Holy Cross Sixth Form College Prospectus 2024

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Holy Cross Sixth Form College

Think well, feel well, do well

Holy Cross, founded by the Daughters of the Cross, is a Catholic Sixth Form College and University Centre, which exists to provide a high-quality education within a community based on Gospel values. We provide the opportunity for each person to develop spiritually, morally, and intellectually, and we welcome students and staff of all faiths and those of none.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We celebrate and promote the diversity of our community.

We recognise that some members of our community may require additional help and encouragement in order to gain the most from their college experience.

This support is provided via our Excellence for All programme, an outstanding Learning Support Department, access to our Student Hardship Fund, an exceptional pastoral system, and a staff team committed to providing a high quality experience to all of our learners. Each member of our college community can expect to be valued as a unique individual. There is an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Group in college which meets regularly to discuss and review equality matters to ensure all students have the opportunity to reach their full potential, regardless of their circumstances. The Student Representative Committee also includes an Equality Rep whose role is to focus on equity and diversity issues.

Welcome to Holy Cross College!

Leaving school for Holy Cross is the first step towards a new future. This is an exciting time as you prepare to make the transition from school to sixth form college.

Holy Cross has a long tradition of success. Since 1878, when the Daughters of the Cross of Liège first settled a school on this site, we have been offering excellence in education to people in the local area and beyond, and with a clear mission in mind: to develop our students intellectually to achieve outstanding results, and to develop them spiritually and morally so that they can become valued and valuable citizens in an everchanging world. Being an inclusive Catholic sixth form college which welcomes students and staff of all faiths and those of none, this mission is at the heart of all we do.

Students are the life of Holy Cross College. We care for each and every individual who passes through our hands and we hold the highest aspirations for them all. We believe that every student has unique talents to bring to our college community: talents to be nurtured and encouraged during their time with us.

We have an incredibly dedicated, caring and expert staff who are highly experienced in preparing students not only for exams but also for their next steps in life, whatever they may be. As a college with a strong academic reputation, our students achieve highly with many going to renowned and prominent universities to study competitive courses including Oxbridge, the Russell Group and Performing Arts schools, as well as progressing onto highly sought after apprenticeships and employment opportunities.

All of our students also have access to excellent specialist facilities and resources, including state-of-theart Science and Language labs, a superb sports hall, theatre spaces and art studios, music practice rooms, a recording studio, media and computing suites, as well as dedicated Learning Support, Careers and well-being services.

An exceptional Enrichment Programme encourages students to pursue their own individual interests while studying for their qualifications and helps to prepare them for life after Holy Cross, wherever that may lead them.

As a Holy Cross student, you will always be supported, both now and in the future. What Sister Mary Kelly, a former Principal of Holy Cross, once said remains true for us still:

Our aim is to sustain our students and our staff in an atmosphere of encouragement and support.

We believe in the growth of the whole person and in creating a climate where everyone can become their ‘best selves’.

Our courses

We have a wide range of courses available at both Level 3 and Level 2. (We plan to offer all currently proposed courses from September 2025 although this is dependent on Government policy. Any changes will be communicated to students as soon as practical.)

A Level Courses (Level 3)


Art & Design


Business Studies


Computer Science


Drama and Theatre Studies


English Language

English Lang & Lit

English Literature

Film Studies


Further Mathematics








Media Studies



Physical Education







Theology, Philosophy and Ethics

Applied Diplomas (Level 3)


BTEC Courses (Level 3)

Applied Law

Applied Science (Single and Triple Award)


Health & Social Care

Information Technology

Music Technology

CTEC Courses (Level 3)

Sport and Physical Activity


Core Mathematics

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

BTEC Courses (Level 2)

Applied Science



GCSE Courses (Level 2)

Art and Design (Graphics/Photography)

English Language



Higher Project Qualification (HPQ)




It is important to choose the right subjects for you. When choosing your subjects, please consider the information on our website here: www.holycross.ac.uk/admissions/choosing-your-subjects

CASE STUDY – Niamh Cullen

Subjects studied: A levels in Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Art and Design. French (AS level).

