Sixth Form Prospectus
“outstanding and inspirational leadership” Ofsted Nov 2008
Welcome I am delighted to welcome you to The Jo Richardson Community School Sixth Form. We have a wealth of professional expertise, challenging courses and stimulating activities to ensure your success on your chosen pathway. Subject staff are well qualified to teach A level and vocational courses and excel in bringing out the best in all the students they work with. They are dedicated to working hard with you and providing a high level of professional teaching. There will also be staff responsible for the mentoring and care of students through a tutor group system and a range of opportunities for one-to-one guidance and support. Mary Wren – Director of Sixth Form
Curriculum Alongside our extensive range of A level courses we also offer practical, work-related courses. There are opportunities for community service, young enterprise, sport, music, drama, university visits, careers advice and plenty of social events. We provide a programme of academic events run by the consortium to improve your study skills, your chances of getting to university and your self-confidence.
The Very Best Facilities It is over 40 years since a new secondary school has been built in the Borough. The opportunity to design a building equipped to meet the requirements of the 21st century has meant our new premises on Castle Green are outstanding. All teaching spaces are large enough to allow for the most effective teaching methods to take place. Specialist subjects are resourced with the latest equipment and facilities.
Achievement Our first ever students have just gone on to a wide range of careers and to university courses. Many gained Btec Distinctions in business, music, sport science and dance. Others achieved high grades in mathematics, sciences, history and ICT. Our current Upper Sixth are on track for even higher grades and distinctions in August 2010.
A Culture of Success We are uncompromising about achieving our goal of “Success for All�. Our focus is on ensuring lessons are well-planned and well delivered by wellqualified teachers in a disciplined environment. We want our students to feel happy, secure and enjoy coming to school. We are committed to forming positive relationships with parents and keeping them informed of students’ targets and progress.
Jo Richardson Sixth Form helps you become a great independent learner, you learn new skills that help you on the path towards university. James
How to Apply To apply follow the links on the school web site or use the southern consortium website
“ Although Sixth Form offers lots of independence to each student, you aren’t always on your own. As much as you are allowed to work alone there is always a teacher for support.” Jake
“ Jo Richardson has great facilities compared to other Sixth Forms.” Becky
“ For the first time I’ve enjoyed going to and staying at school. I got great A-Level results and more than that I have learnt a great deal and gained in so much confidence.” Rob
Castle Green, Gale Street, Dagenham, Essex RM9 4UN Tel: 020 8270 6222 Email: