Cleveland Metroparks Gift of Nature Annual Report - 2013

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2013 Dear Friends, Your support of Cleveland Metroparks helped nearly 45 million people discover, enjoy and protect the Park District in 2013. Through volunteer service, financial support, or both, you have made a meaningful impact on the Emerald Necklace. We are honored to share highlights of some of Cleveland Metroparks successes in 2013 that are a result of your support. And, we hope you will take time to acknowledge your role in these accomplishments. With appreciation, Bruce G. Rinker, President Board of Park Commissioners

Debra K. Berry, Vice President Board of Park Commissioners

Dan T. Moore, Vice President Board of Park Commissioners

Brian M. Zimmerman Chief Executive Officer

Karen J. Kannenberg, CFRE Manager of Gift and Donor Development

Highlighting your contribution to Cleveland Metroparks

Helping People to Discover, Enjoy and Protect Cleveland Metroparks Every Day! In 2013 Cleveland Metroparks and its visitors benefitted from the expertise, energy and enthusiasm of more than 1,600 volunteers that serve 20 programs, including new family volunteer opportunities. Approximately 4,000 people also served Cleveland Metroparks as part of group projects coordinated by their employer, church, service club... etc. Volunteers make a unique impact on Cleveland Metroparks every day. Whether it is monitoring a bluebird box, greeting visitors at the Zoo or assisting with a summer camp program volunteers help people of all ages to ‘discover, enjoy and protect Cleveland Metroparks in meaningful ways throughout the Park District. For more information on volunteer opportunities, please contact volunteer services at, or 440-253-2145 or visit

Forests of the “Emerald Necklace”

Wildlife CSI!

Trees and plants are two of Cleveland Metroparks most visible and important natural resources. In addition to providing a beautiful landscape, trees throughout the Park District provide ecological services that are beneficial to humans and wildlife. Approximately 150 tree species may be found in Cleveland Metroparks. Donations to the Legacy Fund support habitat creation through various tree, shrub and herbaceous planting projects. These projects are established throughout the Park District and increase the native biodiversity in our region so that wildlife can thrive.

Through funding from the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund, Sara Kennedy is working on her master of science degree at The Ohio State University with Dr. Stanley Gehrt, an internationally acclaimed wildlife scientist. Sara’s study is looking at several aspects of white-tailed deer ecology within Cleveland Metroparks including fawn survival rates, movement of deer in and out of reservations, and the role coyotes play in deer dynamics. Sara and her team of seasonal employees and volunteers are following fawns, adult does and coyotes using a combination of radio telemetry and global positioning system wildlife collars. This process allows the team to collect position and time data on deer to evaluate habitat use as well as diurnal and seasonal movements. Each collar contains a movement sensor that sends a different signal if the collar is motionless for a period of time. This signals a mortality event and subsequent investigation on what caused the mortality; thus wildlife CSI! It is anticipated that the results of this work will be published in a scientific journal within the next few years contributing to a growing body of evidence on how to manage wildlife in urban environments.

Cleveland Metroparks monitors and evaluates forest communities throughout its 23,000 acres. As a result of this work, the Natural Resources Division uses adaptive land management practices to ensure the long-term resiliency of our natural areas. Some of the stressors that compromise the integrity of these areas include the spread of invasive species, development of surrounding property, overabundance of deer, and storm water impact. Cleveland Metroparks will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2017. Each year leading up to this historic milestone, tree planting projects will be occurring throughout the Park District. These planting projects and restoration activities contribute to the success of our conservation mission and are a true testament to the significance of gifts to the Legacy Fund.

Preserving and Protecting Cleveland Metroparks Cleveland Metroparks Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund was established in The Cleveland Foundation to help preserve and protect Cleveland Metroparks, as well as support special initiatives. During the past year, funding from the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund supported numerous projects including: NatureTracks – combined with more than $200,000 in grant awards, funds from the Emerald Necklace Endowment will help purchase a new vehicle that will be customized to replace Cleveland Metroparks NatureTracks; a mobile classroom serving schools and senior centers throughout the City of Cleveland.

