 • Friday Fun Drop-by: Wildflowers Insect Repellent 6 • Wildflower Identification I 14 • Boy Scouts Merit Badge: Nature 11 • Grassroots Series: Scenic Rivers 14 • Ohio Boating Education Course 14 • Boy Scouts Merit Badge: Hiking Part I 14 • Tales Around the Emerald Necklace 14 • Gnome Garden Workshop 17 • Bicycle Maintenance 2 15 • Sunday Drop-by: Rain Garden Q & A 19 • Homeschool Happenings: Spring 17 • West Creek Conservancy Annual Wildflowers Meeting 21 • Wildflower Walk 19 • Water Gardens, Wetlands and Rain 22 • Spring Wildflower Drop-in Gardens 22 • Your Piece of the Planet: Green 21 • Bat Benefits Cleaning 24 • Rain Barrel Workshop 25 • Nature Baby – Salamanders 28 • Wetland Wonderland

(HuR) Huntington Reservation 6 • Woodpecker Wander

(LR) Lakefront Reservation 3 • Bicycle Maintenance 1 8 • Urban Birding Blitz 15 • Hawkwatch 15 • Sunday Morning Dog Walk 22 • Migration Survey

(MSRR) Mill Stream Run 8 • All about Albion 14 • Bowl Burning 21 • Remains to be Seen 22 • Remains to be Seen

Yoshino cherry trees at Brookside Reservation

Learn how you can help the planet, dance in our Earth Day Celebration Zone and create some earth-friendly crafts. FREE with paid Zoo admission.

Presented by

In partnership with Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

1 – 30 APRIL Hunt of the Month: Caterpillar, Chrysalis & Butterfly As spring emerges so will the butterflies. There are 20 paper caterpillars, chrysalides and butterflies hidden around CanalWay Center. Come find them and step outside to see if you can spot any as you take a hike. Through April 30. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mon. – Sat. Noon – 5 p.m. Sun. CWC Gallery Wall: Tom Fishburn Spring and early summer is the time when migrating birds return and wildflowers resurface to paint park trails with their natural colors. Tom Fishburn’s child-like fascination with nature is captured with his photography in this changing season’s themed exhibit. Through April 30. 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. RRNC

2 MONDAY Spring Break Camp At this five day camp, explore the Zoo to see how active our animals are during spring and what we do to keep them comfortable year-round. Camp includes small animal encounters, arts & crafts and conservation-themed games 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. CMZ (half-day option available) The RainForest Age: 5 – 10 years Fee: $175 member/$200 nonmember (half-day pricing available) Register online

APRIL PROGRAMS BY DATE Southwest Camera Club: Open Competition Entrants may submit two images in each of the categories: nature and pictorial. Instead of outside judges, ALL attendees will be given a score sheet and everyone will vote. We will discuss each image after voting. 7:30 – 9 p.m. RRNC North Chagrin Nature Photography Club, Composition: The Art of Photography Join Jim Sedlacek for an hour of compositional guidelines, rules and techniques to give your photos greater impact. Jim will provide handouts and show examples, including field tips and some post-processing. 8 – 9:30 p.m. NCNC

3 TUESDAY Schools Out: Rainstorm Troopers Learn about the nature of storms. Create an experiment to visualize cloud formations and take home an out-of-this-world creation. 1 – 3 p.m. WSC Age: 8 years & over with adult Register by phone or online by March 30 440-887-1968 Wildflower Discovery Walk This series of weekly walks along the same trail will reveal the succession of spring wildflowers along Tinker’s Creek. Participants will receive the checklist of the Spring Woodland Wildflowers of Cleveland Metroparks to track their findings. Bring a field guide if you have one. 4 – 5 p.m. BeR Hemlock Creek Picnic Area and Trailhead Terrain: natural surface, flat, 1 mile 216-206-1000

Trout Unlimited: Local Fishing and Conservation Join us for the last meeting until August to talk about local fishing and conservation issues. All anglers are welcome. Refreshments will be served. 7 – 9 p.m. RRNC Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society: Theropods of a Feather Flock Together Birds are the descendants of dinosaurs evolving more than 150 million years ago. Join Lee Hall from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History as he takes us through the fossil record of evolution and diversity of our favorite feathered flock. 7:30 – 9 p.m. RRNC Woodcock Wander Will we find the elusive male woodcock and see his fascinating aerial display? This spring show is not to be missed! We will walk to the Mayfield Village Wetland in search of these incredible birds. 7:30 – 9 p.m. NCNC Terrain: flat, road crossings, 2 miles

Woodcock Watch Join Naturalist Jenny McClain to experience the spectacular spring performance of the male woodcock. We’ll listen for the distinctive call, watch the sky dance and learn about their amazing adaptations for survival. 8 – 9 p.m. HiR Buzzard Roost Terrain: flat, grass 440-526-1012

4 WEDNESDAY Wildflower Walk In 2017, we witnessed over a dozen species of spring wildflowers in Euclid Creek Reservation. Join a naturalist this season in hopes to add more to the list! 10 – 11:30 a.m. ECR Highland Road Picnic Area Terrain: natural surface, some hills, 2 – 3 miles 440-473-3370 Walk About West Creek Enjoy National Take a Walk Day by taking a walk through beautiful West Creek Reservation. This naturalist led walk will allow you to discover the hidden gem in your backyard. 1 – 3 p.m. WCR Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: paved, natural surfaces, 4 miles 440-887-1968

5 THURSDAY Spring Hike Hike with a naturalist every Thursday in April through June to explore the development of spring along the Chagrin River. 9:30 – 11 a.m. SCR Jackson Field Terrain: natural surface, 2 miles 440-473-3370 Little Explorers: Singing in the Rain Bring your little explorer to learn all about April’s famous showers and splash through a puddle or two. We’ll have stories, crafts and songs for you and your little one. Program includes a short hike. 10 – 11 a.m. or 1 – 2 p.m. RRNC Age: 3 – 5 years with adult Terrain: mostly flat, some stairs, 0.5 mile Register by phone May 23 – April 3 440-734-6660

See page 23 for a complete listing of all Outdoor Recreation activities. clevelandmetroparks.com


In partnership with Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

APRIL PROGRAMS BY DATE Kids Explore the Ponds Join Naturalist Carly Martin as we explore spring ponds at a curious child’s pace. 10:30 a.m. – noon SCR Chagrin River Road Sledding Hill Age: 4 – 9 years with adult Terrain: natural surface, 2 miles 440-473-3370 Outdoor Adventures for Homeschoolers: Find Your Way Find your way in the woods on a fun course using a map and compass. 1 – 4 p.m. BNC Age: grades 9 – 12 Terrain: hilly, 4 miles Register by phone beginning March 26 440-526-1012 Cleveland Astronomical Society Dr. Todd Thompson presents new information on Gamma Ray Bursts, Supernovae, neutron star formation and the Origin of the Heavy Elements. He will focus on the importance of rotation and magnetic fields instigating the largest explosion in a galaxy. 6:30 – 7 p.m. Meeting CWC 7 – 8:30 p.m. Speaker CWC

6 FRIDAY Hike for your Health Start your weekend off right with a brisk walk in the woods. This early spring excursion may present some natural beauty that begs us to stop. 10 – 11 a.m. GPC Terrain: gravel, paved, stairs, hills, 1.5 miles 216-341-1707

Woodpecker Wander Woodpeckers are resilient birds. As we hike along the creek, we’ll search for some of the various species that call this area home. Discover what makes these resident birds so adaptable to the many changes that our climate brings. 10 – 11:30 a.m. HuR Wolf Picnic Area 440-734-6660

Peents and Peeps Explore the Ohio Erie & Canal Reservation listening for sounds of spring time. We’ll listen for frogs such as spring peepers, and for the peents of the American woodcock performing his mating dance. 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. CWC Terrain: natural surface, less than 1 mile Register online beginning March 15

Friday Fun Drop-by: Wildflowers Get wild about spring flowers. Plant and take home a mini wild garden using upcycled materials and local native seeds. 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. WSC Age: 3 years & over with adult


Spring Transition Friday Naturalist Foster Brown will lead us on a weekly exploration for signs of spring transitioning into summer on the Scenic Loop Trail. We will watch and note the unfolding of the woodland forest wildflowers, birds, insects and trees. 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. NCR Strawberry Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: natural surface, gentle slopes, 1.6 miles 440-473-3370 Tiger Tracks Overnight Over the course of the evening, campers will track an Amur tiger through the taiga, look for clues that they have been in the habitat and explore the many ways tigers survive in the Russian Far East. 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. CMZ Age: 6 years & over with adult Fee: $42 Register online

For Adults Only: Wildflower Identification I, II & III Friday, April 6 • 7 – 9 p.m. WSC Saturday, April 7 • 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. HiR Saturday, April 21 • 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. HiR This three-part workshop provides the tools you need to confidently identify wildflowers on your own. Tonight, you’ll receive Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide and Botany Basics. Two field sessions let you practice your new skills on a variety of species. Participants must attend all three parts. Age: adults Fee: $32 individuals, $53 couples sharing one book Register by phone or online by April 3 440-887-1968 14 Emerald Necklace April 2018

Extreme Hiking While it may be a little early for a spring wildflower display, it’s not too early for a good hike. Join Naturalist Pam Taylor as we hit the trails this morning. Bring drinking water. 9 a.m. – noon HiR Whipp’s Ledges parking lot Terrain: natural surface, hills, creek crossings, 7 – 9 miles 440-526-1012 Extended Cart Tour Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak is your guide on an extended northern tour of Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation. We’ll discuss the history of the park, area geography, watersheds, trails, industry and nature. Half an hour indoors followed by two hours on the cart. 9:30 a.m. – noon CWC Fee: $10 Register by phone beginning March 15 216-206-1000 Emerald Necklace Art Club Members of the Emerald Necklace Art Club are invited to bring their favorite medium as we appreciate the signs of the season. Not a member? Sign up at clevelandmetroparks.com/ENAC 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. RRR Age: adults Annual fee: $30, renewal: $20 440-473-3370 Spring Scamper Discover some of the spectacular scenery found within Rocky River Reservation. Along this fast-paced hike, we will be watching for wetlands, wildflowers and waterfalls. This loop will include bridle and All Purpose Trails with a stop at Berea Falls. 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. RRR Lagoon Picnic Area Terrain: uneven surface, some hills, 6 miles 440-734-6660

For Adults Only: Wildflower Identification II (See feature block below for details) 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. HiR Spring Hike Join us as we hike the Mountain Bike Trail, exploring the twists and turns while looking for evidence of our local wildlife and early spring wildflowers throughout our journey. 1 – 3 p.m. CWC Terrain: natural surfaces, hills, 2.5 miles Woodlands of Bedford: Spring Salamanders Along Sagamore Creek Join Fred Losi for a spring walk along beautiful Sagamore Creek in search of salamanders. We’ll walk the floodplain trails and in the tributaries. If conditions permit, we will visit the base of two woodland waterfalls. 1 – 4 p.m. BeR Alexander Bike Lot Terrain: muddy, one hill, 2.5 miles 216-206-1000 Dog Hike Bring your best furry friend to the park for some exercise and socialization. We will hike the wooded trails of North Chagrin Reservation. 2 – 3:30 p.m. NCNC Terrain: natural surface, some hills, 2.5 – 3 miles Tiger Tracks Overnight (See 4/6 for details) 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. CMZ Cleveland Natural Science Club: Summer Birds of Northeastern Ohio Lecture and slides by Matt Valencic, Ohio Audubon Society. 7:30 – 9 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Age: adults For information contact Jane Baldwin 440-893-9316

8 SUNDAY Zoo Career Day Explore the professional fields of animal care, veterinary medicine, education and more. Get close with small animals, meet with Zoo staff, take a behind-the-scenes tour and get a closer look at the real work involved with these exciting careers. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. CMZ Reinberger Education Center Ages: grades 5 – 8 Fee: $46 member/$51 nonmember Register online

APRIL PROGRAMS BY DATE Urban Birding Blitz Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield to seek some of the first spring migrant birds as they arrive on the Cleveland lakefront, destined for Canadian nesting grounds. Meet in the main gravel parking lot just east of the marina. 9:30 – 11 a.m. LR Wendy Park Terrain: mostly flat, 1 mile 440-734-6660 Birds of Acacia Join a naturalist as we search for birds throughout Acacia Reservation’s ever-changing landscape. Bring binoculars, some available to borrow. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. AR Cedar Road parking lot Terrain: paved, 1 – 2 miles 440-473-3370 Your Piece of the Planet: Composting 101 Composting at home is one of the easiest and most impactful ways to leave a lighter imprint on the planet. Learn all the basic information needed to get started, and get a tour of our nature center’s composting system. 1 – 2 p.m. RRNC All About Albion The area where Bonnie Park sits today was once the town of Albion. Learn about the history of the area and its mills while enjoying time outside. 2 – 3 p.m. MSRR Bonnie Park Picnic Area Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile 440-526-1012 Amphibian Egg Hunt Brush up on your egg-hunting skills as we check some of our best wetlands for the amphibian egg masses left by our slimy friends. 2 – 3 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge parking lot Terrain: natural surfaces, some hills, 1 – 2 miles 440-473-3370 Get Out…And Explore Time to explore the trails of Brecksville Reservation on this monthly hiking series. Every month, we’ll add more distance and see the seasonal changes that take place around the park. 2 – 3:30 p.m. BNC Terrain: hills, 2.5 miles

Wildflower School Join Naturalist Selby Majewski for a monthly flower lesson throughout the blooming season. We’ll keep a checklist as we build our knowledge. Get ready for the onslaught of spring flowers. Program will be indoors and outdoors. 2:30 – 4 p.m. NCNC Terrain: paved, 1 mile Wildflower & Amphibian Search Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield for a woodland walk in search of some of the first spring wildflowers and salamanders, frogs and other amphibians. 3 – 4 p.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, woodland trails, 15 stairs, 1 mile

9 MONDAY Preschool: Nature Explorers Bring your preschooler to explore and discover nature. We’ll spend most of the program in the woods hiking and searching for evidence of wildlife. 10 – 11 a.m. CWC Age: 2 – 5 years with participating adult Terrain: natural surfaces, one hill, 1 – 1.5 miles Register online beginning April 2 Cuyahoga Astronomical Association: Totality and 2017 Astronomy in Review Club member Matt Franduto will discuss and show pictures from his trip to view the Total Solar Eclipse, plus his 2018 space-based calendar. 7:30 – 9 p.m. RRNC

10 TUESDAY Sprouts: Growing Kids and Wonder, Naturally Join Natalie the Naturalist to discover ways to help our Earth. We will have discovery time, a craft and go on a short hike. 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. or 1 – 2:15 p.m. NCNC Nature Education Building Age: 3 – 5 years with adult Terrain: paved, may be muddy, 0.75 mile Register online between March 20 – April 8

Grassroots Series: Scenic Rivers Wednesday, April 11 • 6 – 8 p.m. Watershed Stewardship Center

Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Ohio’s Wild and Scenic Rivers program with a short film and update by Matthew Smith, Northeast Region Scenic River Manager. Sausage and local, hand-made pierogies are on the menu. Fee: $16 Register by phone or online by April 8 440-887-1968 Homeschool: Turtles and Other Reptiles Explore the important roles these animals play in our ecosystem. 10:30 a.m. – noon CMZ The RainForest Age: grades K – 8 with adult Fee: $10 member/$12 nonmember Register online Wildflower Discovery Walk (See 4/3 for details) 4 – 5 p.m. BeR

11 WEDNESDAY Riparian Ramble Tired of being indoors? Explore the field, forest and river’s edge in search of nature’s beauty. See majestic riverside cliffs, hear a red-tailed hawk calling in the distance, or perhaps see a great blue heron hunting along the scenic river. 2 – 3:30 p.m. SCR Jackson Field parking lot Terrain: natural surfaces, 2 – 2.5 miles 440-473-3370 Wednesday Walk Join us for an evening hike through hills and hemlocks. We’ll walk along creeks in search of wildflowers and waterfalls. 6:30 – 8 p.m. BeR Bridal Veil Falls parking lot Terrain: natural surfaces, 2 miles 216-206-1000 Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association: Spring Splits Melanie Seal, experienced beekeeper and owner of Blue Sky Bee Supply, will discuss how to increase your apiaries with a spring split using your own bees. You’ll learn what equipment is needed and how to select the strongest hive(s). 7 – 9 p.m. RRNC

12 THURSDAY Spring Hike (See 4/5 for details) 9:30 – 11 a.m. SCR

Animal Crackers Join Miss Jenny to explore and discover the many shapes and colors found in nature through activities, a hike and a craft. 10 – 11:15 a.m. or 1 – 2:15 p.m. BNC Age: 3 – 5 years with participating adult Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile Register by phone beginning April 2 440-526-1012 Nurture with Nature Bring your family for a monthly program that explores nature through books, games, hikes and other activities. This month we’ll learn about rainbows. 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. BNC Age: 3 years & over with adult Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile Register by phone between March 29 – April 10 440-526-1012

13 FRIDAY Spring Transition Friday (See 4/6 for details) 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. NCR CanalWay Story and Stroll Join us for storytime followed by a stroller-friendly walk outside. This month’s theme will be spring. 10 – 10:45 a.m. CWC Age: 5 years & under with adult Terrain: paved, one hill, 0.5 mile Register by phone or online beginning April 2 216-206-1000 Plants that Changed the World During 2018, Naturalist Foster Brown will take us on a year-long journey focusing on plants that changed the course of history. Each Friday night program will feature two remarkable plants. This month’s program will highlight white mulberry and crab apple. 7 – 8 p.m. NCNC clevelandmetroparks.com


In partnership with Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

APRIL PROGRAMS BY DATE Tiger Tracks Overnight (See 4/6 for details) 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. CMZ

14 SATURDAY Morning Meanderings Join Naturalist Foster Brown on these monthly morning nature hikes along Cleveland Metroparks trails. We will focus on seasonal happenings and historical features of each habitat we traverse. 9 – 10:30 a.m. SCR Sulphur Springs Picnic Area Terrain: natural surface, hilly, 1.1 miles 440-473-3370 Bowl Burning Create a bowl from a chunk of wood using the ancient technique of controlled burning with coals from a fire. Naturalists Sharon Hosko and Kathy Schmidt will guide you to a lovely finished product by sanding and oiling it. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. MSRR W. J. Green Lodge Age: adults Fee: $10 Register online beginning April 2 440-526-1012 Boy Scouts Merit Badge: Nature With April comes a wave of migrant birds, colorful wildflowers and awakening wildlife. Join Merit Badge Counselor and Naturalist Marty Calabrese to satisfy this badge’s requirements. 9:30 a.m. – noon RRNC Terrain: hilly, wet, 2 miles Register by phone beginning March 14 440-734-6660 Garlic Mustard Pull Bring a friend or neighbor to help us remove an invasive alien weed. It’s easy to do and a real benefit to our native plants and wildlife. 10 a.m. – noon WCR Center Park Age: adults, 7 years & over with adult Terrain: uneven, natural surface, one steep hill, 1 mile 440-887-1968

Boy Scouts Merit Badge: Hiking Part I Join our certified merit badge counselors for an interactive program designed to provide scouts the opportunity to complete this Eagle-required badge. Participants must attend all parts. Some hikes must be done on scout’s own time to complete badge. Details at time of registration. (Other parts on 4/22, 5/12, 6/10) 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. WSC Terrain: paved, natural surfaces, hilly, 5 miles Fee: $40, includes all parts Register by phone or online by April 7 440-887-1968 Hanami Craft Drop-In Welcome the spring season at Brookside Reservation with a special craft under the cherry blossom trees. Learn about Japanese culture with Historical interpreter Jen Graham while walking beneath the beautiful trees, donated by the Japanese Association of Northern Ohio. 10:30 a.m. – noon BR Brookside Valley Event Site 440-734-6660 Nature Art Lesson: Flower Sketching Bring a sketchbook and your favorite drawing tools for a lesson in drawing flowers. Naturalist Stefanie Verish will show you tips for sketching both garden blooms and wildflowers. 11 a.m. – noon SCR Look About Lodge Age: adults 440-473-3370 Salamander Search Hiding under rocks and along wetland banks during the day, Ohio’s amphibians can be quite sneaky. Help Naturalist Mayim Hamblen uncover these unique creatures and learn what makes them so important to our ecosystem. 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. BCR Beyer’s Pond parking lot Terrain: paved, natural surfaces, 1 mile 440-887-1968

Tales Around the Emerald Necklace Saturday, April 14 • 7 – 8:30 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center

Call it traditional storytelling, spoken word performance, or narrative theater; excellent storytelling artists bring entertaining and enlightening stories to you. After hearing their tales, enjoy refreshments and enjoy tales shared by audience members. Ages: adults, older students 16 Emerald Necklace April 2018

Extended Cart Tour (See 4/7 for details) 9:30 a.m. – noon CWC

Tiger Tracks Overnight (See 4/6 for details) 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. CMZ

Gnome Garden Workshop Learn about the history of green roofs as well as the mythology behind these nature-dwelling garden beings, then let your creativity twinkle by making your own take-home gnome garden. 1 – 3 p.m. WSC Age: adults, 8 years & over with adult Fee: $15, includes all materials Register by phone or online by April 11 440-887-1968


Nature Journaling Experience nature through the seasons. We will record our observations in a journal of our own creation. You may want to bring a camera. 1 – 3 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Age: adults Annual fee: $20 for supplies Terrain: natural surfaces, 0.5 – 1 mile Register online between March 20 – April 11 440-473-3370 Your Piece of the Planet: Natural Insect Repellent Are you looking for natural ways to repel those pesky insects that ruin your outdoor fun? Join Naturalist Beth Whiteley and mix up a batch of repellent to take home that is good for you and the planet. 1 – 2 p.m. RRNC Fee: $10 Register online by April 7 Wildflower Peak Peek Early spring wildflowers, like twinleaf and bluebells, peak at different times and locations. We’ll explore an area where the wildflower display is the best in either Brecksville or Bedford Reservations. Meeting location will be given at time of registration. 2 – 3:30 p.m. Location TBD Terrain: hills, steps, up to 2 miles Register by phone April 9 – 13 440-526-1012 Afternoon Bike Ride Load up your family, friends and bicycles, then head to CanalWay Center. We’ll start with an inspection of our bicycles. Then we will head out for a nice bike ride along the Towpath. 2 – 4 p.m. CWC Terrain: paved trail, one hill, 6 – 8 miles Register online beginning April 2

