Emerald Necklace - September 2013

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Emerald Necklace

September ‘13 Vol. 62 #9

Featuring Cleveland Metroparks program guide and events

Inside: Outdoor Recreation Catalog

Contents Features 3 Discover, Enjoy, Protect 11 Autumn “G” Hike

Columns 4 Notes from the Field 5 Naturalist’s Almanac

In Addition 2 Cedar Valley Settlers Celebration 6 Inside the Emerald Necklace 12 Zoo News 14 Outdoor Recreation 19 Fall is Fantastic For Golf 22 Events by Location 23 Events Calendar 32 Directory

Sunday, September 15 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Frostville Museum Rocky River Reservation • North Olmsted Long before things were named Cleveland, North Olmsted or even Cleveland Metroparks, the early settlers were making Ohio their home. Visitors can relive yesteryear with the sights, sounds, tastes and smells of Ohio’s frontier days with a cornucopia of pioneer crafts and life skills, storytelling, toe-tapping music and food sampling at Cedar Valley Settlers Celebration & Music Festival. Wander the grounds of Frostville Museum to enjoy old-fashioned crafts, folk music, games, food, and hands-on activities.

Cover: FallFest, Brecksville Reservation. All photos by Cleveland Metroparks photo archive unless otherwise noted.

Visitors can learn to weave a rug, dip candles, write with a quill pen, use a two-man saw, make apple cider, and much more! Characters in pioneer costumes and storytellers will also be on-hand to share stories from a bygone era. A mini-encampment of a pioneer excursion camp is also a part of the festivities. Event-goers can also sample creamy, freshly churned butter; slow cooked, tart apple butter; and more. The sounds of great folk and Americana music will be heard throughout the day, played by some of the area’s top musicians. The featured band this year is nationallyknown The Good Lovelies at 3:30 p.m.

Emerald Necklace Published monthly by:

Cleveland Metroparks 216-635-3200 clevelandmetroparks.com Marjorie Thomas

Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy the music all day!


Eriepro ltd.

For more information, call 440-734-6660.

Graphic Design

RR Donnelley Printing

Emerald Necklace is also available online at clevelandmetroparks.com.

The Good Lovelies

Board of Park Commissioners Debra K. Berry Bruce G. Rinker President Vice-President

Dan T. Moore Vice-President

Brian M. Zimmerman

Chief Executive Officer

Turn back the clock and experience a simpler time at Cedar Valley Settlers Celebration & Music Festival.

Suggested parking: Frostville Museum, Little Cedar Point Picnic Area, Rocky River Nature Center, or park at Lagoon and bike over to Frostville! Shuttle provided between Lagoon, Frostville Museum, and Rocky River Nature Center.

Sponsored in part by

Frostville Museum Cleveland Metroparks does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age or disability in employment, services or access to programs or activities. Special assistance for Cleveland Metroparks programs or facilities is available by calling 216-635-3264 in advance.



Emerald Necklace, September 2013

is located off Cedar Point Road in Rocky River Reservation, between Valley Parkway and Columbia Road/Route 252 in North Olmsted – just off the I-480/Clague Road exit (westbound) and I-480/Columbia Road exit (eastbound).

Discover, Enjoy, Protect On November 5, 2013, Cleveland Metroparks will be on the Cuyahoga County and Hinckley Township ballot with a levy request designed to provide a financial foundation for the Park District over the next 10 years. The Plain Dealer cited that with nearly 23,000 acres of green space within 18 reservations and a nationally-acclaimed Zoo, our Cleveland Metroparks are rated “one of this region’s greatest assets” and “a cultural gem.”

Need for Levy Funds Voters will be asked to renew the existing 1.8-mills with a slight increase of 0.9-mills. The levy represents approximately 62% of the annual operating budget. With the levy funds, Cleveland Metroparks can continue to:

• Preserve our parks, streams and wildlife areas • Keep our nearly 23,000 acres safe, clean and beautiful for future generations • Clean up and operate parks along Cleveland’s lakefront • Maintain and improve trails, picnic areas, restrooms, nature centers, roads and bridges • Provide high impact outdoor education and nature programs • Ensure that our Zoo remains an accessible world-class destination for local families and tourists • Sustain our Emerald Necklace as an invaluable community asset and a source of civic pride To protect the quality of our Cleveland Metroparks, the Park District remains lean on operating personnel, dedicating its resources to sustaining the quality of trails, educational programs and other recreational facilities in our parklands. Nearing its 100 year anniversary, Cleveland Metroparks can look with pride at its history of providing essential environmental, economic and community benefits to residents of Northeast Ohio and its role in shaping the region’s quality of life. The world of nature is yours to explore. For information on Cleveland Metroparks and a year-round array of exceptional nature programs and recreational opportunities visit clevelandmetroparks.com, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.


Notes from the Field

A Complexity of Chipmunks Last year in September, I was taking my breakfast coffee on the patio with the house wrens, watching the frenzy of feeding and anxieties of fledging the wrenlets. This year the little wrens chose a different box nestled among the vines and flowers at the side of the house, so my attention wandered elsewhere among the several creatures with whom we share our suburban yard. If I was to have daily morning coffee with a critter, it had to be a dependable critter, I decided. Someone who will be there every day for me as the wrens were, doing something interesting, and available whether the coffee cup filled at seven a.m. or ten. Someone large enough to see (nematodes were thus eliminated), and someone active enough to keep my interest (slugs and snails dropped off the list as well). Diurnal creatures were high on the list (the nighttime yard opossum was out) and one whose daily activities were relatively confined (the neighborhood hawk, roving as it does, was interesting but scarce). Finally, as I sat sipping my morning brew last June, the situation resolved itself as a streak of brown, black and white scurried across the patio, under my chair, and over into the flower garden on the other side. Chipmunks, of course! The more I watched, the less I knew. The chipper never went beyond the garden, and was a frequent guest under the chickadee feeder. She often spent time just sitting, as if in a trance. Her travels included the bird bath, where fresh water for drinking was always available. And in late summer she was absent for a time, location and behavior unknown. What’s with this chipmunk, I asked myself, as I began to search for the written wisdom of those whose lives, if for a time, were more focused on chipmunks than mine. Paraphrasing my friend Wendy, there’s more to chipmunks than meets the eye. As September arrives and fades into autumn, the mystery of disappearing chipmunks is solved. Thrifty and diligent, they spent late spring to mid-summer caching seeds either deep in their nest burrows, or in carefully hidden larders scattered across their small territories. It seems that in many areas, the chipmunks then retreat from the heat 4


Emerald Necklace, September 2013

and live mostly underground, subsisting on the spring seed stashes, as the seeds will begin to sprout and lose their nutrient value before fall. September is also the month during which the females bring forth their three-quarter sized offspring, their second litter of the year, to the surface to show them the world. It becomes a quick introduction, however. In less than a week she may move them to a nearby empty nest burrow and just walk away, leaving them on their own. The young ones find vacant burrows near their former home burrow and in October, start their own solitary lives. Chipmunk burrows are intriguing. Most have been created gradually over many years and have been inhabited almost continuously by succeeding generations of solitary chipmunk inhabitants, one per burrow. The subterranean vaults are complex, with a central nest cavity and several side cavities in adjacent tunnels, which serve as storage places for food. In our area, maple seeds and American beech seeds are preferred, as are the tubers of trout lily flowers, all high in energy. Those of us with bird feeders in chipmunk territories are more than familiar with their love of sunflower seeds as well, probably an excellent substitute for more native seeds. The burrows seldom have more than one entrance, though a second entrance is often created then blocked with leaves and rootlets to disguise its appearance. During September, chipmunks become more arboreal, and often climb tall maple trees to cut seeds and carry them home in their cheek pouches. Beech nuts seem to be preferred over maple, and maple trees are often used as “ladders” to get into the tops of beeches, as the smooth beech bark is hard to climb. The chipsters are determined but not as agile as tree squirrels, often resulting in dramatic tumbles to the ground. As September fades

into the colder months and on into winter, the thrifty chipmunks subsist underground consuming their larders of autumn-stored food, occasionally venturing out on winter days when snow thaws enough to forage among their scatter-hoarded caches under the snow. As spring arrives, they emerge from their burrows in search of leftover food caches and fresh tubers, and another cycle of the seasons begins. Chipmunks’ wide range of calls have been carefully analyzed and are differentiated according to what type of situation, or threat, they wish to broadcast. Humans seldom notice an unchipmunk-like call sounding like a single drum beat repeated at intervals of a few seconds and is only voiced when an aerial predator like a hawk or owl is spotted. Other calls mean other things. There is much to learn about the natural world that surrounds us. Seemingly simple animals are found to have complex life styles and behaviors, and all of them mean something. The more we learn, the less we thought we knew, and thus learning becomes so very much more important. Chipmunks and all other living things with which we share this magnificent and fragile planet are products of the environments of our pasts, and like a wave washing upon a sandy shore, all arrive at this place and time together before being replaced by other waves, large and small. Just as Cleveland Metroparks is their refuge, it is your refuge too, as it was envisioned in the beginning by William Stinchcomb, as it was protected, managed and preserved by generations of dedicated park workers, and as it will be passed on to other generations who love and seek to understand things wild and free. Robert D. Hinkle Chief Naturalist Emeritus rdh@clevelandmetroparks.com

Naturalist’s Almanac


September brings the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. With cooler night temperatures the first fall colors emerge on the forest edge as hints of reds begin to appear. The tupelos are the first to begin to change with sassafras and red maple soon to follow. The meadows too begin to come alive with vibrant yellows of goldenrods and are highlighted by the whites and purples of asters. Migration is underway as birds and some insects begin their epic southern journey. Birds


This is one of the most exciting months for birding in Cleveland Metroparks as fall migration swings into full gear. Woodlands once again burst into motion as scores of warblers, vireos, flycatchers, tanagers and thrushes work their way south. Waves of swallows and hawks now push through on north winds and toward the end of the month, sparrows invade grasslands and wetlands. The muddy edges of wetlands offer stopping grounds for shorebirds and waders feasting on abundant invertebrates found in the mud. A visit to Huntington Reservation during strong northern gales offers a chance to observe the initial large movements of waterfowl, terns, gulls, and on a red-letter day, a jaeger. September’s migration mayhem can offer birders the chance to see over 100 species in one day.

The yellow of goldenrods begin to highlight meadows and as the month progresses they are joined by asters, including the rich purples of New England aster and tall ironweed. This is perfect timing as their nectar fuels the southward journey of monarch butterflies and the pollen is utilized by beetles and bees as a high energy meal. These insect pollinated plants are often accused of causing fall hayfever, but that belongs to ragweed and other wind pollinated plants.


Reptiles Hatchling turtles that have incubated all summer in warm soils begin their trek to nearby wetlands. Some head directly to water, while some are programmed to wander, sometimes up to two weeks, before settling into their new wetland home.

The insect world is still abuzz in September, as the last warm days of the year offer the opportunity to locate and appreciate stunningly colorful butterflies from the common buckeye, black swallowtail, great spangled fritillary and the flashy yellow of clouded and orange sulphurs. Katydids and grasshoppers drone on through the afternoons and evenings with buzzing serenades. However, big news in the “bug” world is the monarch migration. These large, rich orange and black butterflies make an astounding migration south to Mexico. On a warm day with north winds, visit Huntington Reservation or Edgewater Park to witness hundreds to thousands of monarchs as they depart Canada and arrive on U.S. ground.

yellow rumped warbler


Monarch Magic

Inside the Emerald Necklace

Saturday, September 14 • Noon – 4 p.m. North Chagrin Nature Center North Chagrin Reservation Mayfield Village September is when the monarch butterflies are traveling to Mexico to spend the winter. Plan to attend this free afternoon event featuring crafts, games, movies and a chance to get up-close to butterflies. You’ll learn more about these fragile but rugged travelers that grace our skies as they travel across the lake from Canada. For more information call 440-473-3370. North Chagrin Nature Center is located off Buttermilk Falls Parkway, off the Sunset Lane entrance of North Chagrin Reservation, off SOM Center Road/Route 91 in Mayfield Village.

FallFest: 18th Century Festival

We all know the parkways are a beautiful place to spend a relaxing afternoon, but many of us just cruise by and do not take advantage of all the amazing opportunities there are in our own backyards. This ride will help you discover, or maybe rediscover, some favorite places in Cleveland Metroparks. Join us for a scenic motorcycle ride through the Emerald Necklace. We will begin and end at Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation in Cuyahoga Heights. The ride will make stops at four jewels of the Emerald Necklace throughout the county. Some additional gems will be noted on the map, where you might want to explore if you have time. Compete in a Cleveland Metroparks trivia contest, the answers will be found at the stops, for prize baskets. This is not a guided ride, you will be given turn by turn directions to follow. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Last vehicle out at 11 a.m. You must return to Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation by 5 p.m.