A Lasting Gift Gifts to the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund may be designated for specific purposes such as education programs, research or locations within Cleveland Metroparks including trailheads, overlook decks and picnic shelters. In 2013, Christopher Ulicky honored the memory of his parents, Daniel and Frances Ulicky, through endowing the Boathouse Trail Head in Hinckley Reservation. The Ulicky family shared many hours and special memories in Hinckley Reservation near the Boathouse, which inspired Chris to pursue this meaningful tribute. Personalized proposals for endowment gifts to support programs or locations within Cleveland Metroparks are available by contacting Karen Kannenberg at 216-635-3217 or kjk@clevelandmetroparks.

Garfield Park Reservation Community Garden – “seed” money was provided for site preparation and fencing for a community garden that will be ready for planting in 2014 as part of Garfield Park Reservation’s renewed commitment to local agriculture and sustainability.

Preserving Special “Gems” of the Emerald Necklace

Field Trip Transportation – in response to continuing needs of local schools, reimbursement for school bus transportation for students to attend programs at outdoor education facilities was provided. Specifically, a teacher may request up to $150 once per year for reimbursement of bus expenses which allows up to 50 students to participate in a field trip at any outdoor education facility within Cleveland Metroparks.

Donations to the Legacy Fund combined with the efforts of volunteers from Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores assisted Cleveland Metroparks with rehabilitating the Brecksville Revolutionary War Memorial in Brecksville Reservation. Volunteers and staff spent an entire day systematically clearing the area and planting native plants not only at the memorial on Brecksville Road, but in the surrounding area as well, to preserve this unique part of history in Cleveland Metroparks.

Snakes of North Chagrin Exhibit – an outdoor, interactive exhibit focusing on snakes found in North Chagrin Reservation located between North Chagrin’s Nature Center and Nature Education Building to be completed in spring 2014. Exhibit will feature a 6 foot by 4 foot fiberglass sculpture of a coiled northern water snake suitable for children to sit on and information about all snake species found within North Chagrin Reservation.

Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund

Legacy Fund 2013

The Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund was established within The Cleveland Foundation to ensure the future of the Park District for generations to come. Gifts may be made to the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund through cash donations, bequests, appreciated securities and other forms of estate planning.

Cleveland Metroparks Legacy Fund helps to create a welcome and healthy environment for wildlife and preserve the natural beauty of the “Emerald Necklace.”

Cleveland Metroparks gratefully acknowledges the following members of the Emerald Necklace Fellowship who have included Cleveland Metroparks Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund in their estate plans:

Cleveland Metroparks gratefully acknowledges the following gifts to the Legacy Fund in 2013:

Anonymous (17 donors) Jay Beswick* Nancy and Joseph Bozicevich* Sheila Brown Kara Browning Warwick A. Buer* In memory of my beloved wife, Marguerite A. Buer Helen E. and Robert L. Burns* Michael and Susan Clark Mina Davis* Michael and Marcia Dolyk Jeanette Eustache Carol Glotzbecker Marlene L. Goldheimer Dorothea Jean Hassler* Bernice C. Haytas* Barbara A. Hershkowitz Dr. Robert D. Hinkle Constance M. Howell* William D. Howerton Paula T. Hurwitz* Alyce M. Jarr* Marion E. Johnson* Fred R. Jones* Constance M. Junge* Mort* and Emilie Kadish Karen J. Kannenberg and Dennis* A. Seifert

Julia Kunes* Christopher Malek and Friends Terence J. and Nancy S. McCann Lin Miller Jean C. Murphy* Celia and Edward Nedved* George and Cynthia Oprita Jo Ann B. Pfleger Ian Roy Phillips Elizabeth H. Ragg* Margaret Rawsthorne Carmen R. Reeths Kathleen Schlemmer Dorothy D. Schmidt* Lynn A. Schreiber* Mary Sedlack* Kathryn S. Spilar* Coletta L. Stopp* Angela M. Thiery In celebration of the lives of Daniel and Victoria Thiery Mildred Turza Robert and Marti Vagi Constance S. White, MD Dorotha L. Whitney* Brian M. Zimmerman *Deceased


