Nodyn Note
roeso i Rifyn arall o gylchgrawn DHFF sydd wedi ei gynhyrchu gan griw ifanc o Flaenau Ffestiniog. Mae’r Rhifyn hon yn un eitha’ arbennig ac wedi ei greu i ddathlu 5 mlynedd o ddefnydd Gwallgofiaid a Cellb o’r Hen Orsaf Heddlu a Llys Ynadon ym Mlaenau Ffestiniog. Rydym am roi ychydig bach o hanes yr Hen Orsaf Heddlu ac hanes yr alwedigaeth greadigol o’r Orsaf fel Cell (neu Y Gell, neu bellach Cellb) a sbïo i’r dyfodol ar gynlluniau a syniadau i gipio’r adeilad i’r oes newydd a chyffroes yma yn y Blaenau. Reit, dyna ddiwedd ar y siarad serious. Darllenwch ymlaen…
elcome to another edition of the DHFF Magazine which has been produced by youngsters from Blaenau Ffestiniog. This edition is quite special, as it has been created especially to celebrate 5 years of Gwallgofiaid and CellB’s use of the Old Police Station and Magistrates Court in Blaenau Ffestiniog. In this edition we’ll give a brief history of the Old Police Station and it’s new life as Cell (Or Y Gell, or by now CellB). We’ll also look to the future at our developing projects to take the building into a new exciting age here in Blaenau Ffestiniog. Right, now that the serious stuff is out of the way. You may proceed…
I Wil ac Olwen a fy ngwraig amyneddgar ac i’r person bach yn fol ei fam
O BaBylon i CELLB FroM BaBylon To CELLB Yn Ebrill 4ydd 1915 dihangodd dau garcharor rhyfel Almaeneg o ddyffryn Aled Llansannan. Cafwyd hyd iddynt yn Llanbedr Meirionydd 7 diwrnod wedyn. Dyma lun ohonynt wedi ei handcyffio tu allan orsaf heddlu Blaenau Ffestiniog On 4 April 1915, two German prisoners of war escaped from Dyffryn Aled, Llansannan, Denbighshire. They were recaptured near Llanbedr, Merionethshire, on 11 April. This photograph was taken outside Blaenau Ffestiniog Police Station and shows the handcuffed prisoners accompanied by members of the local police force
afodd Park Square ei ddatblygu mewn lle rhyfedd iawn, rhwng Lord Street ac yr ochr dde-ddwyreiniol o Sgwar Diffwys; cafodd ei gyfyngu ymhellach gan linell dyfrbont oedd yn cario Afon Bowydd. Dechreuwyd adeiladu tai yn Park square yng nghanol yr 1870au, ond mi roedd hi’n tua 30 mlynedd nes i’r llywodraeth ddechrau adeiladu’r hen Orsaf Heddlu yn 1902. Yn 2007 cymherodd Rhys Roberts drosodd yr Hen Orsaf Heddlu a’i ddatblygu fel Ganolfan gerddoriaeth ynghyd a safle cyrsiau cymunedol a cyrsiau Coleg Harlech. Yn y cyfnod o 2007 i 2010 bu i niferoedd o fandiau gynllun Gwallgofiaid basio trwodd yn ymarfer, recordio, gigio a gwylio bandiau yn chwarae. Yn 2009 ceiswyd am ganiatad cynllunio i ategu gofod caffi ac i ddatblygu gofod bynchows. Ar drothwy cychwyn 2010 datblygwyd Gofod y Cwrt drwy dynnu yr hen nenfwd crog ac datgelu y nenfwd godidog athrawstiau sblendyd ac yna tynu y hen rath & plaster ac insiwleiddio yr holl do. Yn ystod Gaeaf 2010 cychwynodd y gwaith i greu gofod y caffi aci ddiylyn Lawnsiad agoriad y caffi gyda Prince Fatty gwelodd Cellb y y flwyddyn prysuraf yn ei Hanes ir dydd gyda niferoedd o artistiaid enfawr y Byd yn perfformio acw gyda nifer enfawr o fobl yn dod ar hael i’w gwylio.
ark Square was developed in an odd space between Lord Street and the south-east side of Diffwys Square, further constrained by the line of an aqueduct carrying the Afon Bowydd. Housing on Park Square was built in the 1870s, but the former County Police buildings were not built until 1902. In 2007 Rhys Roberts bought the old Police Station and renovated it to be made into a Musical Center which also doubled as a Course Center for the local community and the College Of Harlech. During 2007 to 2010 Numerous bands from the Gwallgofiaid plan excelled in practice, recording, gigs and developing space for a bunkhouse. At the start of the 2010, the renovation of the Court began by removing the old suspended ceiling and revealing the magnificent beach-pine beams; the renovation also consisted of removing the old rath & plaster and insulating the roof. During the winter of 2010, the work started to make space for and start building the cafe. To commemorate the launch of the new cafe, Prince Fatty visited and performed at Cell. This was also the busiest year with several famous artists coming to perform in front of enormous audiences.
e Rhys Roberts
Ffufiwyd cwmni dielw, cyfyngedig Gwallgofiaid nol yn 2003 i ddarparu gweithdai roc a D.J. Yn sgil llwyddiant y cynllun bu rhaid lledu gorwelion y cwmni i ddarparu nifer eang o weithgareddau addysg a hyfforddiant sy’n gysylltiedig a’r diwydiant cerddoriaeth megis y diwydiant creadigol a diwylliannol.
s a boy, I was given a choice. To explore my potential as a musician, making many friends and meeting new people. Or, I could start a band at Cell. Needless to say, I think I made the right choice...maybe. But all joking aside, I have some fond memories. Being a 12 year old in a heavy metal
band was certainly an interesting experience. Nowhere near the lyrical deepness of Defeated Sanity, Screamo rants about the weather was more our thing. Accidentally becoming a parody band, writing songs about ghosts and trains. Yes, ‘twas a good experience. That said, we played in a fair few concerts. And we even appeared in a Welsh music magazine called ClincR (a magazine run by Cell...yeah, not quite as impressive now
is it?). In hindsight, we did quite well for a ragtag group of pre-teen children. But the most fun had was as a group of friends. Messing about in our stinky room, writing songs and breaking light bulbs. That’s the best thing about Gwallgofiad in my opinion. It isn’t a hyperprofessional establishment, but rather a group run by a 36 year old man-child. That’s how music groups should be. It should be about fun and expression, not
GWAllgofiaid The unprofitable limited company Gwallgofiaid was formed in 2003 to provide rock and D.J. workshops. Following the success of the scheme, the company was expanded to provide a wide variety of education and training activities connected to the music industry.
el bachgen, roedd dewis weddol syml yn fy ngwynebu. I archwilio fy nyll cherdd, gwneud ffrindiau a chyfarfod pobl newydd ar y ffordd. Neu dechrau band yn Cell. A mae’n rhaid i mi ddweud, dwi’n meddwl wnes i’r dewis iawn...efallai. Ond pob jôc o’r neilltu, mae gennyf atgofion werth i’w cofio yma. Roedd bod mewn band rôc yn ddr-
wm arnaf yn 12 oed ond roedd o’n brofiad wahanol yn sicr. Doedd ein band ddim yn union mor ddyfn a ‘Defeated Sanity’, roeddwn i’n mwy gyfforddus yn cwyno am y tywydd. Wnaethom droi yn band parodi heb drio, yn ysgrifennu caneuon am ysbrydion ac trenau. Ie! amseroedd da. Ac eto, wnaethom rhywsut sgorio ychydig o gigs i fy enw. Wnaethom hyd yn oed cael erthygl yn y magasin ClincR (magasin gan y Cell...ddim mor drawodiadol wan eh?). Wrth edrych
money and money. And I am happy to say that Rhys hasn’t lost his way. Polonium and the Cell music group are a thing of a past, but from it’s ashes Cellb and its projects are here to heed the call to soak up my free time; And to be honest, I couldn’t be happier. Seeing Rhys continue to bring creativity out of the youth is refreshing, and his approach is extremely liberating. I’ve been a part of both the magazine project (evidently)
and the film project. Both have been much fun and this magazine business is a new experience for me. The upstairs has also been turned into the chillest cafe/bar I’ve ever been to. And though it’s sad to see my old practice room be turned into the boys toilets, the atmosphere of the place makes the sacrifice almost worth it. Almost.
Ifanc Creadigol Creative Youth
yn ol, wnaethom yn anhygoel o dda am grwp o plant yn eu chyn-ardegau. Ond roedd y rhan fywaf o’r hwyl iw gael fel grwp o ffrindiau. Chwarae o gwmpas yn y stinky room yn ysgrifennu canaeon a torri bylbiau. Hynna di’r peth gorau am Gwallgofiad. Tydio ddim yn sefydliad “hyper-proffesiynol”, ond yn grwp sydd yn gael ei rhedeg gan manchild o 36 mlynedd. Fel yna y dylai grwpiau miwsig fod. Ddylsa fo fod am yr hwyl a’r cymhelliant, nid am arian. A dwi’n
falch i weld fod di Rhys ddim di newid. Mae Polonium a’r grwpiau cerddoriaeth Cell wedi mynd, ond mae Cellb a prosiectau newydd wedi codi i ddwyn mwy o fy amser. Ac i ddweud y gwir, dwi’n llawer fwy hapus ers iddyn nhw ddechrau. Mae gweld Rhys yn dod a’r creadigrwydd allan or ifanc yn chwa o awyr iach, ac mae ei ddull yn rhydd iawn. Dwi’n rhan o’r prosiect magasin (yn amlwg) ac yr un ffilm hefyd. Mae’r ddwy yn eithriadol o hwyl ac mae’r ma-
gasin yn profiad newydd i mi. Mae’r ystafelloedd fyny grisiau wedi’w ail-agor fel caffi/bar, ac i ddweud y gwir hwnnw yw’r un cyfforddus dwi erioed di fod ynddo. Er ei fod o’n drist i weld yn hen ‘stafell ymarfer di troi yn toiled dynion, mae’r atmosffer bron a neud i fyny am dan ‘ddo. Bron.
e Aled Davies
caffi › bar
AR AGOR Mawrth a Mercher 11am - 4pm Iau, Gwener a Sadwrn 11am - 11.30pm Sul 12pm - 5pm
OPEN Tue & Wed 11am - 4pm Thur, Fri & Sat 11am - 11.30pm
+ arddangosfa Celf lleol / local Artists exhibition ... David Nash & more + Modeli Trens Wil Gloddfa / Scale Train Models Exhibition Gerddi Picnic Garden until 7pm
Sun 12pm - 5pm Cellb, Park Square, Blaenau Ffestiniog. LL41 3AD 01766 832 001
Yn ystod y Haf 2013 mi fydd y Bwyty yn cael ei leoli yn y Cwrt tra’n gadael gofod y bar i fod yn wel BAR! Gwyliwch allan am ei’n Bwydlen Bwyty newydd sbon Yn ogystal gwyliwch allan am Fwydlen Bar “gyrls a bois” gyda deals bwyd 2 for 1
LADIES NIGHT “CAKES & COCKTAILS” Nos Wenar 12 & 26 Gorffenaf
hefyd … Pob Nos Wenar a Sadwrn 9.30pm-10.30pm fydd “Awr Hapius C&C” gyda deals 2 am Un ar Spirirts a Rhai Coctels ynghyd a Pitchers 2 am £15
Caryl & Cerys WHAT TO EXPECT?
