Bromley High School - Information Booklet

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Information Booklet

Bromley High School Information Booklet for Entry in September 2012

Aims and Ethos Bromley High School is dedicated to the education of girls, representing quality, opportunity, encouragement, achievement and self-confidence. We expect hard work, enthusiasm and commitment and we provide the opportunity to enjoy excellence in all aspects of education within a stimulating, happy atmosphere where each individual is valued. The school Aims • To provide a high-quality, diverse and innovative, academic and co-curricular programme for pupils from a wide social mix • To generate hard work, enthusiasm, self-confidence and commitment so that each individual can have high aspirations and fulfil her potential • To provide an outstanding supportive and caring pastoral system with its emphasis on individual personal development and social responsibility, fostering cultural and spiritual values in our pupils • To engage the wider School, local national and international communities in what we do, giving pupils opportunities to contribute to local initiatives and community efforts

Contents Key Information for Entry in September 2012


Curriculum Information


Pastoral Information


General Admissions Procedure


The Girls’ Day School Trust


Notices and Rules


Additional Financial Information


Public Examination Results


List of Local Governors/Staff List


Application Form


Open Afternoon Monday 16th May 2011, 2 pm to 3:30 pm Open Morning Saturday 1st October 2011, 9.30 am to 1 pm Please come along and visit one of our open events. You will be able to see the School and talk to staff and pupils who will be happy to answer questions. If you are not able to come on these dates, please contact the School to arrange an individual visit and meeting with the Head or the Head of the Junior School, Mrs Ellen Hill (Mrs Penny Jones after January 2012). We also have open events and taster days for prospective pupils at other times of the year which you are very welcome to attend. Details are available from

Entry points to the school We take a full intake of pupils at 4+ (into Reception Year) and an additional 8 girls at 7+ (into Y3). The vast majority of Y6 girls transfer to the Senior School for 11+ entry: this is automatic, with no assessment required for internal candidates moving into the Senior School. A significant number of external applicants enter the School at 11+ by assessment test in January of their Y6 year. The vast majority of our girls transfer after GCSEs into the Sixth Form (for which they must gain the same entry requirements as external applicants). We also offer external spaces into our Sixth Form, subject to GCSE entry requirements.

Senior School (Ages 11 to 16, Y7 to 11) £4202 per term* Sixth Form (Ages 16 to 18, Y12 and 13) £4142 per term* Junior School (Ages 4 to 10, Y0 to 6) £3332 per term* The fees cover the regular curriculum, text books, some stationery, choral music, games and swimming, public examination fees, but not optional extra subjects or school meals. * Whenever possible, a term’s notice will be given of the intention to increase the fees for tuition or extra subjects. However, if circumstances arise in which costs (e.g. substantial increases in teachers’ salaries) have to be recouped immediately, the Council of the GDST may be forced to increase fees at less than a term’s notice.

Fees Assistance (for the Senior School) Assistance with fees can be applied for by a means tested Founders’ Award, or through the award of scholarships which recognise excellence in academic, musical, artistic, or sporting ability. Scholarships are awarded to a maximum of 50%.

Founders’ Awards (for the Senior School) From September 2011, Bromley High School has extended its fees assistance programme by the introduction of means tested Founders’ Awards. These are available for academically gifted girls who would otherwise not be able to afford an independent school education and are worth between 50% and full fees. For more information on Founders’ Awards, see our separate literature.

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There are occasional opportunities to join the School at other points, for which we hold reserve and waiting lists. Prospective pupils are assessed and interviewed for these spaces as they become available.

Fees from September 2011/12*

Bromley High School Information Booklet

Key Information for Entry September 2012

Bromley High School Information Booklet

Curriculum Information In the Junior School

In the Senior School

Throughout the Junior School the curriculum is designed to ensure that each individual is given the opportunity to develop all aspects of their educational skills. The curriculum is broad, balanced and creative thereby creating a challenging and stimulating learning experience.

The curriculum, managed by Mrs Anderson, the Senior Deputy Head is characterised by breadth, balance, coherence, relevance, differentiation and progression. We encourage pupils to develop the view that learning should be an enjoyable, challenging, rewarding and confidence-building experience. Our curriculum aims to develop a basis on which to make informed and realistic choices and decisions at all stages. Emphasis is placed upon the notion that teaching and learning processes are as significant as curriculum content in determining pupils’ progress and achievement.

In Reception to Year 2 the girls follow a topic-based approach to their work allowing them to become critical learners. This approach also nurtures their independence and self-esteem. Girls in all years are enabled to develop their language, literacy, mathematical, physical and creative skills, as well as their understanding of the world through the varied curriculum. From Reception to Year 2 French is taught as a modern foreign language and from Year 3 to Year 6 everyone is given the opportunity to learn Spanish, German and Mandarin in addition to French. Music and sport play a large part in the School programme and girls reach very high standards in both areas. A plethora of extra-curricular opportunities broadens the experience of all girls from Year 2 to Year 6, with activities ranging from chess, fencing, choir, gymnastics and dance. In addition, the contribution of many visitors to the School, themed days, residential field trips and productions support and embrace the curriculum most effectively.

At Key Stage 3 girls experience a wide range of subjects from a broad, balanced curriculum to provide an excellent basis for GCSE study from Year 10. In Year 7 girls are introduced to a GCSE in ICT and they study this until the end of Year 9 when they sit a public examination. In addition they study Latin and two modern foreign languages. Biology, Chemistry and Physics are taught as separate sciences by subject specialists from Year 7 onwards. At Key Stage 4 each girl will study the core subjects of English Language and Literature, Mathematics, a modern foreign language and Science which may be dual or triple award. In addition girls are given the opportunity to choose from a wide range of subjects; the school timetable is made around subject choices so that, as far as possible, it accommodates the option preferences of every girl. We encourage girls to take nine subjects (the standard number required by the good universities) so that they have every opportunity to acquire good grades at this level. We have accelerated groups in some subjects leading to 10 or even 11 GCSEs.

In the Sixth Form most pupils study four subjects at AS level and these are examined at the end of the Lower 6th. In the Upper 6th girls continue to study three of these subjects to A Level. It may be possible to take up an additional AS subject in the Upper 6th. Some girls take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) which is worth the equivalent of half an A Level and many retain their 4th subject to full A Level, with some girls also continuing with 5 subjects if they are very able. Every leaver is fully supported in her university application and in 2010 every girl achieved her place at her chosen university, with 10% of the Upper 6th taking up places at Oxford or Cambridge.

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In the Junior School We promote an ethos in the School in which all pupils can grow without fear, develop self-respect and give respect to others. We aim for each girl to: • understand herself physically and emotionally • feel she is a valued member of the School community whose contribution is important • have a sense of self-worth and through this be able to grow in confidence, interacting well with others • recognise her achievements and have them recognised by others • know what is expected of her in different situations • take responsibility for her actions and learn from her mistakes • distinguish right from wrong and aspire to high moral values • make informed, reasoned and responsible choices about her lifestyle both now and in the future • develop positive attitudes towards other people irrespective of gender, race, culture or disability Confidence and self-esteem are nurtured in an atmosphere where praise and encouragement are given generously where deserved. In the Prep Department we have a sticker system which encourages good and caring behaviours and academic achievement. The House system in Hawthorns continues with this and also fosters team spirit and good sportsmanship through the girls’ involvement in a wide range of competitive events. The girls are given every opportunity to take increasing responsibility in their roles as monitors.

We have an ‘Open door’ policy for parents and firm links have been established. This is a fundamental part of our success as a School; we very much value our parental involvement and support in a wide range of school activities and events.

In the Senior School Integral to the aims of the School and vital to academic achievement are the outstanding care and support offered to all our pupils. The School is small enough to enable all staff to know the pupils as individuals and the happiness of each girl in our School community is of the greatest importance. Staff are approachable and accessible. Any concern is listened to and is treated seriously. Mutual respect is central to the day-to-day life around School and excellent relationships are developed between staff and pupils both inside and outside the classroom. The sense of community spirit pervades the entire School with each pupil contributing something really special, whatever her talent. The Pastoral Team is lead by the Deputy Head (Pastoral), Mrs Hilary Elkins, who manages each Head of Year directly. The Head of Year has an overview of an entire year group and manages a team of Form Tutors. The first point of contact for the girls is the Form Tutor who sees the form group twice a day and acts as an advocate for the form. The School Nurse and School Counsellor are extremely valuable members of the Pastoral Team and provide a high level of professional support for all the pupils. Communication in the School is excellent and pupils are therefore encouraged to tell any member of staff if they have a problem, however small this may be.

Bullying is totally unacceptable and rarely occurs at Bromley High. Pupils are encouraged to tell an adult immediately if they feel threatened in any way and swift action is then taken. The School has extensive safeguarding procedures in place and all employees sign an agreement to work in accordance with this policy and procedures.

The House System There are 4 Houses in the School. The House system, which exists primarily for competitive purposes, is directed by the House Coordinator, whose role is to coordinate, promote and organise the houses. Each member of the teaching staff is affiliated to one of the Houses which are named after the original School buildings in Bromley: Elmfield, Fernbank, Oakdene and Speldhurst. The House system exists primarily for fun; competitive events such as quizzes, competitions and sports tournaments. In addition girls are given House points for successes. There is a House cup, awarded annually, for the most successful House.

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Through the citizenship programme, the girls become aware of their place in the local and global communities and fund-raising events are enthusiastically supported by girls in every age

group. We follow the Golden Rule where everyone should treat others as they would wish to be treated themselves.

Bromley High School Information Booklet

Pastoral Information

Bromley High School Information Booklet

General Admissions Procedure This, we hope, is the start of a very exciting journey for your daughter and for you as a family, which may last for the next 14 years and will have an enormous influence on her for her adult life. We very much hope that you will decide to make a formal application for your daughter to come to the School and look forward to seeing you very soon. We welcome applications from families of all ethnic groups and religions but please be aware that we are an over-subscribed, academically-selective School and unfortunately we are unable to accept all those who apply to us. Your daughter will be assessed by our giving her an entry test. These are of differing length and style, depending on her age. Tests are not subject specific but measure your daughter’s cognitive ability in a range of skills and are standardised for her age. These are, in our experience, an excellent way to assess her academic potential and are not dependent on her having been prepared for the tests in a specific way. This is crucial for us because we draw from a wide range of feeder schools of different types. To assess literacy, we also use a short creative writing test. The results of the tests will be valid for up to one year. The offer of a place is also dependent on an interview and a good report from the current School. All applicants are asked to submit a copy of their birth certificate with their application and a registration fee of £100. If you are applying for 4+ (Reception) you will be invited to bring your daughter for assessment, which will include an activities session followed by a small group session with staff of the Prep Department across the following week.