Cleveland Metroparks gratefully acknowledges the following contributions made to the Emerald Necklace Endowment Fund in 2013: Christina Anderson Robert Angiocchi Anonymous (4 donors) Patrick Arch Dona M. Ashton Bank of America Keith Blak In honor of Laura Blake Craig J. Brenner, MD Brown and Kunze Foundation Pamela Brown In memory of Karen Richardson William Butler Tom Coles Dan Crandall Patricia Deno Warren and Zoann Dusenbury Charitable Foundation Charles Englehart Philip Forrest Gilbert Fuller Family In memory of Charles R. Kilgore Gannett Foundation James Hansler Harte Family Jill Hauger Hewlett Packard Matching Gift Program Chris and Virginia Hill William D. Howerton Hughes Family Foundation In memory of Helen Lalewicz Nancy Hughes Karen Kannenberg Susi Kawolics Lisa Kovalsick George Krist and Bernice Schukert In memory of Charles R. Kilgore Jo Ann Kubicki Christopher Kuhar Jean Lang Mark P. and Rebecca A. Mehill In memory of Basil Oriti

Elaine and Nathan Miller In honor of Jill Goldberg and Robert Miller Mitchell Brothers Ice Cream, Inc. Andrea Morrison Thomas Mulready Rachel Nagle Vickie Neale James Nemet Debra E. Peters In memory of Joseph and Jean Ciaston Charlotte Petrie Progressive Insurance Ralph Protano Janelle Reardon Carmen Reeths Thomas Robatin Terry Robison Robert Rotatori Raymond Roth Susan Russo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Sadlo Kathleen Schlemmer Charles Schmidt Andrew F. Seifert Erik Shaffer Debra Shankland James Szabo Jeffrey Taggart Sandra Tata Rosemary Toth Heather Triplett Christopher Ulicky In memory of Daniel and Frances Ulicky Colin Venner Wild4Ever Kathy Wisch Judith and Harvey Wiseberg Paul Wolansky Brian M. Zimmerman

2013 Trail Monitors In honor of Heather Triplett Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Badt In honor of Mrs. Clyde Hurley James Bell Foster Brown Kathryn and James Clary In honor of Sue and Steve Furjanic Cleveland Harley Davidson Sales Company Dan Crandall Employees of Crowe Horwath’s Cleveland Office Jennifer and David Davenport Hillary Emer Philip Forrest Elizabeth Grossman In honor of Douglas Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Harpster Hillcrest Women’s Club/GFWC In honor of Mark Tibaldi Jo Ann Stores Inc. Margaret Ann Kaminsky Norman Kammer James Kastelic John C. Kilgore Dorothy Lewers Lubrizol Foundation Deborah Marcinski Christina and Bruce Moffett Vickie Neale Mrs. Patricia Palko Donna Parish Janelle Reardon Daila Rence Thomas Robatin Gloria Rowden To celebrate the lives and loves of Gene, Dorrie and Tigger David and Laura Sangree Fr. Greg Schaut Debra Shankland Eileen Shepard Kathy Smith The Smith Family In honor of the Stanforth Family Robert Voytas Brian M. Zimmerman

The following memorial gifts were contributed to Cleveland Metroparks Legacy Fund in 2013: In memory of Modestino (Mugsy) Alberico Peter LeCastre In memory of Richard Andress Joan Metzner

In memory of Virgil and Henrietta Martin Jane Martin

In memory of Neil Jule Robinson Doris and Robert L. Robinson

In memory of Raymond Richard Marzec Dave and Louise Adams Anonymous Naomi Babson Mike and Margie Ballash Kay Dee and Steve Chek Joan and Joseph Corrigan Debbie and Vic Davila Wanda J. Holmes Jaclyn and James Kostos Judith and Kent Kostos Ross and Denise Kotkowski Victoria Kotkowski and Ken Rock Pat Marzec Ruth Ann Marzec Pamla Murry Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O’Neill Jeannette A. Porter Raymond and Mindi Porter Mary Ann Skuza Sandra Smith