During the Summer our Restaurant will be located in the Old Court Room which will leave our bar free ...to be well a BAR! Look out for the new menu @ our Restaurant DURING THE SUMMER OF 2013 WEES WILL BE ON SABBATICAL TO SPEND TIME WITH HIS WIFE & BABY! SO HERE’S INTRODUCING YOU TO TWO LOCAL YOUNG WELSH SPEAKING LADIES THAT ARE READY TO WELCOME YOU … DRUM ROLL …
also look out for the 2 for 1 Bar Meal deals ;)
also … every Friday & Saturday 9.30pm-10.30pm C&C’s Happy Hour! 2 for 1 deals on limited cocktails & spirits + deals on Pitchers 2 for 1
CrEU’r OlyGfa
n 1935, roedd Blaenau Ffestiniog yn gartref i’r ffilm Cymraeg gyntaf gyda sain! Yn ystod yr adeg hon roedd yna bump sinema yn y dref, gyda sioe pob dydd. Sgipiwch ymlaen i’r 60au, doedd yna ddim un sinema yma! Sgipiwch eto i’r 90au, a wnaeth perchenog yr unig pics yn y dre’ cael ei ddal ar ôl lladd 4 person...Blaenau Mega Cŵl. Ond tydi’r stori ddim yn gorffen yn fan ‘na. Mae ‘na ola’ ddisglair o’r silverlight wedi dechrau wthio’i ffordd i mewn i’r dre. Ond mae ‘na mwy ‘na hynna! ‘Da ni yn DHFF wedi dechrau ‘neud ffilmiau ein hunan. Felly, pam mor gloomy? Well mae’n gymaint o herald of the apocalypse a mae o’n fendith. Dwi’m yn jocian! Yn ôl Hollywood, ‘da ni’n nofio mewn zombies. Peidiwch a chamgymryd, dwi’n meddwl mae o’n briliant! Dwi just ddim yn ddallt. Granted, Mae Blaenau’n gallu edrych yn dead withia...iawn, yn aml,
ond tydi hynny’n mwy o sein fod fyddan ni’n iawn. Dwi gwbod dwi’m yn arbenigwr, ond ‘sa fi’n meddwl fod un cydran bwysig o Zombie hoard ydi...o ‘dwi’m yn gwbod...y blydi hoard efallai? Ond mae’n rhaid ddeud, mae’n ysgogol i weld fy nghartra ar y sgrin fawr, er ei fod o’n llawn efo digon o farwolaeth i neud Genghis Khan grio. Efaillai fy mod i’n fod ychdig o hypocrit yn fanna, wrth ystyried fy mod i wedi neidio ar y bandwagon marwolaeth fy hun. Blynddoedd yn ôl wnes i gyd-gyfarwyddo ffilm o’r enw ‘Purdan’ (Purgatory), felly roedd yr holl beth yn llythrennol troi o amgylch pobl sydd ‘di marw. Roedd y prif gymeriad yn ddynas wnaeth cael ei chwalu mewn crash (ddim yn y ffilm yn anffodus), ac roedd rhaid iddi mynd trwy system fedra’i ond ddisgrifio mewn 3 gair. Cyfweliad Swydd Ol-farwolaeth (siriysli). Ac mae’n rhaid iddi fyd ar siwrna i ddysgu am yr holl ddryga ‘nath hi yn fyw. Iawn, neith o ddim enill Oscar, ond dwi’n meddwl wnaetho’ ni taro’r genre ‘macabre-com-
edy’ (‘di hynna’n beth?) ar ei ben. Sgipiwch ymlaen un waith eto i’r presenol, a mae’r criw DHFF films ‘di wedi tyfu’n eithriadol (Gena ni 6 aelod! Iawn, ddim hynna eithriadol...) Gyda’r cyfrwng ffilm yn alleuogi i ni ddefnyddio gymaint o ffyrdd allbynnu, ‘da ni ar mission i adael i’r fyd wbod fod ‘di pawb o Blaenau ddim drug addicts inbred sydd yn treisio defiad...‘mond y rhan fwyaf. Gennym rhai prosiectiau ar hyn o bryd sydd yn amrywio o dogfenni i ffilmiau byr, ac yn obeithiol ffilmiau llawn. Nawr efallai ‘da chi’n poeni, alla grwp o ddan-20au neud ffilm i safon ‘Y Chwarelwr” chwedlonol? Probabli ddim, on allai addo yr un lefel o cabledd, sarcasm a beirniadaeth ‘da chi wdi ddod i ddisgwyl gan DHFF, ni wnaeth ‘sgwenu fo ar diwedd y dydd.
