Chafford Hundred Campus Prospectus

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Chafford Hundred Campus Business & Enterprise College

A School for the Future

A Message from

Mr C Tomlinson the Headteacher Chafford Hundred Campus Secondary School is a unique educational institution serving Chafford Hundred, West Thurrock and the surrounding catchment area. The Campus has a distinctive ethos with personalised learning at the very heart of our thinking, methodology and development. Even though the buildings, resources and facilities are breathtakingly state of the art and the first things to be noticed by our many and varied national and international visitors, it is the people in the building that make The Campus such a special place. Everybody works hard to deliver an exceptional educational experience to enable all students to reach their full potential – both academically and personally. Every student and parent has a major voice in the Campus. They are treated as individuals who have a great deal of choice over which direction they would like the education of their child to progress. This is a very exciting time for the Secondary School. We have received a good judgement from Ofsted with some outstanding features. The students have achieved some very good exam results at all levels and we are really starting to prove that our innovative school model is successful, very student centred and personalised. Our curriculum and education framework is producing successful students ready for the challenges for life after school, delivering a very rich and varied range of school experiences and opportunities. We have an excellent team of staff and wonderful students that give the Campus a positive and fantastic ethos.

The Campus is at the core of the community, offering a real package of education service, opportunity and facilities to this still new, developing society. The Secondary school is a Foundation school, investigating Trust School Status to further enhance our links and position within our local community. It is also my and the Governing Body’s intention that in the short term future we achieve a second specialism and sixth form status for Year 12 and Year 13 students. The Campus is also a Specialist School; a Business and Enterprise College. This best reflects the modern technological, vocationally orientated and personalised education package that we deliver. We try to prepare students for adult life so they can be successful and confident about the future and all the obstacles that they will face. The Secondary school has received many awards and national acclaim but the ones we are most proud of are for International status, Healthy School status, Curriculum and Social Inclusion. We really serve all the needs of the local community and these awards reflect the ethos of the school. The Secondary school is a very special place indeed. It is a privilege to lead this 21st century school for the future. I am proud to be its headteacher.

Chris Tomlinson, Headteacher

Chafford Hundred Campus Business & Enterprise College

Business and Enterprise Status The Campus is an International Business and Enterprise school with partnerships all over the world, including Germany, Latvia, Denmark, China and Africa. This adds a global dimension to Campus life, to our curriculum and to our busy programme of extracurricular events. Our specialist status is reflected in the kind of education we offer. This is a modern, forward looking school with leading edge IT facilities that achieves for the individual academically and vocationally. The study of Business, Enterprise and ICT are embedded into all aspects of our curriculum. We fully prepare our students for adult life. They leave the Campus feeling confident about their future, confident they can overcome any obstacles they may face to achieve their ambitions.

“ I would cycle for two hours to come to this school. Chafford Hundred is just brilliant.” Year 7 Students


Award Winning Curriculum Our curriculum has won awards for its innovative individual approach that gives students ownership of their learning. We allow much more pupil choice than other schools and this motivates all ages and abilities. Key Stage 3 curriculum is based around five competencies: learning, citizenship, relating to people, managing situations and managing information. This integrated curriculum is focussed on English and Humanities skills. In Year 9 students can choose from a vast range of subjects, including fast track GCSE, vocational and enrichment courses. In Years 10 and 11, the range of choices expands to nearly 50. Class sizes are small. All courses are modern, relevant and useful for career development or further academic study. A/S levels can be taken early and there is a special programme for gifted and talented pupils. Students who decide to take a more practical route can also learn skills at other local educational institutions as part of our curriculum choice. In Year 10 all students take part in our award-winning Internship Programme, which offers business related work experience and careers advice. We are proud that not one of our students has ever left us without a place at college, an apprenticeship, employment or training to go to.

“ Innovative approaches encourage students to work independently and be actively involved in their learning.� Ofsted

Chafford Hundred Campus


Business & Enterprise College

“ A distinctive and successful feature is the wide and flexible GCSE programme.” Ofsted

Independent Learning Independent learning is crucial for success. Challenging target levels are set with students and parents at the start of each Key Stage, to maximise potential regular assessments monitor progress. Information about independent learning is posted on our website to help parents help students achieve quality learning at home. All new Year 7s will be given after school independent learning sessions to develop their skills in this area. Holiday revision courses are also available at every level for exams.