Spring Bird Walks (See page 20 for details) 7:30 – 10:30 a.m. Various locations Hawkwatch Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield to seek some of the first spring migrant hawks, eagles and falcons as they cruise along the Cleveland lakefront, destined for Canadian nesting grounds. Meet by the fishing pier. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. LR Edgewater Park Terrain: mostly flat, 1 mile 440-734-6660 Sunday Morning Dog Walk Take a brisk walk at the lakefront with your pup. Enjoy the sights and sounds of Edgewater Park as we walk and then conclude at the dog beach. Walkers without dogs are welcome. Meet by Edgewater Fishing Pier. 11 a.m. – noon LR Terrain: paved, sand, one hill, 2 miles 216-206-1000 Cherry Blossom Stroll Stroll down “blossom lane” to see Yoshino cherry trees flowering. Come for one or all three walks on April 15, 22 and 29. Learn the cultural history of the trees as we track their beauty from bud to bloom through Project Budburst. 11 a.m. – noon BR Brookside Valley Event Site Terrain: paved, 1 mile 440-887-1968 Wildflower Wonder April is a wonderful time to get out and explore Cleveland Metroparks. The rich moist soil of the floodplain gives life to some of spring’s most beautiful wildflowers. Join Naturalist Lindsey Dukles to view these beauties up close and personal. 1 – 2:30 p.m. RRR Willow Bend Picnic Area Terrain: mostly flat, 1.5 miles 440-734-6660

APRIL PROGRAMS BY DATE Afternoon Archery for Kids Bring your child to the valley to discover the fun of archery. Enjoy a new activity surrounded by nature. We’ll have all supplies available for you. 1 – 2:30 p.m. OECR CanalWay Center parking lot Age: 9 – 17 years Fee: $5 Terrain: paved surface, one hill, 0.5 mile Register by phone beginning April 2 216-206-1000 Sunday Drop-by: Rain Garden Q & A Thinking about installing a rain garden or reviving the one you already have? Drop-by to ask an expert from the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District the ins and outs of rain garden installation and maintenance. 1 – 3 p.m. WSC Age: adults Pioneer Living for Kids: Pottery The town potter was once a key component of any town. Your child will discover how pottery is made and create something to take home. 1:30 – 3 p.m. BNC Age: 9 – 12 years Register by phone beginning April 3 440-526-1012 Afternoon Archery for Adults Have you ever wanted to try archery? Join us in the valley to discover the fun of archery. Enjoy a new activity surrounded by nature. We’ll have all supplies available for you. 3 – 4:30 p.m. OECR CanalWay Center parking lot Age: adults Fee: $5 Terrain: paved surfaces, one hill, 0.5 mile Register by phone beginning April 2 216-206-1000

16 MONDAY CanalWay Quick-Step Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak leads a short hike from CanalWay Center, down to the Lower 40 Loop Trail and back. 10 – 11 a.m. CWC Terrain: paved, one large hill, 1.5 miles

17 TUESDAY Early Birds Get the Worm Join us for a stroll through West Creek Reservation to enjoy and identify the sounds of birds. Please bring binoculars; a limited supply is available to borrow. 8 – 9:30 a.m. WCR Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: paved, natural surfaces, hills, 1.5 miles 440-887-1968 Hiking for the Young at Heart Hinckley Reservation offers one of the best displays of spring wildflowers in the park system. We’ll see a stunning array of early wildflowers while hiking the trails. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. HiR Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Age: adults Terrain: hills, rocky, 3 – 3.5 miles 440-526-1012 Acacia for the Young at Heart Slow down and enjoy a leisurely walk with Naturalist Natalie Schroder as we explore all that Acacia Reservation holds during this first full month of spring. All abilities are welcome. Meet at the kiosk. 10 – 11 a.m. AR Terrain: paved, some hills, may be icy, up to 2 miles 440-473-3370 Wildflower Discovery Walk (See 4/3 for details) 4 – 5 p.m. BeR West Creek Conservancy Annual Meeting Ever heard of West Creek Conservancy? This is an opportunity to learn what they’ve been doing to protect land and develop greenways throughout Greater Cleveland for the past 20 years! Refreshments provided. 6:30 – 8 p.m. WSC Register by phone 216-749-3720 x10, or email dpetkov@westcreek.org

18 WEDNESDAY Young Explorers Spring is the season of nesting birds. Bring your little ones to learn all about birds’ nests and eggs. We’ll search for nests outside and make a fun craft. 10 – 11 a.m. or 1 – 2 p.m. CWC Age: 3 – 5 years with adult Terrain: paved, 0.5 – 1 mile Register online or by phone beginning April 2 216-206-1000

Wildflower Walk (See 4/4 for details) 10 – 11:30 a.m. ECR Toddler Trek The deep woods neighboring the Rocky River call for our exploration. Join Naturalist Marty Calabrese for a senses-on-max search for the living within the floodplain forest. 3 – 4 p.m. RRR Cottonwood Picnic Area Age: 2 – 6 years with adult Terrain: flat, wet path, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660 Garlic Mustard Pull Help protect native habitat by removing garlic mustard after learning about this invasive species, including how to identify it. 6 – 8 p.m. HiR Hinckley Hills Trailhead Register online

19 THURSDAY Spring Hike (See 4/5 for details) 9:30 – 11 a.m. SCR Homeschool Happenings: Spring Wildflowers Spring in Northeast Ohio is such a beautiful time of year. Homeschoolers are invited to immerse themselves in the picturesque woodland filled with fleeting spring blooming wildflowers through a variety of hands-on activities. 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. RRNC Age: grades 1 – 3, 4 – 6, 7 – 9 Cuyahoga County and Hinckley Twp. residents: Register online between April 1 – 7, Out of county register between April 3 – 7 Rain Barrel Workshop A rain barrel collects and stores rainwater that would be lost to runoff that can be used to water lawns and gardens. Join Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District and Cleveland Metroparks to make your own rain barrel. 6:30 – 8 p.m. AR Cedar Road parking lot Fee: $60, includes all materials Register by phone by April 13 or online at cuyahogaswcd.org/events 216-524-6580 x 1004

Water Gardens, Wetlands and Rain Gardens Some of the same plants thrive in water gardens, wetlands and rain gardens. What is the difference between these wet gardens? Which is best for your yard? Learn about all three and discover their benefits. Short walking tour included. 7 – 8:30 p.m. WSC Age: adults Terrain: paved, flat, 0.25 mile

20 FRIDAY Spring Transition Friday (See 4/6 for details) 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. NCR Family Movie Night Join us in watching Turbo, a story about a speed-obsessed snail whose dream is to become the greatest racer in the world. Snacks will be available for purchase or bring your own. 7 – 8:30 p.m. CWC Register online or by phone beginning April 2 216-206-1000 Woodcock Watch Woodcocks are a secretive bird with a rather fantastic mating display. Join Naturalist Natalie Schroder to learn about the special adaptations of this mysterious bird and see their spectacular “sky dance.” 8 – 9 p.m. SCR Jackson Field Terrain: natural surface, up to 1 mile 440-473-3370

21 SATURDAY Nature Writing Join writers Jenny Clark and Linda Tuthill as they prompt us to express our creative side through natural history. Take a short, naturalist-led hike, explore themed writing prompts and enjoy lunch in the historic setting of Look About Lodge. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Age: 16 years & over Fee: $25 Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile Register online between March 20 – April 14 440-473-3370 Extended Cart Tour (See 4/7 for details) 9:30 a.m. – noon CWC