In memory of Brian Rogers Cleveland Metroparks Ranger Department

In memory of Thomas L. Blatnik Laurie Buschman Raymond and Blanche Buschman In memory of Helen McConville Olympia Candies & The McGrath Family Joan Metzner In memory of C.J. Campbell Boy Scouts of America Troop 662 Boy Scouts of America Troop 433 In memory of John F. Caputo Chuck and Maryann Bruder Dale and Rebecca Caputo Walter and Mary Pusateri In memory of Marilyn Carey Major, Janet and Sharon Gaudreau In memory of Chris Cho Brad, Sara and Nora Coven In memory of Pauline Collett Dan and Joy Gura In memory of Elaine Filko George Filko Kevin Filko Vicki Hanrahan In memory of Daniel E. Flory Ronald Chester and Joyce A. Flory In memory of Gladys (Bunny) Irvine Jean M. Secolic In memory of Vernice M. Janus Kaufman & Company In memory of Robert W. Jericho William and Lynda Wallets In memory of Vernon Kramer Sal and Sandy Fana Alison and Chip Kogan Steff and Gary Kusens Eileen and Anthony LaVerde Bonnie and Peter LeCastre Carolyn Mayhugh Larry and Nancy Nozik Cathy and Bill Smith Sue and Gary Speizer In memory of Constance Lazarowicz The Sherwin Williams Company GFG Finance* In memory of Caroline Maichrye Howard and Lucy Evans In memory of Joanne A. Marcus Thomas F. Marcus

In memory of Diana McCormick Howard and Lucy Evans

In memory of Karen E. Rusnak Randy Rusnak In memory of Richard J. Savel Mary Ann and Joe Dacek Rick and Kelly Jesenovec Linda and Mike Lenc-Steigerwald Louise Mayer Mike Mihalick Jane Miller Laura, Lisa and Steven Nemeckay Bob and Jan Osolin Frank and Lillie Savel In memory of Werner W. Schubert Sarah J. Learn Employees of Ohio Savings Wickliffe Branch In memory of Mark Smith Cleveland New In Town Meetup Group

In memory of Jim McLaughlin Major, Janet and Sharon Gaudreau

In memory of Frances Ulicky Sue Kardish and family June and Charles Nemec

In memory of Jim Medve Jospeh P. Medve

In memory of Joseph Verbofsky Howard and Lucy Evans

In memory of Larry Miller Mary Lewis

In memory of Lonny Vickory Len and Helen Vickory

In memory of Lisa A. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hartnett SMP In memory of Jean Nagy Robert and Barbara Bregar Marcy and Gary Dlugoss Mary A. Turzillo & Geoffrey A. Landis In memory of Basil Oriti Elmo and Marilyn Bass

In memory of James Keith Wallace Jeff and Shannon Bowser E-Merging Technologies Group Inc. Joseph P. Mantey Richard McMakin MSM Group, Inc. Tom and Dina Ockington Raymond Rusnak

In memory of John Palivoda Dianne Palivoda

In memory Barry A. Weiss Rona B. Weiss

In memory of David Petrie Linda Petrie Davis

In memory of Charles and Gladys Weiss Rona B. Weiss

In memory of Kevin D. Porter Stephanie Huhn Donald and Bernadine Porter

In memory of Ann Wilkins The Kinkopf Family

In memory of Brennan Repasy The Stelter Family and Friends In memory of Walter “Judge” Robb Ron and Susan Batke Joanna Brich John and Mary Brinovec Jennifer and Ron Douglas Thea M. Graham HHL Group, Inc. Hinckley Fire Department Hinckley Historical Society Joanne Leahy Linda and Charles Olsavsky Karen Shallcross Debra Shankland Joseph and Tina Valencik Sylvia and Sally Wiess

In memory of Tom Wurm Chuck and Linda Davis In memory of Theresa (Tess) Yackshaw Office of Disability Adjudication and Review

Special gifts to Cleveland Metroparks are gratefully accepted to support designated projects. The individuals and organizations listed below have made gifts in support of the programs or facilities listed below:

Mill Stream Run Reservation

Ranger Department Mounted Unit Fund

Rocky River Nature Center (continued)

Trails Fund (continued)

Ellen Barkley

Eleanore L. Gates To welcome Myron

Rocky River Trailsiders


Dave and Cindy Saunders In memory of Ann Wilkins

Ohio Horseman’s Council, Inc

Home Depot - Strongsville

North Chagrin Reservation Anonymous Jean C. Bourgeois In honor of Jeff Riebe

Jeffrey Gerrick In honor of Caitlyn Gerrick Paula Kramer In memory of Walter “Judge” Robb Joanne Major In memory of a horse called Ginger