Help celebrate the pioneers of the Western Reserve at Cleveland Metroparks annual FallFest: 18th Century Festival. This fun, free, familyoriented event takes place in the great outdoors of Brecksville Reservation.

$15 per person with registration by September 10. $20 per person day of event. Includes map, contest and picnic dinner. Dinner served from 4 – 6 p.m.

You can enjoy the lively strains of folk music, dip your own candle, play with pioneer toys and write with a real quill pen. You’ll hear the hammer of the blacksmith, the danceable beat of the Mud in Yer Eye band, and the gunfire of the Brigade of the American Revolution. Bring the whole family to smell the wood smoke, taste the fresh-pressed cider, and marvel at the magician! In addition, pony rides, food, and souvenirs will be available for sale. These activities and much more await your discovery. Plenty of free parking and free shuttle bus rides are available. For more information call 440-526-1012. History was never so much fun!

is located off Chippewa Creek Drive near Route 82 in Brecksville Reservation in Brecksville.


Sunday, September 15 • 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. CanalWay Center Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation Cuyahoga Heights

Sunday, September 29 • 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Meadows Picnic Area Brecksville Reservation • Brecksville

Meadows Picnic Area


Emerald Necklace Road Rally

Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Call for more information or to register call 216-206-1000 or visit clevelandmetroparks.com. CanalWay Center is located on Whittlesey Way, off the E. 49th Street entrance to Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation, between Grant Avenue and Canal Road in Cuyahoga Heights.

Fall Hayrides at the Chalet Recreation Area Picture this… cool autumn air, beautiful fall colors in Cleveland Metroparks, enjoyed while riding on a haywagon. Enjoy Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons in October with an old-fashioned hayride at the Chalet Recreation Area in Mill Stream Run Reservation. The festivities include square dancing fun most Saturday nights, and a variety of entertainment and activities on Sundays. The public, tractor-drawn hayrides are offered on a first-come, first-served basis, and leave approximately every half hour. The hayrides cost $8 for adults, $6 for children, ages 3 to 11, and free for children 2 and under (must ride on an adult lap).

Hayrides can be enjoyed: Saturday evenings October 5, 12, 19 and 26 • 6 – 10 p.m. and Sunday afternoons October 6, 13, 20 and 27 • 1 – 4 p.m.

Private Hayrides Private hayrides can be enjoyed on October weekends for $150 per wagon. A limited number of private haywagon rides are available for groups on Saturdays and Sundays during public hours. Visitors can also enjoy haywagon ‘dayrides’ on Friday, October 11 and 25 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Wagons can be rented for these daytime outings for preschool trips, senior and family picnics, or business get-aways at $95 per hayride. Private rental of the Chalet Recreation Area, including hayrides, is also available throughout October during non-public hours (call for details). Advanced reservations are required for group rides and rentals. For more information on any hayride or to make reservations, call 440-572-9990. The Chalet Recreation Area is located on Valley Parkway in Mill Stream Run Reservation, between Routes 42 and 82 in Strongsville – just a short distance from I-71 and the Ohio Turnpike. 7

Steelhead Run – 5-Mile Run/Walk Saturday, September 28 • 3:30 p.m. Emerald Necklace Marina Rocky River Reservation • Lakewood Celebrate the return of steelhead trout to Rocky River and support public programming at Rocky River Nature Center with this 5-mile run/walk. This course leaves the Emerald Necklace Marina, follows Valley Parkway south to Hogsback Lane, continues uphill to the Stinchcomb Memorial and around the memorial trail, returns back down Hogsback Lane to the all purpose trail, with a finish at the Marina. Fee: $20 registration (before September 27, Race day registration $25. Register on-line at www.hermescleveland.com. On-line registration closes at 9 a.m. Friday, September 27. Mail-in registration forms are available on-line or at Cleveland Metroparks nature centers and must be received by Wednesday, September 25. Call 440-734-6660 or go to clevelandmetroparks.com for more information.

Homeschool Happenings Rocky River Nature Center Attention homeschoolers! An old favorite is returning with a new twist. Jump into some great topics on the 2nd Thursday of each month with Homeschool Happenings. Two classes will run concurrently: K – 2nd, and 3rd – 6th grades. Both will include classroom time and outdoor exploration. New this year, while your K – 6th graders are learning, parents and younger siblings may choose to leave or stay and enjoy the new Homeschool Nook. Join us for one or all of these exciting programs: September 12 – Wonderful Water October 10 – Bats November 14 – Ohio Indians December 12 – Beavers January 9 – Fossils and Rocks February 13 – My Side of the Mountain March 13 – Maple Sugaring April 10 – Maps and Orienteering May 8 – Birds For more information and to register, call 440-734-6660.

Fitness Walking with Walking Works Research shows walking leads to better health. Walking three to five times a week helps improve cardiovascular fitness, increases circulation, helps control weight, blood and cholesterol levels, and improves overall feeling of well-being. Research also shows that increasing the number of calories burned by 2,000 a week can lead to a longer life. Now participants can feel better while discovering the wonders of nature. With Cleveland Metroparks Walking Works program, participants hike at least eight of 13 designated trails on their own from August through October – it’s fun and easy. After completing each walk, date the Walking Works form. Complete eight walks and return the form to Cleveland Metroparks to receive this year’s Walking Works walking stick shield. This year take an easy hike in Bedford, Big Creek, Garfield Park, Huntington, Rocky River and South Chagrin reservations. Moderate walkers can hit the trails in Brecksville, Brookside, Hinckley, Ohio & Erie Canal, North Chagrin and Rocky River reservations. Those looking for a difficult hike will appreciate the challenging hike in Mill Stream Run Reservation. After completing each walk, sign and date your Walking Works form. Complete eight walks and return your form to Cleveland Metroparks to receive this year’s Walking Works shield. Want to walk with others while learning about the natural features of the trails? Naturalist-led hikes along the designated trails will be available through October. Look for naturalist-led walks starting on page 22. For designated hikes and directions, and to download the Walking Works form, visit clevelandmetroparks.com. Walking Works forms are also available at Cleveland Metroparks nature centers. 8


Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Cleveland Metroparks trail system is one of northeast Ohio’s greatest assets. More than 306 miles of trails offer walkers, runners, hikers, cyclists and equestrians a range of options throughout the Park District’s nearly 23,000 acres. Approximately 70% of park visitors have shared that trails are the primary reason they visit one of Cleveland Metroparks reservations. During the past 18 months, Cleveland Metroparks has repaired and rehabilitated approximately 15 miles of natural surface trail in Bedford, Brecksville and Mill Stream Run reservations with support from the Trails Fund, the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund and dedicated volunteers. Much of this work has been done by hand using specialized tools to minimize disturbance to the areas surrounding the trails. In addition to improving Cleveland Metroparks trails, this work is providing connections to Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Buckeye Trail and the Bike and Hike Trail of Metroparks Serving Summit County via the Towpath Trail. You can follow the trail with a gift to the Trails Fund! Please visit clevelandmetroparks.com and select donate for more information or to make a gift online. Or, send a check payable to Cleveland Metroparks to: Gift and Donor Development, Cleveland Metroparks, 4101 Fulton Parkway, Cleveland, Ohio 44144. Gifts may also be made to the Trails Fund through your estate plans; for more information please contact Karen Kannenberg, CFRE, manager of gift and donor development, at 216-635-3217 or kjk@clevelandmetroparks.com.

ds er Amazing Monarchs i K rn In Ohio, we have the opportunity to witness not o only the flight of thousands of birds, but that of C monarch butterflies.

Every fall, monarch butterflies make an amazing journey. They fly up to 3,000 miles from various points in North America to their wintering grounds amid the forested mountains of central Mexico. In fact, monarchs are the only tropical butterfly to make such a marathon flight. This annual passage is similar to the type of migration we expect from birds, whales and other mammals. However, unlike those species, the monarch makes the trip once. It is their offsprings’ offspring that return south the following fall. September is a great time to witness this spectacle as the orange and black monarchs follow a southwesterly course across the state. Unlike the warmer months when seen flying solo, large clusters of migrating monarchs will roost in trees at night, providing warmth against the elements and protection from predators. It is believed that as monarchs travel south, they conserve energy in flight by gliding on air currents. They also continue gathering nectar to replenish their fuel supply and actually gain weight during the trip.

Answer: Autumn, Mexico, Migrating, Monarchs, Predators, Tropical, Waystation, Wintering, Currents. Butterfly

Follow the Trail!


A Look Ahead North Chagrin Nature Photography Weekend Saturday and Sunday, October 12 and 13 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. North Chagrin Nature Center North Chagrin Reservation • Mayfield Village This event is all about nature photography enthusiasts who capture the beauty of the wood duck and fall colors on Sanctuary Marsh in North Chagrin Reservation. The event features guided photo treks in the morning, indoor lectures in the afternoons and experts to give advice on photographic equipment. Visit the North Chagrin Nature Photo Contest show where over 100 photos are entered and judged. For contest rules and an application go to clevelandmetroparks.com.

Outdoor Odyssey Saturday, October 12 • noon – 4 p.m. CanalWay Center Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation • Cuyahoga Heights Hey kids, explore nature and outdoor recreation on a free adventure. Try activities such as golf, fishing, and hiking. Learn how to fix a flat bicycle tire, cast a fishing rod, identify local game fish and find stars in the sky. Explore nature through birding, pond life discoveries and crafts. Meet live animals from Lake Erie Nature & Science Center. Collect stamps on your passport and redeem it at the end of your odyssey for a prize.

A Unique Central Location for Parties, Meetings and Large Special Events Rivergate Café is nestled along the Cuyahoga River, near the east bank of the flats. This location offers a unique gathering area for parties, meetings and special events. Rivergate Café features a main room and patio with views of the river, the Cleveland skyline and its unique bridges and infrastructure. Opportunities are available for small intimate gatherings or large special events. Seating capacity in the main room is 50, with standing room of up to 85 and the patio offers additional seating for up to 40 with picnic tables with umbrellas. Food and beverage service is available for all rentals and special events. Additional amenities include parking, big screen TV with HDMI hook up, charcoal grills and cornhole boards. For more infomation, call 440-572-9990. rivergate@clevelandmetroparks.com clevelandmetroparks.com

Reflections of Nature Quilt Show November 9 – 10 • 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center Rocky River Reservation • North Olmsted There’s still time to enter your nature-themed quilt in the annual Reflections of Nature Quilt Show. Pick up applications at any nature center or visit clevelandmetroparks.com. For more information, call 440-734-6660.

Inspired by Nature Arts and Crafts Sale December 14 – 15 • 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center Rocky River Reservation • North Olmsted Come to Rocky River Nature Center to find a perfect natureinspired gift for your loved ones. Local artists show their talents in this sale of wonderful hand-made items. Shop locally! For more information, call 440-734-6660. 10


Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Did You Know? • Cleveland Metroparks is the largest landowner in Cuyahoga County. • Cleveland Metroparks has 7 nature/ visitor centers throughout Cuyahoga County. • Cleveland Metroparks has 8 golf courses throughout the Greater Cleveland area. • Cleveland Metroparks has never borrowed any money and balances the budget every year with no debt.

Autumn “G” Hike Goldenrods, Garters, Grape Ferns, and Galls

My grandson Garrett loves the outdoors. His favorite place is “outside” and he says “outside” continuously until hiking is imperative. Extraordinary fall colors are lost on his three-year-old senses, but not mine. Yellow goldenrods massed against the clear blue sky are magnificent. Add deep purple of ironweed, joe-pye weed’s fading pinkish-purple, and autumn’s color palette of tall wildflowers is complete. Garrett runs through goldenrods full speed, abruptly stops, points up, and says, “They are talking.” He actually hears insects gleaning nectar from hundreds of tiny goblet-shaped flowers, comprising goldenrod’s large yellow flower head. He’s too short to see wasps, bees, and flies meticulously drinking nectar while they unknowingly pollinate next year’s goldenrod crop. The plant’s vast nectar supply attracts over a thousand species of insects. When he’s older, I’ll explain how goldenrod is not responsible for September allergies because its pollen is spread by his “talking” insects, not the wind. Goldenrod’s sticky pollen is too heavy to be airborne. (Ragweed relies solely on wind for pollination thus creating autumn’s most toxic allergies.) My eyes comb the wildflowers for Garrett. Circling back to me, he points up announcing a new discovery, “Ball!” He’s found a large swelling on a goldenrod stem. Looking at the goldenrod ball gall, I think about the fly laying its egg last spring. Once the larva hatches, it burrows deeper into the stem hollowing out its living chamber, stimulating the goldenrod to form a round gall. When Garrett’s older, I’ll tell him no one knows which insect will emerge. Possibly the fly larva pupating into an adult breaks through or, if parasitized by gall wasps, it may be an adult wasp. As I’m pondering this, he says, “Can we eat it?” Realizing he’s hungry, I pull graham crackers from my pocket, successfully diverting his attention from a gall diet. He spots a tiny garter snake among grape ferns. One day I’ll explain that last year was the first time grape ferns were recorded here and how our earth is constantly changing. He says the snake went home. I show him the snake is hiding, curled up like a miniature rope, under a cottonwood leaf. I say, “This snake is already home.” Garrett’s sleepy eyes caution me our hike is soon ending. I say, “Let’s race to the car!” Within seconds of being strapped into his car seat, he’s fast asleep. Driving north on Valley Parkway, I wonder, “Is he dreaming of ‘talking’ goldenrods, graham cracker galls, and tiny rope snakes?” Reflecting on his enthusiasm, I hope Garrett’s favorite destination will always remain … “outside.” Joni H. Norris, Naturalist, Rocky River Nature Center Illustration by Georgia Kimble 11

Time is running out to experience Dinosaurs! at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo The summer season of Dinosaurs! at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is about to come to an end, but don’t worry – you still have time to visit these monumental creatures before they go extinct! The animatronic beasts that roar throughout Dinosaurs! will continue to be on exhibit near Waterfowl Lake until September 15. This year’s exhibit features 21 animatronic figures representing 15 different types of prehistoric creatures. Guests can see dinosaurs like Troodon and Quetzalcoatlus for the first time, alongside returning favorites such as Tyrannosaurus rex and Brachiosaurus.