In partnership with Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

APRIL PROGRAMS BY DATE Awesome Amphibians Saturday, April 21 • Noon – 3 p.m. North Chagrin Nature Center Join us this afternoon to celebrate the awesome amphibians of Cleveland Metroparks and around the world. The whole family can enjoy live animal displays, a hike to a nearby vernal pool and amphibian-themed crafts. 440-473-3370 For Adults Only: Wildflower Identification III (See feature block on page 14 for details) 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. HiR

1:30 – 2:30 p.m. RRR Tyler Field Terrain: mostly flat, paved, natural surface, 1 mile 440-734-6660

Party for the Planet Celebrate Earth Day at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Learn how you can help the planet, dance in our Earth Day Celebration Zone and create some earth-friendly crafts. Free with paid Zoo admission. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. CMZ

Wildflower Walk Join Naturalist Marty Calabrese to survey the blooming flora just before May’s parade of color. 2 – 3 p.m. RRNC Terrain: some stairs, 0.5 mile

A Temporary Home Vernal pools provide habitat for many salamanders and frogs. Join us in a search for these unique, yet temporary bodies of water. Along our hike we will cover vernal pool characteristics and the species that call them home. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. BWR Terrain: natural surface, wet, 0.5 mile Cordington Shelterhouse Picnic Area 440-734-6660 Wiggling Worms Although they can be beneficial to our plants, the worms in our backyard are not good for the ecosystem. Join us in unearthing worms on a hunt for invasive species. 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WCR Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Terrain: natural surface, uneven, 1 mile 440-887-1968 Afternoon Archery for Kids (See 4/15 for details) 1 – 2:30 p.m. OECR Wealth in West Park In 1921, land from the Tyler summer estate, called Woodside, was donated to the Cleveland Metropolitan Park District. Stroll the former grounds of Woodside and learn about the life of entrepreneur Washington S. Tyler on this special history hike. 18 Emerald Necklace April 2018

Bat Benefits Our flying furry friends deserve some appreciation, so we’re going to make sure they get it. Join Naturalist Matt on an in depth talk on the many benefits of bats, you’ll have a chance to view a bat up close. 2 – 3 p.m. WSC Remains to be Seen Travel back in time to when the Berea Quarries were a booming business. Join Naturalists Sharon Hosko and Kathy Schmidt to search for the quarry remnants still visible within Cleveland Metroparks. 2:30 – 5 p.m. MSRR North Quarry Picnic Area Age: adults Terrain: paved, dirt, 2 miles Register by phone beginning April 4 440-526-1012 Afternoon Archery for Adults (See 4/15 for details) 3 – 4:30 p.m. OECR Tiger Tracks Overnight (See 4/6 for details) 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. CMZ

22 SUNDAY Spring Bird Walks (See page 20 for details) 7:30 – 10:30 a.m. Various locations Breakfast in the Park Enjoy an early morning walk while volunteers prepare a hot, delicious breakfast. You will be assigned a food item to bring.

9 – 11 a.m. HiR Redwing Cabin Terrain: few hills, 1 mile Register by phone beginning April 9 440-526-1012 Migration Survey Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield to seek some of the first spring migrant birds as they arrive on the Cleveland lakefront, destined for Canadian nesting grounds. Meet by the fishing pier. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. LR Edgewater Park Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile 440-734-6660 Birds of Euclid Creek Join a naturalist as we search for birds along the floodplains of Euclid Creek. Bring binoculars; some available to borrow. 10:30 a.m. – noon ECR Highland Road Picnic Area Terrain: natural surface, some hills, 2 – 3 miles 440-473-3370 Cherry Blossom Stroll (See 4/15 for details) 11 a.m. – noon BR Boy Scouts Merit Badge: Hiking Part II (See 4/14 for details) 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. HiR Top o’ Ledges Picnic Area Terrain: natural surfaces, hilly, 10 miles 440-887-1968 Spring Wildflower Drop-in Stop by the nature center’s spring wildflower garden to get a naturalistled glimpse at what plants are blooming. 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. RRNC Your Piece of the Planet: Green Cleaning Celebrate Earth Day by learning how to create your own gentle, natural home cleansers and reduce resource consumption. Indoor presentation includes demonstrations. 2 – 3 p.m. RRNC Build Your Own Feeder Spring is for bird feeding. Join Naturalist Natalie Schroder for a fun-filled bird feeder workshop. We will discuss why different birds are made to eat different types of seed, then make a take-home sunflower seed feeder. 2 – 3:30 p.m. NCNC Fee: $15 per kit Register online between March 16 – April 18

Remains to be Seen Travel back in time to when the Berea Quarries were a booming business. Join Historical Interpreter Beth Robb to search for the quarry remnants still visible within Cleveland Metroparks. 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. MSRR North Quarry Picnic Area Age: adults Terrain: paved, dirt, 2 miles Register by phone beginning April 4 440-526-1012

23 MONDAY Scranton Road Peninsula Hop Historical Interpreter Doug Kusak walks, talks and bops about this oasis created under Hope Memorial Bridge. It’ll be a “miled” hike with a modicum of history about many things. Directions given after registration. 2 – 4 p.m. Off site Scranton Road Peninsula Terrain: paved, flat, 1.5 miles Register by phone or online beginning April 2 216-206-1000 Family Fun Night Bring the family to learn about how animals use camouflage. We’ll find some animals that are hiding in plain sight to test your skills. 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. CWC Register online or by phone beginning April 2 216-206-1000

24 TUESDAY Deep Woods Flower Hunt What will we find today? Join Naturalist Selby Majewski as we hike the Sulphur Springs Loop Trail, home to a wealth of unique wildflowers. 10 – 11:30 a.m. SCR Sulphur Springs Picnic Area Terrain: hills, stream crossings, 1.5 miles 440-473-3370 Wildflowers at Worden’s Explore the stunning display of wildflowers at Worden’s Ledges while learning about the unique carvings that make this area special. 2 – 3 p.m. HiR Worden Heritage Homesite Terrain: uneven, muddy, 1 mile 440-526-1012

APRIL PROGRAMS BY DATE Wildflower Discovery Walk (See 4/3 for details) 4 – 5 p.m. BeR 216-206-1000 Rain Barrel Workshop Learn to harvest rainwater for all your garden needs and to combat stormwater pollution in your community. Each workshop participant will construct a rain barrel to take home. 6:30 – 8 p.m. WSC Fee: $60 (includes all materials) Register online at cuyahogaswcd.org/events

25 WEDNESDAY Nature Baby – Salamanders The early spring forest is awaiting you, so let’s get baby out to explore. We will start with activities indoors and head outside for a hike looking for salamanders. Dress for the weather – this program will have an outdoor component. 10 – 11 a.m. RRNC Age: 3 years & under with adult Terrain: mostly flat, 0.5 mile Register online between April 1 – 23 Discovery Days: Rabbits and Raindrops Rain is something that all wildlife learns to deal with. Come learn how rabbits might deal with rain through discoveries, stories, singing a song and spending time outdoors. 11 a.m. – noon CWC Age: 3 – 6 years with adult Register by phone or online 216-341-1707