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If you are applying for 7+ (Year 3) you will be invited to bring your daughter for assessment on a weekday morning.

If you are applying for 11+ (Year 7) you will be invited to bring her to meet either the Head or a member of the Senior Management Team for a short interview in the Autumn Term. All external applicants are assessed using non subject specific tests which measure verbal and quantitative reasoning and academic potential. Alongside these tests your daughter will also sit a short creative writing paper to assess her literacy skills. Academic Scholarship candidates will be selected as a result of these tests and invited back for the scholarship assessments. These assessment papers will offer girls a choice of tasks covering a range of subjects and will include a compulsory numeracy element. Girls will also have a brief scholarship interview on this occasion. If you are applying for Sixth Form please contact the Admissions Secretary for an invitation to the Sixth Form Open Evening on 4th October 2011 from 6.45 pm. The entrance requirement for Sixth Form is 6 B grades at GCSE (minimum) with at least an A in the subjects to be studied. Early application is advised to ensure that your daughter is able to choose the A Level subjects that she wishes to study.

7+ Entry Assessment: w/c 21st November 2011 In Year 3 we have 8 additional places to offer. Girls are assessed in English language skills, reading and mathematics. The closing date for 7+ applications for September 2012 is Friday, 11th November 2011. Offers will be made as soon as possible. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact our Admissions Secretary, Mrs D. Woodfield on 020 8781 7025 or look on the Admissions section of our website

Senior School Guide to Entry at 11+ Examination Times and Equipment

Guide to Entry at 4+ and 7+ years

The 11+ Entrance Assessments will be held from 9am on Saturday 21st January 2012 and girls will be ready for collection at approximately 1.00 pm. Please arrive between 8.45 and 9.00 am. There is very limited parking on the site and we suggest parking in Oldfield Road when the School site is full. Please park with consideration for our neighbours. Your daughter should wear School uniform and should bring a pen, two lead pencils (HB) and a ruler: calculators will not be needed.

4+ Entry: Saturday, 7th January 2012

Supplementary Examination

Girls will be invited to a group session with members of the Prep Department staff in the Junior School on Saturday, 7th January 2012. Staff will be pleased to answer questions from parents during your visit to the Junior School. This informal exchange of information does not form part of the selection process. Your daughter will then be invited to attend a small group session with the Reception class teachers during the following week. The closing date for 4+ applications for September 2012 is Friday, 2nd December 2011. Offers will be made as soon as possible and certainly before the Spring half term.

If your daughter is unwell on the day of the examination, please telephone us between 9.00 am and 9.15 am so that we may make alternative arrangements. The Supplementary Examination will be held on Friday, 27th January 2012 at 9.15 am.

Junior School

The Entrance Examination The Entrance Examination will consist of tests which are non subject specific and which test a pupil’s academic potential. They cover verbal and quantitative reasoning skills. Alongside this test, girls sit a short creative writing paper to assess literacy. During

increase). For Sport, candidates will be required to complete an Application Form detailing their achievements and level of participation. Following receipt of this, qualifying candidates will be invited to a half day practical session.

Scholarships and Founders’ Awards (Bursary support)


All girls sitting the Entrance Examination are automatically entered for the Academic Scholarships. Those performing best in the initial assessments will be invited back for scholarship assessment. This will allow the girls a choice of tasks across a wide range of academic subjects and will include a mathematical challenge and an interview. It is not expected that girls will be specifically prepared for the scholarship assessment, rather that the brightest girls will enjoy the innovative challenges that are set on this day. The value of all scholarships will be made clear in the initial offer letter. Academic, Music and Sports Scholarships are awarded without regard to parental income. Means-tested Founders’ Awards (bursaries) are also offered and further information is available from the School. If you wish your daughter to be considered for a Music or Sports Scholarship please apply to the Admissions Secretary, Mrs Woodfield, for an application form and return the completed form to her by Friday, 2nd December 2011.

Acceptances Written acceptances, accompanied by the acceptance deposit, must be received for all Scholarships, Founders’ Award and Fee Paying Places by 12 noon on Monday 5th March 2012 (provisional). In the unlikely event of no reply being received by the specified date, it will be assumed that you do not wish to accept and the place will be re-offered. Once a decision has been made it must be honoured and thereafter none of the South London GDST Consortium schools will accept a pupil for whom a place has been confirmed elsewhere within the Consortium. School Events 11+ applicants and their families are very welcome to attend school events. These usually include the Dance Production, school plays and concerts. You will be invited along and we look forward to seeing you!