Zoo News

Admission is $3.50 per person with regular Zoo admission, or $2 for Zoo Society members. Dinosaurs! is presented by Dollar Bank along with Discount Drug Mart, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District and Cleveland Clinic Children’s.

Boo at the Zoo Advance tickets now on sale Boo at the Zoo is Northeast Ohio’s spookiest safari! Now celebrating its 24th year of not-too-scary family fun, Boo at the Zoo takes place from 6 – 9 p.m. October 17 – 20 and 24 – 27. Kids of all ages are encouraged to wear their costumes and explore the Zoo after dark. Advance sale tickets are on sale now and are available online at clemetzoo.com, or at the Zoo Box Office. Several nights sell out each year, so get your tickets now to avoid being shut out of the night you want. Call 216-661-6500 for more information. Boo at the Zoo is presented by Giant Eagle with support from UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.

all photos courtesy of Cleveland Metroparks Zoo



Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Senior Safari Friday, September 6 Senior Safari celebrates the young-at-heart with FREE admission to the Zoo and The RainForest for all guests age 55 or better from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This popular event also features special activities from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. such as fitness demonstrations, entertainment, health screenings and dozens of health and wellness exhibitors set up in the Zoo’s Palava Hut Pavilion. Presented by Discount Drug Mart and Kaiser Permanente.

Teddy Bear Day Saturday, September 7 Pack up your den full of cubs for the return of Teddy Bear Day at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo! Kids ages 2 – 11 receive free admission that day when they bring a plush pal of any species and are accompanied by a paying adult. There will be complimentary teddy bear check-ups and the “doctors” will hand out “Beary” Good Health Certificates. Visitors will also see how the Zoo takes care of its six different bear species during special Meet-the-Bear-Keeper programs. These programs will highlight the exceptional care the Zoo’s bears receive and will encourage visitors to get more involved in efforts to conserve their wild counterparts. For more information, visit clemetzoo.com. Teddy Bear Day is presented by UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.

EdZooCation Calendar Education Programs at the Zoo Overnights at the Zoo – All programs run 7 p.m. – 10 a.m. the following morning. Would you like to sleep over at the Zoo, hike the park at night, get close to the animals and take a behind-thescenes tour? Then round up your pack, troop, horde, pride, colony or herd and plan an event they’ll never forget! Sleep out in the Rising Waters Safari Camp in the Zoo’s African Savanna – Friday and Saturday nights through September 14, in the Australian Adventure for Outback After Dark starting September 6 or in the Wolf Wilderness cabin during Night Tracks starting September 20. A special Cub Scout Wildlife Conservation Badge night is scheduled for the Night Tracks program on September 21.

Keeper for a Day – Runs daily from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Join the keepers who care for the animals in the Conservation Education division and become part of the team for the day. This is a five hour, hands-on experience you won’t forget.

Family Discoveries – All programs run 9 – 10:30 a.m. Bring the entire family for a special Zoo experience featuring hands-on activities and guided tours (topics vary by date). This month, explore Animal Enrichment on September 8 or learn all about wolves on September 22.

Career Day – All programs run 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Explore the professional fields of animal care, veterinary medicine, education and more. Get close to small animals, meet with Zoo staff, take a behind-the-scenes tour and see the real work involved with these exciting careers during Career Day on September 26.

To register, call 216-635-3391 or visit clemetzoo.com/learn.asp. For the most up-to-date Zoo information: clemetzoo.com / 216-661-6500 13

Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Outdoor Recreation 11350 Broadway Avenue Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125 216-341-1704 or@clevelandmetroparks.com clevelandmetroparks.com/or

Recreation Policy To provide recreation that connects people to nature and promotes community health and well-being consistent with the goals of conservation and education.

Inclusive Outdoor Recreation Opportunities Our professionally trained staff has the ability to make equipment adaptations. Most programs are accessible to anyone who would like to participate. For further information regarding program accessibility, or to schedule an accessible custom program, please call 216-341-1704.

Program Registration Programs are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, so register early to get a spot. Online: Program reservations can be made on Cleveland Metroparks website: clevelandmetroparks.com/or. By Phone: Call 216-341-1704 Monday – Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Have your MasterCard, Visa or DiscoverCard number ready. In-person: Stop by Garfield Park Nature Center located in Garfield Heights; Monday – Friday between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Fees must be paid in full upon registration. Your payment confirms that you are registered for the program. Program fees recover the direct program costs. Late Registration/Registration Changes Program deadlines are assigned to limit cancellations. Anyone registering after program deadlines will be assessed a $5 per person per program charge. Please note that Cleveland Metroparks reserves the right to deny registrations after program deadlines due to limited space, planning, etc. Confirmation/Cancellation Maps for program locations can be found on Cleveland Metroparks website: clevelandmetroparks.com. Registrants will be notified if programs are cancelled. Program fees are not refundable unless Cleveland Metroparks finds it necessary to cancel a program. Check Cleveland Metroparks website for policy details. Participants assume risk of all changes in personal health and affairs. Returned Checks A $20 cash fee will be charged for all checks returned for insufficient funds. General Information By registering, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the refund policy. A liability waiver and medical emergency form must be completed and signed prior to participation in all programs. Forms can be downloaded from clevelandmetroparks.com/or. Outdoor Recreation programs are listed bi-monthly in the Emerald Necklace. For more information call 216-341-1704 or visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or.



Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Outdoor Recreation

Escape to Nature Birds on Lake Erie

This fall, jump aboard the Linda Mae during peak rarity season with Jen Brumfield to discover offshore “seabirds” as they migrate along the Lake Erie coastline. The four hour adventure allows us to get out to at least 4 miles offshore, where we’ll search for migrant gulls, jaegers, and other highlysought water birds. We’ll set our sights on seeking the striking Sabine’s gull and parasitic jaegers. If luck is on our side, we may set a record by finding a long-tailed jaeger! Late fee applies after August 30. Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy


All boating programs are funded in part through a grant from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Watercraft.

Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP)

Water + surfboard + paddle = fun. Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) is a great way to have fun and get a little daily workout. Lessons will teach you how easy it is to balance and maneuver on a board that looks like a surfboard. Anticipate spending time in the water, so you must be comfortable treading water in a lifejacket. Late fee applies one week before class date. Ages: 10 years & over (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy

Date/Time: September 6, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Dates/Times: September 6, 5 – 7 p.m.

Wildwood Park Marina, Euclid Creek Reservation

September 7, 10 a.m. – noon or 1 – 3 p.m.

Fee: $65

Hinckley Lake Boathouse, Hinckley Reservation

Migrant Hotspots

Jen Brumfield takes us for a daylong adventure designed with migrants in mind. September is a birder’s dream, as it’s the key month for fall migration. From 20 species of warblers to vireos, thrushes, cuckoos, kinglets, and much more, we’ll look to visit many locations and compile quite a day list! We’ll scour lakefront wetlands, beaches, and mudflats that provide vital habitat for migrating birds. If conditions are right, we may even witness a fallout of migrating Monarch butterflies a truly spectacular sight. Late fee applies after September 6. Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy Date/Time: September 13, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. Garfield Park Nature Center, Garfield Park Reservation

September 24, 5 – 7 p.m. September 25, 5 – 7 p.m. Edgewater Beach, Lakefront Reservation Fee: $30 adult, $15 youth (ages 10 – 15)

SUP Yoga – Beginners SUP

Stand Up Paddleboard (SUP) Yoga is a fun and enlightening experience. Spend the first 30 minutes learning basic SUP techniques, then practice SUP yoga with Maria Latona on the water. Amaze yourself as you develop strength, balance and flexibility. Anticipate spending some time in the water, so you must be a good swimmer. Late fee applies one week before class date. Ages: adults

Fee: $59 (includes transportation, lunch, and snacks)

Activity Level: moderate

Learn the Lakefront: Birding Hotspots

Wallace Lake, Mill Stream Run Reservation

Fall migration on the Lake Erie coastline is nationally recognized as a gem for witnessing land and waterbird migration. We’ll visit dozens of popular lakefront hotspots, seeking waterbirds, warblers and other passerines, raptors, owls and more. October is high time for a multitude of rare birds to visit the shorelines. From Lorain Impoundment to Huntington Reservation, Edgewater Park, Wendy Park, Wildwood Park and Sim’s Park, and a few secret spots in-between, get up to speed on the best birding that the Cleveland region has to offer. Late fee applies after October 4.

Dates/Time: September 5, 26, or October 3, 5:30 – 7 p.m. Fee: $40

Kayaking I: Introduction to Kayaking

This entry level course combines classroom and on-the-water practice to introduce you to equipment, basic paddling strokes and more. Be prepared to get wet as you will be practicing a wet exit as part of the class. Late fee applies after August 30. Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy

Activity Level: easy

Date/Times: September 8, 9 a.m. – noon or 1 – 4 p.m.

Ages: adults

Hinckley Lake Boathouse, Hinckley Reservation

Date/Time: October 12, 6 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Fee: $40 (includes boats & equipment)

Garfield Park Nature Center, Garfield Park Reservation Fee: $59 (transportation & lunch included)

To register for an Outdoor Recreation program, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or.


Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Outdoor Recreation Kayaking II: Flat-water Fundamentals

This entry level course combines classroom and on-the-water practice to introduce you to equipment, basic paddling strokes and more. Be prepared to get wet as you will be practicing a wet exit as part of the class. Learn deep water re-entry rescue techniques, advanced paddling strokes, and more. Late fee applies after September 6. Ages: 14 & over (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy Date/Time: September 14, noon – 6 p.m. Hinckley Lake Boathouse, Hinckley Reservation Fee: $60 (includes boats & equipment)

Steelhead Fly Fishing Basics

Fishing for steelhead trout can be both fun and challenging. Bill Grake, will teach you basic information on gear, good fishing locations, and casting techniques that will make you a better fisherman. Rods will be provided so you can practice your new casting skills. Late fee applies after October 4 and 11 respectively. Activity Level: easy Ages: adults Dates/Time: October 12 or 19, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center, Rocky River Reservation Fee: $45


SKILLS & ADVENTURE Yoga for Runners

Enjoy a relaxing Saturday afternoon on the calm waters of LaDue Reservoir in Geauga County. Enjoy your time on the water as fall leaves begin their yearly alteration of color. No previous paddling experience required. Late fee applies September 27 and October 4 respectively.

This class is designed to help your performance as a runner. Join certified instructor, Kim Scott Sowinski, to practice yoga postures that focus on hips and flexibility for backs, legs and shoulders. Hikers and walkers are also welcome. Bring your own mat or use one of ours. Late fee applies one week before each class.

Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult)

Ages: adults

Activity Level: easy

Activity Level: moderate

Dates/Time: October 5 or 12, 1 – 4 p.m.

Dates/Time: September 8, 22, or 29, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

LaDue Reservoir

Acacia Reservation

Fee: $40 (includes boats & equipment)

Fee: $20 per session

Rubber Ducky Kayak Tour

Yoga and Hike

Ages: adults

Ages: adults

Activity Level: moderate

Activity Level: moderate

Date/Times: October 6, 10 a.m. – noon or 1 – 3 p.m.

Dates/Time: October 6, 13, or 20, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.