Holy Cross provided valuable guidance and support for me during the UCAS application process. I applied to study Architecture BArch at the University of Sheffield (UoS) and upon receiving my A level results, I was accepted onto the course.

During the university application process, Holy Cross encouraged me to apply for the global summer school scholarship that the UoS offered to students who were predicted at least three A levels of A grade or higher.

I achieved the required grades and I attended a 5-week summer school at the National University of Singapore funded by the UoS. Holy Cross helped me to achieve my potential and in doing so, I was able to travel and experience something that I never thought would be possible for myself.

I began studying Architecture but during my first year, I had doubts whether it was the right course for me.

I had a mathematical background and Architecture was more design focused than I had expected. Therefore, I decided to change course to Civil and Structural Engineering MEng.

I graduated in 2019 with a Class One Honours degree.

During my degree, I completed two summer placements at a design consultancy, and I was offered a permanent position post-graduation.

I began working as a Graduate Civil and Structural Engineer in September 2019 and over the course of my career, I have focused my career more on Infrastructure Engineering.

In August 2023, I applied and was accepted for an Infrastructure Engineer role at Buro Happold. I am currently working on a range of exciting projects involved in the design of drainage networks, public realm, utilities and highways.

Holy Cross provided me with a great educational foundation and confidence to follow my instincts. This has led me to opportunities to travel and into a fulfilling career in infrastructure engineering.

Excellence, Careers and Pathways

The Excellence programme aims to take care of your future. Whatever your interests, you will be valued as an individual and offered a range of activities to help you to reach your potential.

Holy Cross is justifiably proud of its reputation for academic excellence, developing those who aim for the most competitive universities, including Oxbridge, The Russell Group and High Tariff universities. We also support students who apply for courses such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science.

The Excellence Programme has three strands: MDV, STEM and Humanities

The Excellence curriculum (STEM and Humanities) has three stages: research, skills preparation and application. During the research phase students are introduced to the Russell Group and Sutton 30 Universities and how to choose courses. This then moves into skills preparation where students have 1-1 discussions about their subjects and prepare for course specific seminars. Finally, students review aptitude tests, begin to complete their UCAS statement, and prepare a competitive Personal Statement.

The MDV curriculum has three stages: entry criteria and alternative routes, ethics and skills, and application. Students are introduced to the criteria needed to apply for an MDV degree. They are also introduced to the pillars of ethics and core skills required for the courses. This leads into scenario-based learning that reflects on the controversial medical topics they may encounter as a clinical professional. Finally, students review aptitude tests, begin to complete their UCAS statement and prepare a competitive Personal Statement linked to their work experience.

These Excellence classes are designed to help students develop high level thinking, reading and communication skills. These sessions will also guide students in their super-curricular reading and in gaining awareness of key issues, concepts and debates related to their areas of intended work and study. Students will also learn how to excel in their UCAS application, admissions tests (e.g. LNAT, UCAT, and the TSA) and at interview.

We encourage students to take up an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) which allows them to develop key independent study and research skills; the qualification is highly regarded by universities and employers.

By taking part in the Excellence programme, extension groups and super-curricular activities, students will stretch their learning and encourage a deeper love for their subjects. Even if a competitive course is not for them, Holy Cross College has something to offer all students, so please get involved, join a group and lay the foundations for a fantastic future.


There is a whole-college approach to careers at Holy Cross College. The college offers a comprehensive careers programme which has received external accreditation. Careers staff will ensure you have access to information and guidance to support your career planning, aspirations and transition. They do this in conjunction with curriculum teachers, Progress Tutors, and with support from Positive Steps.

Throughout your time in college, you will receive lots of careers information via your tutorial lessons, assemblies, 1:1 interviews, presentations, careers bulletin and bespoke careers booklet. There will also be presentations, talks, workshops and visits in conjunction with your subjects.