If your daughter is applying for entry to the Sixth Form, you will be invited to the Sixth Form Open Evening on 4th October for Year 11 pupils and their parents when the broad outline of courses available is given. You will also hear about the exciting opportunities for students in the Sixth Form at Bromley High. The School awards Sixth Form Scholarships. Selection for Scholarship will be based upon a written application produced by the student, which must be submitted to the School office by Tuesday, 8th November 2011. The best candidates will be interviewed for the final allocation of awards in the week commencing 23rd November 2011. Specialist scholarships may be awarded for Art, Dance, Drama, Music and Sport. During the Spring term, there will be a meeting about subject choices when you and your daughter will have the opportunity to speak with heads of the academic departments. This is also something of a general forum when your questions can be answered. As a result of this discussion we would hope to be able to make your daughter an offer of a place in our Sixth Form for September 2012 dependent upon her meeting the admissions criteria. Scholarships are available at entry into Year 7 and the Sixth Form only. Further information is available on the GDST website: We look forward to receiving your application and to meeting you again. Please do not hesitate to telephone our Admissions Secretary, Mrs Woodfield, on 020 8781 7025, if you have any queries.

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For Music, candidates should be of Grade 4/5 standard or above on at least one instrument (including the recorder and orchestral percussion) and should read the instructions carefully which accompany the application form. Each candidate who passes the Entrance Examination will be given an appointment for an audition about 2 weeks after the closing date. You may bring your own accompanist to the audition if required or, if booked in advance, the Music Department will organise an accompanist for you at a cost of £10 per audition (subject to

We shall send out our offers by first class post on or before Friday, 10th February 2012. If appropriate, a Reserve List will be held; all girls on such a list are considered to have qualified for entry should a vacancy occur; information about positions on reserve lists for Bromley High School cannot be given. Unfortunately, there may be some girls who do not qualify and who will not, therefore, be offered a place.

Guide to Sixth Form Entry

Bromley High School Information Booklet

the morning your daughter will also be involved in some team and problem-solving activities and will be provided with light refreshments. Please let us know of any health concerns including allergies – such as peanut allergy – so that staff are alerted.

Bromley High School Information Booklet

The Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) Bromley High School is very fortunate to be a member of the GDST.

If you would like to know more about GDST please visit

The GDST is the largest group of independent schools in the UK with around 19,000 pupils and 3,500 staff. Since its foundation in 1872, the GDST has been at the forefront of education for girls and a strong voice in promoting opportunities for young women. The GDST has an extensive alumnae network which allows old girls of all the Trust schools to benefit from career and networking opportunities. There are also some opportunities for co-educational diversity post-16, and one GDST school, in Cardiff, has a co-educational sixth form college. International links and collaboration are actively pursued and each school seeks to incorporate an international dimension to the educational experience.

Or write to: 100 Rochester Row, London SW1P 1JP

The GDST has 24 schools and 2 academies. These are some of the very best in the country, with levels of fees that are regarded as highly competitive. Each school is characterised by its broad curriculum, record of academic achievement and rich programme of extra-curricular activities. Together they make up the largest group of independent schools in the UK. The GDST aims to help each pupil attain their best academic results within a distinctive and inclusive educational framework. It encourages pupils to cultivate a lively, intellectual curiosity and a wide range of interests and life skills.

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This leading group of independent schools is governed by the Council of Trustees of the GDST, the Chair of which, Lorna Cocking, can be contacted via GDST Head Office in London. The Council delegates responsibility for executive leadership of the Group to the CEO, Helen Fraser. All staff and Council members of the GDST can be contacted via Head Office, whose details follow.

Tel: 020 7393 6666 Fax: 020 7393 6789 The Girls’ Day School Trust is a Limited Company. Registered in England No. 6400. Registered Charity No. 306983.

Notices and Rules The GDST will give not less than one term’s notice of any increase in the fees. In return, the Trust requires a full term’s notice if parents decide to remove their daughter from the School for any reason, failing which a term’s fees in lieu of notice will be payable in accordance with the arrangements set out in the agreement between the parents and the Trust. It is expected that all girls will progress from one school year to the next (including into Y7 and Sixth Form) unless the School is formally notified otherwise.

Policies Should you wish to see them, the School’s policies on discipline, exclusion, educational welfare, bullying and health and safety are available on request.

Medicals Parents of all new pupils must return the School’s medical questionnaire duly completed and signed, keeping a copy for reference. Please let us know if your daughter has been in contact with any contagious illness.

The School Year Each school sets its own term dates to suit local circumstances, but the terms must total 176 full days. These are published in advance in the termly calendar for parents.

Fees Fees cover tuition, pupils’ personal accident insurance (please ask for a leaflet about this), some stationery, text books and scientific materials and some curricular trips and field studies. Fees do not include school lunches. In the Senior School a cashless cafeteria system operates; in the Junior School all pupils are required to have school lunch and the cost is added to the fees account. Public exam fees charged by the Exam boards are included except that re-marks requested by the parents or re-takes of modular A Levels will be charged extra at the Exam board rates. Optional extra subjects will be charged for direct by the School or the self-employed peripatetic teacher. Although paid monthly or termly, the fees are calculated on an annual basis. No reduction in fees is applicable during terms when there is less teaching because public exams are being revised for and taken.