Harriet Keeler Memorial Picnic Area, Brecksville Reservation

Fee: $35 (includes boats & equipment)

Fee: $20 per session

Exploring Cleveland from the Cuyahoga River has a new twist. Each kayaker will choose a themed rubber ducky to attach to their kayak and help reveal fun, historical stories as we paddle. Previous paddling experience is required. Late fee applies September 27.



Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Hike and pause at scenic locations for yoga to lengthen and strengthen your entire body with mindfulness and gratitude. This unique technique allows you to reduce chances for injury and strengthen muscles. Dress for the weather. Mats provided. Late fee applies one week before each class.

Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Outdoor Recreation

Digital Camera I: Introduction to Photography

Bring your digital SLR or point & shoot camera to learn the basics of digital photography. We will look at the parts of the camera and lenses and discover how different adjustments affect your photography. Spend some time practicing with us and experimenting with your new skills. Late fee applies after September 4. Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult) Activity Level: easy Date/Time: September 11, 6 – 9 p.m. Garfield Park Nature Center, Garfield Park Reservation Fee: $20

RACES Mountain Bike Race Series

Challenge yourself with this off-road time trial. Racers will complete one lap on a marked single track at the Royalview Trail. Classes will be broken into men, women, beginners and advanced. Awards will be based on racers’ best overall time. Races are weather permitting. Helmets required. On race days the park will close at noon. Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult) Activity Level: moderate

Backpacking Basics

Dates/Times: August 29, 5 – 7 p.m.

Learn the basics to having a safe and enjoyable backcountry experience before investing in expensive gear. Our knowledgeable staff will cover important topics such as tents, backpacks, and other gear, water treatment and outdoor ethics during this relaxing classroom session. Late fee applies after September 25 and October 2 respectively.

September 12, 5 – 7 p.m.

Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult)

Late or same day registration: $30 per race after August 22

Dates/Time: October 2 or 10, 6 – 9 p.m. Rocky River Nature Center, Rocky River Reservation Fee: $12.50

Beginner Backpacking Trip

If you have ever wanted to go backpacking but were nervous about going to the bathroom in the woods, this is the trip for you. Join us for an overnight trip to experience and learn about backpacking essentials including backcountry hygiene, cooking, safety, and more. Don’t worry; a port-a-john will be available for this introductory field-based class. Late fee applies after September 3.

For all races: registration day of race is 4:30 p.m., race starts at 5 p.m. Royalview Shelter, Mill Stream Run Reservation Registration fee: $20 per race by August 22

Ledges to Lake Adventure Race

Combine the thrills of Hinckley Reservation in this fun but challenging race. Start with a 3 mile run on the bridle trail then hop into your kayak and paddle 1.5 miles around Hinckley Lake. After the lake portion, racers will bike 9 miles to the finish line. The course is perfect for both beginners and advanced racers. Visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or for more information. Register online at ncnracing.com. A limited supply of kayaks can be reserved for $10/boat by contacting Outdoor Recreation at 216-341-1704. Ages: 10 years & over with participating adult

Ages: 14 years & over (with participating adult)

Activity Level: moderate

Activity Level: easy

Date/Time: September 21, Registration 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.

Pre-trip meeting: September 10, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Race Start: 9 a.m. (Boat drop-off area closes at 8:15 a.m.)

Garfield Park Nature Center, Garfield Park Reservation

Registration by September 2: Individual – $55,

Trip dates: September 14, noon to September 15, noon

Team – $80, Relay – $100

Hinckley Reservation

After September 2: Individual – $75, Team – $100, Relay – $120

Fee: $65

Hinckley Reservation

To register for an Outdoor Recreation program, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or.


Programs are inclusive for all abilities

Outdoor Recreation Vampires and Werewolves Family Run

Calling all vampires and werewolves. Dress in your best Halloween costume and bring the whole family for an evening of activities and non-competitive running. Three courses will be set up so kids and adults can enjoy running, freaky face painting, goblin candy stations, creepy crafts and more. Best costume awards will be presented at various age levels and everyone gets a medal for entering. Be ready to dodge the vampires and werewolves along the trail. Register at clevelandmetroparks.com/or. Ages: all Date/Time: October 19, 3 – 7 p.m. (first race starts at 4 p.m.) Registration by October 4 1 mile fun run: $10 2 mile run: $15 5K: $20 After October 4 1 mile fun run: $15 2 mile run: $20 5K: $25

Acacia 5K

North Chagrin Nature Center, North Chagrin Reservation

Take a bite out of those holiday calories by joining us for a 5K race at one of our newest reservations. For race details, and to secure your spot register at clevelandmetroparks.com/or.

Run From the Zombies

Ages: 14 & over

This 5K race will get your heart pumping as you race along the shores of Lake Erie dodging zombies. Dress in your favorite Halloween costume for a chance to win “Best Costume.” The race course includes hills, pavement and sand. Flesh eating details and registration can be found at clevelandmetroparks. com/or. Ages: 14 & over Date/Time: October 26, 4 – 6:30 p.m. (packet pickup day of race at 4 p.m., race starts at 5:30 p.m.) Registration by October 11: $30 After October 11 and day of race: $35 Edgewater Park, Lakefront Reservation



Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Registration packet pick up November 20, 5 – 7 p.m. Acacia Reservation Race Date: November 30, 9 – 11:30 a.m. (packet pickup day of race at 9 a.m., race starts at 10 a.m.) Registration by November 6: $30 After November 6 and day of race: $35 Acacia Reservation Team building, private lessons and group classes are also available. Contact us weekdays from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. to find out more: 216-341-1704.

Fall is Fantastic for Golf Fall Tour Tournament Series Two-Player Scramble Saturday, September 28 Big Met Golf Course • Rocky River Reservation $110 per team

Barbour Cup (27-holes) Saturday, October 5 Sleepy Hollow Golf Course • Brecksville Reservation $180 per team (27 holes, includes cart)

Cleveland Metroparks Tour Championship Saturday, October 12 Manakiki Golf Course • North Chagrin Reservation $50 per player

Fall Junior Tour for High School/Junior High Golfers This four-event tour is open to junior high school golfers looking forward to competing on a high school team or high school golfers currently not playing for their school golf team. Top finishers qualify for the Tour Championship, Sunday, October 6 at Big Met.

Regular Tour events: Saturday, August 24, • 12:30 pm. Seneca A Golf Course – 440-526-0043 Sunday, September 8 • 12:30 p.m. Manakiki Golf Course – 440-942-2500 Saturday, September 14 • 12:30 p.m. Seneca B Golf Course – 440-526-0043 Sunday, September 22 • 12:30 p.m. Shawnee hills Golf Course – 440-232-7184 Cost is $35 for each event, 7th grade is $25 (9 holes) Visit clevelandmetroparks.com for online registration. For more information on golf events offered through the season, call 440-232-7247.

Hey Golfers! Stay in touch through the On the Fairways email newsletter. Subscribe now and start receiving golf tips, special offers, news from the courses and more! Register via email to: hak@clevelandmetroparks.com.

Sleepy Hollow Golf Course 18 holes, par 71 and driving range Brecksville Reservation 9445 Brecksville Road, Brecksville 440-526-4285 Manakiki Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 North Chagrin Reservation 35501 Eddy Road, Willoughby Hills 440-942-2500

Big Met Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 Rocky River Reservation 4811 Valley Parkway, Fairview Park 440-331-1070 Shawnee Hills Golf Course 18 holes, par 71, 9-hole par 3 course and driving range Bedford Reservation 18753 Egbert Road, Bedford 440-232-7184

Moonlight Golf September 20 • Little Met Golf Course • 7:30 p.m. Golfers challenge their night vision and play nine holes with a Nitelite golf ball – it glows in the dark! The shotgun start takes players into a night world of golf with glowing golf balls, tees and greens. Registration is required and space is limited. Players should arrive 30 minutes before start time. $25 per player. Seneca Golf Course 18 holes, par 72 18 holes, par 71 Brecksville Reservation 975 Valley Parkway, Broadview Heights 440-526-0043 Little Met Golf Course 9 holes, par 34 Rocky River Reservation 18599 Old Lorain Road, Cleveland 216-941-9672

Mastick Woods Golf Course 9 holes, par 31 Rocky River Reservation 19900 Puritas Road, Cleveland 216-267-5626 Washington Golf Course 9 holes, par 29 and driving range Washington Reservation 3841 Washington Park Blvd, Village of Newburgh Heights 216-641-1864 19

Save, Savor and Stamp in September Save The shops at Hinckley Lake Boathouse, North Chagrin Nature Center and Rocky River Nature Center have a varied selection of sale items, visit each shop...you just might be surprised at what you will find.

Savor Coca Cola beverages, Good Humor ice cream, Shearers chips, pretzels and Rice Works are not only some of your favorite snacks, but they are all purchased locally. We are pleased to announce that we are now offering delicious treats made right here in Cleveland and we are sure they will become your new favorites. Reminisce as you enjoy the original Euclid Beach popcorn balls and candy kisses from the Humphrey Popcorn Company. We’ve brought back the popular chocolate bars from Cleveland’s own Malley’s Chocolates.


Salted peanuts, roasted cashews and sunflower kernels from King’s Gourmet Nuts and Snacks are the perfect treat while on the trails.

CanalWay Center Cuyahoga Heights 216-206-1003

Try the Good Greens Wellness Bars. They are “infinitely good,” all natural, gluten free and come in a variety of flavors. Satisfy your sweet tooth and “celebrate life with chocolate” with our Cocoa Crush and Very Berry Yours chocolate bars made in Lakewood by Sweet Designs Chocolatier. They proclaim that “even a small bite will satisfy your soul.”

Stamp Visit us at the September events and have your family enjoy the fun of creating their very own, unique stamped t-shirt. Proudly wear your personally designed shirt, now with our Cleveland Metroparks logo displayed on the sleeve.

September 14 – Monarch Magic at North Chagrin Nature Center September 15 – Cedar Valley Settlers Celebration & Music Festival at Frostville Museum in Rocky River Reservation September 29 – FallFest at Brecksville Reservation 20


Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Open daily: 10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.

Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store 1 West Drive Hinckley Township 330-278-2160

Open daily: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511

Wednesday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4:45 p.m.

Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 Wednesday – Saturday:

10 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 4:45 p.m.

Watershed Stewardship Center Parma 440-253-2170 Tuesday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.


Lake Erie Nature & Science Center PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Nature Nuts Nature-based preschool where children ages 3 – 5 meet live animals, hike outdoors, visit the planetarium and enjoy a world full of fun!

Cabin Critters (NEW OPTION THIS YEAR!) Children ages 4 – 6 transition from Nature Nuts to the Log Cabin in this brand new preschool offering!

Log Cabin Explorers Club Children ages 5 – 6 will grab their backpacks and investigate Huntington Reservation.

SCHOOL – AGE PROGRAMS After School Art & Nature Club with BAYarts Art and nature meet in this unique collaboration of art and nature designed for school age children. Meet at Lake Erie Nature & Science Center on the first day for some time in the

great outdoors. Meet a few of the Center’s resident animals and learn about the natural history of our region through hikes and activities. The following week, meet at BAYarts to extend the natural lessons into creative works of art! Each week we will alternate locations to get the best of both worlds. Enjoy a pizza celebration on the last day! Instructor: Christine Cain and BAYarts staff. For children in grades 1 – 4, Wednesdays, 4 – 5:30 p.m.

Junior Naturalists Get closer than ever to our Center animals, learning about their needs and habits, with opportunities to hold animals in most classes. Get outside to explore Huntington Reservation and learn to recognize and identify the plants and animals that thrive here. Shadow our Wildlife Staff and high school Naturalist Assistants (NAs) behind the scenes of our Center’s animal care facilities. Check out the universe and learn to navigate the stars in our inflatable Star Lab. Build on your knowledge at each level and gain the tools you need for a deeper understanding of our natural world. For children ages 10 – 14 and in grades 5 – 8 Saturdays, 9 a.m. – noon


Walter R. Schuele Planetarium Family Programs Monthly Skyquest in September: Wild Weather in Space

Join us! Here’s what we’re exploring in September:

Monthly Skyquest is a program for those who want to delve more deeply into astronomy and space topics with our expert staff. Each month a different topic is thoroughly explored. This approximately 45 minute program is followed by a look at what’s up in the current night sky. Free telescope viewing follows the evening shows, weather permitting.

Hurricane winds can exceed 80 mph and wreak havoc on the inhabitants of Earth. However, even more incredible weather occurs elsewhere in our solar system and the universe beyond. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is a storm that has been raging for hundreds of years. The winds of Neptune sometimes exceed 1,000 miles per hour. The stellar wind from some large stars can exceed 1,200 miles per second! Join us this month to learn about some of the most uncanny extraterrestrial climates. Recommended for pre-teens through adults Every Saturday at 3 p.m., repeats at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21 Fee: $4/person

Please note: Doors close promptly at start time. Tickets for all star shows are available at the front desk 30 minutes before the program begins on a first-come, first-served basis. All shows include an overview of the current night sky and any news from the space agencies. For safety reasons, late admittance to planetarium programs is not permitted.

Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Located at 28728 Wolf Road in Bay Village • 440-871-2900 • www.lensc.org Lake Erie Nature & Science Center is an independent nonprofit affiliate of Cleveland Metroparks and receives public support with local tax dollars from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture, to preserve and enrich our region’s cultural heritage. 21

September Events by Location Off-site programs

26 • Urban Explorations: Group Plan Buildings 28 • Urban Explorations: Cultural Gardens

(AR) Acacia Reservation

7 • Acacia BioBlitz 9 • 23 • Fall Bird Walk 18 • Full Moon Over the City

(BeR) Bedford Reservation

14 • Woodlands of Bedford: Late Summer Wildflowers 22 • First Day of Fall Hike

(BrR) Brecksville Reservation 15 • Hike Back in Time

(BNC) Brecksville Nature Center

(HiR) Hinckley Reservation

(RRNC) Rocky River Nature Center

(HuR) Huntington Reservation


7 • 8 • 21 • 22 • Voyageur Canoe Paddle 8 • Ledges and Lake Hike 19 • Full Moon Paddle in a BIG Canoe

8 • September Stroll 13 • Naturepiece Theatre: Amazing Insects 15 • Hiking Hemlock 18 • Trail Trackers: Seeds 21 • Farewell Summer Hayride 27 • Outdoor Education for Homeschoolers: Habitats Campfire 28 • Boy Scout Saturday: Plant Science

(NCNC) North Chagrin Nature Center

(SCR) South Chagrin Reservation

(LR) Lakefront Reservation

(CWC) CanalWay Center

14 • Hidden Story Hike

(ECR) Euclid Creek 22 • Sunday Bird Walk

7 • Pop Up Program: Fall Colors 10 • Monarch Watch 17 • Birds & the Beach 21 • Beach Party

(MSRR) Mill Stream Run Reservation (NCR) North Chagrin Reservation

Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mayfield Village 440-473-3370 6 • 21 • For Women Only 6 • Meet the Flockers: A Swift’s Night Out! 7 • Family Summer Stroll 14 • Monarch Magic 20 • Friday Movie Night 21 • Dog Hike 24 • Stroller Science: Who Lives in a Tree? 25 • Welcome Back Fall Hike 29 • In Search of…Bugs and Insects Cleveland Metroparks Photography Club East 16 • Nature in my Backyard

(RRR) Rocky River Reservation 7 • Monthly Morning with the Birds 14 • American Red Cross Pet First Aid 15 • Cedar Valley Settler’s Celebration 28 • Steelhead Run

(GPNC) Garfield Park Nature Center

Open Sunday 1 – 5 p.m. Monday – Saturday 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Broadway Ave. or Turney Rd. entrance, Garfield Heights 216-341-3152 1 – 30 • Fall Leaves Scavenger Hunt 7 • Birds on the Bridge 7 • Walk and Write 7 • Easier Trees 14 • Emerald Necklace Bus Tour: Helping Hands of the CCC and WPA 15 • Last Sunday of Summer Hike 20 • Fall Migrators 26 • Terrific Turtles! 29 • Cleveland Metroparks Journey Days



10/31 • Gallery Wall: Pastels by Gary Sluzewski 1 • River Poets 1 • Your Piece of the Planet: Why is Poo so Taboo? 7 • Bird Banding at Rocky River Nature Center 7 • 18 • Wilderness Skills Series 8 • Autumn Book Review 9 • 10 • Little Explorers: Hoppers Hopping 12 • Homeschool Happenings 12 • Inviting the Planet to Dinner: The Goodness of Garlic 14 • Second Saturday Storytelling 19 • Full Moon Hike 22 • Wellness Walk 22 • School of the Wilds: Aquatic Insects 29 • Your Piece of the Planet: Putting the Garden to Bed Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society 3 • eBird: Good for Birds, Good for You Trout Unlimited 3 • Lake Erie Surf Zone Steelheading Cuyahoga Astronomical Association 9 • Apps for Astronomers Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association 11 • To Market Your Hive Products Cleveland Metroparks Southwest Camera Club 16 • Show and Tell: Summer Travel

8 • Breakfast in the Park 21 • Volunteer to Adopt-a-Beach 22 • Campfire at the Beach (LENSC) Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Open Daily 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 28728 Wolf Road, Huntington Reservation, Bay Village, 440-871-2900 14 • Family Forest Fun 29 • Birding with Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society

Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Rt. 82 entrance, Brecksville 440-526-1012 3 • Hiking for the Young at Heart 4 • A Real Hoot 7 • Extreme Hiking 12 • 18 • Animal Crackers Open daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Off E. 49th St., Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation, Cuyahoga Hts. 216-206-1000 1 – 30 • Hunt of the Month 1 – 30 • Charles Bauck Photography 1 • Simple Science Sunday: Why Hot/Humid Air Rises 6 • Preschool: Magical Monarchs 8 • Life on the Cuyahoga 10 • 24 • CanalWay Cart Tours – Evening Tour 11 • History and a Brown Bag Lunch: Lakefront Reservation 13 • Stroller School: Butterflies 14 • Family Bike Ride in the Park 15 • Emerald Necklace Road Rally 20 • 27 • 28 • CanalWay Cart Tours – Northern Route 21 • Acoustic Players Circle 22 • CanalWay Cinema 22 • Meet the Artist: Charles Bauck 23 • After Work Hike 25 • Hike the Mountain Bike Trail 26 • Hidden Valley Homeschool: Orienteering 26 • Youth Outdoors Volunteer Orientation 28 • American Girl Afternoon Movie: McKenna Cleveland Astronomical Society 5 • How to Capture an Asteroid

Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 24000 Valley Parkway, North Olmsted 44070 440-734-6660

14 • Almost Autumn Photo Hike 14 • Nature Journaling 15 • Grasshopper Hop 16 • 30 • Fall Bird Walk 21 • Hiking for the Humorous 27 • Papermaking Workshop: Part 1 28 • Papermaking Workshop: Part 2 (LAL) Look About Lodge Open Sundays noon – 4 p.m., otherwise open for scheduled programs, 37374 Miles Rd. Bentleyville 44022 South Chagrin Reservation 6 • Look About Littles 8 • Grandparents’ Day at the Lodge 15 • Croquet on the Lawn 21 • Willow Basket Workshop 22 • Drop-in Leaf Printing at the Lodge 28 • Tour de Emerald Necklace Cleveland Natural Science Club 21 • Towns Along the Towpath

(WR) Washington Reservation 6 • Chimney Swift: Dusk Dance

(WSC) Watershed Stewardship Center

Group Programming For information on group programs, call any Cleveland Metroparks nature or visitor center.

Outdoor Adventures Outdoor Recreation is year-round. For details about trips, skill classes or other recreational activities, visit clevelandmetroparks.com/or.

Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Open Tues. – Sat. 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 2277 West Ridgewood Drive, Parma 44134 440-887-1968 8 • Monthly Bird Survey 12 • Ridges & Fields of West Creek Reservation 14 • Grassland Restoration Hike 15 • Migrating Monarchs 17 • Science Night Special Program 26 • Educator Open House 28 • Earthworms & Deer

(WCR) West Creek Reservation

9 • Intro to Stream Processes Creek Walk 20 • After-Work Dog Walk

September Events Calendar

1 • Sunday Hunt of the Month: Leaves

As the days grow shorter and the nights get colder the leaves will start to change color and then fall to the ground. Stop by CanalWay Center and find the 20 hidden leaves. Then take a hike outside and enjoy the fall colors. Through September 30. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CWC Charles Bauck Photography

Come enjoy the beauty of Cleveland Metroparks as captured by the photography of Charles Bauck of Earth Works Gallery. From valleys shrouded in mist to the riffles of the stream decorated with fall leaves, these photos will inspire you to go out and explore the parks for yourself. Through October 31. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. CWC

Cleveland Metroparks Maps Visit clevelandmetroparks.com for maps of Cleveland Metroparks 18 reservations. Or, call 216-635-3200 and request a Pathfinder Map and Guide.

River Poets

Join Naturalist Joni Norris as we read nature poetry by outstanding poets. If you are inclined, bring a sample of your own poetry to share with others. Several examples of nature poems will be provided. Noon – 1 p.m. RRNC Ages: adults Simple Science Sunday: Why Hot/Humid Air Rises

Doug Kusak simply explains the nature of things with simple demonstrations. Simply put, we hope you’ll come to understand why hot air and humid air rise. Hot air included. Bring your curiosity. 1 – 1:30 p.m. CWC

Your Piece of the Planet: Why is Poo so Taboo?

We all do it. Yet somehow we’re embarrassed to acknowledge how great an impact our daily flushes make on the natural world. We’ll learn a little about toilet status quo, and think outside the box, and bathroom, to explore options for a more sustainable future. 1 – 2 p.m. RRNC

3 • Tuesday Hiking for the Young at Heart

The air is cooling down and autumn is slowly moving in. Enjoy a morning hike through Brecksville Reservation with Naturalist Pam Taylor. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. BNC Terrain: hills, 3 – 4 miles Trout Unlimited Lake Erie Surf Zone Steelheading

Fishing the southeastern shores of Lake Erie during the fall and spring steelhead seasons can produce trophy catches. Karl Weixlmann discusses how to fish this untapped resource and what really works. 7 – 9 p.m. RRNC

Fall Leaves Scavenger Hunt

Stop in Garfield Park Nature Center and see if you can spot fall leaves carefully hidden around the building. As you are looking for leaves you will learn the names of the trees they are from as well as the color that they turn when the days become shorter. Through September 30. 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mondays – Saturdays, 1 – 5 p.m. Sundays GPNC Gallery Wall: Gary Sluzewski

Gary uses pastels to explore how the play of light and the subtleties of color and value have an impact on the natural world around us. Through October 31. 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. RRNC


Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society eBird: Good for Birds, Good for You

This real-time, online checklist program can record your bird sightings and report where other birders have seen birds you’re looking for. Ken Ostermille presents a live demonstration of eBird, a citizen science project of Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society. 7:30 – 9 p.m. RRNC

4 • Wednesday A Real Hoot

Join Historical Interpreter/ Naturalist Foster Brown as we study the uniqueness of owls and why they are one of the most fascinating creatures on earth. This program will feature a live screech owl, songs and stories will help us understand these awesome avians. 7 – 8 p.m. BNC Ages: adults, families

5 • Thursday Cleveland Astronomical Society How to Capture an Asteroid

Jay Reynolds, Research Astronomer for Cleveland State University and Director of Lakeland Astronomical Observatory, Lakeland Community College will speak about How to Capture an Asteroid and What Happened to the Atmosphere of Mars? Note new hours. 6:30 – 7 p.m. meeting CWC 7 – 8:30 p.m. speaker

6 • Friday Preschool: Magical Monarchs

September is a great time to see monarch butterflies. We will make a craft, learn about a monarch’s lifecycle and go outside to try to find and catch some of these fantastic flyers. Dress for the weather. 10 – 11 a.m. CWC Ages: 3 – 5 years Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com




Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Look About Littles

Children age 3 ½ – 5 (preK) will enjoy this six week nature class. We’ll keep our bodies and minds busy learning about what nature is doing in autumn. This class meets Fridays from Sept. 6 to Oct. 11. Parents must stay nearby during the program. Snack included. 10 – 11:30 a.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: 3 ½ – 5 years (pre-K) with adult Fee: $40 Register by September 2 clevelandmetroparks.com For Women Only

Join other women for exercise and camaraderie as we recharge after a busy week. We’ll hike through the A.B. Memorial Woods and along wooded ravines to experience the splendor of the late summer forest. 10 a.m. – noon NCNC Ages: adult women Terrain: hills, moderate, 3.5 miles 440-526-1012

Meet the Flockers: A Swift’s Night Out!