All Lower Sixth students attend the UCAS exhibition in Manchester and all Upper Sixth students will attend the careers fair in college.

The careers resource area has information for you to use relating to universities, apprenticeships, student finance and CV development. The Careers Team also has a dedicated section on the college intranet (Moodle) with links to lots of information and access to specialist software packages.

Work Experience

Work experience is a good way to understand a specific job role and is especially relevant for students considering a vocational course e.g. veterinary science, dentistry, medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, teaching or nursing as it allows you to develop an understanding of the job and the skills required.

There is a dedicated Work Experience Co-ordinator in college who will support and signpost you to relevant in person and virtual work experience opportunities.


We want you to have an experience of gaining good qualifications here and progressing on to the next stage in a timely way. We will offer advice and guidance at your application, interview and again at your enrolment. We will only enrol you onto a course where you meet the entry criteria and where we believe you will be successful.

If you are already aware of a challenge or difficulty, please inform us of this. It will not affect the offer we make; we will simply be better placed to help you when you begin your course. Many students receive support here at Holy Cross in a great number of ways, which are discrete and bespoke to their needs. We genuinely care about individuals and will do all we can to support every student in our care.

Core Religious Education and Chaplaincy

All students take one lesson of Core RE a week. The course covers a wide range of topics, always with the idea of helping you discover more about yourself, the world around you, your faith and the faith of others.

Why do we do RE?

1 To help you understand and express your own beliefs and worldview and to listen and respond appropriately to views different to your own.

1 To have an opportunity to have your voice heard and your identity represented in our community.

1 To share our college values of faith, compassion, humility, service, daring, vision and joy.

Why is it compulsory?

Success is not simply measured by the grades you come out with at the end of your time at Holy Cross. We have a duty to develop you as a whole person so this includes not only intellectually, but also socially, morally, spiritually and emotionally. RE is one of the ways we do this. You will gain a tremendous amount from Holy Cross over your time with us, so engaging in RE is one of the ways you can contribute back to the community here.

What will I gain from RE?

RE is the one lesson in the week where you can simply be yourself without the focus on your progress or academic abilities. Because of this, you should become more confident in your own beliefs and ideas. You will also develop important life skills such as critical thinking, debate, interpersonal skills, responsibility, empathy and respect. Everyone has something to contribute to RE and you might be surprised at how much you’ll gain.

What enrichment groups are there in the RE Department?

1 4C (College Community for Charities and Campaigns)

1 Chaplaincy groups

1 Equality Ambassadors

1 Faith Ambassadors

1 Prism (LGBT+ with allies)

Here are some student views about Core RE:

I love RE! The content and structure of the lessons forced the students to question their beliefs about themselves and the community around them to gain a more positive and inclusive mindset.

I am sure that there is something in each lesson that at least one person can benefit from and due to that, these lessons have been brilliant for students to attend at the college.”

“RE is extremely organised and such an enjoyable course that has challenged my opinions on many social and religious issues and has developed my debate and listening skills greatly. Thank you, Holy Cross, RE department!”

“Thank you to the RE team for being so approachable and having opportunities such as the 4C Group.

The Children’s Christmas party has been one of my favourite memories of Holy Cross. I also like how RE has such a relaxed atmosphere.

The Chaplaincy

The Chaplaincy plays a key role in fostering the mission and ethos of Holy Cross College. We aim to provide students and staff with opportunities to develop spiritually, morally, and intellectually.

We are very proud of our Catholic tradition whilst also welcoming students and staff of all faiths.

There are many ways for us to develop our faith life.