Brecksville Nature Center

Fishing Fund (continued)

Kristine Bass In memory of Basil Oriti

Anna Krayn In memory of Martin Gallito

Cleveland Touring Club Geauga Soil & Water Conservation District

Joseph and Rosalie Bruno In memory of Basil Oriti

Erin and Randy Kreis In memory of Donald W. Mayer

Mac and Mary McMurray In memory of Diane Lynn McCloskey

Nancy Hanger

Brian and Nancy Tomasch

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Foster In honor of John Miller

Steve Nytrae Ohio Central Basin Steelheaders

Paula M. Kramer In memory of Walter “Judge” Robb

Jo-Ann Stores Inc.

Optimist Club of West Suburban Cleveland

Allan and Barbara Peskin

Karen and Bob Kattman In in memory of Basil Oriti

Rod Makers Shoppe

1964 Rugby Foundation

Runzheimer Foundation

Senior Pediatric Society

Kim Barto In memory of Gaythiel Hope

Garfield Park Nature Center

Sandra and Sig Stechler In honor of Stevi Gutin

Marian L. Bever In memory of Ann Wilkins

Sandra and Sig Stechler In honor of Karen Kannenberg

Judy Boone

Paula Kramer In memory of Walter “Judge” Robb Patricia Musca In memory of Basil Oriti Marlene Oriti In memory of Basil Oriti Sandra-Leigh Serio and Len Serio In memory of Basil Oriti Anita Slade In memory of Basil Oriti

HandsOn Northeast Ohio Paula Kramer In memory of Walter “Judge” Robb Ohio Wetlands Association Kevin M. Payne Mary Tetlak

Emilie Kadish

Trauma Services of Mental Health Services Zack Fund of The Cleveland Foundation

Outdoor Education Holy Trinity School

Rocky River Nature Center Baldwin Wallace University Institute for Learning in Retirement

Alec Bullard In honor of Emily Motz Patricia Bartlett Church In memory of Ann Wilkins Michael and Susan Clark In memory of Ann Wilkins

Camille Shima

Walton Hills Fifty Plus Club

Maple Leaf Chapter - AARP

Brook Park-Berea VFW Post 6676

David and Joanie Zimmer In honor of Ella Edgar’s 2nd birthday

Our Lady of Hope Ladies Auxillary

Peter Paladin

Muhammed and Shirin Hassanali

Ranger Department K-9 Unit Fund

Judy Hoshek In memory of Ann Wilkins

Jim Cowan In honor of Loe and Gary Goldwasser’s 50th Anniversary Paula Kramer In memory of Walter “Judge” Robb The Saks Family In memory of Dorothy Curtis


S.K. Wellman Foundation

Ohio Prairie Nursery

Nancy Ghali

Paula Kramer In memory of Walter “Judge” Robb

Emily L. Wallace

Steve Bedell

Jane Tidwell

Crooked River Local Longhouse Native Sons and Daughters

Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid

Ranger Department Explorer Fund

Susie Hein In memory of Velicka D’Amico


Mitchell’s Ice Cream

Joy E. Foote

Cleveland Natural Science Club In honor of the 75th Anniversary of Look About Lodge

Kristen M. Schmidt

Cleveland West Road Runner Club

St. Columbkille 50 Plus Club

Blackbrook Audubon Society

Nancy Andrews Family Foundation In memory of Earlin Andrews

Eric Gardner In honor of Florence A. Gardner

Lake Carrier’s Association

Karen Gash In memory of Velicka D’Amico

Heidi Sandrev In memory of Angelo Passalaqua

Cleveland Touring Club

Cub Scout Pack #137

Bentleyville Rd. Neighborhood Club

Milish Risbood

Nancy Andrews Family Foundation In honor of Agnes Andrews

Cleveland Sports Management

The Charles E. Phipps Company

Look About Lodge

Ray’s Indoor Mountain Bike Park

Trails Fund

Cleveland Lumber Company

John and Nora Kowalchik

Janet Deckerd In memory of Velicka D’Amico

Progressive Insurance EPMO In honor of William L. Grady

The Garden Club of Cleveland In honor of John Cardwell

Arcelor Mittal

Cleveland Natural Science Club

Tom and Barb Cawley

Western Reserve Kennel Club, Inc.

