Oakwood Court Prospectus

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Living & Learning Together

“An inspiring college providing heaps of care and support.”

Mrs T. Harper Parent

You'll notice something as soon as you arrive at Oakwood people smile - students feel safe, happy and cared for individuals. Here, our students live and learn about becoming an independent adult developing the skills required for living a full and active life. Learning is always geared to each young person's need. Whether class room based, work experience or day to day living, our students are encouraged to make their own choices and decisions. • Well resourced and staffed learning environment • Comfortable and supportive living accommodation • Individually tailored programs - including practical and creative activities • Excellent transition support – for students and parents/carers preparing to enter college, being at college and leaving college • Specialist therapeutic and communication support

oakwood residential specialist college

• Fantastic social programme

oakwood residential specialist college

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