e Aled Davies
n 1935, Blaenau Ffestiniog was home to the first ever film produced through the Welsh medium. During this period there were 5 Cinema’s in the Town, with a screening every single day. Skip on to the Swinging 60’s & the Town had none! Then fast forward to the 90’s & the attempts to re-open a cinema for the first time in almost 50 years were immediately ceased as the proprietor was convicted and charged of 4 murders. Blaenau Ffestiniog ladies and gentlemen! But that isn’t the end of the story. There’s a new beacon of the silverlight beginning to inch its way into town. And that isn’t all! We here at DHFF even have our own start-up film team. So why so gloomy? The film scene seems to be picking up quite well right? Well... Remember that beacon that I mentioned earlier? Well it’s as much of a herald of the apocalypse as it is our saviour. You think I’m kidding? I’m talking about the growing trend of directors throwing us
into the Zombie meat grinder. Don’t get me wrong, I think this is awesome as balls! I just don’t get it. Granted, Blaenau can seem rather dead at times...okay a lot of the time. But isn’t that more of a sign that we’d be fine in the Zombie apocalypse. I know I’m no expert, but isn’t it safe to assume that one requirement a zombie hoard is, you know, a hoard? But I must admit, seeing my home on the silver screen is rather refreshing, even if it is sprawling with enough death to make Genghis Khan cry. I realise that I’m being a bit hypocritical here, seeing as I have also jumped on this death bandwagon myself. A few years ago I was a co-director for a film called ‘Purdan’(Purgatory), which literally means it revolves around dead people. The main character is a woman who was brutally crushed in a car crash (which wasn’t shown unfortunately), and had to go through a system which can only be described in 3 words. Afterlife job interview (seriously). And so she
goes on a journey, learning about all of her misdeeds in life. Admittedly, it isn’t going to win any Oscars, but I think we nailed the ‘macabre-comedy’ genre (is that even a thing?). Now fast forward to present day, the DHFF film crew has grown tremendously (we now have 6 members! Okay, not that tremendously then...). With the film media having such a broad output potential, we aim to let the world know that Blaenau isn’t entirely made up of inbred, sheep fondling drug addicts. Only most of us. We have a few projects planned that range from documentaries to short films, and hopefully full blown movies. Now I know what you might be worried, can a bunch of under 20’s make anything comparable to legendary “Y Chwarelwr”? Probably not, but I can guarantee the same level of profanity, sarcasm and criticism that you have come to expect from DHFF. After all, we wrote it.
n ein barn ni, mi fysai’n syniad gwell tasai Peter Jackson (cyfarwyddwr, cynhyrchydd ac ysgrifennydd sgrin y trioleg ‘Lord of the Rings’) wedi defnyddio Blaenau Ffestiniog fel set i ‘Mordor’ er mwyn arbed arian, lleihau’r defnydd o CGI* (Am ei bod hi mor blydi gwag yma!), Ond hefyd mi fasai’n manteisiol i ni! (I ni cal brolio!) Mae Mordor yn ardal ffugiol sydd yn cael ei rheoli gan Sauron. Mae wedi cael ei cynllunio fel bod o’n cael ei amgylchynnu gan tri prif mynydd, sef y Mynydd llwch y gogledd, mynydd y gorllewin (mynydd y cysgod), a mynyddoedd di-enw y de. Mae hyn yn debyg iawn i tri prif mynydd yn Blaenau- Moelwyn Mawr, Moelwyn Bach ac Nyth Y Gigfran (Coincidence? I think not!) Ond mae’n rhaid bod rhai cyfarwyddwyr wedi deallt y manteision hyn, gan bod Blaenau Ffestiniog a’r ardal lleol wedi cael ei ddefnyddio mewn nifer fawr o ffilmiau gwahanol fel sydd wedi cael ei profi isod. Un o’r ffilmiau mwyaf sylweddol ac agos i’n calonau fel Cymry yw “Y Chwarelwyr”. Hon oedd y ffilm cyntaf erioed i gael ei ffilmio yn yr iaith Gymraeg felly roedd hi’n gam enfawr yn datblygiad ein cyfrwng; wrth iddi arddangos harddwch naturiol yr ardal (Pfft, pwy da ni’n trio kiddio?) a dangos amodau byw gweithwyr Blaenau ar y pryd (Oedd o’n reit blydi drwg ar y pryd i fod yn deg). *(Delweddau a gynhyrchwyd gyda chyfrifiadur)
Blaenau, THE Next Mordor
e Morgan Williams
ere at DHFF, we feel that Peter Jackson (film director, producer and screenwriter of the Lord of the Rings trilogy) should have used Blaenau Ffestiniog as the set for Mordor, not only as it would save money and decrease the amount of CGI* used (Because it’s bloody barren here), but also as it would be beneficial to us! (So we can brag!) Mordor is a fictional part of ‘Middle Earth’ ruled by Sauron and surrounded by three main mountains, on the north side (Ash Mountain), Fence of Shadow in the west and a range of unknown mountains in the south. There are also three main mountains in Blaenau Ffestiniog - Moelwyn Mawr, Moelwyn Bach and Nyth Cigfran (Coincidence? I think not!) However other directors seem to have caught onto this idea, as Blaenau and the local area have appeared in numerous films as will be proven below. The most significant of these films and one closest to our hearts is “The Quarrymen”. This was the first ever Welsh film made and was a large stepping stone in the development of our medium; as it displayed the area’s natural beauty (Pfft, who are we kidding?) and also showed the life of an average quarryman in Blaenau Ffestiniog and the living conditions surrounding many workers at the time (Which to be fair, were appalling at the time). *(Computer Generated Images)
MERLIN (2004)
Hon oedd y ffilm cyntaf i gael ei ffilmio yn yr iaith Gymraeg oedd yn seiliedig ar storiau teuluoedd chwarelwyr yn Blaenau Ffestiniog (Gawn ni obeithio nad yw o mor ddiflas a’r peth go iawn!)