Some of these include:

1 Full-time Lay Chaplain available to offer guidance and support

1 College Chapel

1 Chaplaincy Room

1 Monthly Feast Day Mass

1 Monthly Themed Liturgy / Prayer Service

1 GIFT Team

1 Eco Group

1 Lunchtime Chaplaincy Activities to help grow in fellowship and faith

1 Daily morning prayer

1 Chapel available for personal prayer all day, every day

1 A room is available for those of other faiths who wish to pray at lunch times

1 An annual pilgrimage to Lourdes, a chance for our students to volunteer in assisting sick and elderly pilgrims

1 Community work, for example a Christmas party for children from local special needs schools

1 Staff and student assemblies throughout the church’s year and academic year

1 4C Charities Group

1 Mindfulness and Meditation Sessions

1 Staff and Student Retreats

1 Liturgical Assemblies

1 Student Prayer and Liturgy Group

1 Chaplaincy Group

1 Faith Ambassadors Group

1 Spectrum Bereavement Group

1 SVP Group

Caring for and Supporting Students

In keeping with the mission and ethos of Holy Cross, pastoral care is a major priority for us. We aim to provide a safe and secure environment in which you can study and thrive.

We have a strong commitment to value each person as an individual and to enable all our students to maximise their potential during their time with us.

We welcome applications from students with learning difficulties, disabilities, or particular educational needs. You will have a specialist Progress Tutor who will monitor your progress and our dedicated Learning Support Team are there to support you if you have any difficulties during your time at college.

College Dress Code

Please refer to the college website regarding information on student dress code

Your academic progress is discussed regularly with your teachers. The individual action plans developed from these discussions give you and your parents or carers valuable information about what you need to do to achieve your full potential. Our relationship with parents and carers plays an important part in our students’ success. Our Connect Portal holds information on a student’s timetable and attendance, progress grades, exam results and detailed careers advice.

Counselling service

We offer a confidential counselling service which is available to discuss more personal matters, linking with outside agencies that can offer additional help and guidance to students as appropriate.

Safeguarding and Prevent Policy at Holy Cross

We recognise our responsibilities with regard to the protection of young people. We are fully committed to acting in accordance with our legal duty to protect all members of our college community and to keep them safe. Full details of the policy can be found on the college website or by writing to the Assistant Principal (Students).

No Smoking

We are a non-smoking / vaping college and smoking / vaping is not permitted inside or around the immediate perimeter of the college building.

Supporting your learning

Our Learning Support team has experience of working with students with a wide range of disabilities and other support needs. The support and resources available are negotiated on an individual basis, to meet your needs in the best possible way. Please contact us to discuss how our team could help you.

The Library

Holy Cross Library has a wide-ranging collection of materials to support you in your studies including books to support your curriculum needs and an excellent fiction collection for leisure reading. We also provide 24/7 access to e-resources which includes e-books, available to you whether you are on site or at home.

Our fabulous welcoming library space has a number of study areas available to suit differing learning needs, such as group study tables, quiet study carrels and bookable rooms for project work.

We are open 5 days a week, including until 8.00pm Tuesday – Thursday during term-time.

Our facilities include:

1 PC and Wi-Fi access

1 Charging points for mobile devices

1 Laptop Loans

1 Printing and photocopying

1 Stationery for sale

Admissions and Choosing Your Course

We welcome applications from students of all faiths and those of none. As a result, we have a wonderfully diverse student population.

It is important to choose the right subjects for you, to give you the best chance of gaining access to the next stage of your career when you leave college. When choosing your subjects please visit: www. holycross.ac.uk/admissions/choosing-your-subjects

In offering places, we consider the following:

1 Your online application form

1 Discussions at interview

1 A reference from your school

1 The date of receipt of the application form, if it arrives after the closing date

1 Our Admissions Policy (available on our website)

We are looking for committed, passionate and hard working students. We try to keep our GCSE tariff as welcoming as we possibly can for the courses we offer; specific entry requirements are available on our website in our ‘Courses’ section (www.holycross.ac.uk). Offers of a place are always conditional on whether you meet these entry requirements and receipt of a supportive and satisfactory reference from your school.