26 THURSDAY Spring Hike (See 4/5 for details) 9:30 – 11 a.m. SCR Urban Explorations: Flats Bridges Spend an afternoon by hiking in the Flats with Historical interpreter Doug Kusak. Cleveland is a city of bridges and we plan to span the gamut of the kinds in the Flats. Meeting location revealed after registration. 1 – 4 p.m. Off site Age: adults, 8 years & over with adult Fee: $5 Terrain: city streets, gravel, worn brick, 2.5 miles Register by phone beginning April 2 216-206-1000

Nudging Nature: Jackson Field Cleveland Metroparks Natural Resources team thoughtfully nudges nature in specific land management projects. Join us for an expert explanation and tour of how Jackson Field is managed as a meadow to support a diverse and healthy ecosystem. 6 – 7:30 p.m. SCR Jackson Field Terrain: natural surface, 2 miles 440-473-3370

27 FRIDAY Springtime Cart Tour Enjoy the sights and sounds of Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation on a spring morning. We will discuss the history of the area as well as flora and fauna we see along the way. 10 – 11 a.m. CWC Fee: $5 Register by phone beginning April 2 216-206-1000 Discovering Nature: Spring Peepers Join Naturalist Bev Walborn on an outdoor adventure just for preschoolers. We will head to the pond to search for one of spring’s loudest amphibians, the tiny spring peepers. 1 – 1:30 p.m. BWR Codrington Shelterhouse Picnic Area Age: 2 – 6 years with adult Terrain: flat, 0.6 mile 440-734-6660 Archery for Beginners – Adults Not only is archery beneficial for upper arm strength, balance and coordination, but it also helps increase mental focus and concentration. Come learn the basics in this fun, non-competitive atmosphere. Equipment provided. 2:30 – 4 p.m. BrR York Road Archery Range Age: adults Fee: $5 Register online beginning April 2 440-526-1012

Spring Transition Friday (See 4/6 for details) 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. NCR Going on a Tree Hunt Come to CanalWay Center to celebrate Arbor Day with an afternoon outdoors. A scavenger hunt identifying different trees around the nature center will lead you to the elements you need for a fun tree-themed craft. 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. CWC Terrain: paved, 0.5 mile Register online or by phone beginning April 2 216-206-1000 Tiger Tracks Overnight (See 4/6 for details) 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. CMZ Friday Night Lights Learn what makes animal eyes glow and search for some polished peepers on a hike through the floodplain of West Creek. 8:30 – 10 p.m. WCR Dentzler Trailhead Terrain: steep hill, natural surfaces, uneven, some stairs, 1.5 miles 440-887-1968

28 SATURDAY Beginner’s Birding Are you intimidated by the many species of birds that you can see right here in Cleveland Metroparks? Don’t be! Join Naturalist Matt as together we discover some tricks to ID our common local and visiting birds. 8 – 10 a.m. BCR Lake Isaac Terrain: flat, natural surfaces, muddy, 3 miles 440-887-1968 Extended Cart Tour (See 4/7 for details) 9:30 a.m. – noon CWC Your Piece of the Planet: Rain Barrel Workshop Get everything you need to install a handy rain barrel at home. Help to save water for your garden and reduce stormwater runoff. Take-home materials are sturdy and easy to install—you won’t find a better price elsewhere. 10 – 11:30 a.m. RRNC Fee: $60 (includes all materials) Register online at cuyahogaswcd.org/events 216-524-6580 ext.14

Live Animal Lessons The American toad is an amphibian that often gets looked over because of their drab color and secretive ways. Join us as we take a close look at these amazing creatures and maybe debunk some myths. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. NCNC Wetland Wonderland Join us to collect and observe the many macroinvertebrate species thriving in this wetland habitat. We’ll start indoors. Wear shoes that can get wet and muddy. 10:30 a.m. – noon WSC Age: 6 years & over with adult Terrain: muddy, natural surface, 0.5 mile Upcycling Craft for Kids Join us for an afternoon creating toads and frogs out of old egg cartons. This fun activity is free for all who want to help us reduce waste and repurpose throw-away items. Bring your own egg cartons if you want. 1 – 2:30 p.m. NCNC Old Growth Forest Hike Take a stroll through an ancient grove of hemlocks, black tupelo and white oak, while imagining what Northeast Ohio was like hundreds of years ago. This remnant stand is one of the oldest in Cleveland Metroparks and gives us a glimpse of our region before European settlement. 2 – 3 p.m. NCR A.B. Williams Woods parking lot Terrain: natural surfaces, 1.5 – 2 miles 440-473-3370 Wildflower Walk Join Naturalist Beth Whiteley for a walk through the floodplain of the Rocky River as we look for spring blooming wildflowers. 2 – 3:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, some stairs, 1.5 miles Family Bike Ride in the Park Doug Kusak leads an easy-going bike ride from CanalWay Center to Harvard Road and back. It’s an experience in exercise, excitement and explanations as we wander where the water winds in the Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation. Helmet required. 2 – 4 p.m. CWC Terrain: paved, 2 hills, 6 miles clevelandmetroparks.com


In partnership with Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

APRIL PROGRAMS BY DATE Wildflowers of Hinckley Beautiful spring blooms cover the forest floor in this lovely area. Join Naturalist Kathy Schmidt to see what is blooming this week. 3 – 4:30 p.m. HiR Johnson’s Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: natural surface, 1 – 2 miles 440-526-1012 Tiger Tracks Overnight (See 4/6 for details) 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. CMZ

29 SUNDAY Spring Bird Walks (See below for details) 7:30 – 10:30 a.m. Various locations

Spring Hike Join Naturalist Natalie Schroder for a walk around the wetland and through the woods in search of early blooming flowers, mammals and birds. Park in the lot closest to the park entrance. 10 – 11:30 a.m. ECR Wildwood Marina parking lot Terrain: paved, natural surface, some inclines, up to 2 miles 440-473-3370 Cherry Blossom Stroll (See 4/15 for details) 11 a.m. – noon BR Sunday Morning Dog Walk Celebrate springtime with your dog at Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation. We’ll walk to the overlook and back discussing the history of the park and its flora and fauna along the way. 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. OECR CanalWay Center parking lot Terrain: paved, 2 hills, 3 miles

Arbor Day Forest Bathing Shinrin-Yoku, or forest bathing, is a practice developed in Japan in the 1980s as a preventative healthcare measure. Engage your senses in the serenity of West Creek’s forested floodplain to feel the rejuvenating effects of forest bathing with a naturalist. 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WCR Center Park Age: adults Terrain: steep hill, uneven, natural surfaces, 1 mile 440-887-1968 Wildflower Walk The ravines of North Chagrin are blanketed with trillium and other beautiful wildflowers this time of year. We’ll work together to find as many species as we can and learn about their fascinating folklore. Noon – 2 p.m. NCR Strawberry Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: hills, steep slopes, 2 miles 440-473-3370

Your Piece of the Planet: Berries at Home Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and more; berry plants are perennial, easy to grow and delicious. Learn which species will work well in your yard and the care required to maintain these valuable plants. 2 – 3 p.m. RRNC Mini Gardens Create a nature-based miniature garden, which you can keep inside your house or place in your garden outside. 2 – 3:30 p.m. BNC Fee: $5 Age: adults, 10 years & over with adult Register online beginning April 16 440-526-1012