Rhaglen teledu daeth yn boblogaidd iawn, cymysgedd o ffantasi ac antur, cafodd ei ffilmio a gwmpas Llanberis, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Capel Curig, Ynys Mon, Betws Garmon (Bechod wnaeth nhw ddim defnyddio hud i cael gwared o’r blydi glaw)
This was the first film made in the Welsh language and tells the story of slate mining families around Blaenau Ffestiniog (Let’s hope it’s not as boring as the real thing!)
The adventure fantasy British TV series that became a surprising hit, landed its fifth season in 2012 and was filmed around Llanberis, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Capel Curig, Ynys Môn, Betws Garmon. (Pity they didn’t use a spell to stop the bloody rain eh?)
Cafodd Llechwedd ei ddefnyddio fel set i’r ffilm Disney clasurol hon. Pan gafodd ei wneud yn 1985 hwn oedd y animeiddiad drytaf i gael ei wneud. (Hyn mae’n siwr di’r mwyaf ma rhywun di gwario yn Blaenau, oni bai da chi’n mynd i EuroSpar ynde?)
Llechwedd Slate Caverns used as the set of this Disney classic. At the time of release (1985) this was the most expensive animated film to be made. (This is probably the most money ever spent near Blaenau aswell, unless of course you go to EuroSpar)
Two episodes were filmed in Cwt Y Bugail and on Snowdon (Of all the places in the entire Universe, and he comes to Wales... What an idiot.)
THE KEEP (1983)
Wrth rhoi’r jocs gyd i un ochr, hwn yw’r ffilm gwaethaf i gael ei wneud; beth bynnag da chi’n i’w wneud peidiwch a’i wylio. Ffilm am ddynas sy’n colli’w thad fel plentyn ac yn rhoi y bai ar ei phrifathro ac mae’n dod yn ol I BLAENAU er mwyn cael ei dial arno. Go wir!? Fysa chi’n medru meddwl am blot gwaeth? (Pen rwdan! Pen rwdan!)
Wedi’w ffilmio yn Cwt Y Bugail ac Y Wyddfa (O bobman mae o’n medru mynd i yn y bydysawd, mae’n dewis Cymru? ...Am pen rwdan.)
Cafodd nifer fawr o olygfeydd ei ffilmio yn Llechwedd a dangoswyd nifer fawr o ceudyllau yno ( felly mae’r ffilm wedi’w lenwi gyda’r cefndir mwyaf diflas yn hanes y byd)
Several scenes were filmed in Llechwedd Slate Caverns and showcased several large caverns of the Quarry, (so the film’s filled with the most boring landscape in history)
All jokes aside, this is literally the worst film ever made, whatever you do, don’t bloody well watch it. It’s a film about a woman who’s dad dies as a kid and she blames her headmaster, so she returns TO BLAENAU to have her revenge...Could you have a worse plot? (Pen rwdan! Pen Rwdan!)
MACBETH (1971) Cafodd Macbeth ei ffilmio mewn llawer o wahanol ardaloedd yng Nghymru fel Blaenau, Black Rock Sands a traeth Talsarnau (mae’n saff dweud fod gan yr actorion dipyn o liw haul erbyn diwedd ffilmio!)
WORLD WAR Z (2013)
Macbeth was filmed in several locations in Wales such as Blaenau, Black Rock Sands and Talsarnau beach (we can safely say that the actors had quite the tan by the end of filming)
Cafodd uchafbwynt y ffilm ei ffilmio yn ac o gwmpas Blaenau Ffestiniog; roedd Blaenau hefyd yn y trailer firaol (Diolch byth does gan neb yn Blaenau brains ia?)
The Climax of the film was filmed in and around Blaenau Ffestiniog; Blaenau was also shown in the Viral Trailer. (Good thing noone in Blaenau has any brains)
ONE HOUR TO ZERO (1976) Ffilm gyda Jayne Collins ac Andrew Ashby, cafodd rhannau o’r ffilm hon ei ffilmio yn pwerdy Trawsfynnydd (gawn ni cymryd yn ganiantaol felly bod yr actorion yma gyd hefo 5 braich)
Starring Jayne Collins and Andrew Ashby, parts of this film where filmed at Trawsfynnydd Power Station (we can safely assume all the actors now have 5 arms)
THE RED BERET (1953) Mae Red Beret yn ffilm rhyfel ffugiol wedi ei selio ar lyfr Hilary Saint George Saunders a gafodd ei ffilmio o gwmpas ardal Trawsfynydd (gobeithio na chafodd yr actorion rhyw afiechyd ymbelydrol)
Cafodd ei ffilmio’n helaeth yn Eryri. Adeiladwyd Camelot ar lan Llyn Trawsfynydd. Cafodd rhai golygfeydd eu ffilmio yn y bryniau o amgylch Blaenau Ffestiniog i’r gogledd o Drawsfynydd. Hefyd yn ffilmio o amgylch yr Aber Mawddach, chwareli llechi Llanfair, ac Black Rock Sands (Mae’n rhaid fod ganddynt cyllideb trafeilio reit blydi da). Mae’r ffilm hefyd yn cynnwys enwogion y byd actio fel Sean Connery a Richard Gere.
Shot largely in Snowdonia. Camelot was built at the edge of Trawsfynydd Lake. Some scenes were filmed in the hills around Blaenau Ffestiniog north of Trawsfynydd. Also filmed around the Mawddach estuary, Llanfair slate caverns, and Black Rock Sands. (They must’ve had quite the travel budget!). Starring A-List actors such as Sean Connery and Richard Gere.
A fictional war film based on Hilary Saint George Saunders book, filmed in the Trawsfynydd area (let’s hope they didn’t get some radioactive disease!)
EASTENDERS Cafodd bennod gorffennol y cymeriad Dot ei ffilmio yn Dolgellau (Diolch byth nath y hen fuwch ddim dod i fama!)
An episode showing the character “Dot” ‘s past was filmed in Dolgellau (Thank God the old cow didn’t come here!)
GOROESIAD Zombie Survival Yn dilyn y darlun a wnaethwyd o Flaenau yn y ffilm “World War Z”, rydym ni’n teimlo fod angen i ni rannu beth o’n doethineb â gweddill y byd. Isod, ma’n tips ni o Griw DHFF i chi ddarllenwyr i’ch arwain drwy ddiwedd y byd. Dilynwch nhw’n yn ddigon agos, a da chi’n siwr o lwyddo:
Beth bynnag, wedi i Brad a’i gyfaill Israeli fynd am stroll drwy Summer Hill, mae’n agosau at y W.H.O. H.Q. ... Ch’mo, dyna ydi’r norm wedi’r cwbl de? Poppio mewn ag allan rhwng bod yn y Commercial, Meirion, y World Health Organization Headquarters a Kebab neu be’ bynnag arall sy’ ‘ma yn ôl Hollywood. Unwaith eto, yn “World War Z”, mae’n dre bach ni yng nghanol y mynyddoedd yn profi i’r byd fod Zombies ddim llawer o drafferth i ni. Oes wir angen Brad Pitt i bawb weld hynny o’r diwedd?
SHONIE: “...shotgun”. Shonie’n fana yn dangos i ni pam fod pawb yn ei nabod hi fel “Shotgun Shonie”. Mai’n hollol nyts. ALED: “Wrappio dy hun mewn tinffoil... ‘Sa neb yn licio brathu tin-ffoil”. Mae Aled, wrthgwrs, yn siarad o brofiad. (Dwi’n meddwl eniwe) MORGAN: “Campio yn eurospar”. Unrhyw esgus rili, de Morgan? Morgan 2: “Probybli jyst marw” yn ei Gymraeg gora’. RHYS: “Dewch i Cellb am ginio dydd Sul. £8.95, bargain” Corprate answer. Ma’ Rhys yn total sellout. Rhys 2 “now taking bookings for nude modeling”
< Brad Pitt
(Cyn dechrau, dwi ‘di penderfynnu mai “Zombies” ydi’r gair, a nid “Sombis”. Sori bawb, ond ma’ ‘na limit.)
ae’n debyg mai Blaenau Ffestiniog ‘di hwb y gymuned o oeroeswyr “Zombie Apocolypse”. A nage, nid just ni yma yn DHFF sy’n dweud hynny: ma’ Hollywood a’r byd ffilmiau yn aml yn dewis Blaenau fel y lle i fod yn gefndir i ffilmiau Zombies. Ma ‘na restr faith o ffilmiau Zombies neu sci-fi wedi’u ffilmio yma o “The Keep” yn ôl ym 1983 at “Zombies from Ireland”. Ac erbyn hyn, ma’r Americans yma hefo’i ‘Big Guns”, fel petai. Ia wir, ‘rhen Brad Pitt a’i flocbyster newydd “World War Z” ydi’r diweddara i ymweld a ni yma fel experts yn y maes Zombies. Glanio yma yn, yn y Blaenau, ‘nath o tra ar ei ffordd i Faes Awyr Caerdydd.(Pwy sy’n mynd via Blaenau o Israel i Gaerdydd ‘dwch? ...Rown ni o lawr at sat-nav doji) Mae’n lwcus ar y naw iddo fo felly fod pencadlys y World Health Organisation wedi’i leoli yma. Yn wir, os ‘da chi’n un sy’n poeni’n fawr am gywrideb ddaeryddol Cymru. Nid dyma’r ffilm i chi.
pparently Blaenau Ffestiniog is the hub for the community of “Zombie Appocolypse” survivors. And no, it’s not just us here at DHFF saying this: Hollywood and the rest of the filming world often chooses Blaenau as the backdrop for
Zombie movies. There’s a long list of Zombie or sci-fi movies filmed here, from “The Keep” back in 1983 to “Zombies from Ireland”. And by now, the American “Big Guns” have landed here too, as it were. Indeed, big ol’ Brad Pitt with his latest blockbuster “World War Z” is the latest to come visit us as experts in the Zombie field. He landed here, in Blaenau, while on his way to Cardiff Airport (Who goes via Blaenau Ffestiniog from Israel to Cardiff, huh? ...We’ll just put it down to a dodgy sat-nav) Brad must be counting his blessings then, that he stumbles across the World Health Organisation headquarters here. In all honesty, if you worry a lot about the integrity of Northern Welsh
geography. This is not the film for you. Anyway, after Brad and his Israeli mate take a stroll down Summer Hill, he comes up to the W.H.O H.Q. as you do, right? You pop in and out of places such as the Commercial, Meirion, the World Health Organisation Headquarters and the Kebab house or whatever else Hollywood says is here. Once again, in “World War Z”, our little town makes quick work of Zombies. Does it really take Brad Pitt for everyone to see that?
e Cybi Williams
Following Blaenau’s portrayal in “World War Z”, we feel that we need to share our wisdom with the rest of the world. The following is a collection of tips from the DHFF crew for you, the readers through the end of the world. Follow them closely enough, and you’re sure to succeed: SHONIE: “...shotgun”. Shonie, there, showing us why she’s known best as “Shotgun Shonie”. She’s completely nuts. ALED: “Wrap yourself in tin foil... Nobody likes biting through tin-foil”. Aled, of course, is speaking from experience. (I think so anyway) MORGAN: “Camp in eurospar” Any excuse really, ey Morgan? Morgan 2: “Probably just die.” The boy has ambition; we’ll give him that. RHYS: “Come to Cellb for a Sunday roast. £8.85, bargain” Corporate answer. Rhys is a total sellout.
CYBI: “Ma goroesi’n dod lawr at y paratoi: Box-set Bear Grylls a a DVD I Am Legend”. Doeth iawn, ma’n rhaid deud.
CYBI: “Surviving is all about the preparation: the Bear Grylls Box-set and an I Am Legend DVD”. Very wise words, I must say.
IESTYN: “Osa dŷ ‘ma hefo solar pannels? Just dwyn nhw” Oleia fydd byd y Zombie yn fyd eco-friendly. Chwara’ teg i Iestyn.
IESTYN: “Is there a house here with solar panels? Just steal them” At least the Zombie world will be an eco-friendly one. Fair play to Iestyn
DYLAN: “Dwi am rewi wbath, a wedyn llecho fo”. Gan obeithio ma nid turd sydd gan Dylan mewn golwg.
DYLAN: “I’m gonna freeze something, and then throw it” Let’s hope it’s not a turd he’s thinking about.
BEATRICE: *Rhegfeydd hollol obscene parhaus yn lle ymateb* . Ma’ angen i Beatrice ffeindio dylanwadau gwell dwi’n meddwl... gwarthus.
BEATRICE: *Sustained obscene swearing rather than answers*. Beatrice really needs to find better influences... appalling.
W, na. Arhoswch funud. Be ‘di hyn? IESTYN: “Ymmm, gai newid quote fi? Dwisho sôn am neud mirrors ar wheels a wedyn mynd lawr drwy dre’ hefo Zombies yn sbio arna chdi, ond ddim actually’n gallu gweld chdi. Manw just yn gweld nhw’u hunain a fu’ chdi yna just fel...” *meimio rywbeth* “...hehe...Cool” *edrych yn bles hefo’i hun* ...ok. Rown ni hwna fewn i chdi.
O, wait. What’s this? IESTYN: “Umm, could I change my quote? I wanna talk about mirrors on wheels and then going down the highstreet with Zombies looking at you but not actually being able to see you. They just see themselves and you’d be like...” *mimes something* “...hehe...Cool” *looks pleased with himself* ...ok. We’ll put it in for you.
rth gynhyrchu’r cylchgrawn DHFF rydym yn ffodus iawn o fod yn dilyn yng nghysgod y cylchgrawn tra enwog a gynhyrchwyd yma ar ein stepen drws, sef cylchgrawn chwareli Oakeley (1950-60) y ‘Caban’. Cydnabir y Caban fel un o’r rhai gora i’w gynhyrchu’n Gymru ac mae’n her yr ydym yn ei groesawy i geisio cyrraedd yr
un un safon. Roedd cylchgrawn y Caban mor flaengar gyda’i ddylunio a’i chynnwys ffotograffiaeth mi fydd wir yn sialens a hanner i greu gwell, ond , pe lwyddwn ni, cawn eistedd yn ôl gan hunain-ganmol dros baned bach da o de. Dyma ddarn bach o’r hanes iddo’ch chwi oll: Dechreuodd Rhys ( a adnabir yn aml fel Wees am ei ddiffyg taldra) weithio ar ei gynllun ar gyfer Cell-B a’r Gwallgofiaid tra fo’r bobl ifanc yn sylweddoli nad oeddent isio’r ‘roc’n’rol’, ac felly datblygodd y criw i griw a oedd yn ysgrifennu am eu teimladau a’u barn ar faterion mewn ffurf broffesiynol drwy gylchgrawn cyntaf Cell B sef ClincR. Roedd hyn yn bell yn ôl yn 2007 pan fu dinosoriaid yn cerdded ein strydoedd. Seliwyd ClincR ar Flaenau Ffestiniog a’r wefr gerddorol a fu’n ysgwyd carn Gogledd Cymru. Fe’i hysgrifennwyd gan griw o unigolion talentog fel Cybi Williams a Stephanie O’Neill, a bu llawer llawn clod am eu hymdrechion. Fe roedd y rhyddid ganddynt i ysgrifennu fel ag y mynnant, a hynny’n bennaf yn beirniadu Blaenau. A chredwch chi fi, doedd dim bai arnynt, doedd dim i’w wneud ym Mlaenau heblaw meddwi a bwyta sglodion! Ers 2007, mae CellB wedi cynhyrchu pum cylchgrawn arall, y naill un yn well, a chyda fwy o’r mwnci ynddo na’i ragflaenwyr. Mae’r sylwadau digywilydd yn cadw dod, ond ceisiwn i gadw bethau’n broffesiynnal.
