Chelsea Academy Sixth Fom Prospectus

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Sixth Form

An introduction from the Principal, Andy Yarrow I am delighted to have been appointed as Chelsea Academy’s first Principal. I bring the experience of successful headship of a large London secondary school, judged as ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted, to make the Academy one of the best schools in London. Starting a new school has been an exciting challenge, providing a great opportunity to be creative and to set the highest expectations and standards right from the start. Establishing a world-class Sixth Form is the next step in this journey. Chelsea Academy opened in September 2009 and will grow each year until 2014. Over 750 applications were received for the Academy’s current Year 7 cohort, and we are expecting the Sixth Form to be similarly popular. We have taken the decision to open our Sixth Form three years before our current students enter Year 12, responding to popular demand and also to give the maximum number of students the opportunity to benefit from our £43 million building, exceptional facilities and outstanding teaching staff. Chelsea Academy has two sponsors, the Church of England (the London

Diocesan Board for Schools) and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The Academy combines traditional values and the highest standards with an innovative approach to learning and teaching. Students, teachers and associate staff work together to build a community based on mutual respect where students can flourish and develop the personal qualities they need for future success. We want to help develop young people who can make a valuable contribution to society. We have worked hard to recruit wellqualified and appropriately experienced teaching and associate staff of the highest calibre who recognise that students have different learning styles, gifts and talents. For any young person who is passionate about learning and determined to achieve within the context of a Christian community,

Chelsea Academy represents an unrivalled opportunity. I know how important the choice of Sixth Form is for you and hope that this prospectus will answer your questions. Visitors to the Academy are always welcome and you can find out more by going to I look forward to welcoming you to Chelsea Academy.

Andy Yarrow, Principal

A welcome from the Head of Sixth Form, Lana Kulas As Chelsea Academy’s Head of Sixth Form, I hope to make the Sixth Form one of the best in London. Students who join us in September 2011 will be in the unique position of being Chelsea Academy’s first Sixth Form cohort and I am certain that they will achieve great success during their time with us. They will have the opportunity to shape the Sixth Form and play an active role in moulding its ethos and expectations. The Sixth Form aims to inspire its students, promote a love of learning and independent inquiry and equip students with the skills necessary for further study, training or employment. Students will study and develop in an environment that treats them as unique individuals who are fully supported in all that they do and aspire to achieve. We expect you to want to achieve highly and to realise your full potential. The commitment you show and the support you receive will enable you to succeed and progress. I look forward to welcoming you to the Sixth Form.

Lana Kulas, Head of Sixth Form

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What makes Chelsea Academy Sixth Form unique? Chelsea Academy opened in September 2009 and currently has 324 students studying in Years 7 and 8. All Academies have one or more sponsors. Chelsea Academy has two. One is the Church of England’s London Diocesan Board for Schools (LDBS). This means that the Academy has a distinctive Christian ethos whilst positively welcoming students from all faiths and backgrounds. Church of England schools have a long-standing reputation for academic excellence and Chelsea Academy is continuing this tradition. The LDBS has sponsored two other highly successful Academies in North London. Chelsea Academy’s other sponsor is the local authority, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. The Royal Borough, too, has an excellent reputation for the standard of its schools.

The Sixth Form curriculum offers academic qualifications that are challenging and valued by higher education institutions and employers. With a relentless focus on independent study and inquiry, students will be both supported and stretched in all lessons. Outstanding teaching by highly-qualified subject specialists will ensure that each student is intellectually stretched and supported in all programmes of study they choose to follow. While a focus on examination success will be paramount, developing a passion for learning will be at the forefront of all aspects of the Sixth Form. The opportunities that students will be offered outside of their academic

subjects will be extensive and of the highest standard. They will have opportunities to develop a wide array of skills through new experiences. Awareness of the local community and the ‘wider world’ will be relentlessly encouraged, ensuring that students develop into well-rounded, mature and knowledgeable young adults who can engage with the world around them. Students will be expected to participate fully in the life of the Academy and act as role models and mentors for younger students. The leadership and coaching skills that students develop will give them the confidence to make a positive contribution to the Academy, the local community and the wider world.