Payment of Fees All fees must be paid via the bank direct debit system. As is the practice at all independent schools, the fees are due and payable termly in advance, before the first day of the term concerned. However, the Trust operates a scheme whereby the fees may be paid by monthly instalments and an application form can be obtained by writing direct to the Fees Department of the Trust. The Trust’s regulations relating to fees and notice are set out in the agreement between parents and the Trust. These details are also stated on the fee account.

Registration and Entrance Exam Fees A non-returnable registration fee of £100 is charged for administration and taking the Entrance Examination/Assessment. On accepting a place an Acceptance Deposit of £1000 is payable which is automatically refunded after the pupil has left (after deducting any outstanding amounts due to the School or the Trust). The Deposit is forfeit if the pupil does not take up the accepted place.

Scholarships The Trust makes available to the School a number of scholarships each year for entry to the Senior School at both Year 7 (11+) and direct into the Sixth Form. The maximum value of a Trust Scholarship is half the current tuition fee. Scholarships are awarded solely on the basis of academic, music, or sporting merit and no financial means test is involved.

Founders’ Awards The GDST provides financial assistance to enable suitably qualified girls whose parents could not otherwise afford the fees to enter the Senior School. These awards are awarded on the basis of financial need though academic merit is taken into account. An application form can be obtained from the Admissions Secretary.

Short-term assistance

(charged by self-employed Peripatetic Staff) Fees Per Term – Payable from September 2011 (subject to change from Sept 2012) Music Piano, violin, viola, ‘cello, double bass, bassoon, oboe, clarinet, flute, recorder, saxophone, brass, harp, guitar, singing, percussion, theory Individual instrument lessons (30 mins)

£150.00 per term

Speech and Drama Individual

£115 per term

Shared by 2 pupils

£ 95 per term

Groups of up to 4 pupils

£ 83 per term

Accounts for extra subjects will be sent direct by the teachers concerned, and should be settled with those teachers before the start of each term. A term’s notice should be given if lessons are to be discontinued.

School Fees Planning Schemes Many schemes are available to provide for school fees in the event of an insurable crisis, or to save up for paying future fees, or to spread payment over a longer period than a child’s attendance at school. The Trust provides a Pre-Paid Fee Plan and details are available from Trust Office, on receipt of a stamped addressed envelope, but it should be understood that this does not imply recommendation. Parents may well find that an insurance broker can produce a scheme to suit their personal requirements. No scheme can be accepted under which benefit is derived from the Trust’s charitable status.

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Founders’ Awards are intended to provide financial assistance throughout a girl’s time in the Senior School. However, it is recognised that occasion may arise when some form of short-term assistance is required and a small fund exists for this purpose. It is the policy of the Trust to make every effort to help if possible in order to avoid disruption of a girl’s education at a critical point in cases of unexpected family financial difficulties.

Fees for Optional Extra Subjects

Bromley High School Information Booklet

Additional Financial Information

Bromley High School Information Booklet

Public Examination Results 2010 Key Stage 2 (SATs) These tables show the percentage of eligible Year 6 children achieving each level in Bromley High School in 2010 The number of children in Year 6: 48 Task and Test Results Percentage at each level Below level 3














GCSE Results 2010 Year 11 entry: 92 candidates SUBJECT














Business and Communications Systems







Design Technology








English Language



English Literature


French Geography

























Physical Education








































Religious Studies















Additional Science


















91 7





3 5



Science Single Award Spanish









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73% of all grades were A* or A grades







7 girls achieved 10 or more A* grades







100% of pupils achieved 5 A*– C grades (including Mathematics and English)

























Business Studies











The pass rate (A –E) was 100%. The average points score per candidate was 373.45 at A-Level


31.4% of grades were awarded A* grades (national average for all schools = 8%, national average for all independent schools = 17%)


66% of grades were awarded A*/A grades







5 girls achieved all A* grades

Classical Civilisation




Every single girl achieved her place at university, with 10% of pupils gaining places at prestigious Oxford and Cambridge colleges.

Design Technology

















1 2



















Government & Politics












Information Technology










Further Mathematics









Physical Education









1 1






1 1









Religious Studies









Theatre Studies












88% of grades were awarded A*/A/B grades

Bromley High School Information Booklet

Advanced Level Results 2010


2 1



Page 9

Bromley High School Information Booklet

Leavers’ Destinations 2010 University of St Andrews

Psychology (Science)

Queen Mary, University of London

Biomedical Sciences

University of Bath

International Management and Modern Languages – German

The University of Reading

The University of Birmingham

Psychology, Physiotherapy

Geography (physical), French and History of Art, Economics

University of Bristol

Dentistry, Law

Royal Holloway, University of London


Cambridge University

Natural Sciences, Modern and Medieval Languages

University of Southampton


University of East Anglia (Suffolk Campus)

Nutrition & Human Health

University of Warwick

Central St Martin’s/Camberwell /Ravensbourne College

French with International Studies, Law, Philosophy

Art Foundation

University of Winchester


University College London


University of York


Durham University

Anthropology, English Literature

University of Exeter

Economics, Zoology

Imperial College London


University of Leeds

Chemistry and Philosophy, Music, Natural Sciences

London College of Fashion

Art Foundation

London Metropolitan University

Fashion Marketing & Retail Marketing

Loughborough University

Product Design Engineering

The University of Manchester


Newcastle University

Modern Languages

The University of Nottingham

English Language and Literature, French and Hispanic Studies,Law, Geography

Oxford University

Philosophy, Politics and Economics, Chemistry

University of Portsmouth

Childhood and Youth Studies

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Local Governing Body

Senior School Teaching Staff

Mrs N Groocock, BEd (Keele), ICT

Chairman: Mr A Michael BA, MBA, JP

Mr D Allies-Curtis, BA (Portsmouth), Photography

Mrs D Harvey, BA, DipEd (Austria), German

Vice Chairman: Mrs C Coombs

Mrs C Babe, BA (Liverpool Hope), Head of ICT


Mr C Barwell, BSc (Southampton), Head of Physics

Mrs T Hathway BA (London), Head of Psychology/ Head of Year 8

Mrs V Letley MA

Miss K Barton, BA (Leeds), Art & Design

Mrs A Lumsden BEd

Miss J Bateman, MEng (London), Maths/Physics

Mr J Sayers MAPM

Miss H Batten, BA (Chichester), PE

Mrs G Hilder, BSc (London), Head of Economics/ Business Studies

Mrs P Shaw

Mrs C Bird, BA (Manchester), Joint Acting Head of Geography

Miss A Iglesias, BA (Wolverhampton), Spanish

Head: Ms L Simpson, BSc (UCW)

Ms K Bowman, BMus (London), Cert Ed, Head of Design Technology

Head of Junior School: (to Dec 2011): Mrs E Hill, Bed (Sussex) (from Jan 2012): Mrs P Jones BEd (Greenwich) Senior Deputy Head: Miss J A Butler, BEd (Sussex) Deputy Head Pastoral: (from Jan 2012) Mrs H Elkins BA (Kings College) Deputy Head Academic: Mrs P Anderson, MBA (Leicester), BSc (Manchester) (From Jan 2012 Senior Deputy Head) Assistant Head (Head of Sixth Form): Mr P Isted, BA (Bristol) Assistant Head (Co-Curricular): Mr A Morter-Laing, BSc (Swansea) School Business Manager: Mrs A Shepherd, BA (South Bank) NB: All teaching staff have a PGCE (unless another teaching qualification is shown) and all degrees are Honours degrees

Mr TJE Brasier, BA (Hull), MA (Thames Polytechnic), PGCE (Avery Hill), Head of History/Head of GPS Mr M Bride, BSc (Aberystwyth), MSc (Greenwich), Physics/Environmental Co-ordinator Mrs S Churchill, CertEd (Dartford), PE Mrs JM Cumming, CertEd (Liverpool), PE Mrs M Dalyanci, Drama Mrs H Davies, BA (Aberystwyth), English/ Head of Year 9 Dr S Desai, PhD, BSc (Leeds), Chemistry Miss T Dahdi, BSc (Loughborough), Mathematics Mrs J Dick, BSc (London), Biology Mrs AM Dolan, BSc (Nottingham), CBiol, MI Biol, Head of Science/Head of Biology Mrs J Edwards, MA (Oxon), English/SENCO

Miss O Helm, BA (Leeds Metropolitan), Head of PE Miss J Higgins, BA (De Montfort), PE

Bromley High School Information Booklet

Staff and Local Governors 2011 – 2012

Miss K Isern, BA (Bath), Art Mrs CA Jenner, BA (Warwick), English/ Charities Co-ordinator Mrs H Knowd, BEd (Manchester), English/ Head of Years 10&11 Mr N Mahoney, BSc (Surrey) French/Spanish/ Head of Year 7 Recruitment and Prep Liaison Dr A Major, BA (Kent), PhD, Head of Religious Studies Mr P Marshall, MA (LSE), MA (London), History Mrs EB Muchajer, BA (London), Head of French Mrs J Munday, MA (Cantab), Mathematics Mrs JW Murphy, BA (Open), MA (CNAA), Director of Work Related Curriculum/ Young Enterprise Coordinator Mrs A Norris, BA (Portsmouth), Head of Geography (Maternity) Mr L Potter MA (Oxon), Head of Mathematics

Mr S Graham, BA (Lancaster) MA (London), Head of Drama

Mrs KA Ridgeway, BMus (Sheffield), LRAM, Director of Music

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Mr S Evans, BSc (Bristol), Chemistry

Mrs C Pradic, BSc (Derby), Joint Acting Head of Geography

Bromley High School Information Booklet

Staff and Local Governors (continued) Mrs M Rigby, BA (Manchester), Head of English

Junior School

Junior School Teaching Assistants

Ms A Roberts, BA (Leeds) DT, House Co-ordinator

Mrs E Hill, BEd (Sussex), Head of Junior Department

Mrs A Berry

Dr A Rowley, DPhil (Sussex), BSc (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Head of Chemistry

Mrs L Clare, GTCL, LTCL, Deputy Head/Music

Mrs A Bush, DPP

Mrs K Salt, BA (Bristol), Head of Spanish

Junior Teaching Staff

Mrs S Butler Miss M Hollman, NDCS, General Assistant

Mr I Sansom, BA (Oxon), Deputy Director of Music, EPQ

Mrs J Allerton, BA (London), Curriculum Manager

Miss R Shepley, BA (Surrey), Head of Art

Mrs C Bellinger, C.I. Biol.