Applications are completed on-line via our website; the system is open from early October each year and students are strongly advised to complete applications by the deadline indicated.

CASE STUDY – Sophie Stanford

Subjects studied: History, Spanish, Law, EPQ

BA History at University of Manchester (First Class honours – Dean’s List)

MA History at University of Manchester (Distinction)

PhD History at University of Manchester (2024-2028)

My time at Holy Cross allowed me to pursue my interests and gain the confidence to aspire to a career in academia.

Studying at Holy Cross was an extraordinary experience that has profoundly shaped my future. The college’s supportive environment and dedicated teachers played a pivotal role in nurturing my passion for History, Law, and Spanish. Their guidance and encouragement helped me excel academically, laying a strong foundation for my higher education journey, which has culminated in me receiving a full scholarship to undertake a PhD in History at the University of Manchester.

The rigorous academic training I received prepared me exceptionally well for my studies at the University of Manchester, where I achieved a

First in BA History and a Distinction in MA History. These accomplishments, along with receiving the prestigious Dean’s List Award for being in the top 0.5% of graduates, are a testament to the quality of education and skills I acquired at Holy Cross.

One of the standout aspects of my time at Holy Cross was the exceptional language instruction. The language skills I developed, particularly in Spanish, have enabled me to self-study Russian and Japanese, both of which are crucial for my current PhD research.

The opportunity to undertake an EPQ at Holy Cross has also been incredibly influential in my academic journey. My project on Japanese American internment camps in Hawaii not only solidified my decision to study History at University but also directly inspired my PhD research on the Japanese American redress movement.

I am immensely grateful to my incredible teachers at Holy Cross for their unwavering support and excellent mentorship. The college has had a lasting impact on my academic journey, playing an instrumental role in helping me discover and pursue my passions, ultimately leading me to where I am today.


Enrichment is a very important part of your education at Holy Cross and there are many activities, events and excursions for you to take part in throughout your time here.

These opportunities help you to develop as a person, broadening your skills, knowledge and understanding. Many of them introduce you to the worlds of work and further study and taking part in them will help to make you more attractive to universities and future employers. All help you to learn about yourself: what you enjoy and what you are good at. Enrichment widens your understanding beyond the courses you are studying and is key to being part of the College community. We aim to make every activity accessible and affordable to all.

All students are expected to do at least six hours of enrichment in each academic year though in practice, many do a lot more. As part of your induction to the

College you will be introduced to the enrichment programme for the year ahead so that you can choose the things you would like to be involved in and thus plan your time effectively. Below are some examples of recent enrichment opportunities:

Events and visits:

1 Business Means Business Day – talks and workshops by various companies on careers in Business and Finance

1 University Open Days and Taster Days

1 Visits by local MPs and members of the House of Lords

1 Workshop with the Royal Exchange Youth Company

1 Performing Arts London Residential visit

1 Visit to Shrewsbury Prison

1 Visits to Home Cinema

1 Visits to museums and galleries

Activities in College:

1 Various Book/Reading Groups

1 Chess Club

1 Debate Club

1 Case Files (run by Criminology)

1 The Collective – our own student-based Art & Design Company

1 The College Production

1 Various competitive sports teams

1 Recreational sports

1 Duke of Edinburgh

1 Student Representative Council (SRC)

…and many more…

Sport, Visual Arts and Performing Arts

At Holy Cross we enjoy one of the best reputations in the North West for Sports and the Arts.


At Holy Cross we enjoy a very strong sporting reputation. Our sports teams and individuals consistently achieve a high degree of success in a variety of sports, and these can be enjoyed at a competitive and/or recreational level.

Team and Recreational Sports

Our students have represented Holy Cross in sports at local, regional and national levels. This includes football, netball, rugby, cross country, hockey, volleyball, athletics and golf. Wednesday afternoons are timetabled for those taking part in sport and we enter a large number of competitions through our affiliation to the North West Colleges League, sporting governing bodies, and the Association of Colleges National Championships.