Come out tonight and discover the spectacle of chimney swifts coming home to roost for the night. We’ll listen for their twitters, marvel at their fast-flying antics while hunting on the wing and count them as they go in for the night. Call September 5 or 6 for meeting location. Kids Club members bring your passport. 7 – 8:30 p.m. NCNC Ages: families, adults 440-473-3370 Chimney Swift: Dusk Dance

As the sun begins to set the chimney swifts gather together in a large flock in the sky. Join us in observing the dazzling show as they funnel down into a roost for the night. Bring a lawn chair and binoculars to aid in your comfort and vision of the event. 7:30 – 8 p.m. WR Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Bridal Veil Falls, Bedford Reservation

7 • Saturday Birds on the Bridge

Join a naturalist to enjoy the morning songs, calls, dives and swoops of bird busyness on our historic bridge just a stone’s throw from the nature center. 8 – 9 a.m. GPNC Monthly Morning with the Birds

The fall migration is well underway. Meet Naturalist Ken Gober for our monthly hike to survey bird activity near Rocky River Nature Center. Bring binoculars and a bird guide. 8 – 11 a.m. RRR Rocky River Nature Center parking lot Terrain: some stairs, 1.75 miles 440-734-6660 Acacia BioBlitz

What’s a BioBlitz? Join naturalist staff in a marathon morning of nature discovery as we look at the plants and animals that live in a variety of habitats in Acacia Reservation. Become a citizen scientist and help us log all that we see. Bring binoculars

and field guides if you have them. 8 a.m. – noon AR Ages: 9 years & over with adult, adults Register by September 2 clevelandmetroparks.com

bird banding, an essential tool for studying our feathered friends. Program will be cancelled during rain. Drop in any time between the hours below: 9:30 – noon RRNC

Extreme Hiking

Family Summer Stroll

The air will be turning crisp very soon so get out and hit the hills and valleys of Brecksville Reservation with Naturalist Pam Taylor. Bring plenty of water and a small snack to eat while we hike. 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. BNC Terrain: hills and creek crossings, 8 – 10 miles

Take a stroll with us through the forest. We will learn about the forest ecology, how it affects us and what we can do to protect it! 10 – 11:30 a.m. NCNC Ages: 6 years & over with adult, adults

Walk and Write

Hike with Naturalist Amy Strieter on a search for artistic inspiration in nature. We’ll alternately walk stretches of trail and linger at certain points to write freely. On this walk we will listen and watch more than talk. 9:30 – 11 a.m. GPNC Terrain: hills, 1.5 miles Bird Banding at Rocky River Nature Center

Better than binoculars, see intricate details of birds as we capture and band birds from the feeder. Learn about

Voyageur Canoe Paddle

Here is your chance to paddle a 34-foot canoe with Cleveland Metroparks historical interpreters. This historic adventure is full of song, story and lessons of the Great Lakes Fur Trade. Eighteen passengers can join our crew on this hour-long paddle. 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m., or 3:30 p.m. HiR Hinckley Lake Ages: individuals, families, groups Fee: $5 Registration required 440-786-8530

Wilderness Skills Series

Wild edibles abound in the fields and forests. Hike with Instructor Derek Ham and Naturalist Kathy Schmidt as we search for them. 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. RRNC Ages: adults Terrain: flat, 2 miles Pop-Up Program: Fall Colors

Stop by Edgewater Park to find where in the reservation Jill (our naturalist) will PopUp. Today we will be enjoying the beautiful colors of fall while looking at leaves, flowers, insects, and animals. Call for directions. 2 – 3 p.m. LR Edgewater Beach 216-206-1000 Easier Trees

Join Naturalist Amy Strieter to learn a handful of trees before they drop their leaves. We’ll examine a few species that are simpler to identify and practice our knowledge along the walk back. 2 – 3 p.m. GPNC Terrain: hills, 1.2 miles


8 • Sunday Breakfast in the Park

Join Naturalists Gretchen Motts and Joni Norris to enjoy a morning hike along Lake Erie. While volunteers whip up a delicious breakfast, we will learn a bit about Lake Erie and the history of Huntington Reservation. We’ll tell you what to bring when you register. 9 – 11 a.m. HuR Lake Picnic Shelter Terrain: stairs, beach, 1 mile Register beginning August 29 440-734-6660

Ledges and Lake Hike

Hinckley Reservation is truly a gem. Join Naturalist Kelly McGinnis on a hike up to the magnificent Whipp’s Ledges, then hike down to and around Hinckley Lake. 1 – 3:30 p.m. HiR Whipp’s Ledges Picnic Area Terrain: hills, rocky, 4.5 – 5 miles 440-526-1012 Autumn Book Review

Join Naturalist Joni Norris and the Rocky River Readers as they review A Sanctuary of Trees by Gene Logsdon. Logsdon’s insatiable energy Monthly Bird Survey and love for trees leaps off the pages. Join us. Join our monthly bird survey of West Creek Reservation. 2 – 4 p.m. RRNC We’ll track restoration efforts Ages: adults by using breeding birds as one measure. Stop at designated Voyageur Canoe Paddle sites to look, listen and record (see 9/7 for details) all bird species. This training is for anyone interested in 9 • Monday assisting with future breeding bird surveys. Fall Bird Walk 9 – 11 a.m. WSC Join us for a fall bird walk to Ages: adults, teens see what migratory birds have Terrain: easy, 1.5 – 2 miles landed in Acacia Reservation. Binoculars recommended. We Life on the Cuyahoga have binoculars to borrow. The Burning River has not 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. AR caught fire in over 40 years. 440-247-7075 Come out to enjoy the river and see the life that has Little Explorers: returned. Walk along the rivHoppers Hopping er’s edge and enjoy a national icon in your own backyard. Those long-legged green things are everywhere. Let’s 10 – 11:30 a.m. CWC discover some of the secrets Terrain: paved and unpaved, of the insects with the long 2 hills, 4 miles back legs through a story, 216-206-1000 activities, craft and a short hike. Grandparents’ Day at the Lodge 10 – 11:15 a.m. or 1 – 2:15 p.m. RRNC Bring your grandparents to Ages: 3 – 5 years with adult Look About Lodge for light Terrain: flat, 0.5 mile refreshments and a craft to Register September 3 – 7 take home. 440-734-6660 or Noon – 4 p.m. SCR clevelandmetroparks.com Look About Lodge September Stroll

Take a stroll under the shady forest canopy as we hike Scenic Loop trail. Scenic Loop features beautiful mature trees, cool ravines and abundant wildlife. Earn credit for a Walking Works walk. 1 – 2:30 p.m. NCR Strawberry Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: moderate, 1.5 – 2 miles 26


Intro to Stream Processes Creek Walk

Grab your boots and learn – from the water – how streams work! Guest expert and EnviroScience Stream Engineer Joel Bingham will take us through the basics while we walk a stretch of stream in West Creek Reservation. Wear footwear that can get wet, muddy.

Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Screech owl

5 – 7 p.m. WCR Monarch Bluff Picnic Area Ages: adults, teens Terrain: some off-trail, 1 – 2 miles Registration requested 440-887-1968 Cuyahoga Astronomical Association Apps for Astronomers

Apps and iPads seem to be increasing exponentially. Are you among the iPad users who increase their knowledge through the internet universe? Learn about apps that help astronomers explore the physical universe in tonight’s program by CAA member Matt Franduto. 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. RRNC

10 • Tuesday CanalWay Cart Tours Evening Tour

Explore our reservation by cart in the early evening. Join us for one of these tours focusing on the natural and cultural history of our reservation. Each tour accommodates seven passengers.

4 – 5 p.m. or 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. CWC Fee: $5 Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com Monarch Watch

One of the greatest phenomena on the Great Lakes is the fall migration of monarch butterflies. See these stunning insects as they travel from Canada, landing ashore in Cleveland as they journey to their wintering grounds in Mexico. 6 – 7 p.m. LR Edgewater Park – lower lake level parking lot Ages: adults, young adults Terrain: flat 440-887-1968 Little Explorers: Hoppers Hopping (see 9/9 for details)

11 • Wednesday History and a Brown Bag Lunch

Cultural History Interpreter Karen Lakus takes you on an indoor journey to our new Lakefront Reservation. Learn some history of Edgewater and Gordon Parks while viewing spectacular photographs taken over the last 100 years. Bring your lunch if you wish. Noon – 1 p.m. CWC Greater Cleveland Beekeepers Association To Market Your Hive Products

Learn how to effectively market your hive products, then join the Apiculture Discussion Panel led by Walter Jorgenson, Kurt Ward and Bonnie Pierson. An open question and answer period will follow. 7 – 9 p.m. RRNC

12 • Thursday Animal Crackers

Join Miss Jenny to explore the prairie and learn all about insects! We’ll also make a fun insect craft. 10 – 11:15 a.m. BNC Ages: 3 – 5 years with adult, no siblings Register beginning September 1 440-526-1012 Homeschool Happenings

Dive into water study as we explore the pond and river with Naturalists Bev Walborn and Kathy Schmidt. Homeschoolers will discover the plants and animals that call these water habitats home. 1:30 – 3:30 RRNC Ages: K – grade 6 Terrain: flat, 1 mile Register August 28 – September 10 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com Ridges & Fields of West Creek Reservation

The forest ridges, fields and riparian corridors of West Creek provide a refuge for migrating songbirds, reptiles, amphibians, and diverse plant life. Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield on a ridge-top tour of beech-maple hillsides and

back trails of this magnificent suburban green space. Binoculars recommended. 2 – 3:30 p.m. WSC Ages: adults, young adults Terrain: moderate, 3 – 4 miles Inviting the Planet to Dinner: The Goodness of Garlic

Robust, healthful, strengthening - who doesn’t love garlic? Meet organic garlic farmers Fred and Chris Thaxton and learn about how farming can enrich the landscape through thoughtful practice. Tastings included. 7 – 8:30 p.m. RRNC Fee: $12 (tastings) Register beginning August 27 440-734-6660 or clevelandmetroparks.com

13 • Friday Stroller School: Butterflies

We will meet a butterfly, read a story and go for a walk to see if we can find, and maybe even catch, a butterfly or two! Dress for the weather. All children must be in a stroller. 10 – 11 a.m. CWC Ages: 2 years & under with adult Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com Naturepiece Theatre: Amazing Insects

Join the Naturepiece Theatre puppets as they explore the world of amazing insects. Help vote in the insect talent show then discover some cool insects up-close. We’ll end our evening with a sixlegged craft. 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. NCR Nature Education Building Ages: 6 years & under with adult Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com

14 • Saturday Emerald Necklace Bus Tour: Healping Hands of the CCC and WPA

When the nation was struggling during the Great Depression, Cleveland Metroparks thrived as bridges and roads were built con-

necting existing reservations. Join us on this day long tour around the Emerald Necklace as we investigate and celebrate the helping hands of the CCC and WPA era. 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 a.m. GPNC Ages: adults Fee: $25 Registration required 440-786-8530 Hidden Story Hike

Join us for an end of summer hike to look for migrating birds on the sandbars of the north end of Baldwin Lake. We will also walk over to Coe Lake to see Berea City School District’s Outdoor Education classroom. 9 – 11 a.m. MSRR Music Mound Picnic Area Terrain: moderate, 2 miles 440-526-1012 Almost Autumn Photo Hike

On the brink of autumn, change surrounds us. Bring your camera to capture the sights of field, forest and stream. 9 – 11 a.m. SCR Jackson Field Terrain: slow-paced, flat, 1 mile Woodlands of Bedford: Late Summer Wildflowers

Explore the uplands and floodplains around Sagamore Creek in search of late summer flora with Volunteer Naturalist Fred Losi. Bring your favorite wildflower guide to aid in identification. 9 a.m. – noon BeR Alexander Bike Lot Terrain: moderate, one hill, 3 miles 216-341-3152 Nature Journaling

Take a deep breath of nature, and appreciate the signs of the season as we venture out on the trail. We will reflect on what we have seen through art and writing in a journal of our creation. You may want to bring your camera. 1 – 3 p.m. SCR Jackson Field Ages: 12 years & over Fee: $15 first time only Terrain: slow-paced, 1 mile Register by September 11 440-247-7075

Family Bike Ride in the Park

Easy-going Doug Kusak leads an easy-going bike ride from CanalWay Center to Harvard Road and back. It’s an exercise in exercise, excitement, and explanations as we wander where the water winds in Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation. 1 – 4 p.m. CWC Terrain: paved, 2 hills, 6 miles Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com American Red Cross Pet First Aid

Pet First Aid teaches participants emergency care procedures for cats and dogs and provides tips for keeping your pet happy and healthy too. Training will be conducted on canine and feline mannequins to give participants a more realistic experience in providing care. 1 – 4 p.m. RRR Park Operations Admin. Fee: $45 (includes Dog or Cat First Aid Book/DVD) $60 (includes Dog and Cat First Aid Books/DVDs) Register by September 11 440-331-8111 Grassland Restoration Hike

Take an enlightening hike around West Creek Reservation’s former landfill which is being restored to serve as an important grassland habitat. Many species of plants are currently at their beautiful best. Let’s see which ones are thriving and what clues they give us for future management. 2 – 3:30 p.m. WSC Ages: adults, families Terrain: mostly paved, 1.75 miles Family Forest Fun

Hike through the woods practicing your tree identification skills and put together your own leaf ID booklet to use at home. 7 – 8:30 p.m. LENSC Ages: families with children 5 years & over Fee: $7, $35/family of 5 or more Registration required 440-871-2900 or register at Center 27