Mrs M Smith BSc (Warwick), Chemistry

Miss C Blake, BA (Greenwich)

Support Staff

Mrs C Strange, Licence d’Anglais (Université Lille), French/Spanish

Mrs A Bodenham, BSc (Loughborough)

Mrs A Shepherd, BA (South Bank), School Business Manager

Dr ER Trotter, BSc (Aston), PhD (Liverpool), Biology Mrs PAJ Turner, BSc (Loughborough), Mathematics/ Assistant Examinations Officer

Mrs M Baxter, BEd (Brighton)

Mrs A Botham, BSc (Loughborough), PE Mrs A Bowden, BMus (Canterbury Christ Church) Mr K Bugden, BA (Bournemouth)

Mrs JA Wells, BSc (Exeter), Mathematics

Mrs D Buttery BA (Oxon)

Mrs IJ Weston, BA (Reading), Head of German

Mrs Y Costaras, BSc, MEd (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Mandarin

Mrs M Whittaker, BA (Southampton), Religious Studies

Mrs C Delany, CertEd (Reading)

Mrs JF Wilcock, BEd (London), Maths

Mrs C Dickerson, BA (Anglia), Head of Prep

Ms JM Winters, BA (Dublin), MA (London), English

Mrs EF Durrant, BEd (Sussex), DipEd (London)

Modern Language Assistants Conversation

Mrs H Franchi, BA (Leeds)

Mrs P Biggs, French Mrs M Kidner, Spanish Mrs D Smith, French

Page 12

Mrs S Wolage, German

Mrs J Fuller, BA (Ed) (Exeter) (maternity leave) Mrs S Kowalczyk, BSc (Leeds) Mrs AO Lawrance, CertEd (Eastbourne), SENCO Mrs J Paddle BA (Bath) (maternity cover) Miss C Payne, BA Primary Ed (Roehampton) Mrs K Powell, BEd Primary Ed (Greenwich) Miss E Savage, BSc (Birmingham) Mrs S Shallcross, BEd, ICT

Mrs R Jackson, DPP Mrs T Love

Mrs J Dabrowska, Finance Officer Mrs S Driscoll, Administrative Assistant Mrs L Knibbs, Assistant Librarian

Caretaking and Grounds Staff Mr B Patey, Facilities Manager Mr A Wojcik, Senior Premises Officer Mr V Carlucci, Cleaning Supervisor Mr D Elvin, Weekend Caretaker Mr R Hambleton, Premises Officer Mr K Lake, Premises Officer Mr E Ostrowski, Gardener/Premises Assistant

Mr A Moran, ICT (Senior Technician)

Mr C Andrews, Resources

Mr F Taylor, Physics Technician

Miss H Bellsham, Admissions Assistant

Mrs G Upton, Art Technician

Mrs TJ Bellsham, Head’s PA


Mrs A Billings, BA, Cert FEd, School Secretary

Mr K Taylor, Head of Catering & Hospitality

Ms WM Bryan, SIMS administrator

Mr R Amos, Kitchen Porter

Mrs KS Garner, Administrative Assistant

Mr K Bishop, Catering Assistant

Miss J Hyland, GLCM, ALCM, LLCM, Clarinet, Piano, Saxophone

Mrs G Jones, Junior School Secretary

Mrs J Coia, Head Cook

Ms A Lines, AGSM, Cello

Mrs H Knowles, Receptionist (maternity cover)

Mrs A Davies, Catering Assistant

Ms E Morris, B Mus, Percussion

Mrs M Mann, Receptionist (maternity cover)

Miss S Foley, Catering Assistant

Miss L Pocknell, FTCL, LTCL, Flute

Mrs JE Mitchell, Music Secretary

Mr T Gray, Catering Assistant

Mrs C Rowlands, DRSAMD, DipNCOS, Violin

Mrs B Philpott, Junior School Secretary

Mrs J Kemp, Catering Assistant

Mr D Rowlands, M Mus, B Mus, Harp

Mrs LA Platt, Cert Ed, Examinations Officer

Mrs D Mason, Catering Assistant

Mr M Rowlands, M Mus, B Mus, AGSM, Piano

Mrs N Shallcross, Junior School General Assistant

Mr T Monk, Breakfast Cook

Mrs K Stother, Receptionist (maternity leave)

Mrs J Parkes, Catering Assistant

Mr A Sheppard, GRSM, LRAM, Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone

Mrs D Woodfield, MCIM – Admissions/ Marketing Manager

Mrs H Sargysan, Catering Assistant

School Nurse Mrs VA Dyke, RGN

Visiting Staff

Mrs S Stephen, M Mus, B Mus , PGDipMus, Voice

Speech and Drama

Ms K Thomas, B Mus, ARCM, Harp

Mrs M Dalyanci

Mrs L Watson, B Mus, Piano

Miss S Hart, BA, AIST

Mrs M Woodall, B Mus LTCL, Piano

Ms H Holman, BA

Ms N Wydenbach, BA, B Mus, Voice

Technical Staff Mr M Brewer, BEd, ICT Development Manager Mrs L Coates, Design Technology Technician Mr M Coyne, Site Network Manager