85th Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks Sundays, April 15 – May 20 7:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Watch as migrating spring birds return or travel through to their summer breeding grounds during the 85th Annual Series of Spring Bird Walks. Co-sponsored by Cleveland Metroparks, Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland, Blackbrook Audubon Society, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society, Geauga Park District, Hiram College, Holden Arboretum, Lake Metroparks, Medina County Park District, and Nature Center at Shaker Lakes. Walks are led by experienced birders and will be held on Sundays, April 15 through May 20, 2018 at the following locations: Aurora Sanctuary – Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland Sanctuary, parking lot east of Page Rd. on E. Pioneer Trail, east of routes 306 and 43, Aurora. 216-337-2202 Bedford Reservation – Hemlock Creek Picnic Area parking lot, off Button Rd., Bedford. 330-715-6300 Big Creek Reservation – Lake Isaac, Big Creek Parkway, Middleburg Heights. 440-891-1710 Brecksville Reservation – Station Road Bridge Trailhead, off Riverview Rd. south of route 82, Brecksville. 330-467-3664 Gates Mills – Various locations. Call 440-946-0314 for details. 20 Emerald Necklace April 2018

Geauga Park District – Various locations. Call 440-286-9516 for details. Hinckley Reservation – Bridge at the south end of Hinckley Lake, on State Rd., Hinckley. 330-625-5503 Hiram College – James H. Barrow Field Station, 11305 Wheeler Road, Hiram. 330-527-2141 Holden Arboretum – Corning Visitor Center parking lot, 9500 Sperry Rd., Kirtland. 440-946-4400 Huntington Reservation – Huntington Beach parking lot by water tower, 28649 Lake Rd., Bay Village. 440-808-1970

Lake Metroparks – Lake Erie Bluffs, 3301 Lane Rd., Perry Township. 440-256-1404, ext. 2112

Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation – CanalWay Center parking lot, 4524 E. 49th St., Cuyahoga Hts. 216-206-1000

Mentor Marsh – parking area on Headlands Rd., Mentor. 440-257-0777

Rocky River Reservation – Rocky River Nature Center, 24000 Valley Parkway (.5 mile north of Cedar Point Road), North Olmsted. 216-924-0188

North Chagrin Reservation – North Chagrin Nature Center parking lot, 401 Buttermilk Falls Parkway, Mayfield Village. 440-473-3370 Novak Sanctuary – Audubon Society of Greater Cleveland Sanctuary, parking lot north of Rt. 82 on Aurora Town Line Rd., Aurora. 330-388-9279

Shaker Lakes – Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, 2600 South Park Blvd., Shaker Hts. 216-321-5935 South Chagrin Reservation – Jackson Field, off Chagrin River Rd. (between Miles Rd. and Chagrin Blvd.), Moreland Hills. 440-473-3370

APRIL PROGRAMS BY DATE Wildflowers of Bedford Let’s enjoy a brisk afternoon walk along Tinker’s Creek. We’ll explore field and forest on our walk searching for a variety of wildflowers along the way. 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. BeR Hemlock Creek Picnic Area Terrain: natural surface, 1 – 1.5 miles 216-206-1000

Full Moon Hike Spring has sprung, come out for a fun night hike to track down some of the season’s nocturnal wildlife. Meet in the nature center parking lot. 8 – 9:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, some stairs, 1.5 miles

Forest Blitz: Birds, Wildflowers & More Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield for a bioblitz seeking migrant birds, stunning wildflowers, ferns, salamanders and more on a loop around West Channel Pond. 3 – 4 p.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, 15 stairs, 1 mile

30 MONDAY Urban Explorations: Flats Bridges (See 4/26 for details) 1 – 4 p.m. Off site

LOOK AHEAD TO MAY Native Plant Sale Saturday & Sunday • May 12 & 13 • 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. North Chagrin Nature Center

A wide variety of beautiful native spring and summer wildflowers and other plants will be available for purchase. Native wildflowers are beautiful and are beneficial for pollinators such as butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees! Naturalists will be available to give planting tips and answer your questions.

Children’s Fishing Derbies – FREE! Sat., May 19 • Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation, Cuyahoga Heights Sun., May 20 • Wallace Lake, Mill Stream Run Reservation, Berea Young anglers can try their luck at catching hungry rainbow trout, catfish and a variety of other fish while competing for prizes. Children can learn to cast or test their skills at the casting challenge. Fishing sessions: Ages 4 – 8 • 9 a.m. to noon Ages 9 – 15 • 1 to 4 p.m. For more information, visit clevelandmetroparks.com or call 216-206-1010

Wild Ride for Wildlife Saturday, May 19 • 6 – 9 p.m. • Cleveland Metroparks Zoo

Take a detour from your normal bike route and ride through Cleveland Metroparks Zoo instead! Cyclists of all ages will have a chance to cruise through the Zoo on Saturday, May 19 from 6 – 9 p.m. For more information, visit clevelandmetroparks.com or call 216-661-6500.

Garden Gala Native Plant Sale Saturday, May 19 • 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. • Rocky River Nature Center Attract pollinators, beautify your yard, and represent Ohio’s beautiful natural heritage. Over twenty species of plants designed to fit all types of sun, soil and water conditions will be available, while supplies last. Naturalists will be available to answer your questions. Cash or check is preferred.

Cleveland Metroparks is committed to providing quality recreational opportunities to the people of Greater Cleveland. If you need special assistance to attend a program or visit a facility, please call ahead to the number listed for the event or see the directory provided on the back cover. You may also visit clevelandmetroparks.com.

Urban Oasis Hike In a city of houses, roads and railroad tracks, Garfield Park Reservation is a welcomed respite for the season’s migratory birds and other wildlife. Let’s hike to discover how this urban oasis has become a home for wildlife. 9 – 10:30 a.m. GPC Terrain: gravel, hills, stairs, 1.5 miles 216-341-1707

Nature Play and Learn Young children and their adults will enjoy time to discover nature with a naturalist. This free monthly program will allow time for play and learning while indoors and outdoors. 10 a.m. – noon SCR Look About Lodge Age: 3 – 4 years with adult Terrain: natural surface, 0.5 mile 440-473-3370

Ride the Emerald Rim

Saturday, May 19 • 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Mill Stream Run Reservation

Celebrate National Bike to Work Week with a 20, 30 or 50-mile ride to discover the beauty of Cleveland Metroparks. Enjoy the camaraderie of fellow cyclists as you enjoy a healthy lunch, slacklining and disc golf. Participants will share the roadway and sections of All Purpose Trails. Helmets required. Bonnie Park Picnic Area Terrain: Paved APT road, level to hilly, 20 – 50 miles Age: 14 years & over with participating adult Fee: $25 (includes lunch and t-shirt while supplies last). After April 30: $30 Register online

2018 Tour of Wildflowers

Contest through June 1 The race is on! Between March 1 and June 1, join hundreds of Clevelanders as we go on nature’s ultimate scavenger hunt: the Tour of Wildflowers. Spend an afternoon, a weekend, or the whole season traveling the park district and taking photos of our beautiful flowers. Stop by any Cleveland Metroparks nature center or email your picture to have it verified. Complete your checklist to receive a prize. Join one of our many naturalist-led hikes this spring for extra help. Register at clevelandmetroparks.com to receive your checklist and contest rules. Call 440-473-3370 or email northchagrinnc@ clevelandmetroparks.com with questions. clevelandmetroparks.com



at Cleveland Metroparks

Don’t miss out!

Swimming season at Ledge Pool starts May 26 and runs through August 19 *Online Registration for Learn-to-Swim begins May 1, 2018. *Registration will be online at clevelandmetroparks.com/swimlessons only up until one week prior to the start of class. Register online. Registrations will then be taken in person at Ledge Pool during regular pool hours up until the start of class. Waivers and medical forms are available online. Bring completed forms to the first day of class (only one medical form per child per season, waivers must be completed for each child each session).

Learn-to-Swim Programs Water Safety Instructors offer an American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program for preschoolers and beginner to intermediate level swimmers. Classes meet 10 times per session, weather permitting. The fees per session are $45 for season pass holders and $65 for all others.