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What does the science specialism mean? All Academies have one or more subject specialisms. Chelsea Academy’s is the sciences. However, it is important to understand that this does not mean students applying for a place have to be good at science. What it does mean is that Chelsea Academy receives extra funding to support additional learning resources and activities relating to science. For example, specialist science facilities will include a sports science centre, an earth sciences laboratory and a medical sciences laboratory. Partnerships with organisations that are leaders in their field, such as Imperial College, the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum, have been established to help achieve the aim of fostering greater enthusiasm and skill in the sciences. All students will develop an understanding of the importance of the global and local ecological, environmental and ethical impact of science.

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In the Sixth Form, students will have the opportunity to study a range of sciencerelated subjects and the Academy’s links with various organisations will enhance students’ overall learning experience, whether they are studying the sciences or a range of other subjects. For example, students who wish to pursue science-related degrees will benefit from mentoring by Imperial College students and staff. The Academy’s impressive science facilities will enable students to become investigative scientists and to see science in action for themselves.

Sixth Form

What are the facilities like? Chelsea Academy’s new £43 million state-of-the-art building on Lots Road opened its doors to Year 7 and Year 8 students in September 2010. It provides staff and students with outstanding facilities and the many visitors who have seen the Academy have been extremely impressed by the building design and the opportunities it provides. The modern classrooms and flexible learning spaces provide students with a stimulating business-like learning environment. Special facilities include a sports science laboratory, a theatre, a sports hall, a dance studio, a climbing wall and rooftop sports facilities and gardens. The building is also extremely energy efficient, with half of its heat energy coming from renewable sources generated on site. Another exciting feature of the Academy is the first-rate technology equipment and

systems. This provides a powerful online learning environment so that students can access learning resources and assessments along with their own work, from any computer – either in school or beyond. This also means parents are able to view performance data from a computer anytime, anywhere. Students in the Sixth Form will have a range of facilities available especially for them. There is a lounge area where students can complete independent study, as well as a private study room,

fully equipped with the latest ICT facilities. The Academy’s Learning Resource Centre will stock a wide range of learning resources especially aimed at Key Stage 5 study, as well as resources that will stretch and challenge students in preparation for study at university. The large roof terrace with views across London is for Sixth Form and staff use only and provides another stimulating and pleasant social and study area.

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Which courses are on offer? Whilst strongly academic in focus, Chelsea Academy caters for a wide range of students, and the diversity of courses on offer reflects this range. The Academy provides a personalised curriculum that allows students to follow their interests, as well as being able to choose subjects and courses that will enable successful progression to Higher Education and the world of work. Students are expected to choose courses that are suitable for their ability and prior attainment. Advice and guidance on course choice is available from the Academy, and applicants are advised to keep in mind any future career or university plans when choosing courses. As well as their chosen courses, students will have a range of academic enrichment opportunities. In Year 13, students will be encouraged to take an additional AS Level in Citizenship, General Studies or Critical Thinking, with the aim of developing their awareness and understanding of the wider world. Furthermore, Sixth Form students will also be able to participate in the Extended or Higher Project qualification,

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which will develop their skills as independent learners, as well as enabling them to pursue their own lines of inquiry.

What are the entry requirements?

The Chelsea Academy curriculum is not just about the subjects that students study; it is also about other numerous learning experiences. For example, throughout the Sixth Form, students will benefit from lectures and presentations from a wide range of speakers. There will also be the opportunity to study for accredited courses such as additional GCSEs in new subjects or languages. They will also have the opportunity to attend numerous trips and visits within the UK and beyond, as well as joining discussion groups and societies within the Academy.

To study AS and A2 courses, students are required to have a minimum of six B grades at GCSE. A specific grade in the subject that students wish to study is usually also required (see specific subject requirements). We also expect all students to have at least a grade C at GCSE in both English and Mathematics. For Applied A Level and BTEC Level 3 courses, students must have a minimum of two B grades and four C grades, while students who wish to pursue the BTEC Level 2 in Health and Social Care must have a minimum of two C grades and four D grades at GCSE.