Ms F de Burca, BA, Voice Miss J Hobbs, GGSM, Theory, Violin and Viola Mrs B Howard, B Mus, Voice

Ms K Simmons, B Mus, Guitar

Mrs J Johnson, Science Technician

Mrs J Allan, GRSM, LRAM, LTCL, DipRSCM, Flute, Piano, Recorder Mrs M E Banks, GGSM, Dip NCOS, Brass, Piano

Page 13


Mrs J Lyons, HNC, Chemistry (Senior Technician)

Ms R Browne, B Mus, Percussion

Mr A Steer, BA Guitar

Mrs J Hussein, Science Technician

Mrs E Lock, Biology Technician

Mr D Blew, GTCL, LTCL, ARCM, Piano, Violin and Viola

Bromley High School Information Booklet


Bromley High School Information Booklet

Application Form Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS and return it to the school together with a non-returnable Registration Fee of ÂŁ100 (cheques made payable to Bromley High School GDST) Bromley High School Blackbrook Lane Bickley Bromley Kent BR1 2TW

Page 14

Application for Registration and Entrance Assessment to Bromley High School Please complete this form in BLOCK CAPITALS and return it to the school together with a non-returnable Registration Fee of £100 (cheques made payable to Bromley High School GDST)

Details of Child Surname.............................................................................................. Date of birth..................................................................................... Forename(s)........................................................................................ Preferred forename......................................................................... Address................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(NB If and when a place is offered, evidence of a valid visa will be required for all candidates who are not UK residents or residents of the EEA or Switzerland)

Telephone (home)............................................................................... Nationality........................................................................................ Preferred year and term of entry ...............................................................................

Details of Parents/Guardian Name & Title ...................................................................................... Name & Title . ................................................................................. Relationship to pupil ......................................................................... Relationship to pupil ......................................................................

Telephone (home)...............................................................................



Mobile .............................................................................................

Telephone (home)............................................................................



Address................................................................................................ Address.............................................................................................


Telephone (work).............................................................................

Occupation.......................................................................................... Occupation....................................................................................... Telephone (work)................................................................................

Email.................................................................................................... Email................................................................................................


Name and relationship to candidate



School & dates of attendance

Please list names of any family members who are attending or have previously attended Bromley High School or another GDST school


Bromley High School, Blackbrook Lane, Bickley, Bromley, Kent BR1 2TW  Tel: 020 8781 7000  Fax: 020 8781 7002

(from whom a reference will be sought)

Previous Schools (if any) (from whom a reference may be sought)

........................................................................................................... Telephone (home)............................................................................

............................................................................................................. Telephone (home)...............................................................................

.................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................

............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................

Bromley High School would like to hold this information and use it to provide you with information about the school, our events and our other activities which may be of interest to you, and to conduct our own market research. This information will not be shared with or divulged to any organisation or person outside of or not associated with [name of school], the GDST (Girls’ Day School Trust) or organisations working on our behalf. Please tick this box to confirm your permission for us to use this information for these purposes.

Please note that if and when a place is offered and accepted you will be required to complete and sign the GDST’s acceptance form/terms and conditions which will constitute a formal contract between yourselves and The Girls’ Day School Trust.

Signature............................................................................................. Date..................................................................................................

Please specify.........................................................................................................................................................................................................

How did you learn about the school? (e.g. through local reputation, present school, family connection, friends, advertisements in local/ national newspapers or magazines, radio advertisements, school guides, internet search, other)

Does your child have a statement of SEN?..........................................................................................................................................................

Please provide details of languages spoken at home other than English..........................................................................................................

(A disability is a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on the ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities)

Does your daughter have any special educational needs or disabilities which require any special arrangements to be made in respect of the assessment or admissions process? If so, please contact the School Admissions.


Are you applying to any other schools? if YES, please list names

(Independent/State) Dates attended (from/to).................................................................

Date started ........................................................................................


Type of School . .................................................................................. Type of School..................................................................................

Name of Head..................................................................................... Name of Head . ...............................................................................



Address................................................................................................ Address.............................................................................................

Name .................................................................................................. Name ...............................................................................................

Present School

Academic scholarships are awarded on merit and all [11+] candidates are automatically considered for an award. They may be invited for interview after the Entrance [Examination/Assessment].

Do you wish to apply for a [Music, Sport, other] Scholarship? YES/NO

Do you wish to apply for a bursary? YES/NO

Bursaries are means tested and may be awarded to families that require financial assistance.

The GDST Scholarship & Bursary Scheme (for candidates entering the Senior School only)

Bromley High School Blackbrook Lane Bickley Bromley Kent BR1 2TW Tel: 020 8781 7000 Fax: 020 8781 7002

The Girls’ Day School Trust Registered Charity No. 306983 Registered Office 100 Rochester Row London SW1P 1JP

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