Morning Swim Classes

Session I – June 11 through 22 Session II – July 9 through 20 Session III – July 30 through August 10

Evening Swim Classes

Session I – May 29 through June 28 (T & Th evenings) Session II – July 9 through August 8 (M & W evenings) Session II – July 10 through August 9 (T & Th evenings)

Parent and Child Swim Classes June 2 through August 4 (Saturday mornings)

Pool Party Packages Celebrate your special occasion in a reserved area with picnic tables for up to 3 hours. Parties must have at least 10 people and group use policies apply. To schedule a pool party, call 330-239-2911.

Advanced Sale Program for Organized Groups Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are available for group organizations to spend a day at the pool. There is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 90 tickets sold per day. Swim tickets must be purchased in advance at the discounted rate of $5.00 each. Tickets will be printed with the date of the visit and only valid for that date. Tickets must be purchased at least two weeks prior to the event date by calling 440-331-8111. 22 Emerald Necklace April 2018

Season Passes & Pool Fees Season passes can be purchased online by visiting clevelandmetroparks.com/seasonpass Daily pool use fees are: $7.00 – adults $6.00 – children 3 to 11 years Free for seniors – 65 years & over Free for children – 2 years & under

Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Located at 1151 Ledge Road in Hinckley Reservation, between State (Rt. 44) and Kellogg Roads in Hinckley Township For more information call the Aquatics Division at 440-331-8111 before Memorial Day, or 330-239-2911 after Memorial Day.

Outdoor Recreation


Cleveland Metroparks Outdoor Recreation offers a series of year-round programs from introductory experiences and skills classes to advanced trips and certification courses. These class levels allow novices interested in an activity to gain the skills and knowledge to safely and confidently participate in these activities on their own while still challenging the avid recreationist.





Backpacking Basics


April 4

6 pm – 9 pm




Land Navigation 2


April 7

1 pm – 4 pm




Gourmet Backcountry Cooking


April 12

6 pm – 9 pm




Ottawa Overlook Backpacking Fest


April 22

1 pm – 5 pm


All ages


Depart 5:30 pm – Return 12:30 pm










Ottawa Overlook Beginner Backpacking Trip Minister Creek Backpacking Pre-Trip Trip: May 11, 1 p.m. – May 13, 7 p.m. Appalachian Trail Backpacking Pre-Trips Trip: Thur. June 14 – Sun. June 17

Fri – Sat 2 Days Mon

April 27 – April 28 April 30

6 pm – 9 pm

6 pm – 9 pm Thu & May 24 & June 6 Tue Thu-Sun June 14-17 Thu 7 am – Sat 10 pm


Off site


Learn the art of backpacking under the guidance of experienced backpackers through a series of classroom programs to multi-day trips where education and helping you gain the skills to backpack on your own is the goal.

Ottawa Overlook Backpacking Fest

Celebrate Cleveland Metroparks new backcountry sites.

Ottawa Overlook Beginner Backpacking Trip

Celebrate Cleveland Metroparks new backcountry sites during this overnight trip.

Anchor Building

Understand the skills and systems to set up natural top rope anchors while rock climbing outdoors.

Bike Maintenance

Anchor Building 2


April 14

9 am – 1 pm




Bicycle Maintenance 1


April 3

6 pm – 9 pm




Bicycle Maintenance 2


April 17

6 pm – 9 pm




Sat Sat Sat

May 6 May 6 May 6

1 pm – 2 pm 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm 4 pm – 5 pm


14+* 14+* 14+*

5.00 5.00 5.00

Sat Tue

April 14 April 24

10:30 am – noon 10:30 am – noon


14+* 14+*

15.00 15.00


FISHING “Try-It:” Fly Fishing


KAYAKING Kayaking 1: Introduction


April 12

6 pm – 9 pm

Off site




May 19

9 am – 4 p.m.




CERTIFICATIONS Ohio Boating Education Course


Discover how fun, yet challenging fly fishing can be during these one-hour long “Try-It” sessions.

Yoga & Hike

Certified yoga instructor Kim Scott Sowinski will lead a meditative hike before a warming, vinyasa flow.


RACES / TOURS / EVENTS Ride the Emerald Rim

Develop the skills to care for your bike during this series including changing a flat tire, brake and derailleur adjustments, changing a brake cable, and wheel truing.

Learn the basics of kayaking from efficient strokes to rescue techniques during pool sessions that will prepare you for paddling outdoors this summer.

Ride the Emerald Rim Sat

April 14

9 am – 5 pm



15.00 –25.00

ACA Kayak Certification Workshop


June 1–3

8 am – 5 pm




SUP Instructor Certification Workshop


June 1–3

8 am – 5 pm




* Must have participating adult accompanying youth. Fee includes all equipment needed to participate. ** Site abbreviations listed on page 12.

Celebrate National Bike to Work Week with a 20, 30 or 50-mile ride.

Ohio Boating Education Course

Learn safe boating fundamentals and laws that apply to paddling, sailing and power boating.

For more program details and registration deadlines, please visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or clevelandmetroparks.com


4101 Fulton Parkway Cleveland, Ohio 44144-1923

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Emerald Necklace® Published monthly by: Cleveland Metroparks 216-635-3200 clevelandmetroparks.com

Directory Board of Park Commissioners Bruce G. Rinker Dan T. Moore President

Vice President

Debra K. Berry

Brian M. Zimmerman

Vice President

Chief Executive Officer

Cleveland Metroparks Administration Offices 216-635-3200/24-hour info 4101 Fulton Parkway Cleveland, OH 44144 clevelandmetroparks.com

Volunteer Services 440-331-8237 clevelandmetroparks.com/ volunteer

Rental Facilities 216-635-3304

Brecksville Nature Center 9000 Chippewa Creek Drive Brecksville, OH 44141 Brecksville Reservation 440-526-1012

Cleveland Metroparks Rangers Accidents or Emergencies 440-333-4911 Cleveland Metroparks Zoo & The RainForest 216-661-6500/24-hour info 3900 Wildlife Way Cleveland, OH 44109 clevelandmetroparks.com/zoo



Cleveland Metroparks Golf Golf Services/440-232-7247 (general course info & inquiries) clevelandmetroparks.com/golf The Chalet Recreation Area 16200 Valley Parkway Strongsville, OH 44136 Mill Stream Run Reservation 440-572-9990

Cleveland Metroparks app available for download for iPhone and Android. Cleveland Metroparks does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age or disability in employment, services or access to programs or activities. Emerald Necklace is also available online at clevelandmetroparks.com © Registered trademarks of Cleveland Metroparks.

Nature Centers:

CanalWay Center 4524 E. 49th Street Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44125 Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation 216-206-1000 Look About Lodge 37374 Miles Road Bentleyville, OH 44022 South Chagrin Reservation 440-473-3370 North Chagrin Nature Center 401 Buttermilk Falls Parkway Mayfield Village, OH 44094 North Chagrin Reservation 440-473-3370

Outdoor Recreation 216-341-1704 clevelandmetroparks.com/or

Rocky River Nature Center 24000 Valley Parkway North Olmsted, OH 44070 Rocky River Reservation 440-734-6660

Outdoor Experiences Administration 216-881-8141

Watershed Stewardship Center 2277 W. Ridgewood Drive Parma, OH 44134 West Creek Reservation

440-887-1968 Cover photo: Baby Rhino at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Additional photos courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks photo archive, unless otherwise noted. photo archive, unless otherwise noted. Additional photos courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks

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