Second Saturday Storytelling

The bodacious storyteller Barb Sutton shares her versions of timeless tales as tonight’s featured teller. Then, following refreshments, we’ll have an old-fashioned story swap. Cedar Valley Settlers Celebration is tomorrow, so a tale or two will be of early days in Ohio. 7:30 – 9 p.m. RRNC Monarch Magic (see page 6 for details)

15 • Sunday Croquet on the Lawn

Look About Lodge is celebrating its 75th Anniversary all year! Join us today to celebrate by playing croquet on the Lodge lawn. Beginners welcome. Weather permitting. 1 – 3 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Migrating Monarchs

Monarchs have begun their amazing journey to Mexico. Join us as we capture and tag some of these butterflies to better understand their mass migration. We will talk about their health and what people can do to give them a helping hand. 1 – 3 p.m. WSC Ages: adults, families Terrain: easy, 1 – 1.5 miles Hiking Hemlock

Enjoy a fall afternoon hike along the Hemlock and bridle trails. We’ll look for first signs of fall while exploring the plants and animals of North Chagrin Reservation’s ravines. Bring along a camera to capture some scenic views. 1 – 3:30 p.m. NCR Strawberry Picnic Area parking lot Terrain: moderate, hills, 3.5 miles Hike Back in Time

Join Volunteer Naturalist Fred Losi for a late summer hike to visit the circa 1840 Squire Rich Museum. Learn from Brecksville Historical Association members about early settlers of Brecksville and visit the gravesite of revolutionary war veteran 28


Benjamin Waite. 2 – 5 p.m. BrR Meadows Picnic Area, front lot Terrain: some off-trail, moderate, 3 miles 440-526-1012 Last Sunday of Summer Hike

Turn the tables on the last lazy Sunday of the summer by taking a brisk walk through Garfield Park Reservation. We’ll hike the interior of the reservation as we enjoy the beauty of the forest. 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. GPNC Terrain: moderate, some hills and stairs, 1.8 miles Grasshopper Hop

Summer’s not over yet! Let’s have some fun catching grasshoppers, crickets and katydids. We’ll look at them up close, enjoy their music and return them to do what they do best. Bring a picnic to enjoy afterwards if you like. Weather permitting. 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. SCR The Arboretum Ages: families Cedar Valley Settlers Celebration & Music Festival (see page 2 for details) Emerald Necklace Road Rally (see page 6 for details)

16 • Monday Fall Bird Walk

Join us for a fall bird walk to see what migratory birds have landed in Jackson Field. Binoculars recommended. Don’t have a pair, don’t worry. We have binoculars to borrow. 8:30 – 10:30 a.m. SCR Jackson Field parking lot Cleveland Metroparks Southwest Camera Club Show and Tell

Instead of tall stories, bring photos taken during summer travels to share. Visitors welcome, as always. 7:30 – 9 p.m. RRNC

Emerald Necklace, September 2013

Cleveland Metroparks Photography Club East Nature in my Backyard

Here’s your chance to look for nature closer to home. Walk around the yard and find three good examples of what lives there. 8 p.m. NCNC

17 • Tuesday Birds & the Beach

Millions of birds – warblers, orioles, thrushes, flycatchers, kinglets – migrate south each fall. Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield on watch at Lake Erie’s coastline and walk the beach trail in search of migrant birds whose lives depend on Cleveland’s vital lakefront greenspace. 6 – 7 p.m. LR Edgewater Park - lower lake level parking lot Ages: adults, young adults Terrain: flat, under 1 mile 440-887-1968 Science Night Special Program: Harmful Algae Blooms on Lake Erie

Our local watersheds drain north into Lake Erie, but then what? Guest expert Jeff Reuter of The Ohio State University F.T. Stone Laboratory explains how and why algae can bloom along Lake Erie’s shallows and why it’s important to be informed. 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. WSC Ages: adults, teens Registration preferred 440-887-1968 or clevelandmetroparks.com

18 • Wednesday Trail Trackers: Seeds

Discover the world of seeds. Some have wings, some fly through the air on cottony fluff and others you can eat. We’ll examine the different types of seeds and go on a seed scavenger hunt. 10 – 11 a.m. or 1 – 2 p.m. NCR Nature Education Building Terrain: easy, 0.5 mile Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com Full Moon Over the City

Bring your blanket and claim your spot on the green to watch the full moon rise over

Acacia Reservation. Enjoy the sights, the music provided by katydids and crickets, and learn something new from a naturalist. Weather permitting. 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. AR Registation required clevelandmetroparks.com Animal Crackers (see 9/12 for details)

10 – 11:15 a.m. or 1 – 2:15 p.m. BNC Wilderness Skills Series (see 9/7 for details)

6 – 7:30 p.m. RRNC

19 • Thursday Full Moon Hike

Come out for our monthly celebration of all things nocturnal. We’ll keep an eye out for local wildlife and get an earful of amorous insects. Dress for the weather. 7 – 8:30 p.m. RRNC Terrain: mostly flat, some stairs, 1.5 miles Full Moon Paddle in a BIG Canoe

If you enjoy gazing into the heavens and are fascinated with September’s Harvest Moon and constellations, you will love this program. We will spend an hour or more under the heavens in our 34-foot Voyageur Canoe, paddling Hinckley Lake while learning legends and lore. 8:30 – 10 p.m. HiR Hinckley Lake Ages: individuals, families, groups Fee: $5 Registration required 440-786-8530

20 • Friday Fall Migrators

This is the time of year that warblers, sparrows, thrushes and many other bird species head for warmer climates. Join Naturalist Beth Whiteley as we wander through Garfield Park Reservation searching for and learning about these beautiful birds as they make their way to their winter homes. 10 – 11:30 a.m. GPNC Terrain: may be muddy, small hills, 2 miles 216-341-3152

CanalWay Cart Tours – Northern Route

Have you wanted to walk to the end of our trail, but the distance was too far? Or wondered about the history of the area? Join us for one of these tours focusing on the natural and cultural history of our reservation. Each tour accommodates seven passengers. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. or noon – 1 p.m. CWC Fee: $5 Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com After-Work Dog Walk

You may feel dog-tired, but shrug off the day and enjoy a walk with your four-legged friend. It’s guaranteed to energize you! We’ll discover how nature recycles energy during this hike guided by Naturalist Debra Shankland. 6:30 – 8 p.m. WCR WSC parking lot Ages: adults, families Terrain: moderately easy, 2 miles Registration begins September 3 440-887-1968 Friday Movie Night

It’s back! Tonight we kick off our first Friday Movie Night of the fall with the series Frozen Planet. Narrated by David Attenborough, you’ll witness the awe-inspiring sights and sounds of the Arctic and Antarctic frozen wilderness. Tonight’s feature from the series is called To the Ends of the Earth. Popcorn will be served. 7:30 – 9:15 p.m. NCNC Ages: adults, 8 years & over with adult

21 • Saturday Willow Basket Workshop

This month we will be working with fresh willow whips to weave a hanging wall basket. Bring a lunch. 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: adults Fee: $25 Register by September 10 440-247-7075 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Dog Hike

Bring your best friend to the park for some exercise and socialization. We’ll hike the wooded trails of North Chagrin Reservation. Dogs must be leashed. 9:30 – 11 a.m. NCNC Terrain: moderate, 2.5 – 3 miles Hiking for the Humorous: Nice Headgear!

and apple cider. Register for 1 p.m., 2 p.m., 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. hayride. 1 – 5 p.m. NCR River Grove Picnic Area (Oak Shelter) Ages: 5 years & over with adult, adults Fee: $5 Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com Beach Party

Come for a whimsical hike to get your blood flowing and humor brightened. All hikers are required to wear a crazy hat as we trek through the forests of South Chagrin Reservation. 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. SCR Squaw Rock Picnic Area Ages: adults Terrain: stairs, hills, challenging, 2.5 miles

As the season is winding down we will spend one more summer evening on the beach. Wear your favorite Hawaiian shirt and join us for music, games and one last bit of summer fun. 6 – 8 p.m. LR Edgewater - lower lake level parking lot Edgewater Park 216-206-1000

Acoustic Players Circle

Cleveland Natural Science Club Towns Along the Towpath

Join this well established player’s circle to swap songs, chords and styles of playing. Professional abilities not needed, just a desire to have fun and learn from fellow musicians. Listeners are always welcome. Theme for the month: It’s All Relative. 1 – 3 p.m. CWC Volunteer to Adopt-A-Beach

A great hands-on way for businesses, schools, community groups, families and individuals to care for our Great Lake! Adopters remove litter and conduct science-based beach health assessments. Data collected is counted then used to evaluate existing conditions and make a change for the better. 1 – 3 p.m. HuR Huntington Beach Water Tower Terrain: stairs, sand, 0.25 mile Register by September 18 440-331-8111 Farewell Summer Hayride

Bring in autumn with us. Take an afternoon tractorpulled 30 minute hayride on this last summer day. You will learn about the natural and cultural history of North Chagrin Reservation. After the hayride enjoy a donut

Foster Brown, Historical Interpreter, will share stories and songs from his most recent musical project, Unlocked through Songs and Images – Navigating Canalway’s Forgotten History. His program will reveal the history of some of the towns that thrived because of the Ohio & Erie Canal. 7:30 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge For Women Only (see 9/6 for details) Voyageur Canoe Paddle (see 9/7 for details)

22 • Sunday Wellness Walk

Get your heart pumping as we travel up, down, and around the hills and valleys of Rocky River Reservation. Come prepared to tackle some steep climbs, stairs, and small water crossings. 7 – 10 a.m. RRNC Terrain: muddy, hilly, 4.5 miles Sunday Bird Walk

It’s September and migration is in full swing! Join Naturalist Tim Krynak as we scour the forest, wetland, meadow and lake where Euclid Creek emp-

ties into Lake Erie for any and all birds. Some binoculars will be available to borrow. 9 – 11 a.m. ECR Wildwood Marina parking lot Ages: adults, teens Terrain: easy, 1 – 1.5 miles Drop-in Leaf Printing at the Lodge

Look About Lodge is open, so stop by and celebrate the first day of fall. Try your hand at leaf printing to make a seasonal card. Noon – 3:30 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge CanalWay Cinema

Join us for a Sunday afternoon movie in our new theater room. We will be watching On the Wings of the Monarch. This short film presents us with a look at the fascinating life cycle, habitats, and migration of the monarch butterfly. 2 – 3 p.m. CWC Meet the Artist: Charles Bauck

Come meet Charles Bauck of Earth Works Gallery. He will answer your questions about the equipment that he uses, his training and where he goes to find these magnificent images. 2 – 4 p.m. CWC First Day of Fall Hike

The fall season is a time of beautiful change! Join a naturalist as we hike through Bedford Reservation. We’ll look for late blooming wildflowers, early signs of changing leaves, and birds preparing to migrate. 2 – 4 p.m. BeR Broadway Trailhead Terrain: moderate, hills, 3.4 miles 216-341-3152 School of the Wilds: Aquatic Insects

Often unobserved, life in the river is the foundation of life in this ecosystem. Cleveland Metroparks Aquatic Biologist Claire Weldon helps us learn about things called wrigglers, sideswimmers, scuds, water boatmen, backswimmers, whirligig beetles and water pennies. Afterwards, explore the river with Ms. Weldon. 2 – 5 p.m. RRNC 29

Campfire at the Beach

We will build a fire on the beach and enjoy an evening at Huntington Reservation. A few stories and songs will end with a marshmallow roast as the fire burns down to embers. Bring a blanket or chair to sit on. 7 – 8 p.m. HuR Terrain: sand, many stairs 440-734-6660 Voyageur Canoe Paddle (see 9/7 for details)

23 • Monday After Work Hike

Join us for an after work hike along the Canal. We will enjoy the sights and sounds of the hidden valley as we walk the Lower 40 Loop trail. Come by yourself or bring the family. 6 – 7 p.m. CWC Terrain: one hill, APT, 1 mile Fall Bird Walk (see 9/9 for details)

24 • Tuesday Stroller Science: Who Lives in a Tree?

Calling all tree spies. We need your help to solve the case of who lives in a tree. We’ll do a variety of activities to explore trees to discover who calls them home. 10:15 – 11:15 a.m. NCNC Ages: 2 years & under with adult Terrain: easy, paved, 0.5 mile CanalWay Cart Tours Evening Tour (see 9/10 for details)

25 • Wednesday Welcome Back Fall Hike

Autumn has arrived. Join us for a trek on Fosters Run, Buckeye and bridle trails as we hike through our oldgrowth forest and wetland habitats. Come witness what changes fall is bringing to our natural world. 9:30 a.m. – noon NCNC Ages: adults Terrain: paved & dirt trails, hills, stairs, 5.25 miles



Snapping turtle hatchlings

Hike the Mountain Bike Trail

Doug Kusak leads a hike on the Mountain Bike Trail in Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation. We’ll see what’s out there and admire the cooperative work of Cleveland Area Mountain Bike Association and Cleveland Metroparks. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. CWC Terrain: dirt trail, rocks, large hills, various challenges Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com

26 • Thursday Urban Explorations: Group Plan Buildings

Ever wish your leaders had a clearer plan? Doug Kusak takes a step back to the early 1900s, when Cleveland’s 1903 Group Plan was one of the most complete civic-

Emerald Necklace, September 2013

center plans for a major city. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Ages: 8 years & over (under 18 with adult) Fee: $5 Terrain: paved, some steps Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com Terrific Turtles!

