F Working Together
Fleetville Infant & Nursery School Prospectus For Quality
And Equality
F Working Together
For Quality And Equality
Welcome Everyone associated with our school is proud to strive for the same outcomes: the full and rounded development of children and a commitment to providing a high quality education for all pupils according to their needs and abilities. Our motto of ‘Working together for Quality and Equality’ encapsulates our values of teamwork and a shared vision to provide a happy, caring and harmonious community. We believe that every child matters and provide a climate for learning that supports all children. We optimise learning by actively supporting parents and by providing excellent teaching and a rich, varied and balanced curriculum. The result is a happy and purposeful school which we welcome you to join. Androulla Peek – Head Teacher
This is an excellent school. The high standards pupils reach and their excellent personal qualities prepare them particularly well for the next stage of education and adult lives. Ofsted
A Curriculum for Every Child At Fleetville we aim to offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all our children. We pride ourselves on being a learning school where the focus is as much on how children learn as what they learn.
Early Years Foundation Stage (Ages 3 - 5) The nursery and reception years provide the bedrock for a child’s education. Learning through play - exploration, creativity and collaboration – is at the heart of the activities we offer to develop children’s personal and social skills, numeracy, literacy and their understanding about the world. There are three classes in our reception year and we offer all children the opportunity to start in one intake in September.
Key Stage 1 (Ages 5 – 7) The touchstone of an excellent curriculum is that it instils in children a love of learning in its own right. At Fleetville we aim to achieve this by: • Deepening children’s thinking skills, problem-solving and creativity to encourage them to become independent, motivated learners. • Providing opportunities to develop children’s personal qualities – such as flexibility, confidence, team-working and an understanding of how to be healthy - that will prepare them to succeed in later life. As one child observed during an Ofsted visit, ‘lessons are fun and we want to do our best’.
The outstanding curriculum contributes greatly to the pupils’ thorough enjoyment. Ofsted
Inclusion We value the contribution and experience of every child at Fleetville. The support we offer children with special educational needs or disabilities - and to those whose first language is not English – is a recognised strength of our school. We strive to adapt our school where we can, and provide the right support, so that all children have the fullest possible access to the curriculum. We also identify gifted and talented children to ensure that all our children are stretched to the best of their ability. For more information about our Inclusion and Behaviour policies, please visit our website.
Our Fleetville Charter We are proud to work, learn and play at Fleetville:
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We look after ourselves and each other We are kind and caring We tell the truth We listen to others We are happy to ask questions and find things out We do our best We learn to do things for ourselves but ask for help if we need it We enjoy trying new things out and learning new things We have fun
Our School Community We believe that children are happier and learn better when there is good communication between home and school. Consultation evenings, regular newsletters, class assemblies and information evenings keep you informed about your child’s progress and developments at the school. You can get involved by supporting PTA events, becoming a class representative at Parents’ Forum or as a parent volunteer within the classroom. We value and welcome this support.
Excellent organisation...and well-designed activities Ofsted ensure that children make rapid progress.
Behaviour is excellent. Extremely good pastoral care and guidance ensures the pupils’ personal development and well-being are outstanding. Ofsted Faces Faces is our popular after-school, breakfast and holiday club for children aged 4 to 11. For more information visit our website.
Nexus We are one of several St Albans schools in this extended schools’ consortium. The Nexus consortium offers an award-winning programme of activities, clubs, support groups and family learning.
School Governors Our active governing body includes elected parents along with representatives from the community, the staff and the local authority. For more information, visit the Governor page on our website.
Children’s Centre Along with Fleetville Junior School, we are a lead agency for the two areas covered by The Alban Way Children’s Centre. The Centre offers information, support and health services for families of pre-school children, as well as for those at our school.
Achievement is excellent. Standards at the end of Year 2 have been rising over recent years and have been exceptionally high in reading, writing, mathematics and science. Ofsted
Working Together
Working Together
For Quality
For Quality
And Equality
And Equality
Fleetville Infant & Nursery School Royal Road St Albans AL1 4LX Tel: 01727 851543 admin@fleetvilleinfants.herts.sch.uk
How to Apply See our school for yourself by arranging a visit or find out more from our website. Applications are made online or in writing to Hertfordshire County Council. For more information about the application process, visit the schools and learning page at: www.hertsdirect.org.uk. If you have just moved to the area and would like information about joining our school, then please phone us direct.