The Gallery Group

Judie and Bruce Amsel

Joy E. Foote

Eleanore L. Gates In celebration of Gambit’s first birthday

South Chagrin Polo Field

Mr. and Mrs. A. Preen In memory of Doreen Bradwell

Chiswick Breweries, Inc.


Sterling Education

Steve and Susie Plaskon

Ann Marie Fred In honor of Gary O’Meara

Outdoor Recreation

Richard F. Cannistra

Jeffrey M. Wilkins In memory of Ann Wilkins

Kara Browning

Historic Interpretation

Eleanore L. Gates In honor of Gambit

The Pitetti Family In memory of Doreen Bradwell

Auxiliary Board of Fairview Hospital

CanalWay Center

Southwest Canicians Club

Ray Petro

Tom and Barbara Wheatley In memory of Ann Wilkins

Bretton Ridge Women’s Club In memory of Doreen Bradwell

Pinnacle Gardens Foundation


Western Cuyahoga Audubon

Kathryn Peterson

Larry and Phyllis Donner In memory of Ann Wilkins

Melissa Stein

South Euclid Garden Club

The James B. Oswald Company Charitable Fund

The Brachna Family of Sagamore Hills

Rita Pence In memory of George Ashmun

Fishing Fund

Jane Wessel and Anthony Lang In memory of Ann Wilkins

Cuyahoga Astronomical Association

Eric Gardner In honor of Richard E. Gardner

Our Lady of Hope Seniors

Ohio Horseman’s Council, Inc. Cuyahoga County Chapter

Mark Bergman and Katarzyna Karelus

Lisa Kollins

Donald W. Strand In memory of Basil Oriti

Wendy S. Weirich In memory of Thomas Cozzens

Patty Cuthbertson In memory of Gaythiel Hope

Golf Education Fund

Virginia Steininger In memory of Basil Oriti

Strongsville Garden Club

Ohio Horseman’s Council, Inc. Cuyahoga County Chapter In memory of Angelo Passalaqua

Maryann Sender

Friends of Independence Library Richard and Lillian Joliat In memory of Ann Wilkins Paula M. Kramer In memory of Ann Wilkins

Bike Authority

Cleveland Area Mountain Bike Association

Kathy Dugan In honor of John Delzani Fat Head’s Brewery Raymond L. Graves In honor of Melda D. Graves

Western Reserve Racing Douglas M. Wyer

Trail Monitor Fund Anonymous Margo and Tom Bertin Victoria Plata

Watershed Stewardship Center Kiwanis Club of Cleveland

Judy Wischmeier

Youth Outdoors Anonymous Cleveland Fishing Association

Hawken School

Cleveland Natural Science Club

Paula M. Kramer In memory of Walter “Judge” Robb

Sandra M. Hirsch In honor of Mary Reese

Tom and Bridget Hornberger Ohio Central Basin Steelheaders

Brian and Nancy Tomasch

Bill and Joyce Litzler In memory of Ann Wilkins

Jerry’s House of Kolors Kathleen Jozwiak

Phyllis and Mike Toke

The Walkush Family In memory of Richard Savel

Robert A. Mendenhall In memory of Barbara A. Mendenhall

William and Janice Kimball

Walmart Foundation

Thomas and Claire Moore In memory of Ann Wilkins

Paula Kramer In memory of Walter “Judge” Robb Ruby Stevens In memory Carl (Butch) Vajdich

Holly Moore In memory of Gaythiel Hope Allison Motz Joni and Doug Norris In memory of Walt Robb Joseph and Janelle Reardon In memory of Ann Wilkins

Sarah Koch In honor of Jackie and Ryan Koch David Krause Lake Erie Wheelers Karen and John Lanigan Lubrizol Foundation Joe Misejko Family and Friends In memory of Joe Misejko Christina and Bruce Moffett

Kiwanis Club of Cleveland

For more information regarding contributions to Cleveland Metroparks, please contact Karen Kannenberg, CFRE, Manager of Gift and Donor Development at 216-635-3217 or Or, visit and click donate to make a gift online.

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