Preschoolers will have fun learning about these wonderful animals. They will hear a story, sing a turtle song, do a craft, and get a chance to see some turtles up-close and personal. Fun will be had by all! 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. GPNC Ages: 3 – 6 years with adult Register beginning September 2 216-341-3152 or clevelandmetroparks.com Hidden Valley Homeschool: Orienteering

Ever wonder how not to get lost in the woods? Join us for an afternoon of orienteering.

We will learn how to use a map and compass. Then we will test your skills on an orienteering course! Be ready for an adventure! 1 – 3 p.m. CWC Ages: 8 – 12 years Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com Educator Open House

The new Watershed Stewardship Center can help you meet Ohio’s Next Generation Science Standards. Attend our open house for middle school through college teachers, and non-formal educators. Learn about programs the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District has to earn credits on your stormwater fee. Take a guided tour! 3 – 6:30 p.m. WSC Ages: adults, professionals Registration encouraged 440-887-1968 or clevelandmetroparks.com

Youth Outdoors Volunteer Orientation

28 • Saturday

Share your interest in outdoor recreation with urban youth from Cleveland! We are looking for adults to assist with hands-on experiences such as hiking, fishing, kayaking, biking, cross-country skiing, and nature exploration. This orientation provides information about volunteering with Youth Outdoors. 7 – 9 p.m. CWC Ages: adults Registration required by September 23 216-206-1010 or yo@clevelandmetroparks.com

27 • Friday Papermaking Workshop: Part 1

From plant pulp to paper, learn about the process of paper-making in this two-part workshop. Be sure to “dress for mess” as we experiment with different plant material and natural dyes. Participants must attend both sessions. 6:30 – 9 p.m. SCR Look About Lodge Ages: adults Fee: $15 Register by September 23 440-247-7075 or clevelandmetroparks.com Outdoor Education for Homeschoolers: Habitats Campfire

Join Naturalist Angelec Hillsman to explore several habitats. We’ll compare and contrast these areas to gain an appreciation of how these habitats work. Afterwards, we’ll roast marshmallows around a campfire to wrap up the evening. 7 – 9 p.m. NCR Nature Education Building Ages: 6 – 12 years Terrain: easy, 1 – 2 miles Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com CanalWay Cart Tours – Northern Route (see 9/20 for details)

American Girl Afternoon Movie

Cleveland Metroparks Journey Days

Join us for our last pedal as we make our way around the Emerald Necklace. Promoting health and wellness in both body and mind, we will stop to discuss cultural and natural history. South Chagrin and North Chagrin reservations will be our highlighted areas. 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. SCR Shadow Lake parking lot Terrain: steep hills, 35 miles Registration required 440-786-8530

Watch An American Girl, McKenna Shoots for the Stars in our theater room. Dress in your favorite exercise or sports – themed outfit. Movie snacks will be provided. Bring a blanket and pillow if you wish to sit on the floor. 2 – 4 p.m. CWC Ages: 8 – 11 years Fee: $5 Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com

As Girl Scout Daisies (grades K–1) head through their Journey: Between Earth and Sky, include Cleveland Metroparks as a stop along the way. Naturalists will lead Girl Scouts through activities that will introduce them to new habitats and allow them to emerge with an appreciation of science and the world around them. 1 – 3:30 p.m. GPNC Register by September 25 216-341-3152

Boy Scout Saturday: Plant Science

Steelhead Run (see page 8 for details)

In Search of… Bugs and Insects

Tour de Emerald Necklace

Naturalist and Merit Badge Counselor Mindy Murdock will guide you to complete most of the requirements for the Plant Science Merit Badge. Participants should come prepared with their blue card. 10 a.m. – noon NCR Nature Education Building Registration required clevelandmetroparks.com Urban Explorations: Cultural Gardens

Doug Kusak leads a 2-mile hike at a moderate-brisk pace in search of culture along storied boulevards. Enjoy exercise and explanation en-route to better health and understanding. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Ages: adults, 10 years & over with adult Fee: $5 Terrain: mostly paved, 2 miles Register beginning September 3 216-206-1000 or clevelandmetroparks.com Earthworms & Deer

Find out how deer and earthworms impact our native Ohio woodlands. Join Naturalist Jen Brumfield on an eye-opening hike through the West Creek valley, as we follow the food chain to investigate forest health and how the understory affects the story of all living things. 1 – 2:30 p.m. WSC Ages: adults, young adults Terrain: easy, some off-trail

CanalWay Cart Tours – Northern Route (see 9/20 for details) Papermaking Workshop: Part 2

9 a.m. – noon

(see 9/27 for details)

29 • Sunday Birding with Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society

A seasoned birder from the Western Cuyahoga Audubon Society is our guide through Huntington Reservation as we keep an eye out for hawks and other migrating species. Following the hike, head back to the Center for a close encounter with our resident bird of prey. 8 a.m. LENSC Ages: adults Registration required 440-871-2900

Are there bugs around in autumn? You bet there are and we are going to find them. Bring your sense of adventure and come join us out in the field as we attempt to catch and identify bugs. If you are a Kids Club member, bring along your passport. 1:30 – 3 p.m. NCNC Ages: 12 years & under with adult Terrain: tall grass, off-trail, 0.5 mile

30 • Monday Fall Bird Walk (see 9/16 for details)

Cleveland Metroparks is proud to serve the following products.

Your Piece of the Planet: Putting the Garden to Bed

A vegetable garden is only as good as the soil in which it grows. Learn how to prepare your garden this fall to ensure great growing conditions next spring. This program is indoors. 1 – 2 p.m. RRNC


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Cleveland Metroparks Directory Administrative Offices

216-635-3200/general Cleveland Metroparks information - 24-hours a day. 4101 Fulton Parkway Cleveland, OH 44144 clevelandmetroparks.com 24-hour Job Hotline 216-635-3211 Brochures/Maps/Emerald Necklace 216-635-3200 Permits/Picnic Area Reservations 216-635-3200 Volunteer Services 440-253-2142

Ranger Headquarters

4600 Valley Parkway Fairview Park 440-331-5530

Accidents or Emergencies 440-333-4911 Parkway Alert Line (PAL) 440-331-5963

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo & The RainForest 216-661-6500/24-hour information. 3900 Wildlife Way Cleveland, OH 44109 clemetzoo.com

Office of the Zoo Executive Director 216-635-3331 Education Programs/Volunteers 216-635-3391 Travel Programs 216-661-6500 ext 4356 Marketing & Public Relations 216-635-3229 School Group Reservations 216-635-3391 Groups/Parties/Private Events/ Facility Rentals 216-635-3389 Cleveland Zoological Society 216-661-6500, ext. 4421

Outdoor Recreation 216-341-1704 Acacia Facility Acacia Reservation 26899 Cedar Road Lyndhurst Food Service/Catering: Dino’s 216-342-4767

Chalet/Tobogganing Mill Stream Run Reservation Strongsville 440-572-9990 Cross Country Ski Rental 440-331-1070 Rivergate Facility 1785 Merwin Ave Cleveland 216-341-1704 Food Service/Catering: Rivergate Café 216-664-5696


Golf Tee Reservations (24 hours) and directions, hours, fees etc. 216-635-3673 clevelandmetroparks.com Golf Services – for general course info and inquires 440-232-7247 Big Met Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 4811 Valley Parkway Fairview Park 440-331-1070 Food Service/Catering: Big Met Grille 440-333-5575 Little Met Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 18599 Old Lorain Road Cleveland 216-941-9672 Manakiki Golf Course North Chagrin Reservation 35501 Eddy Road Willoughby Hills 440-942-2500 Food Service/Catering: 440-942-2500 Mastick Woods Golf Course Rocky River Reservation 19900 Puritas Road Cleveland 216-267-5626 Food Service/Catering: Double Eagle Cafe 216-267-5626 Seneca Golf Course Brecksville Reservation 975 Valley Parkway Broadview Heights 440-526-0043 Food Service/Catering: Back 9 Grille 440-546-1555 Shawnee Hills Golf Course Bedford Reservation 18753 Egbert Road Bedford 440-232-7184 Food Service/Catering: Shawnee Hills Grille 440-786-7587 Sleepy Hollow Golf Course Brecksville Reservation 9445 Brecksville Road Brecksville 440-526-4285 Food Service/Catering: Theo’s of Sleepy Hollow 440-546-1555 Washington Golf Course Washington Reservation 3841 Washington Park Blvd. Newburgh Heights 216-641-1864 The First Tee of Cleveland 216-641-7799

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education Administration 216-341-9225 Historical Interpretation 440-786-8530 Voyageur Canoe Paddle Wallace/Hinckley Lakes 440-786-8530 NatureTracks Education Unit/ EcoExplorers 216-341-1707 Youth Outdoors 216-206-1010

Outdoor Education Facilities


CanalWay Center Ohio & Erie Canal Reservation 4524 E. 49th Street Cuyahoga Heights 216-206-1000 Brecksville Nature Center Brecksville Reservation 9000 Chippewa Creek Drive Brecksville 440-526-1012 Garfield Park Nature Center Garfield Park Reservation 11350 Broadway Avenue Garfield Heights 216-341-3152 North Chagrin Nature Center North Chagrin Reservation Sunset Lane Entrance Mayfield Village 440-473-3370 Rocky River Nature Center Rocky River Reservation 24000 Valley Parkway North Olmsted 440-734-6660 Look About Lodge South Chagrin Reservation 37374 Miles Rd., east of Rt. 91 440-247-7075 Watershed Stewardship Center at West Creek West Creek Reservation 2277 W. Ridgewood Dr. Parma 440-887-1968 Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Bay Village 440-471-8357 Nature Shops Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Hinckley 330-278-2160 North Chagrin Nature Center Mayfield Village 440-449-0511 Rocky River Nature Center North Olmsted 440-734-7576 CanalWay Center Cuyahoga Heights 216-206-1003 Watershed Stewardship Center Parma 440-253-2170

Cleveland Metroparks Affiliates and Clubs

Boating Emerald Necklace Marina Rocky River Reservation 1500 Scenic Park Drive Lakewood 216-226-3030 Food Service/Catering: Emerald Necklace Marina Grille 216-228-2233 Kayak Rentals 41° North Coastal Kayak Adventures Rocky River Reservation 1-866-529-2541 Hinckley Lake Boathouse & Store Hinckley Reservation West Drive, Hinckley Lake Hinckley Township 330-278-2160 Wallace Lake Mill Stream Run Reservation Valley Parkway, south of Bagley Road, Berea Quarry Rock Café

440-331-8111 Hotline 216-635-3383 Edgewater Park Lakefront Reservation Cleveland Hinckley Lake Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township Huntington Beach Huntington Reservation Bay Village Ledge Pool & Recreation Area Hinckley Reservation Hinckley Township Ledge Rock Café Wallace Lake Mill Stream Run Reservation Berea Quarry Rock Café

Achievement Centers for Children Camp Cheerful 440-238-6200 Mill Stream Run Reservation BAYarts Huntington Reservation 440-871-6543 www.bayarts.net Vento 440-835-4530 Brecksville Historical Society Brecksville Reservation 440-526-7165 Brecksville Stables Brecksville Reservation 440-526-6767 www.brecksvillestables.com Brooklyn Exchange Cabin Hinckley Reservation 330-577-8882 exchangecabin@gmail.com Chagrin Valley Trails and Riding Club South Chagrin Reservation 216-635-3200 Cleveland Archery Club 216-635-3200 Cleveland Natural Science Club 440-247-4005 or 440-247-0151 Hinckley Historical Society Hinckley Reservation 330-278-3159 Huntington Playhouse Huntington Reservation 440-871-8333 www.huntingtonplayhouse.com Girl Scouts of North East Ohio Intergrove Lodge 1-800-852-4474 www.gsneo.org Lake Erie Nature & Science Center Huntington Reservation 440-871-2900 www.lensc.org Olmsted Historical Society Rocky River Reservation 216-501-3345 www.olmstedhistoricalsociety.org Rocky River Stables Rocky River Reservation 216-267-2525 (lessons & boarding – no trail rides) www.valleyriding.org

Affiliates are supported, but not operationally-funded, by Cleveland Metroparks. These outstanding non-profit organizations depend on class fees, special events, benefactor initiatives, and your financial support to operate. Your contributions and volunteer service are encouraged.

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