ere at DHFF mag we are very fortunate to have a have a major goal to aim towards in our mission to create Magazines as we are blessed of having a renowned magazine that was conjured right here on our doorstep & is recognised as one of the Best magazine ever created here in Wales the famous Caban magazine of Oakeley quarries(1950’/60’s). The magazines were so ahead of its time in design & photography content; it’ll be a challenge to create better masterpieces but if we can pull it off we’ll be able to sit back, pat ourselves on the back and have a warm cup of tea. Here’s a history lesson for you: Rhys (known as Wees because of his short fall) began his plan of Cell-B and Gwallgofiaid when the young bands of Cell decided that rock and roll just wasn’t what they wanted, instead they began to write their thoughts and feelings in a professional manner in Cell B’s first ever magazine ClincR all the way back in 2007; when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. ClincR was solely based on Blaenau Ffestiniog and the musical thrills that were taking North Wales by storm; the magazine was written by talented young individuals such as Cybi Williams and Stephanie O’ Neill and was highly praised by many. The writers were free to say whatever they wanted, which was mostly criticism about Blaenau. Trust me, there’s a lot to complain about because at the time there was absolutely nothing else to do but get pissed and go to the chippie. Since 2007 CellB has released 5 more magazines, each cheekier and better received than its predecessors. The tongue in cheek comments just seem to keep coming, but we try to maintain an erect professionality here (Hah, “erect”)
e Morgan Williams
CHWYLDROBRASILREVOLUTION Hey Yam, my name’s Morgan and my friend Aled is also with me. How are things in Brazil currently?
I’m not sure there has been a clear order like “abuse whoever, even peaceful demonstrators and women, etc”. The point is that our police (specially this so called “military police”) is so unprepared and poorly trained that that’s the result. They probably act this way all the time in the favelas by the way.
It seems calmer this week, if you compare to the last couple of weeks but there’s a nation wide strike announced for tomorrow. Dont know how its gonna look like.
Well it’s good to know that it’s calm for now. We watched the video, personally we are appalled by how the police and government are behaving throughout it. What are your opinions on what should be done by now? People should keep going to the streets and not givinng in. Some of our demand have been attended (bus prices lowered, an unacceptable “amendment to be” has been rejected and there will be a generel “political reform announced”) I think we should noe demand one clear goal: both governors of RIo de Janeiro and São Paulo states should resign. The monstruous Police you saw on the video act by the order of the state’s governor.
It’s very clear that the actions taken by the police are irrational and very dangerous. Not only that but it is also evidently immoral. How have the governors been convincing the police to do this? Is there propoganda or are they just doing what they’re ordered to do?
We’ve seen the film “City of God”, I think it’s funny that we enjoy Brazilian culture so much and you’re over there listening to Anweledig. How did you find them? and what drove you to get in contact with them? Languages is my hobby. And so is music. I happened to come accross the history of Welsh language on the internet and so started looking for welsh music online. So youtube (god bless) introduced me to Dawns y Glaw and this is how it all started. I’ve had trhee albums shipped down to Rio so far!
Well that sounds very interesting, we’d love to hear more Yam but that’s all the time we’ve got. We hope that you keep safe over the next few weeks and stay strong for your people. Thank you very much for taking the time to let us interview you briefly and we hope to speak to you again under better circumstances, stay safe. My pleasure! Fell free to contact me any time!
Aled Yn ol y sôn, mae Aled wedi ffoi i’r llysgenhadaeth Ecwadoraidd wedi iddo ryddhau manylion am weithredoed doji DHFF. Aled, ‘da ni’n dod!
According to some, Aled’s escaped to the Ecuadorian Embassy after he released dodgy information about DHFF Activity in Afghanistan. Aled, were coming!
Shonie Wrthi’n gweithio ar ei TGAU yn Ysgol y Moelwyn. Dyna gyd allwn i ffeindio really... she’s clean.
In the middle of her GCSE’s in Ysgol y Moelwyn, that’s all we could find really... she’s clean.
BeatricE Toasting squirells since 2012
Gawn ni gyd roi clap i rieni Beatrice am ddod a hi draw yr holl ffordd o Kos i fod hefo ni heddiw?
Let us all give a hand to Beatrice’s parents from bringing her over from Kos to be with us today yeah?
DylaN Pwy fyddai wedi meddwl y bysa hogyn mor slow yn gallu teipio?
Who would’ve thought that the boy was so slow at typing?
Cybi “Fuoch chi ‘rioed yn morio?”
C*nt made it hard for me to translate his quote. -Morgan
Morgan Yn ei eiriau ei hun: “Dwi fel dark f**king hippo”
In his own words: “I’m like a dark f**king hippo”
Rhys “ella chi stopio rhannu’r llun wan” ehherm .. “Dewch am ginio dydd...” really, Rhys? Eto?
“Come for a Sunday lun-” Really Rhys? Again?
Iestyn Doethineb Gandalf mewn corff hobbit. Mae o’n cefnogi Apple. inc ‘fyd. Suck it Samsung, mae o ‘fo ni.
Gandalf ’s wisdom in a Hobbit’s body. He supports Apple.inc aswell by the way. Suck it Samsung, he’s ours.