Fantastic Facilities Our school buildings are the envy of many. Our modern 17-acre site includes floodlit astro-turf sports area, an excellent sports field and numerous specialist facilities. Among our many specialist teaching rooms are drama studios, science labs, a music suite, a resources centre, design technology and art rooms and a speech and language centre. The Campus library serves the public

“ I like this school because it’s like stepping into a hi-tech world.” Year 10 Student

as well as students and community groups; adult education classes often meet at the Campus. Our advanced ICT facilities comprise nine ICT suites with over 200 workstations as well as laptops and pocket PCs. All our teaching rooms are connected via a high speed network, supplemented by a wireless network which provides internet access for the whole

Chafford Hundred Campus Business & Enterprise College

school. All classrooms have projectors and many have interactive whiteboards. Our impressive range of ICT software and facilities ensure all our students gain skills and confidence in this area.



Chafford Hundred Campus Business & Enterprise College

Enrichment Activities We offer a full programme of extracurricular activities and clubs to suit everybody regardless of ability. Our clubs range from sports to modern foreign languages. We organise many trips and outings including Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, concert and theatre visits as well as an annual trip to the space academy in Florida. Our Campus Council is very active and has been recognised nationally for the fantastic work they achieve. They are a major voice in the school, play a part in school improvements and sit on the Governing Body. Through the Campus Council, students take part in a range of activities involving local businesses and contribute very positively to community life. Many of our students volunteer to take on different roles in the school. These include lesson observations, input into training days and peer mentoring they also participate in recruiting staff. Older students support and run clubs for younger students. This is a fantastic aspect to life at the Campus.

“ Student’s contribution to the college community and further afield is excellent.” Ofsted


Chafford Hundred Campus Business & Enterprise College

Every Individual Matters We are committed to providing an individual education plan for every student who comes here. We begin by working closely with our feeder schools, collecting information from Primary staff and organising shared extracurricular opportunities. When students arrive at the Campus they feel happy, secure and ready to learn. A special programme is also constructed for those pupils who are gifted and talented. We believe that all of our students are gifted and talented and we try to give them the opportunities to develop their talented skills. During the year there are three parents’ evenings (one per term) for parents to attend and discuss their child’s progress. You will also receive termly reports about the progress to target grades or levels. The website is a crucial form of communication along with email to any member of staff. Parents Forums are held every half term, giving any parent the opportunity to meet with the headteacher. The Campus offers a forty-eight hour guarantee that we will reply to any parental enquiry received by any form of communication. Monthly newsletters are published via the Campus website; Parents are normally alerted when a newsletter is published by way of an SMS text message. Text messaging is also used on a number of other occasions to remind parents of consultation events, examination dates etc. The Campus is looking to invest in a web based Parental Portal. This will give on-line access to key educational data for your child, including attendance, behaviour, assessment, reports and examination information.

“ Students are well cared for in their academic and personal needs. They leave the school as mature and confident young people.” Ofsted

Parents have had a major voice in the Campus and have played an instrumental part in developing the school, for example with the uniform, Independent Learning and the curriculum. We regularly use surveys, questionnaires and other research methods to encourage parents to contribute to school improvement and feedback on school features. A unique aspect of the Campus is the different forms of mentoring we offer to students, including Business, Governor, Peer, Graduate and academic. In Year 10, any student not achieving his/her target grades will join the academic mentoring programme. This student will then receive a great deal of senior staff input, helping them to achieve their challenging target grades. So far, this programme has been very successful. Every student attends Learning Guidance one morning a week to discuss any school issues, progress and their general well-being. The student can negotiate which morning they attend, although this is compulsory, ensuring that every student receives quality time and input from their Learning Guide. If they wish to, parents are also welcome to attend Learning Guidance. The Campus has a calm, supportive peaceful atmosphere which inspires learning. We encourage and reward students in many ways. This gives them the self-confidence they will need to succeed in life after school.


Chafford Hundred Campus Business & Enterprise College

Mayflower Road, Chafford Hundred, Essex RM16 6SA  T: 01375 484580  F: 01375 484581

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