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How will students be supported? Sixth Form students will receive excellent care and guidance throughout their time at Chelsea Academy. This begins now as students are welcome to seek advice on the courses they wish to pursue or any careers that they may have in mind for the future. The Academy is fully committed to developing each student’s potential and treating each individual as unique. Our systems will ensure that no student is left behind and is fully supported in everything they aspire to achieve. Upon entry to the Academy each student will be placed in a ‘Coaching Group’ of no more than 12 students. These groups will be made up of students from different age groups and Sixth Form students will be expected to assist the Learning Coach by taking on a mentoring and coaching role towards some of the younger members of their group. Students will meet with their Learning Coach every day to monitor work, progress, achievements and conduct and to set challenging goals and targets. Each student will also belong to a House, where they will be offered additional support and guidance. The Head of Sixth Form will have overall responsibility for all students within the Sixth Form. Students will be assessed regularly and their performance will be matched against aspirational targets that are set in line with high national standards. Students who are not working towards their targets will be supported and coached to enable them to achieve. We expect parents to be active participants in this process and will keep them regularly updated on progress.

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Sixth Form

Higher Education preparation Chelsea Academy aims to prepare all students for successful life and study at university. The skills and knowledge that students gain on their courses will teach them not just the necessary content and skills for success at Key Stage 5, but also for Higher Education. The Academy expects students to aspire to attend some of the most competitive institutions in the country and to study for some of the most rigorous degrees in the world. All students in the Sixth Form will receive a wealth of advice and guidance about entry and application to Higher Education. A programme of visitors and speakers from a range of institutions will enable students to make informed and well-planned decisions about their futures. The vertical coaching system will mean that all students will have access to a Learning Coach who will be able to guide them through their UCAS application as well as the preparation of a successful and effective personal statement.

Students will also benefit from visits to a range of universities and will be actively encouraged to attend open days, summer schools and masterclasses run at various universities throughout the country. A Higher Education Fair will run in the Summer Term of Year 12. A programme of fortnightly lectures will not only broaden students’ horizons, but will also prepare them for lecturestyle learning at university. The Academy will also run a specialised programme for those who wish to apply for competitive courses such as medicine and dentistry or to Oxbridge. Students will benefit from specialised preparation for admissions tests, run by staff at the Academy, mentors from Imperial College and external agencies. Visits to Oxbridge will be arranged and students will have the opportunity

to meet undergraduates who study at these universities and on these courses. The Academy will also provide a comprehensive interview preparation programme that will include mock interviews as well as relevant discussion groups that will not only broaden students’ knowledge but also develop their confidence and communication skills. Relevant work experience is key to gaining places on these courses and students will be supported in organising placements through the Academy’s established and extensive network of contacts. The key to successful university applications is thorough research and preparation. By starting this process early on in Year 12, students will be fully equipped to make well informed decisions about their future.

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What other opportunities are there? Extended Curriculum The extended curriculum at Chelsea Academy is second-to-none and Sixth Form students will be able to take full advantage of this programme. Students will have an array of opportunities available to them, both in and out of the classroom. Opportunities will include working towards accredited qualifications such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award, the Community Sports Leader Award and First Aid qualifications, as well as opportunities to learn new skills such as driving, cooking and speaking another language. At Chelsea Academy there is a wealth of clubs and societies that aim to cater for all needs and tastes. Sixth Form students will be expected to contribute to these, but will also be encouraged to set up their own clubs and pursue their own interests. Community service and helping others will be key to developing students’ awareness of others and being fully integrated members of the Academy and the wider community. The Academy has excellent on-site sports facilities (including a full-size sports hall, a dance studio, a climbing wall and an outside football pitch and tennis court on the first floor deck). Other sports facilities nearby, such as those at Battersea Park, are utilised. The Academy aims to build a wide range of sports teams that can compete against other local schools in competitions. One way we aim to do this is by giving all students the opportunity to play sports on a Wednesday afternoon, as is common practice at most universities.

develop and hone their leadership skills. Even though the school currently only has Year 7 and Year 8 students, there is already a prominent Student Leadership Team who undertake a range of important activities throughout the school. The same will be expected of those in the Sixth Form. Sixth Form students will be able to work with senior staff to develop the Academy’s ethos and curriculum. The Academy prides itself on its belief in co-construction and students will have a say in which courses they study and how they are taught. They will also be able to serve on a number of committees which will range from interviewing new staff to implementing new learning and teaching strategies in the classroom. Faculties also benefit from student ambassadors in their subject areas who provide valuable feedback on improving lesson delivery and encouraging students to engage with their own learning. As role models for the rest of the Academy, Sixth Form students will be expected to lead by example and will have the opportunity to lead a range of activities for the younger population of the school. This may involve helping younger students with independent learning or reading, or running and overseeing clubs for other students.

International opportunities

Leadership opportunities

Chelsea Academy has already developed a number of links with international organisations and schools overseas and aims to bring an international dimension to the Sixth Form. The Academy has links with schools in New York and Beijing and there may be opportunities in the future for students to visit these schools.

Leadership skills are integral to creating a successful and well-rounded individual. Sixth Form students at Chelsea Academy will have countless opportunities to

Each year, the Academy will run a trip to an orphanage in Bosnia, where students will work with disadvantaged children. This will be run in partnership

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with another outstanding school in West London and will aim to develop valuable communication, teamwork and leadership skills in students. Students in the Sixth Form will also have the opportunity to take part in an annual ski trip.

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What are our expectations? Chelsea Academy aspires to, and demands, excellence in everything it does. It is guided by the Ofsted criteria for outstanding schools and building upon proven methods used in other high-achieving schools. In his previous school, Chelsea Academy’s Principal, Andy Yarrow, was recognised by Ofsted for using ‘his exceptional talents to build a leadership team of highly motivated individuals who constantly strive for excellence’. Over the past two years, his key priority has been the recruitment of excellent teachers and associate staff. An exceptional team of highly qualified and experienced teachers with a track record of success in their former schools has been employed and this team will be enhanced further over the coming years to accommodate the Academy’s growth. 12 / Chelsea Academy

Strong senior leadership and governance is helping to ensure high standards and aspirations from the outset. Students in the Sixth Form are expected to work hard and demonstrate exemplary standards, both within and beyond the Academy. They are expected to engage and involve themselves fully in all aspects of the curriculum and Academy life. Students must be punctual and have an attendance record of at least 95%. Independent study and self-discipline are key to success at Key Stage 5 and students are expected to

manage their time and aim to achieve their best in everything they do. Sixth Form students are expected to dress appropriately and wear ‘business dress’ while at the Academy. This will not only encourage them to take pride in their appearance and their achievements, but will also prepare them for professional life. This is yet another way that Sixth Form students will be expected to set an example to younger students as well as adhering to our high expectations.

Sixth Form

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What does a Christian ethos mean in practice? Part of the answer to this question is to be found in a well-known verse from the New Testament: ‘The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. There is no law against such things.’ These are some of the personal and community qualities that will be encouraged and promoted. The development of individual character and a healthy community is regarded as every bit as important as the development of mind and the gaining of qualifications. At Chelsea Academy, we believe that everyone carries the image of God, each is of unique value and meaning and their lives are to be lived with purpose and a sense of service to family, community and world.

As a Church of England Academy, Chelsea Academy is open to and welcoming of students and families with different faith traditions and beliefs. Students of all faiths, and those of no faith, should be just as much at home in the Academy as those from Christian backgrounds. Within the Academy building there is a small chapel for prayer, services

and personal reflection. There are weekly assemblies; spiritual and moral development strongly feature throughout the curriculum. In addition, because of the Academy‘s science specialism, there are particular opportunities to explore the moral and ethical aspects of science as well as the relationship between the scientific and religious understanding of life. Chelsea Academy / 15

Sixth Form

Who can apply? Any student who meets the entry requirements is welcome to apply to Chelsea Academy’s Sixth Form, regardless of where they live or currently study. Students will need to complete the application form and obtain a reference from their current school or college. Students will also be expected to attend an interview with a senior member of staff at the Academy. All students who apply to Chelsea Academy’s Sixth Form must support the Academy and Sixth Form ethos. Students will be expected to participate in all parts of the curriculum as well as observing the Academy’s standards and expectations, both in terms of behaviour and learning.

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Chelsea Academy Lots Road London SW10 0AB Office Tel: 020 7376 3019 Office Mobile: 07525 967131 Website: Principal Andy Yarrow Head of Sixth Form Lana Kulas Email:

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