We also offer a variety of recreational sports every lunchtime, from basketball to badminton, football to cricket. Any student from any subject is welcome to attend team or recreational activities.


Students who excel in their sport are encouraged to gain selection for county or national teams. For any student competing at this level or higher, there is a Sports Scholarship scheme providing some financial and timetabling assistance to meet individual needs.

Supporting your future

Sport will also strengthen and enrich your personal statement. It illustrates to university admissions departments and prospective employers that you have some of the qualities they are looking for. These qualities include physical resilience, good health, teamwork, commitment and a sense of purpose, passion and enthusiasm as well as wider interests.

Visual Arts

It is ideas that have stood front and centre in the recent history of Art and Design.

Art and Design at Holy Cross mirrors this, as students are encouraged to explore a diverse range of sources, generating practical work where ideas are developed in Art & Design, Graphics, Photography or Textiles.

These disciplines can be life-affirming, life-changing, teachable, learnable, intellectual and an unbelievably exciting way to look at the world.

Students find the most inventive, personal and innovative approaches to making artwork, taking ownership of the creative process, solving problems and arriving at a place often beyond their expectations.

Art & Design is celebrated in and around the college, as well as in the huge final exhibition, held off site for the past thirteen years.

As a department we believe it is critical for our students to develop a number of skills to help prepare them for a career within the creative industry, and in 2017 we launched ‘The Collective Project’ as a space / platform / opportunity for our students to further develop and share creative practice. The Collective is an eclectic group of inspired young artists and designers at Holy Cross College who have been involved in exploring and creatively responding to an ambitious array of topics. Since its inception, more than 300 students have contributed to the programme and today it has grown to be an exemplary demonstration of student initiative and capability. Now operating as a self-run, highly developed organisation our students are putting their skills as artists and designers into practice.

We have held exhibitions attended by thousands of people, distributed over 7,000 publications, and raised over £8,000 as a successful business to fund their creative endeavours.

For more information please see: www.hcccollective.co.uk

Performing Arts

We are a close-knit family of subjects that offer a lively and exciting enrichment programme to support our students and offer them a wide variety of extended performance opportunities. Over the past few years, we have staged the musicals: Oliver!, Sweet Charity and Little Shop of Horrors and the operas ‘Requiem’ and ‘L’enfant et les Sortilèges,’ alongside Dance and Christmas Evenings and our ever popular Live Music Nights.

We stage most of our public performances in our newly refurbished hall. The department also hosts a Drama Studio; Dance Studio; Recording and Mixing Studio and 5 Music Rehearsal rooms.

We seize opportunities for our students to perform within our local community, with performances at The Lowry Theatre; Bury Met; Ramsbottom Music Festival; Carol Singing at Manchester Markets and band performances at Glaston-Bury. Staff in the department have a variety of industry expertise and will help you to develop your performance technique and there is plenty of direct support that will prepare you for future auditions.

Within the department, we have a Director of Music who organises our thriving 40+ Choir and Chamber Choir which meets weekly. We also have a choral scholarship programme for our most ambitious singers. Aside from this, we offer instrumental and voice lessons with a dedicated team of professional musicians.

We run weekly rehearsals with the orchestra, jazz band and guitar ensemble, a biennial Music Tour (previous trips have included Paris and Freiburg) and also an annual Performing Arts trip to London.

If developing skills as a theatre or sound technician is more for you, there are opportunities to work with industry-standard lighting and sound equipment. You don’t have to study Performing Arts subjects to take part in the many cultural activities available at Holy Cross – they are open to all. We just ask for determination, enthusiasm and a can-do attitude!

Holy Cross

Sixth Form College

Think well, feel well, do well

Holy Cross College is situated conveniently close to Bury town centre and approximately 1/2 mile from the bus and metrolink station giving access to all nearby towns and to central Manchester (Victoria and Piccadilly stations).

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