Introduction from the PrincipaL It gives me the greatest of pleasure to welcome you to something very special— Saint John Bosco College, the brand new 11–18 Roman Catholic School for the London Borough of Wandsworth, opening in September 2011. A voluntary-aided school within the trusteeship of the Salesians of Don Bosco and the Archdiocese of Southwark, our ethos is based on the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the educational approach of Saint John Bosco. Whilst our admissions policy gives priority to children in Wandsworth Catholic primary schools, we welcome students from other faiths and backgrounds, and we lay particular emphasis on respecting diversity and celebrating the dignity of each and every person.
In seeking academic excellence with each and every learner, we will ensure that they are able to face the personal and global challenges of an ever changing and complex world, both during their time at school and after they leave us to take up their place in society. We will move in to our new, state-of-the-art building in Surrey Lane, Battersea, in September 2013. Until then, we will be based in temporary accommodation in Princes Way, SW19. If you feel that you would like to be part of this outstanding experience, we would be delighted to hear from you so that we can tell you more about the College, explain how we work and answer any questions you may have. You will be most welcome.
Neal McGowan – Principal
Founded on the educational philosophy of Saint John Bosco, which places great store on the importance of relationships, we are a school which is committed to being inclusive and developing excellence and achievement with all our learners. Our aim is to achieve excellence with each and every student, irrespective of what challenges they may face. Working in partnership with parents and carers, our goal is quite clear: to ensure that our students develop with grace, balance and wisdom as human beings who are able, in the words of the prophet Micah, “to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God.”
“ It is not enough for young people to be loved – they must know that they are loved.” SAINt John Bosco
The Curriculum Learning and human formation lie at the heart of everything we do, and in addition to the excellent general education students will receive, they will benefit from our specialism of business and enterprise, with an emphasis on globalisation and internationalism. We recognise that the future of many of our students will lie within the arena of the vibrant business communities based in the Borough of Wandsworth, as well as the City of London and beyond. We are a Salesian school, which means we are part of a world-wide family of learning communities based in over 130 countries, so our students will be outward looking people who understand their place in the world and the importance of community in the broadest sense.
Our curriculum is personalised and responsive to the needs of individual learners. We operate a two-year Key Stage 3, which lays foundations for future learning, builds core skills and develops new experiences designed to engage and motivate all our students. Key Stage 4 takes place over Years 9, 10 and 11, with a number of alternative pathways available for students to meet their needs and interests in both academic and vocational learning. Our keys to success are outstanding teaching, supporting individual needs and flexible pathways.
“Education is the great engine to personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mineworker can become head of the mine, that the child of farm workers can become president of a great nation. It is what we make of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another.� Nelson Mandela
Learning and Teaching We will manage students’ learning by employing different strategies to ensure that they are engaged and motivated in all their subjects and activities. In Key Stage 3, as well as focusing on regular subject teaching, there will be opportunities for cross-curricular and thematic learning. All Key Stages will have ‘immersion days’ throughout the year to allow for deep and extended learning. Learning and teaching will incorporate effective use of information and communications technology, including the use of mobile and collaborative technologies to ensure that students’ experiences are relevant, motivating, personalised and reflect life beyond the school. All students will have personalised attainment and achievement targets set each year, and their progress towards achieving these will be reported regularly to parents/carers. All student information relating to attainment, achievement, attendance and behaviour will be available on-line to ensure that parents and carers can be fully involved in their children’s learning and progress.
Religious Education and Faith Formation Religious Education will be taught in all Key Stages in accordance with the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, with all students sitting at least one GCSE in the subject by the end of Key Stage 4. There will be an explicit commitment to supporting the social teaching of the Catholic Church, with students being directly involved in fund raising and aid projects through organisations such as CAFOD. Our students will take part in retreats and pilgrimages, including the possibility of visiting Saint John Bosco’s original foundation in Turin. We have excellent links with the Archdiocese and the Salesians, and will also involve local clergy in our liturgy, retreat and Religious Education curriculum. Our assembly programme is based around the liturgical calendar, as well as events such as Fair Trade Fortnight. Prayer and collective worship form an integral part of the daily life of the College, and we will celebrate our Faith throughout the year through House and School Masses, as well as through Feast Days and other joyful occasions.
“This is what we are about: We plant seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produces effects far beyond our capability.” Archbishop Oscar Romero
Special Educational Needs It is our aim to ensure that all students gain equal access to the curriculum. This is best achieved when learners with special needs are supported, wherever possible, in mainstream classes. Although this will be managed by our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, all staff have a responsibility for supporting students with SEN through personalising the learning, adapting the curriculum materials and organising their teaching to suit the styles and needs of individual students. Dedicated Teaching Assistants will be used to support students with particular needs and those with Statements of SEN. Our college will have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder Base, and will have the capacity to support around 25 students from across Wandsworth. This Base will provide dedicated support and teaching to these students, as well as ensuring that, wherever possible, they are integrated into mainstream classes. Students have different gifts and talents, and our teaching and learning policy will ensure that those learners who have particular strengths, whether they are academic, sporting, artistic, musical or of any other form, will have these identified, supported and developed through our gifted and talented strategy.
Pastoral Care All our students will belong to a ‘vertical’ Tutor Group, which will include students from all year groups. This arrangement will benefit younger learners, as well as giving responsibility to older students. It will be led by a Group Tutor who will have the day-to-day responsibility for looking after students’ progress and pastoral needs. Group Tutors will be the first point of contact for parents and carers. Tutor Groups will each belong to one of five Houses, which will be led by an Assistant Principal and a House Pastoral Leader to ensure that both academic and pastoral issues are seen as a whole, and not dealt with in isolation.
Broader Learning In Saint John Bosco College, we believe that learning does not just take place in the classroom. When students enrol with us, we will commit to 12 personal learning pledges which will ensure this happens. We support the wider development of students through a broad enrichment programme, which is an entitlement for all students, and there is an expectation that everyone will take part in it. Activities include competitive team sports, drama productions, musical concerts, public speaking, debating and art exhibitions. The curriculum is put in context through regular trips and visits to the theatre, concerts, museums, art galleries and sporting events. As part of our specialism, students will have a direct involvement with business and enterprise at all key stages, both within the classroom, but also in setting personal goals and targets for themselves, for the remainder of their time at school and for their future lives. Student Voice will be central to our way of working, and will be organised through our House and College Councils, as well as through the Prefect Systems in Years 11, 12 and 13. Our Head Girl and Boy will meet regularly with the Principal and other staff to play their part in the running of the College.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.� Sir Ken Robinson
Sixth Form Our Sixth Form opens in 2013 and will cater for students of all ability levels and interests. We will offer a rigorous and academic programme of A levels, building close links with universities and higher education institutions, and for those students who may be interested, consideration will be given to following the International Baccalaureate. Our vocational and applied learning programmes will be of the highest quality, some of which will be delivered in the college through purpose built facilities and accommodation, with others being offered in partnership with other schools and colleges across Wandsworth and beyond.
“ The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.� John F Kennedy
Saint John Bosco College Children’s Services Department Wandsworth Town Hall London SW18 2PU T: 020 8871 8013 F: 020 8871 8011 E: